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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • Hi guys. I’m not sure if this is a relevant place to post such question, but I’m really desperate. The TTFB on my website is ridiculously slow no matter what I do. I’m using Apache and the latest version of WordPress on a VPS (NameCheap). 2 CPU Cores 2 GB RAM 40 GB SSD RAID 10 1000 GB/mo Bandwidth GZIP compression is enabled, images are optimized, CSS, JS, HTML optimized, caching enabled (WordPress plugin), CDN is enabled (Cloudflare), PHP updated to the latest version. As I said, no matter what I do, TTFB remains very slow (most of the time the TTFB of my website is between 1.5 - 3 seconds). Google Page-speed Insights score is 86 for mobile and 95 for desktop (with 1.5s TTFB). What do I do about it? Will it affect the rankings of my website? Thank you so much.

    | AslanBarselinov

  • Hello everyone, I am facing an issue with the sitemap submission feature in Bing Webmaster Tools for a Japanese language subdirectory domain project. Just to outline the key points: The website is based on a subdirectory URL ( ) The Japanese URLs (when pages are published in WordPress) are not being encoded. They are entered in pure Kanji. Google Webmaster Tools, for instance, has no issues reading and indexing the page's URLs in its sitemap submission area (all pages are being indexed). When it comes to Bing Webmaster Tools it's a different story, though. Basically, after the sitemap has been submitted ( ), it does report an error that it failed to download this part of the sitemap: "page-sitemap.xml" (basically the sitemap featuring all the sites pages). That means that no URLs have been submitted to Bing either. My apprehension is that Bing Webmaster Tools does not understand the Japanese URLs (or the Kanji for that matter). Therefore, I generally wonder what the correct way is to go on about this. When viewing the sitemap ( ) in a web browser, though, the Japanese URL's characters are already displayed as encoded. I am not sure if submitting the Kanji style URLs separately is a solution. In Bing Webmaster Tools this can only be done on the root domain level ( ). However, surely there must be a way to make Bing's sitemap submission understand Japanese style sitemaps? Many thanks everyone for any advice!

    | Hermski

  • Is it okay to leave HTML entity characters, such as " in meta descriptions? Will search engines translate these appropriately?

    | ellenu

  • Hello, How can I avoid duplicate brand name in the title serp? For example:
    In this page: The title setted is: <title>LATAM Airlines en Chile | Sitio Oficial</title>
    But in the SERP show: LATAM Airlines en Chile | Sitio Oficial - Can I avoid LATAM.COM at the end of the title? Regards 8J3jEAX

    | jh0sz

  • Hi guys, I am the webmaster of the following two websites: The first URL is the Dutch version of GPBlog, the second URL is the UK version of GPblog. Whenever a person visits he gets redirected to either the Dutch version or the UK version based on his location. My question is: is it harmful to have 1. your homepage on a subfolder and 2. is it harmful to run two different languages on one domain using this technique? Thank you in advance!

    | NielsDE

  • I wonder if someone can help me understand clearly page rank flow. If we have a website with a Home page, Services, About and Contact as a very basic website and the page rank will flow to each of those pages from the Home page (i'm not including internal linking between pages or anchor text from the home page content - this is a question purely about home page flow via the main navigation). If the Services page had 3 drop down pages. Would the home page rank also flow to each of these or is it going to the Services page which then distributes it to the three drop down. So instead of Home page rank flowing to 3 pages 33% each - it is flowing to 6 pages 16.6% each. Or is it flowing to 3 pages - 33.3% then the Services pages get a third of 33.3% ->10.1% I know this is simplifying it all a great deal- but it is the basic concept I am trying to grasp on this simple example. Thanks

