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  • Would you say this is both Penguin and Panda and no penalty has ever been lifted? What would be your general recommendations for this site? seWnoQm

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BobGW

  • Hello! Could you please help me out with below? For example i have a domain which has authority of 50... and i set redirect 301 to  will the second domain receive first domains authority and rankings? Thanks in advance!

    Link Building | | irakli.chkheidze

  • I work for a company who has a few url issues. One url is The other is What is the best way to go about this issue?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | MasonInteractive

  • We have a enterprise (well known brand) client who is asking about the Google guidelines on embedding reviews from a 3rd party website(s).  Essentially the client wants a "summary" of reviews on their landing pages. We are well aware that the Google best practices do not permit structured data for curated reviews.  However are there any guidelines saying that a review summary in general is in violation of webmaster best practices? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RosemaryB

  • I am looking for a an automated system to help me as a solopreneur on a limited budget. Is SEOnuke TNG worth the investment?

    Image & Video Optimization | | cdgospel

  • The site analytics have been set up for over a year and suddenly last month there was a huge spike in referral traffic (1100+ sessions). Upon further investigation, the majority of it was coming directly from internally, either as or and the landing pages from the referrals are all /search.html?query=* This was never an issue before so I'm trying to understand what could have changed. I'm following up with the client to find out if their dev team may have changed anything related to their search engine but I'm wondering if there may be another explanation. A few notes: previously / were not in the Referral Exclusion list. I've added them now but this was never an issue before. Thanks in advance!

    Reporting & Analytics | | SEMnMs

  • Hello Everyone, Currently within Google Analytics, I have a mostly unfiltered view and several goals setup. One of my goals is tracking the download of an eBook (setup to track visits to the 'success' page of the download). At the moment (as I understand it), that tracks "TOTAL" goal completions. So, if the same user/person downloads the eBook twice, I will see 2 goal completions. What I'm trying to figure out is how to generate a report or view or something that tells me how many "unique" users have downloaded the eBook. Is this possible to do? And, can I do it using past data or do I have to setup a new filter that would only track unique users going forward? Thanks in advance.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Elite-Rob

  • Hi. I want to build a new site that is optimised for a training product that we have. We have an existing domain which I'm considering pointing at this new site.  This domain is one of the new .training TLDs. Let's call this domain where my main keyword to optimise for will be "foo training". I've also looked and can see that is available. I read up on best practices for domains here : My question is will the .training domain be seen as "spammy" in any way? Am I better to just go ahead and register the .com?

    Technical SEO | | rmcatalyst

  • Hi, I have seen some of our competitors are missing from top SERP and seems to be penalised as per this penalty checker: Is this right tool to check penalty? Or any other good tools available? Are these penalties because of recent Penguin update? If so, is this a automated or manual penalty from Google? I don't think all of these tried with black-hat techniques and got penalised. The new penguin update might triggered their back-links causing this penalty. Even we dropped for last 2 weeks. What's the solution for this? How effectively link-audit works? Thanks, Satish

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hi, We've build a lawyer directory website ( which already has good Google rankings for related terms (Ex. Iranian lawyers, Iranian lawyers california, etc). About 1.5 months ago we translated the site to Farsi and published it online: However we have yet to see any new traffic generated from those pages. The website has a decent back-link profile and there are no almost no competitors in our space with translated pages. Would someone please take a look at our translated pages and let me know if there are any major on-site issues that you see that we need to address? I've checked for noindex or nofollow tags but they dont seem to be an issue. Not sure if I'm missing something here. Thank you very much

    On-Page Optimization | | Heydarian

  • I have a client who's thinking of placing their blog on a separate domain because the plug-ins and various other functionality is becoming bulky and slowing things down for the main site. There will be a 'Blog' link on the company's website navigation, just as there is now, that will take people to the blog. As an SEO person, this seems like a bad idea, even if we set up 301s from all the old posts to all the new ones. In my research I came across these two points: All backlinks to blog posts contribute directly to a website’s OVERALL SEO strength because those backlinks are pointing to your main domain.  Removing them may reduce overall link juice to the site. Simply having fewer content pages on the site will cause entire site to rank lower because Google loves content-rich authority sites. Does anyone know this to be true for sure? Thanks,

    Technical SEO | | Caro-O

  • My employer has a content writer who is currently working on writing unique descriptions for many pages, on the order of around 150-200 words per piece of content. A recurring theme in this content is to write a list of features such as "it does X, X, X, X, X and X", which can sometimes happen a couple of times during the content and takes up a decent chunk of wording. This content does not require in-depth research over and above reading the about us page of some sites and looking at what services they provide, as well as some quick details like their payment and delivery methods etc. As well as that the writer also writes the Meta Description and then uploads these to a CMS. There are no other tasks. Considering the writer is doing this 5 days a week, 7.5 hours a day, and isn't getting paid a poor or trainee-type wage, what would you say would be an acceptable amount to achieve on the average day? The current average works out to around, or slightly less than 8 of these pieces of content each day. Thoughts?

