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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • all of the directories that are listed seem to be based in the US for US companies - am I missing something? By the way my target audience is solely based in the UK, Thanks, Jason

    | JasonHegarty

  • Hello,  Some competitors have which I am analyzing backlinks that point to files, eg. Dwg,. Fla. Pps. How is this possible?  Thank you.

    | d2bcomunicacao

  • I have a page that is doing ok in google, it is for a service but i am not to sure if i should re write it and update it. The content page is in position two on page two in google, so should i re write the page to try and increase page rank for the service or should i leave it alone any advice would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, i have a competitor that is creating profiles in sites that passes ranks in links and putting some links with good anchor text in the bio field. This can be considered a black hat seo? This competitor is getting good rank up with these pratices and i dont know if i can use these same sites too. link to profile: There are a lot of more sites with profiles with no content and just a link to the site. Thanks in advance, Denis

    | de.tierno

  • We had this great, great thing happen which is that the Wall St. Journal quoted me in a story about contract workers. The story (here, and my blog about it here) was awesome, but it had absolutely no link. It got the name of my company right, but the only link comes in a comment that I wrote, and that is on a separate comment page that has not shown up in my Open Site Explorer, or any other tool that I can see for inbound links. Is there anyway to help Google to understand that the Blogmutt that the WSJ wrote about is the same as the on the internet? I don't imagine there is, but I'd be interested if anyone has any ideas. Thanks in advance, (First time posting here) -Scott

    | scodtt

  • Hey SEO MOZ, We have a client that holds the license to a famous Australian designer.  The Designer and our client both get mentioned a lot in the print world.  They get coverage in publications like the New York Times, Home and Garden Magazine and other top print media publications.  Sometimes it's our clients business name mentioned and sometimes it's the designer's name who they hold the rights too. I'm wondering how we can utilize this exposure for their SEO?  It already drives traffic to their website but it also be great to harness this exposure to increase their rankings. I know one way is to see if the article is also printed online and see if you can get a link on their.  But I'm wondering if there are other ways to use this? Also do you have experience contacting major publications to see if they can put a link in an online published article and if they ever respond to these requests? Really appreciate this!

    | TWSOM

  • I have the following question. Is it OK to set a desination url to text that did not have it previously? Can it cause SEO (SERP) issues? For example, I have this sentence: The tool you're using is great, but this template will help you. Say, the "this template" text has been just plain text for like a year. And now I want to add a certain destination url to the "this template" phrase. So, can it cause some SEO issues to me or not?

    | VinceWicks

  • A new site has appeared in our industry, and has taken the number 1 spot that we had for some time (years), in addition to some other great rankings above us for good keywords. The site to my eyes is no better than ours, but what it does have is lots of links from different root domains. However these root domains are spam, as far as I can see. You know the type, nonsensical blog comments, even links in nonsensical content on other sites. You couldn't make any sense out of the text if you tried. I think this is the reason this site is ranked above ours now. His domain and pages have higher mozTrust and mozRank already, despite it being a brand new site. I realise the importance of incoming links, especially from different, good quality individual domains, but my question is, do we join him by getting spammy links everywhere?

    | freebetinfo

  • Say I create my own original content for my website. If I want to build backlinks and promote to  web 2.0 websites, do I need to spin my articles to submit to them or can I just send them a direct copy?

    | sleepmaster

  • We are planning to place an advertisement in a magazine that is published as both print and online.  The online version uses flash.  Ranked issues have a PA 44 / DA 55.  Why is the PA so high for a flash publication with no apparent content?  Do publishers provide walkable content for bots?  Most important, what does this mean for advertisers regarding link juice? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • Example, Have a site on and site on, same server, different IP addresses, same network subnet. Make one link from site residing on to site on Can this hurt? Can it be beneficial if site on has good PR?

