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  • Hello all, New to MOZ Pro and SEO - so lots to get my head round! I’m working through the Duplicate Content section of the Crawl report and am not sure what the best practice is for my situation. Background:  We are a reference guide for luxury hotels around the world, but the hotels that are featured on the site vary year on year. When we add a new hotel page, it sets up the url as When the hotels come off,  I redirect their URL to the country or region where we have other hotels. Example: The hotel in Zermatt has come off the site, showing 0 results on this landing page. Question:  My duplicate content report is showing a number of these regional pages that are displaying the copy “0 places - Region’ because the hotel has come off, but the landing page is still live. Should I redirect the regional page back to the main country page? And then if I add a new hotel to the site from that region in the future, simply remove the redirect? Should I also delete the page? Any tips would be much appreciated!

    Moz Pro | | CN_Johansens

  • Hi Our facets are from what I can see crawled by search engines, I think they use javascript - see here I want to get this fixed for SEO with an ajax solution - I'm not sure how big this job is for developers, but they will want to know the positive impact this could have & whether it's worth doing. Does anyone have any opinions on this? I haven't encountered this before so any help is welcome 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • I have a product category page at which currently has 38 products on it. Problem is, all the product titles start with the name of the text: "bmw s1000rr" (because that's what they are) - so that means there are 38 anchored internal links on that page, all starting with the same keyword. You can see how that might look to the Google crawler. Recently that page dropped from around 15 to outside the top 100, and Moz tells me that the page is keyword stuffed with "bmw s1000rr" (no suprise) so I'm guessing that may be the reason the page has disappeared out of the SERPs. I don't really want to change all the product titles (then they wouldn't make sense) so I'm just wondering if there is any way around this? Is there some way of telling Google that this is a product category page and therefore to ignore the anchor text in all of those product links? Can/should the links have some kind of markup on them? Or is the page beyond help? Basically I'm looking at a way of keeping the product titles as they are, but avoiding a page penalty from Google somehow. I'm a bit of a newbie, any suggestions would be most appreciated. Cheers, Graeme

    On-Page Optimization | | graeme72

  • hello friends I have a problem in a special keyword like "Travel tour" my web site in this keyword some times ranking #1 in google results and some times ranking #40 ! now special page of this keyword forgot in google results and when i search this keyword google showing me my home page! another keyword of my website doesn't have this problem.

    Keyword Research | | Iran.Dehkadeh

  • Hello, What are the top 3 concepts in modern SEO in your honest opinion, and what are your best sources for learning about them. For example, #1 10X Content This Whiteboard Friday

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW

  • I need to share multiple custom reports and segments within my company. But I can only upload one link at a time. Avinash Kaushik's "Occam's Razor Awesomeness" contains multiple segments and reports (see the screenshot or this sharing link:,custom_report,advanced_segment&utm_campaign=gafe_gallery_integration#importing/a36125464w64131120p65827922/%3F_.objectId%3DVMoVbW3LQbyo87ymcFDxCQ%26_.selectedProfile%3D/). How is he able to do that? Does anyone know how to combine multiple reports into one gallery view?

    Reporting & Analytics | | pollito

  • I want to construct website internal like structure better, can you advise me what's model architecture to build menu, navigation, build link, hub content will good for audience and search engine. Thank your advise

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dunghv36

  • Hi Moz Community, I am wondering if anyone can shed some light on this current predicament I am facing... For my website, which is the site for a magazine I work for, the current URL structure is At first glance, I thought it must be that we would have to re-structure the URLs to include the category structure, for example... However, upon deeper investigation, I've seen that we do actually have breadcrumbs enabled therefore google is indexing and following the structure that we would re-activate for the URL structure i.e. With this in mind, is it actually worth re-structuring the URLs to include these categories as it will take a long time to organise and implement?! Obviously, thinking in terms of UX, it is a must-do, but I'm just trying to weigh up the pro's and cons with this.. Appreciate your help, Leigh

