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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • I was researching the link profile of Reverbnation to understand where they get most of their links from and a number of these fake reverbnation profiles showed up that seem to be about drugs- is this spam? Here are some examples: There are about a dozen of these on their site. Super curious and would love any feedback or knowledge that may be out there! Thanks

    | Kendi

  • By this i dont mean paying for links as such...I mean the people that advertise on websites like Fiverr saying they will get you links to your site from edu/gov domains...or angela/paul style links etc. I'm doing all the proper link building stuff like blogging/guest blogs/articles etc etc but am up against competitiors with thousands of links...Is this a way to 'catch up' or should it be avoided. I'm new to all of this so be gentle lol...grateful for any replies

    | bridaldesigns

  • Hi, Very new to this and appreciate your time to read and answer my question. What's Angela/Paul link profile? and what should I look out for if someone is offering to provide this type of link building to me?

    | nojan

  • Hi Guys I have 4 different niche websites in the healthcare area and wondering is it a safe strategy to link between them? I'm not sure if this is frowned upon by the search engines. I have heard the term 'link wheel', but I'm not sure if this is what a link wheel would be. I do have 2 sites that are much more important than the other 2. One is a directory of practitioners and the other is my main site of my healthcare business. The 2 other websites are smaller niche markets that I also service. My directory was previously hurt by the Penguin update because I was using Linkvana and blog networks and the anchor text was too specific. I have discontinued using any blog networks or 'quick link' strategies. I'm now implementing a guest posting strategy on reputable  websites. I want to do everything buy the book now and thought I should check before any new linking strategy. Thanks in advance! Clinton

    | ClintonP

  • Hi Guys, I wonder if you can give me any pointers: We have an exact match domain name that is ranking #5 for our main keyword and is getting some good traffic through the site. We have just created a landing page for another keyword with fresh content that will be updated every week. The question is, I've been building links to my domain name and I'm just wondering if we built another link from 1 of the sites we already have a link on and point it to this new landing page would this help it rank better or not? Hope the above makes sense. Thanks, Scott

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • In general how long would it take for Google to update the SERP after it found the external link activity? Does it depend on the website the link is on as? So for example, after it found a link on the BBC would the SERP update a lot quicker then after a link on a small blog? Maybe Google updates on a certain day?

    | activitysuper

  • Thinking of phasing this out. Too many spammy links in these. Does anyone still use article websites for 'white hat' SEO? E.g. create a high-quality article, then post it using 'branded' anchor text, e.g. link is the name of the business or URL.

    | qlkasdjfw

  • I am looking to get into guest blogging for our retail brick-and-mortar store to increase more local search traffic. 1. Any local SEO recommendations/tips you have? 2. Can you post the same article in multiple places? Or is this a huge no-no? 3. For local search, should we focus on article directories or guest blogs? Thanks in advance for your feedback, and sorry that it's a three-parter! 🙂

    | jpretz

  • The Warrior Forum just changed there membership from free to paid. They have do follow attributes but I was wondering what peoples take is on joining them for both learning and seo purposes?

    | bronxpad

  • We have some e-commerce software with several dozen websites that use our technology.  The websites have links to the developer and design shops that made the site as well as the site itself.  All of these sites are moderated so we don't have to worry about spam. My question is should some or all of these links be rel=nofollow?  The links are definitely pointing to legit development shops but those sites aren't always strictly related to e-commerce or the keywords we're trying to rank for. Any thoughts on how to treat these links?

    | schof

  • Hello,, I was wondering what type of ratio I should follow when building links to a page on my site? Broad, Exact, Phrase, Image? Is there a percentage I should shoot for? When you build links do you generally  setup an excel spread sheet and watch to see what sticks using the seomoz link too? Last question, When I am building links, should the anchor text in the content Im publishing be a keyword I am trying to rank for in a search? Typically I try to rank for only 2-3 words per page.  Sorry for all the questions, any help would be appreciated! I have a competitor that is spamming to death with Press Releases quite often, and the are bouncing ahead of us with Very Low Page Authority. Thank You!!

    | TP_Marketing

  • I realise that the more time you dedicate to link building the better, but what would you say is the ideal amount of time that I should spend link building to see a significant improvement in rankings? The keywords I'm trying to target are medium to difficult. So far, I've been spending one day link building but since I'm making all link submissions manually, I haven't seen great results, even though I've been link building for a couple of months. How many days do you spend link building? Thank you in advance for your help! 🙂

    | SEOBunny_

  • Hi, It seems that achor text diversity is hugely important post penguin but what's the best strategy? What kind of anchor text should I be going for? As I understand it more that 60% of  links with the keywords in trigger a google flag. For example are the following good examples for the term 'wedding singer'? local wedding singer, best wedding singer, wedding singer website, hire wedding singer. Would these cause triggers in google as all contain the keyword 'wedding singer'? Or should I be going for: click here, visit us, listen now, view a profile Obviously these words don't contain the anchor text 'wedding singer' but with a few exact match #wedding singer' anchor texts and good on page SEO will this mix give better results?

