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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • I have a spanky new website with absolutely no incoming links at all.  Someone suggested a link exchange site (  But I thought that doing reciprocal links was being penalized by Google. Does anyone know if link exchange works, and if so, what the best link exchange sites are? Thanks, Dan

    | DanManCastro

  • I am a published author and researcher.  All my articles are original content and high quality. If I am looking for backlinks by submitting high quality original articles to Articles Base, how will the panda algorithm change affect me? Should I be submitting articles somewhere else?  If so, where?  I greatly appreciate any suggestions you may have.

    | DanManCastro

  • I write and publish artcles. Typically I publish them on a few top article sites like EZineArticles. The articles then get picked up by other sites, often numbering in the hundreds. All of the articles are published with a link back to our website using a keyword. Are there any SEO risks in this type of link proliferation?

    | JimSkychief

  • Hello, I have a client who went out on their own and advertised on a site called This site to me seems from an seo perspective not a very good site to advertise on. They have no content and just links to other sites. Im not sure what this type of site is called, so if you could let me know if you think this type of site is bad or good and also provide the name of this type of site that would be great. Thanks. Bill

    | ChrisFriesen

  • Does domain and page authority as listed in the Open Site Explorer mean that that site is relevant (content subject wise) or is domain/page authority separate from relevance? In other words, I'm less interested in getting an 81 domain authority link if it has nothing to do with my site's subject matter. Could someone please explain? I haven't yet found the answer. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Hello, Our nearest ecommerce competitor has quite a few links from article directories like and similar sites. I know these sites are bottom of the barrel in SEO, but I've been thinking of writing a few 500 word articles and posting them on some of the strongest of these article directories. Maybe I'll stick to since I only like to get links from sites that are going to stick around. What do you think - which of these article directories going to be here for the long term? Mainly what I'm asking for here is a top 5 list of the best article directories, or perhaps a better article marketing strategy. I loved that whiteboard friday on Article Marketing. I'm going to watch that again. Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • How are directories ok for buying links ? How can the funds be claimed to be used to review your submission when everyone knows you are basically buying a link ? What experiences have you had god and bad with directories ? Is it a free for all any directory will do or should you be more selective in your approach. If so what are the signs to look out for on a top quality directory.

    | onlinemediadirect

  • Hey, Since yesterday my ranking dropped by in average 7 positions for most keywords. iIm not 100% sure whats the matter. I rank under the top3 for a quite comptetitive keyword since several months. During the last 4 weeks it wasn't that stady (between 2 - 4) because the competition is using an aggressiv link building method.
    I'm adding constantly new content and the link building is also quite natural. Maybe I linked the same sites from some of my blogs too often... and Google may see it as a "link network". I experience the same for two of those sites. Maybe I should remove those links? Any suggestions? Thanks!

    | netminds

  • What strategy is most commonly used to guest post on blogs?

    | SEODinosaur

  • I'm SEOing for a theatre. We've got show pages that rank when searching for the business, but are outdated as the shows are from past years. The pages aren't accessible at all from the site now, but still exist in domain and are linked to by google. If you search the business, the results are: 1. [biz name] 2. [biz name] - tickets 3-6. outdated shows Should these pages be left up, or taken down and redirected home? Would there be any seo boost to the homepage from 301ing them home, or do you think it'd be more beneficial to have more results available as entry points into the site?

    | RyanWhitney15

  • Which of following examples will give more juice for page in link buiding? 1. Quality phones <a href="">nokia</a>, low price.
    Simple text around anchor 2. Online shop of nokia phones. Also free service for <a href="">nokia</a> phones.
    Relevant text around the anchor 3. Online shop of nokia phones. Where to buy <a href="">nokia</a> phone?
    Relevant text around the anchor + Interrogative form 4. Online shop of nokia phones. How much is the <a href="">nokia</a> 5230 in USA?
    Relevant text around the anchor + Interrogative form + Regional binding

    | ATCnik

  • Hey, I have recently come across a client that wants link building services. It's a lead generating 'side business' that has no physical address (nor do they want one associated) They will 5 or 6 static pages They have no resources to spare for social media activity What would you do in this situation? Thanks.