    Technical SEO | | leighcounsell

  • Hi everyone! We're a beauty and travel ecomm brand looking to hire an SEO consultant (independent contractors only - no agencies please) on a contract basis to join our team. We're fast-growing and need help to optimize our on-site and off-site SEO efforts ( Please message me directly if you're interested in working with us. Below is a little more about us. Thanks! About Us: We recently launched with our first line of products - a new and innovative 3-in-1 travel razor for women that includes a water spray bottle, moisturizing shave bar and two razors all in one compact case. We've received tons of press for the product's unique design and innovation within the shaving industry (and are also in over 900 retail stores nationwide), and only recently launched our new site on shopify (two weeks ago) to drive our B2C sales. There's a lot of room for SEO improvement in terms of on-site efforts, as well as some guidance we'd like to receive for off-site SEO strategies, so we can build up our traffic, audience and customer base. We're targeting a big market & demographic of young women (ages 19-35), mainly competing with Gillette and Schick for a product segment that has largely gone untouched for decades. We'd like to change that 🙂 Let me know if you're interested! Thanks.

    Competitive Research | | shopsphynx

  • I have a client who is a lawyer and used to work at law firm. Since he has opened his own practice. But if I do a search for my clients name a google feature box comes up and says he works for this previous law firm. How do I get this removed. There is no mention of him on the competitors web site.

    Local Listings | | donsilvernail

  • I have a question about how Mobile First could affect websites with separate (and smaller) mobile vs desktop sites.   Referencing this SE Roundtable article (seorountable dot com /google-mobile-first-index-22953.html), "If you have less content on your mobile version than on your desktop version - Google will probably see the less content mobile version. Google said they are indexing the mobile version first." But Google/ Gary Illyes are also on the record stating the switch to mobile-first should be minimally disruptive. Does "Mobile First" mean that they'll consider desktop URLs "second", or will they actually just completely discount the desktop site in lieu of the mobile one?  In other words: will content on your desktop site that does not appear in mobile count in desktop searches? I can't find clear answer anywhere (see also: /jlh-marketing dot com/mobile-first-unanswered-questions/). Obviously the writing is on the wall (and has been for years) that responsive is the way to go moving forward - but just looking for any other viewpoints/feedback here since it can be really expensive for some people to upgrade.  I'm basically torn between "okay we gotta upgrade to responsive now" and "well, this may not be as critical as it seems".  Sigh... Thanks in advance for any feedback and thoughts.  LOL - I selected "there may not be a right answer to this question" when submitting this to the Moz community. 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mirabile

  • Struggling through trying to resolve a complicated search issue - would appreciate any community input or suggestions. The Background Info We have several brand sites and each one has both a .ca and .com domain. For some reason, our website platform was created in a way that hundreds of pages on the .com domain have an equivalent page on the .ca domain, which are all 301'ed to the appropriate .com pages. Example below for clarity: - 301 Redirected to: = Proper .ca Canadian URL (where en is the language - fr exists as well) The Problem Because these .com pages exist under the .ca domain as well, they have started to outrank the correct .ca pages on Google. This has led to Canadian customers finding incorrect information, pricing, and reviews for these products - causing all sorts of customer service issues and therefore affecting our sales. I am being told that to properly fix the issue, and remove the incorrect URLs under the .ca domain would be prohibitively expensive in terms of resources, so I'm left trying to fix this via means available to me (i.e. anything but a change to how the platform is currently setup). The Attempted Fix I've submitted proper sitemaps for the .ca brand sites, and we have also created a robots.txt file to be accessed only when the site is crawled through the .ca domain. In that robots.txt, we have Disallowed crawling of any /gadget/brand/ URLs for the .ca domain. This was done a week ago and I am still seeing the .com URL show up in search results. The Question Should I be submitting any URLs to be temporarily removed from Google? Because of the 301 redirect in place from to, I am hesitant to do so, as I do not want the .com URL removed. Will Google simply remove the .ca URL and not follow the 301 redirect to remove that URL as well? Any additional insight or feedback would be awesome as well.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Trevor-O

  • Within the last three months, I acquired five .EDU backlinks and two editorial links to a page ranking for a competitive keyword. After the first few links came through, the page jumped from #15 to #7. It stayed there with minor fluctuations for a couple weeks. I earned a couple more good links, and the page fell as far as #44. It has recovered a bit then, but has not returned to the first page. It is worth noting that the .EDU links were achieved by sponsoring university programs. Could Google possibly be recognizing this as a link scheme? Are the links being earned too quickly? I don't believe it could be either, as the links reside on high quality, trustworthy sites and there wasn't a sudden major influx of them. Thank you for your insight! Also, I think my username tricked Moz into thinking I'm a staffer. Not the case!

