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  • Hello there,  I have a wordpress website with a woocommerce plugin. I have 4 landing pages that describe my products and at the end of the pages, I have a CTA to my product page.  is it bad for SEO? my website:

    On-Page Optimization | |

  • I was going to purchase an expired domain but then I came to know that it has been redirected to some other website. I have two questions: Can I build a website around this domain if I purchase it? and will the Domain Authority remains the same ? Can I redirect it to my own site? and will all the Link Juice flow to my site?

    Industry News | | Kamranktk

  • All pages are secure on my website now. Some of my pages listed on Google are now and some are Which format should I use and why?  (with www or without?) I want to give Google a new site map URL in the Google search console? Yes I know both URLs go to the same page.

    Technical SEO | | Audio-Bible

  • Dear All, I have personal finance website and the traffic dropped by less than half of what is was before last three months. I am figuring out all the possible issues and doing everything that comes to our mind to improve the quality of our website. I tried the following before posting here:1. Tried contacting website owner which we  think spam and add all such domains to our disavow list2. We found little duplicate content on sites like Quora, we made those answers down by reporting to Quora3. Reported to DMCA on 3 articles articles(partial) from our website.4. We are trying improving user experience5. Removed one of our page that shared by many people but our page was not indexed by Google.6. Checked and modified content if any our articles are having more keywords than what SEO experts recommend.  7. We are working on researching more and figuring our what else can might have gone wrong with our traffic.8. Working on improving EAT I attached our traffic drop graph. I believe this drop is not natural it happened because of some issue at our end and we are not able to figure out the exact reasons.Surprisingly another site with not so high quality content started ranking now in the top.I am here to get community members/experts help on this. I could provide you if you need any further details. Thanks a lot for your time. We really appreciate any tips that you can share with us.Q2S1tlK Q2S1tlK

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | swamyallamraju

  • Hi Team, I'm Abhinay Penta, I used moz a month back with free subscription and never returned back to the website since then but I've been charged 179 USD(244.07 CAD) without any notification or reminder on 22nd September 2019. _I tried reaching you over phone,  but no contact number is available on web, I request for the refund, since I'm not going use your services anymore and would like to cancel my subscription permanently. _ _ Regards, Abhinay Penta_

    Product Support | | Abhinbite

  • The website FAQ page we are working on has more than 50 FAQs. FAQ Schema guidelines say the markup must be an exact match with the content. Does that mean all 50+ FAQs must be in the mark-up? Or does that mean the few FAQs we decided to put in the markup are an exact match?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | PKI_Niles

  • Hey everyone. 
    Im new to the community and new to backlinks - hence the question to the community today.
    I would like help understanding options and work load around back links and removing them.
    I have a client with over 8000 back links as a few years ago he paid someone about £10 to boost his rankings by adding thousands of backlinks.
    We fear this is having a bad effect on their site and rankings organically as 90% of these back links have a spam score of over 50% and also no follows. My questions to the community (if you could be so kind to share) are:
    1. Whats the best way to decide if a Backlink is worth keeping or removing
    2. Is there a tool to decide this or assist with this somewhere on the internet? Ive had advise stating if its not hurting the page we should keep it. However, again...
    How do I know what damage each Backlink is causing to the domain? I appriciate anyones time to offer some advice to a novice looking to clear these

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | TheITOteam

  • Working on a site with a slider on the homepage, I dislike them but owner wants to keep in place. Currently, the slider has 4 slides with different images but the same text, so the slider has 4 slides with 4 identical H2 tags and accompanying text. There is no H1 tag on the page at all. It seems to me that a better solution would be to change the first slide to be H1 (with the target keyword) and rework the text in the other slides as H2 tags to appeal to the user. This does mean that the H1 and H2 tags in the slider would be styled the same. Is this a sensible approach?

    Web Design | | GrouchyKids

  • Hi there, This is specifically for the Moz support team, on one of my SEO campaigns the Ranking dashboard shows that there 19 keywords moved up - but - the PDF shos that 32 keywords have moved up. Why the discrepancy, please?

