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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • There are hundreds of sites that are linking to my website, but nobody is showing it. Google wont display any when using, and in webmaster tools it only shows 46 incoming links. SEOmoz shows only 3 links. This just isn't so. Why is this? I DESPERATELY need valid incoming links from well ranked websites , and having lots of trouble getting them. Nobody in town with a well ranked site seems to want to do a link exchange, and I've already made the mistake of buying my way into directories, which didn't do anything good for my rankings. Thanks!

    | eugenecomputergeeks

  • I am very much concerned about directory submission after Google panda update. I have few questions in this regard 1-      Should I submit the home page URL or deep links in directories? What is better practice? 2-      Can I submit more than one link in one directory? What are the consequences of submitting both (home page and deep link) in same directory? 3-      Should I start directory submission aggressively or I need to take care about the quantity? Regards

    | shaz_lhr

  • Why does my website have 2,000+ links, but only 16 linking root domains?

    | thestudio4

  • i'm wondering why people suggest Delicious as a social bookmarking service for SEO when from what I can see all the urls are set to no-follow?

    | seanuk

  • I have been working away on my site for almost a month now, following all the advice I have gotten here and things seem to be going great.  I have built a pretty large 400+ number of backlinks from blog posts, press releases, forum posts etc.  Everything is very nice and white hat, really almost nothing spammy at all, maybe a couple of blog comments that I shouldn't have made but nothing in the big scheme of things.  The problem is that my position in SERP has not changed at all.  Its strange my on page SEO got me to the first page of all my keywords but from there I have not moved a bit. I am local service site and I am still waiting for my pin from google places (third try) and I know that will have a huge effect on my main city. I also have landing pages in 3 other small local cities though and those haven't budged a bit either. I just wanted to see what people here had to say, possibly I am just not patient enough? it has been probably 1.5 weeks since my links really started to index and show up in webmaster tools.

    | ayetti

  • Does it make a difference with Google if anchor link text is bold? The niche directory is offering regular lifetime listing for $199 (actual page pr 6) or bold for $349 (same page, same position). Also bold link has option of including email address. Does email address have any effect on SEO? Seems like a bad deal for bold, isn't it?

    | SirMax

  • Hi, If i hire a SEO company, what kind of links they will build for me. If anyone own a seo company can you let me know.My question is if i create a new website, what kind of link building techniques should i use other than, articles, press releases, social bookmarking, directories. As i am competiting with very tough competition. I have analyzed my competitors and they bought sitewides which are paid ones. Without paid ones i think it is is very hard for me to get into the competition. Can someone discuss more link building methods also. Awaiting for your responce. Regards.

    | Dex3232

  • Does having links without or with irrelent (such as your name on blog comments) anchor text improve your SERP ranking?

    | charles1

  • I have quite a few legal clients and 90% of my clients top competitors are doing 1:1 link exchanges and they have been doing it for years. Other industries Dont seem as prevalent. I am just boggled every time someone says link exchanges don't work, will get penalized, or value is not passed. Its been working for my competitors....Legal SEO's seem to focus heavily on link exchanges. I have yet to do link exchanges, but am about to get started with a resourceful directory of local businesses on my clients site. Some will be linking back, but not all. Fear of penalization is lurking in my mind. Does anyone have any real data on this? Does anyone have an example of doing this properly and an example of how not to do it? I appreciate any feedback you can give. Thank you,

    | waqid

  • Hi, Lets say I have a page with the keyword 'film releases 2012', I rank the term and it picks up some back links and social signals. The year ends and search begins for 'film releases 2013'. Do I: 1. Create a new page targeting 'film releases 2013' and redirect the old page to the new one. 2. Just have one page with the url and when the year ends for 2012 just change the 2012 to 2013 (title, h1 tags etc). I'm 99% sure number 2 is the best option but the only negative is the url does not contain the year. I could just have the 1 page with the date in the url and when it enters the new year change the url to contain the new date but that would break any backlinks, so I could redirect anyone trying to get to the old url to the new one which should pass the PR across. But im guessing I would lose some PR in the process so maybe not having the date in the url would not effect SEO to much so rolling with number 2 is best bet. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • I've always heard that reciprocal linking is dead but my main competitor who is at number one for both my primary keywords has a link profile built up of mainly reciprocal links. Should I adopt this practice? I've only valued one way links up to now.

