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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • If I am submitting to directories for our site. Should I submit them as or or some other way.  Any best practices? Or does it even matter? I am a novice.

    | Boodreaux

  • Is it better to get a link from a site with lower PR but related content or higher PR but semi-related or unrelated content? For example, if I sell shoes, would a link from a PR1 or PR2 shoe or apparel site be better or a link from PR4 website that sells books be better? I'm not talking about sites with completely unrelated content, but how relevant is PR in obtaining relevant links if I am trying to raise the PR and rankings of my own site?

    | applesofgold

  • Hi Mozzers!  I'm thinking about putting a page with some interesting comedy content on my site as link bait and had a few questions on how i should go about it. 1.  Should I link to this page from my home page or would it be better to build outside links to it and then funnel all the page rank to the pages on my site that i want ranking higher?  I've been told that page rank is a tiny factor in ranking in the serps so is it worth doing if the only reason i'm building it is to funnel page rank to my important pages?  The link bait  page content will be on the same subject as my entire site so it will definitely help google associate my site with my product from the incoming links. 2. if a web page on my site receives links does it help other pages on my site to rank higher or just the page with the incoming links?  One time i had a flurry of links pop up to my home page and it seemed like all my pages started ranking higher, but it might just have been coincidence? Any thoughts? 3.  What's a good way to get my page seen by the masses to draw links?  I thought about buying some stumbles on Stumbleupon to get it seen quickly but are there more or better ways to do this? Thanks in advance everyone! Ron

    | Ron10

  • Hi, I have earlier had a post about this, but still I am in doubt. I posted: The keyword "betsafe" in that question has now "bounced" back and is now the page shown in SERPS for the search keyword. This is great, however I don't know why. By checking the URL in OSE i have discovered that the page has in-links from Which comes from the above questions thread. Can it really be, that these 2 links from SEOmoz forum has done the difference? We appareantly have zero links from other sites to the URL, despite actually having them on another site. Now we are having trouble with keyword: "bet365" which should show page but does not (on I have optimized the page as far as I can stretch it without doing in in an unnatural way. Only thing left to do is bring down number of links. What is your advice? Should I simply try to link build for the URL with the keyword - and then it will beat our other pages which seem to steal the SERPS? -Rasmus

    | rasmusbang

  • Hi, I hope you can help. I am looking to rank for 10 keywords. My homepage has some authority. On what pages should I focus my optimisation on? Should I create a new page for each keyword and build links to these pages or try and optimise my home page for a number of keywords? If so how many keywords should you optimise for from your home page to get the most clout? Im a little confused about which strategy would be the most effective. Many thanks.

    | rpoon

  • What are the forums views on the best way to promote an infographic? Other than tweeting to fans, sharing on facebook and using stumbleupon - unless anyone's got some great tips for getting the most out of these? Thanks

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Hey, I have a niche website which ranked quite good in the beginning (especially image search). I published new posts every other day and also new links. Since around six months this site doesnt rank at all anymore (page 5) and I'm not sure if I should get a new domain, republish the articles and 301 all links. Would that make sense or is it better to start a new site from scratch? Thanks!

    | netminds

  • Are directories like yexts listings are good links?

    | AppleCapitalGroup

  • How can I improve my site page rank? We were a three now a two as of today. How can I get it back to three at least or more?

    | AppleCapitalGroup

  • This is really silly question to ask over here! But, I have to drop my mind bubble after long R & D and efforts! Right now, I am working on Patio Umbrellas keyword and want to out rank with following landing page. I have implemented too many ways on this page since January 2012. Right now, my website is in top 20 position with  this keyword. I want to achieve top 10 ranking with Patio Umbrellas keyword. Now, I have certain limitation to make changes on web page.  This is client requirement. So, I have to drill down more with link building. I have started work on link building on since February 2012 and rank well with keyword. Now, I'm searching for link building way which help me to improve ranking in short time frame. I don't want to do any single activity on this page which is UN-productive for me. If you have any on page inputs so it may help me more. SEOmoz is really big source to search and justify answer but, I want to add expert advice in it. Thanks,

    | CommercePundit

  • I was looking through some of the directories in the seomoz directory list and a lot of them are paid directories.  What should i be looking for to decide if these directories are worth paying for a link?  obviously if the page my link is listed on is in fact indexed by google. What about the following questions: 1.  what about page rank of the page that it's on?  Does that matter? i've heard that one page rank 5 link carries the weight of hundreds of page rank zero links. Is this true? 2. What does it mean if the page rank is unranked? Is it worth paying for a link if the page is old and is unranked? 3.  i read in an SEO forum that there are many other things i should look at in a directory besides page rank. Obviously traffic is one but what about other not so obvious things? 4.  How many directory links at one time is too many? how many is too many over a long period of time? THanks in advance for your help Mozzers! Ron10

    | Ron10

  • I've heard that when a site is new, the sources from which it gets its first back links are very important -- that the early links are more important for ranking than later links. Is this true. If so, what would be some good places to get these very first links? Thanks.

