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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • We are considering contracting with an SEO company for website analysis, optimization and organic link-building. If you've had any recommendations, please send them our way. Thank you!

    | balboafinance

  • At what point is there diminishing returns from getting multiple links from one website? Edit: To clarify, when doing competitor research I come across lots of sites that have say 500 linking domains with 5000 total links. When setting goals and calculating the types of links I should go after, I'm not certain which number is the one actually helping the site to rank.

    | ErikDster

  • I mainly do content creation for clients .e.g. site and blog on word press - then link the blogs to the related static page. I have been just linking to the static page using keywords that match the title tag keywords. Is that correct?

    | Doug_Hay

  • Hi How I can increase the site authority and trust? Any tip? How to do it fast and white hat?Slowly is also good. Can be done in 3 months? What is the best backlinks? Press releases? Articles? Any tip available? Thanks in advance

    | nyanainc

  • I am not able to do link building from like minded websites. Hence I am planning to go for following approach : By creating links to my website on blogspots (using comments).
    Participating in question / answer forum on the websites meant for r asking questions for different categories.
    Writing articles on good ranking websites and creating links.
    Participating in Social media websites Please let me know if this will help me. Any other possible way apart from these?

    | ArtiKalra

  • Five of my friends linked to my site from their website and updated their sites through  Google Webmaster tools right after linking to my site.  Though the Google spider crawled the site as soon as they updated their pages, it still took about three weeks for my site to get a bump in the serps from their links.  Why does it take that long for links to kick in and what is the average time it normally takes to see an increase in ranking from links once Google discovers them? Thanks mozzers! Ron

    | Ron10

  • Hi, This is a question I always had doubt about, and would be very grateful in to know your opinions. Is it bad to link to other sites? Can this causes problems to my blog? I frequently insert links in keywords, etc, for other sites. Many times, for sites greater than mine, and I heard from some people that this is bad. Is this correct? In last days, I have used, in some links, the atribute "nofollow". This is good, or not? In a case, for example, when linking to Wikipedia, is it good to use "nofollow"? And about keywords: I'm mostly using bold on them. Is it good, or not? This subject always makes me think. I would be very grateful for any help. 🙂

    | Andarilho

  • I saw a great link building article on this website a few months ago about finding competitors back links and using a program to find the contact info located in those back links. Can anyone point me to that article, or even the program that is used to get this contact info? Thanks!

    | StreetwiseReports

  • On the huffington post they often have lists of links related to the article, near the bottom just before the comments. This section, when present, is called "Around the Web". See this as an example: Do the article authors choose these links, or are they auto-generated somehow? I had a relatively small competitor appear here, so I'm wondering if there are any tricks to gett included. Thanks! Edited to add hyperlink

    | AdoptionHelp

  • which option is better for Link building through Article Submission and why? 1.  submitting one article at 100 websites. OR 2. submitting 20 articles at 20 different websites.

    | pawankatak

  • Good Day staff I have a small doubt .... I'm from Brazil, I have a client who is and the key word it is -> "cadeiras tiffany" or "cadeira tiffany" are coming in 3rd in the organic. Only the domain is appearing in the 1st and 2nd Place. Question 1: Why is that? appearing in the 1st and 2nd Place. Question 2: It shall be possible to pass an absolute domain?

    | AlexOliveira

  • How can I use social link building to my advantage, and how long does the link exist?

    | pulseseo

  • I have about 1000 unique and organically generated articles. My quote compare business has had briefs submitted by clients for over two years. The content has only been accessible to registered members. I want to polish it ASAP. Is it better to publish the content on the existing website in a sub folder or set up a new website to publish the content and have every article link back to the main website? Content is around 300 words x 1000.

    | designquotes

  • I have just watched the overtake of the number one UK position for garden accessories. The old 1st place holder held it for the last 2.5 years (min) ....taking a look at the back links of the number one holder it seems they are paid links they are little follow image adverts with anchor text posted on the home page of niche blogs, forums and design related website.. is this white hat or black hat?

    | GardenBeet

  • We all get them ... spam blog comments. People do it to get link value back to their site. Recently, someone approached me to do this for our site but on niche sites that are related to our content and to provide good valueable comments within a blog post of about 100 words each, and genuinely try to engage.They also were talking about finding blogs that have "follow" links in their comments space, since most do not. I still declined it because it is somewhat 'grey-hat' rather than 'white-hat' linking, and we want to be above-board on everything. Although we personally declined this approach, I'm curious your thoughts though on whether gaining links from blog comments from related, niche sites is a good idea. Like this question? Give us a Big Thumbs Up! Thank you!

