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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • Hello Forum, We're about to embark on a link building campaign and were curious about how long, on average, it takes to get a response to an email requesting links to our page. We're trying to come up with a timeline estimate for our campaign. Thanks

    | pano

  • Hi there mozzers, Got a quick question regarding link building. I built a fsir bit of links, and was just wondering when these links will be indexed as links pointing to my sites? Silly novice question but been over a month and links still arent being picked up, so was just wondering. Stef

    | stefanok

  • Hello, My domain for my personal coaching site is my name bobweikel(dot)com and I think this is weak for all of my keywords, but I'm sticking with it. What's some of the easiest way I could gain strength with national keywords so that people will pursue phone coaching with me, terms like nlp coach wealth and success coach wealth coach personal coach life coach I know that these are varying greatly in competitiveness. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Hello. We have launched a new site/service quite a long time ago. Though everything seems to be okay (both in terms of popularity and technical aspect) the site does not seem to feature any breadcrumbs on Google. We have followed advice we have been given in order to resolve this without luck. The site in question is: Any clue as to what's wrong and what to do to make the site "breadcrumb"able. Thank you.

    | phaistonian

  • Consider a scenario where a website has a considerably higher no. of back links than its competitors along with a greater Domain Authority, Mozrank etc. The only thing missing is keyword targeting. In such a case, rather than trying to build new links with keyword rich anchor text, wouldn't it be better to first focusing on changing the anchor text of the links that are already pointing to the website? How much impact would this have on its rankings? If the gap in back links, and the "value" of the back links is far greater than its competitors wouldn't this in itself help to change things around drastically?

    | AsadMemon

  • I have a subdomain forum in my website, for example:, the point is that i'm not sure how to create the url pagination and title in the index of each category. Let's say that i have 10 categories, right, and i want to do the pagination for the index of each category. An example of a url for the category is:, here i have the posts for this category i will present 10 for page, next when any user click to see the posts in the second page i have this url: Here is where i have the problem, the url for the pagination it is ok, but the problem will be the titles for the continues pages (page2.html, page3.html, etc), it can't be the same one of the first url. So what can i do to avoid the problem of same titles in differents urls or any solution whit out any trouble for the spider.

    | NorbertoMM

  • I am in a smaller town and sell real estate.  I have seen a lot of the competitors links and some of them are just blog commenting spam and things like that (although they are ranking well for certain terms and their links are coming from sites that have nothing to do with real estate.) I guess what I am trying to say is should I start going after links from other towns/cities in my state or should I go outside of my state and start looking for other links in other cities and states? I have bought my from someone recently and it ranks highly for town,state.  I am trying to find different ways to get to number one for my "town, state real estate". What would you do?  Would you continue to add content once a week or so as well as build links? Thanks!

    | blake-76624

  • Hope you can help me out. We have hired a company to help us gain higher SERPs for a few keywords, the dilemma is they have came back to me with list of websites they are going to contact in getting backlinks, however these websites are directory websites, is this what I should be expecting of an SEO company to come back with, a list of potential directories? somehow I expected the SEO company to comeback with potential backlinks with a bit more quality. Kind Regards

    | Paul78

  • Hey everyone, I have some questions about links. First off, I only do things that are very white hat, so I don't want to do any sort of spammy or paid links. I have been doing SEO for a year and a half and have been researching and following SEOmoz for that amount of time as well. I still am having a hard time getting links. I have a low budget and am not sure what to do. I have two pro webinars in mind as some background for my questions. First of all, the webinar Rand did on link building during the summer was great and really motivated me - I realized that there were things we could do to get links, but that they would just take time. Secondly, in Dr.Pete's recent webinar on the future of SEO, ( he threw out a number like 10 as far as referring to how many links someone could get per day. Maybe I misunderstood but this seems crazy to me. I've tried the tactic of emailing for links, no dice (they were personalized emails and done properly). I am now planning on moving towards producing great content to draw in links, but the kind that would work would take a lot more time and money than what I am allotted. I feel a little overwhelmed and concerned. I would appreciate any insights. Thanks! Holly