    Link Building | | StevenLevine

  • We started blogging aggressively 3 months ago to bolster our organic search. We are building a new website and wonder if hosting our blog directly on our site is better than Is a better choice - what percentage of SEO value would it be? We are building a new WordPress website. Our blog is currently hosted on a subdomain with HubSpot software. WILL OUR SEO BE SIGNIFICANTLY MORE EFFECTIVE HOST THE WEBSITE DIRECTLY OUR DOT COM? It won't be as convenient with HS tool but we want the best possible SEO.

    Keyword Research | | Joseph.Lusso

  • Hello! One of our clients has a domain with a .financial TLD. The domain id over two years old. We have been creating a lot of good content (including articles, infographics and videos) every month for over 12 months. We have also been creating backlinks and the Search Console shows a total of 1319 links to the site from 64 root domains. However, the DA and PA on Opensiteexplorer haven't moved from 1. Also the number of linking root domains shows as zero. Traffic and keyword rankings haven't picked up either. Could someone please help with why this would happen? Is there anything to do with the domain TLD of .financial? Thanks in Advance

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Rohit0505

  • I am using the Medium blogging platform to blog, but it is pointed to my site and appears at Since the content is hosted on Medium and pointed to my subdomain via an A Record / CNAME / etc... 1. Will my domain get credit for backlinks to the blog content? 2. If Medium changes in the future and no longer points to my subdomain, will I lose all of the backlinks I've built up?

    Technical SEO | | davidevans_seo

  • I am trying to generate a site map for my site but all the tools I have tried don't get all my 70000 html pages...   I have found that the one at crawls all my pages but when it writes the xml file most of them are gone... seemingly randomly. I have used this same site before and it worked without a problem.  Can anyone help me understand why this is or point me to a utility that will map all of the pages? Kindly, Greg

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Banknotes

  • We have a website [domain name removed] that is not being properly found in Google. When we run it through Screaming Frog, it indicates that there is a problem with the robot.txt file. However, I am unsure exactly what this problem is, and why this site is no longer properly being found. Any help here on how to resolve this would be appreciated!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Gavo

  • In the past, we assigned roles and managed business Facebook pages by sharing admin access with an individual account. However, we encountered an issue with this, as when it came to advertising, billing was processed under that individual account and not the account of the actual business Facebook page. To resolve this, I have begun setting up a Business Facebook Manager account. However, need some guidance. I have claimed access to a business Facebook page and assigned a person to manage this page. By doing this, I can now see that the assigned person has the ability to make posts on that page and to create and manage Ads. Two things I need clarification on however: When advertising is conducted, is it billed to the credit card details for the Business Page? (And not the billing details of the individual it was assigned to) It seems that the assigned person cannot boost a post? Am I missing something here? Thanks for your help!

    Social Media | | Gavo

  • Despite having a canonical on page 1 of a series of paginated pages for different topics, Google is indexing several, sometimes many pages in each topic. This is showing up as duplicate page title issues in Moz and Screaming Frog. Ideally Google would only index the first page in the series. Do we need to use rel="prev" etc rather than a canonical on page 1? How can we make sure Google crawls but doesn't index the rest of the series?

    Moz Pro | | hjsand

  • domain authority

    Hi, everyone. I want to know if you know any way to get DA & PA metrics with any software (not Netpeak Checker please, is very low) or any add-on for Google Sheet or Microsoft Excel (like Majestic has for Google Sheets). Up today any software works always and sometimes the results are not really. Please, team of MOZ and Community, help me. And team of MOZ, the SEOs around the world need a solution for this. We scrapped many domains every day for build our privates blogs networks and also for search opportunities for link our sites. Please, provide us anyway (software, tool in your suite, I don't know) for this essential function in the SEO World. Thanks!

