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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • This topic has me entirely confused, and unsure if we should keep a website focused on one keyword group, and using synonym contextual links to rank it for other keyword  synonyms. We simply have not seen enough data or run enough tests to find our answer, and wanted to reach out to the community to see if anyone has. I have seen Google rank a synonym to my search query on the first page, and is why we are confused. Let's use an example: We'll use "Industry" as the main keyword for our page. "Company" or "Companies" is viewed as a synonym by Google of this keyword.  When we query "Industry", "Company" and "Companies" are also found in bold. 1.) Is it best practice to also create a unique page targeting synonyms? Our thinking is that it would be best to try and target exactly what the user is looking for rather than having a synonym to their search for better conversions, but as mentioned above we feel it's best to hit exactly what they query because that's their way of thinking.  That they're looking for that exact match. 2.) Have the page "Industry", but do some link building using contextual links "Company" or "Companies" pointing back at our "Industry" page. Would this help rank our "Industry" page for "Company"  or "Companies" even though the main page is "Industry"? Just not sure we want to do this as the reasoning explained in #1. Thanks for your help!

    | cyberlicious

  • Does anybody have any contacts over at the Yahoo! Directory? I'm trying to edit information on a very old listing and they username and password info that I was given does not exist. I've tried filling out the online contact form but I have not received a response back. Thanks!

    | TRICORSystems

  • Hi, I am interested in using a service such as Zemanta to help with my link building.  However, my primary markets are not in the US. Does anyone have suggestions for similar options focused on foreign markets? Also, how much do links from the US benefit other English markets such as UK and AU? Thanks! Best, Sara

    | theLotter

  • I'm looking at Raven Tools and Wordtracker's Link-Builder, and am open to others.....Any thoughts, recommendations or insights would be appreciated. Thanks!

    | WhiteCap

  • I am looking for a cost effective way to rank 30 inner pages, which are all low competition, long tail keywords. What type of links are the best for this type of project, social bookmarks, article marketing, high pr links, etc.... Also who would be good to hire for this type of project?

    | newcitymoving

  • Hello SEOMOZ, I have a couple of questions that I am hoping you all can answer for me. 1. We have heard that having anchor text links in article directories that are identical actually hurts our rankings and is considered spam at this point. We have hundreds of articles posted to various article directories throughout the web with this consistent identical anchor text.  If we go into these articles and change the anchor texts, will the search engines recognize this change and give us credit for the new varied anchor text or will the credit stay with the original anchor text the article was posted with? 2. From here on out if we write unique stories with different anchor texts pointing to our website pages is their any gain to it and additionally will this even out our link profile? Or are placing anchor text links in article directories not the way to go?

    | shandaman

  • Well hi there...!!? Now, here's a scenario: I've been anchortext linkbuilding (with success, wuhuuu!!) for a client through a couple of months and I've aggregated quite a few links from a series of 'solid' forums. The majority (we are 99!) of links are build using the signature in my posts and comments. Now my client has shifted focus from this specific linkbuilding task and I have another client awaiting to "take the place in my signature". How do I ensure that historical posts from client #1 stays unaltered, while new comments have client #2 in my signature? A few after thoughts: Are there any automated ways to monitor the above mentioned scenario? What are the chances of getting penalized from the forum, loosing historical comments (links) Tally ho! ;o)

    | nosuchagency

  • Hi SEOmoz Pros, We have vendors from whom I was hoping to get links. To make it more enticing to them I was planning to select a small number of vendors (with good site metrics-PA, DA, PR) and create a "Featured Vendor" module on some pages that would link back to the vendor's site as well--thereby created reciprocal links. I was planning to only have one vendor to a page and only for the pages that we are targeting locally. My hope is to help boost the ranking of those pages. Is it okay to offer our vendors to link back to their site or should I ask for a one-way link back to our page and pitch it as exposure for their brand?? Lastly, does Google penalize for these types of links? Thanks!

