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  • I'm having a huge number of direct traffic on my website. But, I'm not able to know that from where traffic is approaching, like which source or website. 
    I want to know the source of traffic generating on my website? _Can anyone help on how to track this traffic? _ Can you recommend any Tool or some other way to know the source of traffic? Due to direct traffic, the stats of my website are here:

    Moz Pro | | RoseAlvina

  • For past one month, I have been doing some research on how to fix this issue on my website but all my efforts didn't work out I really need help on this issue because I'm worried about this I was hoping that Google will cache or understand the structure of my site and correct the error the breadcrumb is working correctly on desktop but not shown on mobile. For Example take a look at :

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Ericrodrigo

  • Hey guys! I am looking into a site that has multiple category pages. These have descriptions that include relevant KWs. However, the text appears only on the desktop version, not on mobile. If I inspect the page, I still see the text's html tags. The site has been indexed by the smartphone google bot. Is there a chance the text's KWs are being detected by Google? I would think adding the text is the ideal route, but I´d like to see what you think. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | Reprise

  • site: a has PA of 25 , DA of 30 and has 1000 external links. site:b has PA of 5 , DA of 30 and has 5 external links i already know that high PA and DA matters but please explains in terms of those external links mentioned above, because i have heard if  a page has a lot of ext links, the link juice will be given to all the external sites , ultimately juice will be divided.

    Link Building | | calvinkj

  • Hi, Moz community. I hope you’re all OK and keeping busy during this difficult period. I have a few questions about international SEO, specifically when it comes to ranking pages in the UK and the US simultaneously. We currently have 2 websites set-up which are aimed towards their respective countries. We have a ‘.com’ and a ‘.com/us’. If anybody could help with the issues below, I would be very grateful. Thank you all. Issues When looking in US Google search with a VPN, the title tag for our UK page appears in the SERP e.g. I will see: UK [Product Name] | [Brand] When checking the Google cache, the UK page version also appears This can cause a problem especially when I am creating title tags and meta descriptions that are unique from the UK versions However, when clicking through from the SERP link to the actual page, the US page appears as it should do. I find this very bizarre that it seems to show you the US page when you click through, but you see the UK version in the SERP when looking in the overall search results. Current Set-Up Our UK and US page content is often very similar across our “.com” and “.com/us” websites and our US pages are canonicalised to their UK page versions to remove potential penalisation We have also added herflang to our UK and US pages Query How do I show our US SERP as opposed to the UK version in US Google search? My Theories/ Answers US page versions have to be completely unique with content related to US search intent and be indexed separately - therefore no longer canonicalised to UK version Ensure hreflang is enabled to point Google to correct local page versions Ensure local backlinks point to localised pages If anyone can help, it will be much appreciated. Many thanks all.

    Local Website Optimization | | Katarina-Borovska

  • Excuse the basic question. I host my domain and website on Squarespace. I use a specific theme and after doing a site crawl of my site Moz picked up that Pages and Blog posts 'Missing or Invalid H1' tags (450 issues!). I discovered that my Squarespace theme only using H2 tags. Is this a serious issue that affects my search visibility? What would you recommend that I do to fix this, if anything? I'm starting some SEO and lnikbuilding, but wanted to see if this is an issue that I need to consider. Thanks!!!!

    Technical SEO | | twofourseven

  • My website didn't have a privacy policy so I added one and put the link in the footer menu. When I did this, Moz came back telling me that there are a lot of new errors on the site. Is this a bad thing? Do I need to address it? HY59Iks sYyAHCB

    Moz Bar | | elisa17591

  • my competitor is ranking on page 1 of google. he has 3.4 million backlinks and 1400 refering domains. he has aquired these backlinks from various websites, but he doesnot have links from his niche . how do i beat my competition with less backlinks because if i follo his technique, it would  a takea lot of time and people to build backlinks one of my strategy  is to get .edu links second strategy is to have 6000 word content and rank for really low competition keywords related to my website.(  my competitors website has 1500 words content!) any other strategy you can suggest?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | calvinkj

  • Hello, I hope all are well and keeping safe. I am about to launch a brand new website and am looking to get a slight boost of links to get started. I looked on Fiverr, but realise that this may not be the best option. I have found a blog for sale that matches with a section of my niche. SO have a couple of questions: 1. Is it still worth buying blogs and doing a 301? 2. If yes, would it still work if i 301 these to a category of my main blog? 3. According the moz tool, it has a spam score of 2%, I am attaching an image of the spam score from moz. I am a bit lost and would appreciate any feedback on best practice or if anyone has tried something similar. Many thanks Shehzad O92dqn7

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | shehzad

  • for wxamp keyword  A has difficulty of  40 and monthly volume of 100 keyword B has difficulty of 30 and monthly volume of  500

    Technical SEO | | calvinkj

  • if we use low difficulty keywords in our page( url) and that page ranks in google results.will it  help our main page with high difficulty keywords to rank for those difficult keywords , if yes , how?

