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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • Hi there, I have been guest posting on blogs trying to build some back-links into my website, which so far is going not too bad, however I was wondering when writing these guest posts should I limit my post to let's say 2 back-links per guest post? If 2 back-links are going to different pages on my website, does the first back-links in the guest post have more value than the 2nd back-link? Kind Regards,

    | Paul78

  • Apart from Directory submission Local niche specific directory submission Community engagement Niche specific blog commenting Can I know the other ways of Link Building when we don't have content.

    | Jaymoo

  • We have operated a small ecommerce company for over 10 years in the home and garden industry.  Our product niche is small and there is not a lot of "community" around it as it is just not a social product, yet the product is interesting.  Our internal time is very limited and therefore we have hired external help over the years to do our SEO.  As you all know, this is very challenging to do affordably and not get spammers. As part of our SEO strategy we would like to do some guest blog posts but do not have the internal time to research and build the relationships needed.  We basically have no internal writing skills and have always hired writers to do our blog postings.My question is if you had to hire someone to do guest blog posts how would you go about finding the right person to use?  Of course an excellent writer would be required.  What would you expect to pay for this type of service?  Would you do it hourly or "pay per live post". Any ideas on where to find this type of person?  Thanks.

    | SLINC

  • Is the traditional way of link building wherein we send requests for two way or three way links still important? I feel posting articles, blog commenting, blog posting, forum commenting etc are better means to build links... but since I am still new to this industry I may be wrong. Please suggest.

    | KS__

  • I was using Open Site Explorer to check out some competition and I noticed that there were a good amount of links coming from a no-name blog Seen Here. Obviously there are 50+ mentions of Express Auto Repair across a few blog posts. I've seen this tactic used before, but does it really do anything for the client, or is this just old school trickery? Thanks for your help.

    | onmywayto

  • Hello, I'm trying to get a domain from what it used to be my main competition, if I get this domain can I forward the domain to my website? because they have good local ranking that I don't have and also a lot of links. I don't really want to use that brand name, I just want to take advantage of the links they already created if that possible. Or can I do something else with the domain or just buy it and keep it so nobody else can buy it? Thank you

    | jpgprinting

  • This might be a really obvious question but... If building bad links (spam links) negatively impacts and even sometimes draws penalties, what is there to prevent others from building links like to my site to try and strip me of my rankings (like from my competitors)? I ran a quick link analysis and noticed a bunch of spam links pointing to my site the other day. I haven't been affected yet but it was only like two days ago that I saw those. Just curious. Is hostile seo going to be an emerging trend? If so it will be a really easy job. Just go to fiverr and buy 20 bucks worth of links...

    | MikeShreeve

  • Hi, We've been with SEOMoz for a year or two now, but have have kept an eye out for productive link building tools to help the team. To be honest we're struggling with Open Site Explorer because, although it enables us to discover competitors links it doesn't provide much link management functionality. A simple example would be the ability for Open Site Explorer to show links to domains which my clients already have in a different colour, so that we don't waste time exploring dead ends. I'd be very interested to hear tips how other people use the SEOMoz tools to manage their link building as I suspect we may be missing a trick or two... Thanks in advance!

    | JonathanSmith

  • One of the sites that I work on has a high turnover of products as it sells cutting-edge technology products that quickly become outdated. For each product it is important to build a strong link profile as the competition is very high. I am therefore reluctant to remove pages once products have been discontinued (typically after 6-12 months). However, I do not want discontinued products to appear alongside the latest products as this will hinder the customer experience. Is it worth me finding a way to archive the old products, so as to maintain the links that have been built up?

    | pugh

  • My company is looking at outsourcing part of our SEO - some supplementary link building to boost some deep links. What does the SEOmoz community think of outsourcing link building? Every company that I've researched seems to employ very low quality techniques, which ends up with a bunch of spammy/sidebar/links page/comment links. Are there companies that specialise in high quality link building? We would definitely be looking for people that would do things like write engaging guest posts, etc, rather than spamming our brand across the internet. Are there any lessons that you've learned that you can share with me?

