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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • I guess you guys will probably think me a complete airhead, but I've been so focused on obtaining traffic from Google that I completely forgot about Bing and Yahoo. Moz Analytics shows that 99% of my organic traffic comes from Google, 1% from Bing (up by 67% from last week!?) and 0% from Yahoo and baidu. Just wanted to check a couple of things. Is this poor performance due to any lack on my behalf Or are these search engines used? I'm kind of thinking that if I can obtain multiple page one phrases with Google; why isn't this replicated by the other search engines? And if there are opportunities available how do I optimise my pages for them And if I do, will this affect my Google rankings Cheers in advance, Lee 🙂

    | LeeC

  • Hi. Wanted to know if targeting local traffic online and the search volume of KWs in the area do not include the local names (according to KW planner) does it still help to keep the town names in the title tag? does google deliver local results based on location names in title tag if query didn't mention it?

    | Morris77

  • Hi experts , how i can improve  following page   . please share your thoughts. Thanks

    | SierraPCB

  • My competitors are using on page black hat methods They are using like keyword stuffing What should i do.?

    | aman123

  • Hello, Is there anyway of finding out all the keywords that Google is currently ranking our website for so that we can then build on those keyword positions? Many thanks,

    | mblsolutions

  • Hello Mozers! Anyone out there have any experience using the Google data highlighter tool in WMT?  I'm just curious if it is something I should be utilizing or should just try to get the same results using microdata markup. I'm not a fan of "tools" per se...I'd rather get my hands dirty. Just looking for any thoughts or experiences in using it.

    | adamxj2

  • Hi everyone! I would like no-indexing all the posts of a specific category of my wordpress site. The problem is that the structure of my URL is composed without /category/:
    so without /category-name/ Is possibile to disallow the indexing of all the posts of the category via robots.txt? Using Yoast Plugin I can put the no-index for each post, but I would like to put the no-index (or disallow/) a time for all the post of the category. Thanks in advance for your help and sorry for my english. Mike

    | salvyy

  • Morning All, First post, be gentle! So I had Moz crawl our website with 2500 high priority issues of duplicate content, not good.  However if I just do a simple in Google, I cannot see these duplicate pages....very odd. Here is an example.... So the same page has a different URL, Moz brings this up as an issue, I would agree with that.  However if I google both URL's in Google, they will both bring up the same page but with the original URL of other words, two different URL's bring up the same indexed page in Google....weird I thought about using a wildcard in the robots.txt to disallow these duplicate pages with poor URL's....something like.... Disallow: /*display.php?product_id However, I read various posts that it might not help our issues?  Don't want to make things worse. On another note, my colleague paid for a "SEO service" and they just dumped 1000's of back-links to our website, of course that's come back to bite us in the behind.  Anyone have any recommendations for a good service to remove these back-links? Thanks in advance!!

    | scottiedog

  • I speed read an article recently and forgot to save it regarding Contents on a page in tabs. Is it correct that now Google is rendering the entire page it's better not to have content in tabs hidden by Javascript? As it stands at the moment, we've got the tabs set-up so that the main part of the page containing the keyword rich text is in a tab and not the first thing presented to the user

    | Ham1979

  • Hi, I have been doing off page optimization and targetting two key words.  Salarpuria Sattva East Crest and Salarpuria East Crest. I have been ranking well on second one. But the 1 keyword in not appearing first page. Can anyone show some light. My website is

    | mithungowda

  • Hey everybody! I have a question pertaining to our redesign. The situation is as follows: /drug-rehab/alcohol-withdrawal-los-angeles gets a decent amount of views on out website, and we would like it to be on our redesigned site. I was curious what impact, if any, I would see given the two scenarios below. 301 to /alcohol-withdrawal make the new page /drug-rehab/alcohol-withdrawal-los-angeles as well The second situation is that there are a serious of other pages which don't seem to be of drastic benefit, which I don't feel NEED to be on the website. For example: /post-acute-alcohol-withdrawal-treatment/drug-los-angeles /rehabs-resources/drug-abuse/sub-acute-alcohol-withdrawal etc It appears to me that the content on these pages is rather similar, and I feel like they don't really say anything special. Can I 301 them to the new page? Should I let them die in the black hat inferno they were made in? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated! Thanks guys!