    Image & Video Optimization | | calvinkj

  • Hi, I have multiple servers across UK and USA. I have a web site that serves both areas and was looking at cloning my sites and using GeoDNS to route visitors to the closest server to improve speed and experience So UK visitors would connect to UK dedicated server, North America - New York server and so on Is this a good way or would this effect SEO negatively. Cheers Keith

    Technical SEO | | Keith-007

  • One of my clients is set on setting up another website targeting some of the keywords/services on the main site. One of the services they offer gets traffic from natural search and also Adwords but doesn't convert well for this service. For other services (which are often utilized at the same time by the customers) the site converts well. My client feels that... "people are not converting on the main site because they click on the page and realise that we are a wider company. From this they probably work out that we don’t actually produce Green Widgets and we just buy them in. Therefore we will be more expensive than a company who does manufacture Green Widgets (although there are only a few in the country who actually make them)." The new site "...will have more of a manufacturer and specialist feel. There will be a small mention of other services. People visiting will think we are specialists and that we make them, whereas at the moment they may feel that they are just being cross sold a product. We have also noticed that we are not being found earlier enough and we are contacted to do other work only to find that another company is providing the Green Widgets." I did something similar back in the day, but here we ran a local website and a national website covering the same products. We tried hard not to duplicate the keywords we targeted minimising this as much as possible. I don't think we cared much about the local site as the national one went crazy busy. In essence, my client wants to do the following: Main Site...
    Blue Widgets Bristol
    Red Widgets Bristol
    Green Widgets Bristol (This would be retained) New Site...
    The new site would focus on Green Widgets In time the new site would include content for...
    Green Widgets
    Green Widgets Bristol (As per the main site)
    Green Widgets Cardiff It would also make mention of Blue Widgets and Red Widgets as possible addons. The new site would be at the same address but have its own companies house registration, emails and phone numbers. My feeling is that we should take an above-board, risk-free approach and remove the Green Widgets service from the main site to ensure it doesn't upset Google. In other words go out of our way to minimise targeting of similar/same keywords across the 2 sites. My client strongly disagrees showing evidence of others using similar tactics (we have had the EMD debate as well). I am also concerned about Google Places and how this might be viewed here. Opinions please, also any idea of what if any action Google would take if we push forwards?

    Local SEO | | GrouchyKids

  • We are rebranding and our new name is fairly lengthy.  We own all main domain versions of our brand name - .com, .new and .org  - There is a very high search volume for the new brand name as it is a merger of 2 popular existing brands so want to take advantage of that and use our full name within our website domain name. However, since the name is a little long as mentioned - 25 characters - we also own the 3 character acronym of the new brand so we are debating on using the acronym for our new email addresses.  ie so it is user friendly. We would obviously redirect the acronym email domain to point to the longer website domain. Are there any negative SEO effects if we do that?  Use the longer domain for the website and shorter acronym for our email? Thank you

    Content Development | | shpala

  • Hi there. I'm pretty new to SEO and I've been doing a fair bit of training but there is one aspect I have yet to grasp. When I carry out keyword research, I get all these results and I understand the metrics. What I'm not getting is, when a competitor is ranking highly for say "where can I buy fresh turkeys", I assume that that phrase must appear somewhere on the page, but it doesn't. I realise I'm just not thinking about this in the right way. Can anyone offer clarification, please? Kind regards, Bruce

