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  • I use a company that provides me with insurance related videos. However - these video's can not be shared on You Tube, for whatever reason. My question is; if I add these video's to my product pages on my website will it hurt me in any way? OR do I need to add the text underneath the video? Or do something else to optimize them? I don't want to hurt my pages in any way - but the videos are informative and good quality. Thoughts? and thanks 🙂

    On-Page Optimization | | MissThumann

  • Hi Guys, Currently working with a couple Shopify ecommerce sites, currently the main category urls cannot be optimised for SEO as they are auto-generated and basically filtered pages. Examples: One solution we have came up with is to create HTML based pages for each of these categories example: In the backend and keep the filtered page setup. So these pages can be crawled and indexed. I was wondering if this is the most viable solution to this problem for Shopify? Cheers.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jayoliverwright

  • My "Tracked Keywords" total under "Add & Manage Keywords" does not match the total for "Keywords Showing" on the main "Rankings" tab. Why is there a difference? For example, I have 453 tracked keywords attached to my campaign, but under the "Tracked Keywords Overview," there are only 254 listed. I'm sure there's a simple explanation but I can't find it anywhere!

    Moz Bar | | MSoleski

  • Hi moz community, I am the web agency for a e-commerce website. Its current domain is but now all the e-commerce part will be moved to a sub-domain There are thousands of e-commerce current being indexed in Google (i.e., 15,500) plus they also have a mobile version of the page like /mobile/default.aspx. Is it necessary to 301 redirect all the pages? We are afraid it may slow down the website because the request will go through thousands of filters. Is it OK to just redirect the main categories? Many thanks in advance.

    Technical SEO | | russellbrown

  • Hi Moz Community, I wanted to know how reliable the average position data is for queries in Google Analytics search console report. I know this report is fairly new this year and the numbers are calculated a bit differently than they were in the old search engine optimization report. I want to know what the biggest differences are between this search console report vs. the old SEO report in GA. I'm also pretty confused about how GA reports on the average position. Obviously it's an average position of whatever date range your choose. But for instance, if your site shows multiples landing pages for one search query will it roll that into the average or just take the landing page that ranks higher? Does the position average take into account video or photo serp results and is this the average across mobile, desktop and tablet? This number has always been a guess since it's sampled data but I want to know how accurate it is. I read this article in 2014 (linked below) but I'm not sure if it all still applies now that that data might be presented differently. Any answers or discussions would be great here. Thanks

    Reporting & Analytics | | znotes

  • The keywords on my page are moving up, except for one.  I have routinely ranked between 13-15 for one particular keyword.  I am aware that it is a broad term, however, at one point, I showed up on page one at #6, and then dropped right back down to where I was. The website it "" and, don't worry, it's for addicts so you won't find anything but help and resources there.  The keyword is "sex addiction." Thanks, Ryan

    Keyword Research | | drdougweiss

  • Hello there! I just want to check in before I do this. I am reducing a multi-page website to one page (temporarily, but for at least 4-6 months). I will be 301 redirecting all old pages to the one, new home page. The new home page has a lot more content, long and short keyword phrases. Aside from losing the benefit of internal links, will reducing the number of website pages hurt a ranking? Does having associated keywords on other website pages provide benefit to another (in this case Home) page? Thanks so much for your invaluable advice!

    On-Page Optimization | | lulu71

  • Howdy Moz, I have noticed a common anomaly across the majority of my client accounts (see attached image). Have lost thousands of organic keywords worldwide? (no loss in UK rankings though which are the ones that matter) Has there been an algo update? Seems strange. Thanks, Joshua nYP3i

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | AscentGroup

  • Hi all, Im confusing between those www's and http's. If i go to searchbar (chrome) and ENTER:, It changes to
    ( with www, and https:// not used) / Its OK next: typing in searchbar and enter:, It changes to (without www and https:// ) / OK Next:, it stay the same, just https:// added: (used with https://) / OK Now its comes: If I do it again without http**(s)://, **It changes to / NOT OK 😛 In google search console (webmastertool) I gave property for the and Each of the website, Im seeying data clicks/ volume keywords etc, so  both of them functionating By search console: (With www) I see  crawlfaults/errors: 1633 (the url has not linked existing page) I see again: "?SID=..." after urls, example: By search console - other website: **(none-www) **you see two crawlfaults/errors! Bad influance for my SEO, because of no existed pages, bad urls and dubble content. Bye bye keywords! Lets analyze/crawl with Moz tool ofcourse ^^: Pages with High Priority Issues: | 2646 | Duplicate Page Content |
    | 14 | 4XX Client Error |
    | 3 | Crawl Attempt Error |
    | 1 | Title Missing or Empty | Medium priority: | 9618 | Temporary Redirect |
    | 2688 | Duplicate Page Title |
    | 13 | Title Element is Too Long |
    | 1 | Missing Meta Description Tag | After seeying this results what is the best option (no losing link-juice)? redirect 301? www to none-www (https://) ? Shortly I am going to change my domain provider and the website template in magento. After that I am going to focus on the SEO implementation. First, I have to solve this problem. Who can give me an advice for this situation? Regarding, Newbee

