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  • One page sites are fine and dandy, but if you are a local biz...Just no! Here's my story with a few questions. I did a search on google site: and it resulted in four pages: Main; menu; hello world; category; uncategorized.  I'm not a web designer...I do seo. 1.) How rude would it be for me to reach out to the designer to comment and give suggestions? 2.) or should I reach out to the owner. 3.) Or just close my eyes and say "i hate people that take advantage of others"

    Local Listings | | Ohmichael

  • Hi everyone, I'm running a Real Estate site, and I'm wondering how to deal with H1 for a responsive version for my search results. My first idea is to have a dynamic H1 that changes according to the filters that are being used, for instance: 140 Apartments on Sale at Miami Beach with 2 bedrooms, so I just used 4 filters Now the problem arrives if a mobile user comes around, I can't show him the same H1 since I don't have enough room for it. Do you guys think it might be a problem if I just show that H1 just in html and not on the user sight?, or perhaps there is a way to switch the H1 whenever the responsive version is active or not. Any help would be much appreciated it.

    Technical SEO | | JoaoCJ

  • I am trying to rank this page for keyword on At first it went really well, and I was on first page, ranking as number 8. Then it fell to second page. But then it totally dissapeared. If I go to now and search for, its not on any of the pages, I have looked through them all. I have used moz and other seo tools to analyze, and try to understand what has happened. But I simply cant understand it. And I cant get rankings back. I've been fighting with this for a long time. However - other pages on the site is ranking for the same keyword. If anyone has an answer leading to me solving this, they will be my hero of the day!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | contenting

  • Hey Moz Community! I am about to switch my website from http to https. I am wondering if I need to create a 301 redirect of every single page on my site, from the http address to the https url? Or if setting one master that redirects all traffic to the https version. Obviously I am concerned about losing rankings by switching. Code for https redirect of all RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
    RewriteRule (.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]

    Technical SEO | | SeanConroy

  • I have noticed that some directory or profile sites are showing a longer than normal meta description in search results. How is this accomplished? All regular sites are only showing the normal amount, but these sites are showing a higher character limit in search results. NGNz7

    Reviews and Ratings | | David-Kley

  • Last December we started losing traffic to our website (This is in Lithuanian).
    The thing we did was to every single company page we added QR Code. For example: (at the bottom of this page). We added some text that goes with it. As you can see here
    The only difference between those texts is the company name. Can this be the reason why google reduced our positions ? (We didn't lose any of traffic in categories/search/articles - only in company pages). A lot of companies that are new or bancrupt have little to no text at all. Except for this text about QR code, like here for example - Can this be the reason? Or any other on page errors that you see.
    Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | anonimas

  • Hello, I am new here, and I hope you can help me with Geo Tags. I am the owner of one of the biggest yellow pages in Lithuania, so I hope you don't mind that you won't understand what's written in the page. The url is Every single company that is based in Lithuania is divided into some kind of "activity" that they do. For example "Metal". And they are attached to that activity as the all the other companies that do that -
    But everyone is search for businesses that are closer to them, for example companies that are based in the same city, like Vilnius. (The capital of Lithuania for those who don't know that) 😄 So the url would be this: questions is: Should we include geo tags in this page like this: Generated by ? Our competitors don't do that but sites like do that (I believe). The other question would be should the main category URL have something like that: Shoving that is for Lithuania (the domain is already .lt - google webmaster associates it with Lithuania). The last question is what about the company URL page:
    Should we include geo tags of this company in this page even tho the company works in the whole Lithuania not only in one city ? The problem is: there are so many companies, that we don't know if they work in the whole country or only the part of it. So I hope for the answer that helps to find the best solution. Thank you!