    | AL123al

  • Redirect Chain <label>What it is:</label> Your page is redirecting to a page that is redirecting to a page that is redirecting to a page... and so on. Learn more about redirection best practices. <label>Why it's an issue:</label> Every redirect hop loses link equity and offers a poor user experience, which will negatively impact your rankings. <label>How to fix it:</label> Chiaryn says: “Redirect chains are often caused when multiple redirect rules pile up, such as redirecting a 'www' to non-www URL or a non-secure page to a secure/https: page. Look for any recurring chains that could be rewritten as a single rule. Be particularly careful with 301/302 chains in any combination, as the 302 in the mix could disrupt the ability of the 301 to pass link equity.” This is not helping me I don't understand about the 301 do I use the or the / I'm confused

    | geanmitch

  • If I have 2 pages that are identical but on different domains that our team manages, if we place a rel=canonical tag on the page we prefer/should display, will the page that doesn't have the canonical tag still be indexed and show on SERPs?

    | kroe1

  • Our e-commerce shop has numerous pages within the main shop page. Users navigate through the shop via typical pagination. So while there may be 6 pages of products it's all still under the main shop page. Moz keeps flagging my shop pages as having duplicate titles (ie shop page 2). But they're all the same page. Users aren't loading unique pages each time they go to the next page of products and they aren't pages I can edit. I'm not sure how to prevent this issue from popping up on my reports.

    | NiteSkirm

  • We are selling paint and have separate pages for different colour cans, each with their own unique description. We would like to include a few additional paragraphs of product information below each description, but this will be identical across all the products. Do you think this will be a problem being duplicate content?

    | JWalmsVH

  • I have just migrated my website from HUGO to Wordpress and I want to submit the sitemap to Google Search Console (because I haven't done so in a couple years). It looks like there are many tools for getting a sitemap file built. But I think they probably vary in quality. Especially considering the size of my site.

    | DanKellyCockroach

  • We have 155 podcasts and in many we have affiliate links to Amazon. But I recently found out that one of the two products we are promoting is no longer available. I now have to fix many podcast descriptions. My thought is maybe to build a link like: and 301 it to the Amazon product.  That way if the product changes, I simply change where the 301 points. Simple. BUT my question is does that bouncing people offsite immediately hurt us? Are there any other options that will accomplish the same goal?

    | jgoethert

  • hey my forum rank dropped becuz of fake dmca to much dmca daily what should i do ?

    | mifin

  • I am a Magician and have multiple location pages for each county I cover. I currently have them linked off the menu under locations/ <county>and also in the footer</county> However I have heard that a link from the page is much stronger, so I am experimenting with removing the Menu & Footer link and just linking to these pages from within the content. It's not really a navigation item and most people come in through search to the right page. Am I diluting the link by having it in the Menu/Page and Footer? I read a long time ago that Google only considers the first link to a page and ignores the rest - is that the case? Thanks Roger

    | Rogerperk

  • How is it considered by google at the end of a sentence ? New paragraph or not ? Thank you,

    | seoanalytics

  • Hello, when it comes to location & language targeting, is it possible to have different website page designs for their respective regions? So let's say we have one design for and a completely different design for Our branding is different for the US so would ideally like to use specific US designs for US pages. Thanks,

    | SEOCT

  • Hello, I wonder if any SEO internationalisation experts can help. We are a UK centric business with a .com domain which all our traffic currently goes to. We have been growing in the US and are therefore looking to internationalise our website by building out some US pages using the subfolder .com/us. Since the keywords we wish to target in the US are different to the keywords we are targeting elsewhere, when implementing hreflang tags is it possible to use a different URL for the US page? So let’s say we are targeting ‘estate car’ generally but want to target ’station wagon’ as the keyword for the equivalent US page, can the URLs be different? Example: General page: US: Hreflang tags: Would that be the correct implementation? Any help or guidance would be much appreciated!

    | SEOCT

  • Hi All, My website URL is and it is neither caching nor indexing in Google. Earlier the URL was I have redirected it to by using 301 redirections. I have checked the redirection and everything else is fine and I have submitted all the URLs in search console also, still the website is not indexing. Its been more than 5 months now. Please suggest a solution for this. Thanks in Advance.

    | ResultfirstGA

  • There are two robots.txt pages. One for www version and another for non-www version though I have moved to the non-www version.