    Moz Pro | | Dreamgame2016

  • Hi, Our domain authority was at 13 two months ago and it dropped to 1 one and half month ago, I waited for MozUpdate but still no luck. my question is if my domain name doesn't have proper non www to www redirect, moz tool will show authority correctly? How do I check if redirect is proper for Moz to account it ? website is working fine though, no problem to redirect from non www to website. Regards, Vishal

    Link Explorer | | Sepalika

  • Hi, Someone googled our brand name + category page name and our category page didn't showed up first so he says it's a bad job/thing. so help me to fix this. Googled "sepalika acid reflux" without quotes. Thank you.

    On-Page Optimization | | Sepalika

  • Hi, Our rank dropped and we noticed it's a major drop in "Mobile" devices category, which is contributing to the overall drop. What exactly drops mobile rankings? We do not have any messages in search console. We have made few redirects and removed footer links. How these affect? Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hello Moz community, I have an Analytics question. Is there a way (using the social media APIs or otherwise) to track performance of individual social media posts to generate monthly reports? We list lawyers on our directories for people to find.  We also share the lawyer's information on our social media posts. I'd like to be able to generate a monthly report letting the lawyers know what we've done for them on social media pages. I'm thinking....we can identify a social media post by the URL inside the text of the post (IF URL_Inside_Page =Lawyer-Profile-Page_URL Then). I'd like to see numbers like: Facebook post clicks (combined) Facebook post likes (combined) Facebook post views (combined) Twitter post views (combined) Twitter post clicks (combined) Thank you

    Reporting & Analytics | | Heydarian

  • I'm putting the url and getting the "oops! our crawlers were unable to access the site. Since this site is a potential client, which shows up online, I can't get access to fix the code, plus while I can write a little html I don't feel comfortable working with hard, live code on someonelse's site. Anyone have a simple solution?

    Moz Bar | | alisacromer

  • Hi Moz friends, I've noticed since Tuesday, November 9, half of my post's meta dates have changed in regards to what appears next to the post in the search results. Although published this year, I'm getting some saying a random date in 2010! (The domain was born in 2013; which makes this even more odd). This is harming the CTR of my posts and traffic is decreasing. Some posts have gone from 200 hits a day to merely 30. As far as on our end of the website, we have not made any changes in regards to schema markup, rich snippets, etc. We have not edited any post dates. We have actually not added new content since about a week ago, and these incorrect dates have just started to appear on Tuesday. Only changes have been updating certain plugins in terms of maintenance. This is occurring on four of our websites now, so it is not just specific to one. All websites use Wordpress and Genesis theme. It looks like only half of the posts are showing weird dates we've never seen before (far off from the original published date as well as last updated date -- again, dates like 2010, 2011, and 2012 when none of our websites were even created until 2013). We cannot think of a correlation as to why certain posts are showing weird dates and others the correct. The only change we can think of that's related is back in June we changed our posts to show Last Updated date to give our readers an insight into when we changed it last (since it's evergreen content). Google started to use that date for the SERPs which was great, it actually increased traffic. I'm hoping it's a glitch and a recrawl soon may help sift it around. Anybody have experience with this? I've noticed Google fluctuates between showing our last updated date or not even showing a date at all sometimes at random. We're super confused here. Thank you in advance!

    Technical SEO | | smmour

  • We have about 40, between 1-4 flags. Do you see this as a problem? We looked at the disavow feature, but it seems you need to be cautious about using it. Please advise. Thanks!

    Link Building | | churchwebsites

  • Hi, Our website has two version of URLs. dektop: and mobile If you go to our site from a mobile device you will land on our mobile URL, if you go to our site from desktop computer you will land on a regular URL. Both urls have the same content. Is that considered duplicate? If yes, then what can I do to fix it? Also, both URLs are indexed by google. We have two separate XML sitemaps- one for desktop and one for mobile. Is that a good SEO practice?

