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  • Hi all, We recently implemented structured data for reviews, specifically aggregateRating, on a few of our pages as a test. An example page is: Initially, this seemed to work well and we could see the star ratings and review number showing in Google search results. However, now it seems to have disappeared. Search console and the testing tool seem to suggest the structured data looks fine - when I posted this in the webmasters forum, the response I got was that it was because we're trying to mark what google deems a 'person' as a 'local business', which triggers their spam warning. And you can't have reviews for a person, apparently. I guess we're unique in that we're a review platform for professional advisers (for example, financial advisers). So whilst the profile is for a person, it's also a business - the reviews are for the professional services clients receive. Feels unfair to be penalised just because Google hasn't thought of our use case! We'd love to be able to showcase our review content, but feels like we're running out of ideas here. If anyone has any ideas for how we can make this work, it would be hugely appreciated!!

    Reviews and Ratings | | Eric_S

  • Hi all...I'm at a loss. I've never had this happen. Google only shows pages of my site when I search the brand name as one word. When I Google the site as one word BrandBrand- it only shows my blog page and about us page plus Twitter and Facebook on page 1.  The homepage does not show up at all. When I Google the site as two words Brand Brand - My Facebook page is on page 1 but nothing else. The homepage isn't showing up at all. When I search both words on Bing and Yahoo both are indexing it as two words and shows on page 1. Any ideas?

    Technical SEO | | TexasBlogger

  • this guy is ranking on all high volume keywords and has low quality content, he has 1600 ref domains check the attachment how did  he get so many links from single site is he gonna be penalized YD2BvQ0

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SIMON-CULL

  • lets say i have backlink from a site with dr 80 and ur 10 and no.of external links on that page are 5 on the other hand my competitor has same backlink with same dr and ur but on that page there are other 10 external links already and link is 11th who is getting the most juice

    SEO Learn Center | | Sam09schulz

  • I have too many tittle tag issue in site crawl error but when I checked manually for the error there is no title in source code. Please Help me to understand

    Moz Bar | | Nileshaggarwal

  • i have dr 25  and 200 referring domains and ranking for 90 kws in usa. i saw this trend that if you rank for more kws then chances are   that you can rank for those high traffic kws in 1 to 5 positions. what i mean is that it increases your odds ? possible answer1 :increase dr and da both and ur and pa ( ahrefs and moz) i know pagerank matters but these are some metrics  we can look at for right now possible answer 2 : get a lot of backlinks maybe from same site but how does my backlinks can help me to  rank for 1000 kws so that i can have at least 100 kws to rank in position 1 to 5? detailed answers will defi be appreciated

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Sam09schulz

  • When I analyze the site through Moz tool and compare the results with google webmaster, I am not able to figure what why Moz does not report the slow pages. Fro example this page has an avrage LCP of 3.0 sec When I see the report in moz, it does not point to any such issue. Should I be worried about what google reports and try to fix the page?

    Moz Bar | | etattva

  • I am starting a directory website. The biggest issue that I am having is trying to figure out which keywords to use and how to optimize for them. I am using Wordpress and we have overall category pages, such as Hair & Beauty. And then we have filters for users to reach subcategories such as, Skincare. My problem is that these subcategories are not actual pages, when the filter is used it just returns businesses within that category that have been marked to show for that filter. The URL doesn't change or it doesn't take you to a new page. So, I am trying to determine how do I optimize for my subcategory keywords if these aren't technically pages?

    Keyword Research | | JazSimmons

  • For some reason, about a week ago, my clients website nolonger appears on the moz analysis tool ( ) which it previously was. now i get the error "Bummer! No data found for this domain" and now nearly all traffic has also depleted.
    site is still indexed by google & robots isnt blocking any crawlers.
    any idea?

    Moz Bar | | Mike569
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hey I am new to SEO and I have a completely brand new domain can anyone suggest me a way to get high quality backlinks to improve my site ranking ??

    Link Building | | tupwi

  • Hey I have a website where all of a sudden its spam score increased to 14% due to some spammy links and I want to bring that down What all measures I can Pursue ?? Even My da has fallen by 3 points and I am unable to understand how to rectify this

    Link Explorer | | tupwi
  • This question is deleted!