    API | | seotrafilea

  • Hi, I can see in my search console that a website giving thousands of links to my site where hardly only one back-link from one of their page to our page. Why this is happening? Here is screenshot:

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • Hi How important are internal anchor text links & rankings? I'm researching competitors and am seeing a lot of internal anchor text links with keywords helping them rank - but they have these links in their menu which at the moment isn't possible for us. We can include our top level 1 categories, but nothing below this in the top navigation Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Looking at some low volume keywords, I get lots of "Gathering Metrics". These don't seem to be updating with metrics. How long does this typically take, should I set and come back in a couple of hours, overnight? Should I leave the screen open, or will this stop it working? Justin

    Moz Bar | | GrouchyKids

  • Here's the scenario: I have a client currently running one Shopify site (AU) They want to launch three more country domains (US, UK and EU) They want each to be a standalone site, primarily so the customers can purchase in their local currency, which is not possible from a single Shopify site The inventory is all from the same source The product desscriptions will all be the same as well Question: How do we avoid content duplication (ie. how will canonical tags work in this scenario)?

    International SEO | | muzzmoz

  • Hi I've reviewing our internal linking structure & have found that the facets/filter buttons on a category, are crawled and have anchor text to each link, for example: The anchor text to filter the product listing results by those under £50 would be: | Facet Value Less than £50.00 (15) Less than £50.00 (15) | This also has the source URL & destination URL of I haven't come across this before - is this an issue?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • Hey Guys N' Girls. What are the benefits of having live selectable text on your home page slider banners? I understand that as live text Google can read the text, so there are keyword and relevancy benefits. But the question is how much impact on ranking this will have? The reason I ask is our website solution can add live text but the fonts are limited to 9 basic fonts. We would like to use more jazzy fonts in the banner, but our only option then is to use a jpeg or png. Thanks for your responses. Owen

    On-Page Optimization | | BrunelOne

  • I need an answer how google sees this page. if somebody searches in , normally goes to but pushes the webpage  , User sees the webpage like these.. but not seen any title, description and h1

    Local Website Optimization | | carhub

  • Hi, I have a call with a potential client tomorrow where all I know is that they are wigged-out about canonicalization, indexing and architecture for their three sites: The sites are pretty large... 350k for the mobiles and 5 million for the main site. They're a retailer with endless products. They're main site is not mobile-responsive, which is evidently why they have the m and mobile sites. Why two, I don't know. This is how they currently hand this: What would you suggest they do about this? The most comprehensive fix would be making the main site mobile responsive and 301 the old mobile sub domains to the main site. That's probably too much work for them. So, what more would you suggest and why? Your thoughts? Best... Mike P.S., Beneath my hand-drawn portrait avatar above it says "Staff" at this moment, which I am not. Some kind of bug I guess.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 94501

  • Our product descriptions appear in two places and on one page they appear twice. The best way to illustrate that would be to link you to a search results page that features one product. My duplicate content concern refers to the following, When the customer clicks the product a pop-up is displayed that features the product description (first showing of content) When the customer clicks the 'VIEW PRODUCT' button the product description is shown below the buy buytton (second showing of content), this is to do with the template of the page and is why it is also shown in the pop-up. This product description is then also repeated further down in the tabs (third showing of content). My thoughts are that point 1 doesn't matter as the content isn't being shown from a dedicated URL and it relies on javascript. With regards to point 2, is the fact the same paragraph appears on the page twice a massive issue and a duplicate content problem? Thanks

    Technical SEO | | joe-ainswoth

  • Hello we run a large sports website. Since 2009 we have been doing game previews for most games every day for all the major sports..IE NFL, CFB, NBA, MLB etc.. Most of these previews generate traffic for 1-2 days leading up to or day of the event. After that there is minimal if any traffic and over the years almost nothing to the old previews. If you do a search for any of these each time the same matchup happens Google will update its rankings and filter out any old matchups/previews with new ones. So our question is what would you do with all this old content? Is it worth just keeping? Google Indexes a majority of it? Should we prune some of the old articles? The other option we thought of and its not really practical is to create event pages where we reuse a post each time the teams meet but if there was some sort of benefit we could do it.

