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  • As recent Penguin update makes quick move with backlinks with immediate impact; does Disavow tool also results the changes in few days rather than weeks like earlier? How long does it take now to see the impact of disavow? And I think still we must Disavow some links even Google claim that it'll take care of bad backlinks without passing value from them?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | vtmoz

  • I recently went to a conference where a speaker strongly urged us to migrate to HTTPS before January 2017.  I don't see any other sites referencing to make the switch before January 2017.  whats the deal?  😉

    On-Page Optimization | | millenniumsi

  • I am a firm believer in the fundamentals of SEO but is there any data to support its impact positively or negatively towards a sites rank?

    Technical SEO | | Brandonp

  • We have a very large glossary of over 1000 industry terms on our site with links to reference material, embedded video, etc. Is it better for SEO purposes to keep this on one page or should we break it up into multiple pages, a different page for each letter for example? Thanks.

    On-Page Optimization | | KenW

  • A few months back, we set up canonical URLs on some pages with duplicate content to give some newer pages more link juice. Now, we need to do the opposite and give that same juice to some of the original pages. If we set up canonical URLs on the newer pages to point back to the original pages, are we losing the juice we've been building all along? Sorry for all this convoluted juice talk. Hopefully, my point is getting across here.

    Link Building | | frankmassanova

  • Do any of you know meaning of "weighted number of conversions" in attribution models? How google analytics calculate it? Any example? Thank you.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Tormar

  • Hello Mozzers, This is a bit of an open ended question and I don't think any one person is going to be the same. I have recently seen the light in my link building practices and I am trying to get a feel for what to expect in terms of natural link acquisition in an effective content marketing strategy. My question is how many natural links do you generally find yourself earning after the first 12 months of content creation/placement with a new website/industry? I know this is going to be a question with a multitude of different answers. I look forward to your valuable insight as always!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ChoChauRice

  • Hi Does anyone know if Google prefers paragraphs over content in a table, or doesn't it make much difference?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • We are a 10 year + small (1000 pages) niche ecommerce site (Magento) that has recently lost rankings to a competitor. We out perform them in every metric so I do not understand them leap frogging us to the top spot. This has forced me to look at my site structure, page authority (rank), and internal linking. After reviewing a moz crawl issues report, here are some of my observations: Root domain has a PA of 40 Top 3 $ Category pages have a PA of 22, 18, 18 Multiple meaningless blog posts and other category/product pages have PA’s of 30+ Here is a screenshot of the crawl report with internal links, links, etc showing. I need some help - thoughts, suggestions, next steps in analysis?

    On-Page Optimization | | SammyT

  • Hi all, I'd like to re-direct page A to page B. The problem is, under page A, I have a number of other pages. So, for example - If I re-direct to, would the sub-pages then become unusable as a URL? Or would they stay intact because I'm not changing the location of the pages, merely applying a re-direct to the folder that it's in. Cheers, Rhys

    Local SEO | | SwanseaMedicine

  • I've been wondering for a while now, how Google treats internal duplicate content within classified sites. It's quite a big issue, with customers creating their ads twice.. I'd guess to avoid the price of renewing, or perhaps to put themselves back to the top of the results. Out of 10,000 pages crawled and tested, 250 (2.5%) were duplicate adverts. Similarly, in terms of the search results pages, where the site structure allows the same advert(s) to appear under several unique URLs. A prime example would be in this example.  Notice, on this page we have already filtered down to 1 result, but the left hand side filters all return that same 1 advert. Using tools like Siteliner and Moz Analytics just highlights these as urgent high priority issues, but I've always been sceptical. On a large scale, would this count as Panda food in your opinion, or does Google understand the nature of classifieds is different, and treat it as such? Appreciate thoughts. Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Sayers

  • Hi fellow Mozzers, I have been tasked with providing some SEO recommendations for a website that is to be built using express.js and Angular.  I wondered whether anyone has had any experience in such a framework? On checking a website built in this and viewing as a GoogleBot etc using the following tools it appears as though most of the content is invisible: Obviously this is a huge issue and wonder if there are any workarounds, or reccomendations to assist (even if means moving away from this  - would love to hear about it)

    Technical SEO | | musthavemarketing

  • I can't seem to figure out how to cancel an upcoming renewal.

