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Category: Local Listings

Examine the impact of maintaining consistent and accurate local listings on your local SEO strategy.

  • Hi - I am trying to get on the Google Knowledge Graph Carousel. I've set up G+, YouTube, Consistent NAP, local business schema, etc. but still have not been featured. Can you please help me figure out why I cannot get a carousel feature. Please help me determine what I am missing.

    | mmmeans

  • Without duplicating i'm looking at a similar setup to this thread There is a marine business that has within it 3 distinct departments, Sales & brokerage, marina and shipyard all within the same location but with unique telephone numbers grouped into sections on the website with the unique numbers.  I'm clarifying whether there are genuine distinct customer facing locations for each department.  We want to create department pages because each one has unique opening hours. However looking at this I have some questions i'm unsure about. Each department has a unique landline number that routes through to the main switchboard when called, does that matter? The departments kind make the idea of a core G+ page, map page redundant because there are only 3 areas of the business and the departments handle that.  So can you have just departments, or should we set up the main 'hub' page as the brand page, linking to 3 departments? Where can I find information on how to correctly set up a department so the connection/hierarchy is in place? Looking around I can't find any instructions.

    | MickEdwards

  • Hi folks, We have developed a site that connect local consumers with local businesses (brick and mortar). The keywords that consumers search for are e.g. "plumber san diego" or "hairdresser" + "local area" and so on...good old fashioned local searches. Sometimes even without the location added in the search. But how do we BEST optimize our site to get the most organic traffic from these local searches? We don't have brick and mortar stores or offices but our service is of high value and will save consumers lots of money and even help the local businesses when in need of extra customers. Thanks in advance for all your input. Have a nice day. Chris

    | Henrik_Kruse

  • MOZ, This is our first time using your service. Very first interaction with you after being recommended highly. [Information deleted for privacy by forum moderator.] We have questions about properly unraveling and correct way of listing local businesses. We want "Law offices of Michelle L Stowell" to be separate now and have its own contact info, what is the best way to separate these two business' contact info without negatively effecting the local search standing with SEO? They have two brands.
    1. "Forester Purcell Stowell" and “Law Offices Michelle L Stowell” 2. Law offices of Michelle L Stowell. They actually have Yelp. They are getting leads, are they getting converted to Suitable retainers. We are managing both names through Both businesses have different phone and different URL. We were worried about having the same address. Will that effect us negatively? Someone went to Yelp and changed the main number to the incorrect. Are there rules specific to individual practitioner (lawyers) that would require additional steps to be listed properly? We want to follow any additional rules. Do they need to setup a separate phone number? 4240 phone is the number is Correct for FPS: 293-4000
    Michelle - 293-4024 - should be that its their direct line to old assistant. need to change that number for her. But what are the rules as a separate individual practitioner as separate entity. Client read that google doesn't like have a phone number that forwards somewhere - they negative point you. IS THAT TRUE? Google have people who call to confirm your business info. We need to know if there are any specific instructions to tell our telephone company. She doesn't have a distinct website for her. We have setup a website redirect. It redirects to a landing page within the Forester Purcell website. Will that give us negative points or should we have separate site for better local results? redirects to — is that a problem with local search results? Thank you, Thomas Newman
    [Information deleted here for privacy by forum moderator]

    | OpenThinker

  • Just wondered if anyone had any thoughts on the services offered with, particularly the local listings service of 525 local directory listings? Have you had success with using their service like this or not?

    | Marketing_Today

  • Google My Business plays a big part of getting your company to rank in the local pack for local search queries. Apart from making sure this is correct and up to date, where do you think the future of GMB pages is headed? Will Google eventually start phasing these out and come up with a different way to populate the local pack?

    | BlueCorona

  • Apart from making sure your business information is 100% accurate, etc., what are your best tips to get a company ranking in the local pack? Do they need to rank well organically to be considered for the local pack or is it solely based on the consistency of their GMB page?

    | BlueCorona

  • I have a Google map on a website. Currently, there are only two 1-star reviews — which show next to the company name on the map. We added the map for local SEO reasons, but I’m thinking I should take it down because customer experience supersedes local SEO. Why boost search rankings if the content will drive people away from converting? So basically, customer experience > local SEO. Question: Do you all agree, or do any of you have any evidence that I should leave it? For example, it’s below the fold, so it isn’t the first thing they see, and we really need to boost their local SEO.

