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Category: Search Behavior

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  • Inside Google Webmaster Tools is the Geographic target feature.  Am I wise to change it from it's default setting ? The Geographic Targeting is a great feature that allows you to link your website to a particular location/country. It should be used only when a website targets to users from a particular country and when it does not really make sense to attract visitors from other countries. I have a site that ONLY is applicable to the UK. MY QUESTION Will I do more damage by setting the geographic location to UK, and so down grade my Google ranking in general. Or It's best to inconvenience none-UK geographical users and then NOT impact any google rankings holistically. I'm thinking of switching from the default webmaster geographical setting to the UK only. Good decision based on my site only being in the UK? Thanks in advance for any reply

    | COA

  • Has anyone ever had success with doing SEO for a title company? The owner of our law firm has one, and I'd be happy to work on it, but it just doesn't seem to be cost-effective. From my experience, title business goes to people who personally know the realtor; no one who actually has a say is "googling title companies." But, if I'm wrong, I'd love to hear it and any experiences you want to share. Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • How can you tell if you have been hit by the Panda update as I have a Page rank 3 Homepage, several 100 other pages but no page rank is flowing through to these pages they are all zero? Thanks

    | webguru2014

  • I'm laying the groundwork for a fairly involved website. The website is for a telco that caters to both residential and B2B. I was browsing the websites of the likes of Verizon, AT&T, Sprint & T-Mobile. What I saw is that they compartmentalize almost everything - all their business pages are in a business subdoman, all their investor info is in an investor subdomain and so-on. So I'm going implement this strategy on this website update. I just want to make sure that my idea makes sense and isn't a complete cluster****. I've attached a link to the mind map. Everything with "(sub)" attached to it is a subdomain. Everything else is a page at the root level of the top domain. Most of the visitors we get to the website are residential, so instead of loading a portal at first and asking if they're there for person or business reasons, I'm considering forwarding all visitors to the top-level domain to the site. Is this okay or would it be better to just keep the content in the top-level rather than forwarding all traffic to a subdomain? Thank you! 1JY7DWw

    | CucumberGroup

  • The office just got some of those fancy Google Partner bottles, and I want to fill them up with a tasty cocktail that is link juice themed. Any ideas on how to tie Google and/or SEO into a fancy cocktail?