    Moz Local | | Magneti

  • My company is joining an Industrial Association. Part of the membership is a link to our site from theirs. I've found that going to their site triggers a "threat alert" through our company malware detection system and shows a link that may be infected with malware. With all of that said I have (2) questions... Since this is a paid membership, will Google penalize us for having a link to our company from this association's website? Since a link on their site has potential malware issues, should we add our link to their site or could it be harmful to us? Any helpful advice is appreciated.

    Technical SEO | | SteveZero12

  • Hi, I have a U.S. client who is stuck on a name that he wants to get as a .io (British Indian Ocean) domain name for a new site. Aside from the user confusion/weirdness, how much harder do you think this makes this sites organic in the U.S. in the future with a .io domain name? FYI, the other part of the domain name he wants to use is short, meaningless and implies nothing in and of itself. Thanks!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | 94501

  • M clients are two estate agents, a photography studio, and a drainage company if that helps!

    Local SEO | | sophiecrosby97

  • I am confused between choosing Facebook share and Facebook like options on my website. Like is a one step process but it won't be visible in friend's feed whereas share is 2 step process but is visible in your friend's feed and it reaches more people. Did anyone experiment with these two options and found which works better?

    Social Media | | Avinash_1234

  • Good morning MOZ Community, We've been doing some re-vamping recently on our primary sitemap, and it's currently being reindexed by the search engines. We have also been developing landing pages, both for SEO and SEM. Specifically for SEO, the pages are focused on specific, long-tail search terms for a number of our niche areas of focus. Should I, or do I need to be considering a separate sitemap for these? Everything I have read about sitemaps simply indicates that if a site has over 50 thousand pages or so, then you need to split a sitemap. Do I need to worry about a sitemap for landing pages? Or simply add them to our primary sitemap? Thanks in advance for your insights and advice.

    Algorithm Updates | | bwaller

  • According to What do you think?

    On-Page Optimization | | nans

  • Hi there, we are a retail business and we have invested in quality editorial content which sits in our Blog at The Blog links to the main site (an online store) and I want to track the 'value' of the blog by how many clicks the blog content generates back to the main store. At the moment we're using this code on the end of every link in the Blog: ?utm_source=Blog&utm_medium=Widget&utm_campaign=FromBlog Does this affect SEO and is there a better way of doing it? Thanks.

    Reporting & Analytics | | Bee159

  • When I type my company name on google "Navneet Gems", it shows a very different meta tag then what it actually is. How do I change this meta descrption when its non-existent on my homepage? The worst is, it is having a spelling mistake. We want to correct this.

    On-Page Optimization | | Navneet.Agarwal2016

  • I'm working on a large scale publishing site. I can increase search rankings almost immediately by improving internal linking to targeted pages, sometimes by 40 positions but after a day or two these same rankings drop down again, not always as low as before but significantly lower than their highest position. My theory is that the uplift generated by the internal linking is subsequently mitigated by other algorithmic factors relating to content quality or site performance or is this unlikely? Does anyone else have experience of this phenomenon or any theories?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | hjsand

  • Hi I have a question regarding country specific SEO and what would the best approach be? I have website A which is currently ranking well in Google country A, I would now like to introduce a new website B which is only specific to users in Google country B. The only difference between the 2 websites is that website B will have different prices and products for the users in Google country B. From a development point of view we would like to only have one instance of the website which can be served to users in country A and B all that we would do is change some of the content and prices based on the user IP which means that users in country A see a different version of the website to users in country B. Is this approach fine from and organic point of view? Or would we need to have 2 separate websites and make use of Href Lang?

    International SEO | | Iannaude

  • Hi All, This is a query regarding title tag.I have a listing page with list of hotels in each city. To improve CTR, I used "Top 10 hotels in Boston" as title even though I am showing 25 hotels per page. The page takes about "hotels" but I didn't use "top 10" term anywhere in the page. Is this called keyword stuffing? Should I use "top 10" somewhere in the page as my title says so? Thanks for your help!

    On-Page Optimization | | Avinash_1234

  • I am reaching out to see if I correctly set up Schema Markup on our website for multiple locations.Our company has HQ in Little Chute WI but we have 6 other office locations. We have a separate page for each office within our website. I inserted ProfessionalService Schema Markup, using GTM. I used the address of our HQ Little Chute office on all pages besides the 6 pages that have different office locations. I then individually set up unique ProfessionalService Schema Markup for the 6 locations with their unique location addresses. Did I do this correctly? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | CharityHBS

  • Happy Holidays Mozzers! Does anyone know how to view 'Average Session Duration' for AdWords campaigns? I can't seem to be able to add it within the AdWords platform and when i try and view it on Analytics, the #/visits isn't matching the #/visits I see when I try and review the campaign via AdWords. Any help on this issue would be great! Thanks for reading!

