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  • I'm curious about the benefit of verifying your website in the Google News Publisher Center. Right now my website isn't showing up under "My Sites," and it recommends I submit the site to be reviewed for inclusion. However, when I go to and search for news topics we cover, our site does show up sometimes. Will verifying the website in the Google News Publisher Center help to include it in News results more frequently? One thought I had is that perhaps Google will start to ONLY include sites in Google News that the webmaster has verified here. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

    Image & Video Optimization | | davidkaralisjr

  • Hello Mozzers! This is a question that has been gnawing at the back of my mind as I learn more and more about link building. Historically, we have offered scaling package sizes with larger numbers of backlinks hand-built each month. We do this so our packages are very tangible for our clients. Our packages range from 15-100 backlinks each month. As I learn more about how to build links PROPERLY I am finding it next to impossible to keep up. I feel like we are definitely going the wrong direction in that regard. What are some of your thoughts on this? Thank you in advance for your valuable advice and support, Moz community!

    Link Building | | ChoChauRice

  • I am in process of pruning my sites for low quality/thin content. The issue is that I have multiple sites with 40k + pages and need a more efficient way of finding the low quality content than looking at each page individually. Is there an ideal way to find the pages that are worth no indexing that will speed up the process but not potentially harm any valuable pages? Current plan of action is to pull data from analytics and if the url hasn't brought any traffic in the last 12 months then it is safe to assume it is a page that is not beneficial to the site. My concern is that some of these pages might have links pointing to them and I want to make sure we don't lose that link juice. But, assuming we just no index the pages we should still have the authority pass along...and in theory, the pages that haven't brought any traffic to the site in a year probably don't have much authority to begin with. Recommendations on best way to prune content on sites with hundreds of thousands of pages efficiently?  Also, is there a benefit to no indexing the pages vs deleting them? What is the preferred method, and why?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | atomiconline

  • I've heard a few people mention this now. I have seen hosting packages range from £5 to £1000 per month, and I understand that each comes with their own amounts of storage space, bandwidth and all. Now I understand that page speed is important to SEO and the type of hosting will dictate your page speed, but other than this why is hosting important to SEO?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | moon-boots

  • Hello, I've been looking online for some help with this. An estate agent has a page of properties for sale. Is it possible to mark these individual properties up and if so would they appear as rich snippets in the SERPS - never seen anything like this for properties for sale so just wondered,

    Technical SEO | | AL123al

  • Hello everyone, Maybe it is a stupid question, but I ask to the experts... What's the best way to noindex pages but still keep backlinks equity from those noindexed pages? For example, let's say I have many pages that look similar to a "main" page which I solely want to appear on Google, so I want to noindex all pages with the exception of that "main" page... but, what if I also want to transfer any possible link equity present on the noindexed pages to the main page? The only solution I have thought is to add a canonical tag pointing to the main page on those noindexed pages... but will that work or cause wreak havoc in some way?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fablau

  • What is a good benchmark social share rate? Does a benchmark exist? For instance, on a Zillow home profile, what % of people share that home listing on social media? Or on a NY Times article, what % of people share that article on social media? Thanks.

    Social Media | | NicheSocial

  • Hello, Our company recently moved offices, so last week I updated the contact details on all the directories we were on and created a few. These include Facebook, google plus, Google business listings, Bing, Scoot,, Central Index, Thomson local etc etc. I have re-checked and the details are all correct - address, name, website, telephone number - however when I check my local listings in Moz, only two are showing. Is there anything else I can do?

    Moz Local | | DaltonsBusiness

  • Hi, in the last couple of weeks I get more and more search results with a product and prices of retailers below (see sample attached). Are there Schema parameters one could use to have a bigger chance to appear there? Thanks in advance Dieter Lang 0EYJtRJ

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Storesco

  • Aloha everyone! I've asked questions to the Moz community before and have always been happy to see how responsive and helpful the community is as a SEO learning new comer! Many thanks in advance for any ideas or insights to solving this problem. So here is my question, I own a wedding photography business here on Kauai and am looking to rank for a few things, Kauai wedding photographer, Kauai Wedding videographer, and Kauai family photographer. That aside I've been pouring more time into getting back links from people I've shot with here on Kauai (local business's websites etc) and have had links dropped in on their sites to, in theory, bump my rankings up from back linking my website. Here's my website Here's a few sites but are not showing up as backlinks/pushing my site higher on SEO results (screen shot as well) (bottom of page footer linking to and another site here with the same thing, footer link pointing to my website. Both sites have been indexed and the shave ice one gets a good amount of traffic, does anyone know why this isn't showing as a back link or if its passing on any link juice my way? Should I do something diffrent here? Let me know what you guys think! Aloha from Kauai, Jon Gibb qsDOM