    | WilliamKammer

  • Hi everybody, I need your help in order to fix some problems with HTML errors and Crawling errors generated by Magento on my client's website I have some problems with duplicate meta informations due to the fact that there are a lot of links such as /stampe-romagnole/tovaglie-con-tovaglioli**/colore/**beige,marrone,giallo,lilla/show/all.html /stampe-romagnole/tovaglie-con-tovaglioli**/colore/**beige,marrone,lilla/show/all.html that are generated by the filter /colore/ and so they have duplicate content and meta information on them. I activated the canonicals on Magento but this hasn't fixed the problem yet. On the sitemap there are only 1 link for each product, so it seems that the canonicals are working, but bot Google Webmaster Tools and SEO Moz are giving me errors on duplicate content and meta informations. I would like to solve these problems by excluding from robots.txt all the urls that contain the filter parameters, such as /colore/, /price/, /dimensions/, etc. (take a look to the attachment). I tried different solutions in order to exclude these links from robots, but I wasn't able to succeed. Below you can find my current robots.txt... can someone help me in order to write the correct form of this file and finally exclude all these urls generated by filters on Magento? Finally, is it worth it to exclude also the images from Magento? (take a look to the final lines of the robots below). Thank you very much for your help! Alberto User-agent: *
    Disallow: /CVS
    Disallow: /.svn$
    Disallow: /.idea$
    Disallow: /.sql$
    Disallow: /.tgz$
    Disallow: /w1nL1f3L0g1c/
    Disallow: /app/
    Disallow: /downloader/
    Disallow: /errors/
    Disallow: /includes/
    Disallow: /lib/
    Disallow: /pkginfo/
    Disallow: /shell/
    Disallow: /var/
    Disallow: /404/
    Disallow: /cgi-bin/
    Disallow: /magento/
    Disallow: /report/
    Disallow: /scripts/
    Disallow: /shell/
    Disallow: /skin/
    Disallow: /stats/
    Disallow: /api.php
    Disallow: /cron.php
    Disallow: /
    Disallow: /error_log
    Disallow: /get.php
    Disallow: /install.php
    Disallow: /LICENSE.html
    Disallow: /LICENSE.txt
    Disallow: /LICENSE_AFL.txt
    Disallow: /README.txt
    Disallow: /RELEASE_NOTES.txt
    Disallow: /?dir
    Disallow: /?dir=desc
    Disallow: /?dir=asc
    Disallow: /?limit=all
    Disallow: /?mode*
    Disallow: /index.php/
    Disallow: /?SID=
    Disallow: /checkout/
    Disallow: /onestepcheckout/
    Disallow: /customer/
    Disallow: /customer/account/
    Disallow: /customer/account/login/
    Disallow: /catalogsearch/
    Disallow: /catalog/product_compare/
    Disallow: /catalog/category/view/
    Disallow: /catalog/product/view/
    Disallow: /cgi-bin/
    Disallow: /cleanup.php
    Disallow: /apc.php
    Disallow: /memcache.php
    Disallow: /phpinfo.php
    Disallow: /control/
    Disallow: /customize/
    Disallow: /newsletter/
    Disallow: /poll/
    Disallow: /review/
    Disallow: /sendfriend/
    Disallow: /tag/
    Disallow: /wishlist/
    Disallow: /catalog/product/gallery/
    Disallow: /?*
    Disallow: //colore/
    Disallow: //price/
    Disallow: //misura/
    Disallow: //marca/
    Disallow: //sort-by/
    Disallow: //combinazione/
    Disallow: /*/seleziona-colore/
    Disallow: /colore/
    Disallow: /price/
    Disallow: /misura/
    Disallow: /marca/
    Disallow: /sort-by/
    Disallow: /combinazione/
    Disallow: /seleziona-colore/
    Disallow: /*colore/
    Disallow: /*price/
    Disallow: /*misura/
    Disallow: /*marca/
    Disallow: /*sort-by/
    Disallow: /*combinazione/
    Disallow: /*seleziona-colore/ UmuEX4z

    | OptimizedGroup

  • Cyris's article on Google making user satisfaction #1 is great!  See: However, what is the best practice to measure user satisfaction?  We have no data as to when the user goes back to the SERPS to click a competitor or do another search!  Are the metrics of bounce rate and avg time on site actually helpful or just confusing the situation?  Did my visitor find what they need quickly or leave because my site sucks? I'd like to hear how others are measuring user satisfaction in 2014...

    | TheDude

  • I've seen and heard about the concept of treating repeat site visitors differently, displaying different content based on behavior etc. Not sure what it's called buy Hubspot seems to offer something like this with their platform. Anyone know of a third party app (Wordpress perhaps) or tool that does this? How does this even work? Thanks for the help!!

    | RickyShockley

  • So my company has gone from .net to .com.  I have analytics up and running as well as WMT.  I noticed today that on the .com we only had 1 visitor yesterday and 0 today.  We have just put out a major press release as well as other PR related things and I'm only seeing slight traffic on the .net.  Any ideas?  What should I do with the .net in WMTs and Analytics?  Do I need to turn something off?  Is this normal behavior about a week into a migration?

    | Sika22

  • We are a norwegian bakeshop ( and we have started getting a lot of direct traffic from Miami and Chico. Wondering why, and suspect that someone is trying to hack our system. Any suggestions? We have never been in Chico or in Miami... and we don't spend anything on marketing so far, furthermore we don't ship to the US. The traffic is about 800 unique hits a day.