    | HashtagHustler

  • Hi Guys Could someone let me know how varied my product keywords need to be? I'm about to add a variety of products to my site, and the only true way of differentiating them is by colour. Brown Hooded JacketGreen Hooded JacketRed Hooded JacketBlack Hooded JacketBrown Hooded Utility JacketGreen Hooded Utility JacketRed Hooded Utility JacketBlack Hooded Utility JacketAlso, am I optimizing my site correctly?Key Word - Brown Hooded JacketMy keywords are included in H1Enigma - Brown Hooded JacketPage TitleProduct Name & Key Word  - London - Company NameURL, ContentThe key word "brown hooded jacket" is included and very described within the body of this specific pageImage TagBrown-Casual-Hooded-JacketMeta DescriptionKey word is used, should I choose to opt for this approach?I would really appreciate your help. Thanks, Faye

    | Faye234

  • Hi GuysMy father is currently using a programmer to build his new site. Knowing a little about SEO etc, I was a little suspicious of the work carried out. **Anyone with good programming and SEO knowledge, please offer your advice!**This page which is soon to be you'll see has a number of different products. The products on this particular page have been built into colour categories like this This is fine. Eventually when we add to our selection of woods, we'll easily segment each product into "colour categories" for users to easily navigate to. My question is  - Why do I have 2 different URL's for the same page - is this good practice? Please see below... Visible URL - is the permalink seen in Word Press for this page also.Permalink: in the Word Press snippet shows the same permalink urlCipressa | Engineered Brown Wood | The Wood Buy Cipressa Engineered Brown Wood, available at The Wood Galleries, London. Provides an Exceptional Foundation for Elegant Décor, Extravagant .. If this is completely ok and has no negative search impact - then I'm happy. If not what should I advise to my programmer to do? Your help would be very much appreciated. Regards Faye

    | Faye234

  • We recently migrated our site to HTTPS:?  In the past, we went with http://www. What is the recommended canonical variation corresponding to these changes? http:// http://www. https:// https://www. Thank you! Erin

    | HiddenPeak

  • Hi community, After my first crawl of a site that I'm working to improve the SEO on, I find that I have about 500 issues regarding missing Alt Text and Title text for images on my site, as well as about 175 issues with regard to duplicate meta description, missing meta descriptions, and too short/too long meta descriptions. My client is not sure it matters to fix these items and only wants to do so if they have an affect on Google ranking or Quality Score. Does anyone know? Thanks!

    | gataninc

  • Hi all, I'm using a plugin to do some SEO work on my Magento site It says this is an error: Product pages should have a suitable file type extension such as .php or .html I removed .html when I first set up my store because I though it looked more aesthetically pleasing, but does this have a negative effect on SEO? I can't find much information on this matter in my searches. Can anyone shed any light on this? Thank you, Laura

    | llj

  • I am redoing a clients website. They previous company that built it have a page with links linking back to over 30 articles on webmd Question is this doing any good for SEO and if I recreate, should these have the rel=no follow attribute?
    Here is is current page Thanks

    | scott315

  • If redoing a site and updating some of the url's for SEO should you do permanent redirects for the old sites url's ? Using WordPress. I saw that the Yoast Pro plugin allows you to do this inside WordPress , is this the best way? Suggestions.? I know there are old articles written out on the web pointing back to the what will be soon old url's so just wondering what's the best way to go about this. Thanks Scott

    | scott315

  • Hey guys ! I have a wordpress website and also yoast seo plugin . I've set up a meta title which is : TV Online | Assistir Filmes| Notícias | Futebol |GogsTV . (I checked on some free tools to see , and they also show up this) but .... google is showing this : GogsTV: TV Online | Assistir Filmes| Notícias | Futebol . Seems they are trying to show my brand name first instead of my main keyword . I'm not sure why it doesnt indexes as i want ... Does anybody know how can i fix this . Thanks

    | tiagosimk

  • Hello Guys, I have some duplicate pages detected by MOZ. Most of the URL´s are from a registracion process for users, so the URL´s are all like this: What should I do? Add this to robot txt? If so how? Whats the command to add in Google Webmaster? Thanks in advance! Pedro Pereira

    | Kalitenko2014

  • Hi, We are a technology site from India ( and we create a lot of original product review content ( but don't seem to rank even in the first 4 pages on Google results. Please let me know the reason for this and how to get this fixed. Thanks Arun