    Reporting & Analytics | | Trey3

  • We just recently launched a new version of our website. This new version allowed us to integrate research into technical SEO updates to enhance our search visibility. Based on experience from those viewing this post, what is a good average timeframe in which I should start seeing some effects from these changes in Google? I know this question is hard to answer because of all the variables that are part of the answer but I need something to take to the c-level as an estimate of what to expect. I figured experience might tell a good story here.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Smart_Start

  • Hi Moz! First question I've asked here. I've been working on campaign for my company (regional solar installation company in Northeast USA) for close to 7 years, we've always done well in local search but recently have noticed sites that, for lack of a better word, we 'school' in terms of all the usual metrics - better/more consistent local listings, better domain strength, better backlink profile, bigger company (in the real world), brand recognition, etc... However recently we have started seeing smaller competitors beat us in state-specific rankings, using stuff I would call 'old school' SEO that is no longer really tolerated, in theory - stuffing keywords onto page, keywords in domain, etc... domains of much less strength pulling #1 or #2 terms. Based on data I don't actually think keywords like "solar + state name" are actually that powerfully but frankly it is bit embarrassing to get crushed by 1-2 person companies when you have a 150+ company with a three-person in-house digital marketing team. My strategy so far has consisted of building a better Google review solicitation process, adding schema markup to our project gallery, and some SEO 101 stuff like reworking keywords and title tags. I've noticed a strong uptick on our site of leads from outside our territory (like folks from all across the USA who are NOT in our service territory) - I'm almost thinking I've done 'too good' a job of building a nationally relevant website and not enough state-specific options. Has anyone ever experienced something like this? Any clever strategies beyond the obvious? Can share more specifics if it'll be helpful. Cheers,

    Local SEO | | revisionsolar

  • What are the best ways to protect / deal with duplicate content? I've added an example scenario, Nike Trainer model 1 – has an overview page that also links to a sub-page about cushioning, one about Gore-Tex and one about breathability. Nike Trainer model 2,3,4,5 – have an overview page that also links to sub-pages page about cushioning , Gore-Tex and breathability. In each of the sub-pages the URL is a child of the parent so a distinct page from each other e.g. /nike-trainer/model-1/gore-tex /nike-trainer/model-2/gore-tex. There is some differences in material composition, some different images and of course the product name is referred multiple times. This makes the page in the region of 80% unique. Any suggestions welcome about the above example or any other ways you guys know of dealing with duplicate content.

    On-Page Optimization | | punchseo

  • Is there a percentage (approximate or exact) of duplicate content you should have before you use a canonical tag? Similarly how does Google handle canonical tags if the pages aren’t 100% duplicate? I've added some background and an example below; Nike Trainer model 1 – has an overview page that also links to a sub-page about cushioning, one about Gore-Tex and one about breathability. Nike Trainer model 2,3,4,5 – have an overview page that also links to sub-pages page about cushioning , Gore-Tex and breathability. In each of the sub-pages the URL is a child of the parent so a distinct page from each other e.g. /nike-trainer/model-1/gore-tex /nike-trainer/model-2/gore-tex. There is some differences in material composition, some different images and of course the product name is referred multiple times. This makes the page in the region of 80% unique.

    Technical SEO | | punchseo

  • Live blog markup was rolled out to a selected group of publishers last year 2015.  I'm trying to find out whether it has been released to other publishers yet (we are a news site). Not seeing any updates about it anywhere and wondering how I can find out if/when it will be available. This is the latest I can see which is not much help Any insider info would be very much appreciated.

    Algorithm Updates | | hjsand

  • Hi Mozzers, I was musing about rel=canonical this morning and it occurred to me that I didnt have a good answer to the following question: How does applying a rel=canonical on page A referencing page B as the canonical version affect the treatment of the links on page A? I am thinking of whether those links would get counted twice, or in the case of ver-near-duplicates which may have an extra sentence which includes an extra link, whther that extra link would count towards the internal link graph or not. I suspect that google would basically ignore all the content on page A and only look to page B taking into account only page Bs  links. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | unirmk

