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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • Hi, I am looking for some guidance on figuring out a problem I am having with one of my clients. Their site is They have seen a pretty significant drop in rankings for "hoist systems" "industrial turntables" and "railroad equipment." Below is my analysis and thoughts. Please let me know if you have any input you can provide me with. Hoist Systems Rankings started dropping significantly July 2nd. Their average position was around the 2nd - 3rd page. They're now in position 100. Some things I noticed is that Google is now ranking the page /freight_rail/portable-car-hoist-freight for this term, whereas a few months ago it was ranking /rail_equipment/car-hoist. I'm not sure why Google has started to rank this new page for this term when there is no reference to that keyword in the page and the other one is better suited. Industrial Turntables Rankings started dropping off in January and they have been up and down and even fell off for a bit in March. They took a deep dive May 28 - Jun 11 and are slowly picking up. I noticed that Google is also changing which page it is choosing to rank for this term. Currently it is ranking /rail_equipment/locomotive-turntables, previously it was ranking the homepage around May 28th, and before that it was /equipment/industrial-testing. Some things we thought would help this was to create a whole new page just on industrial turntables in order to rank better for this term. Another thing that I think would be highly beneficial is to do some more aggressive link building. Their top anchor text is all brand related, and very few include their target keywords.To my knowledge, I don't think they have a penguin issue, although I could be mistaken. Can anyone provide input and/or guidance on my analysis? Any suggestions?

    | TopFloor

  • Dear All, I would like to weed out the low authority link directories that harm my site. Can someone explain me how you determine a low authority link directory? Do you look at "page auth." and "domain auth"? And do you consider all the links pointing to your site with a "page auth." and "domain auth" lower then - let's say 40 - as a low authority link directory? Thank you for your answers in advance! Regards, Thomas

    | ThomasH

  • Can a one page website rank well with the right SEO? I am building a new site so it is best to put the content related to two or three related items on one page or create seperate pages? Surely by creating just one page I can put all my link building efforts into improving the authority of that page as opposed to spreading my time over 3?

    | SamCUK

  • My domain authority is relatively low, but my right now my homepage seems to have the highest rank. If I place a few internal page links on my homepage, would this boost ranking on internal pages? Or would it pull juice away from my homepage? Using the Seomoz OSE I see alot of my competitors using this type of strategy linking internally. Also would using breadcrumb links benefit me in anyway? Thanks very much!

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hi all, I believe this is my first question in this forum, so be nice 🙂 I am an SEO consultant who has recently gone out and started my own SEO consultancy.  Obviously, I now find myself in a place where I am trying to create good content for my website visitors.  Maybe it's link bait, or more than likely it's a way to hold myself up as an expert in the industry, while providing visitors to my site some reason to keep on coming back. As I love whiteboard Friday, I did consider - and I'm not ruling it out in the future - creating my own whiteboard Friday videos discussing the SEO issues I was focussing on.  In the meantime, I am thinking of posting up SEOmoz's whiteboard Friday videos and then making my own comments and insights for my website visitors. So, what I really wanted to ask - do you guys think this is a good idea, a valid way of creating good content and has merit/credibility? contains an example of what I am talking about. Cheers, Steve

    | stevedeane

  • I am building backlinks from similar sources to 2 different domains. Domain A seems to get its linked indexed within a day or 2, while Domain B has virtually identical links that haven't indexed for over a month. Domain A is older and has more authority, and Domain B is hosted on a different server. Any insight into why this is happening? It's very frustrating.

