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  • If yes, are there any methods to influence the image recognition?

    Image & Video Optimization | | fduo

  • Does Google Image Search consider meta data (EXIF) when looking for a location? Is it essential to define the meta data in order to rank top with images?

    Image & Video Optimization | | fduo

  • Hey Moz Community, I've been seeing a steady decrease in search console of pages being indexed by Google for our eCommerce site. This is corresponding to lower impressions and traffic in general this year. We started with around a million pages being indexed in Nov of 2015 down to 18,000 pages this Nov. I realized that since we don't have around 3,000 or so products year round this is mostly likely a good thing. I've checked to make sure our main landing pages are being indexed which they are and our sitemap was updated several times this year, although we're in the process of updating it again to resubmit. I also checked our robots.txt and there's nothing out of the ordinary. In the last month we've recently gotten rid of some duplicate content issues caused by pagination by using canonical tags but that's all we've done to reduce the number of pages crawled. We have seen some soft 404's and some server errors coming up in our crawl error report that we've either fixed or are trying to fix. Not really sure where to start looking to find a solution to the problem or if it's even a huge issue, but the drop in traffic is also not great. The drop in traffic corresponded to lose in rankings as well so there could be correlation or none. Any ideas here?

    Technical SEO | | znotes

  • Hey everyone, Thanks in advance for any insight on this. I've been researching it quite a bit on Google and haven't found anything yet. In Analytics, under our pages report, we're getting a lot of pages that look like this: or Any thoughts on how to fix this? These pages don't exist...I'm at such a loss.

    Reporting & Analytics | | SuperShuttle

  • I'm hoping to find a real expert to help out with this. TL;DR Our visibility in search has started tanking and I cannot figure out why. The whole story: In fall of 2015 I started working with Convention Nation ( The client is trying to build a resource for convention and tradeshow attendees that would help them identify the events that will help them meet their goals (learning, networking, sales, whatever). They had a content team overseas that spent their time copy/pasting event information into our database. At the time, I identified several opportunities to improve SEO: Create and submit a sitemap Add meaningful metas Fix crawl errors On-page content uniqueification and optimization for most visible events (largest audience likely to search) Regular publishing and social media Over nine months, we did these things and saw search visibility, average rank and CTR all double or better. There was still one problem, and that is created by our specific industry. I'll use a concrete example: MozCon. This event happens once a year and there are enough things that are the same about it every year (namely, the generalized description of the event, attendees and outcomes) that the 2015 page was getting flagged as a duplicate of 2016. The event content for most of our events was pretty thin anyway, and much of it was duplicated from other sources, so we implemented a feature that grouped recurring events. My thinking was that this would reduce the perception of duplicate or obsolete content and links and provide a nice backlink opportunity. I expected a dip after we deployed this grouping feature, that's been consistent with other bulk content changes we've made to the site, but we are not recovering from the dip. In fact, our search visibility and traffic are dropping every week. So, the current state of things is this: Clean crawl reports: No errors reported by Moz or Google Moz domain authority: 20; Spam score 2/17 We're a little thin on incoming links, but steady growth in both social media and backlinks Continuing to add thin/duplicate content for unique events at the rate of 200 pages/mo Adding solid, unique strategic content at the rate of 15 pages/mo I just cannot figure out where we've gone astray. Is there anything other than the thin/copied content that could be causing this? It wasn't hurting us before we grouped the events... What could possibly account for this trend? Help me, Moz Community, you're my only hope! Lindsay

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | LindsayDayton

  • I am tasked with optimizing a US site for a company that has many international sites.  Currently, if you search for just the main company name and don't include "USA" in your search, it won't even give you the US site on the SERP.  It displays the Italian, French, etc etc sites - even though I'm searching on Google in the US with a preferred language of Engilsh.  Unfortunately I don't have any control over the other sites, only the US one. Is there anything I can add to the US site (aside from setting the country code in GSC) so that when someone searches from within the USA, they get the US site and not all of the other ones? thanks!

