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  • I manage a handful of sites and have ranked top 5 for a handful of keywords for a long time. I recently checked one of my clients websites and other tier 2 pages will come up but the home page is now not showing up for any listings on Google. Was there a recent update was I put in the mysterious sandbox? I have not modify anything or using any black hat seo tricks. Only thing that was done is the client installed demand force onto their website. Any feedback about an update or about demand force or issue would be helpful. The site is

    Moz Pro | | Tylerr1985

  • After a year looking at the SERP's of the competition vs our listings I can't figure out what we are not doing by the numbers that is keeping the rankings down.  Even looking at the Moz My Business report I don't see what's missing here.

    Reviews and Ratings | | mwaters1979

  • Hello, our programmer recently updated our http version website to https.  Does it matter if we have TWO 301 redirects?  Here is an example: 301 301 We're getting pulled in two different directions.  I read and don't know if 2 301's suffice. Please let me know.  Greatly appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Shawn124

  • Hey true crew. Weird question. I'm trying to prove a point to someone. Is there a way to check what my Domain authority was a couple months ago? It doesn't seem possble, but I thought I would just ask Thanks fam!

    Search Behavior | | Meier

  • Hi, we have been putting links to our website from other sites we are connected to. Although these sites are up and running and have been crawled, the links are not showing up on mot.  What else do I need to do?  Is it anything to do with whether I put http://www. or just www.  Please can someone advise.

    Link Building | | Caffeine_Marketing

  • My latest post on the Moz Blog, Featured Snippets: A Dead-Simple Tactic for Making, explores how to keep Featured Snippets once you have them. I'm curious to know how many brands are actively working to get in the answer box, and for those who are, what's been the results?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ronell-smith

  • I apologise in advance if this has been discussed before, but I'm a bit confused by this whole buying links/outreach scenario. Example.. High ranking PR site (PR 85) has people advertising they can get you links from that site in exchange for money.
    You would give them an article and it would look natural and a link - branded or keyword - links back to you. This is not new to people here who know of this. Obviously there is a difference between a link farm (crap site just selling links) and one of these highly recognised sites where you can obtain a link from. I'm sure a goody 2 shoes will now tell me 'i should do everything natural not be tempted', but I actually dont know where the line is drawn between the same site giving a natural link to me and someone selling a link from the same site. Google isnt going to downgrade the site I'm sure but how do they combat this or even do they combat it? Do we have to accept that buying links is still a normal process and if done in moderation and discretely, you can get away with it?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | nick-name123

  • Hey Guys, Have you ever seen coding like this in a robots.txt, I have never seen a noindex rule in a robots.txt file before - have you? user-agent: AhrefsBot User-agent: trovitBot
    User-agent: Nutch
    User-agent: Baiduspider
    Disallow: / User-agent: *
    Disallow: /WebServices/
    Disallow: /*?notfound=
    Disallow: /?list=
    Noindex: /?*list=
    Noindex: /local/
    Disallow: /local/
    Noindex: /handle/
    Disallow: /handle/
    Noindex: /Handle/
    Disallow: /Handle/
    Noindex: /localsites/
    Disallow: /localsites/
    Noindex: /search/
    Disallow: /search/
    Noindex: /Search/
    Disallow: /Search/
    Disallow: ? I have never seen a noindex rule in a robots.txt file before - have you?
    Any pointers?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | eLab_London

  • I have previously switched sites to https but this one is behaving a little different. On September 19th I switched to https. I did 301 redirects at the .htaccess, added it to search console, and since we are using Magento I changed the base url. In the past when I have done this the http site index just gradually drops while the https site gradually rises. In early October the http site started to slightly drop but since 10/23 there have been no changes. For the https site it started to increase up until 10/23 then stayed flat. Why have they stayed stuck like that for a month?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Tylerj

  • Hello! We are currently hosting our blog on Medium which I would like to move away from. The options now are to host the blog with our custom CMS or use the HubSpot blog capabilities. I know their blog has built-in SEO best practices but I'm pretty sure it hosts the blog on a subdomain. I keep getting conflicting advice on this. In a whiteboard Friday Rand once said to NEVER host on a subdomain. But I know that google now associates links that redirect to the original site. I.e. If redirects to then should have all the link juice of, right? But Moz doesn't recognize any inbound links to, I have to actually put in as an additional site to see those links and the domain authority which worries me. So I guess two questions: 1. Does anyone have experience with Hubspot's blog? Will the subdomain hurt our SEO efforts? 2. Does google now know how to associate a redirect's link juice and domain authority to the page it redirects to? Not sure I know what I'm talking about at all but any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Link Building | | redpepperland