  • Hi guys, not sure if anyone can help, but we had a client's google organic traffic literally halve from the week at the end of August to September (29 Aug 2016 to be precise) and it hasn't recovered since (here's a screenshot from GA  I've been doing a lot of digging around on Moz and elsewhere about any Google updates that may have gone through around that time and there doesn't seem to be anything that I would think would affect it.  I thought it might be to do with Penguin, but that doesn't seem to be the case.  A while ago before then we did have some domains and pages 301 redirected to the main site when multiple other sites were rolled into the one, but I wouldn't have thought that should affect it.  After that I've also gone and removed all those sites and redirects too (couple of weeks ago) but that doesn't seem to have fixed it.  There's no black hat SEO done on the site so very odd to have this happen.  I'm rather out of ideas what it could be that has impacted things so suddenly and that we couldn't get it recovered from.  Any ideas would be much appreciated.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | BrisbaneSEOWorks

  • Hi Moz community, Recently I am working on our website's SEO. Our company is a marketing agency. We provide general marketing services and also web design. Here is the content of our homepage and internal pages (specific services). Homepage (marketing agency) Internal page #1 (XXX marketing service) Internal page #2 (YYY marketing service) Internal page #3 (web design) I suggest to my supervisor that we could make some improvement and optimize different keywords for these 4 pages, respectively (homepage, internal page #1 #2 #3). However, my supervisor holds a different point of view that homepage and internal page#3 cannot rank both high for their own keywords because web design is not as related to marketing. So I did some research and look for some top-ranking marketing agency guys who also offer web design.  I found their internal pages about web design service rank pretty bad for their own web-design-related keywords. Here are my thoughts and guess (please correct me if I am wrong): Google takes everything into account and deems web design to be kind of irrelevant content to the website, so the internal page for web design will not rank high. The internal page has so much lower power than the homepage so it got outranked by the guys whose homepages are all about web design and development. My question is: In above case, can homepage and other internal pages (our services) all rank high together for their own keywords? I know what I wrote is kind of confusing...But I really need help here and want to solve this problem badly. Really appreciate any help!! Thank you in advance! Best, Raymond

    Competitive Research | | Raymondlee

  • We have a mortgage broker client, ABC, who shares an address with another business, XYZ who is a loans company. A previous SEO agency created GMBs for these 2 businesses using the same physical address and recently, we had to resolve this issue of duplicate address with Google. ABC was happy for us to fix the issue up by putting a unit no. "A" thus making their address "#7A Smith Street" and business XYZ now has #7B on their GMB. Our question is will this affect consistency if we were to build citations without "#7A Smith Street" but just using "7 Smith Street" which is their REAL physical address? Business XYZ has also just contracted us for SEO which means we will end up building citations for 2 businesses with the same business address (but different phone numbers). Should we actually continue using "#7A" and "#7B" for citation building even though that's not what their address is? Thank you in advance for your response!

    Local Listings | | Gavo

  • Hi Moz Community, Recently I've been seeing multiple pages from my eCommerce site pop up in the SERPS for a couple of queries. Usually I would count this as a good thing but since both pages that generally pop up are so similar I'm starting to wonder if we would rank better with just one page. My example is the query "birthday gifts" Both of the URL's below show up in the search results one after the other on the first page. The URL on the top is our family page and the one below it is our subcat page, you can find both in the top nav. of our site. (family) (subcat) Both of these pages have different PA's and the subcat page that currently lives in our site nav is actually: ****gifts?view=all. ****This url doesn't show up in the serps and is rel=canonicaled to the subcat page without the parameter listed above. We use this page in the nav because we think it's a better user experience than the actual subcat page. If we were to condense all three pages into one would we rank higher? Any thoughts here would be appreciated. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | znotes

  • Hi I know alt tags should be on an image, however at the moment I have 23,741 missing on the site, how important are these? It's a big project for someone to update & I need some justification Thanks Mozzers 🙂

    Technical SEO | | BeckyKey

  • I'm seeing this error on Google Webmaster Console: | URL: | | | | Error details | Linked from | | |
    | Last crawled: 11/15/16First detected: 11/15/16 The target URL doesn't exist, but your server is not returning a 404 (file not found) error. Learn more Your server returns a code other than 404 or 410 for a non-existent page (or redirecting users to another page, such as the homepage, instead of returning a 404). This creates a poor experience for searchers and search engines. More information about "soft 404" errors | Any ideas what I should do about it? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | aj613

  • Hi I have recently come across a new issue on our site, where https & http titles are showing as duplicate. I read however, am wondering as https is now a ranking factor, blocked this can't be a good thing? We aren't in a position to roll out https everywhere, so what would be the best thing to do next? I thought about implementing canonicals? Thank you