    Content Development | | crystal.fde

  • i am trying to do an audit on it using screaming frog and the 302 stops it. My dev team says it is to discourage Non Human Traffic and that the bots will not see it. Is there any way around this or what can I tell the dev team that shows them it is not working as they state.

    Web Design | | HayMktVT

  • I have a new client that wants to promote their subdomain and have their main domain fall off the SERPs. Objective? Get to rank first for UK 'brand' searches. Do a search for 'imagem creative services' and you should see the issue (it looks like rules have been applied to the robots.txt on the main domain to exclude any bots from crawling - but since they've been indexed previously I need to take action as it doesn't look great!). I think I can do this by applying a permanent redirect from the main domain to the subdomain at domain level and then no-indexing the site - and then resubmit the sitemap. My slight concern is that this no-indexing of the main domain may impact on the visibility of the subdomains (I'm dealing with, but there is and and was looking for some assurance that this would not be the case. My understanding is that subdomains are completely distinct from domains and as such this action should have no impact on the subdomains. I asked the question on the Webmasters Forum but haven't really got anywhere!msg/webmasters/1Avupy3Uw_o/hu6oLQntCAAJ Can anyone suggest a course of action? many thanks, Nathan

    Technical SEO | | nathangdavidson2

  • Hi All, When I check on my ecommerce site in one of the architecture tool in that my Ecommerce Homepage interlink with 765 pages whereas  when I check few competitors and big brands then there homepage linked with 28 pages, 33, 47, 57 etc not like my site 765 pages. Do I am wrong anywhere? Can you please check the screenshot of mine & one of the competitor's site architecture? Because as per me site architecture also play good role in google organic ranking. vXs5dh2 16wre

    Technical SEO | | pragnesh9639

  • There are two questions here. I have waited for over 2-3 weeks now and they are still not resolved till now. An old sub-domain is still indexed on Google ( of which all pages have been redirected or 404'd to main domain. There is no webmasters, no authority of this old sub-domain. Hosting of the same might be there. (this has been deleted and does not exist - we own main domain only) How do I de-index and remove them for good? _(Around ~1,000 pages)_I am trying this public tool - any better approaches?Even after removing pages and submission on the tool, 600 pages are still indexed after 2-3 weeks! We deleted a lot of thin content/duplicate pages from the domain ( in Wordpress - All these pages are still in Google's index. They are in Trash folder now. This is causing an increase in 404s in the webmasters etcI have served a 410 header (using wordpress plugin) on all these pages as these should not be directed to anything. However, Google does not always fully understand 410 properly and it still shows up in webmasters as read in this detailed post.All these pages are still indexed.How do I de-index these pages? Any other approach to stop the 404s and remove these pages for good?Any feedback/approach will be highly appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pks333

  • In the past I have seen most clients create new Google Search Profile when they update to a https URL.  However a colleague of mine asked if just updating the change of address option will suffice Would it be best to just update the change of address for the Google Search Console profile to keep the data seamless? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RosemaryB

  • I am currently working with a payroll company that has two separate businesses. Payroll services and Time and Attendance services. Currently the client has 1 facebook page with about 50 likes that caters for both companies. My question is.... Should I separate the payroll and time and attendance companies and create 2 separate facebook pages, or since the businesses are so close together, we could use the one page to promote both businesses. We also have a similar issue with LinkedIn company pages. What do you guys think? Separate pages or combine pages? Currently there are 2 separate websites for each companies services.

    Local SEO | | donsilvernail

  • Hello, We do have a client with a site in multiple versions (one domain per country). French and Spanish versions work really fine, but the problem comes up with the .com and versions. This is my hreflang piece of code: When I go to and search the exact match domain keyword "how much cost an app", I only find the domain (1st or 2nd page) instead of The UK one is not appearing! This is very strange. I have spent a lot of time trying to solve this, but I don't know what else to do. Thanks a lot in advance for your comments and help!

