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  • is offering free subdomains recently, I want to know does it worth the effort to build a few PBN on their free subdomains?

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | Mar28492

  • Hi, I didn't find an answer to my question in the Forum. I attached an example of content carousel, this is what I'm talking about. I understand that Google has no problem anymore with tabbed contents and accordeons (collapsible contents). But now I'm wondering about textual carousels. I'm not talking about an image slider, I'm talking about texts. Is text carousel harder to read for Google than plain text or tabs? Of course, i'm not talking about a carousel using Flash. Let's say the code is proper... Thanks for your help. spfra5

    Technical SEO | | Alviau

  • When I check an URL with Search Console it cannot load some page resources, even from other domains (like:, and
    Have any of you experienced this issue?
    Steps to reproduce: open Google Search Console check an URL click "View crawled page" link select "More info" tab click "Page resources" {?}/{?} couldn't be loaded When I check the listed resources, all of them can be loaded from a web browser.
    So I do not understand why Google cannot load them.
    And there is no additional info why the resources could not be loaded.
    Any ideas? google-search-console-other-error-1.png google-search-console-other-error-2.png

    Reporting & Analytics | | TottiataHUN

  • Hi! As above, I wrote this article  on my medium blog but am now launching my site, I have the post saved as a draft because I don't want to get pinged by google. a) how can I get a canonical tag on medium without importing and b) any issue with claiming the post is original when medium was posted first? Thanks and health, Elliott

    Technical SEO | | OpenMat

  • Hello Friends! I work at a small, local company. We definitely want to rank high for local search , so we see the value of having a local SEO strategy. But does it make sense for us to also invest in a traditional SEO strategy? My understanding is that a traditional SEO strategy is focused on improving your site's visibility on a national or international scale. Does this make sense for my company if only local customers convert? If we had unlimited time and resources, I'd be all for a traditional SEO strategy. I understand that the more traffic, backlinks, etc. my site generates from producing relevant content, the higher my ranking. But my company has to be very strategic about where we spend our time since our resources are limited. So...How much can or does a traditional SEO strategy impact local search results? I'd hate to spend the time writing a beautiful SEO-optimized blog on dog grooming, for example, if that effort won't impact my SERP ranking when someone in my area searches  for "dog grooming near me." I'd love to hear your thoughts!

    Local SEO | | annav052

  • Hi Everyone, I know this has been brought up before, but wanted your opinion for 2020. I have a new client that is hesitant to do a mega menu for their huge site due to the amount of links and "dilution". I have quite a few clients with mega menus with no problems at all from an SEO standpoint. But I can understand his perspective. I am suggesting that we have the main links (looking at GA) as the the navigation, then clicking them takes you to subcategory page listing all the subcats within. Problem is that the developer/designer has made this mega menu already and it is pretty slick. Now they already are killing it search-wise on Google, but don't have a mega menu or a secondary category page. Just a a category with too many products, so we are trying to go one way or the other. Any opinions on which route to best take from a user and SEO perspective?

    Web Design | | vetofunk

  • We have seen two large drops in backlinks (10% drop twice) after the May 4th Google Core update. What can be done to "get them back"? And what is the best way to identify them. We are talking tens of thousands. Any help or insights are greatly appreciated!

    Link Building | | PascalvandenBerk

  • Hello everyone, As Headless Wordpress becomes more and more popular, it becomes more complicated to manage and track 301 redirects. I'm reaching out for advice on this. Our main issue right now, is that after migrating from Drupal to a Headless Wordpress/React platform we lost the ability to track, manage, and view traffic analytics for users hitting those redirects. This was something we were able to do in Drupal. Example: If we have a redirect in place we could see how many times in the past x number of days that redirect was hit by users attempting to access the old URL. Unfortunately, Yoast Premium, has been helpful with other SEO needs, but this is one that it is not able to manage. Anyone have any ideas, experience, or thoughts on this issue? Thanks for your time

    Conversion Rate Optimization | | culturefoundry

  • Hi, I was wondering is negatively influencing the SEO. Woocommerce add-to-cart is, logically, a 302. However, MOZ is alarming that there is a large amount of temporary redirects on my site.  Do I have to act on this or just leave as is? I change the nofollow to follow but not sure if this does more harm then good. Would like to hear some input regarding this issue.