    | BlueCorona

  • One of my clients is moving offices. They want to change the recognized address from: REAL ADDRESS: 4a Normal Road, Normal Area, City, POSTCODE To: MODIFIED ADDRESS: Fancy Name, Normal Road, Normal Area, City, POSTCODE I imagine this may cause issues when one tries to build some citations, with the address not being recognized by the site.  Perhaps there are other issues, can anyone foresee any problems with the change? Local results are very important to this company, would it be better to stick with the real street address?

    | GrouchyKids

  • I'm working on a site that has had some real bad technical issues over a period of time.  We have carefully resolved all of them, rinsed through, rechecked for issues and so forth. Organic traffic started to move slightly up but has now taken a real backward step. Taking a look at the link profile which has not really been worked on at all we have a mass of Central Index derived links coming through from sites such as gethampshire, heathrowpages and so on.  Within each of these directories the business is listed under pages for areas it doesn't belong in, so for example in gethampshire it is listed under printers in Warwick or printers in Surbiton. The end result is that 65% and quickly growing anchor text is 'website' - 90% dofollow.  They are now coming through like popcorn. My instinct is to remove these listings from the profile.  Has anyone else had this kind of issue with Central Index?

    | MickEdwards

  • Hello, We moved to a small town in Council, ID. It's interesting. None of the businesses around here are showing up in Google Local - map, phone number, hours, etc. Nothing. It's all Yelp and stuff. Is there some sort of collective local SEO that has to be done to get Council, ID on the map? It's kind of strange that no businesses show up. I want to help local businesses, but I don't know if Google will even register them. We can get a group of local businesses together if we have to. Let me know what we can do. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Hello fellow Mozzers, In Google's knowledge panel there is a section at the bottom that says "people also search for" and a list of competitors is displayed. I'm hoping to get some information I can use to get my client listed there on top of the local organic results. The more SERP presence, the better. Attached image should provide clarity to those who are confused. I suspect I know the answer to this question, but since I can't find a source to verify my beliefs, I'm crowdsourcing. Thanks in advance! NhoihY1

    | brettmandoes

  • Hi, The company I work for has many store locations across the country. Getting good/quality interior pictures has become very difficult for us. We recently good a Virtual Tour from Google for one of the locations, and they took some really good pictures. According to Google, the "Photos should represent the actual business" and "Represent the real-world business location". My question is: since our stores are VERY similar in the interior, can we use the same pictures for them while we get more pictures? Would Google penalize this? Thanks!

    | SO-MarceloOtero

  • Hi, The company I work for has many store locations across the country. Getting good/quality interior pictures has become very difficult for us. We recently good a Virtual Tour from Google for one of the locations, and they took some really pictures. According to Google, the "Photos should represent the actual business" and "Represent the real-world business location". My question is: since our stores are VERY similar in the interior, can we use the same pictures for them while we get more pictures? Would Google penalize this? Thanks!

    | StantonOptical

  • Hello, I see three locations for a client. Two legitimate which I have ownership of, the third is  a duplicate of one of the locations. Ithink it is harming rankings and I want to get rid of it. It is  service area business. Things keep changing, but how will I remove it? My client obviously set this up a while ago and it is left with wrong or missing info. When I click on the business under "more listings" on maps there is a chance to "edit it" AND "claim it" but not delete it. When I strart to claim it I go through adding in everything but then I worry I am legitimising the duplicate. How do you get rid of it? Thanks

    | AL123al

  • Good afternoon everyone! I wanted to start a discourse on a subject that I think might benefit a few select readers. What would be your best plan-of-action to successfully propose and execute a Local-SEO campaign for a small, local business in a rural town? The type of town that has next to zero local directories, the type of business that has hardly any (if any at all) "fresh mentions" on the internet, etc. I'm interested to see how other SEOs would handle tackling this kind of campaign. Can't wait to hear what people have to say! 

    | TaylorRHawkins

  • What are everyones best practices to claim a YP listing that has the wrong number listed?  It isn't one of our numbers so we can't answer the verification call?  What have you done?

    | PSLab

  • We have a lead generation website in the Netherlands in the plumber business. The last two years we were focussing on local SEO, and gain some rankings on keywords like 'plumber amsterdam'. We also connected google my local business in different city's, so we rank in both the citations as in maps. Now we want to get some rankings with the lead generation brand on other keywords. Keywords for other markets like 'handyman' 'roofer' etc. Google remembers what kind of business we are, since we are listed as plumbing company. My question is, can we still go for those other markets with the brand? The markets/ keywords are related and all in the home improvement segment. So for example, etc. The other option is to target those specific markets with other brands/ domains.