    | hwade

  • Hi Team,
    We are looking for link submission in paid directories, so could you please you please let us know what will be the procedure of paid link submission ASAP Regards

    | PLEsearch

  • Hi, I've read a few blog post here that suggests the strength of building links using your brand as an anchor text. This supposedly gives the site authority. Currently a chunck of the back links to my homepage are on generic terms i'm trying to rank for which doesn't seem to be working very well. I was thinking of contacting the various webmasters to change the anchor text to that of the site brand name but wondering if this will signal a manipulation of links to the search engines and potentially could be flagged as paid links? Has anybody done this before and what is the danger of doing this? Thanks Duke

    | clickangel

  • I recently found a very interesting link to two of my competitors sites. The companies are number 2 and 3 in Google for my targeted keywords (for some reason Wikipedia is number 1) and are both linked from the home page of this site. I don't want to leave a link for linkers site because I don't want them to be able to see that I'm snooping on them but, here is the scenerio: The site that they are linked from is a .org site. It is basically our targeted keywords in a .org. Something like At the very bottom of the home page are some tabs, you click the first tab and it opens about 20 new tabs, when you click any of those 20 tabs it displays some text at the bottom of the page. This text is of no value to visitors, it  is obvious to me what is happening here. Both companies are linked with targeted keywords in the anchor and title text. I'm wondering if I should also pursue a link from this page. I know there is value in a .org link but this site seems to be built to link to those two sites. Anybody else ever run into anything like I'm describing. Should I post a link to this site?

    | TRICORSystems

  • Every year, we do a popular "Favourite pictures of the year" contest where people vote on the best picture (i.e: their mate's) in order to win something. But I just found that I'm going way over the "Too many links" limit and I think it's because of all the comments. 1. Is it a problem 2. Is there a way to de-activate the links? Thank you! 🙂 Ioan

    | IoanSaid

  • As part of a re-design of our site including the integration of our previously separate blog, we are using some of our quality articles regarding our industry to get backlinks to our site. Fortunately in our niche industry it is possible to find many out-dated articles, broken links, and just low-quality article content. So my question is.. if we have one article that would potentially allow us to get not just backlinks, but that actual article copied in full onto the other site, are there concerns about duplicate content and the link being useless? --Should I be changing the article a bit every time? --Should I ask them to only copy the first few sentences and link back to us to read more? - Other options? Cheers all

    | WebNooby

  • Hi All, We have some partners which link to our site, and they put "?ref=SITENAME" so we Can identify the source of the link....but does this matter to the search engines? Does this count as a different page than the one without the query string? -Rasmus

    | rasmusbang

  • I need to compile a list of all the siters linking to my site, but my open site explorer analysis shows very few links. I know for certain that there are many many more sites linking to it (it's an academic site and there are links to it from a lot of academic directories). What am I doing wrong?

    | michalseo

  • Hi I am ranking 1st for my main keyword (barneklær-childrens clothing) on I got  a bit surprised to see we are close to bottom of page 2 for same keyword on This keyword is as you probably understandreally country specific because the norwegian letter -æ . So if I take a look at the list at its really the same sites I am outranking on .no. For this keyword local stats pr month is 22k and global is 29k (from google adwords). Even though our site is norwegian only - all of the global traffic is relevant due to the fact that this is a norwegian only word. Main reason we are ranking first on i think is that we ve had articles on the strongest and most relevant blogs in Norway. I am guessing we somehow need to improve our international linking profile - right ? Do i then need US sites ? Is it enough with sites outside Norway? Any suggestions, its not easy to get international links to a norwegian site only dealing with childrens clothing. Thanks in advance... Dan Lærum

