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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • I have heard that edu and gov backlinks are important but how so in a niche area like mine - real estate? Perhaps I am missing the point but I do not see how either type of site would ever backlink to a commercial real estate entity. If these are that important in theory, are they obtainable in practice?

    | casper434

  • What Ways Can I Identify My Link Audience For My Linkable Asset- I am offering a free report to home owners ! This is my linkable asset that I personally created. How do I identify my link bait target audience who would link to this free report What tools can i use to help me identify them What query opertors can i use to help me find them How can i use OSE to help me identify them - can OSE help me identify competitors offering similar reports and how is linking to them I

    | helpwanted

  • Please have a look at this site for me louise also has about six blogs on different books she has written. She has sold a few thousand copies which is great and has help people find out where they came from. Not many of these people have linked to her site's and she is not getting the traffic she deserve's for lots of long tail keywords and some broader ones. What simple on page changes can she make and what would be the best broader keyword's to go after. What would a good strategy be she has a very small ( tiny )  budget but can write and is enthusiastic , It's also a great way for her to be involved with people who are interested in simalar thing's. Oh yeah she has never used facebook of social networks how could she effectivly market her books and engage with potential reader's. Thanks in advance Oh and by the way Im not getting paid to help her Just incase you think i'm trying to get you to do my work for me. I just think this is an interesting case. I do do sales for an IT and SEO company but she is not one of our clients. So far I have just explained to her about keywords in titles meta tags and  internal linking and just explained to her a bit about link building. But really  need some help thanks very much. PS was this question too long?

    | duncan274

  • Hello may be many know answer to this question ? if i want to contact some webmaster who don't have a contact firm and hides his information in whois of the domain. what are the other ways to contact the webmaster for the website? Blindly shooting an email ? i want to contact some webmasters for link building thanks

    | idreams

  • A Big Shout To Everyone -- Good Morning and What's Up 🙂 As I read today through seomoz professional guide to link building and the section why link building matters and in addition to this a newsletter I received today that changed my whole thinking towards link building for rankings vs for relationships. It is already happening on social networks if you are active there, but what about on your website. What are your thoughts on the following ? Google's job is provide the most relevant results to surfers online, and looking the link profile of a site & the page itself is the key to determining which page to serve on plate to the surfers link query ! Webmasters Site Objective:
    I think that we as webmasters have to ask ourselves what do we want to achieve with link building. To get quick traffic or build slow authority links, high rankings, lead generation, sales & other things here I may be missing etcccc Other Objective  Networking & Relationship Building Alliances : What I discovered today is that building links for 1st page rankings are great and will provide me with steady traffic, but not all of it is targeted traffic, but what else can I do to bring targeted traffic and at the same time try to build alliances with other related non competing business owners online. The idea... is to apply old school networking / relationship building alliances to get targeted traffic to my site that can actually benefit from my services. How Do We Achieve This I become a editor for approving resource links for me site, only the best will be placed on my site as a resource. Build  a valuable tightly themed categorized resource section with related non competing resources that can help my sites visitors find what they are looking for, send visitors to non competing resources that may purchase their services which helps me build a relationship with them, and may can with rankings as well, provided I am selective with my qualification process. Questions & Concerns Below : What should I be thinking about when creating a resource categorized links page How many outgoing do follow links should I allow from this links partner page How will this links resource page affect my own SE 1st Page Rankings and is it worth it based on getting targeted traffic Any pros / cons I may be missing here

    | helpwanted

  • Hi Guys, Does anyone know or can recommend any really good link building companies out there? There are lots and lots of link building companies but which ones can really do the job! Any recommendations much appreciated Thanks

    | GAZ09

  • If you have acquired a link on a home or other page; just how can you value the contribution of that link. If a home page has a DA=50 and 100 obls (outbound links) should the DA be discounted significantly and is there an equation which can be applied to help quantify eg 50/100 *10 therefore link from this page is same value as link from DA=5 with only one link? Just how diluted does juice become if number of obls is high?