    | remkoallertz

  • We are having trouble ranking. We seem to do well for lower competitive words but we are really want to rank for "web design" in our local area. Which is Tyler, Texas. Can anyone advise on what we need to differently? We use Moz Local, have a reviews and are using Yoast SEO. The only thing I can think of is on page optimization. Any advice?

    | spadedesign

  • We are setting up websites for our dealers. We are considering whether it is better to set them up as independent domains (i.e. or as subdomains ( Any thoughts?

    | bcmull

  • Hello Moz. We have a law firm client who practices criminal defense law.  Historically, he has been ranked for _years _in the map pack and first page of search for a variety of phrases.  This is a law firm with twice the number of reviews of the next competitor, solid back links, and open 24 hours a day. Over the past 30 days, he now appears inconsistently in the map packs. Sometimes he is in the C slot and sometimes he does not appear at all.  Most of the time he is not listed for specific legal phrases for DUI, DWI and criminal defense. When he is not listed in the A, B, or C slot, then he is actually gone completely.  You click on More Places and his listing for the map is just completely gone.  You can scroll down from listing 1 through 20+ and not find his firm in the Map listings.  You would think he would just be further down on the list at 5 - 10.  But it is just missing. However, when you change the filters for either rating or reviews, he suddenly will appear.  In fact, he will be near the top of the list, but only on filtering. You can even clear the filter and he stays listed in typically the C slot too. However, if you refresh the page, he is gone again. My question is simple:  Do you think there is some type of data issue or penalty in place?  Or is this just how the filters work - suddenly showing a list that should appear in the main area. PS:  If I am not clear on the above, I can send video evidence of this oddity.

    | peteboyd

  • Was wondering if there would be a way to simplify getting NAP data out there and consistent for a business in Canada like we have here in the US with Moz Local? If not, are there specific sites besides Yellow Pages Group and the government site ( to submit their information? I'm sure Yelp, Facebook, Google, Bing, Yahoo, and all the usuals...but where else?

    | JaxMediaTeam

  • Hi Moz community! I'm wondering the best places to get a local service area business listed online? I'm working with a client who installs synthetic grass around Vancouver, but could apply to any local SAB ... I found this resource from Local Visibility Systems but it's almost 5 years old at this point ... I started setting up an Apple Maps Connect account but it doesn't seem like they support the concept. Is there a way to hide an address in Apple Maps Connect? Is it worth submitting at all? Does anyone have a comprehensive list of modern directories that matter for local SEO that support SABs? Thanks very much everyone! - Paul

    | paulz999

  • I've deleted a bunch of pages, but they're still indexed by Google and showing up 404s. All links to these pages have been removed. Because they're showing a 404, our web dev team are saying that they can't implement a noindex tag, so I came across this - Anyone tried this? Or got a better idea? We've also added all the pages to robots.txt but they still haven't been de-indexed. Cheers, Rhys

    | SwanseaMedicine

  • Years ago the rank would be the same across Australia. If we ranked 3rd in one city, it would be the same in every other city. Right now, we are ranking 3rd in Sydney and Melbourne, however we ranking a low 7th in Brisbane for keyword "Trampolines". Why is this? How can we fix it in Brisbane. Interestingly, we are a Brisbane based business. The keyword is "Trampolines" and the website is 

    | Vuly

  • I can see the use of Moz Local for businesses for the general public, like a restaurant. But is it useful for a more specialized business like a recording studio? The studio ranks high on Google already for our city (usually #1 but some days #2). It's not like people are driving around and grab their phone to look up an emergency recording studio stop. Is it useful?

    | amybethmegjo

  • Hi all, Don't know whether this is new, or whether I'm very unobservant and just noticed, but certain results in the SERPs have started listing site links, more akin to Ads. So, if you google 'Department Stores London', you'll see the top listing 'Visit London' has four sitelinks underneath for Selfridges, Debenhams, Harrods and Fenwick. Is this markup? My website has sitelinks if you search for us, but if we appear in a generic list (like this search), then they disappear. Any ideas? Cheers, Rhys