    | SamCUK

  • We have an IP with 2 of our major sites hosted on it. Because we own both, we exchange links obviously. The question is, won't Google see that we have these sites on the same IP and thus figure for themselves that they might be owned by the same owner. So the it is almost link reciprocal linking. The solution, host all sites on separate IPs?

    | ClassifiedsKing

  • Hi there, I own a website (non-commercial) which has around 300 pages full of original content, in average about 500 words or so per page. I also own another website (commercial) I was thinking of pointing keywords for all of these pages in the non-commercial website pointing to the commercial website, all the articles are around 2-10 years old, what is the value of doing this sort of link building? Kind Regards,

    | Paul78

  • I have been promoting a site using mostly the same 3 versions of anchor text. 1. Do I really need to get non related anchor texts to balance my linking profile? e.g. [], [click here] and [non related keywords].
    2. What should the ratio be between related and non related anchor text be?

    | ClassifiedsKing

  • Does anyone have any information about the differences between the search engines, im ranking #1 on google but only about 3rd or 4th on bing and yahoo. Cheers

    | eirianprice

  • The listing for my company was buried in a bad category in the Yahoo! Directory that had no Page Authority. I was able to get them to remove the old listing because I couldn't find the account info for the individual that originally created it. I resubmitted and they didn't put my site  in the category that I requested but the Page Authority of the category that I was placed in is 50. Is this OK? Or should I repeal and ask them to move it to the category that I had originally requested which I feel would be more relevant for my company and listing which also has a 50 PA?

    | TRICORSystems

  • Just a quick question. We received an email from a website looking to exchange links with our blog. Their site seems relevant enough for our readers to benefit from the link being there, so everything seems fine from that point. They began the message with Dear ******blog, then continued with their message of wanting to exchange links. The email then signed off with promo@*****.com I was just wondering whether it's likely this was a manual email, or whether conducted via an automated service Cheers

    | TalarMade

  • I have question regarding inbound links from different subject websites. We are selling home decor products on our website and getting links from different subject websites. I want to give more idea about it. I love cooking and write articles on recipes... My article will live on following website with my signature and signature will contain links to my website. So, will it help to my website or not?

    | CommercePundit

  • I have been working on a site for 11 months, everything is looking great. Apart from a small amount of highly important keywords which rank #2 to #5. 1. How will I know if I need to invest in a paid directory? 2. Will one listing be enough to make a difference? I am looking at a listing at Other recommendations welcome.

    | ClassifiedsKing

  • What is on everyones to do list when starting SEO work on a brand new site that has had no SEO work done in the past?

    | MediaBazooka

  • Hello there, I have created a website that with some basic link building has been appearing nicely in location based keywords, eg, computer repairs flintshire, this was easy enough to achieve as the competition wasnt great, just wish i has these on page seo tools 6 months ago! my question is this - i am trying to get similair results in other location based keywords, eg, computer repairs chester and computer repairs wirral. What i have done is created a new page dedicated to each keyword, making sure that there is no duplicate content ect ect, the on page SEO is perfect and i am already on the first page for a couple i have done. so i have a url that now is
    when linking the keyword 'computer repairs chester' do i point the url to this page or just to the ?? Thanks EP

    | eirianprice

  • I have a competitor who has swooped in on most of the key search terms in my niche, solely through artificial backlinking.  There is a direct and obvious correlation between this link building and rise in the serps. I know the mantra around here is creating good content and gaining real links, which I am doing.  But I am waiting to unleash this content during a site relaunch which is months away.  I don't want to sit around and do nothing while this site makes money and builds their list. I have money to spend and want to go head to head with this site.  Would it make sense for me to go and copy all of the links this competitor has built?  At least 90% of them are profiles, article subs and blog comments.  Also, what do you think would be the best way to tackle this? Any guidance as always is appreciated.