    Technical SEO | | ruevoliere

  • Dear expert,
    I hope that you all are fine 🙂
    Today, I am very confused about improving DA of my client website. For example: He has a domain
    and he wants me to build a backlinks on different internal pages like If i build high quality links on internal pages (service pages) rather than building links on main domain (home page). Does the Domain Authority will increase
    I have to build links on Main page to boost the DA I am hoping a positive reply from your side Thanks

    Moz Bar | | jhfdbeaob

  • The google search console revealed to me that none of my pages was indexed, all pages are listed in the 'excluded' section "duplicate, google chose different canonical than user".
    But in the URL-inspection tab it shows me google-selected canonical: N/A Indexing and crawling is both allowed. Don't know how to get my pages to be indexed correctly. (by the way, they do NOT exist in other languages, so that can't be a reason why google might think they are a duplicate. There's definitively no other version of those pages available)

    Reporting & Analytics | | Fibigrus

  • Hello , I have two website in the same domain but for 2 differents country. Can I put a link in both of them? If yes, should the links be NO follow? here is the two websites : , Thanks in advance

    Link Building | | islam2france

  • Hello all, As title reads, are there any plans for a Moz connector to Google Data Studio to help automate reporting? I'm surprised this doesn't exist already because Data Studio is so heavily used. Thanks in advance. Simon

    Feature Requests | | parkersj

  • hello sir sir i have made quality backlinks but my links are not indexing in moz my website url is . sir since two months i am amking quality backlinks but moz didnt crawled and index please sir its request look at my site . thanks

    Link Explorer | | vidi039

  • I have waited for three days to index my backlinks on moz but still they are not indexed in moz backlink index 😞 How to index backlinks in moz so that I can track all are ok ?

    Link Explorer | | esdda8111

  • If I'm located in Phoenix, and I search for "mobile app development" it automatically adds an implied "near me" to bring up local results first, right? Therefore, I would assume searching "mobile app development phoenix" would garner the same results. It seems targeting "mobile app development phoenix" as a keyphrase is only valuable if I want people outside of Phoenix to find me when searching for mobile app development. Is it correct that focusing on national keywords/phrases ("mobile app development") will improve my ranking nationally AND in my local market? Links to reputable articles support your answer are much appreciated

    Local Website Optimization | | Kitely_Katie

  • We have completed translating our important pages from English to Spanish on our website. I am confused if I should be adding attributes like rel=alternate and hreflang=es to links. On our homepage we have links to our solution pages and the code looks like this: <a  href="">...</a > <a  href="">...</a > <a  href="">...</a > Should I add the attributes rel & hreflang to them? It would look something like this: ... <a <span>rel="alternate" hreflang="es"</a <span> href="">... <a <span>rel="alternate" hreflang="es"</a <span> href="">...

    Technical SEO | | Krtya

  • I have a 10 year old website and I have just recently changed to a https: version and my host ionos setup a 301 redirect. I have noticed on my Moz reports that as well as a 301 redirect there is also a 302. How do I find why I have a 302 redirect? I have looked in my htaccess file and it says:- RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R,L] I'm assuming this is the 301 redirect, where will I find the 302 redirect. Please note that I am using Wordpress that was not setup through ionos. Does anyone know where a 302 redirect could also be installed or how I find why its there or where its coming from? Thanks Andrew