    Product Support | | jasongmcmahon

  • Hi. I currently have 150 backlinks, 90% of them are dofollow, while only 10% are nofollow. I recently hit position #10 for my main keyword, but now it is dropped to #16 and a lot of related keywords are gone. So I have a few questions: 1. Was my website penalized for having an unnatural backlink profile (too many dofollow links), or maybe this drop in positions is just a temporary, natural thing? 2. Isn’t it too late for making the backlink profile look more natural by building more nofollow backlinks and making it 50%/50%? Thank you!

    White Hat / Black Hat SEO | | NathalieBr

  • I'm currently on the free month trial period for Moz Pro and I will probably cancel the account before the free period ends, but if I want to renew my subscription later, what happens to all the previous data? And does all the keyword research I've done disappear when I cancel it, or is it restored when I renew the subscription? Any insight is helpful! Thank you!

    Getting Started | | TeamOneRep

  • We have a real estate website in which agents and builders can create their profiles. My question is shall we use h1 or h2 tags in business profile pages or make them according to web 2.0 standards? In case header tags are used,  if two agents have the same name and we have used h2 tag for them, then search result page will end up having two same h2's. Can someone please tell me the right way to manage business profiles in a website? Thanks

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dailynaukri

  • Hi All, I am fairly new to the technical side of SEO and was hoping y'all could help me better understand the purpose of dynamic rendering with index.html pages and any implications they might hold for SEO. I work to support an eComm site that includes a subdomain for its product pages: I recently learned from one of our developers that there are actually two sets of product pages - a set of pages that he terms "reactive,"  that are present on our site, that only display content when a user clicks through to them and are not retrievable by search engines. And then a second set of static pages that were created just for search engines and end in .index.html. So, for example: AND I am confused as to what specifically the index.html pages are doing to support indexation, as they do not show up in Google Site searches, but the regular pages do. Is there something obvious I am missing here?

    Technical SEO | | Lauren_Brick

  • If we add the <track> tag next to a html5 video, with a Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT) file for video subtitles / captions will google visit that and index it?

    Image & Video Optimization | | ismgadmin

  • Hi Moz Pros! I have been reading on the board for quite some time, despite all the insights you all share with us in the SEO world. I have a nut I can't crack and thought I would ask. Does any guru here know the factors google uses when they choose sites to add to GEO specific SERPS on a general query? Here is an example.  "Car insurance companies" Also attached.
    I live in Austin obviously 🙂 Thanks for any input you'd be willing to share! 5Brenxf

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | TicksTire

  • BACKGROUND: We are developing a new multi-language website that is going to have: 1. Multiple directories for various languages:
    /en-us, /de, etc....
    2. Hreflang tags
    3. Universal footer links so user can select their preferred language.
    4. Automatic JS detection of location on homepage only, so that when the user lands on /, it redirect them to the correct location. Currently, the auto JS detection only happens on /, and no other pages of the website. The user can also always choose to override the auto-detection on the homepage anytime, by using the language-selector links on the bottom. QUESTION: Should we try to place a 301 on / to point to en/us? Someone recommended this to us, but my thinking is "NO" - we do NOT want to 301 /.  Instead, I feel like we should allow Google Access to /, because that is also the most authoritative page on the website and where all incoming links are pointing.  In most cases, users / journalists / publications IMHO are just going to link to /, not dilly dally around with the language-directory. My hunch is just to keep / as is, but also work to help Google understand the relationship between all of the different language-specific directories.  I know that Google officially doesn't advocate meta refresh redirects, but this only happens on homepage, and we likewise allow user to override this at any time (and again, universal footer links will point both search engines and users to all other locations.) Thoughts?  Thanks for any tips/feedback!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | mirabile

  • Hi!' So, in Google's general guideline for structured data, it's stated that the webmasters must "provide original content that you or your users have generated." If I were to write an article about post similar to stuff like "how to get a driver's license" or  "how to apply for an accounting license", which requires looking up  information from official and non-official sources. After researching, I compiled the information I found and wrote a few blog posts. Are these considered original content? Can I apply structured data to these posts without Google penalizing them? Thanks!