    Competitive Research | | BruceBarbour

  • Hey all, Ever since Google announced "Core Web Vitals" are mobile rankings have nose-dived. At first, I thought it was optimisation changes to the page titles we had made which might still be part of the issue. However, Desktop rankings actuallyy increased for the same pages where mobile decreased. There is the plan to introduce a new ranking signal into the Google algorithm called the "core web vitals: and this was discussed around late May. even though it's supposed to get fully indexed into a ranking signal later this year or early next; I think Google continuously test and release this items before any official release. If you weren't aware, there is a section in Google Webmaster Tools related to "core web visits", which looks at:1. Loading2. Interactivity3. Visual StabilityThis overlays some of the other basic requirements of a good website and mobile experience. Taking a look at our Google Search Console, it appears to be the following:1. Mobile- 1,006 poor URLs, 100URLs need improvement and 475 good URLs.2. desktop- 0 poor URLs, 379 need improvements and 1,200 good URLsSOURCE: the report, we can see two distinct issues with the mobile pages:CLS Issue: more than 0.25 (mobile)- 1,006 casesLCP issue: longer than 4secs (mobile) - 348 case_CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)This is a developer issue, and needs fixing. It's basically when a mobile screen jumps for the user. It is explained in this article: to be an issue with all pages. **LCP (Largest Contentful Paint)_**Again, another developer fix that needs to be implemented. It's connected to page speed, and can be viewed here: at GCS, it looks like the blog content is mostly to blame.It's worth fixing these issues and again looking at the other items on page speed score tests:1. Leverage browser caching- mobile score for home page is 16/100, is 15/100I think here is the biggest indicator of the issue at hand. Has anybody else noticed their mobile rankings go down and desktop stay the same of increase.Kind regards,

    Web Design | | robhough909

  • Hey all, SEO noob here, back with another question. I downloaded a link report, and I don't understand the columns Links to Page, Outbound Domains from Page, and Outbound Links from Page. Is Links to Page the number of links from the source page to the target page? Is Outbound Domains from Page the number of domains linked to by the source page? Is Outbound Links from Page the number of outbound links to any domain or page from the source page? Thanks in advance! AK

    Link Explorer | | AndyKubrin

  • I note practitioner listings are in place for certain professionals, so you can list your business address and then your individual name - one under a "practice listing" - the other under a "practitioner listing". As detailed here: But can a self-employed tradesman do the same - for example a carpenter may have their workshop and be available for onsite work, so can they list their "carpentry business/brand name" and then their "personal name" they are also known by? Even if it is the same address.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | LukeRow

  • Hi Moz Community, Thanks in advance for the help! We have a law firm client interested in fully switching their SEO marketing from Criminal Defense to Personal Injury. Our client no longer wants any business for Criminal Defense cases. Background Info: The website for the last 10 years has focused on Criminal Defense (and ranks well). Over the last couple of years we have introduced Personal Injury content on the website and achieved some decent rankings as well. In order to make the website less relevant for Criminal Defense, it had crossed our minds to de-index these specific Criminal Defense pages but still leave them present on the website. Question:  Would you recommend de-indexing all of the pages at once or done in a gradual manner? Our concern it that doing it all at once could affect the overall domain's authority more sharply and harm rankings for any other keywords not involving Criminal Defense.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | peteboyd

  • Hello fellow MOZers, Im having a bit of problem of targeting all the different ways a user could type in their tyre size to google, and what we should put in our meta titles. For instance, We have a page called "205/55 R16" Which seems to be the most used and competitive in SERPs. But this could be written in a number of ways "205/55 R 16" and "205/55R16" I expected all these different ways of writing a tyre dimension to give you the same results in google which isnt the case, We rank in very different positions for these 3 searches. Google also sometimes corrects you sometimes for example "205/55 R 16" google might decide that you meant "205/55 R16" and rather than the usual (Did you mean:....) it shows you results for what google thinks is the right way (205/55 R16)  We want to target these 3 ways of writing a tyre size not just the most common. Sooo, my question is how should we be doing our meta titles, would (205/55 R16 | 205/55R16 Tyres - Longstone Tyres) be classed as keyword stuffing? and if so how do we go for the term"205/55R16", using s? and would that be classed as stuffing? I mentioned 3 ways to write tyre dimensions, but in realty there are many more. See i would've thought google reads the numbers and ignores other characters in between when it comes to all types of dimensions and sized of things, but this doesnt seem to be the case. Any thoughts and advice on this would be massively helpful, Thankyou

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JamesDavison

  • Hey all. SEO noob here, trying to check my understanding. In competitive analysis, is ranking power at the domain level really all about DA? And is DA basically a count of unique inbound follow links, modulated by the authority of the referring source and spam scores? In other words, is ranking power basically a function of DA and PA? I realize on-page and technical factors can also play a role, but authority seems to be key. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Link Building | | AndyKubrin

  • For content that's been loaded onto the page.. but it requires a click for it to be revealed.. as in a slider, or a tab, to save space or for a page's organization.. what are your thoughts on Google counting or weighting this content? It would make sense for Google to give it partial or no weighting as if Google attributes the content to being there, its confusion for the user to land on the page and have to find it/click around to find it.. Sorry if this is an obvious question to SEOs.. I've always assumed as long as it was loaded, it'd be mostly counted.. but I'm beginning to doubt my assumption. Thanks!