    | seanmccauley

  • I need to verify all the inbound links I have coming in to my site.  I've tried using OSE but have been told it does not scrape many smaller sites so cannot be sure of it's accuracy (especially since when I ran it, it returned a small % of the link i know are out there). Is there a way to do this in Analytics?  Or another way? Thanks

    | NiallTom

  • Hi, I am working for a large mobil-site (+200.000 pages), to improve their SEO, and am trying to figure out the best way to set up a linkbuilding strategy for the site. The urls are very dynamic and often rather long so deep linking is difficult. Any input/ideas would be welcome 🙂 Jens Peter

    | jpndk

  • Hi Guys, I want to start linking building, but because it takes a lot of time it seems where is the best place to start? I have quiet a lot of PR articles and material, but are there any good places to target and quikcly? It seems link building can be a bit boring, so any help on how to best get the best links to help rankings would be very much grateful! Thanks guys Gareth

    | GAZ09

  • Hi guys, We run 5 ecomm sites in the fashion industry. We set up blogs for each one of them. Our regular writer cannot handle the job of posting 1-2 unique articles per day on 5 blogs plus the extra copy writing jobs he has. We want to involve freelancers in writing our articles. We do not want to spin content (due to low prices of real articles). The issue we have is that we want to be able to check if the articles our contractors deliver us are spinned content or not. We would not accept spinned articles if we pay for unique content 🙂 Do you know any good spinned content checker that we can use? If possible, please post 2-3 software, free or paid, so we can use them simultaneously to check the articles. Thanks in advance

    | tolik1

  • Hi there, There are a couple of us in the office that are involved in link building - and sometimes it's difficult to keep track of where everybody is trying to build links. Does anybody know if there is a tool available where users can input both website addresses to check whether you already have a link from the desired website? Thanks in advance for your help.

    | James77

  • Wired Magazine has started to publish images under CC licence as reported here: The images are found here They allow noncommercial use (though this is not clearly defined) and request to attribute to the original source and "ask for a link back to the original story where the photo first appeared". The latter does not seem to be compulsory, but of course is a great SEO tactic to generate deep links. What's your take on this? Does anyone have experience with providing image material with the request to attribute you as the original source?

    | zeepartner

  • I'm working on building some links for a used car store and thinking about submitting a site to the Yahoo Directory. The page that I want to rank for this category is not the homepage of the site (as the store also sells new vehicles), so I'm curious if anyone knows if I can submit a specific page instead? If not, how does the idea sound of creating a separate domain that 301 redirects to my page of choice and submit that to the directory? EDIT: Found this in the Yahoo TOS: "The site may not appear in the Directory under a different URL." "The site must not be dedicated to directing the user to another page." Hm. Any ideas? Should I just submit the homepage?

    | kylesuss

  • What Does Vary Anchor Text 80/20 Ration Mean - Have Idea But Only A Guess 😞 If my anchor text is New York Real Estate - then it should vary using other words so what percentage should each page own anchor text vary ? Is it 80% anchor text and 20% non - anchor text EXAMPLE: 80%

    | helpwanted

  • Today, I was reading one help article on Google webmaster tools help regarding Google friendly sites. I found that, Natural links can give us more benefits compare to Unnatural links. So, I have search on Google regarding Natural vs Unnatural links and come to know about great video. But, I am still confuse with exact understanding. I am trying to create external links on different websites. So, is it natural or not? How can I justify value of external website before creating link over there.

    | CommercePundit

  • I'm dipping my toes into infographic design. On of my desired outcomes is to gain links by having other sites embed my graphic. I'm considering using Tableau's interactive data visualization software to do so; thus creating a widget, embedding it on my blog, and including the embed code for others to post. Is it possible to include a juice passing link in such an infographic?  I know its possible to include links inside the tableau graphic but not sure if they have straight SEO value. If these links are not juice passing would it be better to go with a simple image link that passes value?

    | JesseCWalker

  • While blog commenting, many people tend to use their 'anchor text' when asked to provide with their name. Hyperlinking anchor text inside the blog comment is perfectly understandable for me but using anchor text when asked to provide your name is something that I see as spam and something that totally confuses a normal user who reads the blog comment and sees a weird name in the name section. Search engines too must be perfectly aware of this and thus I am of the opinion that such anchor texts don't care much weightage in the eyes of search engine. However many of my fellow SEO colleagues tend to differ. They say you should use anchor text when asked to provide with a name. And I am totally against this form of promotion That's why I wish to ask the opinion of  experts in SEO MOZ on this topic. Awaiting your feedbacks