    Local Listings | | anonimas

  • Hello, We are currently researching the case of a client that suffered greatly after a campaign of reverse SEO. In a short spam of time (about 6 months) thousands of foul links were created pointing at this site, and as a consequence, it got an algorithmic penalization, and organic traffic dropped almost by half. Does anyone has any experience with this kind of situations we could learn from? Obviously, we are already proceeding to disavow such bad links, but we'd also love to get to know who is behind this. Is there any way of finding out who or what company originated these links. Many bad sites were specifically created to harm this client's reputation, but the registrant is privacy protected. We could at best find out where these sites are hosted. Is there any way we could progress further in finding out more about this? We are talking of a campaing carried out by someone who knows their way around SEO, and which took at least 6 months to a 1 years of constant spammy bombing. Any leads will be greatly appreciated. Regards 5yFVjCI

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ClaudioHeilborn

  • Hi everyone, thanks for reading i have a website "" and have the following pages listed in google site: command & however when a user searches for "garden landscaping Edinburgh" or "garden maintenance Edinburgh" we are in the rankings but google search links these phrases to the home page not to their targeted pages. the site is about a year old have checked the robots.txt, sitemap.xml & .htaccess files but can see anything wrong there. any ideas out there?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | livingphilosophy

  • Dear, Moz We have been hard at work going some off site and on site SEO. However yesterday we got around 1600 404 errors from google, and ranking dropped from 7 in front page to 25. What we did: I found an error in Htacces, where my partner had this (rewritebase with double // and rule with // - I quess this started creating urls for google, because OK. But google says that they will not effect your rankings because 404s? Second think i found was that we had some urls, which had canonical tag to a page called search. Now that search (duplicate of homepage) we 301 to our main homepage. Can that effect ranking? You have 404s that have canonical to a page that itselft redirects (301) to homepage. We also removed the / splash. Nothing more.. Below is the htaccess, that had the double // error. Please comment. Options +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase //
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (.+)/$
    RewriteRule ^ %1 [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.)$$1 [L,R=301]
    RewriteCond $1 ^(index.php)?$ [OR]
    RewriteCond $1 .(gif|jpg|css|js|png|ico)$ [NC,OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^(.)$ - [S=1]
    RewriteRule .//index.php [L]
    DirectoryIndex index.php

    On-Page Optimization | | advertisingcloud

  • I have a client who has reported a drop in Domain Authority from 16 to 1 in a matter of a few weeks. Also, MOZ was reporting links, but now none! I know there were some issues with the recent MOZ index update. However, this sounds like something else. Anyone got ideas on where we should start looking?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | muzzmoz

  • Recently our keywords have plummeted with regards to anything hen related on our stag and hen website. We were on the first page ranking 6<sup>th</sup> for terms such as Newcastle hen and hen weekend Newcastle. Now were around 15th this has also began to happen with other keywords. Content wise our pages score 90+ on page optimisation, we do have various keywords on the pages alike our competitors and use the highest searched for term as our page title. Our page speed is good on mobile and desktop. I’m struggling to see why we can’t seem to crawl back up to the first page when people who are outranking us have minimal content on slow sites. I know we lack back links but this can't be the only reason? Our website is

    On-Page Optimization | | andy_simpson

  • I changed the domain of my website from to at the end of December and yet my DA for carissamay is still 1. As advised, I set up a 301 redirect from VC to CM which seems to be working fine. However when I check on redirect detective it tells me I also have a 302 set up. Could this be confusing things? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Carissamay

  • Hello all, Interested to hear your thoughts on this. What's best practice re server IP location. Is it OK for that to be in the US if your company is in Europe? Any potential issues? John Mueller says server location is irrelevant, but some developer I work with thinks IP address of the server is a factor. I can't see how it would be in this day and age. Many thanks, Gill.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Cannetastic

  • I made site to book hotels: any tips to promote him and get huge traffic ?

    Technical SEO | | coinvideos8

  • Hey! I would really appreciate if someone could help me on this 🙂 I have a website with separate mobile and desktop versions, on GSC I see a huge drop in the number of clicks on the mobile website and an increase in the number of clicks on the desktop website, however this isn't reflected at all in GA. GA shows that mobile traffic hasn't increased for any version of the website and the webpages losing traffic according to GSC are flat/growing on GA (even if I look at traffic coming from organic only). Has anyone experienced something similar or has any possible explanation? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Anna_9

