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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • Lets say there are 50 businesses who have their website on the same server and are on the same c-block but the owners of the individual sites are different (i.e. they are all completely different sites not relevant to each other). Each of those sites are linking to each other due to a feature on the sites. This obviously increases the number of total links to each site but does it also increase the number of linking root domains? Or does this just show up as one linking root domain due to all of them being on the same server and the sharing the same c-block?

    | cinternicola

  • Is it important to "cover your tracks" when searching for links? For example, would be it be a better idea to search for valuable links off of my companies network? If so, what are your strategies for stealth searching?

    | TRICORSystems

  • Is there any value in creating a Wikipedia page for a company then placing a link from a Wikipedia article that is focused on a service or type of product that the company offers? I was recently searching for topics related to a companies services on Wikipedia and found some of our competitors had links within the article to their very own Wikipedia pages. Companies Wikipedia page contained a link to the companies website.

    | TRICORSystems

  • Hi can anyone recommend any news sites that you can gain links from submitting your news. I did find a really good one where you can write a whole news story or share a news story and it generated a lot of traffic but shockingly i have lost the address of the site. Any recommendations would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • just curious

    | lebloggers

  • Although my site is a  wordpress site it presently has about as many static pages as blog posts. The site has a lot of directory links and is doing pretty good with a PR3 after about a year.  When I first put the site up I had a well known blogging expert help me with the permalinks and a couple of other things and he said that with a blog there is no need to build links, it can all be done through natural link acquisition off of the blog posts. I was skeptical at the time because it seemed that a lawyer's site was something not a lot of people would be interested enough in to link to it. Now I am thinking about trying his stragegy, as 1 of my blog posts that I put up on a very topical subject immediately got about 15 backlinks. My questions are: Is it reasonable to try to build links just by posting frequent topical blog posts? If yes, should I have links in the blog posts to my home page, to internal pages, or both? \ Paul

    | diogenes

  • Where can we find widget samples that are designed for widgetbait and getting backlinks?

    | merkal2005

  • I've read a lot of info here in the Q & A tonight and there was a thread that stated it's potentially a good thing to post content on multiple blog platforms such as: I've also been trying to figure out how to deal with my blog as a subfolder instead of a subdomain. That research in Q & A clearly indicates that Google treats subdomains basically like separate websites and links from my blog to my main website will not be as valuable if i stay the course with my blog on a subdomain short term. Given that, if the 4 blogging tools above all require the use of a subdomain, then how am I actually taking advantage of the seo value of blogger,posterous, tumblr?  In my case my domains would be: Just not adding up to being viable given what I read states these would be treated as new websites, not to mention I worry these posts, even slightly differentiated, would be suspect. Who am I truly benefitting by doing this? Users?

    | Timmmmy

  • Dear All I have been an SEO for several years now, and have just laucnhed a new site its in its early stages as I expect to add a community option where people post deals and offers they have found, share them with friends etc My question is really are all the old seo practices still worth doing? Things like directory sites, blog comments, articles sites, social bookmarking etc.... (I have already built up twitter users on the account before the site went live) With Moz's trust factor is it best to go for highrank trust sites first or... I guess you could say that I am suffering from what do I do first and is it all still worth doing and what are the early pit falls to think about..? ie too many links too soon and from to high or to low trusted sites? Any comments from anyone who have put a new site live in the past couple of years would be appricated. Thanks James

    | JamesT

  • We run a classified site and after every day there are thousands of ads/pages that get expired which has no use to visitors. What is the best practice to deal with them keeping SEO factor in mind? Should we keep them as they are linking to home page. redirect 301 to existing, 404 to home page or any other practice. Please advise.

    | razasaeed

  • Is it worth the effort trying to secure a link if the site has high domain authority but the page I want to link to me has page authority of 1?

    | waynekolenchuk

  • I have a website that is almost 2 months old and during this period I have built 477 links to my website.. however when I do a backlink check on Google.., it says that there are no matches. How is it possible that none of my back links are indexed by Google?