    | 9dot9

  • Dear Moz members, In our webshop we have hidden H6 headers for example: and then the diagnoses chrome://seoquake/content/modules/diagnosis/diagnosis.html?id=1. How can we delete the h6 headers because i dont see them in the editor. It looks like they are somewhere in the source code. But where? Greeting, A SEO Noob 😞

    | rijwielcashencarry040

  • Hi Folks, At this URL as an example, you can see that I am outputting all course dates in a table. Each table row contains information regarding the specific course such as start date, duration, location but also course title. In the course title it will obviously contain the keyword, in this example that is 'prince2'. So my question is this. As the MOZ on-page grader indicates that I am keyword stuffing (even though I receive an A grade) will Google be clever enough to know that I am displaying a table of events for PRINCE2? Or will it class the page as containing too many keywords? Each event links to a specific event page for that event, so is unique. I am interested in hearing the thoughts of the community on this. Thanks. Regards Gareth

    | PurpleGriffon

  • hi having an issue with a client site and internal duplicate content. The client has a custom cms and when they post new content it can appear, in full, at two different urls on the site. Short of getting the client to move cms, which they won't do, I am trying to find an easy fix that they could do themselves. ideally they would add a canonical on one of the versions but the cms does allow them to view posts in html view, also would be a lot if messing about wth posting the page and then going back to the cms and adding the tag. the cms is unable to auto generate this either. The content editors are copywriters not programmers. Would there be a solution using wmt for this? They have the skill level to be able to add a url in wmt so im thinking that a stop gap solution could be to noindex one of the versions using the option in webmaster tools. Ongoing we will consult developers about modifying the cms but budgets are limited so looking for a cheap and quick solution to help until the new year. anyone know of a way other than wmt to block Google from seeing duplicate content. We can block Google from folders because only a small percentage of the content in the folder would be internally duplicate. would be very grateful for any suggestions anyone could offer. thanks.

    | daedriccarl

  • Hello, This is a weird one.  I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction. A couple months ago, we updated and it was back then that I first noticed this issue, but because the home page title tag was okay and contained the primary terms for that page, I told myself I would circle back. The problem is that even though Google crawls the site everyday, it does not update the title tag text in it's index. Google:  "Trinity Power Rentals" and you will see the title in the index as "Trinity Power:  Temporary Power Rentals". Go to and view source.  You will see the title tag in the code as "Temporary Power Rentals - Trinity Power" The desc tag has been updated correctly, but I can't figure out why not the Title tag.  You can look at the cache version in the index of Google.  It is showing the latest version of that tag, so I really do not understand what has happened here. I am using WP Super Cache... maybe a conflict with that?  I have dumped it's cache numerous times though. Please let me know what you think. Thanks, Jarrett

    | TrinityPower

  • Hey 🙂 I noticed when analysing my pages that Moz gives the following advice about adding external links to my articles; "On any page specifically targeting a keyword, link externally to at least one (and possibly more than one) relevant, trusted resources as a best practice." As a small business I work pretty damn hard to get visitors to my website, so why on earth would I want to go to all that trouble just to send them away again to a trusted resouce? Secondly, what exactly is a "trusted resource"? Can I simply use search and use the top competitor, for example Moz or Wikipedia and does the anchor need to be an exact match or will a partial suffice. I say this because I already have the top spot for my longtail, so an exact match would be pointless. And lastly, I notice that pretty much all quality sites use external links to open in the same window i.e. not target=_blank, I never thought of it before today, but now that I'm considering using external linking in my articles I guess it's important to know the answer - i.e. Is this a best practice and does this give any seo benefit? Cheers, Lee :)

    | LeeC

  • Hi, I'm having a problem with Google SERP results showing my currency as USD, when it should be CAD. An example of a page with this problem is - - can anyone see where Google is getting USD from on there? I don't see it anywhere in the coding. Thanks in advance!

    | absoauto

  • Hi I am really intrigued by Bloomberg strategy. if you look at their article pages they are full with internal links done with what I assume to be an automated process (too many pages to be done manually). it seems to work for them. I would love to hear your opinions.