    Paid Search Marketing | | maxcarnage

  • We work with quite a few sites that promote retail traders and feature a traders' directory with pages for each of the shops (around 500 listings in most cases). As retail strips, shops come and go all the time, so I get a lot of pages that are removed as the business is no longer present. Currently I've been doing 301 redirects to the home page of the directory if you try to access a deleted trader page, but this means a ever growing htaccess file with thousands of 301 redirects. Are we handling this the best way or is there a better way to tackle this situation?

    Technical SEO | | Assemblo

  • Hi Guys. I mostly use this forum for business questions, but now it's a personal one! I'm trying to find a supplier that might still have discontinued product.  It's the Behritone C5A speaker monitor. All my searches bring up a plethora of pages that appear to sell the product... but they have no stock. (Wouldn't removing these pages make for a better internet?)  No 2nd hand ones on eBay 😞 Do you have any suggestion about how I can get more relevant results... i.e find supplier that might still have stock?  Any tips or trick I may be able to use to help me with this? Many thanks in advance to an awesome community 🙂 Isaac.

    Algorithm Updates | | isaac663

  • Hi I have a bigcommerce ecommerce store, with a Wordpress blog on a subdomain. The store and blog have been active for four years, the blog is regularly updated with original content, has many links to the store, is promoted regularly via my brand's social media channels and mailing list, and has the simplest SEO basics covered via a Yoast SEO plugin. But the store sees very little, if any, SEO benefit from the blog. My question is: based on this information, and the details below, is there an issue with the connection between the blog and main site in SEO terms? And if there is, how can I start fixing it? Further info: 1 In my Moz dashboard for the store site, the blog does not show at all as providing any inbound links or linking domains 2 Google Analytics also shows zero referral traffic to the store site from the blog since April 2015 3 Moz crawl issues is flagging ‘duplicate page content issues’ for pretty much every page of the blog, and the analysis provided suggests this may be related to tags but I have only basic SEO knowledge and am fast getting out of my depth here. 4 I have today altered the settings within the Yoast plugin on the blog to ‘noindex’ for Tags, Meta Robots, based on advice I have found in this section but am already well over my head and unsure even this is correct. An agency have been running SEO for the store since 2012 but since uncovering how little they have done in this time for the money paid, I am now taking matters back into my own hands. However I am on a very steep learning curve and this one is beyond me right now - please does anyone have any suggestions where I can start looking to uncover the root issue? Any guidance or advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks very much and hope to hear from someone!

    Reporting & Analytics | | Warren_33

  • I had seen a thread on this a while back but no solution posted. There was a link posted to someone else explaining the issue but I got a 404 when clicking.  Have a client that does mostly PPC and they are getting their conversion page showing up as landing page from paid many times. This is definitely not a sitelink, etc.  The only way you get to this page is if you filled out the form. There are a few other pages showing up as landing pages that don't make sense too. Can this be attributed to someone being "inactive" for 30 minutes and then coming back and performing an action on this page (leaving)? If so, does this double count the conversion if a page visit here is a conversion? Just trying to make sense of the landing page report showing so many instances of our conversion page. Thanks in advance!

    Reporting & Analytics | | jeremyskillings

  • Hello Folks. Let me put it this way. Moz is great. especially, this community of like minded people. But, when it comes to Moz tool's features- it has its own Pros and Cons. And, that's what force us to add other tools to our tool kit. So, just wanted to know what all other SEO tools you use and why??? Let me start this by answering this question: I use as my other SEO tools suite. And the reasons are: It offers 40+ SEO tools  ( Few are similar to the ones that I get with Moz, but the other ones that I don't get in Moz are real good. For ex: **Site Auditor Pro, Mobile **Prospector) Along with showing data for their metrics and algos, they pull data from- SEMrush and Majestic SEO. So, I don't need to have subscription of these 2 tools and still I get the data from them. A big money saver 🙂 Let's start this interesting thread 🙂

    Moz Pro | | w1t

  • Some time ago I started to do SEO for a one-page website and didn't get any positive result: no traffic, no filled in online booking form (yet another, multiple page website offering the same service yielded in multiple filled-in "schedule an appointment" forms). I found out my one-page website was considered to be "keyword-spamming" and converted it to a multiple page one. Its domain authority went up, but it doesn't still bring any traffic. I am thinking maybe I have to let the search engines know that it has been updated so they stop penalizing it? Do you think it might help and if yes, what exactly I should do? Will be thankful very much for any suggestion!