  • I came across an article mentioning this as a strategy for getting product pages (which are tough to get links for) some link equity. See #21: content flipping: Has anyone done this? Seems like this isn't what the tag is meant for, and Google may see this as deceptive? Any thoughts? Jim

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jim_shook

  • Hello All, I am really confused with my current architecture for Ecommerce site, can you please suggest any tool or software where I can analysis mine and competitors site architecture ? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | pragnesh9639

  • Hi, we have a site where user we know (cookie-based) is automatic redirected to private internal page. Unknown guests are staying on the page google search sent them. The redirect is done with a 302 to the private page. When I examine organic search and landing pages in analytics I see that more than 50% of the landing pages are private pages (inaccessible for the google-bot). This is because analytics does not register the redirecting page, just the target page. Is this harmful to SEO that so many users are redirected to other pages, or is this data not available to google-bot. The google bots is not redirect since they do not have the correct credentials. Do chrome or analytics send such data back to Google search? Is better to manipulate analytics page track call to use the address of the redirecting page? Or maybe skip to redirect, and just render the private content on the orginal page?

    On-Page Optimization | | Morten.Berg

  • Really need help , our website when search in google(US) will provide global page (keyword:asus/asus zenfone3). and search console also return "no return tags"another wear thing is when use googlebot crawl sitemap.xml googlebot cannot finish the file less than a quarterCan you please advise on what needs to be edited or changed to make sure my implementation is correct and not returning errors?

    Local Website Optimization | | June0127

  • I'm running through the spam analysis and noticed a few links that are considered to be 9+ on the spam score (high spam level), but some of them have DA of 60 -75. How can this be possible? When I view the sites they appear to be be pretty low quality.  If i'm considering disavowing a site should I focus on spam score or DA? A DA of 75 is a pretty reputable standing.

    Moz Pro | | STP_SEO

  • Howdy MOZ community, I have been practicing all the "right" techniques on my website, The website in question was doing pretty well ranking among top 5 on SERP's for over 30 keywords,  bounce rate of 65% which has been steady since last year, Since 2 weeks ago I have noticed a MAJOR DROP on more than 80% of my rankings, The website in question has also lost 50% in search visibility score, I have checked my Google webmaster tools and there are no alerts regarding bad links ETC, What could be the reason? I hope I can get this sorted out before my employees quit on me because we have lost business by 70%. Please help!

    Algorithm Updates | | DustChasersToronto

  • Hi all, Assuming a company has two services: SEO and PPC. Here is the situation: I would like to focus on SEO for now but also don't want to leave my PPC service out of the page. SEO accounts for 60% of the content, while PPC accounts for 40%. Assuming the content (SEO + PPC) of the page will not change, which title tag would you prefer, and why? SEO | brand name (Is it appropriate that the title focus on SEO but the content of the page contains PPC) SEO | PPC | brand name (Will the keywords dilute each other?) SEO | SEM Agency | brand name (The idea behind it is that SEM includes SEO and PPC so I think Google would be OK with the page ranking for SEO and also including PPC in the content. I really appreciate your help and explanation. Thank you!

    Web Design | | Raymondlee

  • We've seen a lot of reports, including Q&A questions, of sites showing bad dates in Google SERPs. I've verified this bug in the wild. There are also reports of bad dates being caused by YouTube embeds, with Google taking the video date instead of the page date. I can also confirm this is happening, although I don't know if it accounts for all of the bad dates. Some people are reporting that these bad dates showing up corresponded with ranking drops. Usually, I would treat that as a coincidence (Google could easily launch an update and have a glitch on the same day), but in some of the reported cases, removing YouTube embeds led to ranking recovery soon after. I can't verify this, but I can't disregard it. There seem to be multiple reports of this recovery. I'm in communication with a Google rep, and they are unaware of any direct connection between a bad date and ranking (such as some kind of QDF effect). I've passed along some data, and they are investigating, but there may have been multiple updates in play that are making for noisy data (even for Google). There did seem to be heavy algorithm flux on November 10th and 18th, with some people speculating the latter spike was a reversal of the former. I have no evidence to support this, but MozCast data and chatter do seem to support both spikes. If you've been affected by this problem and the ranking drops are severe, it's worth temporarily removing YouTube embeds (if feasible). Replace them with direct links (or maybe a linked thumbnail) and have Google re-fetch the page. I can't guarantee it will work, but the risks are low. It's easy to restore the embed. Update (11/22) - Gary Illyes is saying on Twitter that the date problems have been fixed. If you see the proper dates cached, but have not seen rankings recover, then these may be unrelated events.