    Web Design | | Ast9858

  • Hi Moz community, Had a question regarding duplicate content that I can't seem to find the answer to on Google. My agency is working on a large number of franchisee websites (over 40) for one client, a print franchise, that wants a refresh of new copy and SEO. Each print shop has their own 'microsite', though all services and products are the same, the only difference being the location. Each microsite has its own unique domain. To avoid writing the same content over and over in 40+ variations, would all the websites be flagged by Google for duplicate content if we were to use the same base copy, with the only changes being to the store locations (i.e. where we mention Toronto print shop on one site may change to Kelowna print shop on another)? Since the print franchise owns all the domains, I'm wondering if that would be a problem since the sites aren't really competing with one another. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | EdenPrez

  • Hi Community, I have optimized GMB like adding keyword-rich content, asking customers to review and putting up more products. But how I can outrank others on Google Map. TBH, I think my listing is more complete and relevant than others but mine just doesn't display when searching for those terms. Please help! Thank you very much!

    Local Listings | | Insightful_Media

  • After exporting Top pages list in Moz Pro, I noticed lots of pages with high PA (page authority) are actually random images (.png & .jpg) and documents (.pdf). Question 1: Should I make a redirect 301 from an image/document to the actual webpage? If not, what should I do to keep the ranking, but point the URL to the correct place? In addition, lots of highly ranking URLs are actually outdated. They are coming from the old website. I switched to the new one more than a year ago. Question 2: If I create a 301 redirect from the old URL to the new one, will I keep the high ranking? Thanks,

    Moz Bar | | Flowrox

  • (root)
    USA - lang="en" | GSC target: USA (shows US site in SERPs for "companyname" search)
    Hungary - lang="hu" | GSC target: Hungary (shows Hungarian site in SERPs for "companyname" search)
    Ireland - lang="en" | GSC target: Ireland (shows US site (doh!) in SERPs "companyname" search)
    NOT RIGHT! It is our theory [please weigh in!] that because we don't have a folder, the TLD targeting (EN) is overriding other English language sites in some manner.  In other words, the reason it's not overriding Hungary is because it's a different language. What must we do to get the Irish site ranked for "companyname" searches and to show by default in Ireland?

    International SEO | | scottclark

  • Hi, I already asked the question on different places. But so far nobody could help me. 
    Hope someone can help me out. If possible.
    I migrated my website to and lost about 80% traffic (see printscreens). It's over more than a month ago now and there is no sign of getting it back up. Maybe there is nothing to do and
    1. I have to be patient and traffic comes back in a few months. 
    2. There is nothing to do and I've lost everything I've build up in the last years. Start over again to get the rankings back.
    or maybe, maybe
    3. I just forgot something that I still need to do to get the rankings back up. Or there is something I did not think of... This is done: The website is migrated 1 on 1. No changes in content, url, code, etc. Everything is exactly the same as on the previous domain. 301 redirects whole domain (via htaccess a bulk redirect). All the old pages, without exceptions, lead to the exact new page. The new domain is running from CDN (Cloudflare) with the same settings as the previous domain. SSL is installed in the exact same way. Domain migration set up in Search console (working). Uploaded new sitemap (working). Updated internal links. Changed the most important external links (where I could get contact after reaching out) In meanwhile received some new external links and also posted new content Anybody knows what to do? Or do I just have to be more patient and will it come back in a few months by itself? Looking forward to suggetions. Thanks! Gerjan Migratie-Meditatie-Instituut-2048x786.jpg verloop-sinds-de-start-2048x355.jpg

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Dennis1992038

  • Hello there Moz community! Moz has been super helpful for me and the team, keep up the good work! I have searched online for answers regarding my specific situation, but I haven't found any. I'm asking my fellow Moz users in hopes of an answer. Maybe this thread will help others too. I currently have this domain: I would like to target Ireland and the UK with my keywords so I have just bought eco-reusable**.IE** and eco-reusable**.CO.UK** My questions are: 1. In order to rank as high as possible for Ireland, do I create a new website for using the same pages but changing all the content slightly so it is not duplicate content OR do I point the domain to By having two sites, we will add more hours but we don't mind if that will be of benefit in the longrun for ranking high in Ireland. I have the same question for
    If we have to create three websites and make similar content (not duplicate), we will if it will be better for ranking high in ireland for .ie, in the UK for and for the rest of the world for .com 2. If we create three websites, can I safely "copy/paste" my blog posts without being punished by Google for duplicate content? If so, how much variation do we have to have for each of the three sites if we are writing blogs that are the same context. Thank you in advance! 🙂

