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Category: Intermediate & Advanced SEO

Looking to level up your SEO techniques? Chat through more advanced approaches.

  • Hey Mozers! I've noticed that on they have a Canonical tag on each page referencing it self.  I have heard that this is a popular method but I dont see the point in canon tagging a page to its self. Any thoughts?

    | rpaiva

  • It would be great if there was a tool that helped find words/terms frequently used with other terms. For example, a search in this theoretical tool for "mobile app development" could bring up "iPhone app development" and "mobile app design" as examples of frequently co-occuring words. Any ideas or tools for this kinda thing?

    | jim_shook

  • We have a client that has an events category section that is filled to the brim with past events webpages.  Another issue is that these old events webpages all contain duplicate meta description tags, so we are concerned that Google might be penalizing our client's website for this issue.   Our client does not want to create specialized meta description tags for these old events pages. Would it be a good idea to 301 redirect these old events landing pages to the main events category page to pass off link equity & remove the duplicate meta description tag issue?   This seems drastic (we even noticed that is keeping their old events pages).  However it seems like these old events webpages offer little value to our website visitors. Any feedback would be much appreciated.

    | RosemaryB

  • We have found a lot of 404 error pages that we have transferred with 301 directs. My questions is, should these 301 directs be marked as a NF (nofollow)?

    | Essential-Pest

  • Hi Moz Community, Weird/confusing question so I'll try my best. The company I work for also has an Australian retail website. When you do a search the second result that pops up is, which redirects to the actual website. The Australian site owner removed this redirect per my bosses request and now it leads to a an unavailable webpage. I'm confused as to best approach, is there a way to noindex the URL from US based searches? My only problem is that the URL is ranking higher than all of the actual US based sub-cat pages when using a site search. Is this an appropriate place for an hreflang tag? Let me know how I can help clarify the issue. Thanks,

    | IceIcebaby

  • I know this has probably been asked many times and answered too, but things change a lot, so I would like to know with current search engine algos and co. The scenario is as follows: Building an ecommerce site and also want to incorporate a Q&A section, for support and FAQ's and such. should we go ahead and sub domain this like: or rater go with I would really like to know why, why not and maybe some real life examples. Thank you all

    | s-s

  • Hello, I am in the process of adding schema to a site that I am working on,, are there advantages or disadvantages to adding via html on site or through webmaster tools? Thank You

    | TP_Marketing

  • We have a client that does multiple press releases a year.   One issue we noticed is that every press release has the same meta description tag and the duplicates are starting to really add up.  Unfortunately the client does not want to create specialized meta descriptions for new press releases due to legal restrictions (every new meta description must be reviewed). What should we do about this?

    | RosemaryB

  • Hi guys. We've recently taken control of a third-party site and we're going to set up a domain re-direct so any traffic comes to our site. With any existing links that the third-party site has, will these pass link equity to our main site through the redirect? Thanks, Paul

    | kevinliao

  • Communities, opinion-formers, even Google representatives, seem to offer a consensus that linking to quality, relevant sites is good practice and therefore beneficial for SEO. Does this still apply when the outbound links are "nofollow"? Is there any good research on this out there?

    | danielpressley

  • Hi Guys, First post here! I am responsible for a Magento e-commerce store and there are a few crawl issues and potential solutions that I am working and would like to get some advice to see if you agree with my approach. Old Product Pages - The majority of our stock is seasonal, therefore when a product sells out, it is not usually going to come back into stock. However the approach for Magento websites is to leave the page present but take the product off the category pages, so users can still find these pages from the search engines and they are orphaned pages as not linked to from elsewhere and not totally clear products are out of stock (just doesn't show the size pulldown or 'Add to Basket' button). There is no process in place to 301 redirect these pages either. My solution to this problem is to: 1. Change design of these pages so a clear message is shown to users that the product is out of stock and suggest related products to reduce bounce rates. I was also planning on having a link from an 'Out of Stock' page on the site to these products so they are orphaned but is this required do you think? 2. When I know for sure (e.g. over a month) that the product will not be returned (e.g. refund) by the user, then 301 redirect the product pages back to category page. How do other users 301 redirect their pages in Magento, I would like an easy to use system. Crawl Errors Identified in Google Webmaster Tools It seems in the last 2 weeks there has been a sharp increase in the number of soft 404 pages identified on the website. When I inspect these pages they seem to be categories and sub categories that no longer have any products in them. However, I don't want to delete these pages as new products might come in and go onto these category pages, therefore how should I approach this? A suggestion I have thought of is to put related products on to these pages? Any better ideas? Thanks, Graeme