    | SamCUK

  • My site has an external link nofollow:dofollow ratio of approximately 1:1 That is, there are about as many nofollow external links as "do follow" external links. I have an impression that the ratio of no-follow to "do follow" links is a factor in the way that our website shows up in SERPs. I have the impression from reading a variety of sources, and from looking at Seomoz, that calculate "trust" factors as if they mattered (in SERPs), that seem to value a relatively low nofollow:dofollow ratio. Am I correct about that? Thanks,
    Tim PS - I don't know whether or not this matters, but our website is at: - Tim

    | tcolling

  • Hi. Currently I'm using the following url: The news title followed by the directory and the news id. Same goes to I think its better for SEO since the relevant words (news title and name) are to the left of the link. But some people are saying that this is not good for SEO because crawlers can't "organize" the urls in directories. So they say its better to use: Cause then the crawler know what is a news and what is a user. What do you guys think? Thanks.

    | rapchan

  • hi guys - my employer sells stationery (snore!)  to try and natuarally grow some link we have begun producing inforgraphcs see world record for licking stamps.  Im trying to help our customers by producing content that will be usefull and fun.  Whicj is great for the customers but not neccisarily for seo as im unsure who would want to link to this kind of thing - any ideas? inforgraphic---envelop-buyers-guide-lrg.jpg

    | supermarketonline

  • Hi guys, I have just recived some new inbound links; in your opinion how long does it take to see some benefits in term of rankings? And when i will able to see them in the inbound links checker report? Thanks Guido

    | guidoboem

  • Other than technorati and alltop what are the best RSS directories to use and submit feeds to?

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • First off, here is the link - Right, Number 5 and particularly this part: 'Quick tip for creatives: Set up a personal Google+ profile and incorporate the rel=author link into your published content. (Instructions on how to do this are provided in the next section.)' Create a personal Google+ profile page with a high-quality headshot; Validate your email address; In the byline of any content that you create, set the anchor text to be your name as it appears in your Google+ profile, and link to your profile with a URL that looks like this: When your content is published, link back to its URL from the “Contributor to” section of your Google+ profile. So lets say you got a Google+ profile, you got a guest post going out on a Auth website, in the byline you have an anchor text link (which is your profile name) and your linking to your profile page. The guest post goes up, you go into your Google+ profile and link to the guest post through 'Contributor to'. How does this benefit your websites rankings? The only thing I can see it benefiting is the blog the guest post is on??

    | activitysuper

  • Hi, What sort of activity 'onsite' should I be doing to increase SEO? I was thinking of a FAQ's section with 1 anchor text link in the body of the answer going back to my target page. Will the increase in content along with the anchor text inside of it help increase SERP's? I was also thinking maybe use the keyword tool to find search queries which revolve around questions with high search so for example 'How to change a tyre' answering this question in my FAQ's section and running PPC to it, then wrapping lots of sharing tools around it in the hope it generates some social signals. Anyone got any hidden onsite gems they think might help? Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • One of my competitors site's jumped from about 4000 links 2 months ago to about 10000 links today.  That seems REALLY unnatural to me given the market (roofing products), but if it isn't what are they doing?  My gut tells me it's fake, but I'm just curious what some of your takes on it are.

    | kadesmith

  • Hi a few questions, 1. Is a anchor link in the body better then in the byline? 2. If 2 links are in the body will Google only count the first link? 3. Do you need a unique byline for each guest post, will having duplicate bylines not work as well as unique? Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • Is this system a good way of creating social signals? If you have something of value maybe a eBook, does using the 'Pay With A Tweet' system seem like a good one? The only thing I can think of that would be negative is if they paid with a tweet and then after removed the tweet. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • i have heard about people using  avg secure search as a link which is strange and i have also checked into some sites who are getting links from this, how can this be and if this is correct how can we all get links from this search engine.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • We have recently taken over the SEO for a site which had a pretty poor back link profile, lots of comment links, directories etc. Although the quality of the link was very questionable, the previous SEO were maintaining a decent link velocity. Obviously I have no intention of carrying on with spammy crap links, and am looking to build some good fresh content. This will obviously slow down the link velocity quite considerably, is that in itself likely to hurt SERPs? Thanks in advance