    Local Website Optimization | | Gael_Regnault

  • Hi everyone I have a question and I hope you can help me or at least introduce some moz post to me.I want to have high rank in google image so I use a descriptive alt text and image title. I used related content and keyword for my pictures but there still some issue should I use the exact keyword in my header and content?and repeat them OVER AND OVER ?can you help me with this issue?

    On-Page Optimization | | talaabshode2020

  • Hello! I hope someone can help me...I've researched my keywords (long and short tail) for my articles but they are showing up as no ranking keywords. It looks like I've only got a few of my 15 articles which actually have keywords within - and I'm not sure why! Please can someone advise? Thank you.

    Keyword Research | | JessicaSilver

  • I"m trying to fix 4xx errors but I"m not finding the pages in my admin.  Where can I find this page?

    Technical SEO | | carlbrekjern

  • Hi I am coming from Ahrefs and Moz plans need serious update about the limits especially rank tracking. Ahrefs is providing more keywords $0.08/keyword (5000 keywords for the advanced plan) and update interval of 3 days. Moz large plan is $0.13/keyword  with intervals of 1 week. Can this be looked into? Hopefully Moz can improve the limits for keywords ranking/tracking. In 2020 where many rank tracking tools provide daily update, 1 week is a bit ridiculously long. Hopefully Moz can make some improvement in this area,

    Feature Requests | | EdmondHong

  • Moz says missing meta description, however the meta description exists properly (using yoast plugin) eg of link reported by moz for missing meta description : It is giving same error for many blog posts, as same time, for some articles the issue isn't reported. Although the method for meta description is same for all the posts. Can anyone explain if its a common bug in moz site analysis or I am following something wrong ?

    On-Page Optimization | | basezap

  • why do i get a difficulty and CTR score in keyword explorer when there is no min or max monthly volume on a search term?

    Moz Bar | | eezysee

  • Hi I am having problems with the spam score of my links. Although I have removed the "bad ones" and disavow them in many cases, it is still showing a bad score. My site is Is there any way to improve this faster? Thanks!

    Link Building | | way2netseo

  • While doing text Google searches for various keywords I have found two sites that have scrapped pages from my site which goes by an old URL of and a new URL of is one of the sites and if you try to visit that site or any of the scrapped Google index listing, Chrome warns you not to. How can I ask Chrome to deindex or another scrapper site, or atleast deindex the URLs which have clearly scrapped my content?

    Technical SEO | | DougHartline

  • I haven't seen this written about in some time. Has anyone had any experience dabbling in this?

    On-Page Optimization | | gregvellante

  • Hi all, My client suffered a malware attack a few weeks ago where an external site somehow created 700 plus links on my clients site with their content. I removed all of the content and redirected the pages to the home page. I then created a new temporary xml sitemap with those 700 links and submitted the sitemap to Google 9 days ago. Google has crawled the sitemap a few times but not the individual links. When I click on the crawl report for the sitemap in GSC, I see that the individual links still have the last crawled date from before they were removed. So in Googles eyes, that old malicioud content still exists. What do I do to ensure Google knows the contnt is gone and redirected? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | sk1990

  • Hi There, I have experienced a strange and sudden drop in rankings for main keywords for a website that has not been penalized (that I am aware of), has a great site speed, does not contain duplicate content and has not had a sudden drop in links. I can't explain this sudden drop in rankings. The site was ranked between #1 - #6 across: Custom Mouthguards Brisbane, Dentures Brisbane, Denture Implants Brisbane, and Brisbane Denture Clinic to name a few. Not only was this a drop in regular SERPs but also local Google Map listings, where the website was previously #1 - #3, and now never comes up. I can't figure out what has gone wrong with the website to completely lose all rankings. Any troubleshooting or help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, 

    Local Website Optimization | | Kim_Lazaro

  • It keeps saying I need to log in, but I'm already logged in, does anyone know a solution? I already tried disabling and enabling, removing and downloading the bar,shutting down, and restarting chrome, and even restarting the computer.

