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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • Let's say there's a blog post in my industry niche that's 2 years old. Is it worth to get a link from that blog post ? How do I know Google will actually re-crawl that page, and how long can that process take ?

    | pqdbr

  • Hi guys, As with many link builders we have been building lots of dofollow links for our site, so many that mainly our incoming links are dofollow. Some pages have 99.5% dofollow external links which I know is not very natural. In your experience in terms of percentage how much should you have in terms of nofollow external links in your link profile. I noticed SEOMoz has about 12-13% nofollow external links, shall I go with this figure? Thanks guys. David

    | sssrpm

  • I'm checking out my competition on opensiteexplorer, who does quite well for the main keyword. I see that 40% - 60% of the backlinks are ref="nofollow" is there any benefit to such links? if i hire a linkbuilder, should I ever accept nofollow links? can u explain please update 1/18/12 i apologize, i mistyped. i was referring to ref="nofollow"

    | limens

  • Hi all ! Do you think my homepage can still be optimized ? Here is the URL : Of course I'm not only speaking about the home page but I also think about the pages structure, links, etc. The fact is that my collegues and I are working hard on our SEO since 7 years and the result is that we still see our websites going down in the SERPS during months... What are we doing wrong ? Our opponents don't seem to be more backlinked or more optimized... I personnaly think that there should be a big mistake on our site that penalize us and our SEO but I can't find what it is... Can you help us ? Thank you in advance !

    | B-CITY

  • Hi there, I just started using the pro tool 6 weeks or so ago.   I have done all the on page optimization I can and am starting to think more about building links to my site. What I want to know is how important are directories as part of this link building program? Should I treat doing an audit of what directories we are in, identifying what ones we should be in, and actually signing up for these ones as an important and vital part of the link building program? So basically how important are directories?  We are a b 2 b business if that helps.I am kind of assuming directories are (still) important and that we should spend some time on this, but just wanted to get some expert thoughts on directories, approach to use etc etc.     I reckon it should be easier than other link building, as we can at least pay a fee and get in the directory, so it’s less a case of someone doing us a favor as other links sometimes seem to  be….

    | inhouseninja

  • Does international link building make sense for US websites (.com domain)? The links we could acquire are from websites in the same niche, but I read on a forum that Google will disregard (devalue ?) international links. There is work involved in getting such a link, so it's quite important to find out whether they are worth the trouble.

    | propertyshark

  • I have onpage optimised 4 pages on my website Should I built links with various anchor text to my home page or the exact internal page as above? Cheers.

    | Socialdude

  • We're new to link strategy and would really appreciate any help anyone can give us.  We are inviting the top food bloggers (aka "linkerati") in the country to visit and hopefully share web content with us.  What we don't know is how to measure the results of this... Does anyone have any suggestions, or perhaps a "dashboard" that they could show us to give us some ideas?  All help gratefully received!

    | DonaldRussell

  • So it is general knowledge that links from .edu and .gov sites are valued higher by Google. So, I hired some guys on freelance sites to help me buildlinks and get some love from SERPS. But one thing I notice quite often is that some of these links are actually like *  (with a international TLD after .edu) What is your thoughts on links like that, do they have ANY edu value?

    | limens

  • hello again thanks v much for your answers last night - very enlightening! this morning i've taken to my ritual of manually searching my keyword progress thru google - i know you can do it thru seomoz pro tools - but the rankings don't ever seem to be the right number (a good estimate tho) my question - after a nice period of progress - i've lost some ground on keywords - can i track the loss in ground against my SEO endevours? ie - last week i didnt do as much social stuff as previous weeks - does google's algorithm work that quickly? ie- daily/weekly etc? cheers

    | daxvirgo

  • But I have had some luck with bookkmaRKING DEMON, and understand the pitfalls of massive submission, but I deal in facts not generalities. If the goal is to mix your links accross the pages in your site, and mix the DA quality, or pr of the links, and have them contextual as well as comments, directories, etc. who cares how it is done as long as it appears natural 1. Linkvana claims to be a posting service for you. you put text in with your link and it posts to relevant sites, the same as you would do manually. For my context links I see this as a better way than begging people to give me a link, or wasting time kissing butt of reporters (kike i did in the past). Anyway there is good and bad with everything. I want to know if anyone knows of anyone who used linkvana and what their experiences is ? And more importantly.... WHAT DOES EVERYONE USE AS A COMPLETE BACK LINK STRATEGY? Thanks

    | joemas99

  • Hi, I have been doing "lite" SEO on my site for several years and have achieved some decent ranking for relevant terms. I have good solid content and and am simply in need of quality backlinks to boost my SERPs. I stopped doing SEO because I was focused on development of the site for about  6 months and lost about half of my traffic as a result. In the past I have used rentacoder, guru, and odesk for software development, but does anyone know the best one to find decent SEO consultant/content writers? I want to start out at about $300/month for back links and ramp up from there. Also, The last company I hired provided almost all links from India spam sites, however, I still noticed a steady increase in rankings over a few months. Thought on thats? Thanks!