    | AC_Pro

  • Hello, I'm wondering, are 'nofollow' links from websites with high domain authority beneficial? Would they boost our own DA? In essence, I'm wondering if there is added value (other than visitors clicking the link) to being linked to by a 'nofollow' link. Thanks!

    | yacpro13

  • Hi all Is there any way of seeing if the Yahoo directory is likely to be beneficial for my site? I can see that about 9 of my competitors are in there, and the category that they are listed in has been indexed by google. What other factors could help me choose whether to submit my site? Thanks,

    | JoeBrewer

  • Recently I did a research of one of mine competitors and to my surprise his major backlinks located on seo directories like: And .... he is showing on first page of Google by particular keyword "Dentist Dubai". Frankly speaking I am confused a little bit, because I believe that this SEO strategy has stopped working a long time ago. Could someone share with me his thought about this? Furthermore all of those websites are asking about a Reciprocal link, which I did find on his website. How he did it? Thanks, Russel

    | smokin_ace

  • Hey guys. A belated happy new year to everyone who reads this! I had a strange experience yesterday with linking from a clients website footer. Basically, the client currently has a serious duplicate content problem caused by a multiple language plug in. It has made Google believe that there are 10 different versions of the clients website online (one for each language). It is a real estate website and there are quite a few pages anyway, but with the error, I would suggest the page count is now around 10,000. We are waiting for the developer who installed the plug in to repair the problem and without thinking it through really, yesterday, we made a text link to our home page in their footer. Overnight, our rankings for the keyword we used for the text link have dropped from pos. 2 page 1 down to halfway down page 2. Is this basically a sign that it is not good have this footer link from their site? I guess it is kind of like 10,000 weighted links being added in one day right? For now we have removed the link, but any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Mark

    | Nextman

  • During my link building campaign Ive been doing competitive research. I noticed that one of my competitors, who ranks very well organically and locally,  has several back links pointing back to his business listing page on the various directories, such as Manta, Yellowbot, and so forth. Ive seen one of  their profile pages with a PA as high as 65, where mine has a PA of 1. They seem to be heavily involved in spammy and shady techniques. This is why I'm asking if this is a recommended practice?

    | MFC

  • Hi Mozzers! A client has a high authority website in the travel industry, and needs any and all advantages to get ahead in very competitive keywords. The send out a newsletter bimonthly, but have no blog, so I recommended at the very least, they publish online their emailed newsletters to add informational and relevant content. The question is, for max SEO value, should they... create a blog as a subdomain or subfolder of their existing site? should they self host a blog with a separate domain? or should they simply use a blogger/ free blog? Consider that just adding on a blog to their existing site isn't easy. It's some old CMS that's apparently a nightmare to deal with. Plus, branding a WP install to match the site isn't something they want to spend a lot of time on. Your insight is welcome and appreciated!

    | rosstaylor

  • Hi, I have been actively doing guest blogging for last few weeks . But the page authority , moz Rank and moz Trust of my guest posts appear 0 as those posts have their own pages on blogs  with snippets of posts on home page.  I wanted to ask if i should backlink to my guest posts to increase the authority, mR and mT of pages. Those posts are already appearing as backlinks in webmaster tools but if i backlink to my posts to increase mR and mT, then will it also increase the juice passed by backlinks in those posts to landing pages on my site ? Thanks,

    | shaz_lhr

  • I see major companies now conducting TV advertising advising viewers they will donate money to worthy causes every time they are "liked" on Facebook. If Facebook likes carry  some or all the weight of a link, doesn't this amount to buying links, and how will search engines deal with this?

    | waynekolenchuk

  • I spend a lot of time building great content for my webzines/blogs and I received quality links from other blog of my niches. So the game is done, I receive targeted and quality traffic from Google and my rankings in SERP are often good... but... there is always a "but"... Sometimes I see some sites in #1 with competitive keyword in my niches who has built link from hundreds of trash-site. So I understand that Google has not reached his objective to fight spam definitely. Now I decided to understand from scratch "Black Hat" strategies... brrrrrrr... 
    In example i build my links manually, commenting on blog, talking on forums, submitting into directory and obviously spending a lot of time and energy for good guest-posting... as I say but... Anyone have experienced with automated software like Senuke and others? Not to become a spammer, but really to understand what is the best for us... I see also people buy links from Philippines company who has hundreds of employees who manually build links... Hope you may understand my point of view (and my poor english)... All the best, Alessio

    | YouON

  • I'm doing a site audit for someone and they have a links page full of reciprocal links for other similar businesses across the country. My gut instinct is to remove this page. How would you approach this if this was your client?