    Moz Bar | | OMteam

  • Hi there! I have a problem that I was hoping someone could help me with. On google search console, my website does not seem to be indexed well. In fact, even after rectifying problems that Moz's on-demand crawl has pointed out, it still does not become "valid". There are some of the excluded pages that Google has pointed out. I have rectified some of the issues but it doesn't seem to be helping. However, when I submitted the sitemap, it says that the URLs were discoverable, hence I am not sure why they can be discovered but are not deemed "valid". I would sincerely appreciate any suggestions or insights as to how can I go about to solve this issue. Thanks! Screenshot+%28341%29.png Screenshot+%28342%29.png Screenshot+%28343%29.png

    Algorithm Updates | | Chowsey

  • Hi all. New here, so please be gentle. 🙂 I've developed a new site, where my client also wanted to rebrand from to .nz On the source ( domain, I've setup a load of 301 redirects to the relevant new page on the new domain (the URL structure is changing as well).
    E.G. On the old domain:
    In the HTACCESS on the old/source domain, I've setup 301's (using RewriteRule).
    So that when ****myonlinestore/t-shirt.html is accessed, it does a 301 to; All these 301's are working fine. I've checked in dev tools and a 301 is being returned. My question is, is having the 301's just on the source domain only enough, in regards to starting a 'Change of Address' in Google's Search Console? Their wording indicates it's enough but I'm concerned, maybe I also need redirects on the target domain as well? I.E. Does the Search Console Change of Address process work this way?
    It looks at the source domain URL (that's already in Google's index), sees the 301 then updates the index (and hopefully pass the link juice) to the new URL. Also, I've setup both source and target Search Console properties as Domain Properties. Does that mean I no longer need to specify that the source and target properties are HTTP or HTTPS? I couldn't see that option when I created the properties. Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | WebGuyNZ

  • Hi all, Our website has undergone both a redesign (with new URLs) and a migration to HTTPS in recent years. I'm having difficulties ensuring all URLs redirect to the correct version all the while preventing redirect chains. Right now everything is redirecting to the correct version but it usually takes up to two redirects to make this happen.  See below for an example. How do I go about addressing this, or is this not even something I should concern myself with? Redirects (2) <colgroup><col width="123"><col width="302"></colgroup>
    | Redirect Type | URL |
    | | 301 | 301 | | This code below was what we added to our htaccess file. Prior to adding this, the various subdomain versions (www, non-www, http, etc.) were not redirecting properly.  But ever since we added it, it's now created these additional URLs (see bolded URL above) as a middle step before resolving to the correct URL. RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.(.*)$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%1/$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] Your feedback is much appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help. Sincerely, Bethany