    Algorithm Updates | | Dr-Pete

  • hello together, i think, that you read questions like this very often, but i hope someone has some good ideas for me. with the keyword "sophos sg 210" we rank very bad. But i don't know why 😞 We have trust elements, a very good "avergage time on page" unique content... But i don't know, what can we make better 😞 Thx you so much

    On-Page Optimization | | enbitcon

  • Quick question on Referral exclusions. We have a client that just rebuilt their Magento website, referral data from Paypal was never an issue, the site properly attributed to source. New web devs finished the site and all purchases through Google Analytics from PayPal Is now showing as referral traffic.  Doing research on the issue the suggestion was to create a referral exclusion in GA from PayPal. My question on that, will the ecommerce  value default to the previous referral or will it delete the e-commerce value completely from what is gathered?

    Reporting & Analytics | | BCutrer

  • We are looking to setup conversion tracking for an Ad on Facebook. Upon selecting the Ad objective as a conversion, the pixel code is eventually provided. However, we are unsure, do we put this pixel code in: In the head tags of the header.php of our Wordpress website In the head tags of the page where a conversion is recored (i.e. the Thank You page of our website)? If it is the second option, is there a Wordpress plugin that will enable this to be easily done? Thank you for helping us clarify this!

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Gavo

  • I've been doing a lot of research on hreflang and had a question regarding the implementation with location targeting. I have a translation for Brazilian Portuguese, I'd like to target Brazil with this translation on my site but also provide it as the default for other users that speak Portuguese outside of Brazil. Can I use the same translation for two different sites? So my hreflang would look like this: So in this example the pt-br and pt sites would be duplicates but with one being specifically targeted to Brazil and the other for all other people speaking Portuguese anywhere else in the world. The default language of the site is English so the full implementation would look like this:

    International SEO | | Brando16

  • Hi All, I have created event via google tag manager for my ecommerce site. That events are button clicks. Now I want to know after clicking that event does that customer reached to Thank You Page or not? How can I do that? which type of goal I have to create? Thanks!

    Reporting & Analytics | | pragnesh9639

  • "Suggest an Edit" feature of Google My Business is allowing the competitors to change your business details, that too without your prior permission! I have put together a piece on the issue we faced and you can review the same here: What are your thoughts on the same and what should be the right solution?

    Local Listings | | varun1800

  • Hi all, There is a new way to defeat the big boys. Build a releated topic with minimum 4000 words and focus on in-depth content and use the target keywords more than 2,5% of each content. So its game over for linkbuilders and happy end for the copywriters? Ofcourse every factor of seo is important, but its better to focus on in-depth content. To score good with your target keywords in SERP. What are the challenges for a big webshop? Create a related deeply content? that separated from your webshop?
    Because it will be coatic with a lot of deeply contents on your webshop Is there more additional advice for a webshop with a big assortiment? Ps. Specifiec, the big webshops sells game/software keys.

    Link Building | | Dreamgame2016

  • I'm starting the website It's targeting SEO in Boise, ID, USA I'm doing Ecommerce SEO, service-based SEO, informational SEO, local SEO, mainly on-site SEO, and content Analysis and Advice What should I write about in my blog? I want it to be excellent. Thanks

    Local SEO | | BobGW

  • Hi all, Here is the situation. There are two services A and B in the page. B is more like a complement to A (they have something in common). C is the umbrella term over A and B. However, our company focuses more on A (70%) than B (30%).   Questions: 1. Can I rank the keyword A for the page, while the page has B? (e.g. A | brand name) Will it hurt the seo, with B being in the page? 2. If I write the title tag this way:  A | B | brand name . Will A and B dilute each other? 3. How about this: **A | C | brand name **(the idea behind this: We focus on A, but also include C because we have B in the page.) Does this make any sense? I am a newbie to SEO and I realize that could be confusing. Thank you for any support and explanation.

    Web Design | | Raymondlee

  • We're using Moz and Ahrefs to monitor backlinks that we're getting to Siftery. Given that there are so many factors that affect the potential quality of a backlink - domain authority, page authority, context, anchor text, etc. - is there a single metric that attempts to quantify the value of a link? I realize that this would be an inexact science, but it would be a helpful view to get a quick directional sense of what are our most valuable backlinks (and be able to tie it to the campaigns that led to them, for example). If there's no "single metric" out there, are there heuristics that people have withstood the test of time? Thanks for your help!