    | PedroAndJobu

  • I have noticed that some of the back links built for us by our SEO agency we have no longer work. Is there is a common view on the percentage of back links generally do not work say after a year or so. If there is an acceptable number, want to give to my SEO agency as a KPI?

    | kesh-283312

  • Hello all, Should I use my root domain or sub domain when adding my site to local directories? I'm very new to this, so I just want to be sure, sub domains start with the www, right? I know all my listings should have the same NAP, and it makes sense to have the same root or sub domain listed as well, but I was wondering if I should try and help one type of domain if it starts to get a bad ratio of follow & no follow links. Also, do directories with a page rank of 3 or lower, or directories with a no follow link, bad for my sites rankings?

    | allstatetransmission

  • I have noticed that Domains with high page rank for their home page also tend to have high page rank for their Internal Pages irrespective of the Quality of the Internal Pages Is there any direct correlation between the "Page Rank of the Home Page" and "Page Rank of the Internal Pages" and, if Yes, then to what extent?

    | KaranBatra

  • 1. Is it worth gaining more then 1 link on a website when link building, for example if I did a guest post on a blog, is it worth doing another guest post on the same blog linking to the same website? So 2 guest posts on 2 blogs, or 4 guest posts on 4 blogs? 2. When building links through guest blogging, you have two options, a link in the byline and a link in the content. Will a link in the content have more benefit then in the byline as its surrounded by relevant content? 3. Does having a link higher up the page have more benefit then one lower down?

    | activitysuper

  • I see people here recommending BOTW all the time.  I don't get it.  As far as I can tell, the one thing they have going for them is a high Domain Authority.  They don't send any referral traffic to my client's sites.  Their customer care is laughable. I'm up for renewals for several of my clients on BOTW.  I don't want to oversee the decay of my client's back-links, but I also don't want to waste money on crappy directories like this one. I'm really asking for someone to convince me that BOTW is worthwhile.

    | MicahMMG

  • Hi, We took on a client a few months ago, who came to us after seeing a drop in rankings. After cleaning up the site, we concluded that their drop is more than likely down to over-optimised anchor text. The keywords that have mainly been affected are the ones that have a majority of links with the exact anchor text. The links have built using blog networks, articles and there are some comments thrown in for good measure. We have no way of getting them removed. Hmm, links can't hurt you!? So what is the best solution? Has anyone had any success over coming this issue? What sort of time scales are we looking at? Gareth

    | garethbrown

  • We have successfully used contests leveraging standard contest platforms to build a Facebook community.  How could contests be used to increase Google Plus signals and engagement, and are there any best practices of others doing so?

    | sftravel

  • Hi Moz community! I was wondering if anyone has ever seen a site penalized or dampened because of too many exact match anchor links or know of any examples. I don't want to be overly concerned about it if it is a low risk. Thanks!

    | SparkplugDigital

  • So I'm in a bit of an interesting situation. I want to do great SEO for all my clients, but I currently manage 18, each demanding 10 - 20 hours per month. Is anyone out there able to manage a ton of clients and keep them all happy? What are the most effective strategies you use? I'm currently focusing almost exclusively on copywriting for all of them, simply because I don't feel like I have time to effectively test different strategies. Anyone have any advice?

    | nxmassa

  • After reading this on the SEOMoz blog, I've decided to try some guest posting to gain some backlinks for our real estate site.  I have a few questions for those of you who do this regularly: 1. If the site you are posting on allows up to 3 links in the signature box, do you generally use them all?  My gut instinct is that one anchor texted link would give me the most bang for my buck. 3.  How much attention do you pay to PR or DA?  If a site is PR1 but relevant to your niche would you spend the time to write the article? 4. What negatives have you found when writing guest posts? Thanks!

