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  • Hello All, Currently my Multilingual site is showing in referral traffic is it because I have not added hreflang tag on site? If yes and if I add the hreflang tag on all sites when where it will show in google analytic traffic from international sites? And what type of configuration required in analytic? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | pragnesh9639

  • Hi I am trying to fix the high priority duplicate content URL's from my recent MOZ crawl (6 URL's) in total. Would someone from the community be able to offer some web development advice?  I had reached out on the Moz Community on the main welcome page.  Samantha stated that someone in web development on Moz's Q&A forum would be better suited to assist me.  I took a word press class on, but other than that, I am a novice.  I manage my site on Go Daddy's managed wordpress site.  Thanks so much for your help! Best, Jill

    Technical SEO | | justjilly

  • There is a specific keyword phrase that I am ranking in the top 10 search results for. When I run page optimizer in Moz, my page is given a score of 73 and I'm predictably told I need to include this keyword somewhere on the page. This specific keyword phrase is not included anywhere on the page - not in image files, image alts, anchor text from inbound links (that I can find), text content, meta-titles or descriptions - it's nowhere. Meanwhile, a keyword phrase which Moz' page optimizer tells us we are scored 96 for we aren't even in the first three pages of search results for. What's going on here? On the surface, this seems to be telling me the Moz page optimizer is kinda...broken? Why am I ranking in the top 10 for a keyword phrase nowhere on my page? Thanks in advance for any help.

    Moz Pro | | Closetstogo

  • Hi there I am working on a website and we would like to change the permalinks from product-category (replacing with Shop) and product to buy.   Currently there are nearly 400 products and multiple categories. Although the website has just been indexed wondering if we need to do 301's? if we did would like to use regex to manage so redirect would be as example: redirecting to to (I know you do not need to put in the domain but as an example) - could anyone give me the regex for this? Same for products: redirect to thanks in anticipation

    Technical SEO | | musthavemarketing

  • I have a client whose name in not currently showing up on Google maps. Their business location only shows once their name or related keywords are searched, but their business name does not show when you only look for it on the map regardless of how far zoomed in you are to the actual location.  I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this, or knows of a way to fix this. I have already contacted Google multiple times, and they told me that “business’ names are just randomly pulled”. The client is an HVAC store front business with good rankings and a fully optimized Google profile, so these reasons did not answer the issue. Client’s GMB profile: oak creeek&oq=rothheating oak creeek&rlz=1C1JPGB_enUS685US685&aqs=chrome..69i57j0.5919j0j4 DBZfF

    Local Listings | | JohnWeb12

  • Hi Moz community Let's say I have two domains domain1 is my main website. Domain 2 was a peripheral side project I was working on. I recently decided to shut it down. So I hooked up the proper 301s and filed a change of address request with Google Webmaster tools. I have had an offer for someone to purchase domain2 - I have absolutely no use for it and would like to sell it. I just want first to figure out that: I can do this without losing any ranking to my main site. I can disassociate this domain from myself and my Company completely. I don't want any of the work we put into it to transfer to the new owner. How can I do this? thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Shop-Sq

  • I usually do social bookmarking on stumbleupon,, pinterest, bundlr, folkd, diigo, reddit and delicious. Does anyone have any recommendation on other good social bookmarking sites?

    Technical SEO | | Armen-SEO

  • I ask to Godaddy if there is an SEO impact between buying a url for 1 year or 10 years. They said me that there is no impact, however, I read the historical URL has one. So, the question is : buying with 1 year and autorenew might be the right choice. Warm regards,

    Industry News | | johncurlee

  • Hello everyone, My main website is: Whereas the above site's related "affiliate" website is located on the subdomain below: I was wondering if having that "affiliate section" on a subdomain could affect the main website negatively in some way... or would be better to put it in a sub-folder on the main website, or even on a totally different domain. Thanks in advance for any advice!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fablau

  • Hai Moz memebers, Can you pls suggest me some best seo  websites that you people read articles everyday a part from MOZ

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SEO_GB

  • When trying to create the campaign using the site URL, it's gives me an Oops.

    Moz Pro | | NisbetsUK

  • Hi, another newbie question on keyword research and selection (can't find any information on-line with this low level of detail)... If I've decided that my primary keyword for a given product page is the product name, something like 'AquaPower wet and dry cordless vacuum cleaner', can I assume that it isn't worth additionally optimising the page for 'cordless vacuum' as this has a phrase match in the primary keyword? Is it still worth additionally optimising for 'wet and dray vacuum' which has a broad match within the primary keyword or is Google bright enough to drop the intervening word 'cordless' when deciding whether to rank my page? Thanks for any guidance on this.