    | insitegoogle

  • I just got a spam email company (SEO FIghtback) that claims they can create backlinks through trusted Wordpress networks that cannot ever be rejected by google.  I believe it to be just another linking company wanting to suck $97 bucks a month out of me, I thought I would ask the experts on this site. The video was cool....for about 30 second......but that is all I could handle.  It ultimately became one of the most irritating commericals ever and truly grated on my last nerve. Thanks

    | thompsoncpa

  • Hoping to get some ideas in a pretty niche category. Thanks

    | tyler756

  • Hi All Hope you are well. I am getting mentioned in a few newspapers online and they will put a link to our website without the anchor tag. Now I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, and if so, how/did you approach the author about getting a link back? Any other suggestions on getting links from such places would be extremely valuable as well. Thanks in advance Jeff

    | JonathanRolande

  • I am interested doing a press release with PRweb but for the price I wanted to know if there is a way to see if your press release has been picked up by other news sources. is there a way to track people that pick up your release and provide a backlink?

    | greasy

  • For example would: contain any link juice?  Would a 301 redirect be the simple solution?

    | David_Viciedo

  • Hi, does anyone know if there is a tool that you can use from your desktop to post to all bookmarking sites at once. Ping fm was really good but now it has changed and not as good. So now i am looking for a good online tool where i can post to all of my bookmarking sites to help increase visitors to our site. It seems a lot of the good tools are going which includes Posterous any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I know I have backlinks to the site, they are not showing up on SeoMoz. I've only recently started the account. Can anyone help?

    | jeffshrimpton

  • I'm curious about this, I can't find anything on the net that talks about it. I wrote an article about it on squidoo and have had no responses so I am thinking this is very rare subject. The question is I have done some backlink research with my competitors with and found many links (even follow ones) related to sites that provide search results. Here are a link about what I am talking about as an example, I have found many more besides this one. My site appears in those results. When looking at the source there is no "nofollow". I found this page because had this link listed pointing to my competitor. Are these valid backlinks? What I have been doing is adding these links to so that Google knows about them. Is there something I am missing or are these valid?

    | cbielich

  • Hey Guys, I have a client that is launching a website in about 2-3 months time.  They have had a flash site for the last 4 years and have had no SEO/Link Building to the site and are now going to undertake my services for Content Strategy, Social Strategy and Link Building. In the interim (from now till the next 3 months) they will be launching a "coming soon" landing page. What I want to know is when doing their initial link building do I just concentrate on brand related links through local directories with the aim of getting a few local keyterms? Or should we be deploying a longer term strategy of going after the competitive keyterms now? Thanks,

    | ecentricmarketing

  • Hi, I am looking for some good legal web directories. I looked at the seomoz list but I didn't see any categorized as legal/law. Are there some good legal directories you can recommend? Any thoughts on Thanks, Scott

    | slangdon

  • Please take a look at this site in OSE: If you sort by highest ranking domain with do-follow and outside pages only you can see that they have a lot of news sites, like cnn and msn money, with high domain authority to write a bunch of barely useful articles with many links in them. I was interested to see if anyone know how to get these sites to link to you as a resource? I cant seem to find a contact person nor can I find a way to submit the articles yourself. any help is appreciated thanks.

    | shiftins

  • Suppose you came across a website in your niche with solid domain authority that accepts guest posts. However you notice some of the guest posts are linking out to somewhat off-topic sites. If you already have an article that you think would be accepted easily and all you have to do is spend 10 minutes to craft an email pitch, would you do it? Why?

    | ProjectLabs

  • I've just taken over a clients site, and they are clearly being penalized for theier previous agency having purchased from a link network.  They have thousands of low value links. Once I have identified them, how do I stop them?  Is there a code, or a blocker or something that I can use to reject the links? Thanks in advance guys.