    | MarieHaynes

  • I am working on patio umbrellas keyword to achieve top 3 ranking in Google. I have achieved top 30 ranking with help of on page optimization and want to achieve top 3 ranking with help of link building. Today, I was checking SEO web directories on SEOmoz. Now, I can't make any changes on live website exclude content. So, I have only one option to deal with link building. There are 3 sections over there including Web Directories, Social Directories & Local Directories. So, which is best one to improve my ranking on Google? If anyone have additional inputs for link building so eager to know that. I want to achieve top 3 ranking with my keyword by next 2 months.

    | CommercePundit

  • Example keyword Cloud Computing California. How do I link this keyword on SeoMoz to a specific URL on my landing page?

    | SteelsmithGroup97

  • Hello, I have been doing link-building for my website since 2 of January. However those links are not in the Open Site Explorer. For example I have the DMOZ website pointing to my website and I cant see it in open site explorer! Why?? Tks in advance!

    | PedroM

  • There's been a lot of talk about using good infographics for natural inbound links and I'm curious if they should be related to the niche or can be just about anything? I mean I know it makes no sense to have a fun page about cats if you're selling cooking dishes online but I want to hear some input. What do you think?

    | cgman

  • Search Engine: Google Australia (organic) Keyword: Staging Hire Previously Ranked: 20 After several article and link submissions it jumped to 10. But in just one week slipped back to 20. Same thing happened with few other keywords too. Why?

    | i-kreo

  • Hello, For each page on my site, I've targeted one primary keyword and three to four secondary keywords. All of the keywords variants are tightly themed. With some on-page, I've ranked page two or three for all of the keywords and many are starting to convert based on Analytics data. Each page scores an "A" using the SEOmoz KW targeting tool for the "primary keyword only". For secondary keywords, I've only included words but not the complete keyword. For example, if the primary keyword is "blue green widgets" and the secondary keyword is "get blue green widgets", I've included the word "get" throughout the copy to target the secondary keyword. My questions are... Should I include each secondary keyword once in the copy and not just the word "get" for example? Just wondering if there is a better approach to target all of the keywords via on-page. When getting links to each page, how would you vary the anchor text to target all of the keywords, primary and secondary? Thanks!

    | ShaneO

  • I spend a good amount of time on SEO forums and I found a thread about building links within comments.. I personally don't see how putting my keyword in my name place and linking it to my site will benefit me, I feel like google is already on to this and no one is going to click on it. Is this a waste of time?

    | SEODinosaur

  • I have a local service site and I have been link building as much as possible for my landing pages (which aren't local to my city, but are within 20 miles).  I would like to keep my link building as above board and white hat as possible (so i do a lot of forum sigs and links in do follow forum in my industry)  I do not seem to be seeing any results though.  My pages are on the first page for their targeted keywords, but I think this has more to do with onsite SEO and non competitive keywords. I am wondering if anyone can recommend any strategies that I might find more effective.  I have thought about leaving blog comments on do follow blog's but it just seems so spammy its hard to imagine it working.  I am open to any ideas.

    | ayetti

  • I have a small question. What do you think if we use the Forums on a natural way, to place important post with a link to our website on that, it's a good source or not, to use like a piece of link building strategy, to increase the authority of domains, and hiring backlinks  from more than 15 types of websites, like blogs,forums,press,guestposts,directories,etc...??? Write your idea here if you have experience on that.

    | leadsprofi

  • Hi I found out using link campaign and Open site explorer that my competitors where getting links from this page So I conatc the admins and added our golf courses too Is the dunes and the bay course in the middle of the page But this happened 3 weeks ago and still this linking domain is not appaering in my campaign why is that any ideas ? does it take so much time to appera to SEOmoz ? Or the problem is because they are linking  2 diffrent sites ? my site is Thanks a lot in advance for your help