    Keyword Research | | Alli7

  • Hi, We are a wholesaler for electronics parts and accessories on our main site Our Business for parts is more B2B. Accessories is more B2C oriented. Right now, our catalog is not the best SEO Friendly kind. We want to move all accesories to a new site. Now. So as not to get duplicated content, and user experience, I guess the best is remove all category pages and product pages from our main site. That would generate lots of 404. What would be the way to handle this as we are talking about hundreds, maybe thousands of pages ? Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kepass

  • Hi, new to keyword research and have a question on branded search terms. I'm optimising the product pages of a manufacturer's site and assume that the primary keyword for each product page (and therefore the H1 header) should be a detailed product name e.g.'Aqua Power wet and dry cordless vacuum cleaner'. Is it good practise to add the manufacturer's name to the beginning of a product title? I can't determine this by looking at search volume or competition for the two versions of the keyphrase as they are too low to get stats in both cases. Previous SEOs have set up the product titles on my pages without including the brand name but this seems to me to be loosing out on the opportunity to rank for both '[brand name] [detailed product name]' and '[detailed product name]' with the one keyphrase. On the other hand, this site only sells products from one manufacturer so maybe it looks fussy to include the brand name on every product title. I would of course add the manufacturer name to the page title e.g.'Aqua Power wet and dry cordless vacuum cleaner | cordless vacuum cleaner | [brand name]' so Google would be able to associate a brand with the product even if I didn't include it in my primary keyword. Thanks for any guidance on this!

    Keyword Research | | Alli7

  • Hello All, My manufacturer hosted video's on his site now if I host same video on my ecommerce site will it be consider as duplicate? any penalty ? Any suggestion pls? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | pragnesh9639

  • Hello everyone, I need help about this. My client sent me this "I have a question about doing local SEO for other locations for the same company.
    The Brisbane data recovery business is linked to Corporate data recovery and are physically based at the same address. Now we have other website for the same business, but named after other cities (eg sydneydatarecovery, melbournedatarecovery etc.). The business has only one physical address, which the one used for Brisbane and Corporate. How can we do Local SEo for the other location website with our Brisbane address. 
    We do have the Google location registered to a local address we have in each cities, but not display to the public." N.b I already build citation using the address for Brisbane Data Recovery business name. And I didn't know about this before. Please help me to fix this mess.

    Local Listings | | Beachflower

  • I am about to make a domain name change for my online shop. I have heard  that redirecting my HTTP to my https is a good SEO Practice. I have www, non-www, as well as https-www and https-non-www declared in Search console. Both have non-www set as preferred domain. Is the redirect rule from HTTP to https really usefull ? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kepass

  • I am in the process of a large rebuild and redesign of my real estate website. It is Wordpress based with custom post types organized by category archives for neighborhood pages. Through this process, I am expanding my content and number of internal pages by a large amount. I am at a decision point with permalink structure for my site and can choose two different directions to go, not sure which is best or if there is any impact on SEO for the two options. Most of it comes down to location of keyword search terms being placed in my permalink structures. When I first built my site, exact domain match was still a thing for SEO power, and now days I hear it doesn’t hold much weight… so my domain name of still remains the same either way which does contain an important keyword, but might be redundant if using the keyword “Arizona” elsewhere in a permalink. Is there any difference in SEO power for the following keywords whether they are placed all at the end of the permalink, versus being distributed more throughout the entire link address when there is a hierarchy to the address and some in the domain name, partly in a parent page address, and partly in the child page link address? Target keywords: grayhawk, scottsdale, arizona
    Option 1: vs
    Option 2 (parent-child relationship):

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | shawnbeaird

  • I'm doing KW research for a new business. My understanding from KW research guides: Use tools to create a list of thousands of keywords Analyze difficulty and search volume Reduce your list and do on page optimization for your select KWs My dilemma with this approach is that it seems "keyword based" rather than "intent" or "category" based. e.g. Let's say I have a grocery store. Ignoring SEO, I know that these are my main categories: Produce Meat Dairy Canned Goods Baked Goods In other words, the above categories are the general "intents" and "categories" that I'd really want to rank for. Keyword tool shows that they have high volume and high difficulty. Let's say that after doing keyword research, I discover "Low Fat Chicken Breasts" and "Turkey Sausage" and "Cheap Meat Wholesale" have decent search volume and low competition. I don't quite understand how I'm supposed to utilize these fringe keywords in my on page SEO plan because it doesn't make sense as a human to categorize my site that way. Not sure if this is clear. Basically I'm trying to figure out if I should really be getting this granular on keywords to help guide my store categories or if I should just be picking broader terms.