    | ciznerguy

  • Last week we decided to run a facebook campaign with a small offer, any way cut a long story short. was dropped by google when the penguin update took place in 2012, however  it has been re included by google but nothing really returned in terms of search results. so our facebook campaign reached over 3k of people according to the stats but no one purchased anything or even clicked to visit the website. am I missing something in terms on onpage, black listing etc? Im at a loss at the minute.

    | TeamacPaints

  • Is it possible to confirm this to me please? My understanding of the rel canonical tag was to tell google of duplicate content? so for instance product 1 Product 1a same content just a different colour would be rel canonical'd to Product 1 as thats the main product, is my understanding correct? Now here is what I have discovered. has a rel canonical tag that reverts back to which isn't optimized as such its just a generic catalog page. This is inccorect and google will dismiss the actial product and revert to the generic catalog page? any help would be great.

    | TeamacPaints

  • Hi, I've apparently got too many on-page links on 79 of my webpages. The majority of these pages are category pages, like this: so, what's a person to do? Obviously the page would be useless without the links. Should I just ignore these 'errors'? Or is there something else I should do? I don't want to appear manipulative by labelling them nofollow... Thanks, Amelia

    | CommT

  • I have been ranked in top 5 for all relevant search terms for years. I have been in business for 25 years and am modestly speaking the best in our field. The name of my company is "Alaska Yacht Charters" and suddenly I have disappeared from Google search.  Google "alaska yacht charters" and I am nowhere to be found. This all occured within days of my suspending my adwords account which I felt I didn't need because of my great organic ranking.  What has happened?Geoff Wilson

    | akstory

  • Howdy Folks- I have a case where Google is ranking the wrong page for a couple of different keywords. The home page is: Most notably, we're trying to optimize the home page for "Tennessee Health Insurance" but the below page is what continually ranks for it, and does so very poorly.  We used to be page two with the home page, now we are page four and it ranks the following page. I have started directing our Internal Linking to reflect the correct anchor text but succeeded in losing ranking for the term, but am still ranking the wrong page. Any thoughts or help would be much appreciated!

    | CRO_first

  • I have got a client site, which is dated (2007) and has not been shifted to any recognised CMS yet. It is HTML based. Is it possible to SEO on such a site? Is it even worth it? If it is possible to do SEO on this, any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thank you.

    | ArthurRadtke

  • Hi All, I have a Videos website which contains Videos of all types + Family safe type... The home page has sections and Videos listed. Now for SEO purpose i need to have content? this is what i read in most places. What is the kind of content i can place on a Videos website Home page? I can write about a Movie or actor but that content on Home page would that be of any use? We have a About us page etc to know who we are.. Any ideas please..

    | Nettv

  • From What I have read you should target one keyword for each page on your site with the exception of the home page. Is this correct? If the most searched keywords for a Dentist in the area are Dentist "city name"
    Cosmetic Dentist "city name"
    Family Dentist "city name" Should you try and add content on the home page with h1 tags of each of these? If so then what about the page title/url Also if you are targeting keyword  Dentist "city name" but like 4 different cities, should you have a separate page for each of this cities and then if so would that not be duplicate content with the exception of city name? Thanks

    | scott315

  • We have a website which uses mediawiki for public documentation. The moz crawler keeps nagging us that 50% of our sites have the nofollow-metatag. (And noindex for that matter). This is information pages and such in mediawiki. From a SEO perspective: Should we remove these tags? I assume they probably do not hurt? If we shouldn't remove the tags: Is there any way to get moz to ignore these pages so we can get rid of this "noise" in the moz-panel?

    | Host1

  • I am creating a site for a Dentist with 30 pages of services in a mega menu. Other than the actual pages should there be a central page with all the services on it hyper linking to each one? Thanks Scott

    | scott315

  • Does it matter if SEO relevant HTML (such as the placement of an H1) is on line 100 versus 2,000? (Editing to provide more clarity)
    My question is not related to where the H1 is visually on the page (above the fold or below, etc.) its purely a question as to does the line number in the rendered HTML file impact the power of the H1 on the page. As someone with a lot of SEO experience myself, I don't think when a bot is reading the page HTML it cares where the H1 is - just that it exists (and might have a weight above/below fold).