    | danlae

  • I have a number of clients, but don't have the time, energy or desire to spend my time building links.  I'm looking to partner with someone looking to make some ca$h by helping me accumulate quality links for my clients (at an affordable price). Any referrals would be appreciated.  If this type of post is inappropriate or violates any policy, then I would like to change my submission to: "What's the best way to find a partner to assist my link-building efforts?" ....not looking for an SEO firm's sales pitch. Thanks! BR

    | BVREID

  • I'd like to write good, unique content, and one of the places i was looking at was article repositories. I do understand that most of them have been spammed to death, but I was wondering how I would go about finding ones that would accept my article. I do realize that niche news/forum/informational sites are probably my best bet. Beyond that, would would be a step down or a 'general' article directory where I could get something approved and post content that is high quality. I'm not sure I have time to go around to every niche site and make the handshakes necessary at this time.

    | ilyaelbert

  • I recently got a link from a relevant site but it ended up being a run of site link. The site has over 3,000 pages that now link to my site. Will my site get penalized for this?

    | mj775

  • I was hit by Google’s latest Page Rank update.  I know “don’t be obsessed with Page Rank”, but it concerns me.  I thought that I was developing a very good link profile and actually was hopeful that it would go to a PR-5 and it dropped to a PR-3. I have another site and have done very little link building and it also dropped to a PR-3. Can anyone give me some honest feedback about my concern?

    | b4tv

  • Anyone know if there is a way to find out search volume for a keyword on vd for instance in our case ? The reason i am asking is that i am ranking 17 on vs 1 on . how do i go about to increase .com ranking ?

    | danlae

  • I am about to start adding some serious content to my site in hopes of providing more info to my visitors and to build organic traffic. I am looking for the best structure and places to put my inbound links. My website is and we specialize in trading systems for the commodities markets. I am going to be adding content about the particular commodities markets we follow; gold, soybeans, crude oil, etc. From my research I see it is best to place as many inbound links as possible to the content pages. On the other hand I see that it is important for the site to be user friendly and not have to much link clutter on the home page. I have a few options. Lets use "gold trading" instance. 1. Have individual links on the home page and most other internal pages that link directly to (lots of link clutter, but best SEO?). Problem is that I am doing this for like thirty pages and would have an additional thirty links on all of my pages. A possible work around is to place these individual links at the bottom of my pages. 2.  Have home page and other internal pages link to (just 1 link to add to each page), with the individual link still going to Here I am adding a folder "/trading/" to place all of the links in, but when you click on the link inside the trading folder it goes to and bypasses the /trading/ folder to get better SEO, shorter url? 3.  Have home page and other internal pages link to /trading/, with the individual link going to /trading /gold-trading.html This seems the proper way, but am I giving up link juice by going to trading/gold-trading.html vs #2 above going direct to /gold-trading Any advise/questions appreciated.

    | trader247

  • I've listed an example below.  I see these all the time, where a directory pulls it's listings from DMOZ.  So you would naturally assume that if you're in DMOZ, you would get these links, but that's not the case.  This particular link was picked up by OSE so I'm wondering what the quality of these links really are and if they're legit?  Also, if you go to the main subdomain the page just says "Buy shirts".  What is the deal with these types of so-called "directories"? Another example:

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • I was wondering if it was still a viable strategy to pull up 'your keyword' on or, and email all the top ranking sites or call them and personally ask them to reciprocally link to you. Do these links still hold any value in google's eyes? Or is this a well known strategy that no longer holds any weight and is a waste of time?

    | ilyaelbert

  • Has anyone had any experience submitting to DMOZ and waiting times. The category i've submitted to has only a few links ( Yet I submitted the site ( over a month ago! Can anyone give examples of waiting times, or a way to perhaps get some feedback from DMOZ? Thanks in advance as always...