    | AlecPR

  • A customer of mine had a new channel come to their place of business today in regards to valentines day (they are florists). They shot a video and wrote an article. Only problem is they only mentioned the business name and no link to the website. Has anyone had experience with reaching out to reporters and asking for a link in this type of a situation. Is a telephone call or email better?

    | waqid

  • We have many articles on our sites that bring in a large volume of traffic but bring no links. As an example we wrote an article about the hottest cities in the world. The article brings in over 1000 hits a month on Google and people spend an average of 4 minutes on the page and never return and never link to it. The article also doesn't bring in business because the company sell Air Conditioning. From an SEO point of view should we focus any time at all on writing articles that are useful for the internet community that bring in traffic but don't bring in many (any) links?

    | trickshotric

  • I'm looking to find some specialized directories, as I assist with a laboratory robotics group.  These can be paid (actually preferred for now) or free.  I know that seomoz has a helpful list of directories, but I was wondering if anyone else knows of a good place to find specialized directories like this.  Thanks.

    | DeliaAssociates

  • I know most of you will be rolling your eyes but please help. I realize how important backlinks are for page rank with Goggle. Also know it's important to get these links indexed. I've signed up with about 20 high rank sites (DMOZ,GoGuides, Gimpsey, SearchSight, etc.) to aquire high pr backlinks. If I want to submit my backlinks to an indexing service, is the url for my backlink their website, example, or the page url where I'm
    listed<>on ? Also, same question for forums: I've registered for several high pr forums and competed the registration with a BBCode signature. What is the url for that backlink if I submitted it to a indexing service? Thanks in advance.

    | JamesSagerser

  • Also, if I use my web site name for the anchor text on backlinks will it still help getting me ranked for my keyword phrases?

    | katiasm

  • I am in the process of promoting my local service site at and I was wondering what you guys would recommend? i have submitted to a lot of directories and get any backlink I can.  I have also started writing articles and submitting them to sooper articles and Ezine articles, but I feel like I am doing something wrong.  I am open to any suggestions.

    | ayetti

  • I have a client (yea! my second one doing seo) who has a law firm. He has a main site and then another site that just forwarded to his main website. He wants to find all the directories (and other places on the web) where his second site is listed. At the time when he was adding his firm into the directories, he was using his secondary url but now he wants to go back and use his main website. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a log of every place he added himself. I tried just searching Google for ""  (in quotes)for example but the SERPS return  listings that aren't right. Suggestions?

    | Czubmeister

  • I have this page that is doing alright for the phrase "skyward sword walkthrough" I used to be ranked number 2 but it has dropped Sites like IGN are huge so I do not blame them for overpassing my rank but zelda informer I feel like I should be outranking at least. I have a fairly good on page ranking grade using the seomoz tool. And the OSE shows I have 11 domains linking - most with some kind of variation to that keyword. And I have actually built out more since then. Most the links are on highly relevant pages. I contacted a lot of gaming sites before this game was released and asked for a link back in exchange for a variety of things (shoutouts mostly - no paid links) The page performed extremely well when Skyward Sword came out and I got hundreds of thousands of hits but as my rank is beginning to drop its a lot less (also can be attributed to hype dying down). But any suggestions or glaring issues would be great. Link building is something I am always doing as well - mostly through guest blogging.

    | webfeatseo

  • I want to add already distributed content to my internal blog. I have very useful articles on different topics which I have submitted to different article directories. Yesterday, I have started my internal blog and want to add all content which I have submitted to different external websites. So, Can I do it or not? I have confusion about duplication between my site and external websites.

    | CommercePundit

  • Hi, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a high quality blog directory submission service ? I know that the best method is to do this yourself - but the time required to do so is enourmous, so although I may manually submit to a few of the very best directories myself, I'm looking for a good quality manual service to do the rest. I'm willing to pay a decent amount to a quality submission service as I want it done as near as possible to doing it myself. Thanks for your thoughts.