    | graeme1994

  • Hi, I got a request from a potential client as he do not understand why his website cannot be found on Google. I've checked that and found out that the complete website is not listed (complete delist) at all - expect just one pdf file.
    I've checked his robots.txt - but this is ok. I've checked the META Robots - but they are on index,follow ... ok so far. I've checked his backlinks but could not found any massive linking from bad pages - just 6 backlinks and only four of them from which looks like a linklist or so. I've requested access to their GWT account if available in hope to find more infos, but does anyone of you may have a quick idea what els it could be? What could be the issue? I think that they got delisted due to any bad reason ... Let me know your Ideas 🙂 THANX 🙂 Sebi

    | TheHecksler

  • Hello, Our website: currently has a default 302 redirection to We would like to do a 301 redirection instead of a 302 to Our concern is that the site is multilingual and we wonder what effect would the 301 redirection have on search engine crawlers and how would this appear on SERP. When a search is done on, the English version of our website appears and when on Google.FR, the French version appears. Would the 301 redirection change the way our website appear on Google? Grateful if you could help us out in understanding the pros and cons/best practices for our concern. Thanks in advance. Tej Luchmun.

    | luxresorts

  • One of my clients has just been hit with a Penguin 3.0 penalty. They have been subject to a negative link building attack for the last 5 months and despite my best effort it appears I haven't disavowed enough, someone was building a lot of links to them and all really low quality spam and a lot of forum profiles. They still rank for their brand, the site is in the index but the only rankings I can see are in Google Local. My advice to them for the quickest way back into Google is to get a new domain and relaunch on this new domain. The challenge is, the domain they want to buy used to be used as a domain in the 'erotic video distrubution' industry. It currently has 17 backlinks from 9 domain and the anchor text is mostly brand related but I can see that 70 links have already been deleted. I would consider this to be too high risk but would be interested to see if everyone agrees with me, it would be an awesome domain name if the history wasn't there!!

    | Karen_Dauncey

  • Greetings MOZ Community. A keyword matrix was developed by my SEO firm. I am in the process of integrating  primary, secondary and terciary phrases into the text and am also sprinkling three or four other terms. Using a keyword density tool ( the results were somewhat unexpected after I optimized. So I then looked at the source code and noticed text from HREF, ALT and SRC tags that may be effecting how Google would interpret text on the page. Our home page ( contains a slider with commercial real estate listings. Would Google index the SRC, HREF, TITLE and ALT tags in these slider items? Would this be detrimental to SEO? The code for one listing (and there are 7-8 in the slider) looks like this: | href="" title="Lease a Prestigious Fifth Avenue Office - Manhattan, New York">Class A Fifth Avenue Offices class="blockLeft"><a< p=""></a<> href="" title="Lease a Prestigious Fifth Avenue Office - Manhattan, New York"> src="" alt="Lease a Prestigious Fifth Avenue Office - Manhattan, New York" width="125" height="94" /> 1,340 Sq. Ft. $5,918 / month Fifth Avenue Midtown / Grand Central <a< p=""></a<> | Could the repetition of the title text ("lease a Prestigious Fifth...") trigger a duplicate content penalty? Should the slider content be blocked or set to no-index by some kind of a Java script? We have worked very hard to optimize the home page so it would be a real shame if through some technical oversight we got hit by a Google Panda penalty. Thanks, Alan Thanks

    | Kingalan1

  • I have a client that sells geotextiles and related products. None of his keywords gets a lot of traffic  google as it is a very B2B niche specific industry. For instance, and these numbers are off the top of my head The phrase geotextiles may get 80 searches a month and we have a page Then there are woven and nonwoven geotextiles which may get 30 searches a month We too have a and etc It then goes even further and has things like slit film series non woven /woven and we have subpages from there. To me, I feel as if we need to merge all of these pages to just a singular geotextile page with headers for woven and nonwoven and product info for the sub branches of those two. I feel as if we are basically competing for the same phrase again and again and again for very small amounts of traffic. Thoughts?