  • Hi All, We can see now that Google rolled 2 unconfirmed algo updates this month and they are penalising spam links and sites which use Private blog networks; as said by some SEO experts. Do any sub-domains act as PBNs because of too much linking website pages from every page of sub-domains?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • When searching in google via mobile, I am seeing urls changed to taglines. I have attached pictures that show the url in a web search, but a tag line from the mobile search. Does anyone know how to get a tagline to show in place of a url in a mobile search? Any advice would be appreciated! uLkYWRx.png wljXRI3.png

    Algorithm Updates | | David-Kley

  • I'm using the Yoast plugin with wordpress and have noticed in my HTML I have duplicate meta data. For example my header starts with 
    <title>(title) </title<span><<br /><meta </span><span class="html-attribute-name">property</span><span>="</span><span class="html-attribute-value">og:site_name</span><span>" </span><span class="html-attribute-name">content</span><span>=<br /><span><meta </span><span class="html-attribute-name">property</span><span>="</span><span class="html-attribute-value">og:description</span><span>" </span><span class="html-attribute-name">content</span><span>=<br /><br /></span></span>Then I have the 'This site is optimised by Yoast" tagline followed by the same meta -<br /> <span><meta </span><span class="html-attribute-name">name</span><span>="</span><span class="html-attribute-value">description</span><span>" </span><span class="html-attribute-name">content=<br /><span> <meta </span><span class="html-attribute-name">property</span><span>="</span><span class="html-attribute-value">og:title</span><span>" content=<br /><span> <meta </span><span class="html-attribute-name">property</span><span>="</span><span class="html-attribute-value">og:description</span><span>" </span><span class="html-attribute-name">content=<br /><span> <meta </span><span class="html-attribute-name">property</span><span>="</span><span class="html-attribute-value">og:site_name</span><span>" </span><span class="html-attribute-name">content</span><span>=<br /><br /></span></span></span></span>Is this likely to cause problems with Google and is there a way to stop both wordpress and Yoast adding meta to the header. </p></title>

    Technical SEO | | simonatkinsphoto

  • I have a website that generate leads for real estate agents nationwide. I have an auto email that sends out the referral agreement and in the email I ask them to place a link to our website on their site somewhere to be a part of the program. I can get as many as 10-15 links in a few hours in every major city in the U.S. Most realtor websites have websites that are new, or haven't posted blogs and have a Moz domain score of 1 and trust score of 1. I have been thinking of only selecting websites with descent Moz rankings instead of having all agents link to me, even ones with a low moz score. Is it a bad idea to get a bunch of links from legitimate websites that have low Moz scores?

    Industry News | | esv2111

  • We are engaging a vendor to host our LMS and the process for purchasing access to the LMS (product pages/checkout). The vendor can only accomplish this by domain masking (redirecting to a subdomain on their domain). Our concern is the SEO implication. Obviously we would prefer the content hosted in a subfolder on our domain for the best SEO outcome, but this isn't an option. The vendor's domain authority is considerably lower than our own, but they recommend moving our product pages, which are currently hosted on our primary domain, to their subdomain so the checkout process is fully integrated using their product. Several of our product pages rank in the top 10 on Google and we don't want to lose that. Does anyone have any experience with domain masking and maintaining page rank? My inclination is that moving these high-ranking pages will 1) Hurt our primary domain, and 2) Negatively effect the rank of our product pages. Thanks in advance, Beth

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bethkmac

  • Hi there, I am currently looking at one of my campaigns and have noticed that since i last checked on the 31st Jan there have been no change in analytics despite me having done work on the campaign itself. I saw in the external links section that it said "38 down since last index" and I was just wondering how often the index takes place. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks.

    Reporting & Analytics | | VoodooCreativeLtd

  • I was going through my backlink profile the other day and started noticing a huge number of new back links, like 100k. Digging through them, I am seeing a lot of links that are inserted in Facebook feed widgets. You will see the link at the bottom of the widget. From what I can see, a lot of these links are all in this format, all on European domains, all running WordPress. Doesn't seem to have anything do to spamminess. Had domains that were on blacklists, some not. Anyone seen anything like this before? The only thing I can think of was maybe an automated hack bot that inserted the link when it was able to get in? E0OMJfi.jpg

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | ShockoeCommerce

  • my site used to be http and i have now converted to https. my site is, please advise how to solve the duplicate page title errors ?