    | AdenBrands

  • Hi Today I went from 8th to 1st place for my main keywork ( barneklær) childrens clothing in norwegian . Ive been trying to link build regularly. Last couple of weeks ive gotten links from a few catalogues and some blogs and I by no means expected a rank increase like this. Ive tried to look them up to understand why this happened - but i cant understand it. Any ideas as to how i can find out. I just dont want to drop 7 spots again without knowing what happened .. Sites URL if that can help . Thanks Dan Lærum

    | danlae

  • Part of our link building strategy for a dentist is to submit their site to several relevant directories. If I enter the same description in each directory, is it possible that Google will consider this duplicate content and prevent link juice from being passed back to the dentist's site? Thanks folks, Jason

    | OptioPublishing

  • Hello world 🙂 I'm looking for good UK article websites that are allowing anchor text links. Something like Ezine Aticles ... I found the SEOMoz 400top directories, but I'm searching for something that will give to me anchor text links. It doesn't matter if the directories have strict moderation, actually it's better, I'm not using spinner or anything similar. Thanks.

    | VasilTasev

  • Hello Mozzers! I am currently building a website, which basically contains information from different niches. Let's make it clear: My website is something like eHow. The idea is to write quality articles, written especially to give the searcher the right information, without any scam, product advertisement or etc. The incomes are from AdSense. Actually I got inspired for this website from the Google Panda update. So... my question is - would it be harder to rank with such a website(domain name) that contains different niches and keyword phrases? Lets change a lil bit the situation and show you an example - I am trying to rank with keyword "how to make nice cheezeburgers" with . At the same time I am also trying to rank with "The best movies of all times" with . Thank you, Ralchev 🙂

    | Ralchev

  • I've been noticing that not all links that a website obtains are showing up as a backlink.  For example, the following page has a link to a website (****at the bottom of the page. I went to opensiteexplorer and typed in and it didn't list the as a backlink. Is this right?  If not, then how do you force the link from to show up as a backlink?

    | jamesjd7

  • Hi, I was wondering what everyone's general strategy is for link building. We're doing it all ourselves manually (i.e. not paying $5 for 100,000 links) and are using the Site Explorer tool to find links to competitors and related websites. The majority of sites are blogs and directories which ask for payment ($50 per month for example). We're obviously looking for free links as well but we're finding that pretty much every site wants something in return (cash or reciprocal link) - unless the content is amazing, why would anyone link to another site without an incentive? We're focussing heavily on content and writing articles, blogs, press releases every week but the subject matter isn't always exciting enough for someone to really want to link to it naturally. Thoughts?

    | AndyMediaLounge

  • Can you submit to more than one? or do they detect that the article has already been posted on another site?  Which sites do you usually use for posting articles? Thanks, Storwell

    | adriandg

  • Well, as topic. I have a list wih a bunch of domains, I want to sort them by DA. Is this possible in some quick way?

    | ToiletFish

  • Hi, what can I do to make google think this is an Australian page? Link to it from domains?
    Put my address in on the page as Australia? Is there any other ofpage things that could be done? I would like it to rank for "Digital Signage" Thanks

    | adam2012

  • I notice that I'm getting a lot of spammy blog comments on a personal interest site. Why would someone go to all that trouble to get a nofollow link that will most likely not be approved?

    | waynekolenchuk

  • Hi everyone, I've got a chance to put some links on good quality websites. BUT there is a little problem which confuse me a lot. Those website are on Russian language. I have an English keyword and promote it for I know that the link from Russian websites still can make a good impact on keyword rankings in Google but I am confused shall I wrap the anchor text with English or Russian text ? For ex.:   привет <a>keyword</a> привет or Hi i am John <a>keyword</a> from US. Logically Google might be surprised to see English text on Russian websiteю Thank you for your attention to this topic. Russel

    | smokin_ace

  • I have to promote a manufacturer's rep site. They deal in process control instruments,and they don't have much original content. Creating it is hard for me due to the technical nature of the business. If any Mozzers have an idea I'd love to hear it.