    | Dekoda_Jones

  • So, like million threads out there I lost my rank for a particular page and is looking to bounce back. However there might be something different in my case, hence the thread. 1. The rank drop was an after effect of design change, where we merged two pages together. Page A - which was ranking for Keyword A and Page B which was ranking for Keyword B. So we merged it together in the sense that both had similar content and design except the meta tags and page title (I wasn't involved in this project so...) and Page B gets kicked out of Google web index. Page A still remains number 1 for Keyword A. 2. There was some shady link building contract that was implemented some 3 months back (again me not involved, I joined later) and there were an unnatural number of links created with a striking artificial anchor text pattern from low quality "built for link building" blogs. I presume this also affected page B. as this effort was done only for Page B and not A. So now, I managed to clear all the pages for duplicate content, implement a better page structure where I deleted out possible similar pages, redirected them (301) to main pages, and created a new page for Page B, like Page B1 with different content. Implemented a better internal linking profile too where terms related to Page B (Keyword B, Keyword B1, B2 etc) links to Page B. Its been two months now, and Page B ranks for Keyword B1 but not the original Keyword B. I suppose the "penalty" still remains in Google. Any clues how I can get around this? What I want to achieve is to get ranked for Keyword B for Page B, if not the first result, at least start all over from a lower rank but at least break out of the penalty.

    | Druva

  • It seems to me that if you can offer content for a link back, you should be able to offer a product for a review and a link. Any thoughts?

    | inhouseseo

  • Hey guys, I have set our domain as at the campaign settings, but i'm not sure if the link analysis ("Competitive Domain Analysis") does include subdomains? Does anybody know this? Greez Chris

    | lordcyphon

  • Does anyone use shopping comparison sites to drive traffic to an ecommerce site? If so does that improve your organic ranking or result in the first page being dominated by comparison sites?

    | DavidLenehan

  • Is it possible for Google to ban you if you are doing multiple press releases on a weekly basis? All content is unique and news worthy, following proper ratio density/links Thanks!

    | TP_Marketing

  • I'm considering working with a guest blogging company. The quality of the writing seems to be decent / not spammy. The types of sites they're guest blogging on are... I know these are fairly generic blogs. Is there any chance of a manipulative link penalty with these types of sites? Thanks!

    | joshuakrafchin

  • Hi Guys, I wake up this morning one very frustrated, tired and fed up SEO. I have always used very traditional link building methods upto last year directory submissions, social bookmarks, article submissions and maybe a few profie links but I always up front and honest with my clients what they were getting for their buck!. and sent them reports showing all links done. Obviously with the recent algorithm changes, I have switched my focus to content marketing (i hear you all cheering lol), however, I am stumped!. I have read everything I can get hold of to do with content marketing, registered with buzzstream for outreach opportunities and joined myblogguest just so I could understand the process a little bit more. I have watched the whiteboard Fridays and actually have a great opportunity to get in with a site using "guest post + niche". I love writing content which is a bonus. Okay here's my moan. Coming from a traditional SEO background and coming to content marketing late, do I ditch everything else. Is content marketing all I should be doing? or can I still do the some directory submissions (good PR moz rank only), social bookmarking (only for content marketing articles), profile linking (maybe I need to drop altogether). Is content marketing enough to rank a client?. I look at some clients competitors links and they have 100's of links to stuff that looks unnatural. Kind Regards Neil

    | nezona

  • Does anyone use any type of social bookmarks while building to inner pages? Ive done some reading and some say the popular Digg, Reddit, Mixx are Nofollow and some say they are Dofollow? Thanks

    | TP_Marketing

  • Howdy Guys, Does anybody still use or I'm thinking of signing up but just want someone else's views on the sites? Thanks, Scott

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • Helloooooooo (hey, we're in SEO...surely we need some sound effects as told in dramatic word elongation?) //First - background. I work on a site that does pretty well with search visibility naturally (by 'naturally', I mean it didn't need a lot of optimisation due to the relationships it has with its link network). I work on a site that sells a particular product - green widgets will do - as part of its verticals. Traffic to this section is great, and tends to convert rather well. These green widgets, however, are also part of another site that's part of the client I work for. The larger company was interested to understand what would happen to their conversions if these green widget visits were sent to them instead of staying on-site (namely, that's because they turn a bigger profit over there). So they set up a link on the page on my site to a landing page on theirs. Sure enough, conversions stayed the same on their site, and showed there may be value in keeping that flow active. //Second - question. I see a few options which mainly revolve around not changing anything, but the bigger part of company wants to see that change. My question is this: long term, should I keep the green widgets section of my site there, and use a link that goes to green widgets on the other site, or should I 302 it until they decide on what they want to do with the relationship between the sites? I know...a bit convoluted, but I'd love to get some ideas on what others have experienced in these situations, and what kinds of outcomes can help both sites remain strong. Thanks a ton, guys.