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hi SEO's, I have a question about moving local landing pages from many separate pages towards integrating them into a search results page. Currently we have many separate local pages (e.g. For both scalability and conversion reasons, we'll integrate our local pages into our search page (e.g. **Implementation details: **To mitigate the risk of a sudden organic traffic drop, we're currently running a test on just 18 local pages (Bangalore) = 1 / 18). We applied a 301 redirect from the old URL's to the new URL's 3 weeks ago. Note: We didn't yet update the sitemap for this test (technical reasons) and will only do this once we 301 redirect all local pages. For the 18 test pages I manually told the crawlers to index them in webmaster tools. That should do I suppose. **Results so far: **The old url's of the 18 test cities are still generating > 99% of the traffic while the new pages are already indexed (see: Overall organic traffic on test cities hasn't changed. Questions: 1. Will updating the sitemap for this test have a big impact? Google has already picked up the new URL's so that's not the issue. Furthermore, the 301 redirect on the old pages should tell Google to show the new page instead, right? 2. Is it normal that search impressions will slowly shift from the old page towards the new page? How long should I expect it to take before the new pages are consistently shown over the old pages in the SERPS?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | robdraaijer

  • Hello. Whats the best way to approach the use of location phrases within the page content itself? Say your based in a large city but also work in smaller surrounding areas, would you target the main location i.e. "London" on the home page and the main product/service pages directly.  Or would you leave this all to deeper pages where you can more easily add value? I can imagine that the inclusion of the location i.e. "London" might compromise the quality of the writing.  And put off the users from other locations. For example on the Home Page if your targeting:
    Keyword: Widgets
    Location: London Widgets in London and Beyond For the best Widgets in London come to... And for a key product or service page if your targeting: 
    Keyword: Car Widgets
    Location: London Car Widgets London and Beyond For the best Car Widgets in London come to... On deeper pages its going to be easier to make this work, but how would you approach it on the main pages and homepage? Hope that all makes sense?

    Local Website Optimization | | GrouchyKids

  • Hi, We are in the process of considering our domain url options for a new site. The plan is to migrate other site (bringing their link juice) to an main brand level domain. At the moment our desired .com url is unattainable however from a band perspective another extension e.g (.group) would probably be a better brand fit - however I wanted to know what the implications might be from an SEO perspective. At the moment some of our sub domains are ranking extremely well for desired keywords. Assuming we implement the correct redirect rules to maintain these rankings, would there be any other implication for our rankings (particularly in the UK and US) for not using a .com domain and using an alternatve TLD extension. Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | carlsutherland

  • Is there any specific method to generate keyword idea from thousands and thousands of user comments ? For example the user sends the feed back which will be more than 2 or 3 sentences. Is there any specific method to generate keyword ideas and group it ? Any tool available or any excel sheets ?

    Moz Pro | | NortonSupportSEO

  • Hello! Just a couple days back, realised that under the Google Webmaster Tool > Sitemap, my website has a sudden drop in indexed pages and images. Previously, it was almost fully indexed. However, I checked and the Google Index > Index Status, it is still fully indexed Any reason why and how do I resolve? Any help is very much appreciated! Thanks in advance!

    Technical SEO | | Bibliotek123

  • Hi there, In my website, There are lots of unrelevant/unnatural links coming in Google Search, we have removed it Through Remove URLs option, Also Cleared All Spammy backlinks, made website Content Cleared , But still it gives us unnaural links,, because of that our website rank loosed. We have also Disavow that All links, But Still not got any Solution, Can any Buddy Suggest Where We are making Mistake? any body can help please?? Thanx in advance

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | pooja.verify04

  • We are working on an SEO campaign that has an issue, of which we are unsure of the cause. When the domain is searched for in Google as The search results show the website just fine. See here for the display of this. However, when the domain is searched for in Google as The search results do not display our website. See here to see this issue. We are unsure why our website does not appear in Google's listings when the www. is added in search. If anyone can help us here to explain and help us resolve this, that would be much appreciated.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Gavo

  • I recently used a firm to do 2 months of outreach as a test for quality of work. Their reporting process is monthly, which seems fair, but after the first month's report I was sorely disappointed with the targeted domains for links. Apparently, the firm decided to condense the two months of outreach in to 4 days, so by the time I was finally able to see the work, the "job is done." Again, extremely disappointed. The original SOW was to target set posts for outreach in month 1, review/adjust and move in to month 2. No dice. So, here I am now left with a list of sites that have been targeted for outreach, being told "they are quality sites." What do you think, am I missing something and these are truly good links? Below are just a very, very small sample of the outreach completed:

    Link Building | | The_Cheat_Sheet

  • Hi Moz Community, I've been reviewing Search Console and have been noticing that there has been a consistent drop in brand clicks. The overall number of keywords (especially for the top 2 pages) have been increasing, according to SEMRUSH, however, traffic and sales are still in decline. There are no algorithmic and manual penalties, in addition, paid search activity has been increasing in the leadup to Christmas. Has anyone experienced this and potentially advise how to diagnose and resolve this issue?