    | waynekolenchuk

  • Hey Mozzers! I am facing a problem and I need advice. I have recently opened my new website, which purpose is to offer quality articles, optimized for SEO. The problem is that I cannot find the right keyword to use for the main(root) domain ( as it is consisting of many niches. Is it a good idea to build backlinks on pages ( instead of building them on my root-domain? So basically, my root-domain will have less backlinks than my pages inside? Please give me some advice and way to act with. Thank you

    | Ralchev

  • Hi all, Agency SEO here. Finally getting around to doing some work on our own site and had a thought. Any agency SEOs out there including "Website design by xyz" links in client website footers? (Only with client permission, of course.) We have a solid variety of clients and have tons of web work for them. Any agency SEOs want to speak to this? Any thoughts appreciated. James

    | jamesm5i

  • Hi i was thinking about to build auto blog website that will post about twice a day auto generated content related to my keywords that im trying to rank for. and for inbound linking, i will write original articles with a keyword anchor text, and will link to auto generated content for that keyword? so my question is: is it good idea to link from original content to auto generated?will it help my rankings ? Thanks

    | xverticle

  • In my campaign there are lots of nofollow links while my competitors dont have those links and they are better ranked in search results. What should I do to decrease thos nofollow links?

    | tanveers

  • Hello from a tired SEO I slept badly last night when I discovered last evening our Domain Authority had slumped.  I've found that my client is now receiving followed backlinks from links placed in the footers of two good quality/related sites. My question is should I ignore the reduction and keep link building around these - or - should I ask for these links to be removed? Another factor in the mix is we have gone from about 300 links to 600 in a month.  I have been working hard on our blog and site content with feeds to technorati. Any advice for a tired novice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    | catherine-279388

  • I'm looking at packages to help with link finding, outreach, acquisition and management. But I'd appreciate some views from fellow forum members on the best choice; BuzzStream Link-Assistant Link Research Tools Other? BuzzStream looks pretty promising to me. Has anyone else got any experience or views? Thanks

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • Hi, I'm looking at adding my site to a directory. It's highly relevant to my industry and has relatively good PA/DA. The external links on the directory uses some PHP code like the following: Obviously the links works as a redirect but they do not show up in OSE. Would Google count this link as an inbound link? Thanks,

    | Confetti_Wedding

  • Hi whats the number of backlinks i can create a day, for each keyword that i want to rank for,  some say 5-10 or 20-30, other say there is no limited, if you create quality backlnks i know its not about quantity but quality ,but really whats a best answer? Thanks

    | xverticle

  • Looking at my competitors link results on OSE some of them have 30,000 links to their websites. They are top rank on google whereas I am page 2.  I know its quality over quantity but am I ever going to compete with that number of links? Is it worth getting some low value links just to bump up numbers while continuing getting good links? thanks for any advice!

    | bridaldesigns

  • Hello, Someone know the delay for links insertion in Open Site Explorer? Because i know my site have a lot more links who are not in OSE. Thanks.

    | caroy

  • Dear Sirs, I am developing a  site , this site has content in spanish and in english I would like to know if for SEO purposes if it  would be good to have an enter page (landing page) at the root of the domain  where the users can choose the language, so I can get backlinks from both languages  to the home page in this case the enter page. The thing is for spanish I dont see many  seo resources so this way I can get links for the homepage from english and spanish resources. and then focus in each folder language to get links for each one, english link sfor /en and Spanish Links  for /es Thanks in advance, David

    | sellonline123

  • I'm looking at a lot of competitor's sites, and they only seem to have gone after root domain anchor text in their link-building campaigns. Since I am just launching and am essentially a one-man band (with some hired help), is it worth my while to attempt to optimize individual keywords or pages at this point, or should I just do as they have done, and try to get domain-name links wherever I can? For that matter, should I spend more time going for the low-hanging fruit of followed blog comments, forum posts etc, or emailing influencers to try and get editorial links? Sorry if that last one is a bit broad, and thanks very much in advance for any and all help.

    | ZakGottlieb71

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