    | James77

  • Good Morning from Zero Degrees C very icy Wetherby UK... For eons i was under the understanding that if you had a choice over just inbound links verses a link exchange just inbound links wins hands down. Ive always just chased inbound links and never advocated link exhanges ie I link to you, you link to me. But stop the bus! I just read this here on the A - Z of link building strategies which advocates recipricol link exchanges: "Creating link pages that carry hundreds of links to slightly relevant 'partners' don't work anymore (ever wondered why most links.php pages have a grey PageRank?), but establishing link partnerships with a small amount of highly relevant websites can definitely be useful." So is it best practice now to have link exchanges? I always thought this was a mistake as it would lead to SEO juice leakage (Hate this term, but couldnt muster another one)unless you "Covertly" added a do no follow snippet in your outbound links. Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • Hi, I am trying to understand why my Page Rank is 0. Many forums say that it is because my site has been blocked by google. Any help with this would be much appreciated.

    | MariaPerrone

  • On our web site ( we have a mega menu with quite a lot of links in it. I am getting warnings in SEOmoz saying we have far to many links in our pages. But a lot of pages have large menus with a lot of links - are all pages punished for this then? My primary question is: Since the menu is on all pages, the pages linked in the menu will have a link in from all of our pages (200K+ pages) and a lot of these do not have a good ranking. So what I want to know is if the pages linked in the menu will have lower ranking because of the many links in - or is this a good thing? Should I consider setting "nofollow" for som of the links on other pages than the homepage (since this is the page with the best rank)?

    | rasmusbang

  • Hello all ! I would love some opinions about one Link Building technical aspect from SEOs, link builders ... How important is the number of outgoing links on the page you have the opportunity to place a link ? (from a scale of 1-10 / what about where dose this factor fits overall with your check list , as important to consider as far as link building) Would you place a link on a page with 200+ outgoing external links if the page is ok (not involved in selling links, all links are related with the subject, target page, anchor text etc) or you would go with a link on a 10-15 links per page but not that 'powerful' and not that related (not spammy but more general on the subject that can contain links to some other non related resources). Eg: Option 1: the entire domain is about x. It has 250 links in that page (in the links.html) all links on the links.html pages are somehow related / resources with x. Your link can be placed with an anchor text related with x that will target a page on your site related with x. Domain page rank : 6 (as a general indicator),  Page PR, the links.html one, PR: 2 Option 2: the entire domain is NOT about x, just the page. It has 5..10 links in that page (external links more or less related with x - but not spammy) Your link can be placed with an anchor text related with x that will target a page on your site related with x. Domain page rank : 3 (as a general indicator),  Page PR, the links.html one, PR: 1 What's your best option ? Thanks !

    | eyepaq

  • Hi all, I am looking to find an actionable, easy to use, link building template to be used by myself as well as across office/clients. Key subject areas for link building have been defined but I am keen to apply a template to past and future link building opportunities as I build on the link building tactics I have a number of link building targets e.g. form competitor analysis, existing links from websites and looking to reach out to amend their anchor text, prospect websites Does anyone have a good insight into categorising the different link building targets by sector? Many thanks Simon

    | simonsw

  • Hi SEOMOZ'ers I am trying to find high quality directories to submit links, finding it really hard to find them!! Has anyone got any advise for seeking out such sites!  I have tried the tool within SEOMOZ but to be honest did not really work that well! thanks Daniel

    | dan1el

  • Hi! I have question about link footprints. What should be taken into consideration? Is it real issue when your backlinks have heavy footprint? Thanks for answer..