    | applesofgold

  • I'm a little confused about the benefits of inviting people to guest post on my site. I've just read which suggests that by inviting people to guest post on my site I can build a relationship with them and eventually ask them to post a guest post of mine on their site. If both posts have a link back to the owners site doesn't this amount to reciprocal linking? Or am I missing something? Is a reciprocal link only classed as such if the link points to the exact page where the article is or can a reciprocal link point to anywhere on the site and still be classed as reciprocal?

    | SamCUK

  • Hi, I wanted to give my EMD (Exact match domain) some more links and added it to some general start pages, just as my competitors did. The disadvantage of such link sites is that you have to add a link back to them. So I created a new page in my footer "links" and added a link back to those who requested that. However, I made all links a nofollow because I don't want them to benefit from my rankings. Those sites really have nothing to do with my subject and are just interested in a link to give them some boost I guess. I'm sure not everybody like my approach, but my question is. Will those nofollow links on my page back to the ones that requested it affect my rankings?
    Or should I remove the nofollow? Thanks!

    | severtservice

  • I am starting to do some manual back-linking for a medium competition word with high traffic.  I plan to start back linking with like niche blogs with non spam comments, like niche directories, like niche forums, and guest blogging. My domain is over 3 years old and ranks for multiple keywords, but I'm going to concentrate specifically on this keyword, but need to know how many links to back-link a day.  Again none of these will be spam, but will be of real quality. I was thinking 10-20 a day, but unsure.

    | treeoflife

  • Hi, I'm totally new to this community so please forgive me if this question is a bit dumb.
    A client of mine is trying to get better rankings for a specific keyword and if we check out the competition we notice that our site has way better and more unique content. The tools here at SEOmoz indicates that the competitor sites have more authority, and so probably more backlinks. With the Open Site Explorer I can quickly see what sites are linking to competitor sites.
    And since we're in the same country and trying to rank for the same keywords we also are after the same backlinks. Now there are a few that my client is missing compared to the competitors.
    So I would love to get a document that tell us what backlinks we are missing instead of
    downloading many reports and do all the checks manually. Is this possible? Thank you,

    | severtservice

  • What are the latest link building strategies that people are using? Is everyone sticking to the tradional link request and if so- how? or are people focusing on guest blogging?

    | 2Stroke

  • I'm sure this question has been asked before but I couldn't quite find the answer I was looking for. Basically, I'm trying to understand why the inbound links I've created hardly ever show up in Webmaster Tools or Open Site Explorer, when other (relatively new) sites have hundreds of them. For example, I'm building a small niche site for which I have written all original content; some product reviews, some more general articles. Then I have rewritten the articles and posted them on popular Web2.0 sites to find human traffic as well as building authority through the links. I've linked some of the smaller sites together to form a wheel for additional authority. I've pinged the off-site articles and some of them have been indexed but the links don't show up in, even after a couple of months. I've checked the articles for duplication, just in case, and they're all 80-90% unique, or more. I've done similar things for other small sites and the links sometimes show up, but it takes 4-6 months which seems ridiculous. It's frustrating when I'm doing everything by the book (as far as I'm aware) and getting nowhere in the SERP's, while other sites have hundreds of links from spam blogs with poor quality, unrelated content and are sitting on page 1. I've also bookmarked the off-site articles and submitted the RSS feed where appropriate. My intention was to continue adding content on and off site but it just seems pointless if it never has any value. I just don't know what else I'm supposed to do. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. The URL of the site I'm currently working on is Thanks, Tom.

    | TomFrearson

  • Hey SEOmoz members, I've been out of the SEO game for quite a while now... grew up years ago getting by with directory blasts, article marketing, social bookmarking, etc... I'm currently in the process of starting a few new campaigns. After burning the midnight oil on this site soaking up all the information I can, I realize the game has changed. It's not as simple as it used to be. So for these new campaigns, killer content, social integration, and guest blogging are going to be my main long term strategies. If I'm not mistaken, relevancy should be a key part of the link building strategy. So I guess my question is... article marketing, social bookmarking, web 2.0 creation... can these still be a viable source for high quality links? I do realize that without great content these are all dead ends. But when used correctly and in moderation, can these strategies still produce results? And if so... what are some good resources for finding high quality sites that will positively impact my campaigns? Are there any good article directories out there, or have they all been devalued? Do linkwheels still carry any weight?

    | SergeantJoe

  • Hi, our clients' .com site has a link in the header to the version of their site and vice versa.   In effect this creates a reciprocal link on each page.  Should we prevent the robots from crawling this link?  I don't think a nofollow will suffice.