    International SEO | |

  • Hi, I run a fitness blog and I get the majority of my backlinks through guest posts that I write on high quality sites. Sometimes they allow me to put a backlink within the article, and I'll link it to a relevant article of mine. However, in the "author bio" section my backlink anchor text is usually just my brand name. I was wondering if this backlink should point towards my home page or is it more beneficial to point it towards an important article of mine? Thanks

    Link Building | | jeremyethier

  • I am still fairly green on in depth SEO, however I have a good grasp on making a site SEO friendly, as my skills are more down to website construction than technical SEO, however, I am working on a site at the moment which just continues to lose rankings and is slipping further and further. Keywords are dropping week on week in rankings Search visibility is also dropping week on week On site sales have fallen massively in the last quarter We have made huge improvements on the following; Moved the site to a faster stand alone cloud vps server - taken page rank scores from 54 to 87%. Added caching (WP Rocket) & CDN support. Improved URL structure (Woocommerce) removed /product and or /product-category from URLS to give more accurate & relevant structures. Added canonical URLs to all product categories (We use Yoast Premium) Amended on page structures to include correct H tags. Improved Facebook activity with a huge increase in engagements These are just some of the improvements we have made, yet we're still seeing huge drops in traffic and rankings. One insight I have noted which may be a big pointer, is we have 56 backlinks.... which I know is not good and we are about to address this. I suspect this is the reason for the poor performance, but should I be looking at anything else? Is there anything else we should be looking at? As I said, I'm no SEO specialist, but I don't think there's been any Penguin penalty, but my expertise is not sufficient enough to dig deeper. Can anyone offer any constructive advice at this stage? I'm thinking things to look at that could be hurting us that isn't immediately obvious? The site is Thanks in advance Bob

    Technical SEO | | SushiUK

  • Hi All! We're thinking of setting up a CDN to host our images with a CNAME on a subdomain of our site. In terms of SEO, I was wondering if any of you knew of a pretty complete technical guide for setting it all up. Including whether or not we need to create an image sitemap, and setting it up in GWT. Thanks in advance! Vince

    Technical SEO | | jbrisebois

  • Hello friends, I have this doubt for a long and i want to share it with you. In our agency many clients have a PHP template for the home page of their sites, and also have a blog with wordpress as CMS. When i am optimizing sitemaps, I have two separate files, an index of Sitemaps created with Wordpress SEO by Yoast (which inside has separate Sitemaps tags, categories, posts, pages, authors, etc.) and on the other hand the home page sitemap with the subsections. As you know the sitemap generated by "Wordpress SEO by Yoast" is dynamic as it creates the sitemap according to current site content, and is updated every time a new entry is raised or modify any URL. This makes it very practical. I can not have a unique index sitemap sitemaps nesting inside another, as it is not allowed by Google or Sitemap protocol. I read in the Google Support you can upload multiple sitemaps to Search Console but does not say anywhere on upload multiple sitemaps index, or a combination thereof. In my case, I would have to upload two separately files, the dynamically generated with wordpress and the manual created for the PHP template. In my opinion there is no problem and Google will index everything properly performing it this way, but I wanted to share it with you to see how you solve this problem and what experiences had. Thanks and best regards.

    On-Page Optimization | | NachoRetta

  • Hi all, Im considering about building contents en blogs on a webshop, because a visitor will get see a lot of information about blogs, etc. The salefunnel will be chaotic, purchasing will be slower on a webshop. The webshop has more then 5000 products. Focus on gamers. For example Ikea or mahuranna shop, they have builded a website near their webshops. To get more traffic ofcourse, but its to hard to do both of them. Your focus will get lost and they way of communication on website/shop will be changing. Your brand and strategic will also change a lot, thats why im considering to find the right way. Who can give me an advice?

    Local Website Optimization | | Dreamgame2016

  • Hi Mozzers, Just reading up on Google Analytic's Terms of Service and wondering if collecting post codes / zip codes (from a website's 'Find my nearest...' tool) adhere's to the following: "You will not (and will not allow any third party to) use the Service to track, collect or upload any data that personally identifies an individual (such as a name, email address or billing information), or other data which can be reasonably linked to such information by Google." What do you think?

    Reporting & Analytics | | A_Q

  • Hi All, I hope someone might be able to help me with this. I am looking at implementing AMP on a website. I have been doing a stack of research into advantages of using AMP etc. However I am struggling to find an answer to when I should not / where not to be implementing AMP. More specifically I see large sites that are running AMP but it does not seem to be on all pages, how is the best way to determine when or when not I should be using AMP. Thanks In Advance, Mark

    On-Page Optimization | | amevamark

  • Hi, I was just optimizing a page and have improved it from Page 2 -> Page 1 ; Position 15->10 for now by basic onpage seo edits. I want to understand how I would take it to next level by getting it to Top 5 or Top 3 results. My keyword and page are as follows (all checked in Google India (.in) ) Page -
    Keyword - ayurvedic treatment for chikungunya What steps can I take to go from 10 - Top 3 or Top 5 results here? I was checking the Rank tracker & moz Grader for this - got all ticks except adding keyword in URL. Would this be recommended of changing the URL after it's ranking so well to just add this keyword in the same?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pks333

  • I've found all kinds of websites and tools that can tell me how many pages a site has indexed currently, but how about historically? Does such a tool exist?