    | JustinTaylor88

  • I'm at a loss and no so-called SEO agency/expert I've hired appears to know the main causes of our post-Penguin downfall of our traffic. To set the scene, I set up a voucher code site ( in Australia 3 years ago and since, it's been growing very well up until Google launched the Penguin update in April. Having read as much as I could on the update my understanding is toxic links cause the slap.  For on-site I've checked the site and tried to reduce keywords [spamming], increased [unique] content across the site and made sure there are as few instances of duplicate content as possible. To attempt to understand my back link profile I've used SEOmoz & Link Detective as the current SEO agency give me little visibility on this. It appears we're a little top heavy with 32% & 11% of are keywords containing 'coupons' and 'promotion codes' respectively.  Consequently we no longer appear on those two terms but also hundreds of other terms we once appeared in the top 3 postitions. The Link Detective report downloaded also appears to have a number of back links with the words 'Penalized' and 'Banned' next to them.  Unfortunately there is no explanation on Link Detective whether this needs action or not. My current SEO agency suggest that we have been too focused on a limited number of keywords and that a few more months of diversifying the range will solve it. So do I spend another £X amount for 3-6 months of SEO or drop the site on a new URL and start again. Any ideas? Any help is very welcome & appreciated. Henry

    | henryboyson123

  • Example 1: link to: Example 2: link to:

    | adriandg

  • Our client owns a very big pest control site. They are competing with pestmall, orkin, terminex to name a few. Almost all of there competitors are spamming like crazy. For some of their competitors it is working. They get natural links very slowly.  Maybe 1 natural link every week. How can a not so passionate subject get links? Here was my ideas. Offer a tool to pest control sites for a link in return. The flaw is most pest control company owners are not tech savy and if they are they have hired it out. I just really need some ideas. Thank you.

    | OxzenMedia

  • Hi, I am trying to clean up the seo of my website. Recently stopped using a professional which might have been using grey hat tactics. I am researching, researching , researching but having trouble pulling the trigger on what I am finding. I have a couple old link exchanges going on. They are quite old. Some of them are on the footer of a website, and therefore bring in a lot of links (ie every time a new page is created). I am wondering if I should ask to get these links removed.. My link profile is pretty bad(at least according to me), nothing extremely bad, but lots of leftover of links coming from petitions, forums etc.. that I can't get removed. I have recently gotten some mention on good website but they have a way around linking directly to any website so I dont get much help from that.. If you guys need my website I can share if need be. thanks!

    | CassisGroup

  • I am trying to get quality back-links and I know Yahoo is one adn as it is a directory is still ok post penguin but can anyone tell me whether it is worth it or does Google ignore the Yahoo links? Thanks

    | ebowdublin

  • I am trying to understand the differences between metrics for page, subdomain and root domain. Especially as the results compared to my competitors differs in the different metrics. My site: Kind regards Pontus

    | familjesmycken

  • (Fictional domain names and keywords follow) Let's say I have an Adense site called  And on that site I've got 10 pages for the ten most popular diets, and each of those pages is optimized for the diet name.  Let's imagine one of these pages is called, "The low-carb diet." Then I went out and purchased the domain name How do I best use this new domain name? My options seem to be: 1. Build an adsense site on But isn't it a problem when the the same owner of and are trying to rank for the same keyword? The new site would be trying to rank for "low carb diet" and so would the appropriate page on I think Google doesn't like this. True? 2. Make a one-page introductory informational site with no ads on the new  Have a prominent link from that site to the appropriate page on for the reader to get "further information." This link with the proper anchor text should help boost the page in in the SERPs.  IF Google doesn't dislike that. one idea better than the other? Are neither a good idea? Is there a better way to utilize this new domain?  It's important because this second domain name's keyword is about to get a huge amount of search traffic. The new, parked domain name is currently registered in the same name as the existing site's name. I could change the registration or privacy it, but I assume Google maintains records of all past registered owners, and if so, I can't really hide ownership.

    | bizzer

  • I am trying to increase the number of branded links for a few of my sites since the links are too heavily weighted on anchor text.  If so, would you recommend a service like Directory Maximizer?

    | rise1

  • I am in a divided to chose from subdomain or folder. i think the folder is good for main domain more than subdomain? Anyone here , can you show me a admonition?

    | imthankyou

  • Does anyone know what the odds are of a website getting rejected from the yahoo directory. I don't want to pay $300 to have my site declined. They have very basic inclusion requirements but I'm not sure how selective they are with accepting websites. From personal experience does anyone have any idea of how hard/easy/likely you are to get listed if you pay the $300?

    | shiftins

  • What constitutes a link showing up in Google web master tools? I know I have links to my site that do not show up in WMT. Have they just not been indexed or does not everything just show up? If it just doesn't show everything, what is the criteria for links to be displayed? Also when I run OSE it does not show all the links that have been displayed in my Google profile for a while. Why is that?