    | pulseseo

  • Hi there, Recently I have been using guest blogging as part as my link building strategy which is doing pretty well so far. Just a few question on this: Once I have managed to put a guest post on a blog, is there any SEO value in contributing to the same blog again? Kind Regards

    | Paul78

  • Hello, My client's home page is targething 2 keywords - one at 43% difficulty (SEOMoz Keyword Difficulty Tool) and one at 50% difficulty. I want to link build for this person, but I analyzed the top 5 competitors and there is no resource section on any of the sites. We want to write 20 articles for our site. So there's no people linking to content that I can find. This messes up my link building because I always make targeted content on the subject that people are already linking to How do I link build in this case. Nothing stands out as something I could do with my site for link bait. Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • Is commenting on no follow blogs a good way of getting back links?

    | totalvac

  • Hello, one of my competitors built all these blogs and pointed them to their main site.. Is this white hat?  PR3 PR2 PR2 PR1 PR2 PR2 PR3 PR2 PR3 Also I am looking at my links vs. theirs and they have a much higher point score for links... But  the company I am doing SEO for has most of same quality links. Can this be the reason they have an edge?

    | SEODinosaur

  • I recently started a blog for my client. So far the response has been decent but, as should probably be expected, most of the commenters want to put a link to their own site in the comment. Do I have anything to gain by allowing these comments to stay on the page?

    | AmericanOutlets

  • I am about to land another fat client and it's in a highly competitive industry. While looking at the competition, it is clear to me that the competitors have an SEO link building team. Since Americans are too expensive for the budget allocated to this project, I need to outsource to India, Philippines, or some third world nation. CAN ANYONE RECOMMEND A GOOD LINK BUILDING COMPANY IN A DEVELOPING NATION (EDITED: 3RD WORLD) COUNTRY?

    | Francisco_Meza

  • I cant believe people are still using services like this. The interesting thing is that they do seem to offer great customer service, but that "service" seems to only spin comment spam and back profile backlinks. Id love for our community to discuss more sites like this so that Junior SEO's or people just starting dong get wooed by the promise of AWESOME links. Cheers,

    | Gaveltek-173238

  • Hi i would like to know after receiving lots of email about tools to help with seo and promoting your site and would like to know if  anyone has used any as yet. I have kept away from paid tools as i have been reading that they are a waste of time but would like to know your thoughts. I would also like to know if there are any good free tools out there to use to help make your site better and increase traffic and if there are any techniques or sites that i should be using any advice would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Any pdf or videos that can clear up for me how to interpret those seomoz numbers that help determine what links to go for and not go for from competition ?

    | helpwanted

  • Hi there, could please anybody advice on this issue. I got some links during last 2-3 moths but cannot see them in How long it usually takes for links to appear there? Does it mean the links doesn't work for google? All the links are good from the SEO point of view.

    | fleetway

  • I understand that good link building is all about the quality of the link / the anchor text attached to it. But, what about frequency? Should I build until I can't build anymore? or create a plan to submit links to a certain # of sites per week/month?

    | pricefutures

  • I see tons of 'push quality content'... push quality content..  Ok Ok.  However, I am a little confused about this.  Maybe I am understanding it wrong.  Say I have a website about donuts.  I am going to try to promote my donut website so people can see all my latest donuts and hopefully they will come into my local store and purchase them. I interpret quality content as writing about the topic of donuts.  However, people who eat donuts probably don't care about the history of donuts, or the different types of dough used.  They probably could care less about statistical facts that explain how my fictional donut company uses a whole wheat dough which will lower their cholesterol. What they want to see is a fat donut with icing on it.  They want to see someone biting into it and enjoying it. How does a local donut company go about becoming #1 on the serps if they do not want to write constantly about all things donuts?  A video would be nice for them perhaps? Like I said, perhaps I am overthinking this.  But I have understood the best way to write quality content is to identify a problem that people are having, then find the solution, then write about it (or video). But sometimes people just need to be TEMPTED.  Coca-Cola uses awesome commercials to promote their business.   They are not writing articles about high fructose corn syrup. How does this so called 'temptation' factor play into SEO?  I want to sell the sizzle not the sausage.  Ultimately marketing is about getting more sales which means more money for the business.  Being high on the SERPs helps get more sales (hopefully). Writing quality content is great and I am sure it works in plenty of areas.  But I am not sure how to apply it to certain industries.  Creative marketing ideas have to come into play to market the fake donut business. How do you tie these other strategies in so they help you with SEO? All I can think about is posting a 'cool' video on youtube/facebook and trying to get people to like it.  Cross your fingers and hope it goes somewhat viral? Thanks!