    | ramb

  • Hi MOZ friends, One of our clients has used for structured markup.  says: "If you are already publishing structured data markup and it is already being used by Google, Microsoft, Yandex or Yahoo!, the markup format will generally continue to be supported. Changing to the new markup format could be helpful over time because you will be switching to a standard that is accepted across several companies, but you don't have to do it." Although there is such statement, as is the common vocabulary in 2019, should I keep it or change it with Thanks in advance! 🙂

    | bbop33

  • Why google showing only 160 Char, instead of 320? Is there any official announcement from @Google? I have noticed form last week in Google SERP, Description is showing 160 again. Please help me with valuable information.

    | HuptechWebseo

  • We use Cloudflare as a firewall. I noticed a significant number of blocks of bot traffic. One of the things they do is try to block bad bot traffic. But it seems they are mistakenly blocking Google Bot traffic. If you use Cloudflare, you may want to look into this as well. Also, can you confirm if the following IPs are for legitimate Google Bots? Thanks,

    | akin67

  • We have a fair few of inbound spam links in the 1000s with a spam score going all the way up to 90. What would be the best thing to deal with this, i'm thinking to disavow anything about 40. But we are fearful of any issues which could come of this. Any advice would be really helpful.

    | JH_OffLimits

  • Hello, Around 2 months ago someone started a negative SEO campaign against us. Each week in Majestic around 50-60 domains appear (all .biz or .eu) which link to our site in hidden code via the exact match keyword. Now luckly nothing has happened to our rankings, as i have been disavowing all those links as soon as they appear in Majestic. (google only shows a few of them, and Google webmaster forum told me that google only shows a "sample of links" and that we should disavow as soon as we see) So only thing for me is to monitor majestic each week and keep on disavowing. I think there are almost 250 domains to this date i have disavowed. Or should i still only disavow those that google shows? (I think not, as those are "sample links")

    | advertisingtech

  • There was a lot of discussion back in spring 2017 when carousels were expanded in Google. But no definitive answers on how Google determines which sites rank for these results and what SEOs can do to get listed. My site ( ranks for some of these results (example: "cfd software"), but the product listed in the result is not the primary product from our suite that should rank for these queries. Also the image Google displays is an outdated product logo pulled from a low-level blog post. This despite having structured data  on our site with correct logos. Also, we only rank for carousels in one of our product categories and not others, despite ranking on pg. 1 for those results. So rank doesn't seem to be a primary factor. What is the secret sauce for ranking for these software carousels? And is it even worth it to try?

    | KHritz

  • Hi, I want to ask what need I do to the old content after my 301 redirect to the new domain with the same content success? Do I need to remove that old content? Nothing bad happen right? Thanks

    | matthewparkman

  • Hi, I was implementing JSON-LD via Google Tag Manager but have since read that it is better to place directly on the web page. My questions are: Where exactly do you add the JSON-LD - I mean physically?  This article by Moz says the head or body. Does it matter where in the head? At the end? If you do not have development access- is there an easy way to insert? Can you view the added JSON-LD directly on the web page after you have added it or is it not visible in the source once you have added it this way ? If you cannot see it, how do you view? Or it it just OK to use the Google Structured Testing tool as evidence that it is being seen by Google? Thanks

    | AL123al

  • My site ( is currently built on Instapage, which does not offer the ability to add a robots.txt file. I plan to migrate to a Shopify site in the coming months, but for now the Instapage site is my primary website. In the interim, would you suggest that I manually request a Google crawl through the search console tool? If so, how often? Any other suggestions for countering this Meta Noindex issue?

    | Nomader

  • Hello, Moz community! I have been puzzling about what to do for a client.  Here is the challenge. The client's "product"/welcome page lives at this page allows the visitor to select the country/informational site they want OR to login to their subdomain/install of the product. Google is choosing this url as the main result for client brand searches. In a perfect world, for searchers in the US, we would get served the client's US version of the information/marketing site which lives at, and so on for other country level content (also living in a directory for that country) It's a brand new client, we've done geo-targeting within the search console, and I'm kind of scared to rock the boat by de-indexing this welcome screen. Any thoughts, ideas, potential solutions are so appreciated. THANKS! Thank you!