    Branding | | rec123

  • Hi there, we've noticed a sudden drop in both trust and citation flow scores for many of our clients' websites. We haven't done any black hat activities nor done anything differently the last few months that we can think have contributed to this. We have however noticed a backlink from a website: that has appeared across all the websites which have dropped in rankings. Could this link be the contributing factor & would that mean someone has linked it to our clients' websites?

    Link Building | | Alexanders

  • Hi - I create virtual tours which I host and my clients embed (this site will be a holiday directory one day and linking is unlikely).  What can I do with the embed code they use - most use iframes - to get maximum Seo juice? Example tour below Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | virtualdevon

  • Hello, I am a bit puzzled since the company I'm working with has recently opened a new location. The company's first location is listed in all local directories. Could you please advise me what to do to make  2 locations visible and not to mess up with keeping same NAP all over the web? Most directories do not simply have the option to add another location. I had to open a brand new Google Business page for the second location (while using the same name brand). I suppose I am getting into trouble with this?

    Technical SEO | | kirupa

  • Hello, I recently solved www / no www duplicate issue for my website, but now I am in trouble with duplicate content again. This time something that I cannot understand happens: In Crawl Issues Report, I received  Duplicate Page Content for (DA 19) (DA 1) Could you please help me figure out what is happenning here? By default, index.html is being loaded, but this is the only index.html I have in the folder. And it looks like the crawler sees two different pages with different DA... What should I do to handle this issue?

    Technical SEO | | kirupa

  • I created a Google Custom Search Engine for our site, but I"m not sure implementing it is a good idea. When I tested it with the public URL, I noticed that ads show up on the search engine that could potentially move visitors away from our site to our competitors. Has anyone had success with implementing a Google Custom Search Engine? Do the pros outweigh the cons? Thanks, Ruben

    Algorithm Updates | | KempRugeLawGroup

  • As an example - let's say that I have an online store that sells home accessories. Within my store, I have categories like "kitchen accessories", "bedroom accessories", and "bathroom accessories" among others. Naturally I would want my homepage to be the broadest keyword that best describes my store's offering (i.e. "Home Accessories"). Then, on my sub-category page, I would target "Kitchen Accessories". In this example - let's assume "Kitchen Accessories" has more search volume than "Home Accessories". Would it be better to focus on that keyword on my homepage instead? Example Current Homepage Title: "Beautiful Home Accessories - Crate + Feather" Alternate Homepage Title: "Bath, Bedroom, and Kitchen Accessories - Crate + Feather" Which one would you do assuming everything is equal aside from search volume?

    On-Page Optimization | | clarasboutiqueusa

  • Hello Mozzers! I've seen several contributors that end their questions and responses with a website. Just for the sake of the argument, this is an example: -- Some text about the response/question --- Hope I've helped. Gaston Riera To clarify more, the URL does never have a link. I've always considered that this is a place to share and help other by ours/others expertise not to self promote implicitly our company.
    So, my question is related to the rules and best practices in the forum: Is it spam to include a website in the signature of a message? Does Moz's community staff take some action about those? Thanks!

    Search Behavior | | Gaston Riera

  • Hello, When I look for bloggers from blogspot and wordpress portals, I find high domain authority scores on moz but if I check their individual sites without blogspot or wordpress I see a low domain score why is this? and is there a harm in selecting such sites? For example hypothetically : - high domain score & - low domain score. Thanks & Regards, Sneha

    Content Development | | Sneha.chandan

  • Hello Experts, For my website if I use use logo as h1 for homepage but that logo will not be actually h1 but hidden text ( text is my brand name or website name) behind will be h1 so it is okay to use in this way? Using hidden text as H1 is fine as per google? Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | pragnesh9639

  • Hi, One of our blog-post has been interlinked with thousands of internal links as per search console; but lists only 2 links it got connected from. How come so many links it got connected internally? I don't see any. Thanks, Satish

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

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