    Competitive Research | | bigvibes909

  • Hello, I am confused/frustrated/surprised how bad my website ( is doing on google ranking and I have no clue why even though I have been doing my homework regarding SEO. Just a bit of background, I have created a new website about 6 months ago for the paragliding community, the primary goal is to provide a platform for people to publish their ads (osclass), but also to provide some interesting reviews and tools to help paragliders chose their wing. We have been putting a lot of effort to provide a nice user experience and tio build the tools mentioned above. Our main channel to connect with the community is Facebook, and we have been quite active there. I have looked at many SEO articles and I made sure the website provides a good UX, the URLs are SEO friendly, good meta data, etc. Also have been using the google search console and analytics to monitor all of this. But here is the thing, all these does not seem to change anything in our ranking for important keywords such as "paraglider for sale", "paragliding equipment", etc. We seem to only rank (looking at Google’s keyword tool) for very specific wing model names that people have mentioned in their ads. I have ran out of ideas on how to improve our SEO !!!!!! I know the website is only 6 months old, but by now we should get some results. As an example, I will mention one our main website competitors: OK the URL is pretty obvious and this website ranks in page #1 for "paragliding equipment" (but also for "paraglider for sale" and other paragliding related key phrases). OK there is the URL (, but I thought nowadays google bots are smarter than just that. The website is 1 year old (so not really much older than us, and was ranking high anyway even 6 months ago). The website looks like it was clearly made by one person and then quickly just left it running, so no content has been added (except for people putting their ads), there is almost no activity on the Facebook account. I have run some test such as "pagespeed insights" and we both rank the same. On "", we are clearly better with more 10 points. Is there anyone out there who can tell me what is going on? Have I missed a very important aspect of SEO? Is our website somehow compromising the robots crawling (although I can see about 80 pages have been already indexed in google search console)? I know content is king, but in the only content I see are ads, and we have ads and other interesting (ie reviews and tools) for paragliders. To conclude, I am basically completely clueless of what to do to rank at least on the first couple of pages of google for the key phrases above. I need help. Hichem. PS: in Moz bar our score is non existing (PA=1,DA=10), on (PA=23,DA=15). So it looks that essentially we are not apparent on the web! PSS: We have also tried to build some backlinks on few important paragliding community websites.

    Competitive Research | | hichemboudali

  • Hello there, A little while ago I installed WordPress on the server I use with Bluehost to try out a theme. My business domain name is also the primary account on this server. WordPress was causing some serious issues on the server so I uninstalled it, and now I have over 200 "500 response code" errors according to WebMaster tools. I've included a screenshot of some of them. Could anyone advise me on what to do about this? Thanks so much! MYbW6

    Technical SEO | | lulu71

  • We have added very little new website content in the last year. Our domain is Would adding a brand-new blog post once a week help improve our ranking in Google? A few years ago adding new content would've had quickly had a positive effect. Is that still the case? Or should we focus content creation resources in other areas such as social media? Thanks, Alan

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • Hello all, My MOZ weekly scan keeps coming back with indication for duplicate content on pages that don't have that much alike. I feel like I must be missing something. Is there any place I can plug in two urls so that it would tell me what the similarities are and figure out how to make it less of a duplicate content?
    and OR
    and Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

    Moz Bar | | stage32

  • Hi, How can I increase the page authority of old blog posts? There are many posts that are ranking well (Page 1 lower or Page 2) - but I want to make them rank higher by making the post more usable, better UI, design, content relaunches etc - these all would inherently mean improving Page authority also eventually. What are some concrete steps I can take to improve page authority of blog pages?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | pks333

  • Suncle upgrading to IOS 10 I'm unable to view most pages including the Dashboard, the only one I can see is Insights, when I try and visit others they come up blank or with very little data on them. Is it just me?

    Product Support | | Love_Merci

  • Hi, we have a client that is a prominent camera store in town.  We are interested in creating a photo contest in which our client would have categories for the photos (people, places, things) and awards (gold, silver, bronze).  We would like to create a badge for the winners that could be displayed on their websites.  We are looking for some tips/tricks on how to get the most out of this promotion for our client.  Also, from what I've read, it looks like we will have to nofollow the links in the badge.  Is that still the best practice?