    | sigma3x

  • Hello, I checked out link profile and noticed that we have 169 linking root domains with 501 links containing the same KW anchor text - all pointing to our homepage. I found out that it's actually a friend of the owner who is getting the links as a favor. All links were in a short time, and it's making our link profile look unnatural. The linking root domains look like... www. iraqculturalattache-prague .org/ I did notice a positive increase in rankings for the KW; however, i'm sure that this will be short lived, as Google will pick up on the unnatural link profile. Should i ask that he remove the links? Or just leave them? I don't want out website to be penalized. Thanks!

    | ShaneO

  • We operate in a few countries and so have our .com website redirect to the country the person is from. I was wondering how the link juice worked in this case, does it simply stop at .com, or does it get split evenly over the sites it's redirecting to. We have just bought the .org site as well, I am to believe that link juice from a .org to a .org is better than from a .org to a .com. We have redirected the .org to the .com which then goes the the relevant country's site. An example of link juice would be... Say an Australian organisation with a .org site links to our .org site, the link juice then goes from our .org site links to our .com site, and this then geo links back through to our site. Would it be a lot better to link directly from .org to our site in this instance, or for the sake of all the sites, would the current method work okay? Cheers.

    | esendex

  • An SEO company we contracted with linked us up with many poor quality sites - some in foreign countries and now our site has hundreds and thousands of poor quality links to inappropriate sites..  Is there any way to un-link from these? Thank you!

    | Barb123

  • Hi Moz Community! What do you think is the optimal guest post byline or bio paragraph at the end of a guest post. Is it better to link to your homepage with your site name as anchor text AND a deep page with a target keyword phrase? Or is it better to just use one link to a deep/money page on your site with a keyword phrase?

    | SparkplugDigital

  • I know the general consensus is that these kinds of backlinks are of low value, however I'm curious as to anyones present day experience with them and if they are providing any value. More specifically, I am curious if they can do harm.  I don't see how they could, as it would be a very easy tactic for an unscrupulous competitor to sabotage another by implementing them for their competitors. I can see possibly losing rank if they were discounted, however if this is the case, then it would only be rank that would not have been gained in the first place, minus those kinds of links. I ask because I have competing websites who have started to outrank me (they have been climbing and improving through each Google algorithm change in the past year), despite the fact that my mosrank and authority are better than every single one of them. But they have a sheer growing volume of backlinks that I can't match (seemingly low value when I look at their link profiles). Plus my domain is older (9 years as opposed to 3-4 years), and my site is clearly better (in terms of aesthetics, usability, content, etc), as well as my link profile being selectively cultivated from truly relevant sites. None the less, they are starting to kill me at this point -and I don't have the luxury of time.  So....I was wondering about the wisdom of upping my volume of forum type links, as this is the only area of measurement where I can see my competitors are beating me. I am a believer in true, difficult, quality inbound marketing - however it is not getting the job done. Any thoughts on this?

    | csblev

  • Hi there, We're very shortly launching a new website so as part of our link strategy we will be linking to directories found with the Link Acquisition Assistant for various keyword searches. I was wondering at what point is it not worthwhile submitting to these directories with regards PA and DA? For example if a directory has a domain authority of 69 but the page authority for the keyword in question is only 1, would it be a waste of time? Cheers

    | TalarMade

  • Hi every one can any help me out regarding blog commenting I am doing blog commenting since last 6 months to my automotive website i am posting the comment in blogs which are related to automotive only now i all most commented in 1500 blogs and i am not finding the new blog so how can i do blog commenting is there any other way to comment in new blog or getting the list of new blogs Kindly suggest me plz 🙂

    | PrasanthMohanachandran

  • I'm digging my way through my competitors' link profiles on OSE and came across one that had been using a site called Apparently you can publish articles for free and browse other published articles for usage on your own site (provided you follow their TOS).  It actually seems like a nifty idea. I'm wondering if anyone has utilized this site for re-publishing content and building external links. Worth the effort? Thanks!

    | TBiz

  • Does Dmoz links still have impact as a high quality link?