  • my error in dashboard: **Moz was unable to crawl your site on Jul 23, 2020. **Our crawler was banned by a page on your site, either through your robots.txt, the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header, or the meta robots tag. Update these tags to allow your page and the rest of your site to be crawled. If this error is found on any page on your site, it prevents our crawler (and some search engines) from crawling the rest of your site. Typically errors like this should be investigated and fixed by the site webmaster i thing edit robots.txt how fix that?

    Feature Requests | | alixxf

  • دانلود رایگان سریال The 100 - دانلود زیرنویس فارسی سریال صد - دانلود فصل ششم سریال The 100 - دانلود کامل سریال 100 نفر با کیفیت BluRay خلاصه داستان : داستان سریال 100 نفر درباره نود و هفت سال جنگ هسته ای بین انسان ها می باشد که تمدن بر روی زمین را نابود می کند. بازماندگان این جنگ در سفینه ای فضایی زندگی می کنند ولی… دانلود سریال the 100 0b15f6f557c720e088d7ef3d974cc6d6-780-backdrop.jpg

    Web Design | | amir1016

  • Hi mozzers, I wanted to ask you a quick question regarding Google's crawlability of webpages. We just launched a series of content pieces but I believe there's an issue. 
    Based on what I am seeing when I inspect the URL it looks like Google is only able to see a few titles and internal links. For instance, when I inspect one of the URLs  on GSC this is the screenshot I am seeing:  image.pngWhen I perform the "cache:" I barely see any content**:** image.pngVS one of our blog post image.png Would you agree with me there's a problem here? Is this related to the heavy use of JS? If so somehow I wasn't able to detect this on any of the crawling tools? Thanks!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TyEl
  • This question is deleted!


  • For a websites that differ between catalogs (PDPs) what hreflang error causes the least harm? Obviously the best solution is to only have hreflang for shared products, but this takes more work to implement. So when no identical product exists... 1. Hreflang points to 404 or 410 error. 2. Hreflang points to 200 status "Page Not Found" page. This obviously has the additional issue of needing to point back to 100+ urls. I want to avoid having Google decide to ignore all hreflang due to errors as many correct urls will exist. Any thoughts?

    On-Page Optimization | | rigelcable

  • Hi, I am auditing a blog where their goal is to get approved to on ad networks but the whole blog has copied content from different sources, so no ad network is approving them. Surprisingly (at least to me), is that the blog ranks really well for a few keywords (#1's and rich snippets ), has a few hundred of natural backlinks, DA is high, has never been penalized (they have always used canonical tags to the original content), traffic is a few thousand sessions a month with mostly 85% organic search, etc.  overall Google likes it enough to  show them high on search. So now the owner wants to monetize it. I suggested that the best approach was to rewrite their most visited articles and deleted the rest with 301 redirects to the posts that stay. But I actually haven't worked  on a similar project before and can't find precise information online so I'm looking to know if anyone has a similar experience to this. A few of my questions are: If they rewrite most of the pages and delete the rest so there is no repeated/copied content, would ad networks (eg. adsense) approve them? Assuming the new articles are at least as good quality as the current ones but with original content, is there a risk on losing DA? since pretty much it will look like a new site once they are done They have thousands of articles but only about 200 hundred get most visits, which would be the ones getting rewritten, so it should be fine to redirect the deleted ones to the remaining? Thanks for any suggestions and/or tips on this 🙂

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | ArturoES

  • hi, some of my keywords with high volume are ranking on first page in canada, but in the states i am on 3rd pages first result. what factors are contributing this disparity. what can be done here in this case. is it because of my links and tld distribution or some server location thing. what should i do to rank better in the US? i have shared hosting server in singapore.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Sam09schulz

  • hi, some of my keywords with high volume are ranking on first page in canada, but in the states i am on 3rd pages first result. what factors are contributing this disparity. what can be done here in this case. is it because of my links and tld distribution or some server location thing. what should i do to rank better in the US? i have shared hosting server in singapore.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Sam09schulz

  • the reason i dont want to use h1 is because i can have only one h1, however if i use several h2s. is it gonna help me rank? bacause google likes h1 more than h2, is google gonna give more priority or same priority to h2., and if that priority is gonna be less, what will be the percentage of that lessness? for ex: h1 gets 90 score if my h1 is missing how much score my h2 will get out of hundred(i know there is no such metric but i am just wondering anyways)

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Sam09schulz

  • Lets suppose i downloaded a photo from a XYZ website and want to use it on my own website, and also i want to rank for same keyword, and would like to rank just below XYZ site, i know there could be copyright issue. what can be done to avoid this issue. Can i manipulate the picture in a  such way that it is usable. if yes how? How can i use that official websites picture for my website, i mean, can i cite that website as  a source? what is the  best practice in this case? i dont want to use stock photo,i really like xyz sites pics.

