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Category: Technical SEO

Discuss site health, structure, and other technical SEO strategies.

  • I'm working with a joomla/JCE website. At the moment, the 'title' field in articels controls the page title, menu item name and H1 tag. I've read that I can stop this happening so that I can name each separately and get my Page title tag back! Is anyone using joomla/JCE and can give any advice on how to do this? Many thanks. Iain

    | iain

  • Evening all, first post. I'm currently ranking OK for a broad range of keywords - nothing at number 1 but some are on the first page. However, there is one particular keyword which simply refuses to get indexed. I've witnessed this behaviour before with another site where it appears at SERP 300 or so, then vanishes, comes back at 200 odd and then vanishes. Right now, it's not even ranking in any position. I'm using SERPFox for SERP position on Google. I've had Moz analyse the content on page and it's getting an A. The article is about 2000 words, with good Title and page description and the keyword is appearing under 1%. My question is, have you witnessed odd behaviour like this before where other keywords are ranking OK but an odd few don't even get indexed? I have a few links built to the URL and asked Google Webmaster tools to index the URL but still nothing. I have no penalties or anything to worry about. The only other info I have is that this URL is on a brand-new domain but the previous domain has a 301 redirect with a page authority of 42 and a domain authority of 38 (not too high). And, everything else appears to be running along OK. The point is, I have no expectations about the keyword ranking in a certain position but find it odd how the keyword keeps popping in and out of Google SERP. The keyword has a difficulty of: 58% Any thoughts appreciated. Robert. uH7vtbh

    | hooneyrobert

  • I have a site where I have 500+ Page listing pages and I would like to rel=canonical them to the master page. Example: OR I plan on adding this to the section from of the page template so it goes to all pages - When I do this, I will also add the canonical to the page I am directing the canonical.  Is this a bad thing?  Or allowed?

    | JoshKimber

  • We made changes several months ago trying to become compliant with Google Trusted Stores.  This change effects our secure checkout.  Here is an example once you go to checkout:
    Once you have gone to checkout all the links are changed: I know I can remove the session ID in webmaster tools, but I'm not sure what else I should be doing to ensure that these links are not indexed. We have the robot.txt set up to not index anything in checkout or that is on secure: However, due to the entire url change when on secure. I'm wonder if I need to set up in webmaster tools to exclude any url with or if there is a better option. thank  you


  • hi
    might be a weird one to ask. working on an ecommerce site, using all new inbound marketing best practices the site positioned on many keywords on the second page of results. the site started to generate income. Assuming budget is not an issue here, do you have any suggestions on how to give it the final push. any ideas will be considered.

    | ciznerguy

  • I have a high duplicate content issue on my website. However, I'm not sure how to handle or fix this issue. I have 2 different URLs landing to the same page content. and .In this situation, I cannot redirect one URL to the other since in the future I will probably be adding additional posts to either the "vegan" tag or the "raw food tag". What is the solution in this case? Thank you

    | myfitstation

  • Hello, My question is: Is it duplicate content when there is a link back to the original content? For example, here is the original page: But that same content can be found here:, but there is a link back to the original content. Is it still duplicate content? Thanks in advance.

    | JoLindahl91

  • It shows up in testing but not on the search engine.

    | Joseph-Green-SEO

  • Hi, I've noticed that Google indexing some of my pages as regular http, like this:‎ and some pages are being indexed as https, like this:‎ When I've performed site audit check in various SEO tools I got something around +450 pages duplicated and showing me pairs of the same URL pages, one time with http and one time with https. In our site there is the possibility for people to register and and open an account, later on to login to our website with their login details. In our company I'm not the one that is responsible for the site's maintenance and I would like to know if this is an issue, and if this is an issue - to know what causing it and how to fix it so I'll be able to forward the solution to the person in charge. Additionally I would like to know in general, what is the real purpose of https vs. http and to know what is the preferred method that our website should use. Currently when URLs are typed manually to the address bar, all the URLs are loading fine - with or without https written at the start of each URL. I'm not allowed to expose our site's name, this is why I wrote instead, I hope you can understand that. Thank you so much for your help and I'm looking forward reading your answers.