    | _Z_

  • Hi guys. Just wondered what people's thoughts were on the value of a link from a subdomain vs a .com or - I have several clients operating within the UK crafts sector, and there are a huge number of blogspot blogs with decent PR etc. Given that anyone can start one of these for free (and therefore theoretically get themselves hundreds of bogus links), I wonder whether they carry the same value as an independent site. I'll look forward to hearing everyone's thoughts 🙂

    | Aceville. 0

  • We know that a major backlinking strategy is to create web 2.0 articles linking to your main money site. But these web 2.0 articles also need to be recognized by google, so people tell me I need to ping them? What does that mean?

    | sleepmaster

  • So I have been noticing that a lot of my competition is leaving a lot of non sense comments on high ranking blogs. What they are doing is either A. Linking the username they are using back to the page they want to link or B. Within their comment on that blog leaving their URL in the text or end of comment. Question is does this even work to get links back to your page? Is this that even ethical SEO? Might be a dumb questions but how am i suppose to fight this when its already hard enough to come up with unique content for a e commerce site and then i have to battle my competition doing this?

    | Horrific_ending

  • Suppose you have had a great month of linkbuilding and significantly increased the number of linking domains (say by about 10%). How long does it typically take to see a noticeable uptick in traffic based on your experience?

    | SparkplugDigital

  • Hi, i am asking me since a while, if the relation of the amount of  frontpage backlinks divided through the amount of deeplinks pointing to a domain is an important ranking factor? In this area, i am not so much looking in the total numbers of backlinks, but more at the number of  linking root domains. Do you have explore the ratio of frontpage/deeplinking as ranking factor reqarding the 100% of external backlinks? So for example, what do you consider better, asuming all root linking domains in theory are equal, for the SERP of the main keyword for which the frontpage is running on Google. Case A Frontpage = 80 Linking Domains
    Subpages = 20 Linking Domains 80 / 20 = 4 / 1 (4 times more frontpage linking domains than deep linking domains to subpages) Case B Frontpage = 90 Linking Domains
    Subpages = 10 Linking Domains 90 / 10 =  9 / 1 (9 times more frontpage linking domains than deep linking domains to subpages) Case C Frontpage = 95 Linking Domains
    Subpages = 5 Linking Domains 95 / 5 = 19 / 1 (19 times more frontpage linking domains than deep linking domains to subpages) Greetings from Hamburg,

    | Braumueller

  • I know someone with a phone app who would like to link to my website from the app. Would there be any SEO benefit to this at all, or would the only benefit be the traffic?

    | mascotmike

  • A rather simple question, If i have a  paragraph and have the words cat, dog and bird would it be a good idea to have them all linking to the same url? or is better to have them all going to different urls?

    | Vetshopgroup

  • Hi all, I wanted to bring this up for discussion as I must admit after seeing so many mixed opinions on this and after what I've just watched tonight I am back on the fence and confused as to what I think. If you are not aware,  the guys at NobleSamurai have just launched a new short video campaign based on what they refer to as 18 months of interviews with expert SEO's in order to give people like me, an individual, an insight into how the pro firms are performing SEO today. They're on the second video in the series, which has covered article syndication and link-building. Now I know we don't get the same credit these from article directories like Ezine that we used to BUT what NobleSamurai are claiming is that article creation, and syndication is still the BEST method to obtain back links in quantity.   What's worse, and more surprising to me is that they are totally encouraging article spinning.  Although they do say manually review each article before submitting, the numbers of spun articles they are hinting at are way too high in order to manually review each version. So with that in mind, I'm very curious as to what you guys think about what NobleSamurai have just started announcing. As I said I'm very much on the fence,  but with regards to my current projects,  Do you agree or disagree with this approach to content creation and syndication. 1. Find an article topic worthy of writing 2. Go ahead and create it for the purpose of hosting it on my site. 3.  Use a spinning tool to create only 3 or 4 other versions(not 1000's!!!) taking care that it still makes perfect grammatical sense however, just using different synonyms and maybe changing paragraph structure a little. 4. Upload the 3 or 4 new versions to different article sites, Ezine etc, of course including links to a. the source article on my site, and b. my sites homepage. Looking forward to hearing what others think. Dave

    | davebrown1975

  • Hi Everyone, I have a question of how the on-page links are being counted. Say you have a page with a warning of having too many on page links (100+). How are all of these links counted? Let's say there are only 5 links on that page. Do the links on each of those pages count too and so on and so forth? I just want to make sure I have wrapped my head around this correctly. Thanks!