    | asystematic

  • I'm fairly new to the whole SEO and link building scene so I'm trying to get a handle of high value, low value, and negative value links.  For example, I had a discussion with my boss on the idea of affiliating our e-commerce site with Amazon.   From a business standpoint, it'd probably increase sales. However, I was wondering if  those links would have value for search engines? Thanks

    | Robdps

  • I am working through the SEO Moz tools and came across something strange. I was hoping someone more familiar could help me understand. Turn off Google's personal search and use the term "Lake Keowee Real Estate". Compare the first two results that come back. Rank 2 has 5o times more inbound links and significantly more domain authority etc. Any quick explanation for things like this? I'm still on page 3, so I've got a way to go my self, just wondered as I came across it while researching competitors. Thanks, Steven Screen%20Shot%202012-02-05%20at%203.42.35%20PM.png

    | sfmatthews

  • There are a number of SEO agencies which offer link building as part of their SEO offerings. I believe they build one-way links to the client site, by offering another link in exchange to the liking site. So, if the client site is "C", and link is being requested from site "A", the site "A" owner is offered a link from site "B" in return. Is this a good and/or recommended practice?

    | thinkvidya

  • I wonder If links embedded in JavaScript from an external Website pass link juice to the linked page and thus have a positive effect on google rankings. I read that JavaScipt is craweld. Does it mean that also the link juice is passed? I'm looking forward to your answers.

    | Tabea

  • Hi folks. A client of mine has taken to building spammy links from commenting on forgein blogs etc. Since hes started this his site has totally dispeared from the SERPS apart from company name searches. I'd be really interested to hear your thoughts on how to bets combat this? Many thanks in advance

    | EclipseLegal

  • hello, what would the effect be of acquiring 10- 20 Pr 8 - 10 links to website that is on the  first page of goolge. would it make a huge difference? thank you  Mozzers 🙂 love and respect V

    | vijayvasu

  • HI there, im new to this forum but im doing SEO quite a while. I lost touch with the whole SEO community while building my business's so I said i better get back in touch before I lose my most valued skill. I set up a gift website 3 months before xmas. We decided to focus on the following keywords starting out, gifts, gift ideas, gifts for him, gifts for her and christmas gifts. We have managed to rank No.1 for gift ideas, No.2 for gifts. For "christmas gifts" we could not get it onto the first page, it was hanging around the 12 and 13 spot  for weeks, so we decided to stop linking to the page with anchor text "christmas gifts" and use related keywords, the result, we shot to NO.1 within 2 weeks. I now have the same problem with "gifts for him" and "gifts for her" except, i have tried everything but we are still hanging around 4-6 spot on page one, I cant get them into the top 3 and cant understand it. Ive done the following to try give it a boost. Increase the variation of the anchor text Decrease the amount of keywords in title tag Link to it from high PR pages Im really lost and its really bugging me the fact all the other keywords are ranking so well. The only thing I can think of from my research and perhaps someone might be able to give me some advice on this (Backed up by past results) is we have not once linked to this page with the actual URL, 100% of the links are varied anchor text. Would perhaps linking with the plain old URL help it, its really bugging me as we did so well with everything else using 90% white hat, 10% grey hat seo. Please help. Thanks Also, we have not done any social media linking to it.

    | dean1986

  • What are the pros and cons having exact match domain and how can you create a brand name and build backlinks? Say we have a domain We are quite stuck with what anchor text we need to use and how do we vary it? I've heard that we have to stay away from using commercial keywords as anchor text heavily. We have to also use our brand name. And here we get stuck as we don't have a brand name. In this case Our brand name should be personalized birthday gifts but this is also commercial keyword. I have seen before similar websites droped from ranking because they have commercial keywords in their domain and most of their backlink anchor texts are commercial. If I had a website called selling birthday gifts it would be a lot easier. But when you have a website and trying to rank for personalized birthday gifts and birthday gifts it's tough. OR isn't it? I hope I explained it well and didn't confuse anybody... Thanks

    | Jvalops

  • What sort of value does an RSS feed provide for a website? If you use an RSS feed on your website, what do you use to keep it updated? Can you recycle mention of content / pages in the feed over time? Any good links on this subject?