    | MarieHaynes

  • I have started commenting on high PR DoFollow blogs more strongly off late. I don't do it just for the heck of it. I comment on relevant posts, go through them nicely and make sensible comments. This way I make sure my comments are not removed by the admin, What I want to know is... What after I make the comment and put my website's URL there? Does that mean I have got a backlink already? Or do I need to do something else too to make sure Google recognizes that as a backlink? I have the same question regarding forum postings too.

    | KS__

  • So I joined the BBB for 1 of 3 stores we have located in difference cities and states. My local rankings dropped in all cities except the one that's registered with the BBB. Coincidence? Anyone experienced something similar?

    | schmeetz

  • I do SEO for an online store that sells vacuum cleaners. I write a lot of articles for yahoo, hub pages, etc as well as promoted press releases. But I'm looking to get some more unique links. I'm looking for any tips I can get. I've done tons of directories that have actually got a couple keywords on the front page of google but I'm looking to shy away from link directories. I write a few articles every week. I also try and create new social networking sites for the business. Does anyone have any new ideas?

    | evacuumstoreSEO

  • Which one do you weigh more than the other? I prefer high-authority sites over low-authority but relevant sites/pages personally. From my experience, non-relevant'authoritative' websites/pages tend to have a bigger impact than 'relevant' websites/pages. What do you think? What is your experience?

    | qlkasdjfw

  • I manage and responsible for the site's SEO. I wanted to understand how SEOMoz calculates internal links. I have been trying to improve FoodieBytes internal site structure to increase the internal links number but so far it has not moved. In the image below (Root Domain Matrix as shown on Open Site Explorer on SeoMoz), the first column is for and the second column is for a competitor's site. External link numbers are very close for both sites but the internal links for competition is way high. The number of pages on FoodieBytes and the competitor in the attached image are comparable. I am looking at the "internal link" numbers as a way to improve the "total links" profile for FoodieBytes in hope of SEO improvement for the site. Thanks for input. tyxQo.png

    | foodiebytes

  • So, I hired a helping hand to create some back-links for me (in form of comments on some blogs and forums etc) About 60% of those links created are using "nofollow" attribute in the link. Is there ANY - ANY! value in creating such links? or is just wasted time and money and Google will absolutely not give any love for NOFOLLOW links? please share you insight. thnak you.

    | limens

  • I'm eager to hear peoples experiences both good and bad with SEO Agencies. I have tried many. I'm particularly interested in hearing experiences of types of link building. In my experience many SEO agencies build low quality links, that at least in my view are unlikely to stand the test of time, with one or two expections.

    | PeterM22

  • Give me advice please 🙂 How many articles should I write each week? How many link should I build / month? What can I do to make better position in Google? I just have started my hungarian seo blog and seems very positive. Thanks, Misi

    | Netkreativ

  • I am looking for a tool that can go through my site (and others) and categorise the backlinks into categories... such as Directory, Blog Comment, Social, Forum etc? To help you understand the backlink mix? Is there this functionality out there?

    | clayts

  • I have been seeing a trend that a lot of people are hosting contests with prices in the high end XXX  $ or low end XXXX $ as the first price. Usually it's arranged via a number of sponsors and you'd have to link to all the sponsors using the keywords given. Some people provide a text file with everything pre formatted to make it easy. I have seen several sites paying 50$ to be part of a contest so that they can get some link juice from participating sites. Since the prize money is huge, many people will participate and will get lot of links. There was a person who built an entire business out of this (Not naming him. He's still doing the same thing but with a small twist). What's your take on such strategies? Don't you think it's high time Google caught these sort of "link schemes"?