    Image & Video Optimization | | Sam09schulz

  • Lets suppose i downloaded a photo from a XYZ website and want to use it on my own website, and also i want to rank for same keyword, and would like to rank just below XYZ site, i know there could be copyright issue. what can be done to avoid this issue. Can i manipulate the picture in a  such way that it is usable. if yes how? How can i use that official websites picture for my website, i mean, can i cite that website as  a source? what is the  best practice in this case? i dont want to use stock photo,i really like xyz sites pics.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Sam09schulz

  • Out of curiosity if for legal reason you or a client were forced to change their domain name, what happens to all of your domain authority once you lose the old domain? While you still own the domain you can easily redirect any old links to your new website, but what happens if you no longer own that domain and someone else purchases it? Do they steal all of your domain authority? Or is it possible to keep those old links pointing toward your website?

    Link Building | | SteveKettig

  • The is a lot of info on the web about how business reviews/ratings improve local search result rankings. However do product ratings or reviews improve PDP/PLP/Homepage (not local) rankings?

    Reviews and Ratings | | rigelcable

  • We have a client with many international locations, each of which has their own ccTLD domain and website. Eg,,,, etc. Each domain/website only targets their own country, and the SEO aim is for each site to only rank well within their own country. We work for an individual country's operations, and the international head office wants to re-use our content on other countries' websites. While there would likely be some optimsation of the content for each region, there may be cases where it is re-used identically. We are concerned that this will cause duplicate content issues. I've read that the separate ccTLDs should indicate to search engines that content is aimed at the different locations - is this sufficient or should we be doing anything extra to avoid duplicate content penalties? Or should we argue that they simply must not do this at all and develop unique content for each? Thanks Julian

    Content Development | |

  • hi, website: The home page goes out of google index for some hours and then comes back. We are not sure why our home page is getting de-indexed temporarily. This doesn't happen with other pages on our website. This has been happening intermittently in the gap of 2-3 days. Any inputs will be very useful for us to debug this issue Thanks

    Technical SEO | | manikbystadium

  • This is my Site  its showing 20. Im commenting on other sites since 10 days and still my DA didnt increase yet

    Link Building | | azadbahi

  • HI, i have changed some h1 and h2 , changed and added paragraphs,fixed plagiarism,grammar and added some pics with alt text, I have just done it today, I am ranking on second page QUESTION-1 is it gonna affect my 2 months SEO efforts? QUESTION -2 Do I have to submit sitemap to google again? QUESTION-3 does changing content on the site frequently hurts SEO?

    Algorithm Updates | | Sam09schulz

  • #index redirect
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,9}\ /index.html\ HTTP/
    RewriteRule ^index.html$ [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} .html
    RewriteRule ^(.*).html$ /$1 [R=301,L] hi anyone please help I use this code but now getting 404 error. please help. homepage and service.html page is working, but the rest pages like about.html, servicearea.html, and contact.html is not working showing 404 error. and also when you type this URL. it automatically remove the .HTML extension and shows 404 error, the pages name in root directory is same. these pages work like and why? i also remove this code again but still same issue.

    Technical SEO | | roynguyen

  • Hello , Everyone I have my own  website crawlmyline we are doing seo from last 2 years but didn't do any spammy work on my my site .Still I won't able to stop the spam score and now my website has 28 % spam score according to the moz.I have taken subscription of moz pro but still i can't understand the process. Can anyone please tell me how to decrease the spam score of website ?

    Technical SEO | | kuldeep_chauhan

  • Every single one of my posts meta descriptions are being overritten with the same meta description! I use Yoast and have proper meta descriptions in my posts, but something seems to be overriding them. Any idea what could be causing this? Thank you!!! Mike

    Technical SEO | | naturalsociety

  • I am trying to identify buttons and links that point to a specific landing page on our website that have a certain word in the anchor text and I would like to know the referring page URL too. Does anybody have an idea on how to do this? We have above a hundred landing pages and I would rather not go through them one by one 😄 Thanks for the help

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | 10to8-Moz

  • So my website about basketball Anime has shown no changes in DA or backlinks. It has been 5 days perhaps since it went live.