    International SEO | | SEOIntouch

  • Hi all, I'm working on a site where when I crawl it with SF, SF doesn't pick up on the meta description (as in the source code it IS blank). However, the meta description has been set via the Yoast Wordpress plugin and it does exist in the source code and is shown in the SERPs. The code looks like this: <title>Dining Table and Chairs set</title> So my question is: will this be affecting SEO and how the website is ranking if all the actual  are blank? Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Bee159

  • Hi Moz Community, Our e-commerce site is trying to gauge the opportunity of certain queries for specific countries. I'm trying to use the search console data presented in GA to do this. I'm looking at the top queries filtered by each country and also the top landing pages for each country as well. The non filtered data for queries and landing pages is completely different than by country and some if it looks wrong. For instance, our most popular query by impressions shows 0 query impressions in the US once filtered by country. Our site is based in the US so this doesn't make any sense, the same is true for landing pages. Is the queries and landing page data in GA under search console a combination of all countries? Since our target is set to the USA in search console is this data technically US based? How is this data so off? Thanks for answering!

    International SEO | | znotes

  • Hi there, One of my SEO clients, a summer camp, is having a problem with their GMB listing. They have two listings: the one they set up, with the correct address and other business info, and the one the previous camp owners set up, with an incorrect NAP. When we try to edit the duplicate listing, we're unable to verify that we own it because it's connected to the previous owner's phone number. They've passed away and their sons are now the contact, but they're not interested in helping out. Any suggestions on how to close the duplicate listing without being able to verify that it's your own business? Thanks, Susannah

    Local Listings | | SusannahK.Noel

  • Hi guys, We relaunched our website on Sept. 6th. Traffic on the new website has been stable or slightly increased except for one area: In Central and South America organic traffic dropped by 50%. We properly set up all 301 redirects and solved all 404s within a week. We changed approx. 30% of the website structure. But I don't think that internal link juice could be the problem. Any idea what might be the cause for a local drop in traffic like this? Did anyone have similar cases in the past? Thomas

    Technical SEO | | Troteclaser

  • Hi there My website Ranking well, But in Search console it is not Fetching any Data, here is Screenshot , Why i am not getting any report For Clicks, Impressions ?? is there any mistake which is made?? please any body can help out. Thanx,

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | pooja.verify05

  • Does putting a blog on a proxy server (the pointed at the main site) hurt SEO? i.e. can Google tell? And if they can, does it matter? My server people won't use PHP on their servers but we want a Wordpress blog. So their suggested solution is that they put the blog on a proxy server and point it at the subfolder on our site. So to all intents and purposes it's hosted in the same place. They assure me this is normal practice and point out that our (main site) images are already being sourced from a CDN. Obviously we'll deal with Google not seeing two separate versions of the same site. But apart from this, is there any negative effect we could suffer from in SEO terms?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | abisti2

  • Hi all, I launched a new website in Aug 2015, and have had some success with ranking organically on Google (position 2 - 5 for all of my target terms). However I'm still not getting any traction on Bing. I know that they use completely different algorithms so it's not unusual to rank well on one but not the other, but the ranking behaviour that I see seems quite odd. We've been bouncing in and out of the top 50 for quite some time, with shifts of 30+ positions often on a daily basis (see attached). This seems to be the case for our full range of target terms, and not just the most competitive ones. I'm hoping someone can advise on whether this is normal behaviour for a relatively young website, or if it more likely points to an issue with how Bing is crawling my site. I'm using Bing Webmaster tools and there aren't any crawl or sitemap issues, or significant seo flags. Thanks dhYgh

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Tinhat

  • An Australian start up we act for has Vote Trump appearing in Google Analytics. Is that happening for anyone else. It is very strange. 43rvF

    Social Media | | ClaytonJ

  • Hi, I'm a novice building a website (on wordpress with the plug-in Woocommerce) and would like some advice on how to optimise my online store for SEO. Does 'traditional' link building apply to e-commerce What else should I consider Should I write a blog/vlog/ Thanks, Lindsay

    On-Page Optimization | | lindsayhopkins

  • Hey all, so here's a question.... I have been involved in SEO and Websites for about 10 years and have a fairly good grasp on SEO principles but feel that I should have a better knowledge of coding to take my knowledge to the next level. Assuming that my knowledge of coding is zero, what would you SEO guru's suggest that I learn to improve my skills in SEO? Thanks in advance for your input...