    | sykkelkompaniet

  • Hi, Here's the situation: There's this website which is a search engine for a certain purpose (android developers). In fact, the homepage and maybe the "about" page are the only pages sitting on, all of the other inner pages (hundreds of thousands) are generated within one main Sub-Domain - Also, the analytics is tracking only because those inner pages are the only ones to attract organic traffic. So, in Analytics we see as referral traffic to Also, in WebmasterTools under "Links to your site" we see like half a million links from to Is this situation normal, do you think it may impact SEO in any way? Last remark, organic traffic is growing in a great way to the inner pages generated by the search engine, which as said sitting under Thanks

    | Yoav_Vilner

  • I have been giving it a lot of thought lately.  I manage five brand websites for well recognized national brands in the child care vertical.  Our websites primarily serve as brochures and lead generators.  While we have a blog on each site, I am leaning toward creating content separate from our "brochure style sales copy" that targets each of our individual personas.  While it is our primary objective to drive lead volume up, I think people are at various stages in the decision process and even post decision, where we can do a better job nurturing them, engaging them, proving brand worth and all of the psychological reasons people choose and stay with a brand. With that, if it was your call to make, would you create a subfolder for each persona target, i.e., or would you create a brand new experience on a new domain? Essentially, both options will provide interesting content, tips, advice, videos, downloads, etc.  But, creating a new domain may help separate people from our sales copy, so they don't feel so pressured.  I would build out linking for those who wish to engage at that level, but don't want to treat all visitors the same, like we currently do. I look forward to an interesting conversation about this.  Also, if anyone has done this very well in the past or currently, I would love to see some example sites.

    | dsinger

  • Hello everyone, I'm having a headache right now in designing a url base for a eshop. I would be thankful for any suggestions. Just to be clear about my problem, I'll be using this product example:
    Product name: Product
    Categories: Sale, Women
    Brand: Superbrand Basicly every name of product, category or brand will resolve as url, if I enter url: /product it will open Product page /superbrand it will open brand page /superbrand/product will open product page from superbrand page /superbrand/sale/product would open product page selected from superbrand, then category sales /superbrand/woman/product would open product page selected from superbrand, then category woman So I will have many variations how to reach the product page, and of course i should set canonical url for it. I could set it just to /product , but then I don't know if I won't loose in terms of seo for other more detailed urls. Will google still index my other urls for product if i will state the canonical url in each product page? I know, maybe it would be the best solution to create a link like this: /superbrand_sale_product , which I can, but however it will be a duplicate content issue, since there will me many url pointing to the same product, and the only difference between them will be category, brand or whatever else... Thanks for all your ideas!

    | donatasBart

  • Hello, Many websites now serve specific home page offers based on the location of the customer, my question is, how does link juice flow around a site when the links (this case from the homepage) are served up based on a visitors location? Internal links from your homepage are valuable for ranking that product well in the SERPs so how does Google deal with this? So, for example, a car hire website based in the UK. If you arrive on the care hire website sat in Manchester (Northern UK city), on the homepage the website serves offers of car hire deals in Manchester, Leeds, London and international destinations. If you arrived on this website from London (Southern UK City), you would not see the Manchester link at all but London, and other cities in the South. In this case, when Google crawls the car hire website, it will see internal links but a)which version and b) is there any way of sharing this link value around? Basically, we want to understand if Manchester in this case will get the benefit of an internal homepage link from Google even though we only show Manchester to people FROM Manchester, OR, do Google only give juice based on one version of the website, a generic UK version? Or to put it another way, is there any way of cashing in on both geo-targetting the customer based on their location AND getting link juice from those geo-specific home page links? Perhaps there is some code or way of telling Google that people from Manchester (a certain % of our visitors) will see a homepage internal link for Manchester that will pass some small % link value?

    | xoffie

  • Hello Mozzers! Currently using Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics, but looking for something dedicated to analyzing how effective our sign up pages are. What do you guys recommend? Here are some that I have found: Perhaps there are add-ons available in GA that would offer similar data? Any help is appreciated! Thanks! Will

    | Newegg-NA

  • I have a client who is activating the Demographics and Interests in Google Analytics, and I need to provide an appropriate privacy policy, per Google's TOS. Can anybody suggest what to state in the privacy policy? Google says: "If you’ve implemented Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting, you must also disclose in your privacy policy: How you use data from Google's Interest-based advertising or 3rd-party audience data (such as age, gender, and interests) with Google Analytics." So, I guess it's advisable to state that the site gathers "3rd-party audience data." Is it enough to say that the info is being used to better understand and communicate with the website visitor?