    | SwanseaMedicine

  • I work for a university where we have 2 law schools. We have our one school on the other side of the state that has been around for a very long time, and then a newer school that is right on our main campus that has been around for about 5 - 10 years now. The newer of the 2 schools is having so much trouble being able to claim the name of the school in google search. If you type in the name of the school the other school (the one that has been around longer) was coming up in the google local on the right of the screen and their web URL was never showing up in search. This is a huge problem because the accreditations of the 2 schools are different, and students are showing up at the wrong school for their interviews. Search will only show a domain name that used to be owned by the older school but now gives information for both of the schools. So it'll show up in search results, but only under that other domain and not their own domain that has their name in the domain name. This school has an updated google mybusiness listing, and a google+ page with the correct listing. I've added some schema data around the business address on their site and JSON for the google+ page, and have re-indexed their sitemap a few times after some changes have been made and we are using their name more in the site. This fixed everything for a short while and we were getting the appropriate google local listing and their site was appearing in search results above the site that advertised both schools. Now, after about 3 months, it has reverted. I had the older school showing up in the google local, and the site that advertises both schools is the ONLY domain appearing. I've re-indexed the site after finding out that Drupal's timestamps that they automatically add to sitemaps aren't optimized for how google reads it. This has gotten the local listing back, but I still have the wrong domain appearing, it is the one advertises both schools instead of the domain that has this school's information. I don't mind that the one advertising both shows up, but if a user is searching for that particular school I would really like to get that domain to appear first above the one advertising both schools and the older school. Right now the new school isn't even in search results except for being under the site that advertises both. I wasn't sure if this was something that Moz Local could help me fix by adding the listing across the web, or if there is something else on the sites I can be doing to help them solidify their name in google search/local. Also - is this subdomain that is advertising both of them hurting them or help them? I was thinking about taking that domain down to one page that acts as a direction source to the 2 domains rather than having a ton of information and keywords that take over the results for their name since that domain is older (and used to be associated with the old school only before the new school was built) Thank you for any advice on this issue as I'm still pretty new to SEO and to the university. Thanks again!

    | amaray403

  • can i submit few map listings in different address from my same user and on the same IP etc

    | SEOLocal92

  • My client is a physician facility with several doctors practicing at the facility. When doing a Google search for some of their practices such as "family practice" one of the doctor's profiles will display in the Google Local pack - however it is not linked to the facility website where their profile exists. As of right now, we are using YEXT and other tools to claim Google Business Profiles for each practice, not the individual doctors. If there are unclaimed accounts for individual doctors, they are alerting Google that it’s a duplicate and should be taken down. Is this the right process to follow for SEO best practices or should we be claiming both the business and individual doctor profiles? The reason they are not claiming individual doctor profiles is to cut down on duplicate reviews as part of the Reputation Management Program. Advice much appreciated!

    | chrisvogel

  • One page sites are fine and dandy, but if you are a local biz...Just no! Here's my story with a few questions. I did a search on google site: and it resulted in four pages: Main; menu; hello world; category; uncategorized.  I'm not a web designer...I do seo. 1.) How rude would it be for me to reach out to the designer to comment and give suggestions? 2.) or should I reach out to the owner. 3.) Or just close my eyes and say "i hate people that take advantage of others"

    | Ohmichael

  • Hello, I am new here, and I hope you can help me with Geo Tags. I am the owner of one of the biggest yellow pages in Lithuania, so I hope you don't mind that you won't understand what's written in the page. The url is Every single company that is based in Lithuania is divided into some kind of "activity" that they do. For example "Metal". And they are attached to that activity as the all the other companies that do that -
    But everyone is search for businesses that are closer to them, for example companies that are based in the same city, like Vilnius. (The capital of Lithuania for those who don't know that) 😄 So the url would be this: questions is: Should we include geo tags in this page like this: Generated by ? Our competitors don't do that but sites like do that (I believe). The other question would be should the main category URL have something like that: Shoving that is for Lithuania (the domain is already .lt - google webmaster associates it with Lithuania). The last question is what about the company URL page:
    Should we include geo tags of this company in this page even tho the company works in the whole Lithuania not only in one city ? The problem is: there are so many companies, that we don't know if they work in the whole country or only the part of it. So I hope for the answer that helps to find the best solution. Thank you!

    | anonimas

  • My client is expanding and opening up separate locations and I will be getting all their online business listings up and running. The client wants to use a single 1-888 number for all locations, however, it was my assumption that they would need a local number for each location to improve their ranking. Could I suggest using free Google voice numbers that get forwarded to their 1-888 number or will Google discredit us for this?