    | dirigodev

  • Hi everyone, I am a digital marketing intern at a small marketing business.  They have a really horrible, 1990's ish website which I am currently working with them on a plan to completely redo within a few months. Until then I am fixing some issues on their current site which includes SEOing their current content that will be moved to the new site.  They have a ton of issues which include, but are not limited to, missing meta descriptions and title tags, no official keywords incorporated into their content, no analytics or tracking of keywords, a poor use of social media, and duplicate content. My plan was to fix all these issues first, then when the site relaunches really start focusing on the more advanced bits (which include link building). The previous intern spent 99% of his time posting on forums building "backlinks". I've been going through his posts and saw he posted on mainly marketing forums on topics but never included any type of link back to the site in his posts or on his forum profile (his reasoning was he wanted to gain a reputation with the forum first so the admin would not delete his posts or so he'd be able to put a link in his signature).  He and the owner of the business say that this is the best and most effective way to help SEO and the owner is questioning whether or not I concentrate on that instead of the other issues. So what do you think? Do you think I should be fixing all these issues first and waiting until the site relaunches to concentrate on forum backlinking? Or do you think it would be more effective to just focus on my energies on forum backlinking? Also - the previous intern also told the owner that Wordtracker was a poor investment and is not useful. I have always thought that was sort of an industry standard. Do you think he's right? If so could you recommend something else? Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks 🙂

    | Grow

  • Seomoz says NOT to use your anchor terms on other external pages as you will cannabilize your main page - this is news to me. Appreciate any input on this.

    | impressem

  • We have created a website to distribute a niche product.  About a year ago, another vendor decided to drop the product and did not renew their domain name.  We tried to acquire the domain name, but a cyber squatter picked it up. The old domain name had a few decent back links, and there was probably some value to us with a 301, but the cyber squatter was asking $8,000 and we didn't even bother countering such an absurd figure. The old domain continued to rank reasonably well for one or our search terms, even though it was just one page of spammy links.  Well, this week it appears that Google Panda may have finally killed it off.  Which brings me to a couple of questions. 1. In addition to a simple Google search, is there a way to determine if Google has killed a domain? 2. Assuming that Google has indeed killed the domain, is there any value in trying to 301 the domain should it ever be released? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • My friend and I are launching a website used to track alcoholic beverages.  It has over 115k pages, three tier site structure.  I am curious about the keyword strategy for the homepage.  I know I will get a lot of long tail search traffic for drink names and how to mix drinks. Do I need a Keyword Strategy for my homepage with so many internal pages? Its a new brand we created, not a keyword domain.  We would like to rank for how to mix drinks, etc...  However with the number of pages we already have a lot of internal link juice.  Where should link building be focused?

    | getbigyadig

  • I am thinking of creating link baits such as infographic for my site. Problem is, link baits only serve to bait links towards those link baiting pages isn't it? It doesn't actually help in improving the SERP of my money pages within the site (which have content that doesn't bait links). Yes I do know however, it will help in the site authority which might ultimately improve the SERP of my money pages, but it is all too ineffective and far fetched is it?

