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Category: Keyword Research

Learn about keyword research best practices and how to improve your keyword strategy.

  • With the updates of Googles algorithm, it has been pointed many times, that over-optimization of anchor text is not good. As I understand, always the same anchor text (e.g. "Marketing Agency in Seattle") draws suspicion. Now what to do with internal link building? Is there any (recent) best practice on using anchor text for internal links? So far I am using always the same keyword(s) for internal links, I want the other page to rank for. Is that still a good method? Thanks, Robin

    | soralsokal

  • Hi, I am trying to make my site to appear in the search results even the searched term have or have not been wrote with diacritics for example: "șarpe" or "sarpe". The language is Romanian. If I seach for "Românul cu maşină, marea victimă" or "Romanul cu masina, marea victima" the first result for both searches is the same. I don't see anything special on their html code and I am wondering how do they did it. Regards, Bogdan

    | RIAdig

  • i am a little confused as to how should i create my META TITLE and on page h1 title
    for a service page... Say that page offers "web marketing" service... i know or think i know that precise title ranks higher  
    on the search results but its less appealing Meta title example:
    web marketing | company name On page title:
    Web marketing Now, the more compelling title would be of-course longer but less focused 1. Do you think i can test it without hurting my positions permanently?
               i have query (i see the stats on Google webmaster tools) that 
               i get 20,000 views monthly but only 1% clicks... 2. how would you build a title for such a page (meta and onpage)? Would really appreciate your professional view Best regards, Sagive SEO.

    | sagive

  • Title pretty much sums it up.  At the pricing moz offers this is not practical. Even at their highest tier i would only get 3700 keywords, so it would take several months to get the results.

    | adriandg

  • Hey All, Quick question regarding have your brand in your title 2+ times unnaturally; is this not keyword stuffing? Example: BRAND product this that | BRAND - for almost every product? Other titles are BRAND product | BRAND Keyword | Brand. - looks like a CMS issue. Going through all of a clients titles and want your opinion!! Thanks !

    | paul-bold

  • Is there a tool (other than Moz) that people can recommend where I could check rankings from Spanish speaking countries such as Mexico and Colombia? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • Hi everyone, I wonder what you think about a strategy of creating new separate pages for each targeted keyword? Option 1. Something like this:
    ... I think it is better to have all the keywords grouped and target pages for the groups instead of individual keywords. Option 2. Something like this:
    ... What is the option you would choose? Thanks & Regards.

    | seocentury

  • Hello I am working on my families website, it is a Colorado barn construction site. I am new here, so any and all help is appreciated. I have already gotten some excellent tips for general seo, but now trying to pinpoint in on a target. I am reading as much as I can everyday. My questions are: Keywords... Ok so when I type in keywords and the results come up, even with an exact match, I am 12 pages back. So what influences the keyword rankings? Is it best to add in like say a service into a paragraph? Like I have been using Ubersuggest or however its spelled, and so would you take keyword phrases and then try to naturally add them to paragraphs? Is this how rankings are created? Thus your site being found? I have major competition that does not even have the keywords I type in, found on there site, and they still rank #1. So I feel that it must lead into my next question DA. Domain Authority: I assume domain authority comes into play. The leading company in my world has a 50 and I have a 15. I am trying to raise this, and using the Moz tools I see my competitor has like 400 edu links. So in some ways it seems like wow get as many edu links as possible. But now it seems like this is not good? Like everyone is afraid to get links that may be considered spam in nature. That being said, would you still go after edu links? Media: So kind of an odd question, but does adding a video to a home page help bounce rates? Like maybe if they sit and watch a two minute video that is interesting, then they may check out the rest of the site? Or for the sake of load times, do you keep the homepage as fast as possible? Thank you for any tips. Also if you view my site, please give me any negative feedback as you can to help me improve. Thank you Chris

    | asbchris

  • Drawing up sitemaps is one of those tasks that seems to take me twice as long to do electronically that it does on paper.  Unfortunately, sitemaps scribbled on sheets of A4 paper aren't much good for sending and sharing. So, Mozzers, what tool or software do you recommend for drawing up sitemaps quickly and easily? So far I've tried using Visio, Excel and Word but if there's a dedicated tool out there, that would be awesome. Thanks in advance, Cheers