    Technical SEO | | Armen-SEO

  • Can anyone verify if it is allowable to add Google reviews to your testimonials page? I know you can't use schema on these reviews. If it is allowable, should these be images so that they don't get indexed and flag duplicate content? Thank you in advance for your help. Rita

    Reviews and Ratings | | AAEPA2011

  • Hello, Looking for some guidance on how to appear and get listed in Google Points of Interest in the Search Engine Results Page. Like when searching for "attractions Seattle" at the top of the SERP these listings appear. Cannot seem to find some good resources on the topic as well. Thanks Conrad

    Local Listings | | conalt

  • Hi, I would like to know the best anchor text practices. I think it's same for On-page and Off-page. As per the internet seo buzz, people suggests differently as below. Which actually work out? Exact match with target page title or partial match Will "Read more" and "learn more" are Okay? How much it must be relevant with URL? Thanks, Satish

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hello Very often, when we connect to the API we get http error 401. We make some reconnections. How solve this problem? Request:{MY AccessID}&Expires=1478887421&Signature={MY Sig} Body: [""] Response: {
    "status" : "401",
    "error_message" : "Permission denied: bjeacbehaehnbmhibjgnamekcheocbfcddeaci"
    } Thanks!

    API | | SlemmaDev

  • Hi I want to add a view all option to our category pages as recommended by Google and to make it easier for the customer. I'm not sure how long this will take our developer, but is this an action that is worth doing from an SEO point of view? Will it add value? For me it will have value, but in terms of SEO actions should it be one I prioritise? I have issues with our pagination and think this would be the quickest way to solve it - Any help appreciated 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • I've just begun a new project auditing the site of a news publisher. In order to increase pageviews and thus increase advertising revenue, at some point in the past they implemented something so that as many as 5 different articles load per article page. All articles are loaded at the same time and from looking in Google's cache and the errors flagged up in Search Console, Google treats it as one big mass of content, not separate pages. Another thing to note is that when a user scrolls down, the URL does in fact change when you get to the next article. My initial thought was to remove this functionality and just load one article per page. However I happened to notice that uses something similar. They use infinite scrolling so that the other articles on the page (in a 'feed' style) only load when a user scrolls to the bottom of the first article. I checked Google's cached versions of the pages and it seems that Google also only reads the first article which seems like an ideal solution. This obviously has the benefit of additionally speeding up loading time of the page too. My question is, is VentureBeat's implementation actually that SEO-friendly or not. VentureBeat have 'sort of' followed Google's guidelines with regards to how to implement infinite scrolling by using prev and next tags for pagination However isn't the point of pagination to list multiple pages in a series (i.e. page 2, page 3, page 4 etc.) rather than just other related articles? Here's an example - Would be interesting to know if someone has dealt with this first-hand or just has an opinion. Thanks in advance! Daniel

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Daniel_Morgan

  • Hello All, My ecommerce site gone in penalty more than 3 years before and within 3 months I got message from google penalty removed. Since then till date my organic ranking is very worst. In this 3 years I improved my site onpage very great. If I compare my site with all other competitors who are ranking in top 10 then my onpage that includes all schema, reviews, sitemap, header tags, meta's etc,  social media, site structure, most imp speed, google page speed insight score, pingdom, w3c errors, alexa rank, global rank, UI, offers, design, content, code to text raito, engagement rate, page views, time on site etc all my sites always good compare to competitors. They also have few backlinks I do have few backlinks only. I am doing very high google adwords and my conversion rate is very very good. But do you think because I am paying since last 3 year high to google because of that google have some setting or strategy that those who perform well in adwords so not to bring up in organic? Is it possible I can talk with google on this? If yes then what will be the medium of conversation? Pls give some valuable inputs I am performing very much in paid so user end site is very very well. Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pragnesh9639

  • Whenever we get new backlinks, its always on a PA 1 page, does this pass a lot of link juice as long as the DA is high? I know the PA can  go up by promoting the page, but i rather promote my own website than one page linking to my site. Any thoughts on this?

    Link Building | | MozVpn

  • I got an 803 error yesterday on the Moz crawl for most of my pages. The page loads normally in the browser. We are hosted on shopify, the url is please help us out

    Moz Pro | | vasishta

  • What's the best optimised linking between sub-domains and domains? And every time we'll give website link at top with we need to link sub-domain also with all it's pages? If is domain and is sub-domain or sub-folder... Do we need to link to from /blog? Do we need to give /blog link in all pages of /blog? Is there any difference in connecting domains with sub-domains and sub-folders?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • As a small video production company, we rely on word of mouth and good Internet placement to generate business. From first glance, what would cause potential customers/search engines to rank our site low? We believe that we have done all that we "know" to do, and are now at a loss.