    | Atomicx

  • Hi All, I am just evaluating my title tags, H1,H2's etc and wondered in light of the google algorithm  changes over the last 12 months , we should look at more diversity as opposed to things possibly looking over optimized... Originally (18 months ago) my Title tags considered of 2/3 keyword phrases , then I reduced this to my keyword phrase | Brand Name  but a majority of my H1's and H2's had the same keyword phrases. Historically this has served us very well and rankings for good but over the last 12 months, we were hit by panda, hummingbird etc...and which we are trying to recover from and from what I have read, the rules have changed with regards to good seo./ over optimized SEO.  We have been writting unique content , making more of our links branded etc to sort things out from that perspective but on the page stuff is just as important so I would like to get this right. I am now thinking , that I may be getting penalized if my H1 and title's , H2 are the same ? and that they should be obviously related but different. H2's again , need to be related but not the same as either of the above. Is that how things should be these days ? from what I have read about this, most of the articles are not that recent so I don't what to do what is now redundant advice Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks Pete

    | PeteC12

  • Hi, We are working with a client on Mangento who URLs are formatting Google friendly eg; productname.html - as seen in site search in Google) but when you click the link to the site  it is adding on #.VEWKQxbc754 (or similar) The site is also having some page indexing problems as well Thoughts? specific settings/Add on in magento?

    | Pure-SEO

  • Hi! I'm trying to implement schema for a discount and it doesn't seem to be working. Is this the correct code? NAME OF ORDER HERE are  $DISCOUNT HERE What am I missing? Thanks!

    | 19958

  • Hi all I have a great .com domain but the cctlds are not available so I plan on using the .com for all the countries and languages. What is the best approach for SEO: subdomains like wikipedia does (  or subfolders ( I know this question comes up frequently on other websites but I would like to hear the Moz forum.

    | AndersDK

  • Hi mozzers, I am running an audit and I noticed that the nav is appearing twice in the code (can't see it on the Text version). When looking closely at the code there is an Item called Menu (screenshot2  attached) pointing to that is right in between both main menus. I am assuming that the second nav is for the mobile version? Is this normal to display it this way or not? If it is why is it displayed so? Thanks! k9Rg0YL.png u7VXcw6.png

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hi all, I decided to identify alternate language pages of my site via sitemap to save our development team some time.  I also like the idea of having leaner markup. However, my site has many alternate language and country page variations, so after creating a sitemap that includes mostly tier 1 and tier 2 level URLs, i now have a sitemap file that's 17mb.  I did a couple google searches to see is sitemap file size can ever be an issue and found a discussion or two that suggested keeping the size small and a really old article that recommended keeping it < 10mb. Does the sitemap file size matter?  GWT has verified the sitemap and appears to be indexing the URLs fine. Are there any particular benefits to specifying alternate versions of a URL in vs. sitemap? Thanks, -Eugene

    | eugene_bgb

  • What are the best ways to increase a website's page rank and domain authority?

    | WebMarkets

  • Greeting MOZ Community: I have been attempting to add certain keywords phrases to the home page text of our real estate web site ( When I check the keyword density and look at the keyword cloud, the frequency of certain terms appear substantially higher than they should be (see attached keyword cloud and keyword density chart.  Certain terms like "office space" have a 5 or 6% frequency which seems high. Last thing we need is a Panda penalty. When I viewed the code for the home page (see enclosed), I noticed HREF tags, SRE tags and ALT tags repeating certain keyword phrases, driving up their density. I have attached a keyword cloud for the home page of a competitor and the use of language seems more diverse. Does Google take the text in these various tags into account? I know the ALT tag is important for SEO, but how about the others? Does the use of text in the tags for this page make the overall page look spammy? Also, there are text and tags for the carousel in the home page that appear in the code for the home page. If this code were somehow concealed, would we be better off from an SEO perspective? Thanks, Alan pkM7CZG 1DFFMZ0

    | Kingalan1

  • There's a new industry specific website that looks decent. It's clean and nothing spammy. However, it's so new it's DA is under 10. Is it worth pursuing a link from a site like this? On one hand, there's nothing spammy and it is industry specific. On the's just DA is so terrible (worse than any of our other links), I don't want it to hurt us. Any thoughts? Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • It was recently brought to my attention that one of the PDFs on our site wasn't showing up when looking for a particular phrase within the document. The user was trying to search only within our site. Once I removed the site restriction - I noticed that there was another site using the exact same PDF. It appears Google is indexing that PDF but not ours. The name, title, and content are the same. Is there any way to get around this? I find it interesting as we use GSA and within GSA it shows up for the phrase. I have to imagine Google is saying that it already has the PDF and therefore is ignoring our PDF. Any tricks to get around this? BTW - both sites rightfully should have the PDF. One is a client site and they are allowed to host the PDFs created for them. However, I'd like Mathematica to also be listed. Query: no site restriction (notice: Teach for america comes up #1 and Mathematica is not listed)."Teach+charlotte"+filetype:pdf&as_qdr=all&filter=0 Query: site restriction (notice that it doesn't find the phrase and redirects to any of the words)"Teach+charlotte"