    Technical SEO | | EverettChen

  • I have listings that I need disconnected from my main Google My Business account. I can close, or remove which is similar as closing,  but the goal is not to close the listings, just to remove the association to my google account, and im not transferring the listing as well. Anyone know how to accomplish this? Goal is to clean up old listings that are exist but I dont manage Thanks for all the help

    Local Listings | | vmialik

  • NSFW ALERT (LINK BELOW) We are changing the shopping section of our website. Currently the products sit on our own website and when a user goes to checkout they are taken to Mals (a shopping cart site). This means our URL’s look like this. NSFW new software is Ecwid and we are using this with a site created in RapidWeaver so the URLs will not be clean and will have all ? And # parameters. I’m wondering if this will hurt the SEO of our whole site or just the product pages. I’m also unsure of how best to deal with the current URLs. Should I use a 301 redirect on all of them to take the user back to the home page of the shop. For us the shop is more of a catalogue. Our main website is the most important part but I want to make sure we are following best practice when making this change. Hope someone can help.Many thanks

    Technical SEO | | AprilN

  • I have 2 websites: a UK health blog covering a wide range of topics (professional medical advice, diets, mental health), core business, strong brand, content ranks well, lots of valuable traffic, only 100 external links but all of good quality. We also sell some of our UK consultancy services on the site. small niche blog just covering fitness, every page has robots=noindex, 100x more traffic, 100% of traffic is from 500,000 external links on other websites talking about fitness matters (these range from spam to medium quality) , 95% of traffic is from countries we cannot serve, probably only 1% of the remaining 5% of traffic would be considered our target market, but the main concern is that the content is very out of date and should anyone see, it would be damaging to the UK health blog My dilemma is what do we do with the fitness website to make most business use, while ensuring little maintenance? Suggestions have been: Keep fitness blog running but make very basic content updates and remove robots=noindex Redirect fitness website urls to appropriate pages on UK health website We are on the verge of choosing option 2 but I have some SEO concerns about the impact of the redirects on the UK health website. Due to the volume of external links which mostly all reference 'fitness', is there any risk through redirects that Google might start thinking the UK health website is just about fitness? If so, is there any way to prevent this through certain redirects eg 307? Also with the fitness website having some spam related external links, is there any risk to the UK health website if these aren't disavowed before redirects are setup? If so, on which website should these be done? Thanks!

    International SEO | | tah06

  • Hi, We have found that one of our key webpages has been fluctuating between page 2 and page 6 of Google SERP for around 2 weeks. Some days it will be on page 6 in the morning and then page 2 in the afternoon. We have recently updated some copy on the page and wondered if this could be the cause. Has anyone else experienced this? If so how long was it before the page settled? Thanks.

    Algorithm Updates | | nfrank

  • _Hello everyone....I am in the midst of a huge battle and Moz is my intelligence headquarters. Unfortunately, I just experienced a 76% drop in my search visibility after having had a hopeful increase over the past month. I have done nothing with the web site accept for add quality content. No links, no nada. _

    Algorithm Updates | | MattBanes

  • I have placed content on a partner site using the same content that is on my site. I want the link juice from the site and the canonical tag points back to my site. However, they are also using the original source tag as they publish a lot of news. If they have the original source tag as the page on their site and the canonical as mine, is this killing the link juice from the canonical and putting me in jeopardy of a duplicate content penalty?  Google has already started indexing the page on their site with the same content.

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | SecuritiesCE

  • Hi Moz Community, I've recently created several new pages on my site using much of the same copy from blog posts on the same topics (we did this for design flexibility and a few other reasons). The blogs and pages aren't exactly identical, as the new pages have much more content, but I don't think there's a point to having both and I don't want to have duplicate content, so we've used 301 redirects from the old blog posts to the new pages of the same topic. My question is: can I go ahead and delete the old blog posts? (Or would there be any reasons I shouldn't delete them?) I'm guessing with the 301 redirects, all will be well in the world and I can just delete the old posts, but I wanted to triple check to make sure. Thanks so much for your feedback, I really appreciate it!