    Technical SEO | | kirupa

  • Friday, December 16 is Free Shipping Day. However, Google says it's actually 2 days later. Does anybody know how we can get that changed? See: shipping day

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | lk99

  • Hi If my facets are being crawled, how can I stop this? Or  set them up so they are SEO friendly - this is new to me as I haven't had to deal with lots of facets in the past. Here's an example of a page on the site - Here's an example of a facet URL -,-700000000000001001651484832107103,-700000000000001057452564832109109&productBeginIndex:0&orderBy:5&pageView:list& I've been trying to read up on URL parameters etc, I'm new to it so it's taking some time to understand Any advice would be great!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BeckyKey

  • So bear with me here as this is probably a technical issue and i am not that technical.  We have a microsite for one of our partner organisations and recently we have detected that content from our main site appearing in the URLs for the microsite - both in search results and then when you click through to the SERP.  However, this content does not exist on the actual website at all. Anyone have a possible explanation for this?  I have tried searching the web but nothing.  I assume there is something in the set up of the microsite that is associating it with the content on the main site.

    Technical SEO | | Discovery_SA

  • Hi all, Under many title tags, you see a list of sub-pages that Google suggests. So, if you search for Amazon, for example, it'll show you 6 options: Full Shop Directory - Try Prime Books - CDs & Vinyl Your account - Today's deals Can you dictate these choices with markup? Cheers, Rhys

    Local Listings | | SwanseaMedicine

  • Hi, 1.Can someone explain me with an example what is "The weighted number of conversions under the custom selected attribution model"? How Analytics calculate it? 2. If I increase e.g social source for 1.4 in my attribution model, my organic or direct source are loosing that weighted number of conversions. Could it be because of organic or direct getting lower credit, or for some other reason? Ty. Br.

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | Tormar

  • Do you think its better to have a published date AND a last updated date on Posts ? Does google even look if you updated but left the published date old I was thinking of adding a "last updated" field to my articles. But is it worth it? or should I just keep it uncluttered and leave only the last published date? I would think that Google would not notice if I updated a last updated meta field since their is a published date field already.

    Content Development | | ianizaguirre

  • In the past, we contributed to CPAN and have a lot of links from mirror sites as a result. These are legitimate links but I'm wondering if they are holding us back. For those that aren't familiar, CPAN hosts code modules that are freely distributed for Perl programming. The code library is hosted on many mirror sites across the web in an effort to distribute the load of requests for modules when they're installed. The page that exists across multiple sites links a team member's name to our website. For example,, and Same content, different website. Thoughts? Is it worth pursing or disavowing?

    Link Building | | knowmad

  • I post a JavaScript accordion drop down tab [ a collapsible content area ] at the end of all my posts. I labeled the accordion "Show Article Sources"., and when a user clicks it, then the accordion expands open and it shows all the sources I listed for my article. And this is where I post all of my articles links that I reference per each article. But I read somewhere that google crawlers can not read text in a drop down JavaScript tab. So I am wondering now if this is true because that would mean I have no internal linking SEO going on since it cant read the links? ..... if it is true, then I should remove the accordion from all my articles and some how include the links I reference in the actual body text so I can get SEO benefits from external linking similar content? If that's true, what is an aesthetic way to do this, any example links? Tips ? Thoughts ?

    Technical SEO | | ianizaguirre

  • We are in a standard wide niche, my website composes so far of one 7000 word article on spiritual awakening. I have 14 more articles sketched, on various related topics, each 5000-15000 words per article, targething main keywords in the niche. I am qualified to tie the whole niche together and draw new meaning but it takes in debth length. The question is how many 5K-15K page articles would you recommend polishing before launching the thing. Everything is launched, hid from the search engines, and I need to know how many articles to publish before I let the search engines look at my site. Looking for the best thing for long term growth. Thanks.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | BobGW

  • Dear Moz Community, We are operating in a niche market, where there are not so many content marketing options. What we are left with are link exchanging with relevant sites that are on the same topic but to not directly compete with us. Now we know that if we link back to site A and site a links back to us - for google this is not a very good link. But, some of the sites we are exchanging links with, do not know the term follow vs no follow links. My question - if your link is to site A is a no follow link but they give us a follow link - does it mean thats a better option than a follow vs follow. Thanks for help!