    SEO Learn Center | | cradut

  • I heard a rumor that Adwords Express offers a tool that lets you check real time Marketing Google ranking results (colleague brought this up) Has anybody heard of this?

    Local SEO | | RosemaryB

  • Hi, I know it used to be possible but now i don't find any contact to submit an article to the blog. How does that work? Is that still possible to do it? And if yes, what are the conditions to be writer for Moz blog? Thanks. Stephanie

    Content Development | | steph_ba

  • Previously I have asked about the replacing of internal redirects with actual live pages. The answer is, yes it'll work but may not be huge impact. Now I am concerned with external redirects. We have enough number of external redirecting links. I am thinking to replace them with actual landing pages. Will this improve SEO? Thanks, Satish

    International SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hi Could anyone offer some advice on the best way to structure sub folders on a website that we are launching worldwide. We are a UK based business and currently run a UK site on and we are planning on launching into Europe using a sub folder structure. We will use /de, /fr, /es for the new countries that are coming on board but the question is should the UK site url be: or As have an established web presence in the UK I'm thinking it should remain as but are there any advantages / disadvantages to changing it to .com/uk Many Thanks

    International SEO | | SmiffysUK

  • I all, I have recently taken over a fairly large e-commerce site that I am trying to "fix" and have come across something that I need a second opinion on. A Semrush audit has revealed that there are a heck of a lot of internal nofollow links (over 90 000) that point to predominantly 4 pages from the Header of each page in the site, these are change currency pages to show clients different currencies and a members login page. The pages are: /?action=changecurrency¤cy=EUR /?action=changecurrency¤cy=USD /?action=changecurrency¤cy=GBP /members/ My opinion is that these pages should just be no index pages and they should be followed. instead of being indexed and no followed? Any thoughts on this out there?

    On-Page Optimization | | cradut

  • Hi, Sorry if this is a ridiculous post as I am really new to SEO, but I haven't had this problem with other sites! We had a website that was never promoted or used very much as it was early days in the product lifecycle.  The product (is called R-DNA or Remote Data Network Analysis) is now live so we re-branded and re-launched the site - it has now been live since the beginning of September but we still only have 0.35% visibility and very little ranking in our keywords. We are also using Google Adwords to try and generate business and have registered with numerous online business directories. I have been blogging to update content, tweeting and updating our facebook page, but we still aren't getting the traffic or visibility increases that we have experienced with our other sites.  The MOZ site crawl shows 5 medium priority issues (duplicate title page & missing meta description tag), but no major issues. I know its probably fairly early days for a "new" site, but wondered if anyone could advise if there is anything wrong which would explain our lack of visibility.

    Moz Pro | | sharon.bathurst

  • Hi all, I really hope you can help with this one! My brand/domain name "oboem" is nowhere to be seen on the Google rankings (france) but is number 1 on Bing and Yahoo. We are a young art crowdfunding start up and a full page article about us getting published in a magazine that will come out in december. "Oboem" is not a real word and no one else exept us should rank for it.  😞 I'm a bit out of ideas here. Thanks for the help 

    Keyword Research | | Oliver33

  • Hi All, Is it possible to check sites via any tool which sites performing good in google organic? Any site ... Is it possible via Alexa? My Concern is majorly for UK Ecommerce site... Thanks!

    Algorithm Updates | | pragnesh9639

  • Hi!
    We paid for the trial period, but we don't have access to the API (Anchor-Text Metrics, and to the other paid URL Metrics). Why? Thanks!