    | JonsonSwartz

  • Hi, I am new here and I have searched for but not got a definitive answer for this. I am sorting out a website which is a scaffolding company operating in a particular area. They are only interested in targeting a particular area and from what I have read through here I need to mark the site up with schema mentioning their company name and address. My issue is that I seem to find lots of conflicting advice about what should go it and how it should be laid out. I would love to know peoples opinions on where the best guide for setting up schema correctly for a site like this. They use wordpress, I am ok with inserting code to the site etc, I just want to make sure I get it right from the start. Once I have done this, I understand that I need to get local citations using the same NAP as how the site is marked up. Sorry for what might seem like a daft question but I am a designer and I am still learning the ins and outs of SEO. Thanks

    | kirstyseo

  • We are going to migrate our site but we cannot do this gradually, so before we complete the whole migration, we were thinking of launching the new site on a sub-domain and gradually redirect traffic to the sub-domain, starting with 10%, moving up steadily so that we then migrate to the new site within four/five weeks. The new site will have a new URL structure on the same domain, with a complete re-design and the IP address will be changing as well, even though the server geographical location will remain the same. a) Should we noindex the new sub-domain while the new site is on trial? b) Are there any other issues we should look out for? Thanks in Advance 🙂

    | seoec

  • I have a client who ranks well for a number of keywords. This week we have about 20 keywords in the top ten on Google that we're tracking. But every week it seems, the keywords bounce around quite a bit. This week, for example, we had at least 15 keywords out of the ~90 we're tracking jump between 30 to 40 spots. The most any keywords increased was 43, a few 42s and 41s, in one week. Next week, they'll go down a few, then bounce up again just like this. This has been happening for a while. I'm trying to figure out what the issue is.

    | Millermore

  • I'm in the process of putting together an eCommerce site selling greetings cards. I would like to sell the cards to both the US and UK markets. I also want to have the best chance of ranking well in the US and UK SERPs. Should I build 2 sites using the same products/content on a .com and domain (dup content issues?), or should I have one site with the ability to checkout in either currency? Any thoughts / guidance would be very much appreciated. Thanks.

    | TPearson

  • Hello All, So about 2 months ago, there was a massive spike in the number of crawl errors on my site according to Google Webmaster tools. I handled this by sending my webmaster a list of the broken pages with working pages that they should 301 redirect to. Admittedly, when I looked back a couple weeks later, the number had gone down only slightly, so I sent another list to him (I didn't realize that you could 'Mark as fixed' in webmaster tools) So when I sent him more, he 301 redirected them again (with many duplicates) as he was told without really digging any deeper. Today, when I talked about more re-directs, he suggested that 404's do have a place, that if they are actually pages that don't exist anymore, then a ton of 301 re-directs may not be the answer. So my two questions are: 1. Should I continue to relentlessly try to get rid of all 404's on my site, and if so, do I have to be careful not to be lazy and just send most of them to the homepage. 2. Are there any tools or really effective ways to remove duplicate 301 redirect records on my .htaccess (because the size of it at this point could very well be slowing down my site). Any help would be appreciated, thanks

    | CleanEdisonInc

  • When I tried to validate my html after added some schema, I am getting html validation errors. I have some examples below. Any ideas on what I've done incorrectly? Line 9, Column 80: there is no attribute "itemprop" `…ontent="" itemprop=**"**logo" />`_L Line 130, Column 23_: "itemscope" is not a member of a group specified for any attribute `itemtype="">`

    | RoxBrock

  • Has any testing been done to determine if Pintrest helps a website ranking?

    | StreetwiseReports

  • A website I'm working on is clearly algorithmically penalised. I've spent a lot of time mass disavowing spammy links, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. We have been planning to build a new website anyway since we are rebranding. 1. Is it possible to tell which pages are most likely to have a penalty applied? 2. If the website as a whole has a penalty, will redirecting certain pages to the new website carry the penalty? 3. Our website is structured as sales pages and blog content. It is the sales pages that have the spammy links, yet most of the blog content does not rank either. Would it be a good strategy to only redirect all the blog posts (which have natural links pointing to them) to the new website and not the sales pages? 4. The homepage has a mix of spam and very good editorial links. If I have disavowed links and domains, can I safely redirect this page?