    | shiftins

  • I checked all links to my site (not too many at all) and discovered that very important link – from my supplier,
    Royal Caribbean International is not listed at all. Some links with ‘nofollow’ tags show up but not this one. RCI source here Any ideas?

    | NadiaFL

  • I am looking to hire an expert link builder who specializes in building very high-quality links and creating content that attracts links.  There used to be a board on the site to post this to, but I cant find it anymore.   What is the best way to find qualified SEO experts who are mozzers?

    | gametv

  • I hired to take care of social bookmarking for one of my clients. I am finally starting to see the links created from this with my keyword as the anchor text in SEO Moz. I know that they are not "great" links, but my keyword is doing very well (fluctuating between #1 and #2 on Google). I don't feel like hiring this company hurt my SEO, but I am scared to do i for any of my other clients (especially because of the penguin update). Does anyone have any thoughts? Is it work the risk to hire them again and get some links for my other clients?

    | DTOSI

  • How much value link from SEOMOZ will worth for jewelry company... ?

    | DiamondJewelryEmpire

  • Please help me to identify if joining ASTA - American Society of
    Travel Agents will be beneficial to me. One of the benefits ASTA offers link from their site with logo. How I can identify if this link is authorative? Thank you!

    | NadiaFL

  • Hello, my site is fairly new and I started building a lot of backlinks to it by posting my 5 from my website to several different web 2.0 and then posting all those 5 articles again to different article submissions + getting social bookmarks to my main site as backlinks. My question is: Should I throw all those backlinks in an indexer to get them all indexed at once / ping them all OR do I let google crawler naturally find them and index them itself sort of like 'dripping' as it will find it one by one; stack by stack? I would also like to know why Yahoo! hasn't indexed my site yet 😞

    | 678648631264

  • How do I go about building links for my website Are there places I don't want to have my links? How do I know? How do I reciprocate? Where would I put a link on my website without looking like I'm just selling out to anybody who asks? And how do I actually put the links on my site? Do I need a separate page?

    | CapitolShine

  • With the recent Penguin update, I've seen this term "natural links" thrown around a lot.  How do you build natural links?  That to me seems like an oxymoron. If I'm building them aren't they synthetic in nature as it is?  Can anyone give me a sample of a natural link?

    | kadesmith

  • We are a manufacturer of fireplaces that sells our product through a series of nationwide distributors. We have a link to each of our distributors, who also have links to us, on our website under a "Where to Buy" tab. If we were to remove these links and instead provide contact information, would this significantly help our SEO?

    | JBell

  • When running my website on link detective I found that 40% of my links were unknown and 41% were dead. I have a very strong affiliate network and it seems like most of the unknown are from affiliates.  How should I interpret the dead links - is this harming my site? Thanks!

    | theLotter

  • We are currently fixing crawl errors and other on page issues and have taken on board that 'content is king' and have invested a lot of time and resources into writing unique content on each of the several hundred pages on our ecommerce site (not just to avoid duplicate content but add researched content that will hopefully enhance the user experience and allow them to make the best choice of products) and earlier this year started blog writing regular content about updates, industry trends and current events e.g. Euro 2012 (all content relevant to our sector and/or products). So we are actively working to improve our SEO (and also have regularly updated social media accounts with healthy number of followers) but the problem is link building as we work in a sector where the content isn't really all that exciting so getting link backs from sharing our written content is rare and also doing an infographic and/or guest blogs would not bring anything exciting. So how do we go about building white hat links? The only thing I can see is maybe doing press release submissions but from research there is mixed feelings about this. Any advice that could point us in the right direction would be appreciated.

    | jannkuzel

  • We have a client that wants to gain a back link from Webopedia. We have found a very relevent definition entry and there is an additional resources section that contains links to their competitors. Webopedia is owned/operated by Quinn St. and I have reached out to them to see if this is a posibility, but haven't heard back. Any experience in trying to acquire a link from this property? Thanks!

    | austinvoice

  • Is it still a vital tactic if you can get a keyword strong domain in your seo strategy. I have been using an outsourced link building company and we have been soing social bookmarks and directory listings and forum posts.  What i sthe best way to check if a link is good ? Look forward to any help, I am a new member

    | simon.paul

  • It's really hitting me now, because content curating is extremely common in a lot of other forms of media. I always avoided it because I didn't know the extent of any negatives that I might see from the search engines (duplicate content). Does anybody else curate content for their blogs? The main problem that I am having is that I just don't have enough time to publish the amount of content that I need. Outsourcing is the best alternative, and quite frankly, unless your high school English teacher needs extra money, it really isn't a very good one. Basically, i'm looking at content curating as a really good way to publish a lot of content, on more topics, a lot easier. What extent do you consider reasonable? How do you go about creating your content? What would you say is the easiest way to create content efficiently?

    | TylerAbernethy

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