    Technical SEO | | TaraLP

  • I have purchased a new domain ( )  from GoDaddy, before 15 days, and i just writing daily 1 article on my site, without any SEO, or backlinks, but now when I see in Moz spam score of my site after 15 days it shows 40+ without any links. How to reduce it, and whats the problem is, I don't understand.Please help me.5Vc6zl8

    Moz Pro | | bhavierureu

  • EX:– Tagged "Alcatel", when I run audits, I come across these URLS that give me duplicate content and missing H1.  This is Canonical: https://www.STORENAMEcom/collections/all-deals/alcatel Any advice on how to tackle these I have about4k in my store! Thank you

    Technical SEO | | Sscha003

  • For the brand new blog, Is it hard to rank keywords using difficulty level 25 - 35 keywords?

    Keyword Research | | OECSL2019

  • Hey This is an unusual one I guess and one we've scratched our heads on for ages without reaching any definitive answer, so would be very grateful to the Moz community for some thought and guidance! Client website: This is a professionally run, therapeutic health business offering on-demand ("mobile", ie visiting customers at their homes) massage service. Importantly, please note again (you'll see why in a minute) the exact URL and the fact that this business, our client, is a registered therapeutic health and wellness business (ie it is genuine, real, massage services). The business has been around for about 10 years and used to rank very highly for many dream keywords for their industry. However, several years ago they got approached by a domain reseller offer to sell them "" (ie the same name but without the "The" at the beginning) for a few thousand pounds.  They rejected the offer. Interesting Aside: This happened a short while before the Facebook movie was launched ... if they'd seen that movie perhaps they would have accepted! (Facebook was originally called The Facebook but then one of the key investors advised them to drop the "The"! Anyway, unfortunately for them, that offered domain name ( was then sold to an online adult video services company. Soon after, rankings started to suffer. Today, have a technically very clean site (great scores on Google LightSpeed etc), with regularly updated relevant health and wellness content. They are doing ok in terms of rankings but no where near as well as many of their competitors who on the face of it seem to have significantly worse on and off-page scores as well as many spammy links. Also, have a much better Moz DA then those competitors that are ranking better. The big question is whether the existence of an adult services website, with such a similar name is causing them issues in search results? Especially since many people (regular customers and even their own staff), do search for TheMassageRooms (ie the therapeutic health and wellness company) by only typing "massage rooms". So, there is a clear argument for saying "The Massage Rooms" = "Massage Rooms" in many respects, even through the two URLs which match these exact terms lead to very different businesses. Of course, one solution, might be to change the URL and 301 redirect everything. But would that actually make a difference if the actual issue is that Google's algorithm is somehow connected "" (adult site) with "" (our client's health and wellness site). Also it seems a bit drastic to ask them to change a 10 year established brand name etc.

    Algorithm Updates | | AmerTMR

  • Hello, I am wondering where I can change the date of Crawl by Moz. I would like to change this crawl period from one week to 2 or even 3 weeks for Moz to crawl my website. Hope to hear from anyone soon. Kind regards, Koen.

    Getting Started | | Koenniiee

  • Hello How Can avoid Spammy links

    Link Explorer | | LokeshMoz

  • For exemple we set a UK  subdomaine for : Does having a subdomains UK affect SEO in UK google results? How this should be set up correctly?

    Local SEO | | mounirigomorocco

  • Hi there, Google is up to mass spamming, the latest one refers o an Enhancements > Breadcrukbs report, the message is: "...Google systems show that your site is affected by 24 instances of Breadcrumbs markup issues. This means that your Breadcrumbs pages might not appear as rich results in Google Search. Search Console has created a new report just for this rich result type..." I've used their Structured Data Testing Tool, no errors were highlighted. Can anyone fathom out what they're referring to, please?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jasongmcmahon

  • Our team's website is built in Word Press, but we use Hub Spot as our CRM. We are trying to determine if building landing pages in Hub Spot is going to hurt our SEO efforts and if it's better to build directly on Word Press.