    | LukeyJamo

  • I setup a few tiny urls last week to test if the pass on any page authority. Is this something you have tried and tested ?

    | onlinemediadirect

  • I wonder, whether a google adsense ad linking to my website is seen by the google robot like a usual do-follow link that increases my pagerank.

    | schuett

  • I have an interesting question, it's more to see other peoples opinions than looking for an exact answer, as I know noone can give that. If you had a good link on how many very low quality links on low DA domains that are full of junk, would you need to match the harvard link... if all other factors were equal. I'm gonna go for 500.. I've had great results with a few high DA/trust links. I'm not looking for anyone to give me a definative answer, just curious as to the views of other SEOs 😄

    | PeterM22

  • I am in the somewhat unique position of owning and administering around 300 websites that each have their own unique domain names.  We have a corporate website and then many individual websites for hospitals and nursing centers that we operate.  My question is how would you recommend using these sites to build good incoming links between all the sites?  Should I take every opportunity to find as many places to link from each site to all the other sites that are owned?  Is there anything I should avoid that Google would penalize me for or discount the links all together?  Sorry this is a such as long question... but wasn't sure where to start.  Thanks!

    | KHCreative

  • I have seen generally good reviews for Does anyone here have personal experience with it? We are considering using it for content creation for guest blogging for clients. As far as we have found, this is all within Google's acceptable webmaster guidelines. In general, how much editing is required from an article provided by Text Broker? Thanks!

    | outofboundsdigital

  • Trying to see which one has more relevance when looking at back linking, if it;s what more important, Domain or Page Authority?

    | rvillanueva

  • I'll be doing some linkbuilding in which I will be asking manufacturers of the products we sell to link back to our site. My thought was to have a single page for our "Valued Suppliers" with a badge that I would give them the embed code for. If the URL goes to a "Valued Supplier" page on our site where there are multiple manufacturers, will this help my entire site or only the page that's being linked to? Thanks in advance!

    | AC_Pro

  • Hey, We just got a bunch of great links on sites like TechCrunch and similar, but our SERP rankings and related remained unaffected. How long does it generally take for such links to "kick in" and help the website?

    | Malarowski

  • We have entered into a partnership with one of our sister companies that owns many different small newspapers and their associated websites -- they have agreed to show some of our content on their site along with providing links back to our website.  There are 50+ of these websites that we will be getting links from.    Does it matter to Google how quickly we add these links to these sites?    They are all very legitimate links with unique content provided.   We just didn’t know if Google would view it negatively if we added a bunch at one time.  Any guidance on the timing of how links are added would be most valuable.   Thank-you.

    | MWM3772

  • Hi, I want to discuss the different methods for increasing ranking positions for a keyword using offsite SEO methods. If your targeting a keyword which gets 20,000 exact match searches a month for a new website then the first thing you are going to want to do is rank in the top 5 within Google for that term. I know onsite will come into play as well but lets just say you have used the SEOMOZ tools and your onsite SEO achieves a grade A. So what needs to take place in order for your website to start climbing ranking positions? I myself would be more inclined to spend a few days creating 4-5 nice articles and offer them up for guest blogging with anchor text links. I may also use the content on a hub page, squidoo lens, wordpress blog, blogger blog, weebly blog and so on with social bookmarking thrown into the mix. But will this alone over a period of time (depending on the competition) increase rankings? Am I missing a trick here??? Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • A client of mine wants to look into new areas of link building after convincing them that their current link building strategies (purchasing multiple links from god knows where) was not working well for them. Essentially I felt they were spinning their wheels. Now, we are looking into content related blogs to get some honest links for their site. They sell sports equipment and we are looking at sports blogs to get links/partnerships. Most of these blogs want sponsorship fees or advertising fees. From an ethical standpoint I understand buying links is not the best idea. But because these are blogs that earn traffic, have relevant content, and can be helpful for the advertisement aspect to link to people who might be interested in their products as well. There shouldn't be a problem in acquiring a few of these links if the budget allows for it, correct? Also are blogs a good source to acquire links from?