    | aroach

  • Typically when using Open Site Explorer to analyze links, how long does it take for them to show up? I have some links that are on high page ranking sites, yet they still do not show up with the Open Site Explorer. Thank you

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hi recently I've noticed a steep drop in my google ranks for a couple of my sites. I was at 2 then I fell to so that I'm not even in the top 50. Can anyone help explain the massive decrease?

    | FPK

  • Occasionally I notice spammy sites linking to us. Should I proactively try to request that they take down the links to avoid getting penalized? Or should I just wait for Google to provide a disavow link tool.

    | ProjectLabs

  • Im working on building links to pages on my site, should I be doing it through different ip's or proxies? Lately its been press releases, that we submit and they are pushed out by 3rd party. Thank You

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hi there, I'm running a coupons/discounts web site, with more than 1 millon page indexed. The website niche is crearly related to Coupons, Discounts, Deals, but those discounts may apply to hundreds of different categories. Currently we are getting 15K organic visits a day. Every time we have to write blog articles to increase backlinking, the same question came up. Should we target our niche keyowrds (which are very competitive) or should we pick long tail keyword (3-4 words) to be more specific ? The 70-80% of the organic traffic we receive every day came from long tail keywords, for which we never did any offert to rank with. This 70-80% traffic lands into internal pages. So basically the question is: should I keep backlinking the home page to get more juice on my domain, which will organically flows to the long tail landing pages ? Or should I write hundreds of articles targetting directly the long tail ? I think that targetting the long tail will cost me a lot of effort, i.e. for a particular long tail google search (with 4 or more keywords) I get 10 visitis a day, ranking in postion 3. If I made a lot of effort to rank in the first position for that long tail keyword, I may only get 50 visits a day, so for duplicating my daily visit amount I should do that work for thousandths of keywords, which seems, to not have much sense. So, should we target the domain and lets the rank flows from there, or should we point to thousandths of internal long tail landing pages ? I hope I made my self clear enough. Thanks in advance

    | martincad

  • If I'm trying to rank for the term 'wedding band' with my url: will linking to local pages such as: help the main page to rank? I added the 'local' pages to try and pick up any traffic from long tail search queries but my main focus is on getting the main page to rank as the traffic from long tail queries is so small. So is it worth me spending time building links to these local pages in order to try and help the main page rank?

    | SamCUK

  • Dear Mozzers, I have a question concerning a references widget. Im not sure if this should be seen as linkspamming. The reason im asking this is when i check out some linkdata one referring site pops up 100's of times because they've put a widget on their site showing clients they worked with in slideshow form. How is this handled by Google. Do they consider this spamming or do they just see this as one link? Im just curious how damaging this could be or how beneficial and what to hold in mind regarding these situations. Thx! Sander

    | 5MMedia

  • I want to find websites that have linked 404s to my competitors. My goal is to contact webmasters who have linked to my competitors with 404s, but I cannot figure out how to get Open Site Explorer to give me that data. I can easily see this in GWT for my own site, but I need this for my competition instead. Does anybody know a quick way to get this information?

    | Francisco_Meza

  • Hello I'm wondering if the 301 redirect to your money site with a high pr deleted domain still works post penguin. Will all the link strength pass on to the new domain? What if the domain has nothing to do with your niche? Does that affect it or no?