    Keyword Research | | clarasboutiqueusa

  • Hi Moz community, I work at a web design company. I found my competitors have a lot of site-wide backlinks from their clients with optimized anchor text "affordable web design by XXX". Some of the clients' website are not even relevant to web design or design industry. I am sure those are dofollow links. Although I heard a lot of sayings that site-wide backlinks look unnatural and spammy, why the top ranking guys are still using this way to acquire backlinks? Does Google really actually say no to this? Thanks for any help and explanation. Best, Raymond

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Raymondlee

  • i am looking to expand from the UK and open a location in the US.  i curretly have a domain.  what would you recommend I do with th website, create a new one wth a .com domain?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Caffeine_Marketing

  • My trial just expired and I had forgotten to cancel. I just got 99$ debited from my account and i don't want to continue this moz tool , so please refund my money. And please make it fast. my  id:   Thanks in advance

    Product Support | | ivansu

  • When searching for "Madrid hotels" in google I see that the top organic search results have one row of sitelinks. 
    What can I do that also my site shows sitelinks if I am among the top organic search results?
    Anything onpage that I can do to increase probability that google will show sitelinks? Strangely the text which shows as sitelink for SERPs from and tripadvisor does actually for most of the sitelinks not appear on the landing page (I also checked the source code).

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lcourse

  • I have a hard time choosing whether to stream my videos from certain platforms like vimeo, youtube, etc. or embedding the videos into my site, and I'm not quite sure which one Google would like to see more of? And which style will save my page speed from plummeting too much. Any ideas? Thanks guys

    On-Page Optimization | | Benavest

  • Howdy. The question is pretty much in the subject. I know I can exclude the campaign or ad group from shwoing on mobile devices. How can i do that per keyword though? Thanks

    Paid Search Marketing | | DmitriiK

  • Hi all, I am a newbie to SEO. Lately, I have been struggling to optimize my title tag. Ones say that we should have long tail words in title tags because long tail words improve click through rate and generate quality leads. On the other hand, ones say that putting other words in the title tag will dilute the main keyword that my page ranks for. Do keywords really dilute each other in the title tags? I am really confused. Let me give this an example: Web Design Services | Company Name Web Design Services with Conversion Focused | Company Name Which one would you prefer and why? Thank you.  😄 Best, Raymond

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Raymondlee

  • Hi, I'm green when it comes to altering the htaccess file to remove non www and index.php. I think I've managed to redirect the urls to www however not sure if I've managed to remove the index.php. I'm pasting the contents of the htaccess file here maybe someone can identify if I have unwanted lines of code and if it is up to standard (there are a lot of comments in #) not sure if needed but I've left them as I don't want to screw up anything. Thanks 🙂 @package Joomla @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2016 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt READ THIS COMPLETELY IF YOU CHOOSE TO USE THIS FILE! The line 'Options +FollowSymLinks' may cause problems with some server configurations. It is required for the use of mod_rewrite, but it may have already been set by your server administrator in a way that disallows changing it in this .htaccess file. If using it causes your site to produce an error, comment it out (add # to the beginning of the line), reload your site in your browser and test your sef urls. If they work, then it has been set by your server administrator and you do not need to set it here. No directory listings IndexIgnore * Can be commented out if causes errors, see notes above. Options +FollowSymlinks
    Options -Indexes Mod_rewrite in use. RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/index.php/
    RewriteRule ^index.php/(.*) /$1 [R,L] Begin - Rewrite rules to block out some common exploits. If you experience problems on your site then comment out the operations listed below by adding a # to the beginning of the line. This attempts to block the most common type of exploit attempts on Joomla! Block any script trying to base64_encode data within the URL. RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} base64_encode[^(]([^)]) [OR] Block any script that includes a

    On-Page Optimization | | KeithBugeja

  • Hello All, In google analytic for google /cpc it is showing url with 404 which even not exists in my database that also more than 300 per day. How can it is possible? it is showing /black-friday-offers but I don't have such page. Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | pragnesh9639