    Algorithm Updates | | e11productions

  • We have been on the first page of Google for a number of years for search terms including 'SEO Agency', 'SEO Agency London' etc. A few months ago we made some changes to the design of the home page (added a blog feed), and made changes to the website sitemap. Two days ago (two months after last site changes were made) we dropped subsantially in the SERPs for all home page keywords. Where we are found, a date appears before the description in the SERPs, dating February 2012 (which is when we launched the original website). The site has been through a revamp since then, yet it still shows 2012. This has been followed by a few additional strange things, including the sitelinks that Google is choosing to show (which including author bio pages showing in homepage site links), and googling our brand name no longer brings up sitelinks in the SERPs. The problem only affects the home page. All other pages are performing as standard. When Penguin 4.0 came out we saw a noted improvement in our SERP performance, and our backlinks are good and quality, largely from PR efforts. Of course, I would be interested in additional pairs of eyes on the back links to see if anyone thinks that I have missed anything! We have 3 of our senior SEOs working on trying to figure out what is going on and how to resolve it, but I would be very interested if anyone has any thoughts?

    Algorithm Updates | | GoUp

  • I'm launching translations on a website with the first translation being Brazilian Portuguese. If I use the following hreflang: If a user is outside of Brazil and has their browser language set to just Portuguese (Not Portuguese (Brazil)) will Google still serve them the Portuguese version of my pages in search results?

    International SEO | | Brando16

  • I have 5 seats in account, How can I find out who created or modified campaign?

    Product Support | | ITWEBTEAM

  • Hello All, I have attached the avg load time screenshot for my ecommerce site for 1 month. Screenshot is for Mobile site. If you check the graph then only one day graph gone very high. Now again I have attached that particular day graph too. My query is why graph gone high 1) Is it my site not performed well on particular one day on particular device for single visitor? because for desktop and tablet graph showing normal 2) so here if site restart or down then it can be a problem for desktop, tablet too right? Can anyone give me any clue? Z4hX1 IanuP

    Reporting & Analytics | | pragnesh9639

  • Our page has been indexed (I just checked) but literally doesn't exist in the first 300 results despite having a respectable DA & PA. Is there something I can do? There's no reason why this specific page doesn't rank, as far as I can see. It's not a new page. Cheers, Rhys

    Algorithm Updates | | SwanseaMedicine

  • I'm working on a site that has hidden H1 content.  So for example: Video/Film Production with the page using the following codeVideo/Film Productionas the title.  there are no other H1 tags on the page. I have taken this up with their dev and they have suggested this has to be implemented this way due to some issues with displaying in iOS.  They are digging their heels in and suggesting it stays as is. How much of a risk would you say this is?  Well i'm actually looking for a bit of a back-up here.

    On-Page Optimization | | MickEdwards

  • Is there any way we can control the image that is selected next to the mobile serps? What google selects for the mobile serp thumbnail on a few of our serps is not conducive to high CTR.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | gray_jedi

  • I am doing keyword research for a dental blog and wanted to get the forum's opinion about these SERP results: if the Google algorithm will always favor something like Amazon since someone searching "electric toothbrush" probably doesn't want info -- they probably want to buy...right?

    Keyword Research | | catbur

  • Hello I'm hoping someone can help...does the below link building tactic sound a bit suspect... An editorial link (articles are subject to review) on a relevant, good authority site, however, it's free to submit an article and there doesn't seem to be much in the way of engagement/comments. Here's the site in question if that helps! Thanks for any help you can offer. Alice

    Link Building | | Brightside_Marketing

  • I wish Google wouldn't keep changing things!  For a while now, I have been optimizing descriptions for the images that I upload to Google my Business through Google+, since the latest update I can't find where to do this anymore.  Has anyone else experienced the same problem?  I have tried inputting descriptions into the images themselves through metadata, however Google seems to strip this out when I re-download the image. Perhaps the ability to add a description to these images has now disappeared for good?

    Local Listings | | OliverNeely

  • Google has stated that businesses should spend time creating location pages for the various service areas that businesses operate in.  What I want to know is, it is equally about boosting the relevance of the site as a whole, as well as ranking that individual page in the local area.  Does Google take into account the fact that you have the location page and reward the homepage by favoring it more in that local area, or is it simply about ranking an individual page in each town/city?

    Local Website Optimization | | OliverNeely

  • Does duplicated content have an impact on your Google Image ranking?

    Image & Video Optimization | | fduo

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