    | lane0618

  • I am debating buying this product for Joomla on that note: Would you advise for or against this purchase?

    | Uramark

  • In addition to my main site (A), I also have another website (B) (question/answer) type, which has over 400,000 indexed pages in Google. I'm trying to do linkbuilding for should I link from B to A ? should I place a link only on the homepage of B? should I place a link on homepage of B and each of the 400,000 pages to A? should place multiple links on B to thank you.

    | limens

  • Hello, I have a local business and have been working on getting backlinks for highly relevant keywords. I have keyword optimized pages (keyword in URL, title, H1, etc) but I have been sending backlinks to the homepage, as these keywords represent the core of what we offer. See example below: car repair car repair london auto repair auto repair london I have been sending backlinks (with the correct anchor text of course) to the homepage, am I better off sending them to the specific pages? One more thing: the SEOMOZ report talks about cannibalisation of keywords, where for example the page optimised for "car repair" links to "Car repair london". I have links to the optimised pages in a footer at the bottom of every single page on the website, is this bad practice? (considering SEOMOZ talks about cannibalisation? Should I do something else instead (or eliminate the footer links altogether?) I would appreciate your expert advice.

    | dpaq2011

  • I'm a DIY seo with a video production company - our website has been given some solid foundations by an SEO friend and we are climbing nicely up the rankings.. Everyone and their dog constantly warns of not straying into black hat - and I totally understand and appreciate the reasonings.. my issue is - pretty much ALL of the competitors use what I would perceive to be pretty shady web directories. These directories seem to account for 80% of each of my competitors inbound links (according to open site explorer) If all the front page of google for "corporate video" are submitting to all these directories - should I? Cheers AC

    | daxvirgo

  • Hello, Is it a viable idea to copy competitors link structure? Imagine we manage a new site with low page and domain authority.  Is okay to use the Link Tool and filter domains that link back to our competitor and then work our way up from low ranking directories and related sites? Currently I am using RoboForm and trying to 'catch up' to a competitor in terms of link backs. Additionally, I've been reading articles about whether submitting to directories is good, but if we see they have alright domain and page authorities, does it make sense to apply to them when our competitors are in them? Much appreciated

    | Uramark

  • Hi, I'm just starting a backlinking campaign on a new website and am focussing on one deep page for client  - focussing a lot of good quality backlinks on that one page. I'm aware that most of the other pages, including homepage, lack good backlinks. Can I go ahead and focus powerful backlinks on that one 'deep' page without a problem, or may that approach result in negative impacts on other pages' SERPs.

    | McTaggart

  • Hi, If im researching a keyword in Google using the MozBar, and the first 5 results have stats like: PA:1 - MR:0 - MT:0 - DA:90 - Linking Root Domains:2 They are all pretty much the same, no power apart from the root domain which will be anywhere between 70-90. Does this mean ranking for this keyword will be a walk in the park? Or because the root domain is so strong its actually going to be a task. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • Hi Guys, Really new to SEO, but i'd like to think learning quickly. The question: I really want to build up the linking profile for our website but  I don't really know how to go about it. We have many good relationships within the industry and i'm sure I could obtain some reciprocal links. The things is - where do I display the links on our website? I could create a 'hidden' page for purely links, but is this a bad practice and frowned upon? Also is this the best way to obtain good, authoritative links? I am assuming that linking to people with a root authority of 30/40+ would be beneficial. Or am I just plain wrong/out of my depth?! Honestly any help at all would be so appreciated.

    | Revolution_Inc

  • Let's say I have a page about houses for sale (which has the biggest number of search queries/month). I want to rank with that page for another variations like house for sale, and house sale. Now, if i build links only with anchor text **houses for sale **(presuming that Google is OK with that) and i will take top 3 for that KW, i will rank very high too for the other two combinations of words? Or Google treats different plural vs singular and the stop word for. This is an example based on site for one client of mine. His site is about Hotels in Mamaia (hoteluri in mamaia in romanian) and i build links with anchor text hoteluri in mamaia. For this KW i took pos 4 but for hoteluri mamaia i am on page 9 from These two combinations of words are 90% the same in my language. For you to know hoteluri mamaia has bigger numeber of search queries/month (6 600 vs 260).