    | 678648631264

  • I have searched through various freelance sites for link building services, and it looks like there are plenty of people who can get links on PR4+ sites at a pretty cheap rate. You know how they always say when it looks too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true? People are charging around $250 for 50 links on sites with good page rank, do follow, etc... Do you think it could help or hurt my SEO campaign, considering I have a good site with solid content and other good content posted on the web?

    | ianblair44

  • I have always used strictly white-hat SEO tactics, targeting long-term results, my main focus being on quality guest blogging. I have been working on a site for around 6 months, and I started out with my keywords ranking very well, but very little traffic was coming to the site. 2 weeks ago I expanded my keyword list considerably in an effort to drive more traffic, but last week my keywords all took a nosedive. My client wants an answer by Thursday. I know there's no quick fix, but what's the best way to quickly get my rankings back up and serious traffic to the site? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    | whiteonlySEO

  • my competitor has 18 root domain with 68000 links. If i build my links with quality links with differnt root domain will help me to get better SERP result?
    I have about 6 months to build links and get in better position than my competitor. please advice me how can i start this project.
    i am building links with competitors root domain right now and indexed by them about 6 of 18 and keep building it..

    | Kevinnam81

  • I work with a web design / SEO company and when we complete a site we want the credit for it, a link at the bottom of the page we build does suffice... Problem is this causes irrelevant linking / unnatural linking. If we "nofollow" these are we ducking the penguin? Are we better off not linking at all?

    | SEODinosaur

  • Hi I am doing some linking building for a niche and slightly dull industry. I have found that trade magazine want a lot of money to publish press releases with back links. The publications are relevant to my industry but have a low page rank on Google. Is it still worth paying for these links? Thanks David

    | DavidLenehan

  • OK so i have recently started working for a finance company in a very competitive niche. There current SEO guys are doing article exchanges with keyword rich anchors and our rankings are steadily falling since panda/penguin. Our link profile is not great with around 95% of our links coming from keyword rich anchors and low quality sites. (article submission sites, and 301 domains). I have tried to explain we need to create quality content and integrate with social sites better and stop the spammy article exchange techniques which are no longer effective. They think these techniques are the best because you can see a link to our site instantly without having to wait for links to come in from linkbait, tools, articles etc etc. How can i explain to them this is not helping us without them saying "Well this is what is getting us links" and being ignorant? Thanks for any replies!

    | kyleNeedham

  • THe links people can add in the about part of a google+ profile - do they have any effect on rankings? is this worth doing for link building?

    | pauledwards

  • I have always used article submission sites such as ezine, article snatch etc...  I have always seen the big ones as a good way of getting relevant content out into the internet network with the bonus of building quality links back. However I have now been reading a lot of conflicting information, since the latest update from Google that even an article being republished multiple times around the net will wipe out the positive impact of the article and bring no SEO benefit. I wanted to get feedback from the SEOmoz community to see if you now feel this is a pointless exercise and we should now be even more careful as to where our content is published.

    | iprosoftware

  • Will a link from a website with a high domain authority but a low page authority help my site build authority and rank? The reason I ask is I have the opportunity to get a .edu link however its on a sub-page with no page rank or authority.

    | shiftins

  • With all of Google's updates on backlinks, can SEO's still use backlink software like Backlinkx or others? Is there a better way?

    | JHSpecialty

  • SEO PowerSuite Link Assitant Anyone use this tool? May I ask if possible tips about this tool? Just purchased an Enterprise edition, but Im afraid I dont have enough ample time to go over the instructions. Any tips you have will be appreciated..thank you.

    | SkyHigh81

  • Greetings mozers, One of my competitors and I both rank on the first page for our main keyword. They have 37k+ links, me only like 300 or so. My company actually has a business location though. This other site is just a listing of locations and they build sites for most of my competitors. If I were able to get listed on their site, would that make me a stronger competitior with them? And we would probably only get a brand term link from them but not a main keyword anchor text. Will it be as effective to get the link from them if it's only for my brand name? Thanks, Cy

    | Nola504

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