    | JamesMio

  • I alone cannot do keyword research on all of the online content that  my company produces. There are about 10 publishing support teams who could do this research themselves, once trained, but I don't know which tool to suggest they use since they can't all use my MOZ login. Right now, those who do any research at all are using Google Trends. Wrong answer, but of course they are used to Trends for their social campaigns. Has your company dealt with this situation?  I've looked at a few free keyword tools...each seems to have its plusses and minusses.  **What would you recommend...either as a free tool or possible other workaround?   **

    | Jen_Floyd

  • Hi, Does anyone have any experience in targeting cheap/discount/value etc keywords in an SEO campaign? I'm interested to find out: How Google perceives these keywords, as the search results are only very slightly different if you search with or without a 'cheap' keyword. Whether Google differentiates between 'cheap synonyms ie 'cheap' and 'affordable'. There are far higher searches for 'cheap' but affordable is much more user- and conversion-friendly. Thanks, Karen

    | Digirank

  • Does having '   ' around your keyword/phrase within the content on your website have an effect on SEO for that keyword? 
    For example, in the copy of my site, we reference 'buy local' instead of buy local. I am trying to optimize for buy local and I am wondering if the apostrophes are getting in the way? Thank you so much! -Sam

    | MeridianGroup

  • When using the Google Keyword Planner to research KWs, is it a correct assumption that if the KW doesn't have a suggested bid, there's probably not going to be a real impact in optimizing for it? Hypothetically, if I saw a high-volume, low-competition KW w/out a suggested bid I'd feel differently, but I'm just seeing it happen with low volume and competition. Thanks,

    | SSFCU

  • Does Moz provide a way to see what search terms are generating traffic on competitive sites? Thanks!

    | jmueller0823

  • I'd like to ask about the KEI, is it used by now? and is it really matters ? I guess # of results by Google is not a good metric to decide if the keyword is good or not? I'd really appreciate your inputs

    | Yaddly

  • Hey Moz Comunity, Did exist a tool like way back machine but that provides the information about rankings of a website over time ? Thanks !

    | SebastianP

  • I would like to know where can find Bill HUnt's courses. He used to teach at CLICKZ academy but it seems de do not have the course right now, Many thanks, viviana


  • Hi Guys, My site contents depending mainly on the image with little titles so wondering what I can do yo enhance the site ranking?! Thanks

    | Moheb

  • I have a bout 70 blog articles spanning about 2 years. Because I hadn't done proper SEO research, I used the term I thought made the most sense when talking about my services. However now that I have done my homework, I realize that the term I like, is not actually the term most people use to search. Very few of these articles are time sensitive and mostly generic best practice kind of stuff. I'm not talking about keyword stuffing, simply going back and replacing one poorly chosen keyword with one that people are actually searching for where it occurs naturally in the course of the article. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

    | sea2dca

  • We use them for some of our key landing pages, but for the majority of our pages (product pages, really) we let Google decide what to use for the meta description. These pages get a lot of medium to long-tail traffic and I feel like Google is going to do a better job of inserting bolded, keyword rich text from the page content and generating a better CTR than if I were to plug something in there myself. Would I be better off optimizing the the description for more of a direct match keyword instead of doing what I'm doing now (using Google generated descriptions to optimize for medium to long-tail keywords)?

    | _JP_

  • Hi What words phrases do you think one should research to see what US searchers would use if they want to get an artefact valued such as old jewelry to furniture to sporting memorabilia or just want to get that work of art on the wall valued that they have had in the family for years. Obviously i will be carrying out kw research (& have been) but just interested in asking some real life Americans what they would search for ? In the UK its mainly 'Valuations' orientated keywords but in the US its looking like 'Appraisals' related are used much more. Any local knowledge suggestions appreciated 🙂 All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Does Moz provide a way to see what search terms are generating traffic on competitive sites? Thanks!

    | jmueller0823

  • Hi is there a recommended amount of keywords that I should try and optimise for on my site?

    | Hardley111

  • To get the best organic search results and rankings; should I use as many keywords from analyasis tools.  Load all into the keywords tag section of my home page. Or, run Google keyword analysis for ytd 2013 and select only the keywords that had any activity. I understand that for PPC I need to be more selective.