    | EricSchell

  • Hi I just want to confirm how potentially damaging using java script to hide lots of on page body copy with a 'read more' button is ? As per other moz Q&A threads i was told that best not to use Javascript to do this & instead "if you accomplish this with CSS and collapsible/expandable <DIV> tags it's totally fine" so thats what i advised my clients dev. However i recently noticed a big drop in rankings aprox 1 weeks after dev changing the body copy format (hiding alot of it behind a 'read more' button) so i asked them to confirm how they did implement it and they said: "done in javascript but on page load the text is defaulting to show" (which is contrary to my instructions) So how likely is it that this is causing problems ? since coincides with ranking drop OR if text is defaulting to show it should be ok/not cause probs ? And should i request that they redo as originally instructed (css & collapsible divs) asap ? All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I'm curious about opinions regarding how the search algorithms treat multiple key phrases that may reside in one long tail key phrase. So for example: If I'm optimizing for "New York Litigation Lawyer", would that also give me rankings for "New York Lawyer"? My thought is that the former will be considered the primary keyword and rankings will improve mostly for that, but that the latter keyword could also possibly see some lift as well. Thanks!

    | nickturner922

  • Hi is there a wordcount guideline for the description field in Ravens schema creator ? according to their page on event schema an excerpt from the page will show up as a short description but then their tool has a field for adding a description! I was just adding some edited copy from the page into this but if it already pulls in an excerpt is there any need ? I take it its a good idea for better control of what's displayed in rich snippet, if so what's suggested wordcount limit ? cheers dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hello Everyone. I recently started getting interested in SEO. I'm the owner os a small mens underwear company we limited staff, limited resources, etc. well I'm sure most of you know the drill. I have read countless articles, guides, starting with the ones here at Moz but when it comes to actually starting to fix the problems I have I have NO IDEA where to start. it is discouraging and to be honest frighting. I know right now my competitors are getting ahead of my while I just stare at my screen thinking where do I start? Do I fix loading speed?Do I repalce the entire content of my site? mostly category texts, product descriptions, do I add Atl text to all my images?
    how do I even start building links when it seem the only strategy is to send an email to a related site to link to us? any way. Most of you here are SEO experts and small business owners I would greatly appreciate if you point me in teh right direction, like a 1, 2 ,3 ....type of thing. I might be asking to much but after thinking about it I decided to post something here.

    | RaulValencia79

  • Hi The author for homepage box/dropdown menu is ony showing 'dont show' or the G+ company page name (which i presume is publsiher not author) as options. The G+ personal page profile does link to the website in links section so wandering what might be going wrong here that i'm not being giving the option of selecting the author ? any help here appreciated ? all best dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi all I hope that someone can help.... How can I fix multiple 404 errors with Wildcard htaccess redirect The url in question is: How can I fix multiple 404 errors with Wildcard htaccess redirect etc, going to the above is just a few examples, google webmaster is showing over  8.000 404 page not found errors. Thanks in advance.

    | Taiger

  • HI, I'm looking for a tool that'll generate a URL list for a site. I looked at this thread here which came up when I searched for sitemap generator. However, I don't need a sitemap per se, and I don't need to submit it to Google - just a list of pages is what I need.If it updated automatically, that would be useful as well. Anyone know of a tool, on or offline? Or anyone used Xenu and know if it's what I'm looking for? Or is there a simple solution that I'm missing? Thanks.

    | 5225Marketing

  • Hey Everyone, I have had a website in place for over 7 years and I am now at the point where I need to implement a redesign in order to sell our product more effectively. -URL's will stay the same
    -Content will change but be very similar page-to-page
    -Title & Meta tags will remain the same I'm planning on taking the site from a non-backend site to a wordpress site so the navigation will change. Does anyone foresee that this change will have any dramatic effect on site ranking? Thank You!

    | Justin45

  • Hi, For crawlability, what would be the best way to do internal linking. /aboutus.html or Would this make any difference to the website in terms of SEO or bot crawling the website? Regards, Sree

    | jungleegames

  • Hi Is it ok to have identical product body copy on market/platform listings same as the websites product listings ? In this case the products are the websites/own brand products (all pages canonicalised), so i take it shouldn't cause any issues or are you supposed to differentiate the product body copy on marketplace listings ? Im asking re seo reasons All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

    I'm working on a site where a canonical link is implemented as That's not the normal format that I am used to, as I would have written it as Is that a problem? QUESTION 2
    Why do so many sites these days have a sitewide canonical tag which refers to itself as the canonical?
    For example: has a canonical of

    | Marketing_Today

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