  • If you have a good amount of links, but your TLD is low, and you got say 100 more links from 100 seperate domains, but most were NoFollow, would that still help alot since you are increasing your overall TLD? I guess what I am asking is, should we not ignore nofollow links because they still can increase TLD? Thus, making our good dofollow links worth even more?

    | DanHenry

  • The general advice is the SEOmoz community is not to bother with low quality submission directories.  Makes sense to me as there existence seems solely to manipulate search rankings, which google doesn't like. So what are some clear and actionable criteria to distinguish between a directory worth spending time on and one that is not worth spending time on?

    | JesseCWalker

  • Will the NoFollow link in this article help my rankings in Google?

    | b4tv

  • Let say I'm a company that sold used tires and I'm ranking for Used Tires Supply Used Tires Distributor Used Tire Company Would it  be beneficial for the serps  to focus your link building campaign for just "used tires"

    | marig

  • is it any point anymore to build links from web directories. Does google consider web directories anymore? Thank you awesome Mozzers! Vijay

    | vijayvasu

  • How can I quickly find a list of sites that link with follow and 301 links to my competitor, but not to me?

    | Nashville

  • We do a fair amount of work on PPC and because of this a lot of our PPC landing pages also do quite well in SEO. We are thinking that the landing pages do well because they get a lot of traffic from PPC and therefore, maybe google can index and take note of these pages quicker? The pages that usually shoot right up the rankings are new pages used for long tailed keywords. So I have a few questions: Does the traffic from PPC actually have any effect on SEO rankings? If we were to create a page that was to act solely as an SEO landing page, would google take note if there was no traffic? Would simply linking from our main site to the landing page be enough to give it a bit of authority, in which we can build upon? Thanks in advance.

    | esendex

  • We are in the process of launching a couple of new sites and while we know it will be a long process to get them to rank, achieving some long-tail keywords would be beneficial. What sites would you recommend for getting some easy links to start with that can help the indexation and ranking process along in the preliminary stages? Or another way to put the question - when you launch a new site, what steps do you go through?

    | ukss1984

  • Hi, I have a domain which has the non www domain indexed. I did start link building using the www in the URL, will this not work as well? So, domain indexed is (fictitious) I start building backlinks using Should I have started building backlinks using for this to work better? Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • I'm in a highly competitive national market where the top sites have links from between 325 and 1300 unique linking root domains, therefore, you have to have an aggressive approach just to get on the map. (I'm at 317) If we were talking about needing 50 good links, I could take the time to cultivate relationships, get to know people, and get 1 or 2 great links from each webmaster, but the scale of the challenge is out  of control. My competitors, and myself, seem to all be getting links in the following ways: Hoards of directory links. Some high quality paid links from industry sites ($2,400 per each link per year) and hundreds from 9-$49 per year. At the bottom of the list of most all my competitors, there appears to be some links from their early beginnings that were reciprocal linking arrangements. Blogs where they submitted articles and have good links back to their sites. Paid ads on sites all over the internet that link back with their specific key words. Some from relevant sites, but mostly from sites that would give them a good deal and have high enough traffic and/or page rank. Blog comments with a link back to their site; sometimes with good anchor text and sometimes you're forced to have to use your web site address as the anchor text or even your name. (Does that even do any good?) My dilema is where to find 1,000 good places to get links and I don't do black hat? I can write good quality comments on blogs from a wide variety of industries, but most are now eliminating the possibility of using my anchor text other than my web site and my name. As I scour the playing field, it almost appears that it has become a "pay to play" proposition as far as getting links everywhere other than writing good blog articles, but then what good does it do to have 500 blog articles coming from a handful of linking root domains? You're just stuffing the ballot box! As for me, I'm in the teens with all the high value phrases I need and must come up with a better strategy for the home stretch. In all the other varied statistical measurements that I see on SEO Moz, I'm no lower than #5 out of the top 10 competitors in any of them except Alexa rank. So, I'm close but it seems so far away! Would appreciative and be grateful for some wisdom from the community!    Lowell

    | lwnickens

  • Hi I managed to open up OSE. I'm finding that much of the competition's backlinks are in content anchor text links. Am I supposed to get backlinks from these same pages using the same anchor text but linking back to my page or is that allowed? If so, how do I get these in content blog post links? Thanks. Sunil.

    | sunilmuse

  • I'm assuming not, but I figured I'd ask

    | RiseSEO

  • I've seen a couple of questions about outsourcing linkbuilding.  The general tone is that it is a very dangerous practice to select any service or to hire someone without a very thorough vetting of their past projects. This makes sense to me. But my businesses don't have the resources to hire an employee or an established seo firm.   I am developing a sound linkbuilding practice from what I learn here at seomoz.  The trouble is I just don't have the time to do it to the scale necessary. I can afford to hire an assistant/contractor for $15/hr or less. Would it be a good idea to hire someone from elance or odesk and work very closely with them to make sure they build quality links? Do you think this is better than hiring someone who says they can get me to google #1 for a specific keyword for $100 or so? Does seomoz or anyone else have any recommendations on where to go to find quality help? Thanks

    | JesseCWalker

  • I've seen so many of these type of advertising on forums. Do you think it's safe (i.t.o search engine rankiings) to buy or not?