    Moz Pro | | ggiaco-siftery

  • Does anyone have any insight as to why a site wouldn't show any results when using this google search operator: There are no results appearing. We recently moved from .com to .org with 301 redirects in place and change of address tool submitted. There are no penalties or warnings in search console but we have seen a significant decrease in search traffic. Thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | SoulSurfer8

  • I just realized this happened 😞 I optimized this page over a week ago. I changed out the old image on the page, along with the Alt Text. Now I see this when I do a search for it. No Beuno. Can some one please tell me how I get rid of the alt text in the result. many many thanks in advance. Contractors Liability, Work Comp Insurance in Dallas, Texas ... <cite class="_Rm"></cite>Your page is not mobile-friendly.Dallas, Texas Contractors Insurance. Contractors Insurance Quote. General Contractor working on a roof in Texas. Thumann Agency specializes in providing ...

    Image & Video Optimization | | MissThumann

  • At Siftery ( we have about 250k pages, most of them reflected in our sitemap. Though after submitting a sitemap we started seeing an increase in the number of pages Google indexed, in the past few weeks progress has slowed to a crawl at about 80k pages, and in fact has been coming down very marginally. Due to the nature of the site, a lot of the pages on the site likely look very similar to search engines. We've also broken down our sitemap into an index, so we know that most of the indexation problems are coming from a particular type of page (company profiles). Given these facts below, what do you recommend we do? Should we de-index all of the pages that are not being picked up by the Google index (and are therefore likely seen as low quality)? There seems to be a school of thought that de-indexing "thin" pages improves the ranking potential of the indexed pages. We have plans for enriching and differentiating the pages that are being picked up as thin (Moz itself picks them up as 'duplicate' pages even though they're not. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ggiaco-siftery

  • Had a question from a freelance project I'm working on and have to admit..I was stumped. When you Google the business "Salute Market Palm Beach Gardens", in the right sidebar there is a short description that reads "This patio bar serves small plates, wine & cocktails in a cozy space with an attached upscale deli." I have no idea where that text is coming from or where it is controlled..thoughts? Thanks! Ricky

    Local Listings | | RickyShockley

  • This page is showing up as a 404 in Google Search console- It shows it has been linked from these pages- I never created this page, I don't want this page but it keeps showing up. The problem is the link isn't found on those pages anywhere so I can't delete it. What am I missing? How can I get rid of it?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Tylerj

  • Hello awesome MOZ Community! Our development team uses a sub-domain "" for our SEO clients' websites. This allows changes to be made to the dev site (U/X changes, forms testing, etc.) for client approval and testing. An embarrassing discovery was made. Naturally, when you run a "" the "" is being indexed. We don't want our clients websites to get penalized or lose killer SERPs because of duplicate content. The solution that is being implemented is to edit the robots.txt file and block the dev site from being indexed by search engines. My questions is, does anyone in the MOZ Community disagree with this solution? Can you recommend another solution? Would you advise against using the sub-domain "dev." for live and ongoing development websites? Thanks!

    Web Design | | SproutDigital

  • Hi all, I have a bit of a search engine predicament and I can't find the answer anywhere. It's a bit of a complicated one so please bear with me 🙂 ... I'm a Freelance Copywriter, I recently started the business, I've also recently moved to New Zealand. As such I'm looking for business back in the U.K. (As that's where my network is), but also locally, in NZ. I've purchased both the and domain names ( and The way that the domain provider / host has set these up is for one to redirect to another. Currently if someone visits it redirects to the U.K. Site. That's less than ideal for me, because I dont want NZ traffic (i.e potential leads) to think I'm a U.K. Based business. my questions are as follows: 1. Will the redirect to the U.K. domain prevent me from appearing in NZ search (I.e if someone searches via I'm really struggling to rank at the moment, I'm working on more content but if the redirect is a problem then I need to know about it so that I can find a work around. 2. Any suggestions on the best approach to the work around? It would be great if the URLs didn't change! So that you wind up from the U.K. on the U.K site, and if you're from NZ, you land on and stay on the NZ domain, but I'm not sure how to achieve that. One option, I think, would be to have two different websites, hosted separately, but I hear that duplicated content is bad for SEO? Thanks all in advance Kind regards