    | ConversionChamp

  • I have a client that is strong locally - and the majority of the (converting) traffic that she gets is through branded keywords. Her traffic is at about ~200 visits a month. She is ranking for some non-branded keywords, but is in a highly competitive niche - gift baskets - and isn't converting for non-branded keywords. The domain authority of the website is at 27, with the homepage authority at 39. Because she is already strong locally I don't necessarily see the need to build local citations for her. What strategies would you suggest to help increase the traffic and conversion of her website? It isn't a new website - the domain was purchased in 2002. I'm just at a loss here in terms of what we can do as an SEO company to help her build an audience - we have already been writing guest posts for publication for her, and she doesn't have the budget for high-cost directories that would really help her authority. We haven't really ventured into conversion rate optimization or multivariate testing - but I feel like what needs to happen right now is the boosting of her traffic overall. What say you all?

    | MountainMedia

  • I was wondering what the purpose of submitting your blog articles to directories are.  Doesn't it require enough "points" or "+1's" for it to become a "do-follow" link? People on the forum talk about automating directory submission, can anyone recommend a good software for this?  I've been hearing that Google Penalizes you for article submission because it looks like spam?

    | kevinyu1029

  • Hey, Would be interested to see everyone's opinion on the latest software form Market Samurai It's basically an article spinning & syndication promising to be the 'biggest in the world'. Most things they mention in the video is quite contradictory to everything SEOmoz teaches about link building. What's everyone's thoughts about Market Samurai and their practices?

    | LukeyJamo

  • Is this still a good way of getting backlinks? I do not plan on making it my only method. Most of my backlinking is done through content creation, press releases, and guest blogging. But looking for some variety in there that can be done quicker. Is it even worth the time or are the links too spammy now? If I did I would actually hand build the links and comment to the article.

    | webfeatseo

  • I'm getting ready to start a massive link building campaign. I plan on using a variety of anchor texts, getting links from a variety of sources, and only getting high quality links from relevant sites. My  main concern is getting penalized for gaining too many links too quickly. Does anyone have any advice on how fast is too fast? Or how much is too much in a certain amount of time? Thanks!

    | CIEEwebTeam

  • With yahoo site explorer no longer available, how do we view backlinks of a site in Yahoo. How many backlinks a site has in yahoo search engine ? .

    | seoug_2005

  • I have a client that wants to rank for low comp local keywords (i.e. service + suburban area). Would several well written blog posts on relevant blogs be more effective than 100's of low level spammy directory links? I just want to give him an initial base of a few links, aside from submitting to the local search engines such as those in whitespark citation finder..... please keep in mind this would be a low competition area where on-page would probably rank in the middle of the 2nd page.

    | ilyaelbert

  • Hi, could you recommend the best tool that you use to keep track of all the backlinks you have. I'd imaging there is a good software or website which lists all your backlinks with all relevant info for each link (PR of the linking site, authority level etc) thanks in advance for sharing.

    | limens

  • Hello, I have been doing some link-building and Im worried because I still dont see those links pointing to my website in SEOmoz. How long it takes to see those links in SEOmoz? ( I started last wednesday) Tks in advance, Regards, Pedro Menezes Pereira

    | PedroM

  • I recognize that there is no such thing as one ideal link profile, per se, but I am curious, if you sampled 100 high authority sites, what would their inbound links look like on average, broken out by source type? Some sites would have a ton of social sharing due to their funny pop-cultural content, while others might be quoted and linked in context for their brilliant insights. A very technical resource might gain a lot of links from forum discussions. If I can complete this exercise on my own, I welcome your advice on how to do that with OSE or the like.

    | withoutthestress

  • Hello all, I am trying to find out how Google weighs page inbound links vs. domain inbound links. I have a domain with about 100,000 inbound links and am adding a new page to my domain which at this time has 0 links. I will be trying to outrank a competitors page that has 6,000 inbound links to the competitors page, but only has 26,000 inbound links to my competitors domain . Is there a formula or a way to know how Google values a page link vs. a domain link?