    | jrae

  • On a website with a well optimized website for smartphones, how long time should one expect the average user spends on the website - from their smartphone - as a % of the time users spends from a desktop. 
    Example: if average user spends 10min on the site from a desktop, is 5min (50% of..) a decent number to expect? If anyone has any done any studies or have data on this, would be appreciated. thank you

    | khi5

  • I found a study in 2005 titled "Men Are From Google, Women Are From Yahoo" showing that women at that time preferred Yahoo as their primary search engine. I'm unable to track down updated statistical data to determine which search engine women primarily prefer. Any links to studies or resources would be greatly appreciated!

    | Prospector-Plastics

  • I recently followed 2 Google webmaster suggestions to clean up the on page SEO for our site.  I chose a preferred domain 2 weeks ago(to and fixed the duplicate meta descriptions that our CMS was setting to unique and more natural descriptions for each page.  I did that 3 days ago.  Webmaster tools still says they are duplicates because it hasn't crawled the whole site yet. We have been fortunate enough to have some of our blog posts be covered by,,,, etc.   That is some major backlink juice and, as recently as 2 weeks ago, our website would be the #1 result when searching Google for  " exact title of very popular blog post".   Now it is on the 3rd page, and the top results are the websites that linked to our blog post. So....what gives?  Is there a specific area I should look at?  Our should I wait for Google to fully index our whole site now that changes have been made? It should be noted that our rankings have stayed the same in yahoo and bing. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

    | garyislearning

  • This Morning when I check my moz account it said I had 1500+ high priority issues, The break down of issues were 1432 4xx Client errors, 49 duplicate issues, 31 title page missing. but when I check my webmaster account is it only showing I have around 135 issues. I have been monitoring is the ranking for my homepage and it's been fluctuating between appearing around the 10th page for me to not at all. which begs the question that I'm being penalized or what is going on? dor4 7xtd

    | Nicktaylor1

  • Hi all, I am trying to set up a Google Analytics segment with the location as 'Kurdistan'. I have tried all location groupings (city, region etc) and am unable to locate it. Anyone else not able to locate it? Or does anyone know why I can't? Thanks,

    | Davinia22

  • Hello experts I need some help. I have a customer that have been banned from Google´s top ranking. I need an expert to get the cusotmer back on the track again.. Cann you help? Regards Peter

    | seopeter29

  • I have noticed that Google SERP without login is showing the domains without " www " - all of them. Have you seen this too? What does it mean for us?

    | Elchanan

  • hoping someone can help VPS has been causing me 10 days of server errors (im now moving off it) as my wordpress site has kept running out of memory. At the same time my traffic had dropped. Could google and bing be penalising me for number of errors, dropping me in SERPS and resulting in web traffic?

    | mutant2008

  • All the most recent local search ranking is based upon physical addresses, but what happens when someone provides services and has staff 100 miles from that central office location, but no physical address to work with?

    | BehrDesign

  • I have a client who recently experienced a boost in local organic rankings. They were appearing towards the bottom of the local (maps) results (with their phone number & address listed) for their main target keywords. After this ranking boost, they are now positioned higher in the SERPs, in the traditional organic section. It seems as though this boost in rankings has actually caused a slight DECREASE in organic search traffic to their website. My theory is that when they were listed in the Google+ Local section of Google, some people must have been calling directly from the SERPs instead of actually clicking through to their website. Due to the issues involved with organic call tracking, it's obviously difficult to measure the actual impact of strong Google+ Local rankings. So, I'm on a mission to find some reliable data on this. For my own peace of mind and that of my client. Does anybody know of any research conducted that analyses the % of local searches that result in a phone call directly from the local SERPs without actually clicking through to a business' website or Google+ page? In know this is a tricky one (and probably harder to ascertain on desktop than mobile) but any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    | Dave_Eddy

  • I have around 50k pages indexed on my site but when I do a google site: of my site it shows around 100k pages indexed. Why is it showing so much more? It is also only showing around 700 pages indexed in my web masters account for the site. Background: We have a custom site map being generated automatically. Let me know if you would like more info, Thanks.