    API | | SlemmaDev

  • Hi all, I'm hoping someone can explain what's going on here, because after hours of searching I cannot find anyone having the same problem... We use Bing search to provide the site search functionality on our website and recently for a particular keyword search, the results include several pages which are not on our site: they are on completely different domains! You can replicate it by going to and using the "site:" operator together with that keyword. Again, results from other domains appear in amongst the pages on our site. I cannot find any other keywords which produce this same behaviour: every other keyword I have tried shows only results from our site. However, I obviously haven't tested absolutely every possible keyword combination. Bing isn't "padding" out the results or anything like that, because we have more than enough pages referencing this term on the site, and I'm at a total loss as to why this is happening. So, I suppose my question is: has anyone ever had this happen to them? And if so, what did they do about it? Many thanks, Dan

    Algorithm Updates | | clarkovitch

  • In the Moz Site Crawl issue, I was seeing an error that said we were temporarily redirecting our homepage to https URLs. So I changed the code in htaccess to make it 301 redirect but I'm still getting the same error. I implemented it last week and we just had a new crawl yesterday. Here is the new code: RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301,NC] Does anyone know why I'm still getting 302 redirects? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | Heydarian

  • Howdy To Our Super Community! When I was a kid, I was always fascinated by ladies who spent hours combing through newspapers and mailers, clipping coupons to put in a coupon drawer for future shopping excursions. It seemed like a lot of trouble to go to in order to save a a few bucks, especially given that I grew up in an era that still boasted a pretty stable middle class, but, it turns out, those ladies of yore were really onto something. A recent survey by Bazaarvoice and CMO Council found that coupons and discounts drive way more return/loyalty business amongst modern shoppers than any other factor, including recommendations from family and friends and paid advertising. Another survey by ROTH and Research Now discovered that 70% of millennial moms sought and downloaded mobile coupons while doing their shopping chores. There are a couple of facets of these findings that should interest any e-commerce business or local retailer. We've learned from a variety of studies that it can cost up to 7x more to earn a new customer than to retain an existing one, making loyalty programs smart business. Meanwhile, publications like the Wall Street Journal have made it clear that, in the U.S., the middle class is no longer the majority. These two factors seem to lend themselves to an important discussion for our community here at Moz, and in the marketing world at large. What is driving 70% of young mothers to use mobile coupons, as per the above study? Is it tight budgets, the love of a deal, pride in outsmarting 'the system' with a little extra effort? Is your company using coupons? Which ones have you seen convert most highly? Is there some element to them you've discovered to be a real winner? Interestingly, price is repeatedly cited as a minor factor in customer complaints, and yet, I've personally seen discounts/sales drive business like mad in both e-commerce and retail settings. Just how powerful is the love a deal? I would love it if you'd contribute your coupon/discount savvy to a discussion here, to help our community better latch onto this massively powerful influence. What are your thoughts and first-hand experiences?

    Local SEO | | MiriamEllis

  • I have two businesses, one is my main bread and butter and the other is an invest and try to grow type of business. This second business is a nature / education related business, so I would like to have a repository of informative nature articles with some splashes of our experience with that particular plant or animal. I spend a lot of time on SEO and article writing on my main business, but I am running out of myself to go around. I would like to outsource article / blog writing on my second businesses, but I'm not sure where to start. If I use one of those work for hire sites in the Moz outsourced content article, can I get them to format the blog with photos as well.  I need to have a complete as possible final product.  Ideally, I'm thinking of this process: 1. Give the outsourced writer the subject matter (i.e. article about right whales) 2. I provide my own photography or photos I have purchased 3. Writer researches subject matter and writes an informative article 4. Writer logs into my blog and formats the article with interesting fonts and the photos I have provide 5. I edit the article to add my own experience with the subject matter 6. I publish the article I'm thinking I would do this twice a month.  Is this a reasonable thing to outsource?  Could it work this way?  Any idea what an article like this might cost me?  I'm doing some marketing budget planning. Thanks in advance!

    On-Page Optimization | | CalicoKitty2000

  • Hi, I am trying to redirect any IP from outside India that comes to Store site ( to Global Store site ( using this methodThis is causing various indexing issues for Store site as Googlebot from US also gets redirected!- Very few pages for "" are being indexed. Even after submission of sitemap it indexed ~50 pages and then went back to 1 page etc. Only ~20 pages indexed for now.- After this I tried manually indexing via "Crawl -> Fetch as Google" - but then it showed me a redirect to All have their "status -> Redirected" - This is why bots are not able to index the site.What are possible solutions for this? How can we tell bots to index these pages and not get redirected?Will a popup method where we ask user if they are outside India help in solving this issue?All approaches/suggestions will be highly appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | pks333