    | grzontan

  • Bonjour from  7°C Overcast Wetherby Uk, I'm trying to get the backlink profile for a website that will tell me what inner pages are being linked too not just the home page but I'm not having any luck. Ive used Link Diagnosis but that just gives me a total backlink count, no good, I need to know what inner pages are being linked too. I then tried Yahoo Site Explorer but you can only use it know if you give them your mobile tel number for a windows live account, err no thanks! Ive also used the Site Exploerer API here via the dashboard but again no luck again 😞 [IMG][/IMG] So my question is please; "Is there a Tool I can use to see what deeper pages on a site have backlinks" Thanks in advance,

    | Nightwing

  • I have a White Paper on Asset Based Lending. Should I post to mysite before I put it on PRWEB as a press release? Does it really matter who get's the credit first? How can I get forum and blogs to carry it?

    | AppleCapitalGroup

  • We have a website which has: a) a top navigation with links to top categories b) a footer with links to top categories and to every subcategory c) the following structure: home > category > subcategory > items For usability purposes I plan to remove the links at the bottom and add a drop down menu to each top category in top navigation. I plan to make all links in the top nav no follow in order to be able to do pagerank sculpting for each category (will build links that point to each category and pass link juice to subcategories and then to items, but I don't want link juice to spread across all of the site through links in the footer, which as said before will be removed) Is pagerank sculpting still valid? What do you think of my plan? Thanks for your time.

    | gerardoH

  • I am having trouble understanding why my Domain Authority has a value of 1. I have already made more than a hundred links to/from my website, though nothing seems to showing in this Link Analysis. I have attached an image. Also if it helps here is the domain name - Thanks in advanced for any help. Grazie, Maria Screen%20Shot%202012-02-14%20at%2010.03.34%20AM.png

    | MariaPerrone

  • I saw the post and saw that MyBlogGuest seems like a good link building service, so I signed up. It really is confusing though, it almost makes me think I have to install WP Blogs on my sites which primarily run in Joomla, so linking directly to the blog is not an option. Okay, fine, so I'll just skip the part about putting in offers on other people's posts. I really signed up for the link building part of it anyways. So, now, I just write content in the site-used article generator? Then, go in and offer it manually to people? Doesn't really strike me as some super powerful method of linkbuilding, but there's a good chance I'm missing something. If this is the case, I'd assume I'd have to write content that is relevant to the site that I am trying to build links for, and then place links back to that site, so basically I want my posts on competitors sites and that will help out with backlinks and authority? It's really confusing. I just want to have my content writer write good content and get links from it, and this method just confuses me. I'd appreciate any insight from anyone who has used that service or can recommend something easier or better.

    | Boogily

  • If I am building links from someone with a site that agrees to link to my site and they will give me more than one link should I link to two sites or just two different pages on one of my sites?

    | kicksetc

  • In late November, our site experienced a dramatic loss in serps across several pages.  Since this time, we have been trying all sorts of recommendations that included adding the +1 button, adding Facebook like button, differentiation link types and so on.  At the time that all of this happened we also noticed a few problems in GWT concerning inaccessible pages, pages not found and other problems.  We have come really close to fixing all of the technical problems, our pages load quickly and have even added the +1 buttons.  Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any improvement.  Now people are saying that when our site was built, about 5-years ago, the url's had keywords stuffed into them.  Admittedly, they are long but from what I have read making a series of redirects may not be an optimal solution and will take a long time to see any potential benefits. All of the listed url's in the image below have been on the first page in google for the listed search phrase.  While they are still indexed, they are very difficult to find. I would like to solicit the help from people with real world experience in diagnosing a problem like this one?  Is this an offsite problem, onsite problem, hosting issue or something else? Thank you Untitled-1_1329083648.gif pages_1329084893.gif

    | jenadams

  • Good Morning from postively tropical near double digits Celcius Wetherby UK 🙂 I've just read "5 Methods to improve, indexing crwaling & ranking". Tip number two says "Link for powefull pages to pages that need the juice" My question is please; "What tool / methodology exists to indentfy pages withing a site that could be deemed as "powerfull pges" ie deeper pages that receive more inbound links etc" Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

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