    | steermoz7

  • The specific pages are: see the anchor text Eating Italy Food Tours in Rome see anchor text Eating Italy Food Tours in Rome

    | EatingItaly

  • I got a couple of pages with more then a 100 pages / links on them and thus Seomoz gives me warnings for those pages. For some categories i have over a hundred of pages. I listed all these on 1 sitemap (html) because it is a quick overview for visitors which pages there are. Is it smarter to split them up or is that pollution of the Internet (almost identical pages). If i did so i would use rel="canonical" link to the first page (the original) but is it wise?

    | JarnoNijzing

  • Does anyone do this? I don't any more but what I used to do is: Find 20 article directories I thought were good, register to all and note down in a excel sheet. Generate 1 article (500 words) and make a byline to go with it containing my anchor text link. I would then systematically go through my excel sheet submitting my article to each one. 2 weeks later repeat the process. This is something I used to do a few years ago but stopped because it was duplicate content across the directories but I think I was probably going about it the wrong way. Anyone?

    | activitysuper

  • Hi All, Basically over the last few months I have been working for a company that is mainly a dev house but are looking to expand their SEO clients further. At the moment because of the only recent focus on SEO we have a lot of clients who only pay for monthly reports, on page optimisation and some PPC. My question is, how can I show the clients that investing in Link Building is probably the next step and something they need to do if they wish to further progress their SEO campaign. I have written up a link building proposal to show them the advantages of Link Building, but any other ideas would be very much appreciated. Thanks,

    | SEOAndy

  • I just ran an OSE on a competitor of ours that they have a few links from this website, would this not damage there site?

    | ScottBaxterWW

  • My website is having around 170 K webpages and every web page is meant for individual keyword. e.g. keyword for every page is height of a movie star. What should be my link building strategy Should I link other sites to index page of my website (if yes then what should be the anchor text) ? Should I link other websites to individual web pages of my website.

    | ArtiKalra

  • I'm quite new to SEO and initially I was learning from the wrong sources who suggested to submit content to as many article directories as possible and the same with website submission to other web directories. Most of the directories they had suggested were low quality, with the only quality ones being made for a niche, which was not my websites niche. They also recommended other bad on-page techniques such as spinning/scraping other websites content - not that I followed this method anyway. Anyway, after educating myself more on how SEO and the search engines themselves work, I know that this is not the best practice. My website initially benefited from having all of these links but now has dropped off ranking for the keyword entirely. It still ranks on the front page for other long tail keywords and the actual domain name, but not the primary keywords. I'm worried that Google has in some way blacklisted my website for the main keywords, which were also used in all of these articles, but not the others if that's possible. At the moment I'm restructuring my website by increasing the amount of content and especially the quality of content so that I can submit it to better directories such as DMOZ and other niche specific directories and websites. Will Google look past the links from the low quality directories if my website is included in DMOZ and other high quality, niche specific directories? Is it better to just abandon my current website and start fresh? Thanks for any answers and/or advice in advance.

    | Max_powers

  • Suppose a blog has pretty good authority and quality articles but allows guest posters to use really random anchor text in their bios like Miami mexican restaurants when the blog is about blogging. Is there a risk that all the outbound links on the site will be devalued?

    | ProjectLabs

  • I am sure this has been discussed before (I am new).  I am very paranoid about upsetting Google with questionable SEO practices.  The white hat people sometimes claim that google will penalize you for bad linking, paying for links, buying social bookmarks etc. If this is true, could my competitor do this for my site to lower my rankings?  I would never know about it until it was too late.   If they can't do this to me, then what's to stop me from doing it to my own site? Maybe I am missing something here. Thanks for your input.

    | frankthetank2

  • Hi, Ok, bit of a muddy subject for me because lots say it's a good method, great for getting things started and some say it's a complete waste of time and it's spammy. But I guess the difference between the two opinions is quality! I have stopped using directories but think it's time to add some diversity to my link profile. In the past I have used this - What are your thoughts on that list? Does it actually fall into the spammy category and I should be looking for a much higher quality list. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • Suppose you published a guest post on a quality site and you link to a previous guest post you have written for another site (which links to you). In theory you could send link juice to the page that links to you for a second order effect. Has anyone seen results from this tactic?

    | ProjectLabs

  • Hi Mozzers, So I'm getting all set to run a contest.  The prizes are great and I've developed a good way to promote it via paid and natural venues. I'm just not sure how to structure the actual contest so the end result is more links than mentions. One idea I had was to make this a story telling contest where the contestant blogs about a good/bad experience within the niche industry and adds a link back to us to enter. Does this seem like to much effort for the user?  Prices are worth about $250 each, and I plan to have 3 winners. Any ideas on how to better gear this towards link building is appreciated.  Thanks!