    | Nicktaylor1

  • Hello, There are some terms that you'd expect to see a lot of results. In fact, in the old days of Keyword Tool, I recall seeing thousands of results for a keyword like "anderson cooper". Today, I see a small amount as a monthly average. Am I doing something wrong? All I really want to do is find search volumes on particular keywords either globally or local to a country. And it's proving soo hard! 😞 Screen_Shot_2013_11_26_at_11_13_20_PM.png

    | mhamilton

  • To find all the pages on my site that are indexed by Google I can search using and it gives pages of results. But what does the order of results relate to? Is it page rank or strength? My list of pages doesn't appear to be in order of strength. And it's definitely not by age or alphabetical...

    | GregB123

  • I'm having a bit of difficulty understanding the Bounce Rate, Visit Duration, and Page Depth metrics in Google Analytics. GA is reporting that my site's bounce rate is pretty decent - currently 36%. Yet when I drill down into audience behavior engagement, I am seeing that the vast majority of visit durations are 0-10 seconds, and the page depth is only 1 for a majority of visitors. If this were the case, wouldn't my bounce rate be higher?

    | JPS89

  • I've been trying to find some research or studies regarding the title attribute on links and if it affects CTR or perhaps another benefit to using it. I know that it's not a factor in search engines and there's some problems with the compatibility of it in various devices and browsers, but looking for any stats that show using could affect your CTR. Would love some actual studies versus opinions, but haven't found any.

    | benmarshall

  • Hi there, I tried to search the Q&A but couldn't find any answers to my issue. We have a page that is ranking #2 for the term "translation memory" in, but it doesn't show in This has been like this for weeks now. We are not targeting any specific country in GWT. Does anyone know a possible explanation for this? Thank you.

    | SDLOnlineChannel

  • So this might be kinda of a weird question... Every morning and night I check the ranking of a website that I am building.. The ranking has gone up a lot the last two months. It went from the fifth page to now the second page. I have a issue where some days I check Google my website is completely gone! I go through every page for my keyword and it's not there! After a couple of days of frustration I check again and all of a sudden it is there but now at a higher ranking... I went through the code to make sure there's a not a not follow code in the robots.txt page... Btw another weird thing is so then I look up my website on a google out of country like and I'm ranking first page like number 5 but again disappeared off google usa. Literally driving my crazy.. does anyone know why this could be? Btw the first time it disappeared I went into webmasters and sent a request because I thought I got penalized but they responded they could not find any spam and I was NOT penalized...

    | BecCan

  • Hi, when we search for our brandname in with language setted to english, we see a Wikipedia box at right.
    When we do the same with the language setting to french, italian, spanish or german, the Wikipedia box disappears and we see another box (example picture attached). Have you some ideas why the results aren't the same according to the language? Kind regards, Philippe rv9N3Ch.png

    | Presencity

  • Hi, I manage around 13 Clients for SEO and this last two weeks i have been having problems with google keyword ranking some of my clients went down almost 40 positions for some keywords other 15 other stayed the same and some just went down 1 or 5 positions. Somebody know what is happening with google? is it shuffling around positions of people? Any advice or how you do your SEO I'm willing to work together and share experiences and tactics on SEO to people that also share with me in order to build more strategies on this amazing market. Thanks.

    | computernc

  • Hi there, I found a really weird thing about google places. I'm working on a google places listing optimization for a locksmith company in Houston, TX. When I was searching google maps for "locksmith houston" only one listing came up. However, when searching for "locksmith near houston" 880 results came up. This changes from time to time, but most of the time this one competitor is the only listing that shows up which is really really weird. Anybody has an idea what this competitor did to get rid of the other 879 results and show up alone on google maps??