    Product Support | | Paul_Ward

  • When I purchase aggregator submission via Bright Local, those approved profiles are they pushed then other directories or further action is required?

    Moz Local | | Vidushi

  • I have a client whose home page meta description on the SERPs is not matching the description n the meta data. The SERP description is from an old DMOZ description. Any idea about the best way to update this?

    On-Page Optimization | | bdcseo

  • Hi, I'm currently covering a maternity marketing role at i-escape and one our main objectives is to increase organic traffic to the website. i-escape has a selection of hand-picked boutique hotels, villas, lodges, guesthouses and apartments for people to discover and book. At the moment each hotel page URL follows this structure: We'd like to change this to include some searchable words in the URL dependent on the type of hotel. For example: or If we do go ahead, we know we need to make sure all old style URLs canonically redirect to the new style. Is having the keyword in the URL important enough for us to change over 1500 URLs on the website? We have quite a high quality links pointing to these hotel pages URLs. Also, will this help us with navigation/user journeys/crawls as there will be a /boutique-hotels/hotelname rather than just /hotelname? Thanks so much all! Clair

    Technical SEO | | iescape

  • Hi all, If we have many non-important folders like /category/ in blog.....these will multiply the links. These are strictly for users who access very rarely but not for bots. Can we add such to disallow list in robots to stop link juice passing from them, so internal linking will me minimised to an extent. Can we add any such paths or pages in disallow list? Is this going to work pure technical or any penalty? Thanks, Satish

    Algorithm Updates | | vtmoz

  • Hi guys, Is there a way to upload multiple domains/pages into Open Site Explorer in order to get DA, PA and Spam Score rather than a manual approach?

    Link Explorer | | Metropolis

  • Hi all, Several of my pages have absolutely tanked in the past fortnight, and I've no idea why. One of them, according to Moz, has a Page Optimisation Score of 96, and it's dropped from 10th to 20th. Our DA is lower than our competitors, but still, that's a substantial drop. Sadly, this has been replicated across the site. Any suggestions? Cheers, Rhys

    Local Website Optimization | | SwanseaMedicine

  • Hi Our Domain Authority has dropped recently from 29 > 23 - which is really low. I wondered if anyone had any ideas of why this might be? I'm seeing ranking/traffic improvements for SEO & I'm not currently building any bad backlinks, I did a sweep to Disavow any bad ones last Oct. I am planning to add good quality links, but is there anything else I can do to improve the authority?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • UPDATE* I temporarily removed the images from the page to check if rankings would come back and they did. So Google made a recent update in the Netherlands where they look at your page for adult content (pictures). For us it was breast augmentations, before and after pics. END Hey Guys, We have a site for plastic surgery in the Netherlands. We ranked on number 2 if someone searched for breast augmentation. But sinds 31 of januari our ranking dropped outside the top 50. I did not get a warning or an other message in Search Console. We have a lot of pictures on the website displaying before and after pictures. So you see breasts. Does anybody know if google rolled out an update where they look at photo's with audult content? We didnt do any linkbuilding or other black hat stuff. Kind regards, Ruud

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | equipezorgbedrijven

  • A client set up a website that has multilingual functionality (WPML) and the back end is a bit of a mess. The site has around 6 translated versions of the 30 or so existing English blog posts in French, Italian and Spanish - all with their own URLs. The problem is that on the remaining 24 English blog posts, the language changer in the header is still there - even though the majority of posts have not been translated - so when you go to change the language to French, it adds **?lang=fr **onto the existing english URL, and is a page not found (4xx client error). I can't redirect anything because the page does not exist. Is there a way to stop this from happening? I have noticed it's also creating italian/french/spanish translation of the english Categories too. Thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | skehoe

  • Hi There, I have a problem I need an advice for. I run an e-commerce site in French. Things are going well. I also run the Spanish version of this site. We are starting to sell. But nothing like French site. I have traffic coming to the French site from Spain from visitors with Spanish language and they don't buy anything. That is strange as the conversion rate is good. Si I want to redirect them to the Spanish site. We sell phone parts. Our SEO is mainly based on brands, make, and reference numbers. So keywords are almost the same in both languages. Of course, is aiming at, and at So I am wondering. If I redirect these visitors to the Spanish site, Will it affect french site's SEO? Thanks

    International SEO | | Kepass

  • I have use category and Tags in my blogs. Now i have an problem with blog URL and Tags URL. My blog URLs is also show in Tags page and both the content is same. For Example: My Blog URL is: And Tag Page URL is : in that - The URLs contain same content. No should i write two different meta title and description for above two URLs pages. As there might more blog added under Tags pages with different topics and title. Request on Thought Please.