    | SimpleSearch

  • So i am working with a review company and I am having a hard time with something. We have created a category which lists and categorizes every one of our properties. For example a specific property in the category "restaurant" would be as seen below: /restaurant/mcdonalds /restaurant/panda-express And so on and so on. What I am noticing however is that our more obscure properties are not being linked to by any page. If I were to visit the page I would see 100+ pages of properties, however it seems like only the properties on the first few pages are being counted as having links. So far the only way I have been able to work around this issue is by creating a page and hiding it in our footer called "all restaurants". This page lists and links to every one of our properties. However it isn't exactly user friendly and I would prefer scrapers not to be able to scrape all properties at once! Anyway, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    | HashtagHustler

  • Whenever I search for my website, All of the pages appears as different search results. However, I want my website to appear as most of the website out there appears. I have attached an image for your understanding (that's what exactly I want to get). I Shall be very thankful! Oycm2Kd

    | primecoursesfree

  • What are the guidelines / best practices for clearing these errors? Google has some pretty vague documentation on how to handle this sort of error. User behavior metrics in GA are pretty much in line with desktop usage and don't show anything concerning Any input is appreciated! Thanks m3F3uOI

    | Digital_Reach

  • Hello, We want to block all pages in this directory from Moz and Alexa robots - /slabinventory/search/ Here is an example page - Let me know if this is a valid disallow for what I'm trying to. User-agent: ia_archiver
    Disallow: /slabinventory/search/* User-agent: rogerbot
    Disallow: /slabinventory/search/* Thanks.

    | Pushm

  • Hi, Does anyone know whether hreflang links can be used using the following markup? I can't seem to find any info on this particular usage, but it "feels" incorrect to me. (duplicate content issues)
    Our development team tells me this is the way the markup should be, since languages are initially set using a cookie and all different languages are using the same URL. Thanks! <link rel="<a class="attribute-value">alternate</a>" href="<a class="attribute-value"></a>" hreflang="<a class="attribute-value">nl</a>"/><link rel="<a class="attribute-value">alternate</a>" href="<a class="attribute-value"></a>" hreflang="<a class="attribute-value">x-default</a>"/><link rel="<a class="attribute-value">alternate</a>" href="<a class="attribute-value"></a>" hreflang="<a class="attribute-value">fr</a>"/><link rel="<a class="attribute-value">alternate</a>" href="<a class="attribute-value"></a>" hreflang="<a class="attribute-value">en</a>"/><link rel="<a class="attribute-value">alternate</a>" href="<a class="attribute-value"></a>" hreflang="<a class="attribute-value">de</a>"/>

    | dimitrihuyghe

  • I heard recently from an SEO friend that with Google's recent update, mobile page speed now affects desktop results. Our site is relatively slow on mobile, and I wanted to check! Thank you!

    | lauraballer

  • Hi everyone, I recently taken on an SEO eCommerce account and found that all the footer links have a no follow attribute. I've requested that the no follow tags be removed as the pages are quite valuable (about us, finance, recycling, help centre etc). I've been asked what the risks are and all I can think of is a slightly increased number of pages for Google to Crawl. Are there any other risks you can think of? Does anyone have experience around making this type of change? For benefits, I believe that it will make our content look more trustworthy to Google and help with traffic through to those pages in the SERPs. Any other pros you can think of will be a great help.

    | RebekahVP

  • Apologies if this has been asked before. Currently we have a Shopify shop on a subdomain a blog on subdomain and the full domain of course. We'd now like to move everything onto Shopify on the full domain. Therefore the blog rolls into Shopify. We'll manually move pages into Shopify. Any advice or links to resources on how to manage would be gratefully received. Thank you , Jim

    | LucyBee

  • hi, Currently i have a 18 year old domain name "". I wish to shift to a new domain name "". primarily because of two reasons: 1. I have a same name competitor with domain "", the site gets benefited because of the brand name domain. 2. The new domain name "" is better to remember and pronounce. Even if I redirect all web-pages, properly to the corresponding web-pages on new site. Should I go ahead with this? will it result in drop in rankings!