    | Springboks

  • Hi, A lot of the answers on here point to building high quality links, which makes sense but where do you find these links? Lets say the website sells Football Boots, the current keyword you are trying to rank for is say 'Indoor Football Boots'. How do you now go about looking for those links? Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • We have thousands and thousands of sites that link to a domain we are working on, many with low page authority and high domain (bloggers, forum posts, etc). Has anyone experimented with linking to the pages that link to you (not from your site) but from other means in an effort to boost their quality? I'm not sure what method we would use, maybe some relevant blog comments or social votes. But curious if this could be an effective method.


  • In the forum's experience, what have you found the best way to find guest blogging opportunities? e.g. google search syntax that has worked well and other more diverse methods would be appreciated! Thanks

    | PeterAlexLeigh

  • The Google Cache date for my website: This is Google's cache of It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Aug 28, 2011 03:19:05 GMT. Does this date coorelate to the last time Google reevaluated their rankings for my site? So if I had done 15 or so backlinks after the August 28 date, will those start to affect rankings (once they are discovered) after the next time the site is updated?

    | PMC-312087

  • The website in question was hacked four years ago and there was porn on the servers. It was used as a peer to peer torrent streamer.  The images were deleted. We have just found inappropriate inward bound links (with great link juice!!)  - how can we remove these links - or should we? any advice would be appreciated thanks

    | GardenBeet

  • Up until today I was anti PageRank, believing that it was a useless metric which just caused obsession and misplaced working effort... however, as of today I have done a complete u-turn and been shown how it is still useful as a trigger monitor type thing which is awesome. Just wondering what others views were on this?

    | SteveOllington

  • Examining the backlink profile of a new client I can see a large number of links developed by an offshore agency they used for link-building. The client is a reputable, professional company but some of the links are on very low-quality sites in-between viagra, online pharmacies, cosmetic surgery etc. It is unclear whether some of the links are paid or not. There is no indication that they have been penalised for these links but they are obviously unhelpful. Can I use GWT to request Google ignore them or should I just leave them and move on with more appropriate link building techniques?

    | bjalc2011

  • We have been building a new website for one of our clients which he wants it to replace an existing website which will be taken down shortly. The existing site has a reasonable amount of inbound links and we would like to redirect that link juice to the new website, can anyone tell me what the best way to do this would be. Thanks Fraser

    | fraserhannah

  • I have added a number of quality inbound links to my site. How long does it take to see the effects of these links into my seomoz statistics?

    | molachef

  • Hi, I am trying to improve the SEO our my website which sells mens designer clothes. I know the huge value of backlinks on relevant, high ranking/authoirtive sites. Problem is how do I find these sites? I am currently using twitter, facebook and google to find relevant blogs, websites, forums etc... (ones in the fashion, menswear, designer clothing field) but it is a slow and tedious process. I there any tools, that I can use that find these high ranking sites or is it a case of me searching, searching and requesting to have an article published from blog owners with a link to one of my product pages in etc...? Any help on backlinking and best way to approach would be great. Thanks

    | WillBlackburn

  • We've spun out content from a single finance related news/analysis site (running for about 2 years) into several topic-specific sites on individual topics (markets, investment etc etc).  They're all on the same server, use the same CMS (using a multisite setup), and share largely the same codebase, though obviously with customisations for the site names, and we've made sure each has a distinct identity. At the bottom of each page, we're linking to 'latest posts on the network', aggregating the 5 most recent posts from all the sites and displaying them in the footer.  We've obviously made sure the actual content is completely unique on each site though. Just wondering if anyone has any tips about ensuring we don't dilute our SEO too much. and how to maximise our effectiveness?

    | topnotch18

  • Hey Mozzers, I've been working on a bunch of different templates lately to approach various companies in our industry for link exchanges.  But I'm somewhat stumped on what the best approach would be.  I want to convey the message that a link exchange would be beneficial to their ranking in search engines, but I don't want to come off sounding overly spammy. Do you have a template that you have found worked well for you? Share it with us!