    International SEO | | Andrea_howey

  • Hi fairly new here, so just getting used to everything one questions please. Just ran a crawl test of the website and this page came back with a page authority of 1. Other pages have a rank of 18 through 26 scratched my head for a few hours and came up with no ideas. thanks andy

    Moz Pro | | livingphilosophy

  • Hi All, I have seen one tool - which give code quality score and if we go for pro version it's name is sitebeam  - Can anyone share experience of this tool? Also any other tool you can suggest to check code quality of ecommerce site? Pls don't suggest manual checking. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | pragnesh9639

  • Hi, Our ranking between India and USA is varying inversely like....when we improve in India...drops in USA and vice-versa. And the possible correlation I have from my end is: We have reclaimed some links and removed same. It happens at both redirects and removal of those redirects. When we reclaimed some links, we improved in India and dropped in US. And when we removed these redirects, vice-versa. Any idea on this? Please share. Thanks, Satish

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • What are the SEO implications of having a website hosted in Singapore (as a subdomain of the global website) when the website is targeting the UK audience? Will it be hard to get it to rank? Will there be problems with search console?

    International SEO | | ToniFarrington-Allthingsweb

  • We looked to use the Screaming Frog Tool to crawl this website and get a list of all meta-titles from the site, however, it only resulted with the one result - the homepage. We then sought to obtain a list of the URLs of the site by creating a sitemap using Once again however, we just go the one result - the homepage. There is something that seems to be restricting these tools from crawling all pages. If you anyone can shed some light as to what this could be, we'd be most appreciative.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Gavo

  • I must admit that I have not kept up to date with SEO best practice and changes over the last few years not since digesting Danny Dover's bible and using his advice to optimise and rank two of our sites. I have a third site which doesn't rank so well. Would you be interested in using it as a case study that you can dissect and make you input on this forum. The site is   I look forward to your thoughts...

    Web Design | | seanmccauley

  • We have a page on our website for our review of the "Voltage" shisha flavor by "Social Smoke" (Social Smoke is the brand). Voltage is one of their hookah tobacco flavors. When I search for "Social Smoke Voltage Review", our page is at the bottom of the first page result. We have a video, decent content on the page, and a review function. We've implemented correct Schema code too: When I use the page grade tool on Moz. Our page ranks B for that keyword but the results number 1 and 2 and 3 on Google all rank C or D. Our video and review schemas don't show up on Google search result either. We have a good community online. Our social media pages are popular. We share the blog posts on the social media accounts fairly regularly too. We have an old and established website. From what I understand we are following all of Google's standards and rules too. What does a website owner gotta do?

    On-Page Optimization | | Heydarian

  • Hello! Our website using JAVA redirect (legal reasons) , I noticed that pages that have JS redirect don't get the same page authority for example:
    The old home page have 60 PA while the new home page get only 22 PA I know that Google don't have problem with JS redirects and they passing all the juice like regular 301
    but all SEO tools are straggling to understand it, why? Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Roi.Bar

  • I have client that has developed a new brand targeting a specific segment of their wider market - the more price sensitive customer. They have launched a website for this brand, which specialises in promoting special offers. Both operations have the same physical address and the new brand - that targets this niche, I believe has been set up as a service-area business on Google My Business. I think they should change this as they do publish their address on their website and do on occasion welcome customers on their premises. My question - at last! - is that can both businesses exist on Google Maps - with the same business address and is this the right way to proceed if I want to target directory listings for the new brand. Any thoughts welcomed! thanks.

    Local Listings | | nathangdavidson2

  • In the past you could get MOZ to crawl your website, now I don't see this option, no do I see a crawl at the beginning of the month. Has this change? I saw this as a useful feature.

    Moz Pro | | cdgospel

  • Hi Guys, Hope you'll be able to help me with a technical problem I am facing right now. We are a company right ? We own 2 webistes. Let's say one sells car parts, the other one buys second hand car parts to refurbish them and sell them. (It is not our case, just an example very similar to ours). Both are ecommerce websites, with large catalogues (7000 skus). sellparts sells a lot and is a big actor in its market. doesn't work nad has a really low DA. My new SEO external consultant, which I am not too convinced about, is telling me to cross link the sites on product level using cross-linking extensions. He want have them do-follow. That would mean having hundreds or thousands of links with really similar linking patterns. buy [parts] [model ] [make] sell [parts] [model ] [make] That to me seems a bit too much and I am worried it compromises the sellparts site's SEO. So should i no-follow the links ? Or do it differently ?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kepass

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