    | maldiniii

  • If a link to my site on another domain does not appear in the list of links gathered by the Open Site Explorer, does that mean that this backlink will not be crawled by search engine bots? Is there anything I should do to make sure that this link IS crawled and/or recognized by search engines coughGooglecough?

    | robgleslie

  • Hello, I have been working on getting links to my site by offering bloggers free products to hand out in drawings and contest. We have had some small success with that but when I was analyzing one of my competitors I found that there strongest link is It looks like some sort of free link index, and has NOTHING to do with our relevant product. Yet he out ranks me by a LOT. What gives here? I was under the impression that google does not value free link indexes much. Should I pursue getting in that index too? Or will he someday get penalized by being in there? On the flip side, what if a competitor places MY link in there.. Could I get penalized even though I didn't do it? Thank you, Jacob Bushnell

    | JacobBushnell

  • What are your thoughts on the link information provided by GWMT? It often takes quite a bit of time for the links to show up, and some quality links are never shown. Is it cause for concern if your link count is lower in GWMT than, say OSE? Any implications worth noting?

    | ericbramlett

  • Hi all Is there a tool available to quickly detemrine nofollow from follow sites as part of a link building campaign? At the moment I am just referring to the source codes of each identified site Cheers

    | simonsw

  • I have a client with an online shop with auto parts in Romania, on The site is quite old but it hasn't good links. The only links (about 700 seen in OSE) the site have are from porn sites/forum/blogs with all kind of obscene words in the anchor text. Those links were placed by competitors, i am sure of that. Now how Google treats those links? Does he know that those links were not placed by any normal human? Does it gives credit to them or doesn't? The site is on a very competitive niche and it is not ranking so good.

    | maldiniii

  • I distribute  industrial products B2B with e commerce. I have a personal profile on LinkedIn.    I listed the products I sell and  I could have all my partners and associates list my web site on their profiles. Do search engines review LinkedIn personal profiles or company profiles and is it a good marketing strategy to have my web site, keywords, and my two largest selling products on LinkedIn?

    | Wales

  • Hello, Which type of Backlinks should i use on startup of link building, and which type of backlinks to avoid? and how many backlinks should i place per day to avoid any penalty! Thanks.

    | leadsprofi

  • Has anyone seen the benefits of adding backlinks back to their main site on their facebook page? Also, what about uploading a bunch of pictures of your products onto facebook, and on each picture putting the link directly to that specific product? Anyone know if there is any benefit in doing this? Thanks...

    | Prime85

  • Amateur hour over here, and I'd appreciate a kick in the right direction! I've done a fairly good job link building organically, but I need to start ranking better so I can actually have a good shot at catching up with my competitors. I've contacted companies that perform SEO work, and each one of them has said that link building is one of the most important things that can be done to increase page ranking on SERPs. For a set amount of money each month (in one instance, $6,000/month), they promised me many quality links with keywords in the anchor text and on the first page of SERPS for those keywords against competitors who have Domain Authority of 65+. How can they possibly do this? I've tried doing research into how they can get so many quality links, and I have a theory: these SEO companies have a very large network of websites they work with. The SEO groups charge me money, and in turn pays this network of websites to create pages that link to my website using desired anchor text. Additionally, perhaps the SEO companies have a network of websites that they actually own and simply create new articles about your company and link to it. Is this how it's done? Is this how SEO companies actually operate? And if so, isn't this technically black hat SEO seeing as the customer is paying for links (from what I've read, Google hates this). Could it be possible that if I pay for these links, and Google somehow found out about it, I could really pay the consequences later on? Appreciate any insight you can give me before I spend any money on SEO work. Thanks so much! I'm a new user and really, really like this community!