    | activechase

  • Mozzers, Here we go. I've read multiple posts for years on taxonomy dupe content. In fact, I've read 10 articles tonight on taxonomies and categories. A little background: I am using Wordpress SEO with the Yoast plugin. **Here is the scenario: We have 560 tags - some make sense - some do not. ** What do I do? Do I not worry about it? Matt Cutts said twice that I should not stress about it, because in the worse non-spammy case, Google may just ignore the duplicate content. Matt said in the video, “I wouldn’t stress about this unless the content that you have duplicated is spammy or keyword stuffing.” (Found Via Search Engine Land - Do I NoIndex,Follow the Tags? Yoast and a Moz post both say I should NoIndex and Follow the Tags. From the post: "Tag, author, and date archives will all look too similar to other content. So it does not make sense to have them indexed." BUT! **The tags have been indexed for YEARS! And both articles go onto say **"if your blog has already existed for some time, and you've been indexing tags all along for example, you shouldn't just go deindexing them" ( So do I deindex tags that have been indexed for years? I checked the analytics, and in the past month, tags have brought in less than 1% of traffic, but they are bringing in traffic. Do I canonicalize the tags? Canonicalize the URL from "" to "" ? And if I canonicalize, would you canonicalize to the /blog or to the base /tag? Thanks for any and all help. I just want to clarify this issue. One of the reasons is because I received a Moz Report with a TON of dupe content warning from the tags and categories.

    | Thriveworks-Counseling

  • Hi All, We have a client who has been directed to tag their site for "Child Directed Treatment" in Webmaster tools to comply with AdExchange policies. The site is, generally speaking, directed at those between the ages of 13 and 16 along with their parents, but does NOT collect any data (No sign in, login, signups etc). You can find out more about the specific tag here (unfortunately not much more about it) Our concern is that we have never heard of this specific tag, and our client is asking us to let them know if that this will have no effect on search traffic or ranking. I can't find much in the way of anyone who HAS implemented this tag and the effects it has had on their site. They are ad supported, receive millions of unique hits a month, and the majority of their traffic is from branded keywords. Would love to hear from anyone with ANY experience or thoughts on this process and what to be aware of. Your assistance is muchly appreciated.

    | SearchMarketers

  • Hello all, As of 10am Pacific on September 12th, 2013, my team has noticed that our site,, does not show up on the first 5 or 6 pages of SERPs for branded terms like "wireless emporium." We have not received any messages from Google via Webmaster Tools regarding this. Major activity that we've been doing to our site is updating content, meta tags, and h1 tags, along with removing/301 redirecting certain pages that did not meet Google quality guidelines. We've also been purging our backlink portfolio of toxic links and URLs, both manually and through the disavow tool. No blackhat has been done to this site for a very long time (more than 8 months now). One thing to note is that we did have a manual spam penalty placed on us back in July of 2012, it expired in early August of 2013 after a reconsideration request was submitted, and a 2nd manual spam penalty was placed on us again later that month. We are submitting a 2nd reconsideration request this Monday. Could this or the recent Panda update have anything to with this? We are very much in need of opinions as to why this is happening to our site. 5adbd14a31de3a78b998df94f0b6d2be

    | eugeneku

  • Hello, I have changed the font size and require feedback as in what do you all think about the older size and the new size: - New size - Old size Regards

    | IM_Learner

  • Hi, I have an issue deciding how my landing pages should be like and I would like to ask for your help. Currently my landing pages are configured and presented like this: I would like to know if making a subdomain landing page is advised, maybe something like this: Or if you suggest doing something else with my landing pages - I would like to know that as well. p.s. - How I tell the webmasters (my affiliates) to make a clickable button that won't be a direct link to my landing page but will be some form of non-visible redirect? Thanks in advance 🙂

    | JonsonSwartz

  • Hi, We have a mobile website using a sub-directory Our mobile is completely separate site from desktop version. What's the best way to handle the redirection from mobile visitors and those that are searching from mobile and see desktop version in the search result? Appreciate anyone's expert advise. Thanks,


  • Hello, I've been working on removing some sitewide links and some directory links and I would like to know what to expect to see on my rankings based on your own experience if you've dealt with this before. Cheers 🙂

    | mbulox

  • This is our website: and this is the satellite website. As the satellite site has a better ranking for the keyword "schafkopf" since two or three weeks we wonder how this could happen and what would be best to change it or improve the situation. Shall we take down the satellite site, redirect to the "real" site or try to downgrade? And what would you consider to be the (strongest) reason? Any suggestions? Thanks a lot for your help and assessment!