    | yunie_

  • Hi I am working on a site that for search terms such as 'Chartered Accountants Swansea' appears near the top of the 2nd page of Google. When looking at what is listed on the 1st page for 'Chartered Accountants Swansea' I would appreciate any advice/guidance on what else could be done to give the site a final push to get on the 1st page of search results. Over the past 2 weeks I have been building inbound links from local citation sites yelp, qype etc along with sites from competitor analysis via opensiteexplorer. Looking at the sites that are on the 1st page I cant understand why many of them are ranking higher than me? Any insight and plan of attack would be most appreciated from any  search experts on the forum. Many Thanks

    | idv

  • How is this site pulling this off? I have seen other sites get placed in the google directory before, but for some reason this site is managing to get backlinks from every different countries google directory!!links

    | adriandg

  • I want to know about process, method or tool which can help me to define quality of external website during link building. We are searching too many questions and topics on Google to resolve daily mind bubbles which land us on different website with different subject. I found that, I was able to drop my website URL over there but confuse about quality of website. I am selling Football and create external link from baby care website. So, will it make sense? My concern is that, Can we create external links from different subject website or specific to subject oriented website? Is there any specific method which help me to understand more about external website and help me to take decision about link building?

    | CommercePundit

  • I have a handful of e-commerce websites that overlap each other some in the same niche.   I have already heard that it would have been best to make just one website, but this is not practical for me.  Our business model goes back to a time before the internet.  We have relationships with manufacturers where they refer business to us because we brand web sites which will not switch customers to competing brands.  Our agreements make it ok to link to other websites so long as we have branded websites that focus on the specific manufacturers. For SEO, what is the best way to link these sites? Site wide links in footers.? Single links at on homepages? One way links from the most powerful site? Some other method? We have been wrestling with this question for some time.

    | EugeneF

  • Anyone have any other good ways to get a Infograph picked up? Current ways Do a press release(prweb) -Contact bloggers -Submit to Infograph sites -Put on clients site

    | DavidKonigsberg

  • With panda etc is publishing Press Releases with prweb etc a strong seo method of getting good links form strong domains?

    | DavidKonigsberg

  • Company A is set to acquire Company B. As part of the merger agreement, Company A will be redirecting the linking domains of Company B's website (over 1,000 links) to company A's website. Will Google penalize Company A for redirecting Company B's 1,000 linking domains to Company A's website at one time? If so, would it be better for Company A to redirect Company B's 1,000 linking domains in waves?

    | 5outhpaw

  • A while ago we purchased some domains that are related to our industry. I'm fairly sceptical about using them, but I am interested what peoples thoughts are. We are currently producing quite alot of engaging content and although it's industry related, it is sometimes quite broad and not always appropriate for our company blog. I have been debating whether or not it will be a good idea to use one of the domain names that we have purchased to create more of an industry blog that is off our website. I'm not sure if this is considered a "black hat" technique by using domains registered to us? And also whether or not Google will punish because we are blogging from the same IP address and linking back to our site ? I look forward to hearing what people think. Thanks,

    | esendex

  • Our site is dynamic in nature we have tens of thousands of indexed pages with  numerous individual brands pages - all of the brand pages are equally important. We are trying to distribute link juice to those pages as much as possible - so my question is --- Is it smart and or useful or perhaps damaging or spammy to have a space on the bottom of each page throughout our site with links to each and every single brand page ? is this practice considered as duplicate content etc ?

    | AJMKristi

  • A website link to our site from internal pages of  that site where page rank is 0 but page rank of home page of that website is 5 ,it will helpful or I should get links from a page  where page rank is available there?

    | SEOteam2011

  • Tribute to Steve Jobs on the homepage of Google. I couldn't help but check to see whether it was do follow. RIP Steve Jobs, a true visionary and pioneer.