  • Hi all, Has anyone got any particular methods for beating exact match domains in the SERP's? I've got a stronger link profile than the 7 results ranking above me, but cant seem to get anywhere in the SERP. I'm thinking: links with keyword anchor text aggressive on page optimisation more links Any ideas/experiences you've had would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance James

    | jamesjackson

  • Hi you all, how are you? I'm having a problem with a new client. His website is multilanguage, and he wanted to position his website in Google US, Google Brazil and Google Argentina. The problem is the following: the client is an hotel chain, and for every hotel they own they have an internal website. Because each internal website is well optimized for the keyword that include the city the hotel is in, now the page is decently positioned with the internal pages, not the home. This is fine by me, but here is the problem. Each language (es, en and pt) ranks better in each country. How would you exchange links? Because I have, for each keyword, three websites, each one in a different languages. Coul you give me an idea with this? Someone has experienced the same thing? Thanks!

    | arielbortz

  • I distribute a product in the US and I do my own product shoots.  Some distributors in other countries use my images.  I don't mind them using my images, but I would like for them to include all the IPTC data such as copyright and my URL.  Is there any SEO benefit to me if these images on other sites include my URL, etc. Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Google WebMaster shows that 55 external sites have links to my website (  But SEOmoz shows only 5 links and when I click on "download to CSV" I get a message saying that there is no data for this url in Open Site Explorer. Why is this?

    | mfrgolfgti

  • I am looking to build links for my clients who are in a very competitive industry 'airport parking', can you advise where I can submit their URL to generate good quality links without being penalised?

    | shami

  • I was recently promoted to director of marketing for a small business that focuses primarily with online e-commerce sales. I need help assigning someone who makes $10-12 dollars an hour. If you were assigning this person to do SEO work, what would you have them do? Note that this person does not have any previous internet marketing knowledge, but they are a college graduate and can read in write in perfect English.

    | Ralzaider

  • When commenting on blogs and the only link you can have is your author name (Ex. Commented by Mike), what are you gonna have, a name, the name of your company or the keyword that you are trying to rank for? Thanks!

    | echo1

  • Hi guys, I've just started using Seomoz and so far it is awesome! However, there is one thing that I can't figure out. When using Open Site Explorer to analyze inbounds links my competitors got, I've found that one of them has links coming from strange domains like It is unlikely that they have a link coming from such a site, but all these sites have a download as the top linking pages. Probably the top 20 linking root domains are like this. So my question is; is this a bug in OSE, how do I find out if they really have a link coming from this site?

    | HDPHNS

  • I have noticed that when looking at TLD distribution of backlinks for many websites that have grown organically, the TLD distribution is somewhat consistent depending on the style of website (I am using MajesticSEO to find this distribution data). Do you feel deviating from this TLD distribution depending on the style of website you have would cause negative effects with Google? Has there been any testing of this that you know of that you can point me to (ex: building all backlinks from .info TLDs and seeing if you rank well for given keywords)?  I ask because my companies website has seen some big deviations from this and although I don't see any negative effects currently I want to make sure we create a site that stays consistent with what Google is looking for. For example, if I look at news sites such as New York Times and Los Angeles Times, I see TLD distributions as such:
    .com = 59%
    .gov = 14%
    .org = 12%
    .uk = 2%
    .edu = 2%
    .com = 59%
    .org = 13%
    .gov = 11%
    .edu = 4%
    .net = 2%
    .uk = 2% From that, if you are a news site, my assumption would be to try to stay consistent with around 55-65% of your links coming from .com domains, around 9-15% from .org, etc etc . Now, looking at large blog styles sites I see this distribution:
    .com = 70%
    .org = 11%
    .edu = 3%
    .net = 2%
    .gov = 1%
    .com = 71%
    .org = 10%
    .edu = 4%
    .net = 3%
    .gov = 1% Any input or links to tests of this would be much appreciated.

    | alohav

  • Hi, I have some small questions about backlink calculations. For example, we are doing seo every day right, i like to know, we are submiting every day our websites to strong directories, publishin press releases, writing  comments, writing for otherblogs, and all those websites crawl google-daily. How much take the google system to calculate my backlinks and change the ranking position..? Thanks.

    | leadsprofi

  • I am sure that asking such a question on SEOMoz will bring the world down on my head, but let's be honest, sometimes buying links, especially high quality links from reputable sources does give a nice boost to go along with the rest of the onsite and offsite SEO practices. So, those of you who are so anti-link buying that the very mention of it is anathema, please put some duct tape over your mouths or on your typing fingers and allow people who get my point to respond... I bet there are some really good link sellers on the web - but i do not know who they are.  All of them claim to have the fantastic and best way to give me 1000's of wonderful links - but who the heck really delivers? if there is really no one trustworthy and the only way to build is by way of what I am already doing (mid-quality SEO), feel free to tell me.  But if there are 3 or 4 amazing companies out there, please give your reasons and testimonials. I would so appreciate it. And apologies to the SEO purists - but my clients do not understand algorithmic changes and slow/steady movements...and i don't blame them. but to all - love, love, love thanks for the advice ben