    | StutiTh

  • Hey guys, I've always believed that search pages should be no-indexed but now I'm wondering if there is an argument to index them? Appreciate any thoughts!

    | RebekahVP

  • Hi, I have a lot of issues popping up with temporary redirects and redirect chains. I'm still confused as to what exactly redirect chains are and I don't know how to find where the "chains" are or how to fix them. I'm having two issues mainly:1. Temporary RedirectsI have around 100 pages on our website that are being flagged as temporary redirects. All of them have one thing in common: they are review pages (basically, when a customer clicks on the Review button to review a certain product, they are redirected to a review page for that product).URL Example: went into our website and set any URL containing the following as noindex:/review.aspWill that fix the issue? If yes, will I also need to do that for any URL containing /reviewhelpful.asp?2. Redirect ChainsIt seems like basically every product page on my website has this issue (over 100 pages). Here's an example of one: don't see any broken links on this page or links that redirect to another page that redirects, etc. What is causing this? Is it something on my header bar that is redirecting (since that header bar appears on every page, maybe that is why this issue shows up on a lot of pages)?I am new to Moz and still trying to figure this stuff out. I really appreciate any help. Thanks, Sawyer

    | AllChargedUp

  • Hi everyone, I am currently working on a project that will quickly add thousands of new indexable URLs to my site. For context, the site currently has over a million indexable pages. Is there any danger of adding a few thousand URLs at once to the site? Could it potentially affect crawlability/SEO/other pages? Thank you!

    | StevenLevine

  • Hey MOZ Community, I am looking for some help in identifying where the following meta description is coming from on this home page  - I have scrubbed through the page source without being able to locate where the content is being pulled from. The website is built on WordPress and metas were updated using Yoast, but I am wondering if an installed plugin could be the culprit. On top of this, I have had a developer take a look for the "hack" and they have assured that the issue has been removed. I have submitted the URL in GSC a couple of times to be re-indexed but have not had much luck. Any thoughts would be much appreciated, the displayed description is below. The health screening plays a significant and key role in detecting potentially life-threatening illnesses such as cancer, heart ...

    | jordankremer

  • Hi guys, My SERP analysis show me that two pages compete eachother for the keyword kinderfiets, which should not happen since there is a canonical tag is active.‎fiets/kinderfiets/kinderfiets/‎ Ranks #6 and‎fiets/kinderfiets/‎ Ranks #7. The first one is a subcategory which is one step deeper than the second one. I prefer consumers to land on the broader subcategory, because that one shows more products.Furthermore, we already did some SEO tweaking for the #7 page, but did not work on the #6 page. So it is even kind of strange that this page ranks higher.Can somebody help me out?Kind Regards,Tom

    | Sebastiaan1

  • In a nut shell we had a great site that performed well and grew month on month but it perhaps looked a bit dated. A decision was taken to build a new site and the job given to a PR agency for some reason. All the titles, H1 tags, page content and url structure was changed and now the site has drop 50% of organic traffic. I've been tasked with trying to rebuild rankings but so far it's not going well. A snapshot of the old website still exists and i'm very tempted to have it reinstated in the hopes that our traffic will recover. What are your thoughts?

    | etienneb

  • Hi All, I have been doing research for a few weeks and I cannot for the life of me figure out why I cannot get my website (Racenet) into the top stories in Google. We are in Google News, have "news article" schema, have AMP pages. Our news articles also perform quite well organically and we typically dominate the Google News section. We have two main competitors (Punters and Just Horse Racing) who are both in top stories and I cannot find anything that we are doing that they aren't. Apparently the AMP "news article" schema is incorrect and that could be the reason why we aren't showing up in Google Top Stories, but I can't find anything wrong with the schema and it looks the same as our competitors. For example: Does anyone have any ideas of why I cannot get my site into Google Top Stories? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! 🙂

    | Saba.Elahi.M.