    | USHoleInOne

  • I am working on a large ecommerce site right now. I am adding a blog to the site for content purposes. I have been going back and forth on this question, and wanted to get your opinions. Should I integrate the blog into the ecommerce site with the full ecommerce header and/or sidebar, or should I have the blog just be a well designed theme and strip all the ecommerce functionality for it. I would think that people would be more apt to share and link to content if it wasnt surrounded by links to product category pages and the like. Thoughts?

    | CharlesMontgomery

  • We have created accounts for several of our clients at directory  and created blogs, coupons, etc for them but we did not get any single click or benefit from at all.  We wasted a lot of time and also monthly membership fees. I really would like to hear your experiences. Did you have any positive results from ? Did they lose their importance after Panda update? Their MOZrank also shows ZERO and we are considering cancelling our accounts with them. Thanks for your advice and help, Lewis

    | CertifiedSEO

  • Hello Everyone, I want to know, what is the search engine's preference when it comes to links that have been bought. I observed that quite a few the good local directory listings (with good mozrank and moz trust etc) offer one to be listed for a yearly or lifetime price. Does Google frown upon these type of links too? regards, Talha

    | TopGearMedia

  • OK which brokers / sites do you use to buy your links or gain links from and why.

    | therealmarkhall

  • I recently took over management of the SEO work for the following site:  I want to do link building, but don't have a ton of experience with it. From what I've read, offering linkable content is the best way to get links.  However, this site -- like many in industrial B-2-B -- is focused primarily on promoting their products.  I'd like tto offer an article or add an infographic, but am not sure where I would put it?  It doesn't seem like the architecture offers a good place to add linkable content. Anyone have thoughts or suggestions?

    | EricVallee34

  • hi all i am working for  a ecommerce site doing seo and i am thinking of starting a blog for one of the brands im trying to rank for on the site and then have some links from the to the pdp page of the ecommerse site that im working for, is this a good way to go about things

    | Westernoriental

  • Hi, In the recent free SEOMoz webinar about What's Ailing the Linkgraph, Rand Fishkin says that corporations try to get anchor text guest posts on his wife's blog and he suggests this is manipulative. Do you agree that anchor text links in guest posts are manipulative? Do you think that Google will take action against this tactic in the future? Thanks!

    | SparkplugDigital

  • My client has a fishing report that is published weekly on his blog. Would it be wise to syndicate that content on these other services with backlinks baked into each one? Any thoughts?

    | AaronParrish

  • So I ran into this site not that long ago and wanted to see if any other SEO's have an opinion on it. I've seen a Google bomb before, but the amount of links going into this URL  is insane. The thing is how does one over come a Google Bomb? Do you just wait to see what Google does or do you just hope to rank under that URL? I should also note that it appears that all the keywords to it are relevant to the sites content. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks

    | kateG1298

  • Hi, If you had 10 articles which are unqiue and around 400 - 600 words what would you do with them? I personally would more then likely put on squidoo, wordpress, blogger, weebly, hub pages etc and orientate the setup of these around my target keyword so the title tags, urls, h1's and content are around the term and then place anchor text links (2 of them) in the content of each one. I would then social bookmark each on the top 10 sites. Because it takes so long for me to write the content I sometimes think would it be best to put on the onsite blog. What would others do with this content, is there something else I could do with it that would have a great impact on rankings?

    | activitysuper

  • Hi there, I am looking to set up a blog to support my websites SEO with inbound links.  I was wondering if the blog being a .org would carry more weight than being a .com?  Any suggestions on this?

    | jclubb

  • I write a lot of articles to promote my site but even though i am happy that my articles get picked up and appear all over the net what really annoys me is when people use silly programes to change the words which do not make any sense. Here is an example: feel that when people use this silly programes to change the wording to make the article look unique, it makes my writing look stupid and i feel it could damage my reputation. Does anyone use these programes or are you like me and think they are annoying and do you think they will damage my reputation.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • We've had our Youtube Channel fairly optimized for several months now. Part of that effort includes the link back to our site which is allowed on Youtube. When doing link research I see Youtube links being given credit to competitors but haven't seen Youtube show up in backlinks reports for our site yet. Is there any way to speed this up? Our Youtube page with the link has been indexed and a cached version of the page is in Google's SERPs. If there are any tricks to getting this going that anyone is aware of I'd like to hear it. *The link on Youtube returns a 200 and is followable. I'm using the SEOMOZ tool and Open Site Explorer to do backlinking research.