    Technical SEO | | dueces

  • Howdy, folks. So, Everyone knows that we can create custom Facebook audience with all the filters, interests and behaviors and see what audience "consist of" in FB audience insights. That's all nice and dandy, but here is my situation: So, I "build" the audience the best way I can, run the ad, have, let's say average results. Theoretically (especially if audience is broad), I would be able to get better results if I was able to see which segment (by interests or behaviors) of targeted audience performed best. And then run another ad to narrowed down audience. But, as far as I understand and know, there is no way to do that. FB reporting only provides breakdowns on age, gender, location, devices and couple more things. So, is there way to get that data? P.S. If I'm still confusing, here are couple examples: I run ad for audience who have interest in football OR meat OR potatoes (let's say because I sell meat and potatoes dish for football players :D). So, is there way for me to find out which interest group performed best without running three separate a/b/c test campaigns (imagine if i have 20 "OR" interests)? I run ad for audience of male, between 22-44 age. Is there way to find out which interests group in this audience performed best?

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | DmitriiK

  • Hi everyone, We just made a switch to a new domain based on a rebrand, and we are currently directing users who navigate to the homepage of the old site to an interim page on our new site that reads, that then redirects to the actual homepage of the new site, The redirect page's purpose is to tell users about the brand name change before showing them the new site. The challenge is that in the second step of the verification process for the address change, it reads that our domain name request does not correspond because the homepage is directing to this interim page. Is there a way for us to continue to direct people to and have GSC verify that the 301 redirects work properly? Ideally we would not want to direct people from the homepage of the old site to the homepage of the new site. Thank you in advance for your help. Sincerely, Chase VHSpF

    Technical SEO | | commcreative

  • My client has an online ecommerce store which he is due to launch later this week. He owns both the and the .com   - the site is hosted on and the .com domain redirects to the The client wants anyone who visits the site from the .com to see permalinks when later going through the site as .com as opposed to permalinks. Is this possible/any suggestions? Thank you!

    International SEO | | jamiericey

  • I'm in the process of relaunching a music news site ( that once did quite well in search (over a million monthly search visits in its prime). The site got crushed by Panda, etc. and we stopped updating it. I'm starting to do more research but one thing that I noticed was we have modules in the right rail (desktop) that are found on all of our article pages that point to the same posts. (Edit: Added attachment. The links in the right rail under Editor Picks, Features, News, Media, etc. are found on every page of the site). In other words, we have thousands of posts that all link to the same 20 or so articles. Should we not do this if we're not trying to emphasize these posts in Google? Assuming this is the case, what is the proper way to do internal linking? Do we simply setup a sitemap and link to it? I'm hoping to have the thousands of articles we've published over the years have a chance to rank in search again. Also, we have a number of posts that are thin in content should those pages not be submitted in the sitemap? Thanks in advance! 2KmX0

    Link Building | | leggo

  • is there any markup schema which helps ranking web page in google answer box ?

    Search Behavior | | NortonSupportSEO

  • Starting November 1st, organic web traffic from Google dropped from an average of about 60 visits a day to about 5 per day. So we are more than 90% off!!!! At the end of September, we modified the header of the site to simplify it. We also added a snippet of code to each page to enable Zoho "Sales IQ" to work. Sales IQ enables us to track visitors and engage in chat sessions with them. Apart from that no changes have been made from the site. Any ideas as to what could have caused this drop in traffic? Was there a Google update at that time that could have caused the drop? Or could the recent site changes have caused this? I have attached a Google Webmasters Tool report showing the drop in traffic. I would very much appreciate some insight into this, as all organic traffic to our site has ceased. Thanks,
    Alan 9VNB1O5

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • Does anyone have experience correcting the Google branded knowledge graph for a local listing? We have an issue with the knowledge graph not displaying telephone numbers on a clients local knowledge graph panel in the SERPs (for desktop searches). We manage over 1,500 local listings for the same company and the majority of those listings display telephone numbers on the right hand side of the branded knowledge graph panel. However, a handful do not display a telephone number. If you click through the map section of the knowledge graph panel, into the Google Maps/Google My Business page the numbers are listed, they are just not showing up on the knowledge graph panel in the SERPs. The local numbers are listed on the Google My Business page. Does anyone have any experience with this and can recommend what other items we should check for that could help get the numbers to show up on the on the knowledge graph panel in the SERPs? Thanks for the help! 