    | aedesignco

  • We have a client who's head office is based in Scotland but they want to rank for France related keywords for their chalets that are in France. They only have chalets in France and will never have chalets anywhere else. As a business they have always used their Scotland address when the brand is mentioned and their Scotland address is used in the site footer. But as they want to rank for France related terms and nothing for Scotland, I'm wondering if I should use their France address instead or in addition across their site footer, on social media channels and across the web where possible?

    | Marketing_Today

  • Hello Community, I do local SEO for our health system. I recently claimed and adjusted the marker on Apple Maps to our Emergency Room. I assumed since there's a road that leads right to it, the directions would change. But the directions send them to the front of the hospital building (instead of the emergency room entrance). Unfortunately, there is no way to get to the ER through the front of our hospital. So now I'm trying to fix the directions itself. I've searched through Apple Forums etc. looking for a solution without success. Any ideas on how I might fix the directions? Here is the exact location in case that helps.

    | Patrick_at_Nebraska_Medicine

  • eCommerce site rendering their services globally but primary market is India. Below approximate traffic coming for countries India - 50% USA & Canda -20% Europe -20% Rest of the world - 10% We are not in a position to go for country specific TLD. What would be the appropriate option to be selected in Google Webmaster tools from the following? Enable Geo-targetting and select "India" Enable Geo targeting and select "Unlisted" Disable Geo targeting (uncheck checkbox) Please note that the site runs on Shopify hence server located in Canada and there are no plans to shift the server or platform.

    | riyaaaz

  • Is there a way to turn off the Google Security feature that kicks someone out after logging into the account because it isn't a trusted computer or in a different location?

    | BlairKuhnen

  • We are considering changing the phone number to our website to one of those 1-800-eat-cows. How will changing a phone number we've had 10 years affect our SEO. Do we need to change all citations, Google maps, etc etc? What if we don't? Thanks!

    | RoxBrock

  • One of our clients have two business names.  Alpha Paving Industries and Alpha Roofing Industries. -- both have the same address. Couple questions- 1.They changed their address a few months ago.  On your listing for both companies show a "Suite A".  Google and Facebook do not that the "suite A"....why does it show up still? 2.  One each- there are inconsistencies.  On Alpha Paving, Alpha Roofing shows up...same thing with Alpha Roofing, Alpha Paving shows up as inconsistent.  This affects the score I imagine?  How can it be resolved so the inconsistencies are gone. 3.  To get on the "snack pack" your citations have to be perfect.  Will this keep both Alpha Paving and Alpha Roofing from getting in the "snack pack"? Thanks you! Craig

    | WalkieTalkie

  • Hi there I currently have a client that has a service that offers to a wide metropolitan geographic region. Currently we offer location detection when they hit the site. I'm curious what the best method going forward would be. This client is coming from a PPC initially but I've sold them on a longer term goal with organic SEO (local) . So my question is what is the best method for ground up web creation when offering a service that services multiple areas within the same metropolitan region? Bonus questions anyone using Flat CMS's?

    | swagseo

  • Hello Mozzers, I have a client with a unique situation that I am hoping I can get some feedback on. One of our service industry clients has a location that is claimed on all major sites (Google, Bing, etc., etc.) - so all is good there. They are experiencing an issue, however, because their check-in building is actually located at their conference center across the street, which has a different address. The issue is mainly that it is confusing and a pain point for customers as they get to the destination without realizing they need to actually be at the building across the street first for check-in. The client is considering changing their primary address to the conference center address across the street, which was previously not a separate / claimed entity. They would still maintain the main business listing and just adjust the name. Their thought process is that Google would bring people to the conference center / check-in building first rather than to the main business building. I personally have major concerns about making the switch. I feel like this would be potentially confusing to both users and search engines. And, the main business listing has already acquired a ton of reviews that we would be starting from scratch with. My immediate recommendation would be to better communicate the check-in process to guests and not go through the change of address process, but I figured I would throw it out to the community for feedback. Thoughts?

    | mbochic

  • Hi all, I'm having trouble with getting Rich Cards to show for my site and am wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. Here’s an example for Louis CK. His bio is pulled from Wikipedia, but the tour dates are drawn from elsewhere. I coded in a basic card for one of our events and nothing showed up (several weeks ago at this point so not just a crawl issue), and never registered with Google Webmaster. Honestly, I haven’t seen an example of an endurance event using a card. Sports-wise I’ve only seen them for major sports teams, but I’m hoping we can take advantage of it somehow. When submitting a search query on Google, once you add any event name beside Vermont, our business card doesn’t display (we’re based in Vermont), so it would be great to have something that can show up for each event. We also can’t get our social profiles to show up in our business card, after adding the code for Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. I’m wondering if that’s partially because our social accounts are named Wrenegade Sports when everything else is Farm to Fork Fondo. (Not personally a proponent of that name difference and I suspect it hurts us). Thanks!