  • We have found a cache of about 10 URLs, some are ranking above our main URL in Google SERPS. What is the best course of action here? a. Redirect all to the homepage?
    b. Link all domains to the homepage?
    c. Link all domains to select pages on on main site, being careful not to anchor text spam
    d. 301 redirect all to the main site. Is there any disadvantage to your recommendation? Is there likely to be a penalty incurred? I feel like we'll get the strongest increase in rankings by following option c but it feels like option d may be safer. Thanks in advance for your help!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | moconn

  • Hi All, I have a couple of e-commerce clients and have a question about URLs. When you perform a search on website all URLs contain a question mark, for example: /filter.aspx?search=blackout I'm not sure that I want these indexed. Could I be causing any harm/danger if I add this to the robots.txt file?  /*? Any suggestions welcome! Gavin

    On-Page Optimization | | IcanAgency

  • I am involved in setting up a new business which as of yet is to decide on a brand name.. As the availability of domain name in local tld (and ideally .com) is of so much importance, the brand naming process is inextricably linked to this. Therefore, upon finding a suggested name was available to register (without premium) there was a degree of satisfaction. However on looking at it was discovered that the had been a sex/marital aid store back in 2004 and more recently in 2014 a travel blog / affiliate. Q is; Is the past history of what is a site with possible black hat links a reason to avoid registration? Or, does time cure all? And, is there a way in which domain health can be reliably confirmed? Thanks in advance for your input..

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | seanmccauley

  • I just did a crawl for one my clients to validate any error in the structure. Next thing I know is that the website have multiple variation of the same url with query like ?order=asc and ?view=list at the end of it. I am wondering why these url variations appears in the crawl I just did since bots aren't suppose to go further thant the ? normally. Just to show you a couple of url's of my crawl test. <colgroup><col width="484"></colgroup>
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    | | Thank you Guys

    Moz Bar | | alexrbrg

  • Hi, What's you guys' policy on how much to internally link. I do it a lot - whenever it makes sense, but hold off if I just linked to the same page in the last paragraph, for instance. Would like to know your thoughts to see if I'm overdoing it. This is for Ecommerce blog posts, category descriptions, and product descriptions if that matters. Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | BobGW

  • The French and German version of my web site are showing mixed language sitelinks I have no idea how to fix this now that Google have remove demote sitelinks feature, how can I make sure only the german site links appear in the german version of the site and french site links only appear in the french version of the site? Thanks again

    Technical SEO | | ss2016

  • My web site is Cached version of French version is, showing incorrectly The German version: is showing correctly. I have resubmitted site links, and asked Google re-index the web site many times. The German version always gets cached properly, but the French version never does. This is frustrating me, any idea why? Thanks.

    Technical SEO | | ss2016

  • Hello everyone. I am trying to understand why most of my website category pages don't show up in the in the first 50 organic results on Google, despite my high website DA and high PA of those pages. We used to rank high a few years ago, not clear why most of those pages have almost completely disappeared. So, just to take one as an example, please, help me to understand why this page doesn't shows up in the first 50 organic search results for the keyword "cello sheet music": I really can't explain why, unless we are under some sort of "penalization" or similar (a curse?!)... I have analyzed any possible metric, and can't find a logical explanation. Looking forward for your thoughts guys! All the best, Fab.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fablau

  • Hi. I am looking after a website in Ireland called When you search "carsIreland", I come number 1 and the organic sitelinks appear however When you search "cars Ireland", I come number 1 and the organic sitelinks Do Not appear why?

    Technical SEO | | Rossconlon

  • I run a exotic pet website which currently has several types of species of reptiles. It has done well in SERP for the first couple of types of reptiles, but I am continuing to add new species and for each of these comes the task of getting ranked and I need to figure out the best process. We just released our 4th species, "reticulated pythons", about 2 weeks ago, and I made these pages public and in Webmaster tools did a "Fetch as Google" and index page and child pages for this page: While Google immediately indexed the index page, it did not really index the couple of dozen pages linked from this page despite me checking the option to crawl child pages.  I know this by two ways: first, in Google Webmaster Tools, if I look at Search Analytics and Pages filtered by "retic", there are only 2 listed. This at least tells me it's not showing these pages to users.  More directly though, if I look at Google search for "" there are only 7 pages indexed. More details -- I've tested at least one of these URLs with the robot checker and they are not blocked.  The canonical values look right. I have not monkeyed really with Crawl URL Parameters. I do NOT have these pages listed in my sitemap, but in my experience Google didn't care a lot about that -- I previously had about 100 pages there and google didn't index some of them for more than 1 year.  Google has indexed "105k" pages from my site so it is very happy to do so, apparently just not the ones I want (this large value is due to permutations of search parameters, something I think I've since improved with canonical, robots, etc).  I may have some nofollow links to the same URLs but NOT on this page, so assuming nofollow has only local effects, this shouldn't matter. Any advice on what could be going wrong here.  I really want Google to index the top couple of links on this page (home, index, stores, calculator) as well as the couple dozen gene/tag links below.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jplehmann