    Link Building | | advertisingcloud

  • Hi Moz Community! I've researched Moz to find the answer to this question but nothing for my situation. I'm hoping some experienced SEOs can help me out. Here's the situation: I'm up against some fairly stiff competition for my main keyword - the front page is dominated by major manufacturers with high brand recognition and loads of money, where as my client is a much smaller manufacturer trying to compete. However, their DA is only 37-53 so not impossible to outrank... just many links and a significant advantage. We've honed in on a keyword that still drives good traffic, that's a great term to drive paying customers, and that we can get competitive with. My strategy was to attempt to rank my client's _homepage _for this term, rather than a specific product page, as I knew that they'd have many more links and social shares of their main site. (I've been successful with this strategy before). We've risen 60+ positions for the keyword in the past 3 months, to position 12, but we seem to have plateaued for the past month. We're ranking in top 5 positions for a number of our other keywords, so I know we're trending well. However, I'm concerned that despite our quick rise to #12, I may have made a seemingly fatal decision to rank their homepage for our target keyword term. After we had plateaued for a while, I did a more thorough side by side comparison and found that 8 out of 10 competitors on the front page have 2 main things we don't (and can't, because we're ranking the homepage)... 1-  The keyword in the url (they're ranking for product pages, i.e. 2- Their keyword comes first, or early in the meta title. Ours is _supposed to _, but as you know- Google can do what it likes with your homepage title as it's your brand, so they've put our company name- _then _the keyword we added in the title. e.g. Our Company | The Term We're Ranking For We've done a lot of work, and gained many reputable, high quality links, and we did see a significant rank increase across all our pages. My question is- did I shoot myself in the foot? Or is ranking the homepage still viable in this situation? If ultimately this is going to be impossible to get in the top #5 spots, what can I do to fix it? We've already gained a PA of 38 on the homepage from our work. Or would you let it go and just keep working at it, expecting that eventually we'll break onto the front page? Thanks in advance! Let me know if you need more info. I tried to be general with terms/site for my client's sake.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TheatreSolutionsInc

  • A few things around re-designing an older but well performing site for search and retaining/ improving SEO value. Lots of effort has been put into content marketing and optimising individual pages on this site, it has a lot of links coming in from well-respected sites (but the domain name will remain the same so that shouldn't be an issue) so I'm very anxious about how the redesign will effect ranking, although the new site will be far more user friendly, beautiful, responsive where the old one is not and faster to load. Would really like to avoid the search engine drop when the site first goes live if at all possible- One idea on this was to make the new site live on another domain - for example, whilst keeping the old site up on the .com for a month or so, then switching the records so the new site is then visible on .com and the redirects to it. Does this sound at all sensible?! Also any more advice on how best to ensure the new site will do better, not worse for search is hugely appreciated. We have cut a lot of content to make it more user friendly and easy to find information. We will be making sure all old links are redirected to new site (but as there are fewer pages on new site, will it matter if 5 old URLS point to one new URL for instance?) Also what's the difference between 301 and 302 redirects! Thank you so much in advance, massively appreciated your time!

    Web Design | | Emjmoz

  • Hi all, So we didn't give our previous website much love because we were too busy working on other peoples websites, we paid the ultimate price with our site being hacked. About 8 weeks ago we launched a new website, moved the domain to a VPS hosting platform with a new IP. I've put redirects on all old pages to new equivalents. 2 Crawls have been done through Moz since I launched the site and both returning no improvements on ranking (Im trying to rank for local keywords, previously been on page one for) One keyword in particular says I'm 250, if I look in web master tools I notice I'm ranking for a lot of spam keywords (Brothels and Sauna etc). My question is have I been place on Santa's (Google) naughty list forever? Or is there hope, with time to recover? Any suggestions if not?

    Algorithm Updates | | Demigraphic

  • Can't seem to find an effective way of automating Google business stats (calls, directions, website clicks, ranking) across my SEO client profiles. I'd like to present these stats in conjunction with MOZ aggregated stats. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks,

    API | | FPK

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