    | STDGreg

  • I have an affiliate site where we have reviews of bookmakers, which are optimized for the bookmakers name as a key word. We have seen a drop in rankings and at this point we are out ranked by a lot of pages including our own. We also have a community forum and write news and articles about the the bookmakers. The thing is, that these forum threads and articles often out rank our review pages, which are the pages we need people to land on in order to convert. This page: is optimized for "bet365" and is at this point outranked by This page actually links to the review. What should i do in order to increase ranks for my pages? Make the forum threads and articles crappy for the key word? Would it help to add a canonical link to the articles? Would it help to remove the meta tag for update time of the review, such that Google does not downrank for not being recent? -Rasmus

    | rasmusbang

  • I feel stupid asking this bt my report came out today. Beside each keyword is a narrow either red pointing Dow with a number beside it or a green pointing down. What do these mean? guessimg a green down arrow means my position for this word moved down 2 positions? ( from google spot 5 to 3?)

    | Jasonalanmagic

  • Hello, I'm a beginner I just started my website xxx a few days ago. I submitted my url to several good quality directories (about 20, the last 3 days), I tried to write different descriptions for each directory. I have a very bad rank on google results (28+) for keywords "psychologue montluçon" I don't know if it's because of : lack of content, EMD, lack of backlinks (I submitted my website to directories, but its seems it takes a lot of time for updates). Sorry for bad english, if you can help, thank you !

    | adelie

  • Hello everyone.  Still loving MOZ.  Question: When I research a keyword phrase such as Entertainers it is returning a local search of 15,972.  I want to target three specific cities in my area ( Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Akron).  When I research the phrase Cleveland Entertainers I'm getting a local search result of 0.  Should I just assume that the search is still large enough to use?  Should I target Cleveland Entertainers still with feedback of 0?  Also is it a good idea to target the word entertainers with three separate pages to three separate cities?  I'm planning on making three separate blogs with new content on each.  This will not be duplicate content.

    | Jasonalanmagic

  • We are in need of a good content copy writer who can write copy for us on a regular basis, our current copy writer who was a complete god send to us has had to stop working all together (for personal reasons) and we need someone to replace her who can step up to the mark any recommendations would be greatly appreciated

    | Bossandy

  • What would you give someone as a general rule for extrapolating Google search volumes from the Bing volumes?  I'm looking at the Moz keyword analysis tools and only Bing search volumes are listed so I'm wondering how I could those figures to estimate Google search volumes.

    | Harbor_Compliance

  • Hello. I've got a situation in which I could use some help. A client is in the business of auto parts for European cars. He is VERY stubborn in wanting his homepage to rank 1st page for a keyword for each car brand, for example: audi autoparts bmw autoparts mercedes benz autoparts jaguar autoparts Basically, 15 keywords (one per brand) in total. How would you guys handle this? I can't seem to find a natural way to optimize a homepage for all these keywords at once. I've suggested landing pages for each brand/keyword, but he won't accept it. Is there anyway to do this or will this be a dispute with my client to convince him about the landing pages idea? Thanks a lot!

    | EduardoRuiz

  • - Wordpress - All in One SEO Competitors:,,, I've spent the last week writing and tweaking my landing page copy along with my SEO page titles and descriptions. I think I finally feel pretty good about it but I'd like your professional opinions.  Is it too keyword rich?  Does it flow naturally?  Is the voice fresh?  Do my SEO titles vary enough? Thanks in advance for your thoughts and advice.

    | keeot

  • Through research our competitors have created independent product codes like FT-5750 and are using it as an independent SKU#, when I search this product code they are the only search result. can we use their abbreviated SKU# in our meta tag or keywords to show up in the SERP? Thanks, Michelle & Blake

    | LeapOfBelief

  • If we have a keyword with 2 words like "SSL Audit". Will it rank in the same position the other way "Audit SSL" ?


  • Hey all, Just a quick question related to content on classifieds sites. If I were to add a small amount of content (say 2 or 3 sentences) that were totally unique to all car brand and model pages and contained anchor text pointing to internal pages... Would that have a positive effect? Or would it be a wasted effort? Thanks a lot in advance 😄

    | CD_2016

  • Hi, I would like to know the processs if i want use in the same time 2 keywords. "géolocalisation véhicule" and " geolocalisation vehicule " As you can see the diffence is just the accent and i would like have the same ranking for both Thank for your help Steve

    | fleurya

  • I used to use Google Adwords to find broad, phrase and exact search volumes, but now Google only provides exact. Does anyone have any tools or other ways to find phrase search volume?