  • We are currently building a new site which has the ability to pre-populate product options based on parameters in the URL. We have done this so that we can send individual product URLs to google shopping. I don't want to create lots of duplicate pages so I was wondering what you thought was the best way to handle this? My current thoughts are: 1. Sessions and Parameters
    On-site product page filters populate using sessions so no parameters are required on-site but options can still be pre-populated via parameters (product?colour=blue&size=100cm) if the user reaches the site via google shopping. We could also add "noindex, follow" to the pages with parameters and a canonical tag to the page without parameters. 2. Text base Parameters
    Make the parameters in to text based URLs (product/blue/100cm/) and still use "noindex, follow" meta tag and add a canonical tag to the page without parameters. I believe this is possibly the best solution as it still allows users to link to and share pre-populated pages but they won't get indexed and the link juice would still pass to the main product page. 3. Standard Parmaters
    After thinking more today I am considering the best way may be the simplest. Simply using standard parameters (product?colour=blue&size=100cm) so that I can then tell google what they do in webmaster tools and also add "noindex, follow" to the pages with parameters along with the canonical tag to the page without parameters. What do you think the best way to handle this would be?

    Technical SEO | | moturner

  • My site has a high number of  fluctuating internal equity passing links in open site explorer from month to month, theses range from 30 000 and sometimes as high as 1,million. The fluctuations occur even when I have made no changes onsite. I have noticed that when the internal equity passing links are very high the DA drops and when they are low the DA is high, has anyone ever experienced this with open site explorer ?

    Link Explorer | | TMI

  • My site has a high number of  fluctuating internal equity passing links in open site explorer from month to month, theses range from 30 000 and sometimes as high as 1,million. The fluctuations occur even when I have made no changes onsite. I have noticed that when the internal equity passing links are very high the DA drops and when they are low the DA is high, has anyone ever experienced this with open site explorer ?

    Link Explorer | | TMI

  • Hi All, For my Ecommerce site I have done lots of tracking total  I do have total 45 event tracking but many times one event,  track many pages. So if visitors click on url or button then do my site speed affect because of these trackings? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | pragnesh9639

  • For my site I placed Black Friday offer.Now I have highlighted one product at homepage banner and tracking that with event. I am sharing with you actual figures of 1 day from Google analytic. Your proper response on this query will really really really helpful to me for understanding google analytic deeply and properly. So pls give your precious time for answering me, I will be thankful to you from bottom of my heart. I am checking event report from behavior, following is report for by that product event - Sessions - 30
    Unique Events - 30
    Total Events - 34
    Ecommerce Conversion Rate - 3.33% I am checking now report from All pages via Behaviour section - Page views - 97, Unique Page Views - 62, Entrances - 7, Bounce Rate - 57.14%, %Exit - 17.53% Now I create customize report for the same by adding
    session -7
    Ecommerce conversion rate - 0
    unique events -4 MY query - when I added session in customized report then it is different from Event session why (7 and 30) ? same way Ecommerce conversion rate in customized report showing 0% why ( 0% and 3.33% ) ? same way unique events 4 and 30 ? do you suggest what is the best way to analysis such page or what will be best customize report for such analysis? Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | pragnesh9639

  • I see some PR (press release) sites where they distribute the same content on many different sites and at end they give the source link is that Good SEO Practice or Bad ? If it is Good Practice then how Google Panda or other algorithms consider it ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | KaranX

  • Hi I am reviewing our robots.txt file. I wondered if search results pages should be blocked from crawling? We currently have this in the file /searchterm* Is it a good thing for SEO?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • I have no need Moz Pro, Your System automatically deducted the amount by my registered credit card. So plz. refund me my payment.

    Moz Pro | | anil72749

  • I have no need Moz Pro, Your System automatically deducted the amount by my registered credit card. So plz. refund me my payment.

    Moz Pro | | anil72749

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