    | dgmiles

  • Hi i have started to use knol to look at gaining more visitors to my site but i am very knew at this. On average i am getting 10 visitors to my knol page for the different content i am writing and would like to know how i can gain more knol visitors. Has anyone used knol before and if so how have you increased your visitors on knol. there does not seem to be anyway of promotion on the site to gain more visitors any advice would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, Some good directories asked a backlink for having ours listed in their categories. But of course, I am not fan of putting their link on the home page, but creating a page exclusively for these backlinks is a bad thing to mister google ? thanks in advance !

    | thuraminho75

  • It looks like either opensiteexplorer is broken or two of our domains are being spammed via negative seo with very low quality links: is a project pretty new in development. Last time I checked we had 39 linking root domains. Now - couple of weeks later - we have more than 800 linking root domains. Most of them very dubious ones. Problem is: the link anchors look correct of what we or a user would typically link to most of the URLs identified by OSE I cannot even find a link back to us on there If it weren`t for the correct link anchors I would consider something wrong with OSE.
    Another URL affected is We are very proud of our quality and organic approach to editorial journalism, but we are in a very competitive field, so I would not be surprised if someone would apply negative SEO against us. Can someone briefly look into it and tell me if they came up with the same issue?

    | Beatbuster

  • So I was wondering if there was a general consensis regarding the amount of outbound links you have coming from your domain to other domains and if there is a correlation between the more you have going out, the more (for want of a better word) damage you can do to your domain. EG: is a site with good domain authority better to keep the short leash on handing out links to external sites? Does this make the link juice from the site more valuable?

    | Daylan

  • Is there a way to Rank above wikipedia? Please share any strategies.. Thanks

    | DmitryP

  • Hi, I was wondering as far as being aggressive in link building can you add a lot of links to a new post on an aged domain?  How many would you say is too much for the new pages if the over all domain has about 40k links?  I am just wondering of a safe round about number monthly that can be done although I do realize this is site specific.  I would trust your best guess. Thanks, ~JImmy

    | dreamfire

  • I know no follow blogs don't pass page rank or link juice, but do they aid in help with making your site know for a specific keyword when you use anchor text?

    | photoseo1

  • Just wondering, in general, how quickly newly placed inbound links should get indexed by Google, and show up in OSE?

    | NiallTom

  • Hello, I was wondering if you guys could analyze my site and give me pointers on how I could improve it's SEO. I'm a health and wealth coach, NLP coach, and life coach in the Boise, Idaho area. Also, any link building advice you can give would be great. Here's my backlink criteria Age (as old as possible) A lot of unique content A clean site Backlinks going to that site Facebook followers Which of course means high search engine rankings Thanks

    | BobGW

  • Has anyone used PRWeb for press releases? Especially their basic plan. The link for the site itself is very valuable but I am more concerned about their distribution network. Any success with this site or any other? Thanks

    | DmitryP

  • We are receiving requests to repost our articles in full on competitor websites. Our competitors have expressed they are fine with linking back to our homepage, and the original source page. Would this benefit us, or do more harm than good?

    | uderic

  • Hi Guys, I'm will be building on specific keywords for my site and I'm thinking of doing some article marketing & I would like some advise, please. I'm going to write 10 300 word articles and within each article I will have 2 anchor text links going back to my site. To reinforce this I will be pinging the articles once completed. I will be submitting the articles to ezine, go articles etc. Advise and some other suggestions as to best practice for building on specific keywords would be appreciated, thank you.

    | Socialdude

  • In the link analysis of my site, it's not showing inbound links that I know we have?  Why is that?  I have verified they are still existent.

    | DavetheExterminator

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