    | creativeguy

  • I've only been doing SEO for my company for the last month and I've made some headway but what is really frustrating me right now is a couple of competitors that have OBVIOUS spammy links ranking in the number 1,2,3 stops all over the board for the keywords i'm going for.  One competitor in particular has anchor text links EVERYWHERE that make absolutely no sense...junk like... "I have never been more saddened by anything in my life than when my grandfather got cancer.  I told my uncle he needed to buy some auto insurance.  I really like pork." I mean, these links are the pages with the most page authority and page rank out of all of the ones they have...and I'd venture to say that almost all of their backlinks are like this...well, half of them are just random links with good anchor text on the sidebar of a bazillion spam websites (diapers, toys, fake blogs, etc.)...while i have about 3k links and most of my top competitors have about 5k links...these guys have over 33k. Worse yet, when I look at something like Alexa rank, they have pretty high overall traffic rank but it shows traffic rank in MX (mexico) instead of the US...these guys only sell in the US!  I mean, they're black hat if I've ever seen such a thing and they rank superbly on all keywords. What can I do to compete with this junk?

    | jgower

  • I have been looking at different seo companies for link building. I found a ranked list on Many of them offer the same services as offshore SEOs, namely: Article marketing blog comments forum comments/profiles bookmarking PR directories Link acquisition by contacting relevants sites and negotiating a fee for a link I know that custom link acquisition is the most effective, but it gets very expensive. And, you don't know what each link is going to cost you. Here are my questions: Of the other methods (other thank custom link acquisition), how would you rank their effectiveness? The other methods seem kinda gimmicky, is it worth the time/money? Have you seen sites rank well for competitve keywords using articles/bookmarking/blog comments/directories etc? How do you know i a company is going to them manually as they claim? as opposed to using some automated software. Thanks

    | inhouseseo

  • I'm embarking on my first link building campaign and I was wondering if its good practice to develop a specific landing page (a focused summary page) like I do in my PPC campaigns or should I use the URL to my homepage?

    | bmackrell

  • Hello guys, A strange thing is happening to me and I'm interested to hear some advices.I have who ranks on position 3 on for "cosuri cadou" . Problem is on where he is on position 100+ with first page and is on position 20 with an internal page.A week ago I requested a reconsideration from google, and I don't know if because of this but internal page was replaced with main page in SERP but just for 3 days . There are some profile links to the website, but in last month after I aquired this I builded some good links from romanian websites. Could be cscart?Could be a penalty? Or just I should wait ? I'm interested to hear anwers from someone who experienced something like this before . Thanks!

    | maldiniii

  • I'm running into an issue where we are having difficulty finding blogs that accept guest blog posts after doing this on 300 or so blogs. We usually Google "guest post" related keywords with "blog" or take blogs off of lists of sites that accept guest blog posts. What techniques do you recommend? Do any of you use with any success?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • Hello, Does anybody know how can i obtain links under the snippet (see the example in the image attached) ? Thank you in advance! Cosmin zXhsG

    | cosmin_bicoiu

  • Hi, I'm working on an account where we are optimizing SEO, SEA and Conversion. The business is a very local car rental company that competes with Hertz, Europcar, ... I already posted a question about it here The lack of time made it almost impossible for this business to start bloggin', but we're about to change that in 2012 and I already came up with some ideas for some articles, but still looking for that big fish that will get those good links. Maybe an infograph, but what data should we cover?
    Any other suggestions on articles that are linkworthy are welcome 🙂

    | nvs.nim

  • Hi, I'm a member now of website, I have paid for the pro subscription and have uploaded 1 article (basically to just see how the system works). I've got 15 articles a month which I want to pump out to blogs but has anyone got any tips using the myblogguest system to get blog websites to pick these up? I think I have been fair, 500 words of unqiue content with 1 anchor text link in the body, thats it. In an ideal world I would love it if I had 15 articles all being grabbed by 15 different blogs each month. By the looks of it, that's wishful thinking!

    | activitysuper

  • We have in out company lots off different domains pointing to the same web site (On for most major countries actually...) . Unfortunately this was done by having all the DNS names to point to the same IP address to the target web site, and not by using a redirect as should have been done. As most of the pages on the web site are linked internally (All the pages of the site links at least to the front page), this resulted to have all the different domains linking one to each other causing artificial external backlinks to our main .com web site. I just wonder if google is giving us a penallity for this backlinks ? Also this causes the same content to be shared among different domains, resulting probably to self competition for keywords. Should we now remove all other domains resulting to a loss of these "artificial backlinks" ?

    | opic

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