  • Hi, Hope you guys can help. I run an e-commerce site Last night our home page (and a few other pages, but not all) were de-indexed by Google. The site has been ranking (UK) for years in P1 for the "alloy wheels" keyword and on the whole been running very successfully. However recently I have noticed from fluctuation on the "alloy wheels" keyword, dropping to P3 then P5 then back to P3, but this morning I noticed we were not even ranking on the first page. When I check inside Search Console there are no messages or warnings but the "/" page was de-indexed. There were a few other key pages that were also de-indexed. I have request reindexing and they have come back, P7 for the home page for "alloy wheels" The only thing I have changed was I realised yesterday there was no robots.txt on the site and was being recommended by to add one, so I did. It was just an allow all: User-agent: *
    Disallow Sitemap: I ran tests on the robots.txt before it was uploaded and it all came green. I have removed the robots.txt for now. Has anybody seen anything like this before? With the recent ranking fluctuation I am not sure whether it is to do with that, the robots.txt or something different altogether? Thanks in advance, James

    | JamesDolden

  • Hi, I am working for a SAAS client. He uses two different language versions by using two different subdomains. for german and for english. Many thousands URLs has been indexed correctly. But Google Search Console tries to index URLs which were never existing before and are still not existing.**/en/company
    /de/**company ... and an thousand more using the /en/ or /de/ in between. We never use this variant and calling these URLs will throw up a 404 Page correctly (but with wrong respond code  -  we`re fixing that 😉 ). But Google tries to index these kind of URLs again and again. And, I couldnt find any source of these URLs. No Website is using this as an out going link, etc.
    We do see in our logfiles, that a Screaming Frog Installation and w opensiteexplorer were trying to access this earlier. My Question: How does Google comes up with that? From where did they get these URLs, that (to our knowledge) never existed? Any ideas? Thanks 🙂

    | TheHecksler

  • I have an ecommerce website with 4 departments, that share the same categories, For example a bicycle shop would have different products for mountain biking and road cycling, but they would both share the same 'tyres' category. I get around this by having the department as a filter, that changes the products on show, and adds a URL parameter of ?department=1. When this filter is applied, i have a canonical link setup to the non-filtered category. Any filter links are nofollowed. My top menu has 4 different sections, one for each department, and links to these URLs with the department parameter already on, these links are set to allow robots to follow. As i am actively pointing Google at these pages, and it is my main navigation, should the page they go to be noindexed? As its the canonical i want to rank. Hopefully this makes sense. Cheers

    | SEOhmygod

  • This site was launched 3 days ago, and I'm trying to get it to show in Google just for a branded search for the moment (Bimco, Bimco Corporation, etc). The old site is still showing in search, instead. This site was taken down a while back. I set up a redirect for the domain in cPanel, and also set individual pages to redirect in WordPress on the site. I've verified the site in Google Search Console, submitted a sitemap and did URL inspection on each page. Each page is showing as indexed, though now when I search not all pages are there, and there are two results for the home page, one "https" and one "http." (Before today, all of the pages were showing so not sure what changed). I know this new domain does not have any (or very little) domain authority yet, but I would have thought that the site should display for branded search by now. So I'm concerned that something is wrong with the site, how the redirects are set up, etc. that is preventing it from displaying. Could anyone take a look and help me figure this out please?

    | browncreative

  • Does anyone have any recommendations on how you can tell Google (hopefully via a URL) not to index that page of a website? I have tried through SEO Yoast to hide certain sitemaps (which has worked to a degree) but certain functionalities of Wordpress websites show links without them actually being part of a "sitemap" so those links are harder to hide. I'm having an issue with one of my websites - the sitelinks that Google is suggesting are nowhere near the most popular pages and I know that you can't make recommendations through Google not to show certain pages through Search Console. anymore. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    | MainstreamMktg

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