    | sauspiel

  • I used Woopra for the past year to monitor real time traffic to my websites but they recently dropped support for the desktop app and replaced it with a web app.  As best I can tell the web app does not have the real-time alerts and other features that made the desktop app very compelling for me.  Perhaps I don't fully understand how to use the new web app, but I don't find it particularly useful.  Are there any other tools that provide good real-time monitoring of websites. Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • I need some advise. I am remapping the eCommerce Categories to achieve a few goals: Have better landing pages - for a better user experience. I've been a bad boy - some crappy links. Panda did hurt. I've added layered navigation and faceted search. In order to achieve a better user experience I've had a to break up the old categories. For example, when you landed on these pages - you had to choose between different sets of gender and medal type. Model Name Mens Gold Mens Stainless Ladies Two Tone Mid-Size Yellow Gold Do you see? So - here is what I am doing.. I created a better menu to be a lot more specific for people who land on other pages to get there. Now they can goto mens model name and select stainless or whatever, if they want, to dig in there or use the layered navigation. What we also did is now you can even view 20 products on these pages too as well as see the layered navigation to filter. Now this is my question - I'm creating a list of these old categories and my plan is to 302 them to the search page with the faceted search. I have my search page globally, noindex, nofollow - is this the best strategy? How would you do it? Apart from Redirects - what have you , other SEOs, learned about layered navigation and faceted search - where can it cause issues for SEO?

    | joseph.chambers

  • We've tried multiple management systems, with the last one being Raven Tools (I think this is the most popular).  We've also done our own manual tracking in excel and that gets very very tedious and sometimes hard to  keep track of.  What are some other ones that people have found that have been easy to use and made their work much more efficient (link building/tracking, reporting, competitive research, social, etc.)?

    | MichaelWeisbaum

  • Hey Guys I am wondering if any of you have done any study or testing on this ( or perhaps you might have come across one at some point in your career ) Personally I feel that while adding a description , it makes sense to Capitalize the Keywords and other words ( first letter only ) that I want to emphasise on ( perhaps stuff like Buy, High Quality, Best, etc ) . I want to pick your brains on this and see what you guys think about it. I have not tested the effects on CTR yet .. if someone else has then it will be a good resource for me to go through. ( and if no one else has done any relevant study I might do it at some stage ). Regards Saijo

    | Saijo.George

  • I have had a sudden increase in "bad" incoming links to my site.  And at the same time my ranking has taken a dive. I have not done any link building in the last few months, and I have used multiple tools to track incoming links, and they show a major increase in incoming links from "toxic" sites in the past couple of months. I have documented this entire process with reports and emails, and have contacted all the Sites concerned requesting that they kindly remove the links.  Most have replied that we must pay them between $5 - $25 per link to be removed and some of the Sites have multiple links to us. I am not sure what we should do and am concerned that if we pay these companies to remove the link, they could create more links as it appears many are connected to multiple spam type directory Sites. On the other hand many Sites advise not to use the Disavow Tool unless you are sure you need to use it and that even if used the results may take a very long time. Our decline in our SEO ranking is really affecting our business and I would really appreciate advice as to what to do?

    | support2013

  • Hi all, I have noticed a very bizarre phenomenon in Google SERPs. When I search for a branded keyworks [Product + our brand]. appear above us on thousands of results. Google even ranks Amazon above us for queries like [ PriceMinister google plus]. I have tried to ask Google about it but I can’t seem to get an answer. Here is the topic I posted on Google’s forum:!category-topic/webmasters/crawling-indexing--ranking/DFvTPr14o_o This seems like a mistake on Google’s side, some kind of semantic association with our two brands! Basically they are sending our customers to our main competitor even though they specifically searched for our brand (PriceMinister). I find the phenomenon quite interesting for the SEO community and frustrating for our company. Does anyone have ideas on this one? Do you think it's a bug from Google? Cheers Oliver

    | ref.price

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