    | lumholt

  • When i hover the little question mark icon it says "target the best pages to maximize link building.See top pages on the subdomain according to Page authority." Could someone explain this to me.And how do i target the best pages.I'm beginning my second trial week of SEO moz so please excuse me if I sound like a beginner! Thanks in advance PCtechGuy2012

    | PCTechGuy2012

  • Hello SEO Experts, I've been puting some thught into my internal link structure,  and looking at breadcrumbs, as it has recently occured to me that most of the pages on my site link to Home | Contact Us | and paes and anchor text like that. Don't get me wrong my home page is really important, but anchor text of home I'm assuming is doing me no good at all? Anyway, here is my site home page And three other pages that are included within the site >> Pg1 | Pg2 | Pg3 So the four pages are targeting differnt keywords What I was planing on foing for Pg2 was having a breadcrumb trail that read like so site home page > Pg1 > Pg2 And then have the detail pages link from that with breadcrumbs like site home page > Pg1 > Pg2 > detail page with the home page link  anchor text being 'jobs in (site area)' which would be followed by 'jobs in city' and then followed by 'sector jobs in city' So the breadcrumb trail would read - 'jobs in (site area)' > 'jobs in city' > 'sector jobs in city' So my question is, is this the best way of doing this, or would this be spammy? Ultimately it would mean 500+ internal links pointing at my homepage with the desired keywords in the anchor text?? Thanks for your thoughts 🙂

    | TwoPints

  • I'm looking for a way to track backlinks that are made and make sure that they don't disappear.  Is there a way in SEO Moz to have it check the backlinks that it has identified every month to make sure they're still there, or do you have to do it manually by download the list every month and comparing them?

    | mytouchoftech

  • Hi there, I am rather new to linkbuilding and reach out to various sites at the moment. The interest in linking to us is very high and now I sometimes get the question where on a particular page I'd like to be linked to from. I then do a check in opensiteexplorer to find out about the authority of the various subpages. Yet, how do I decide if one subpage has more authority while another one has more relevancy for us (in terms of the content being provided there being more related to ours)? Thanks for your recommendations! Best regards, Tobias

    | space56

  • I've been analyzing some of our competitors: and Both sites have a large number of 'total links'... about 93,000 each.  The former has about 1,200 linking root domains while the latter only has 195.  Even for 1,200 linking root domains, 93k total links seems like a ton to me. Our site has 101 linking root domains and only 299 'total links'. I'm quite new to this whole SEO game and admittedly still learning a TON.  Am I missing something here?  How do sites generate so many links?  This seems nuts to me. Thanks for any help!

    | TBiz

  • Are there any benefits to linking a shortened url vs. an anchor text when I am link building?Would linking via shortened link such as tinyurl cause problems with SERPS? Also, would it be more beneficial to short link to the homepage or landing page?

    | Modbargains

  • Hi, If my company offers carpet cleaning services, what neighborhood links partner I need to find. Can anybody list down the neighborhood. Thanks.

    | younus

  • I know that free press release sites don't always do the best job at getting ones relates out there, but I had a thought. What if I were to submit the same release to say, ten free press release sites? Would that it at least give me ten backlinks from those sites alone? They'd be good backlinks since I'll be able to have the desired anchor text. Is that just another version of article spinning, or is it a good strategy for getting the release out there as much as possible? I'd value any of your opinions.

    | UnderRugSwept

  • Hi Everyone, I have a company calling me about adding a banner for our business on a news site for a monthly fee. The fee includes the banner and a profile page. The domain authority for the news site is high (84) but the profile page that it links to actually goes to a 3rd party site (DA=65). It is from this page that I could link back to our site. Aside from the marketing value of the 250x300 ad on a page that gets a ton of traffic, would it be better to link back to our site from the profile page on the 3rd party site or directly from the banner on the news site? I hope I've given you enough info. Best,

    | AC_Pro

  • We're having a bit of a debate in the office today about SEO directories. We all seem to have our favourites here - Octopedia, AbiLogic and JoeAnt to name a few that have been mentioned. Just wondering what everyone else's favourite directories for SEO are? Which pass the best link juice? Which offer the best value for money? Would love to know everyone's thoughts...

    | Digirank

  • Will multiple links in a single article to one target domain (but seperate pages) count, or just the first link of that article? Thanks, Chris

    | Diderino

  • Is anyone aware of services that allow the renting of directory listings?  Someone explained the concept to me and I am trying to find a good source for directory rental links. Thanks

    | jenadams

  • Hi, A large website may link to us but via their internal redirect mechanism.  So it would be somthing like this: [If you select the link, it eventually goes to our site but not from the original page.  These links would be placed on lots of pages, but since they would all "pass through" the "redirect" page, it seems not as beneficial from an SEO perspective. Is this reasoning correct?  Would google still follow the link and see where it ends up, even though it is via multiple pages? Ideally I'd prefer direct link but how much better is it than the redirect as listed above?](/redirect/rd?

    | NicB1

  • For us, any indian/3rd world linkbuilding vendor - do NOT hire them, they will ruin your link profile. If you give them very specific directions & find the right company/guy they can be decent for guerilla (blog/forum/etc) linkbuilding. What are your experiences?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • When analysing a company's inbound links, what is more important to note: The number of linking root domains, or the total number of links? And why?