  • My client was forced to change its domain name last year (long story). We were largely able to regain our organic rankings via 301-redirects. Recently, the rankings for the new domain have begun to plummet. Nothing specific took place that could have caused any ranking declines on the new site. However, when we analyze links to the OLD site, we are seeing a lot of link spam being built to that old domain over recent weeks and months. We have no idea where these are coming from but they appear to be negatively impacting our new site. We cannot dismantle the redirects as the old site has hundreds, if not thousands, of quality links pointing to it, and many customers are accustomed to going to that home page. So those redirects need to stay in place. We have already disavowed all the spam we have found on the old Search Console. We are continuing to do so as we find new spam links. But what are we supposed to do about this spam negatively impacting our new site? FYI we have not received any messages in the search console.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | FPD_NYC

  • I have a responsive site and whilst this works and is liked by google from a user perspective the pages could look better on mobile. I have a wordpress site and use the Divi Builder with elegant themes and have developed a separate page header for mobile that uses a manipulated background image and smaller H1 font size.  When crawling the site two H1s can be detected on the same page - they are exactly the same words and only one will show according to device.  However, I need to know if this will cause me a problem with google and SEO. As the mobile changes are not just font size but also adaptations to some visual elements it is not something I can simply alter in the CSS. Would appreciate some input as to whether this is a problem or not

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Cells4Life

  • Hello, When we search for 'boutique hotels' the following URL appears on first page in Google UK:  While we're pleased to be ranking on first page, I was wondering why it hasn't picked up our homepage, as it has for our competitors. Does this simply mean Google deems this page more worthy of first page SERPs? Thanks again for your help Moz community!

    Link Building | | iescape

  • Hi There, I'v been exploring keywords in the Keyword Explorer search bar and changing the Google country via the dropdown (very useful). But now that I'm uploading lists via CSV, I can't figure out how to change the country - see screenshot attached. I think I've just wasted a bunch of monthly queries because the lists created via .csv are all for the wrong country! Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers Ben upload-keywords.jpg?dl=0

    Moz Bar | | cmscss

  • Hi Mozzers, We are currently running FB ads and I am wondering if I should rely on the facebook lead conversion metric I tend to rely heavily on Google Analytics for this kind of data(by adding goals). Of course GA doesn't not show as much conversions as Facebook does. So which platform should I be relying on for conversion metrics? Thanks for letting me know!

    Paid Search Marketing | | Ideas-Money-Art

  • I do SEO for online boutique marketplace. I've been here for about 4 weeks and no one's done there SEO (they've been around for about 5 years), so there's lots to do. A big concern is whether or not to submit a sitemap, and if I do submit one, what's the best way to go about doing one.

    Technical SEO | |

  • My company wants to move their blog from to They want to do it by using Blogger API to surface posts on What are SEO considerations for this?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | georgeanthonyporrata

  • Hi There, I am currently struggling with the ranking of my website. No matter how many initiatives I try (backlinking, blog commenting, social posting, etc.) I can't seem to make any progression in Google Search. I've done competitive metrics through Open Site Explorer and can't seem to really find the reason why my site is not ranking as well as my competitors. The only one possible glaring element I've thought about is my website URL. This company is in the heating and cooling industry and majority of my competitors have either "heating" or "cooling" or both in their website URL's but mine does not. Does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations on if changing my URL and then redirecting my current URL would be a step in the right direction help me to climb the rankings in Google Search? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | MainstreamMktg

  • Hi all, Custom site to Wordpress transfer was done a week back. Exact same folder paths and URL's, Analytics/adsense/webmaster etc should be added right? Webmaster where can i get the new code and will all old history be gone from webmaster? Thanks

    On-Page Optimization | | klambimut2

  • I work within the Tourism industry (more specifically, for a Destination Marketing Organization type of business). We currently have hundreds of partners within our general area and wanted to know if it would be advisable to request our travel/tourism partners to show their support of our organization by direct-linking to our site by using a "partner-verified" badge?

    Industry News | | cpattugalan

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