    Technical SEO | | ProcessSEO

  • I have url A with a canonical to URL B. How is the behavior of the backlinks profile on url A? If some put a backlink to url A count as a backlink for url B?

    Link Building | | Linio

  • I read on SEOLand that there may have been an algorithm update on Feb. 1st. I got our rankings report back today and was shocked to see 103 of our 530 tracked keyword phrases went down over the last week, especially on pages that we recently updated (like a month ago max). The pages we updated went up in ranking the last two weeks in a row, but went down this week, considerably (like #14 to #34). We also submitted a sitemap update last Friday to Search Console. Checked on Search Console and noticed we also had a dip in CTR around the same time period. I know the rumored changes were targeting PBN, but could other changes be in play as well? I know we have (against my advice) a few syndicating blogging partnerships who we share content with from time to time, but nothing like a PBN. Wondering if anyone else saw a considerable dip in their rankings?

    Algorithm Updates | | Rydch41

  • We are having a few issues with blog integration into an Angular2 website and would love an SEO referral. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vinadvisor

  • Can anyone give advice about SEO - specifically blogging in Wordpress and embedding it in your Muse site - that is specific to the 2017 updates. I found a lot of negative information, but that was mostly on forums from 2+ years ago. On their own forums, Muse says that you can get SEO plugins that help with this, but I am not sure I can trust those with clients yet. I have worked in Wordpress for years, but prefer the design freedom adobe provides. Specifically I am worried about whether the traffic to the site would be credited to the wordpress blog (on a different URL) or if it positively impacts my own URL used for the muse site. Would it be considered duplicate content? Also, are there any solutions that I don't know to ask about? Thanks in advance for listening.

    Web Design | | Jesiwicks

  • Can anybody help me with this error please... Error: A charset attribute on a meta element found after the first 1024 bytes I have no idea how to find or fix this issue, i have spoke to my theme dev and they say it is not a problem with the theme, so i do not know were to turn now. As you will see in the link above there are a couple of errors, i do not know how to fix them either 😞 Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | Taylor17

  • Reviewing a list of links from webmaster console for a client and there are links to their website which render a page but there' s no mention of the clients website on that page. Why does this happen? Why is Google thinking that there is a link to the clients website yet on the page there is no mention of that clients website. There's no comments etc. I don't understand this and if anyone can shed a light??

    Link Building | | AL123al

  • Hi All, I've always been unsure about the importance of content on product category pages. Nobody reads it. If you search for "living room chairs", you're just going to want to see a big list of living room chairs - not read content about living room chairs, how to choose one, etc. On virtually any ecommerce site, category pages have a paragraph or two of total bla-bla. Does this have any impact on search rankings? More specifically, will Googlebot see content on how to choose a living room chair and say "Yes! This is really helpful content"? Or, will it realize that the searcher intent on this keyword is really just to see a list of chairs, and ignore this content - or at least downplay its importance? WDTY?

    On-Page Optimization | | BarryBuckman

  • I have been doing some digging in to this today essentially triggered off by looking at the secure certificate on my site and comparing it to others as i have been seeing some security warnings on a random basis.  I noticed that on all instances none of the other sites IP addresses re-direct to the website, whereas on my site it does. is re-directing the IP address to the website a big no-no?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | WAWKA

  • While defining the site structure we thought of having all pages at second level only. i.e. please let us know the pros and cons of having this as architecture.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fabogo_marketing

  • We are creating a new website and got stuck while deciding the URL structure. Our concern is which url is better in terms of SEO i.e. or and why. Also which one would rank faster if someone searches for spas in pune if both pages are same.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fabogo_marketing

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