    | Scratch_MM

  • Where is the best place or tool to research semantic keywords - any help would be greatly appreciated

    | Bossandy

  • My blog, which started in May, is doing really well except with Google. My traffic is growing and so are my subscribers etc but my keywords have very high competition. I don't really like google's new keyword research tool. Any advice for finding keywords I have a chance with? I am only ranking in the top 50 for one keyword (#1-2 spot) but it doesn't give me a lot of traffic. Thanks!

    | blogger2013

  • Hi, I use the following method for keyword research: Create a long raw list of keywords. Use Google AdWords Keyword tool to find monthly searches. Find raw competition. Find direct competition (via allinanchor: search operator) Calculate KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index) Calculate KOI (Keyword Opportunity Index) Is there any other (better) way to execute the keyword research? Or is finalizing/selecting the keywords only on the basis of monthly searches sufficient? In short, how to select the best keywords from a long list? Thanks & Regards

    | IM_Learner

  • Hi guys Im little lost here and someone may help me. I want to top rank for these 3 keywords bellow: medical practice solution
    medical practice software
    medical practice system For instance, if I put all of them on the main page title it will become weird. If I try to use all of them sometimes inside the page content it also be weird. So, in cases like this, I should create one landing page for each keyword to be sure that I'll use it enough and be better ranked? Thanks in advance. Best regards.

    | phlcastro

  • Hello, what are your thoughts on these urls. I have had them like this for years, I got hit hard from Google in May last year. Do you think this contributed? Would it be beneficial for me to make them shorter?

    | infinart

  • Hi all, I helped a client on launching his website for a new startup : The site is not visible at all on Google, even on the startup name. I wonder why is that... There was a mistake while building the site, they used a dev site which was indexed by Google. The 301 redirected has been done, however, there is still pages indexed by Google for the www2, and the www is still invisible on SERP... Does someone know how to solve that ?
    Thanks ! 🙂 Best, Benoit

    | 2MSens

  • Hey all, We're a data capture app looking to optimise our site: There are lots of industry-specific & use-case-based content pages we can create, but how should we optimise our site to capture traffic for keywords that could (almost) be classified as synonyms? Particularly, I'm thinking keywords such as: data capture app data capture application data capture software data capture tool data capture tools data capture technology etc. My industry-specific pages will all have completely unique content, but I'm struggling to work out how I should architecture pages that target keywords that are almost identical, such as the list above. The content on these pages would technically be 'unique', but each page would be very similar to one another. And how would we link to these pages internally? I can't really see it adding to the user experience, but I can't see how I can target all of these keywords without having individual pages for each... Thanks in advance for any help that can be shared; appreciate it! Brian

    | brandrsn

  • Is the keyword volume data shown the number of google adword clicks people made after searching with the used keyword, or is it the exact match search volume??

    | jennie.evans

  • When Google drops down and tries to predict what you're searching for, are the terms in order of popularity from the top down?

    | SSFCU

  • Hello, One of my clients posts a daily review of the finance market. it's been a discussion in our SEO team, whether to add the title to the URL or to write the date of the daily review in the URL instead. Adding keywords instead of dates: advantage: Adding keywords to the URL helping getting ranked for those keywords.
    disadvantage: the URL comes out too long. what do you suggest in this case? keeping the keywords in the URL or adding dates instead and lose one of the important factors which affects getting ranked for the specific keywords.

    | JonsonSwartz

  • Hi Mozers, I've a problem with Google trends tool : after 5 searches, I reach the "quota limit". Have you the same issue? Do you use other tools "similar" to Google trends? SEMrush,...? Thank you for answers Regards, Jonathan

    | JonathanLeplang

  • So I went to a panel a while back that said Wordtracker is basically useless. I'm not using it as an end-all, be-all, but more for insights and context. Do you agree with that statement? The hosting company provides a keyword research tool, so I wasn't sure how seriously to take it. Have you guys been using Bing for the search data previously provided by Google's Keyword Research Tool? Do you find that to be a viable resource? Thanks.

    | SSFCU

  • Previously I always utilsed the Google Adword Keyword Tool to provide traffic estimations in order to assist with my keyword research. I have recently revised these levels of traffic using the new Keyword Planner. Local Traffic results are approximately have fallen approximately 85%, I have anaylsed this over approximately 50 results. I am aware that the new Keyword Planner does not have a local traffic column anymore so I have utilised the location filter. I have the same problem in all my campaigns, in two different countries, please can someone advise why this is and how I can collect accurate keyword data. Kind regards

    | Arkix

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