    | jpfleiderer

  • My company recently acquired another company including their web presence. We are soon ending their website and will be either 301 redirecting their domain to our domain or pointing their domain to our nameservers. Their domain authority is only 25 while our domain authority is 32. Their domain was created in 1998 while ours was created in 1999. So to keep our domain authority up or enhance it, should we do a 301 redirect or a domain forward. And that is if there is any difference? Thanks Chris

    | topsailislander

  • I work with an organization in the United States that purchased a 3 letter .com domain from another company based in the Netherlands.   After transferring the domain and setting up the new site we've completed the following: Registered the site in Webmaster Tools and selected the United States as the international target target Used Schema  Markup on the US business address Built links from US based websites Setup a Google My Business site and verified the address All site content is in english Requested removal of links from sites in the Netherlands that were linking to the old website Disavowed all links from the Netherlands that refused to remove links to the old website Despite these actions, our website rarely shows up in search results.  However, we're in the top 10 for many of the same queries when performing searches at  -  Interestingly enough, if we set our location for the US and do a search in we do not show up in the search results. 
    It has been about 18 months since we've completed these actions and Google still assumes our website is best served and targeted towards people in the Netherlands.   Is there anything else we can do to fix this?Thanks!

    | brianspatterson

  • Hi, I'm setting up a blog for a client that has a .com domain. The client is targeting three languages with the subfolder /de, /nl and /en. We've also established that a blog rather be used in a subfolder than subdomain. My question: How should we implement the three languages? Is this gonna be a or or would you maybe don't use subfolders for language at all but let a hreflang do the job?

    | dexport

  • Hi all, As of today, we put up approximately 900 high-quality, 100% original articles on our blog. However, we have not been able to generate any good traffic since July when it was first launched (  Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated! Thanks again.

    | businessowner

  • Hi everyone, 1. I'm conducting a link audit and read that if you are a sponsor or partner of a company, links should be nofollowed.  I always no follow them if they are money keywords, but branded I leave alone.  is that a good strategy? Or do i nofollow my brand name as well? 2. What if I'm a sponsor and have my company logo on their website that links to my website? How would i know if that link should be nofollowed? a. Does it depend on the "alt" of the image? b. Does it depend on the landing page of the link of the image? c. Do i just no follow image links from sponsor pages and partner pages as a whole?  Please keep in mind that I'm sponsoring websites that are relevant to my niche. PLEASE HELP!

    | Shawn124

  • My site has entered SEO hell and I am not sure how to fix it. Up until 18 months ago I had tremendous success on Google and Bing and now my website appears below my Facebook page for the term "Direct Mail Raleigh." What makes it even more frustrating is my competitors have done no SEO and they are dominating this keyword. I thought that the issue was due to harmful inbound links and two months ago I disavowed ones that were clearly spam. Somehow my site has actually gone down! I have a blog that I have updated infrequently and I do not know if it I am getting punished for duplicate content. On Google Webmaster Tools it says I have 279 crawled and indexed pages. Yesterday when I ran the MOZ crawl check I was amazed to find 1150 different webpages on my site. Despite the fact that it does not appear on the webmaster tools I have three different webpages due to the format that the Wordpress blog was created: "", "" and  "" What does not make sense to me is why Google only indexed 279 webpages AND why MOZ did not identify these three webpages as duplicate content with the Crawl Test Tool. Does anyone have any ideas? Would it be as easy as creating a massive robot.txt file and just putting 2 of the 3 URLs in that file? Thank you for your help.

    | DR70095

  • Hey there, I was wondering, does product's mark-up help to avoid penalization due to duplicate content? Here is the example: one of my client doesn't supply unique content. Because the major part of the content is technical description of products made by a couple of manufactures, do you think it will help me to link the official manufacturer webpage in a product mark-up? I know this is the right procedure to add mark-ups, but as on the pages of my client an outbound-link will show up, so I want to tell him this will be the only way to have that duplicate content without incurring in penalisation. I'd like to give him more than one solution, as I'm pretty sure it will never supply us with unique content. Thanks Pierpaolo

    | madcow78

  • We have a main website and a local website. Would it be a right strategy to create new pages on the local website specific to rank for certain keywords in the non-branded space? Is creating new pages to rank for keywords the right approach? I

    | FedExLocal

  • For some reason, a search for our company name (“hometalk”) does not produce the search box in the results (even though we do have sitelinks). We are adding schema markup as outlined here, but we're not sure about: Will adding the code make the search bar appear (or at least increase the chances), or is it only going to change the functionality of the search box (to on-site search) for results that are already showing a search bar?