    | digitalops

  • how do I find the backlink page so I can build links

    | mrthyoo

  • Would be interested on some perspectives on link relevancy versus page and domain authority in terms of importance for SERP. How important is the relevance of the site linking back compared to the page and domain authority of that site

    | casper434

  • I have a client that is looking to be listed on a group of directory sites for the service that they offer.  After reviewing the site I found that they have a unique way of listing their links, check out one example at where each title is a link that goes to the client website.  IF you look at the first listing for Adventure Treks the link actually goes to®ionid=33&bid=9391&listingid=10176 and then is redirected to their true website at  Would this link be picked up by Google and the other engines as a link from to with the way they are directing the link to their own tracking page first?  To me it seems that the engines would not see any outgoing link and therefor the listing would not give the client any benefit as far as SEO is concerned. Any input?

    | Netmark

  • A few months ago, we launched the website The main keyword target for this website was "arsenal shirts", which you can see is at the very start of the page title. In fairness, limited work has been done to the link building, etc due to time constaints so I would not expect it to rank at the top. However, it does not appear to rank even in the top 100. This gives me major cause for concern, as surely Google should at least recognise the website, albeit in a lowly position? Does this point to some underlying coding issue or penalty?  What would you recommend we do to turn round it's fortunes?

    | ukss1984

  • What do you look for when submitting to directories? I'm going through the Web Directories list that SEOMoz has put out and trying to decide which are the best. I'm just wondering if anybody has any suggestions as far as what to look for before submitting. I know PageRank is kind of an old metric but I do seem to see a correlation between PageRank and directory cost. If I submit to a directory category with a PR of 4 or 5 it seems like it will cost me anywhere between $50-$300.

    | TRICORSystems

  • Hi I need to gert this page up in the rankings but am getting no where fast. When applying for links should I direct them to this page or to the homepage, and let them filter through. Thanks

    | Yorkie

  • Basically without a doubt having a exact match domain name is a massive benefit. If you targeted a keyword with 2 different sites one with an EMD and one without, I could quite easily expect the EMD to pop up page 1/2 and the non EMD site to be 10 pages deep. I'm going to be honest, I hate how much weight is put on the EMD, Domain brokers are focused on purely finding these, buying them up and selling them way above there worth. Google needs to realise this is a massive problem because I see sites with great content, great moz trust and rank being outranked by a EMD that sits on a squeeze page. Question: If no link building was taking place on the EMD site, lets say it ranked page 2, position 4 but you was linking building on the NON EMD how long to get it up to the EMD site?

    | activitysuper

  • Hi guys, After the latest Linkscape update, we noticed that our website have 424,671 external links with 4,395 linking root domains, so roughly 100 links/domain. Does Google consider this to be a negative thing or we do not need to worry about it. Many thanks. David

    | sssrpm

  • I have been looking around but not found any great suggestions. If we send out a direct press release to a journalist, eg to their email address, what is the best format to send it in (eg word, pdf, rtf, html)? Also, if it was to be sent out as a pdf or word doc, is there a good way to put links in there to increase the chance of them putting a keyword link in the article if it was to be published on their site? Would a hyperlink in there be confusing or is that ok?

    | edwardlewis

  • We are setting up a new blog and I was wondering what is the best way to build good quality links for a new website? I have been researching this quite a bit on the forums and a lot of people talk about writing good content which I agree with however no one will find that content if we are not ranking in Google for our keywords. From what I have read the following is what I should be doing Directory's Creating Link-bait (Info-graphics) PR Releases or Getting News Sites to link to us I have heard a lot of mention of using Articles sites like ezinearticles but I have also read that Post Panda that they dont have as much link juice as they once had and also I don't think that for a Blog that we should be using it as well but maybe I am wrong? Would appreciate some peoples suggestions

    | The_Zero_Wolf

  • I am looking for a link building service, are there any recommendations or tips I need to consider. With so much to sift through on the web I figured I could get some good advise from the Moz community. Thanks!

    | d25kart

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