    On-Page Optimization | | speedcommerce

  • Hi everyone I've been forced to remove level 4 & 5 categories (e.g.**/level-4/level-5/**) from our website, even though they're getting plenty of traffic, revenue and are ranking for some of our keywords. The argument is customers were using refinement/filters more than clicking into categories, and a new backend system is coming into the business and these need to be removed anyway. We've done this before and seen a drop in visibility, revenue & traffic in these areas, but we're going ahead with another batch of removals anyway. I was wondering if anyone has any experience in fixing a problem like this? I've been told the categories will not be returning and have to 301 them, so need to find a workaround to get eligible for ranking for these Keywords again. I've been looking at using the refinements to make it look like a category (change URL to a clean one, update Page Title, Meta Description, H1, remove text from core page, when refinement is clicked) but not sure what kind of knock-on effects this will have, if it even works! Hope you can help! I've probably missed some details so let me  know if you need more  info!!! Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Frankie-BTDublin

  • Some are in thousands, but it's not always noted and I'm sure there is more than 1 query for a term. Thanks!

    Keyword Research | | rootmktg

  • My competitor has158 ranking keywords but has only 30 anchor texts on his all backlinks. i am only ranking for 2 keywords , how do i increase ranking keywords? whats the strategy?

    Whiteboard Friday | | calvinkj

  • Site: Getting robots.txt timeout fail since 02/29/20.  We've checked our server logs and see no errors.  Went through all the steps of the "Troubleshooter". Updated robots.txt to allow rogerbot full access: User-agent: rogerbot
    Disallow: Any ideas how to get roger to crawl my site????

    Link Explorer | | KPMG-Search-Social

  • i have one dilema if i put targeted keyword in the anchor text(backlink), is that how i am gonna rank for that keyword? i am new to the community. need help and lets say if thats true what will happen in these given cases? case1 site:a has 100 linking domains from 1000 backlinks and they have 100 anchor texts which are all same case 2 site:b has 100 linking domains from 1000 backlinks and they have 50 anchor texts which are all same which one will rank better?

    Whiteboard Friday | | calvinkj

  • site:a has 1500 linking domains and 20000 backlinks site:b has 1500 linking domains and 5000 backlinks does good ratio between linking domains and backlinks works? i am asking only in terms of backlink profile, i know there are more things  than backlink.

    Whiteboard Friday | | calvinkj

  • i learned that having 50 to 60 words in a url is ok and having less words is preferable by google. but i would like to know that as i am gonna include keywords in the urls and i am afraid it will increase the length. is it gonna slighlty gonna hurt me? my competitors have 8 characters domain url and keywords length of 13 and my site has 15 character domain url and keywords length of 13 which one will be prefered by google.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | calvinkj

  • i recently posted a back link but it didnot turn into hyperlink but just a html ahref tag, does it give any link equity? does it behave as  a link because its not clickable?

    Algorithm Updates | | calvinkj

  • Looking at some reports, I found that a client's site has PDFs that are ranking well for niche terms and getting some traffic. What can I do to get more out of them from a marketing standpoint? The obvious issue is that a PDF doesn't have the interactivity of a site visit, where we have analytics and CTAs. Someone has to follow a link back from the PDF to the site for us to even register a visit, let alone try to get their email or have them otherwise convert. My first guess is to make landing page summaries of the PDF content that link to the PDF, and canonical the PDF to the respective landing page. Has anyone tried this, or done something else that they would recommend again in this situation?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | JFA

  • Hi;
    I have a website that had an authoritative domain of 10 but today it has reached 5. I wanted to know what the reason for these changes was.
    need improve my rank in Google my goal keyword . Can you guide my servant? need +5 Domain , and over +50 Page Aithroity .. my site: خریدگیفت کارت

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | tohid1363b

  • i am working on backlinking , i stumbled upon a site whos DA is 90 and spam score is 1%, however that site had last comment 6 years ago, my question is am i still getting any juice since the fact that other people may never go to this in near future, that site looks like an abandoned site.