    | YairSpolter

  • Hello, We are using a CMS/E-Commerce platform which isn't really built with SEO in mind, this has led us to the following problem.... a large number of internal (product search) search result pages, which aren't "search engine friendly" or "user friendly", are being indexed by google and are driving traffic to the site, generating our client revenue. We want to remove these pages and stop them from being indexed, replacing them with static category pages - essentially moving the traffic from the search results to static pages. We feel this is necessary as our current situation is a short-term (accidental) win and later down the line as more pages become indexed we don't want to incur a penalty . We're hesitant to do a blanket de-indexation of all ?search results pages because we would lose revenue and traffic in the short term, while trying to improve the rankings of our optimised static pages. The idea is to really move up our static pages in Google's index, and when their performance is strong enough, to de-index all of the internal search results pages. Our main focus is to improve user experience and not have customers enter the site through unexpected pages. All thoughts or recommendations are welcome. Thanks

    | iThinkMedia

  • The rankings for our client's site - fell off the face of the earth back in June. Despite trying a huge number of things to try and help the site recover, we've seen no real positive improvements since then. Examples of things we have tried: Disavowed & manually removed poor quality Links Removed any internal Duplicate Content Removed any broken links Re-written all website content to ensure unique & high quality No-Followed all outbound links Added any missing title tags changed hosting Rewritten content to ensure no duplication internally or externally The most recent issue we've picked up is that some highly spammy sites seem to have copied extracts of text from the website and hidden them in their pages. This is a rather puzzling one, as there aren't backlinks, pointing to our site -  just the copy. For example - Cancer Page and Diabetes Page.It feels very much as though this could be a negative SEO attack which could be responsible for the drop in rankings and traffic the site has experienced. If this is the case, what can we do about it?! Having already re-written the copy on the site, we obviously dont want to do this again unnecessarily - especially if this could just happen again in future! Any help or advice would be hugely appreciated.

    | Digirank

  • I've read the FAQs and searched the help center. My URL is: http://www.weplann.comHello there,Since 10/24 we've seen a critical impact in organic results in our site. At first, only taking a look at the date of when it all started made us think about a Penguin 3.0 hit and then we went to take a look at our linking data to find we had more than 14,000 links from Pinterest (significantly more than any other source). Then, another thing that made us think about that dramatic organic drop is the anchor text: an exact match ( is at #1 in our anchor text ranking but we're not 100% sure if this could affect our organic results because of the Penguin update.So our questions are:- A lot of Pinterest links could affect dramatically our organic results (understanding that Google may find that huge difference between linking sources as a bad practice)?- The anchor text exact match could really affect our ranking? If none of this points could cause that drop, then what would be causing it? We're sure it has to do with the Penguin update.Thank you very much in advance for your help!!

    | WePlann

  • Hi all, What would be ( highlights ) your strategy in order to rank and compete with a new domain against competitors that have an average of 50% domain authority and around 2000 root domain linking to them, if you would start with a completely new website/domain? How long would you estimate the new site to be competitive? In the retail area. Working on it a month full time I would go with On page SEO off course, detailling each products and building the internal link structure Get back links, backlinks, backlinks and... backlinks... Build the social media network feed a blog Thanks for your input Considering working on the site for a month full time, I would estimate a ranking after a month or 2 although the competitions very high. Your thoughts ?

    | Derek_A

  • Dear Experts, Though few of my website pages are accessible, Google is showing 404 error. What should I do? Even moz reports gives me the same. Problems:
    1. Few of my Pages are not yet catched in Google. (Earlier all of them were catched by Google)
    2. Tried to fetch the those pages, but Google says, page not found.
    3. Included them in sitemap, the result is the same. Please advice: Note: I have recently changed my hosting server.

    | Somanathan

  • I am wondering how we can solve our duplicate content issues. Here is the thing: There are so many ways you can write a description about a used watch. Whats different between these two? The dial color. We have a lot of the same model numbers but with different conditions, dial colors, and bands.. What ideas do you have?