    Local SEO | | JohnWeb12

  • Hi everyone, I've started tracking some speciifc keywords here, but I'd also like to get a global overview of all the different keywords we're currently ranking for and in what positions. When I used Ahrefs it offered this sort of report. Does Moz offer such a report?

    Getting Started | | JoolsStoneCTM

  • Hi all, I would like import the sitemap.xml to an anchorlinks list. List with links navigatetion html ^^. Is there a posibility to use a tool or in excel? Because I will use 5000 products and 1000 brands.

    Link Building | | Dreamgame2016

  • Hello! I will be giving a talk next month about free/low cost SEO tools and apps and I would like to hear what your favorite/most useful tools are. I know this question has been discussed here before, but this is a topic that is constantly evolving and I am interested in knowing what people currently find to be the best. I'd like to hear about things you really use on a regular basis--there are a lot of things out there that sound cool, but end up not being used. So, what are your go-to free SEO tools? Thank-you,

    Moz Pro | | Linda-Vassily

  • I am planning to completely remove 301 redirects manually by replacing such links with actual live pages/links. So there will be no redirects internally in the website. Will this boost our SEO efforts? Auto redirects will be there for incoming links to non-existing pages. Thanks, Satish

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hi, Since few weeks now we received this message saying that our website is in conflict with the guidelines of Google's Webmaster. Here is the website for which we received the message from Google: This url redirect to I thought after reading your some messages from the forum that the problem was our website reviews which appear on all pages of the site. And I know that the review of the websites shouldn't be considered like the review of the product. But we remove the reviews and our request is still declined. Thanks in advance for your help.

    Technical SEO | | steph_ba

  • Im trying to make intern links for SEO of an webhsop (magento). If I use sitemap in the footer and in the sitemap you will see link brands-categorie and products (linked to a another internal product page). I will use more then 5000 products and brands catogerie). Will it influance positive in Google Rank?

    Link Building | | Dreamgame2016

  • I am moving a site with great SEO and tons of pages to a new platform. Page names will all be different because they will not have the .html ending and names will change. It is on a system that does not support .htaccess. So, I don't have a way to do 301 redirects. How can I keep my competitive status? Thank you!!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | bhsiao

  • Hi, So last week we where ranking within the top two pages for google for a results page at something like rank 21 - We have been tracking this page and earned a few decent domain authority links here. Today when the new rankings came in it looks like a blog page we wrote a while back has jumped several pages to number 13 in the rankings - ok so not the end of the world BUT our results page seems to have disappeared from the rankings. You can see from the screen shot in the attached link at some point Moz / Google has noted that both the pages are relevent in some capaicty. Has Google decided that because both pages are from the site and both are showing ranking signals for the same traffic that one should go? It also seems weird that this blog one would come from nowhere to rank so highly in the course of a week. Perhaps they have changed their algorithm? This is a bit of a concern for us as it is unclear whats happened - especially after we where so close to getting to page one for a valued search term. SBZRaIq

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TrueluxGroup

  • Hi, yesterday a friend said that 301 redirects does not transfer your page rank or domain autorithy anymore. I could'nt find anything in internet saying it, but I decided to ask you guys, since I think you are very reliable. so, 301 redirects wroks for transfer page rank, and i can create better domains and transfer everything, or this strategy is gone forever now?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | chablau

  • We use vanity URLs for offline marketing.  An example vanity URL would be, this URL 301 redirects to a page on the site with tracking parameter ex:  We are running into issues with Google ignoring the 301 redirect and ranking these vanity URLs instead of the actual page on the website.  Any suggestions on how to resolve?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | digitalhound

  • I'm a bit of a newbie to the game and I've learnt a lot over the past couple of days with a Moz subscription. I'm starting to put together a strategy to improve our SEO performance and get our site ranking higher for some specific terms. We have a low domain authority at 25. The page I am concerned about is one of our main product categories, link here. About a year and half a go we changed our domain name and did a 301 redirect on all our category, products and content pages. Would this have affected anything? These redirects are still in place. I also notice OSE shows now inbound links. I'm almost certain there are a few around though. Most recently we've been investing in unique descriptions for all products in this category at around 60 words per product, this excludes the product features in a tabular format. I appreciate this isn't many words. I have also read a lot about faceted navigation and this category suffers from a very flat product structure were facet navigation is used heavily by the user to find a product that matches their requirements. Does anybody have any ideas about this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | joe-ainswoth

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