    | SEOrookie17

  • Should you ask your dealers for links back to you? For example, if you are a laminate flooring manufacturer, should you ask all your retailers to link to you? If so, how do you go about it? Emails? A form letter? Should I create a page on the site for banners and let them grab the code? Any creative ideas would help.

    | kbloemendaal

  • I have 3,000 followed links and a 1,000 non followed links.  The non followed links are from an advertising campaign. Do these hurt or help me? Thanks Ron

    | bsofttech

  • I've launched the website, which is a Brazilian how-to website (the domain is literally how to in Portuguese). How can I get to the top rankings? My strategy so far: made all the on-page SEO stuff put 4 sidebar links in family websites bought the $90 package in GetLinksPro for 100 dofollow links spent about $100 in Facebook Ads to get 2k followers there I want help regarding SEO and strategy for this kind of sites.

    | kikocherman

  • 1. Can anyone recommend a good SEO Submission Service? Or do you not recommend using them? 2. What do you think is a better way to build links? Directory listings or place ads on blog sites? Each post a blogger post would have the ad link. Thoughts?

    | mof3kz

  • As an amatuer SEO I was really please with the results when I optimised my pages and starting link building. I've managed to get myself to the bottom of page one for almost all my main keywords over a 6 month period. However since then I've been building links for the last couple of months and have seen very little movement in my SERPS positions at all! I expected it to be harder on page one but not this hard! According to SEO Moz campaign tools my on page results are all A so I dont think I can optimise any more. I'm beginning to think it's not links I need and I'm missing something like not enough social media mentions etc  however many of my competitors on page one don't appear to engage with social media much at all. I'm at a loss really as to wether to just keep building links through guest posts, articles, forums, directories or try a different approach. i wonder if some of you more experienced SEO's could take a look and offer any ideas. My site is and I'm trying to rank for Entertainment Agency Entertainment Agencies Wedding Band Wedding Singer Function Band Cover Band (I have optimised pages for each of these keywords in the footer) I've also noticed that a lot of my competitors have links on lots of blogs that I can't seem to get links on. I would normally contact them and offer to guest post but I can find any contact details. I'm beginning to think my competitors have set these sites up as well for link building purposes. Is that ethical? Please help!

    | SamCUK

  • Ontolo referred me to Raven in one of their videos and ended up losing by business as a link building partner. What are your experiences with these tools-either, one, both?

    | Uramark

  • Hi, I'm looking to buy a number of already established website domains with back links and 301 direct this to my main website. The sites are very similar and all sell the same thing. Does anyone know how much link value will be past on from doing this? And, is this something that Google looks out for? Also, if you have experience of this, how did it work out? Thanks

    | Weerdboil

  • Hi there, The last couple of months we have had quite a few link request e-mails apparently not being received. Our e-mails are sent out through Mozilla Thunderbird, so not an e-mail platform. However we use a HTML template to ensure our business logo and footers are consistent and to help raise awareness of the brand. Is there any chance that some e-mails may well be blocked (e.g. by filters) because we're using HTML e-mails rather than a standard e-mail format and does anyone have any advice for ensuring e-mails get through (other than getting the right contact name if possible). Thanks in advance, Martin

    | Nobody1560986989723

  • Is it worth cracking through the directory list on SEOMOZ as the first step when link building to get things moving?

    | activitysuper

  • I just wondered by adding no follow to a reciprocal link (one link only not the link on both sites) does it become a one way link? I have some reciprocal link partners who are more interested in traffic from my site than link juice which is irrelevent to them. Am I better adding no follow to those links at my end?

    | SamCUK

  • My question is simple. How does a Mega Site like WikiHow does it link building ? Just curios ... might learn a bit or two about SEO 🙂

    | iamnew

  • Currently we are in the process of creating a new ecommerce website. The site is not live yet, but we have done all of the planning and brainstorming and now are just doing all of the dirty work to get things ready to go live. We are devoting a lot of time on merchandising and developing the site, but currently do not have the resources to put together a good link building campaign in house. Does anyone have any recommendations for outsourcing the link building? The last thing we want is to hire someone that submits to bad neighborhoods and only directories. Is there a good, better, best scenario we should be looking at for pricing, ect? Obviously, like most who are starting a new site, cost is an issue at least until the site gives some sort of sign of life. Also, we are in the Pittsburgh area. We don't need to go local with this, but if there is someone particularly good in the area it would be nice. Thanks in advance.

    | ClaytonKendall

  • From starting an ongoing monthly link building campaign how long is it before you should start seeing results in serps

    | shauny35

  • Hi I was building baclklinks on my site, from forums, blogs and some low quality other sites. This links dont show up on the site explorer and the site ranks for my specific keyword. Why this is happening? I should link only from the sites that are linking my competitors? Thanks

    | nyanainc

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