    | designquotes

  • We are in the direct mail advertising business: Example: Parent:
    Postcard Direct Mail Children:
    Postcard Mailings
    Postcard Design
    Postcard Samples
    Postcard Pricing
    Postcard Advantages should "postcard" be repeated in the URL and Page Title? and in this example should each of the 5 children link back directly to the parent or would it be better to "daisy chain" them using each as parent for the next?

    | JimDirectMailCoach

  • My site received a Google penalty for having inbound links from blog posts with over-optimized ("spammy") anchor text.  I spent months getting these links removed. Yesterday - I received a link deletion request from a site that my site had linked out to (three links via keyword anchor text relevant to their company) in a blog post. The "unnatural link" penalty still hasn't been removed from my site. My question is:  Does the penalty work both ways?  For having inbound "unnatural" links ... AND for having outbound "unnatural" links?

    | RedNovaLabs91

  • We're creating a new version of our entire website - look and feel is completely different, though core functionality and results are the same.  Just cleaner, faster.. etc.  We're doing a temp redirect to the temporary url for testing and to slow roll the release to some of our users for a more friendly approach.  Eventually, the new look and feel will be under the original url. I've researched best practices for the site transfer, including "make sure the meta tags for title and description are exactly the same". The concern I have is that Moz Analytics is detecting a lot of errors in the existing meta tags.  They're too long, have changed and become inconsistent after being passed through different hands, & some have some keyword stuffing in there. I have plans to change them out and really clean them up... I'm just wondering, when is the best time to do that? Since the tags are bad, should I just do it now but make sure that the old and new are matching?  Or should I wait (and for how long?) after the new site is switched over and everything is on the original URL?

    | SFMoz

  • Hi, i am going to be applying to have out site in google news but i have come across the below and not sure how we do this. I use joomla and our site is and the page we are including is Article URLs. To make sure that we only crawl new articles, please make sure your URLs are unique with at least 3 digits, and are permanent. can anyone please let me know how i do this with the url please

    | ClaireH-184886

  • We host an event every year which updates it's branding to include the year (Ex. Acme 2013, Acme 2014, etc.). We used to use the branded domains ( to redirect to the event microsite on off of our main content site (ex. Just this year our event managers decided host the event on it's own domain, separating it from the content site. So it is now Their strategy is to update the domain every year to include the current year, so next year the domain would be I understand the use of the domain for marketing purposes but I feel like it could be hurting our SEO by doing this. Should we revert to our original strategy or is this okay with the proper setup? I should note that because this is an event promotion site, the site template and content updates every year.

    | accessintel

  • Hi all, I have a client website that got hit in the latest algorithm update. It since appears that it had over 100 suspect links to it. I performed the Disavow procedure a few weeks ago via my Google Webmaster account, but have not received a message yet to say its been actioned. The majority of these suspect links go to one page. I am considering changing the base category (in Wordpress) to a different keyphrase and then submitting a new sitemap for indexing. This way there will be no actual link from a suspect website to a page on my website. Do you see what I mean? Will this help do you think? Thanks in advance.

    | BrandC

  • Currently for our website Thinkdigit, we are using a rss sitemap ( for news. Please let me know is this the right format or we should use xml format only. Also we have lost a huge chunk of traffic from news search, Previously it used to be around 10,000 visit from google news, now it is just 300 visit per day.

    | 9dot9

  • How is the IT team handling multi-page results?   The URL is the same - with out any parameters, but the content changes.  Is this best way to handle it from an SEO perspective?