    | Linesides

  • Anyone can provide qulaity backlink link with High PR

    | Trendymobiles

  • We have a distributor site with a page rank of 3 on its home page, and 0-1'ish on its product pages. While our manufacturing site is PR 4 getting close to 5... We are thinking about adding a link from our distributors product pages to our manufacturing appropriate material information page. This would be about 10k links spread out among 7 materials. We want to add these links to help our distributor sites customers, but we don't want to hurt our manufacturing site in the process. I personally don't know of any problem this would cause, but our manufacturing site is so important I need to verify adding this many links wouldn't hurt us. Your thoughts and knowledge is appreciated.

    | donford

  • I'm confused - seo moz crawl shows I have lots of pages with too many links.  150 - 200 or so. I'm not sure how any of my pages can have that many links and they don't appear to to me. Here's an example: They all appear to be 'tag' pages. These pages are blocked by meta robots anyway so is this a problem and how do I fix it? I also am very confused by rel canonical. I have 300 odd pages with this warning. Is this good or bad? Plesae help!

    | SamCUK

  • Hi i am new to blogging and new to SEOMOZ so any one can help me how to increase my backlink count

    | Trendymobiles

  • Hello, My website started to offer guest blog posting and was wondering if it is a good idea to have an anchor text link to a not relevant website in the author bio. The content the guest blogger gave me is relevant to my website but in the author bio there are a couple of anchor text links that are linking to a completly different industry. Thanks in advance for your help.

    | Shawn124

  • We host our blog on WordPress as part of our site.  The blog "address" is  If I were to take the same content that's on this blog and post it on a Blogger account we have, would Google consider that duplicate content?  If not, would there be any benefit to doing this?

    | rdreich49

  • Hi All, Wonder if you can help someone who is not a SEO professional? I am trying to optimise my website for the term "driving lessons brighton" and when i search on this keyword with &pws=0 the following website is number 1. However I cant see why they are number 1? As they dont really have any links etc. Any advice on why they are so high would be appreciated. Thanks a lot.

    | Ant71

  • Okay, I found a niche blog that has a google PR6. They have a ton of dollow blogroll links, as well as a ton of internal links on homepage. Would I be better off getting the blogroll link? Getting a link in an existing post with a lower PR? Getting an advertiorial written with a link in it? I just don't know. It has a domain authority of 33 currently. It's not a cheap link for blogroll. The in-post, or advertorial isn't too bad, but not cheap either. Thanks in advance.

    | azguy

  • Anyone have tips on building links to a newspaper site? I am looking for a strategy to create links to a news site beyond building one link at a time. We have so much content that is constantly updated that it would be impossible to do this one page at a time.

    | BostonWright

  • Hi, I have one main site, let's call it I also have 10 smaller sites, let's call them,, etc is on its own separate dedicated server the 10 smaller sites are all on a shared IP in hostgator I don't want Google to think that I have created the 10 sites for only purpose of creating links to each other. So, would you recommend that all those 10 sites link to each other? or should there be no interlinking within those 10 same IP domains? What about linking from those 10 sites to my main site? How should I structure my own backlinks not to get penalized by Google ?

    | limens

  • I have a question about internal linking. I am trying to rank for the term 'entertainment agent' and wonder wether I should go through my blog posts (50 or so) and link the words 'entertainment agent' to my homepage which is optomised for the keyword. Will that add any SEO value? Should I be directing any 'link juice' from my blog posts to the main pages I want to rank or will that look unnatural?

    | SamCUK

  • Is it possible to get this report without competitors' links?

    | BigDrumtAtlanta

  • I know there are a bunch out there, but I'd love to hear your guys thoughts. The more tools you post, and the more unknown they are (i.e. everyone knows OSE, Raven Tools, Buzzstream, Ontolo, etc.), the more I'd love the answer. Also, it doesn't have to be a comprehensive tool. Even if it's a bookmarklet, or something that solves one specific tedious task, I'd love to hear about it! 🙂

    | pointblankseo

  • Hello, Im doing a research on the link-building analyze of 2 sites. What I want to know is whats the most important fact to analyze in the Open Site Explorer. And also can I see all the links connected to those sites in the Open Site Exporer or should I use other program to verify that? Tks in advance! Pedro Menezes Pereira

    | PedroM

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