    | ErikDster

  • Hi, Was wondering if people could please tell me some estimates of how much traffic is likely to gain links to a blog post? For example 1,000 hits = 1 link, Hence 10,000 hits = 10 links to a blog post? I understand there is no magic ratio I just want to know what people have achieved. I’m after averages not just a one off really successful blog post too. Please specify the topic you achieve this in e.g. SEO, photography, business, heath... etc.

    | charles1

  • I'm looking for a seofriendly widget web with my feeds. I want to develop a widget for the others websites (with customizable options like color, size, etc) but the only possibility that i find is with script and then Google don't identify any links to my web. Do you now how to do it? Thank you!

    | buscoseo

  • Suppose you only have enough resources to execute a strategy that will earn links from 100 .edu sites or a strategy will earn 100 blogs on your industry. Which would you choose?

    | ProjectLabs

  • I know that in an ideal world you would be able to create an amazing site with great content that every one would link to. But what if you're not able to so this, what if you the market you're in is very competitive and you're struggling to find good link partners. I know I can submit to directories and article/press sites but surely this isn't enough to get me any where near my desired goal! I guess I'm asking: is gaining reciprocal links the be and end all of Serps, am I missing any other SEO techniques to get my site higher up the rankings?

    | newdaymedia

  • Suppose a site is related to your industry and has a relatively good domain authority of 49. However when you look at their link profile it is mostly directories and they don't seem to have any natural links from quality sites. Would you still take the link if they offered to publish your guest post?

    | ProjectLabs

  • We write our own unique content to our blog a few times a week. The content is written by professionals (doctors and such) and carries a bit of authority. We periodically get requests from other websites who want to post our content on their blog. We also find that some people will just go ahead and use our exact content (often with a link attribution), without asking permission. Is there any risk of us not getting credit for being the original source of the content if others use it in its entirety?Are there other risks? And more importantly, what should we do to make sure we're getting the SEO credit we deserve? Some ideas which have been discussed that may or may not have credence: Only let others use the exact content well after we've been crawled, so we'll be seen as the first publisher Only let people cite the introductory paragraph, with a link allowing them to read more at our site (with good anchor text) Require people to summarize our story, with a link for the full story Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

    | OneMedical

  • Just curious, if anyone has any experience working with this company, and if you think it is a good/bad idea. Thanks!

    | adriandg

  • Which passes most link juice a text link or an image with the correct 'alt' attribute? Do the pass the same amount or is one more valuable than the other?

    | SamCUK

  • I have a new website and I am getting ready to submit to a few paid directories to get my links started. I wanted to optimize my domain name/keywords for those directories and also for my on page SEO. My domain contains my keywords. For example " Questions: #1 Should I target the in my on-page SEO or just target horse buggy? #2 When I submit to a paid directory which should I choose for my company name.  (I currently have a DBA for each term....for ex.. horse buggy and . Thank you, Boo

    | Boodreaux

  • Does the nofollow pass mozrank? Is useful or I am just loosing my time? I am trying to get links for a clients, but other blogs are very few so I can make guest authoring, and this what I can find 90% are nofollow. What I should do? i HSOULD BUY FEW SO i CAN ACHIEVE THE RESULTS?Thanks

    | nyanainc

  • Some sites are linking to us with the URL from Google News instead of using a direct link. For example: "" Does this pass the same value as a normal link? I asked the publisher to replace the link with a normal link but they pushed back saying that the news URL is better.

    | ProjectLabs

  • Hello, i'm looking for widget SEO friendly. Do you have any examples ? Thanks for answering. A.

    | android_lyon

  • Hi, I am trying to see where backlinks are coming from into my site using the competitive link comparison tool but it only seems to be finding those from my own site, even when I click on 'only external'. I know there should be links from Twitter, forums and our blog so I don't understand why these aren't being picked up. Any ideas? Cheers

    | kingwheelie

  • We had a message in webmaster tools to say our site had 'unnatural links' pointing towards it. I investigated and found a number of sites where we had uploaded articles, containing links, had been de-indexed.  As such we have suffered a few drops in rankings. I have submitted a reconsideration request and I'd like to get on with recovering any lost ground.  However, I am wondering whether it's best to cease any link building activity whilst the reconsideration request is processed. Please do let me know your thoughts and experiences on continuing to build links after submitting a reconsideration request.

    | RiceMedia

  • The ratio of DmT/DmR is greater than 1 on all my pages but the domain and subdomain ratios are less than 1. Can someone explain what could cause this? Isn't the domain and subdomain DmT/DmR ratio the result of all pages or are there any other factors?

    | ieng

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