    | S.S.N

  • I've been having issues with my keyword rankings with MOZ and this is what David at M0Z asked me to do below.   Does anyone have a solution to this?  I'm not 100% sure what to do.  Does it hurt ranking to have a domain at the root or not?  Can I 301 redirect a whole site or do I have to do individual pages. "Your campaign is looking for rankings for the www version of the campaign but the URL resolves as a root domain. This would explain the discrepancy. Since there is no re-direct between the two, you can have 301 re-direct to  which will prevent you from re-creating your campaign to track the root domain. Once the re-direct is in place it will take a while for Google to show the www version in the results in which your campaign rankings will be accurate." Thanks

    | SeaDrive

  • Wondering if I could get a few views on this please... I have added an affiliate store to a domain I own, however I forgot to noindex the product pages which were duplicate content of the merchants. Despite a good deal of backlink building the site will not do much in the engines at all, doesn't even come up on the first few pages for it's own name! This suggests to me that I have a duplicate content penalty. Try as I may I cannot get it removed so am thinking of cloning the domain to a new domain, however, I do not want to lose the links I collected so I am planning on 301ing them. While I will not get all the link power moved over, I should at least get credit for some of them which will kick start the new domain. Can anyone forsee any potential issues with doing this? Is there a danger of 301ing a site with a penalty that the penalty would be carried over? I know there is no penalty on the links, no WMT warnings etc, it is the content causing the issue. Thanks, Carl

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • Will registered trademark symbol within a URL be bad? I know some special characters are unsafe (#, >, etc.) but can not find anything that mentions registered trademark. Thanks!

    | bonnierSEO

  • I have added schema to my product page as follows: Example product description ..... and  so forth. However, the schema is showing up on the product page itself. How do I keep the schema on the SERP page, but not on the product page? My client doesn't want it to affect the site design. Thanks!

    | DWallace

  • Hi All, I will try to keep this to the point. One of our websites was hit by penguin for unnatural linking. We are building a new site (same business, different domain), but we would like to take some of the pages/content off the old website and use it on our new site. Is it just a case of copying each page onto our new site and 301 redirect the old URL? Or should I just be completely rewording/recreating the old content so it is unique? Any help on this would be great, but I am also open to alternate methods too. Thanks Lewis

    | SO_UK

  • We're experiencing a peculiar situation with Google not respecting our meta <title>.</p> <p>As you can see in the first image (search result), the title <a href="">for the page</a> is a part of the content. This is relatevely normal for the description, but we never heard of Google doing this before.</p> <p>In the code, the <title> and meta description are correctly implemented.</p> <blockquote style="background-color: #f7f7f7; padding-top: 5px; margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 2px; padding-bottom: 5px; white-space: nowrap; overflow-y: auto; font-family: monospace; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;"> <p><meta name="description" content="Profesores, tutores, autores y docentes 2.0 de Open IEBS. Conoce su Biografía, experiencia, reputación, conexiones sociales y las valoraciones de alumnos."/><br /><title>Conoce los profesores, tutores, autores y docentes de Open IEBS.</title> In a further research, we discovered that the title which is using is an in anwith the following code (cleaned and simplified for the question): <hgroup> Pilar Soro
    0 Seguidor
    Para poder seguir al Profesor, debes de registrarte aquí. Profesora y experta en redes sociales. Formadora de docentes, [...]
    </hgroup> Note: we're correcting the code since this is quite messy, but it's the one we have now The point is that google has considered that this particular is more important than the title itself. This would make sense if we were looking for that name, but the search was simply "". Two things for which this is even more strange are the following: while all the /profesor/%category%/ has the same code, this only happens in some search results and not in all of them; why is it appearing in some pages, but respecting my title in others? the previous code is not the only one in the page, there are about 10 others and some are placed before and some are placed after; so, why this one and not the first or the last? What is more strange is why this article in particular and not any other of the 10 on the page since some of them are placed before and some of them are placed after. Provided this situation, we would like to know: is this a common situation? Is it happening to more people? why is it happening? Is it somehow related to , <hgroup>and ? why that piece of code and not any other article? and why is it only happening in some pages? more important, can it be corrected or can we take advantage of it somehow? Thank you in advance. Any light you can shed on this will be well received! AJ2CUSe.png?1?8232 </hgroup>

    | ofuente

  • We created an indepth case study/survey for a legal client and can't get Google to crawl the PDF which is hosted on Wordpress in the wp-content folder. It is linked to heavily from nearly all pages of the site by a global sidebar. Am I missing something obvious as to why Google won't crawl this PDF? We can't get much value from it unless it gets indexed. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! Here is the PDF itself: Here is the page it is linked from:

    | inboundauthority

  • When i did a site: search on Google i've noticed all kind of URL's on my site were indexed, while i didn't add them to the Joomla navigation (or they were not linked anywhere on the site). Some examples: >> that way ALL articles are publicly visible, even if they are not linked to a menu-item... If by accident such a link get's shared it will be indexed in google, you can have 2 links with same content... >> same with categories, automatically these overview pages are visible to people who know this URL. On it you see all the articles that belong to that category. >> this gives an overview of all the categories inside your Joomla CMS I think most will agree this is not good for your site's SEO? But how can this be solved? Is this some kind of setting within Joomla? Anyone who dealt with these problems already?

    | conversal

  • Hello, I currently have my dutch website in the domain of my country. Quite good SEO positions are there for this language. Now, i'd like to translate my full site to english, my target group would go over the whole world because i'm delivering an online service. Therefore, I don't think it's good to have this on my country domain? I have an identic .EU domain that's never been used (currently redirecting). What's the best choice? What are the + and - ? Could this have any effect on my current positions in dutch (homecountry domain) ? Thanks!

    | conversal

  • Hi, I am using yoast plugin and having problems with title. For example, my recent post
    It's showing as "Bulverde Realtor Headshot | San Antonio Headshot PhotographerSan Antonio Wedding Photography Journal So basically, homepapge title is followed on every single page and post. I would like Bulverde Realtor Headshot | San Antonio Headshot Photographer Could you help with this?

    | BistosAmerica

  • This website is ranking for a very high competitive keyword "bail bonds los angeles" They maybe have one backlink and 10 citations. How are they ranking for 2nd spot? This doesn't seem possible. Almost 5 other domains on page have pr2 and higher and not able to beat this site. Can someone please explain what might be causing this? thanks in advance

    | webbutler13

  • I have a problem. Everything seems to be ok, but moz shows a HTTP code of 404 for and I don't really know why. All my others websites return 200 but this one return 404. And obviously, only this website don't want to rank in google.. Thanks for your help. Sebastian

    | sebagorka

  • Hi Mozers. Since Google switched to the https version, our company website ( indexing switched to the https version ( After that the ranking on Google dropped for almost every keyword. The site is very old and got a great authority and PR 7. It ranked for same keywords for very long time On each page from years there is the correct meta rel canonical. No spam, and WMT is ok. Could you please help? The internal links are all in http, and in https. If you are https are in https (they are all relatives) No changes have been made and the subdomain is in that way from 8 years: the main url has always been Google started this indexing switch around the 15 October

    | luca_cash

  • Hey Moz Community! I have a strange case in front of me. I have published a press release on my client's website and it ranked right away in Google. A week after the page completely dropped and it completely disappeared. The page is being indexed in Google, but when I search "title of the PR", the only results I get for that search query are the media and news outlets that have reported the news. No presence of my client's page. I also have to mention that I found two URLs of the same page: one with lower case letters and one with capital letters. Is this a duplicate page or a duplicate content issue coming from the news websites? How can I solve it? Thanks!

    | Workaholic

  • Hi Using the moz tools i have over a 1000 pages of duplicate content. Which is a bit of an issue! 95% of the issues arise from our news and news archive as its been going for sometime now. We upload around 5 full articles a day. The articles have a standalone page but can only be reached by a master archive. The master archive sits in a top level section of the site and shows snippets of the articles, which if a user clicks on them takes them to the full page article.  When a news article is added the snippets moves onto the next page, and move through the page as new articles are added. The problem is that the stand alone articles can only be reached via the snippet on the master page and Google is stating this is duplicate content as the snippet is a duplicate of the article. What is the best way to solve this issue? From what i have read using a 'Meta NoIndex' seems to be the answer (not that i know what that is). from what i have read you can only use a canonical tag on a page by page basis so that going to take to long. Thanks Ben

    | benjmoz

  • I've recently started an initiative at my company to get our customers to publish a blog post about our company and to include a link to a landing page which sits on a subdomain attached to our main domain. The reason for directing visitors to the post to a landing page is to help with conversion. I've recently been thinking that couldn't the backlinks to this landing page from our customers' blogs (generally small sites) have a negative impact on the overall SEO of my companies domain? Thanks in advance.