    On-Page Optimization | | MerlinLaw

  • Hello Guys, I have a question about GMB best practice for a physical location, it actually applies to two sites I have. 1. A predominantly online fitness site but with two 'clinic' locations, which are rooms i hire and cannot claim the location. 2. An in-person fitness service, with no physical location, other than my actual home, and 10-20 location pages that have in the past (pre-GMB) ranked quite well. My question really is, what is best practice here, how to you deal with multiple locations when you cannot actually verify you own them, because they are just areas you work in, run classes or meet clients etc? Thank You!

    Local Listings | | scott_laidler

  • Hi mozzers, I  discovered that Amazon is crawling our site and exploring thousands of profile pages. In a single day it crawled 75k profile pages. Is this related to AWS? Is this something we should worry about or not?  If so what could be a solution to counter this? Could this affect our Google Analytics organic traffic?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Ty1986

  • Hi, wondering if anyone can point me to resources or explain the difference between these two. If a site has url parameters disallowed in Robots.txt is it redundant to edit settings in Search Console parameters to anything other than "Let Googlebot Decide"?

    Technical SEO | | LivDetrick

  • My company is a healthcare organization that has two brands, one that's our 'system' and is mainly adult health services and the other is pediatric only focused care. Both have separate websites. Our SEM is managed by an outside agency. We're in the process of linking our Google Search Consoles to the Adwords account. Our GSC has both of the sites as separate properties, but the Adwords account has all of the campaigns for both brands under one account. Is it possible to link both of the GSC properties in the Adwords account to be able to get accurate information for the Paid & Organic report in Adwords?

    Paid Search Marketing | | Kyleroe95

  • I built my website via square space.  It is my name.  If you google my name it was the number one hit. Suddenly 2 weeks ago it doesn't show up AT ALL.   I went through square spaces SEO check list, secured my site etc.  Still doesn't show up.  Why would this happen all of the sudden and What can I do? Thank you!

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | Jbark

  • Hello, I have a problem related to 3 website that we are publishing in Belgium. 90% of the content will be exactly the same. The domain names are going to be (content in NL) (content in FR and DE) (content in FR and NL) My problem is that I will have duplicate content in French between and and duplicate content in Dutch between and The granularity of hreflang language annotation and geotargeting in the Google Search Console is at the country level. How can I do that at the regional level?

    Local Website Optimization | | Lvet

  • We have a website where we do job postings. We manually add the data to our website. The Job Postings are covered by various other websites including the original recruiting organisations. The details of the job posting remain the same, for instance, the eligibility criteria, the exam pattern, syllabus etc. We create pages where we list the jobs and keep the detailed pages which have the duplicate data disallowed in robots.txt. Lately, we have been thinking of indexing these pages as well, as the quantum of these non-indexed pages is very high. Some of our competitors have these pages indexed. But we are not sure whether doing this is gonna be the right move or if there is a safe way to deal with this. Additionally, there is  this problem that some job posts have very less data like fees, age limit, salary etc which is thin content so that might contribute to poor quality issue. Secondly, we wanted to use enriched result snippets for our job postings. Google doesn't want snippets to be used on the listing page: "Put structured data on the most detailed leaf page possible. Don't add structured data to pages intended to present a list of jobs (for example, search result pages). Instead, apply structured data to the most specific page describing a single job with its relevant details." Now, how do we handle this situation? Is it safe to allow the detailed pages which have duplicate job data and sometime not so high quality data in robots.txt?