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | calvinkj

  • Hello, I am in charge of doing a keyword research for several small countries in Europe, namely Hungary, Estonia and Latvia.
    I normally use the Keyword planner for Google Ads, but for Hungarian, Estonian and Latvian this tools seems to find no results for the keywords related to my websites. For example, in Hungarian the keyword "ajak toltoanyagok" ("lip fillers" in English) doesn't give any results (and yes, I am targeting my searches to Hungary and Hungarian). I have the same problems with Latvian and Estonian. Is there another tool that I could use and that could give me better results? Help! Cheers Luca rONwtZt

    Keyword Research | | Lvet

  • Hello, I use a Wordpress theme for displaying mobile and desktop versions separately. The problem is that if you use tools like screaming frog or if you look at the code (view source), you can detect duplicated content. But if you're browsing on your mobile you will see only the content I have created for the mobile version and the same if you're looking at the desktop version, you will only see the desktop content.
    Is this creating an SEO problem? If it is, please let me know why and if it has a solution. Thanks in advance.

    On-Page Optimization | | AlphaRoadside

  • I checked my MOZ account last week to find that my site's Mobile Search Visibility has dropped pretty significantly 4 weeks after an algorithm update.  It has ticked back up some but after weeks and weeks of steady position, it fell. I thought the latest update had affected the visibility but I'm not sure that is the case. One of our competitors ironically jumped UP in Mobile Visibility about as equally as my site has fallen.  I've attached a screenshot of the MSV graph. My site is plotted in BLUE and our competition is plotted in PURPLE. Does anyone have a  explanation or potential reason? 6hsAuD.jpg

    Moz Pro | | SteveZero12

  • i have been working on my link profile for a month now, after learning about 5 step moz methodology i have decided that i would like to change all of the content of my site and taylor it to what my customers need, am i gonna loose all the domain authority if make changes? if it gonna affect, hows that  gonna come out

    Web Design | | calvinkj

  • Our company gets pitched on linking to other websites nearly constantly. Recently, we received an offer to guest post on several sites managed by the same person. These sites aren't really relevant to our website, so my instinct is that we should ignore the offer. However, I would really like more backlinks and maybe I shouldn't turn away this offer.

    Link Building | | GreatLegalMarketing

  • So I have a few questions. A site which has dropped quite dramatically over the last month. There could be a few factors (less regular updates) been one. However, plenty of links spam has happened which some of which appears to be been pointed at an article. That article has been removed.  We also disavowed 800+ links all of which had a spam score of between 100 and 40+  - they all looked ugly and irreverent such as forum spams, wallpapers spams, and junk. Is this the right move to make? What should the site do next? The current score is 4,000 SEMR. It was around 15,000 before. It's an aged site. Less effort is put into it now as the next site is here. Await your replys thanks. 3BCQNi3

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | thewebpreneur
  • This question is deleted!


  • Hi. I need to define the most relevant sites which are talking about a specific keyword ir order to create an PR strategy based on that term. How can I identify those sites?

    Getting Started | | HarolRuiz

  • Our travel website has a number of different places listed. The layout of each place is the same as the next. On place ranks on page 1 for its keywords where as others do not. Is there a tool of some description that may identify why this is.

    On-Page Optimization | | twiguins

  • Hi, I have my site here but it shows no backlinks (have got some from other sites.) Moz is not showing any data about inbound links. Thoughts? Thanks,

    Link Building | | ManyaRoy

  • _ I found that the link from my YouTube channel to my website was do-follow. I checked through Moz bar but no one is indexing it. Why  is it so? _

    Technical SEO | | knoiwtall

  • Hi guys, My name is Flavius and I work for a website named from Romania. In april this year the site was infected with a virus and got around 1k bad backlinks. I found those backlinks on Moz Backlinks Tools. I added them on GSC disawow file. What next steps do you recommend to tell Google to block those links? Cheers!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | nojaflaviusalex

  • hello I do white hat SEO on my site and I Don't do any spamy job on my site but my spam score is 2%. 
    please look at my site and tell me what can I do to decrease it to 0. this is my site.

    Link Building | | nangmbahkoeberaspp

  • The term is tim hallbom The new website is I was under the impression that someone could take over rank for their own name. Let me know what we're doing wrong. Thanks.

    Link Building | | BobGW

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