    Link Building | | ahmad7475

  • Hey all, have a really strange situation I've never encountered before. I launched a new website about 2 months ago. It took an awfully long time to get index, probably 3 weeks. When it did, only the homepage was indexed. I completed the site, all it's pages, made and submitted a sitemap...all about a month ago. The coverage report shows that Google has discovered the URL's but not indexed them. Weirdly, 3 of the pages ARE indexed, but the rest are not. So I have 42 URL's in the coverage report listed as "Excluded" and 39 say "Discovered- currently not indexed." When I inspect any of these URL's, it says "this page is not in the index, but not because of an error." They are listed as crawled - currently not indexed or discovered - currently not indexed. But 3 of them are, and I updated those pages, and now those changes are reflected in Google's index. I have no idea how those 3 made it in while others didn't, or why the crawler came back and indexed the changes but continues to leave the others out. Has anyone seen this before and know what to do?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | DanDeceuster

  • Dear Experts, I want to make an online store like  and I have a plan to buy 3 more domains like,, and redirect all domain to main domain which is but I want If somebody search from UK so He/she will see domain in search result and If somebody search from UAE so He/she will see domain in search result and same for other extension. How can I safe from duplication multiple domain for one website What would be the SEO strategy should i follow I am hoping a positive reply from your side Thanks

    Technical SEO | | jfdagborrbg

  • I have checked many website which in my office. Have a confusion Does increase in DA increase Moz Trust score? I have a website which is new one and Moz Trust score as of now is 1 only.  Well, most of the projects I'm handling in our office having 2,3,4 in the range.  How this MT value is calculated and does it got any relation with the change in Domain Authoiry or the page authority of a website?

    Moz Pro | | nazfazy

  • I'm new to Moz and SEO. When setting up a new campaign there are some keywords pre-filled. Sometimes there are a lot. Sometimes they are very client-specific rather than for the sector or for a search. Sometimes there are very few poor quality keywords. Should I research keywords so that there are as many as possible relevant keywords when first setting up the campaign or leave it as it is and add keywords later?

    Getting Started | | thepeterlunt

  • Hey there! My client has a website on Shopify. I don't even know how to open this can of worms, but let me try. The site URL is: However, there is another (older?) URL that gets updated as the main site gets updated and shows the exact same content. It's a straight duplicate, but is it's own URL and doesn't redirect to the main site. And this isn't the SITE.Shopify back-end site name that was used for set up initially. I just have no idea what's going on here. Not sure if it's a serious error that needs to be fixed, or if it's something weird with how Shopify work. Any insight would be immensely helpful. Thanks! Mike

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | naturalsociety

  • Hey there, My site had terrible categorization. I did a redesign, and essentially decided to start over using Topics instead of categories - which appear as my site's main navigation. Now I need to assign a Topic to all my posts. Is it safe to assign posts to multiple parent Topics from an SEO point of view? I want to do it since it would be helpful for users to find them in multiple locations some of the time, but I certainly don't want any SEO issues. Also, should I de-categorize all of my posts since I'm assigning them to my new hierarchical taxonomy - Topics? This is very important to finalize. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mike

    Technical SEO | | naturalsociety

  • Hey there, My client has this existing page which ranks for rentals-related keywords that are product type specific - i.e. electric wheelchair rentals, mobility scooter rentals, etc. I recently made a rentals page for each product type to try and really target those keywords that the rentals page is ranking for. Is this a problem? Is the potential nature of the pages competing for the keywords a real issue? Any help is appreciated. Thanks! Mike

    Keyword Research | | naturalsociety

  • i have created a content, want to include target keywords but where do i place them for maxim seo benefit, i am asking this because i have heard looks doesn’t give much credit if the kws are at the end?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Sam09schulz

  • lets say i have 2 percent keyword density in the whole page and another 2 percent are coming from alt texts from images? is that 4 percent, am i exceeding the limit or its fine?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Sam09schulz

  • i have learned that h1 has more value than h2 and h2 has more than h3, but lets say if i want to place my keywords in there. should i include them in the main body or should take advantage of header tags?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Sam09schulz

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