    | seo-wanna-bs

  • I read a post some time back on zemanta and thought its a great idea to build links and it has a great  outreach strategy The two things you need are alot of quality images and the budget  for the monthly cost. I do plan to try it in the future and wanted to know if anyone has given it a try here ? Cheers, Vishal

    | vishalkhialani

  • A site with a high PA/DA links to all of their advertisers on their home page using nofollow.  The advertisers generally have high quality sites and none of them are spammy.  Having read this forum for the past couple months, it is my understanding that nofollow should be used to control spam links, and is commonly used in the forum section where site owners can not control or vouch for the outgoing links.  However, as I understand the topic, there is no benefit to using nofollow for high value sites for which you can recommend, and in particular, when the site is receiving money from the advertisers.  The link juice is divided by all the links on the page, both follow and nofollow, and the juice for the nofollow is discarded. I ask this question because we are one of the advertisers on the site.  I want to contact them about this issue, and request that they remove the nofollow from the advertiser links. Comments? Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • I just discovered that our site is registered with the major search engines without the "www" sub domain.  Both domains resolve directly to our site, which I need to get corrected.  I had planned to have the root ( forwarded to the sub (  However, I then found that the sub-domain is not listed with the search engines. Of course, naturally almost all of our inbound links include www.  Does Google differentiate between links with and without the sub-domain? In other words, if I forward the www address to the root, will I still get the SEO benefit of those inbound links using www? I'm trying to figure out how to approach this.  I'm hoping someone is going to make me feel really stupid for asking this and say it's no big deal.  However, I have a feeling this could be a mess.

    | honestabejosh

  • I have many articles and blog posts on my site.  How should I interlink them for the MOST benefit to my root domain.  For example, should I consider pointing pages with higher SEOMoz page rank or trust to those with lower rank?  Or does that not matter?

    | the800dj

  • Hi.. Our Link Builders at office collects the lists for directories, social bookmarking websites and press releases, article directories. But Im not sure, which all are good links, etc, since I dont get time to check. Is there a way, I can train them to know, which is a bad link, so they can just ignore that link ?

    | qubesys

  • Is there a good way to do this? Does the Open Site Explorer have an ability to screen by when the link was found, or help by picking up on potentially shady links? Thanks much..

    | jim_shook

  • I have just taken over a client and have been shocked to see a lot of wasted 'link juice' from hundreds of websites linking to old/dead pages within my client's domain. My question is - what is the best method to re-capture that juice given that it is impractical to change the links at source. Thanks.

    | driansmith

  • I'm looking for recommendations for excellent infographic designers. They can be located anywhere, charge hourly or project long as they are fluent in writing English, can show some examples of past work, and charge a reasonable rate, that's all we need. I've looked at Elance and Odesk and Craig's List, but what I really want is a recommendation from someone who has actually used the designer they're recommending and had a great experience. A designer who can do the research and ideation in addition to the actual design would be ideal.

    | Point_It

  • Prior to my accepting a project, the client decided to change the name of their company and purchased a new domain name to match. They hired a designer to build their new company site which has now been up and running for a little under 12 months. Up to this point they have done a good job of slowly redirecting small handfuls of linking domains from the old site to the new.  They want to make one last push and point the remaining 250 linking domains from their old site to their new site. Will redirecting 250 linking domains to a new website from an old website freak Google out? If so, how many domains should be redirected at one time? My main concern is not wanting to upset Google and see the floor fall out on current keyword rankings, domain authority and page rank, etc.

    | 5outhpaw

  • We have client that have a non spam site that sells genuine adult products, that include penis pills and penis enlargement products. My worry is that as these products are often associated with spam and link from this site my have a negative impact if Google et al view them as spam, should i consider no-following these links?

    | EAOM

  • I've noted the total number of links has dropped drastically on multiple reports. Is there something new in the Competitive Domain Report or is it really just my clients? Also I've noticed that all of my clients have seen slight decreases in MozTrust - is this related to your reports analysis of panda? Thanks!!

    | LeslieVS

  • Hello All, Does anyone have a list of good free web directories that are still woth registering with especially any for the UK. My boss is willing to pay for a good list. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Shehzad

    | Gareth_Cartman

  • While article marketing my not be at the top of the SEO strategy heap, it has, thus far, had a place small place at the table. In light of the Panda-Farmer-Anti-Demand-Media-Content update, I'm re-thinking article marketing altogether. Which, if any, general article directories are still worth adding content to in terms of links and eyeballs? Should these general article directories be avoided altogether?

    | Gyi

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