    | KingRosales

  • Hi, We recently ran the Moz website crawl report and saw a number of 404 pages from our site come back. These were returned as "high priority" issues to fix. My question is, how do 404's impact search ranking? From what Google support tells me, 404's are "normal" and not a big deal to fix, but if they are "high priority" shouldn't we be doing something to remove them? Also, if I do want to remove the pages, how would I go about doing so? Is it enough to go into Webmaster tools and list it as a link no to crawl anymore or do we need to do work from the website development side as well? Here are a couple of examples that came back..these are articles that were previously posted but we decided to close out: Thanks!

    | carlystemmer

  • Can anyone offer any advice on how Google might get the url which it displays in search results wrong? It currently appears for all pages as: <cite> › Register › Login</cite> When the real url is nothing like this. It should be: This could obviously affect clickthroughs. Google has indexed around 3,000 urls on the site and they are all like this. There are links at the top of the page on the website itself which look like this: Register » Login » which presumably could be affecting it? Thanks in advance for any advice or help!

    | Wagada

  • Hi folks, Our agency rebranded from New Brand Vision to Decibel Digital a few weeks ago. Most things seem to be fine, 301 redirected the site and our site looks much better however there is one issue. When searching for our responsive site using my Iphone5, the page title appears as "New Brand Vision", even though "New Brand Vision" isn't within the source code. Our page title is <title></span><span data-mce-mark="1">Creative Digital Agency in London | Decibel Digital </span><span class="html-tag" data-mce-mark="1"></title> which is picked up on Desktop, but not through mobile search when sourcing our responsive site. Does anyone have any suggestions? Many thanks!

    | Tangent

  • I have a niche site that was hit by penguin. I was never hit with a manual penalty, but it is obvious the algo update hit the site. I have submitted a disavow file, but it doesn't seem to have made an impact. The site does have good rankings on Yahoo and Bing. Should I close this site and 301 to the category page on my main site (i.e forwarded to The main site had a drop after penguin, but is now receiving more traffic than pre-Penguin. The impact is mainly keyword specific (i.e keywords that appeared in anchor text dropped). Appreciate thoughts.

    | inhouseseo

  • Hi my site was doing ok, last week, humming along and increase in traffic. We felt that all the work removing bad links had worked. then all of a sudden, bang traffic dropped and is still dropping day by day. The strange thing as well is all the social media, bing and yahoo traffic has also dried up! Has anyone else had something smiler?

    | Taiger

  • I am using Wordpress and Yoast. I have Parent pages and child pages. Yoast recommends you have the keyword in the url. For the parent page I have the city name in the url. Question is, should the child pages also have the city name in the url or would that be considered keyword stuffing? Here is the current structure. So didn't know if should have the end of that url as /restorative-dentistry-st-louis /inlays-and-onlays-st louis since those are separate pages and Yoast and Moz plugin doesn't give you the Green light in  in all areas unless you do it like this? Thanks Scott

    | scott315

  • Hi All, I have a Rental site and I am bit confused with how best do my H Tags on my homepage I know the H1 is the most important, Then H2 Tags and so on.. and that these tags should really be titles for content. However, I have a few categories (links) on my homepage so I am wondering if I could put these as H2 Tags given that it is relevant to the page . H3 Tags will my News and Guides etc , H4 Tags will the whats on the footer. I am attached a made up screenshot of what I propose for my homepage  if someone could please  give it a quick look ,  it would be very much appreciated. I have looked at what some competitors do a lot of them don't seem to have h2's etc but I know it's an important factor for rankings etc. Many thanks Pete dJSFQwI

    | PeteC12

  • Hi I have a situation on a website where the links are structured like this so anywhere you click you will land on a page with a trailing slash but if i remove the trailing slash like this the page is still going to open the same content. 1. so it works with and without the trailing slash. is this considered as duplicate content by google? and if so what is the best way to go? should i redirect al the non trailing slash urls to trailing slash or the opposite? 2. if i redirect am i going to loose some link juice from existing external links which mainly already point to urls without th trailing slash. 3. i've noticed that the sitemap.xml contains links without the trailing slash .. should it contain the urls with the trailing slash? Also there's many external links pointing to this site but withouth the trailng slash like this

    | urkeman

  • Hi, 9 of my tracked keywords have dropped by over 20 ranks since last week.  The nastiest drops in ranking are by 36, 38, and 46 places. For the last month I have been chipping away at the duplicate content with 301 redirects and was expecting my keyword rankings to improve slightly as a result of this; not the opposite. I don't have any manual actions logged against my site and am at a bit of a loss to explain this sudden drop. Any suggestions would be most welcome.

    | McCaldin

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