    Local Listings | | lunavista-comm

  • Our commercial real estate site ( contains about 800 URLs. Since 2012 the domain authority has dropped from 35 to about 20. Ranking and traffic dropped significantly since then. The site has about 791 URLs. Many are set to noindex. A large percentage of these pages have a Moz page authority of only "1". It is puzzling that some pages that have similar content to "1" page rank pages rank much better, in some cases "15". If we remove or consolidate the poorly ranked pages will the overall page authority and ranking of the site improve? Would taking the following steps help?: 1. Remove or consolidate poorly ranking unnecessary URLs?
    2. Update content on poorly ranking URLs that are important?
    3. Create internal text links (as opposed to links from menus) to critical pages? A MOZ crawl of our site's URLs is visible at the link below. I am wondering if the structure of the site is just not optimized for ranking and what can be done to improve it. THANKS. (1).csv?dl=0 Thanks,

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Kingalan1

  • We have launched a website The website is not ranking well even if we search with the Domain name. The Domain authority of the website it 10. How to increase this?

    On-Page Optimization | | AlliedTransport

  • I added a Google+ Page for my business several years ago. Now when I click on "Search Console" within Webmaster Tools  it is asking me to provide business information that I entered several years ago for Google+. Is this normal? Should I fill it out? It seems that this info is redundant with what I filled out for Google+. When I enter the name of my business (Metro Manhattan Office Space, Inc. ) in Google, a listing appears to the right, so it seems that Google already has my details. Thanks,
    Alan vkpDA XgCcQ

    Local Listings | | Kingalan1

  • Hello everyone I have a problem here. My website has been hit by Panda several times in the past, the first time back in 2011 (first Panda ever) and then another couple of times since then, and, lastly, the last June 2016 (either Panda or Phantom, not clear yet). In other words, it looks like my website is very prone to "quality" updates by big G: Still trying to understand how to get rid of Panda related issues once for all after so many years of tweaking and cleaning my website of possible duplicate or thin content (301 redirects, noindexed pages, canonicals, etc), and I have tried everything, believe me. You name it. We recovered several times though, but once in a while, we are still hit by that damn animal. It really looks like we are in the so called "grey" area of Panda, where we are "randomly" hit by it once in a while. Interestingly enough, some of our competitors live joyful lives, at the top of the rankings, without caring at all about Panda and such, and I can't really make a sense of it. Take for example this competitors of ours: They have a much smaller catalog than ours, worse quality of offered music, thousands of duplicate pages, ads everywhere, and yet... they are able to rank 1st on the 1st page of Google for most of our keywords. And for most, I mean, 99.99% of them. Take for example "violin sheet music", "piano sheet music", "classical sheet music", "free sheet music", etc... they are always first. As I said, they have a much smaller website than ours, with a much smaller offering than ours, their content quality is questionable (not cured by professional musicians, and highly sloppy done content as well as design), and yet they have over 480,000 pages indexed on Google, mostly duplicate pages. They don't care about canonicals to avoid duplicate content, 301s, noindex, robot tags, etc, nor to add text or user reviews to avoid "thin content" penalties... they really don't care about anything of that, and yet, they rank 1st. So... to all the experts out there, my question is: Why's that? What's the sense or the logic beyond that? And please, don't tell me they have a stronger domain authority, linking root domains, etc. because according to the duplicate and thin issues I see on that site, nothing can justify their positions in my opinion and, mostly, I can't find a reason why we instead are so much penalized by Panda and such kind of "quality" updates when they are released, whereas websites like that one ( rank 1st making fun of all the mighty Panda all year around. Thoughts???!!!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | fablau

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