    Technical SEO | | theyoungfirm

  • Hi there, my website is - a site which helps users find hotels close to concert venues.  I have a hotel listing page for every concert venue on my site - about 12,000 of them I think (and the same for nearby restaurants). e.g. Each of these pages list the nearby hotels to that concert venue.  Users clicking on the individual hotel are brought through to a hotel (product) page e.g. I made a decision years ago to noindex all of the /hotel/ pages since they don't have a huge amount of unique content and aren't the pages I'd like my users to land on .  The primary pages on my site are the /venue-hotels/ listing pages. I have similar pages for nearby restaurants, so there are approximately 12,000 venue-restaurants pages, again, one listing page for each concert venue. However, while all of these pages are potentially money-earners, in reality, the vast majority of subsequent hotel bookings have come from a fraction of the 12,000 venues.  I would say 2000 venues are key money earning pages, a further 6000 have generated income of a low level, and 4000 are yet to generate income. I have a few related questions: Although there is potential for any of these pages to generate revenue, should I be brutal and simply delete a venue if it hasn't generated revenue within a time period, and just accept that, while it "could" be useful, it hasn't proven to be and isn't worth the link equity.  Or should I noindex these "poorly performing pages"? Should all 12,000 pages be listed in my XML sitemap?  Or simply the ones that are generating revenue, or perhaps just the ones that have generated significant revenue in the past and have proved to be most important to my business? Thanks Mike

    Technical SEO | | mjk26

  • Hi all! I work for a company who have 6 different brands in the same industry targeted at different demographics. Some of them have a lot of history and are well known and respected, others are newer targeted at different price points/ types of people. I've been asked to input on there ongoing web strategy; should they use sub domains or individual branded domains. Previously that had separate brand domains but a new MD wanted to bring everything together into one website. The branded domains were redirected to the new site and it has been going along fine, albeit having lost 1/3rd or so organic traffic. Now a new management team has been brought in and they want to re-structure the website again to put more focus on the brands. Any new website will be on a brand new domain anyway as they are also re branding their main website. What will work better, separate branded domains or sub domains of one website? From what I understand, SEO won't be much different between the two options, but it feels like the bigger historical brands should have individual websites purely from a branding perspective. Thanks for any input!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | RemarkableAgency


    Link Explorer | | majid12345

  • Sometimes I write a post for another site and then post the first 1/3rd on my site to help promote it. Is this a bad idea? When I do that should I be adding a canonical link to the original post? Should I have /make sure the 3rd party site does something? Is there anything else I should do? Thanks in advance.

    Branding | | mcarroll

  • Hello, If I have multiple sub-category of the same name ? does that affect SEO for example I have the following category structure? domain/bmw/series5/2006.html domain/bmw/series5/2007.html .. etc domain/bmw/series3/2007.html domain/bmw/series3/2006.html  ..etc domain/Acura/cl/2006.html domain/Acura/cl/2007.html .. etc I do use canonical url because I may have the same product in multiple categories but my question does google penalize me because I have the same (year) url key for multiple categories  even though I use canonical url ? do I have any advantage in masking them filters vs sub-category from SEO point of view ? specially my goal is to have different meta title and meta description for each sub category ?

    Algorithm Updates | | LKCservicesINC

  • If I redirected my previous domain to my new domain, how can I tell moz that the previous domain is redirected?

    Link Explorer | | LannaRosse

  • I am looking for a company or person to assist me on the technical aspect of improving our site speed and resolving so errors that MOZ is reporting.  For instance, we have an old URL domain that we retired when we consolidated 2 websites.  We pointed (mapped) the old site pages to the current website, is this redirect helping (links) or hurting us?  Can anyone recommend someone I can hire to help me with this project?

    On-Page Optimization | | JulieALS

  • Hi we are targeting local cities across the UK with landing pages for our website.  We have built up a few links for and recently advised that I should change the URL to  and 301 directing the old one 2 questions really: 1.  is there any benefit in doing this these days in that this is the main keyword target we have for this page? 2. Do I get 100% benefit for all the links built up on the old page

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Caffeine_Marketing

  • Hi all, We have recently implemented the structure for our breadcrumbs. In our breadcrumb we include a link to the homepage. Since implementation I'm receiving the following error in Google Search Console: Either "name" or "" should be specified The error is being triggered because we don't have itemprop="name" defined for the homepage on each page. Our breadcrumbs look good in search but I'm wondering if anybody else has experienced this error and what can we do to fix it. Should itemprop="name" be our Brand name? Or should we define this as our root domain? Thanks in advance

    Technical SEO | | Brando16

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