    | JustinButlion

  • Hello Mozzers! I have a question, you may help.. How may it be possible that a page ranking well (1th result) goes from 1th result to the 18th page just in 1 day? It doesnt seem to be any kind of penalization.. I now had all suspicious outgoing links to be nofollow (they were not before), this may be a cause .. (?) Do you have any other suggestion? Thanks

    | socialengaged

  • I've just started working on a ecommerce website that was hit by Penguin 2.0 in May (It was ranking 2nd for it's major keyword at the time) and it hasn't been indexing for that keyword since After a lot of link removal, the reconsideration request was accepted and the manual penalty had been removed. Rankings haven't really improved and that specific keyword has not been reindexed The site does have a lot of not found errors (It was 5.5k but recently taken down to 4k) but it was still ranking before the penalty. Is there anything you believe I'm missing? Is it the onsite errors that are flagging the site as unreliable? I thought it would still appear for the keyword if that was the case

    | Sandeep_Matharu

  • Hi guys, Recently I migrated a site from Drupal to Wordpress. I didn't contemplated the URL's will be different on Wordpress. Actually I have moren than 500 (the site has around 5000 pages) page not found issues on WMT and Moz. It because articles that has accents (spanish site) and symbols had wrong URLs in Drupal and right now in Wordpress that pages are not working.
    i.e: So I want to know if I should fix the URLs and make the 301 redirect to each of them or only fix the issues and thats it. Thanks in advance if someone can help me.
    Sorry if I have a mistake with my english, I still learning.

    | alejandrogm

  • Hey everyone, I have a couple of pages that have duplicate title tags, and that's because I have couple of pages that are pretty much the same. I took the lower ranking of the two pages and deleted it. Is that all I have to do? Or do I need to setup a redirect or anything else? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I realise there is a wealth of information out there regarding content etc. But Im getting slightly confused about what to do with my articles for my site. Each week we have 3 articles written, 2 x 300 word articles and 1 x newsletter The question is what the heck do i do with these I apologies but I'm so confused. Do I publish them to my site?
    Get them on a blog?
    Publish them on a forum How many times do i get them published and whats the best way, and after all this , is this the right thing that Iam doing, and what else can i do to a) attract back links with this content
    b) get it published
    c) get google to index this and benefit from the content sorry if this has been repeated , but different people/companies offering different advice. Thanks

    | NickKer

  • I have put a map of cornwall on my site on the Corwnall Page, and for some reason has picked it up and shows it up in the top 4 images for a search for cornwall? The result is I am getting about 80% of the traffic coming to my site for the search Cornwall (I get about 50 unique visits per day, over 40 a day are landing on the Cornwall page. Is this a problem for my normal SEO as a Close up Magician? Will google start to think my site is about Cornwall? Should I noindex the image (I say that like I know how! - How do I noindex that image? ) Or is any traffic to a site good traffic, I imagine they will be clicking on the link landing on the page and then leaving, which I suspect is not good for google reputation. Any thoughts anyone Thanks Roger Where they land

    | rnperki

  • Currently, the site I am working on is using HTTPS throughout the website. The non-HTTPS pages are redirected through a 301 redirect to the HTTPS- this happens for all pages. Is this the best strategy going forward? if not, what changes would you suggest?

    | adarsh88

  • I have a case in which the whole site is AJAX, the method to appease to crawlers used is <meta< span="">name="fragment" content="!"> Which is the new HTML5 PushState that Bing said it supports (At least I think it is that) This approach works for Google, but Bing isn't showing anything. Does anyone know if Bing supports this and we have to alter something or if not is there a known work around? The only other logic we have is to recognize the bing user agent and redirect to the rendered page, but we were worried that could cause some kind of cloaking penalty</meta<>

    | MarloSchneider

  • hi guys, i would appreciate some advice on this. here are some example pages where i am getting a 404 status; There are quite a few, but thes a live pages so why is this happening? Also our site has dropped in the SERPS, i was wondering if this has something to do with it? many thanks Gerry

    | gezzagregz

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