    | SaborStyle

  • I work at I ran a big linkbait brainstorming session a few months back. Several ideas came out of the meeting and we just released our first piece of "linkbait" that was conceptualized during the brainstorming session. I think it's safe to say this first piece of linkbait is a big fat failure as it has only received 2 likes and no comments in the past few days. I want to know what I could have done to make this post more compelling so our next post can be better. Any thoughts ?

    | znotes

  • I have a small question on your Mozzers! I have down in 30 days about 75 Backlink from 75 different sources of PR, National and International Press Release Domains. Some of them, are waiting for approval, from administrator, and some of them goes automatically published, but all have a good PR and PA&DA too. All 75 press release content was unique, 75 different contents, what do you think, are this links worth or not? THanks

    | leadsprofi

  • Is there a way to find out what domains a competitor has 301'd to their main site? I am wondering if a competitor has hidden back links using a 301'd site.

    | EugeneF

  • I see some chatter about badges, but no clear definition. A collegue of mine instituted badges on clients website, but these badges are only an image w/ hyperlink; no textual content. He is confident that this has worked successfully before as a link building strategy, which blew my mind. I thought we needed some text, and obviously optimizes anchor text for biggest benefit. Are these simple badges helpful, or do we need some html in there!? He also routes them through to track impressions and clicks.. does that have any effect as well? Thanks!

    | SwissNinja

  • We are doing a homepage redesign on our site and as I was going through the code I noticed no links are nofollow links. We have pages such as policies, contact us, links, about us and FAQ that we are not really concerned if anyone visits or if they are indexed. Would it be smart to nofollow these links? Also what other types of links would you recommend we no follow? We would like to get as much link juice as possible to our top categories, but don't want necessary pages to get forgotten. Also, do links higher up on the page get more link juice than items on the bottom of the page? Any knowledge or suggestions on the topic is greatly appreciated!

    | ClaytonKendall

  • Hello, As an experiment I am trying to work with an SBI site but am noticing index.html is being forced on me as the homepage. As I understand it's good practice to 301 redirect the index.html page to the to the actual home page. Can someone please confirm that I am right in thinking this? Here is an example: According to yahoo 773 links are pointing to the index.html page and 771 links are pointing to the / page. I'm sure Google knows that these are the same pages and does not consider them as duplicate but surely the index.html page should be redirected right? am I going mad here? Now if we look at this site: the homepage has 198 links according to yahoo this page also has 198 links? now I am confused, are these 2 the same page? On this page: notice how there is no link to the actual homepage but there is a link to the index.html page. Am I missing something here because I can't figure it out, surely there should be just 1 homepage without a index.html page. Any help would be appreciated

    | umtmedia

  • Ranking for "dermatology jobs" (<cite> )</cite> on (INDIA) is on first page whereas on (USA) its on 6th page

    | getpromoted

  • I regularly work on websites to which previous SEOs have built questionable backlinks. This morning I've just been analysing some backlinks - found 40 odd were coming from 20 odd websites which all had the same gentleman as personal registrant, who happens to be the boss of an SEO company. The SEO company name is mentioned in registrant details too, and often on the websites in question (including weblinks from some of these 20 odd websites to the SEO company). I did note the IP addresses / hosting for these websites did vary though, as did the postal address of the individual in question, perhaps throwing Google off the scent a bit. I should add that these websites are virtually all tourism related/themed, with up to a few dozen backlinks per page - usually articles. It's very clear they are backlinking to keyphrases. Now, this kinda thing<a></a> sets the alarm bells ringing. Firstly, this looks like an infringement of Google Webmaster Guidelines. Secondly, it doesn't sound like a White Hat technique for building links! Am I correct? I guess it might be denied they are partner pages due to the quality of content, perhaps, which isn't as spammy as it might've been. However, I suggest these are at least paid links because there is no other clear way of getting content on these pages, as far as I can see.<a></a><a></a> Should I demand these backlinks are taken down? What level of risk is posed do you think? I don't want this website to suffer a Google penalty at some point, particularly not after I've started work on it. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