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | dailynaukri

  • This should be an interesting question - gobble up all those MOZ POINTS folks : ) Our company website is real estate based.  We have nearly 30,000+ paid members on the inside that put up real estate listings (properties for sale). The members do this on their own. From an SEO stand point it sort of feels like we have a huge team of content creators putting up unique content for us. To see what I'm talking about I'll drop some links so you can review: In this first link you'll see a member of ours advertised on the NYTIMES and the clickable anchored text waterfront leads back to us or I should say the members listing.  See the link below: This second link is the listing page for our member that the anchored text led to. When I use MOZ i can see that we got some serious link juice from the above. **This is what is happening naturally: ** When someone joins as a member the public profile of their name & office is ranking in the SERPS. Example: Higgins Realty  / it's ranked #1 and brings back 100 visitors per month. When someone creates a listing with our system and publishes it the address is ranking. Think of this on a mass scale. Even though they are small niche names, offices, keywords it's generating traffic. & every once in awhile the name of an office is closely related to a major keyword and we pick up something that generates say 500 to 1,500 visitors per month. When someone advertises their public profile or their listing depending on the site they advertise on or the anchored text they use it's helping our domain.  Again, all of this is happening on its own we aren't pushing SEO. This simply is real estate agents and brokers doing their job and in return our Domain Authority and Page Rank is climbing. Our monthly traffic is climbing. The number of keywords we rank for is increasing. This situation must be unique because wouldn't you say that in most cases with a website they have a blog. Someone needs to write good content then try to get it linked. But in our situation our members are creating (unique content) and publishing it. How do we capitalize on this though?  or I should say capitalize in a bigger way? To help everyone benefit would it be to possibly teach the members some basic SEO. What if the name of their public profile was key worded or what if we explained advertising that listing, Sharing it, getting it on other sites would benefit them. To have them link back to their profile or listing page. Maybe give them a list of suggested sites? Maybe give them a list of possible anchored texts they could use which would be keywords we want to rank for?   What are your thoughts? Do you have any clever or creative ideas that would help all parties? If you want to do some research our main website is you can review the ranking keywords, linking domains that sort of thing. Thanks for the input  - Chris After

    Link Building | | Cfarcher

  • What are some of the best ways to reach out for back links?  The goal is to get a link from their website to our root or an anchored text but what are some techniques  and options to consider to make it beneficial for both parties?

    Link Building | | Cfarcher

  • I have a client that only wants UK users to be able to purchase from the UK site. Currently, there are customers from the US and other countries purchasing from the UK site. They want to have a single webpage that is displayed to users trying to access the UK site that are outside the UK. This is fine but what impact would this have on Google bots trying to crawl the UK website? I have scoured the web for an answer but can't find one. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks 🙂

    Technical SEO | | lbagley

  • I have a new e-commerce site and I'm focused on optimizing it for SEO. If I am taking product photos, will having a step-and-repeat (background with our logo repeated) in the background of the product impact how the images are scanned by Google? In other words, would I benefit from having a plain background behind my item shots vs. a backdrop with our logos all across it? I don't want Google to think I'm spamming my logo across all our items, but also want our photos to be recognized as ours. I want to gain SEO from my effort and definitely not hurt it! Thanks!

    Branding | | A_Wo

  • Okay, I thought I was following best practices.  In our industry, electronic hardware, we were ranking well for a particular product line (/spacers) but we wanted to do better.  We addressed several concerns that Moz found first; duplicate page titles, lack of meta-descriptions and overall lack of targeted keywords.  We also took a new approach to add a better structure to our site.  Instead of being presented with a list of part numbers we wanted the user to learn more about our products with content.  So we added a /products page with content and a product specific page (/spacers) that is almost a definitive buyers guide. We are attempting to answer the questions that we think our customers find most relevant.  Well our customers might find it relevant but Google sure didn't.  After our deployment of new content our rankings for targeted keywords in Google fell from  10-15 to 80-95 As an open ended question, could somebody explain to me why our ranks fell off a cliff? Homepage:
    New catalog summary page:
    New content with focus to rank high: TPdn6ym

    Intermediate & Advanced SEO | | jandk4014

  • Because of the tools my company is using for CI/CD (A CI/CD pipeline helps you automate steps in your software delivery process, such as initiating code builds, running automated tests, and deploying to a staging or production environment.) an extra URL is generated. The canonical for the generated site is that of our main website, but other than that it is the same website. Could this new URL compete with our website? Will Google count it against us since it is the same content BUT with canonical (it is not noindex-ed)? Does it matter? Surely others are using this method? Answers/thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Reporting & Analytics | | RoxBrock

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