    | rpence.sandiego

  • Hi there, I have one domain, I am operating My website From USA, Physical address is also of USA, But I want to Target All Users to Thailand, As its Online casino Site, So My Question is, : Is there any way to promote My website With USA address in Thailand ?? Do i Will get Proper Search Ranking For That ?? Please Help me Out For this.. Thank you in advacne

    | poojaverify05

  • Granted the Local 3-pack is heavily influenced by the distance between the user and the business, when you actually include the city name in the search, the local 3 pack result doesn't center the map at the city in the search and not the user's location so it is much more consistent despite the searcher's location.  So my personal opinion is that it is worth tracking local 3-pack when you use a keyword such as "Home Inspection Seattle Wa" With that said, which rank tracking services includes the local 3-pack in their tracking results, other than of course Bright Local?

    | JCCMoz

  • After spending some time getting our NAPW info corrected on many of our key listings and claiming and configuring a few more, we recently added an SSL certificate to our domain. We've made the https version of our site the canonical version, set redirects, etc. Do we need to redo our citations with https to get our full SEO bang for buck out of our citations?

    | TheKatzMeow

  • Happy New Year! I have a .com site that does well on But we would like to rank on (switzerland) for English terms. There is a large expat community, living in Switzerland that would benefit from our services. Any ideas how I can improve organic SEO on the SE? Many thanks! PM me for website. Otherwise I'll get lots of spam to my client 🙂

    | SolveWebMedia

  • It's been three months since my agency has assigned to me the task of completing citations for our clients. Some of them have Yext powerlistings and some don’t. So I am going and looking at all the citations my clients don’t have, and without bright local that is pretty time consuming. You really have to know what you are looking for. It got me curious, I went into my Yext and I wanted to know what exactly does yext give me with these power listings that I cannot get myself, and which of these directories do I really need? Of course they do some good ones like Mojopages and Citysearch (are people even using those anymore? I sure as hell haven’t even seen someone use either of those). But over half of those power listings is stuff like this: What the heck are these stupid sites and why the heck would I ever pay them for a listing? My point is I need to figure the perfect citation build out process for onboarding new clients and I want every reason to convince my company to leave Yext. Why do we even need these crappy directories? Even directories like hotfrog and citysearch, what quality are they providing? I know a lot of your are going to say, “Well your competition has it and you need it to rank in Gmaps.” But I would rather put my time into getting reviews on the top Ten directories where people actually go! So when we onboard a client. Maybe it should look like this. Top 25 directories Location specific directories All Web 2.0’s (I can get a fiverr guy to do it for 40 bucks). Boom done with citations now let’s get back to making some good content! What do you guys think?

    | Meier

  • I have a client that has 2500 links like this one Are these SEO relevant? Can they hurt SEO efforts. Is this something should push for clients? Can Yellow pages be a good link building strategy? What say you?

    | donsilvernail

  • Anyone have bright ideas for which type to use for something like a run/walk fundraiser? Ive been using SportsEvent, but that's really more fit for, "I'm buying a ticket to watch the team play the football game at the stadium." What we're trying to do is sign folks up to create their own fundraising webpage, then show up at an event. Google wants ticketed events to have a performer, but this is more like RSVPing for a party. Events and products feel a bit like a round peg in a square hole, but Website seems really generic for everything going on in this kind of site. At the same time, participants are creating fundraising pages...yeah it's related to a location/time-based event, but visitors aren't really buying tickets to watch that runner "perform," they're donating to a non-profit to fight cancer. And think about applying the fundraiser to a non-sports event (e.g. donate your birthday, grow facial hair, be a secret santa, etc). Or a donation drive...those might have a product attached (kickstarter), or the giving itself might be the "product" (gofundme). Thoughts? Here's what I've mapped out at the moment, but I don't know how I feel about it.

    | ZERO_Cancer-JD

  • Has anyone else noticed this? Does anyone know why the first result has a blue pin as opposed to the normal red pin?

    | JasonKhoo

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