    | McTaggart

  • Hi, I am just start to build 10 wordpress based ecommerce website cataloges. It is optimised and quick, but what should I do more? Link building? Build relevant category structure and start to register websites? I know both of them has to be unique. Thanks! Best regards,

    | Netkreativ

  • Has anyone used's directory and do you think it is worth it for link building? How about I run thanks in advance

    | musillawfirm

  • I have created 5 spokes like wheel in last month I used the following sites to create my link wheel I could find that all links are indexd by google search engine . I know that some SEO expert says they ypur link wheel shumitted to social bookmark and rss feed. Do i have submit this to social book mark and rss feed ? Because this is already indexed. If i submit to them what will be the effect

    | wise95

  • Guest Posting - What Are Best Ways To Start In Any NIche ? How do I go about finding these type of oppty's -- manually, using seomoz tools, other tools etcc

    | helpwanted

  • I work with a large group of community sites and we were approached by a company called Text Link Ads to purchase links on our sites for SEO purposes. This means we can't add "nofollow" and the resulting page is crawl-able. This goes directly against Google's policy but I think it would be tough to find out exactly what we're doing. It could be a great revenue source and this company has many, many sites they work with. That said, this sounds like what you say right before something bad happens. So, two part question: Has anyone worked with this company before? And should these links be avoided or are they not so bad? Thanks in advance!

    | joshcanhelp

  • I think the tactic of guest posts is a good way to earn links to a site. But I have a few concerns: -Links are usually at the very end of the page.
    -Guest posts are on blog posts which usually have much less link juice than top level pages.
    -A lot of sites abuse guest posting for spammy anchor text, e.g. "cheap auto loans"
    -Some SEOs have said that Google will devalue guest post links in the future (due to abuse) Does anyone have examples, tests, or case studies of guest posting helping a site improve their rankings? (or an opinion on the value of guest posting)

    | SparkplugDigital

  • Interested in taking a link building course ...any suggestions on top 3 ? Aaron Wall seo book has something there at a whopping $300 a month not sure if this worth it any feedback on this ?

    | helpwanted

  • Does Seomoz Help Me Identify The Most Linked Articles From My Competitor Site -- Is there a feature to help me sort the results by this parameter I would like to set ?

    | helpwanted

  • I have a simple question, I have a website and i want to create a news category. I want to know what is the best way to create a url friendly for this category. I was looking around for news website like New York Times, and others, they use a format like this for the url etc. My question is about the use of the date in that format, like subdirectory, can somebody explain me about it. Any reason to use this format? What is the diference between using this format like:çategory/article-date-id.html and this one use for the new york time shown before. Wich one will be work better? Thank You so much  for your help

    | NorbertoMM

  • It seems there's a lot of negative connotations with the phrase "Article Marketing" as it's associated with spam, spinning, etc. I couldn't find anything other than that, which begs to ask, what are the white hat tactics that you use after you publish your article? What tools do you use to streamline the process? Social Bookmarking? RSS? Any methods you use to score quick backlinks? How do you get your content in front of bloggers?

    | 10JQKAs

  • This is one of the strangest things i have yet to see on Link Building , one of the sites i follow up managed to build links on huge sites like : , ,  ,etc , its done in some downloadble file like that : basically when you click on the link it downloads a file , and i see that it was done hundreds of times in large numbers of top ranked sites , does any one know how to do it ?

    | seowatches

  • Forgive the newbie question, but now that I have found SeoMoz and OpenSiteExplorer, should I just piggy back on my competitors backlinks? What would be the downside? By way of explanation, I've never had the need to explore SEO before. Our site, has always ranked highly for all Widgets keywords because we have the keyword in our domain and our site has been around since 1998. But out of the blue this summer, a site, let's call them suddenly began outranking us on widgets keywords, and pretty much every keyword we can imagine in our little widget universe. Now that I have run OpenSiteExplorer, I can see how they've done it. They've pretty much spent the last year commenting on blog posts all over the place, editing wiki pages, etc., and built thousands of links for all these widget keywords. So, I'm wondering: why shouldn't I just go down the list of links and do exactly what they've done? Where they commented on a blog, why don't I just comment right along side them. Obviously, this has worked for them! Wouldn't it work for us too? Or is that too simple?

    | brianmcc

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