    | adriandg

  • Hello, Quick question. for the term "NLP" and the site I'm analyzing backlinks of competitors. Is wikipedia a competitor, or are competitors only sites like mine. I'm thinking that if someone links to wikipedia they wouldn't necessarily want to link to Thus, should I still analyze wikipedia? Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • I'm curious which strategy is better in the short term and in the long-term?  Part of my link building strategy involves contacting bloggers and posting some guest blogs on their sites. Now there are advantages with posting on a few blogs and creating a link between you and the blog readers and the blog owner.  It also saves time trying to contact blog owners etc. However would my time be better spent contacting hundreds of blogs and seeing where I can guest blog and then post on as many as possible; in order to have a diverse number of links going back to my website? What do you think is the best option and why?

    | Grow

  • There are penalties by Google for the purchase of links? If yes which are the penalties ? When we buy links how to see if the site is considered as salesman of link by Google? Thanks you

    | elitepronostic

  • Hi, i have a question. For example, we have a website domain.IT / italy. in italian language. But, we are contracted to do link building, to down it in italy, its not easy for us, but we have down 70% from backlinks from english websites, and 30% from italy websites in italian language. Is this any danger from google, to hire any penalty, or it's not danger but only pass link juice less! btw, i see lot of brands in italy, they have mroe than 70% of backlinks from non-italian websites. the backlinks from english websites, are editorial, press release, blogposts, best of the web directory, etc.. from maybe mroe than 80% of backlinks are frmo strong english domains. danger, or not? tell me your answer if have experience on this please. thanks

    | leadsprofi

  • In Open Site Explorer links are being valued with Domain Authority and page Authority. My question is if you measure somehow the relevancy of the website with the business of the website to which the links are going? I have learned that an important part of the value of links is the relevancy of the website with my business. I am seeing for example a link from a children website to a car related website as very much valued. I dont see very much relevancy with both so I wonder you take this into account.

    | ceesie

  • We currently sell our products to Australia customers via Google Adwords marketing and are keen to achieve good organic serps. What steps do you recommend taking? Are any of you working down under and interested in helping on this project? Thanks

    | seanmccauley

  • Hi, I have a blog on the blogger platform from Google and it currently sits on a sub domain which can be added into the settings. But I got a feeling Google wont see this as part of the website because when I add the sub domain into the main websites sitemap it kicks an error for it. So basically what I got is a website and an external blog. The external blog gets a post a day with an anchor text link back to the most relevant page on the main website but I have read on the SEOMOZ website that smashing one external blog is not anywhere near as effective as syndicating the content across a range of blogs. So I have an external blog with pr4 and 100 backlinks, I have to say I did not set this up it was handed over like this and I cant move the blog onsite either. I'm thinking it would have been better to have 10 blogs with pr2 with 10 backlinks on each instead. I need to double check this before I action this from now on.

    | activitysuper

  • Hi, I'm about to start guest blogging for the first time, I have a particular keyword I want to push up, it currently sits page 2, position 1 and I would like to push this up into the top 5 results. The 5 results I need to jump past also happen to be my main competitors, but I don't think they are activity link building for this keyword as url's are not SEO friendly (containing query strings), meta descriptions don't have the keyword word exact. So the solutions is link building with anchor text links from relevant, auth websites. The method I want to use to achieve this is guest blogging but as I am just starting out on the guest blogging front does anyone have any tips on how to find good blogs which will help? I found a website called but the blogs on there dont seem that great, I have been doing a few queries in Google to try and find them instead such as; "write for us" keyword then researching the blogs with the SEOMOZ tools. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • Hi, I have been reading about affiliate links - links with a tracking code in the URL (i.e.: and I can't find a definitive answer. Does Google count them as natural links or maybe they do not even pass any link juice? And if they don't, what if I get a natural link from a website (without tracking code) and later that website becomes my affiliate? Would the first link still count? I guess that there can't be any certainty about all this, but I would love to know your expert opinions 🙂 Thanks!

    | jorgediaz

  • If a blogger is given a product from a company for a giveaway contest on their blog, does Google require the link to the company have a no-follow. This seems like a gray area but I can't find any guidelines put out by Google about this.

    | SparkplugDigital

  • Hi, Could you look at nlpca(dot)com and give me feedback and hints about the on -page SEO of our site, as well as any suggestions of link building strategies to move us up to first for the head term "NLP" as well as the long tail Thank you, Bob

    | BobGW

  • I have done manual link submissions to directors and other places in the past. As a business owner i find it extremely tedious and find no time for it at all. I have outsourced it since and seen moderate results. There are systems like linkvana etc which promise to give high pr links, are they good? is there any other way to get niche relevant links automatically & cost affectively? Thanks

    | SamBuck

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