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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi,
    I own a website (, which i'm currently making SEO on. The site actually ranks pretty good, top 1-2 on important searches. The title tag on the frontpage (and lots of other pages too) are " - Buy and sell paintings" (translatated from danish - Maleri means painting). I'm thinking of changing the titles to "Buy and sell paintings |" And then try to use the convention "|" on every other title page. Sometimes use "Buy and sell paintings |" as convention when title is too small. Like the overview of articles would be something like "Articles - Buy and sell paintings |" A specific article would be "How to paint using oil painting |" What do you guys think?

    | KasperGJ

  • Hello everyone, My site uses query string parameters in a few places to manage tasks like pagination of lists. Eg: I have set a canonical link with the href of the page without the query string but still getting thousands of duplicate title/meta description reports from these pages. Is there something I can do to change this? Do search engines actually penalise for use of query string parameters like this? They seem so commonplace, even for sites which use an absolute URI with no query string to serve content. Thanks 🙂

    | JHWXS

  • Does Google spider read registered trademarks (the 'R' or 'TM') or do these marks impede anything if they are featured in meta tags or text?

    | KnutDSvendsen

  • I have got a site that requires to have a custom title tag for its home page (primarily). Its using Joomla 3.3.1. I am not using any SEO components as of now. I have checked the the global configuration, It has Polymer Resources as the site name. I am also attaching copy of the Menu Manager>Main menu> home I would like to see the Home Page browser Title to read: Custom Engineered Plastic Resin | Polymer Resources But my current settings does not let me change the home page title. Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance 7yfHVw0.png KzouLB7.png

    | ArthurRadtke

  • Can i made twice 301 redirect, because i got "droped" domain and i dont want negative effect to new website. Can i redirect users some other way with no negative effect for fresh website?

    | cerar

  • Hi all, I am working on a website that is multilingual and multiregional. 
    The site is on a single TDL where the countries are seperated with subdirectories.
    I am only working with SEO for one country, so just one of the subdirectories.
    Do you guys have any tips on important stuff to remember when doing SEO for this site?
    Any pros or cons for this? Ty

    | helgeolaussen

  • Let's say my website can be accessed in only 3 states Colorado, Arizona and Ohio. I want to display different information to each visitor based on where they are located. For this I would also like the title to change based on their location. Not quite sure how Google we treat the title and rank the site.... Any resources you can provide would be helpful. Thanks

    | Firestarter-SEO

  • Hi all, I run the site: I have had this category set up like this for a while now - but wonder if its confusing to google, and potentially my users... let me start by saying my products are available in 3 formats (soon to be 4), so for example i have 3 pages for cctv systems: Analogue / SD cctv systems: hd sdi systems: ip systems: each of the above sub categories then have a further sub category of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 16 camera kit page... I am trying to figure out if it would be better to just have one "cctv systems" page, and use filters in the left menu so users can filter by format, number of cameras etc etc... but these filters would not navigate to other pages but simply limit the view on the one "cctv systems" page. If you think 1 page with filters is best - can you then advise what should i do with all the sub category pages i no longer need? 301 rediret to the main cctv systems page? Basically i currently have my site set up so cctv products are categorised by the format i,e SD, HD-SDI or IP... Which i thought was very important the user doesnt mix formats as it can not work - but am thinking maybe i should catorgorize by type i.e CCTV Camera, CCTV Recorders or CCTV Systems, and then use filters to drill further down in the categories. Any thoughts on this would be much appreciated. thanks

    | isntworkdull

  • Quick Question: We have been working on a website for an hotel and we are now facing an issue regarding how to position the H1 and H2 on each page: Since the Client has expressed the desire to have the title of the page mentioned right above the textWould it make sense to have the title of the page as H1 and have more descriptive H2 right below it? Ex: H1--> Accommodation H2--> Page Description Thanks,

    | travelclickseo

  • OK my question for today is... If you currently have 300 articles on your current site but are building a new site would you transfer all of the articles over to the new site or focus on quality and rewrite the articles that had traffic? For example we have about 300 articles currently on our website 60 of which actually get traffic, We rewrote those articles to make sure they were written well. Someone thought that it would be best to simply transfer the other 240 articles over and rewrite them at another time to avoid 404 redirects. I would like your feedback on how you would approach this. Please be as detailed as possible explaining your thought process. Thanks!


  • I use a wordpress for out website and we have a site map set up along with google analytics and web master tools. I believe wordpress automatically sends information to the search engines with changes in the site map. Do I need to submit to search engines manually once a month? Is directories like DMOZ still relevant with SEO today? And what are your opinions on Technorati Tags? I never heard of them before reading this article. I m new to SEO and any insights are helpful. 2Sqv5C2.png EEQFpIx.png 2Sqv5C2.png

    | revonick

  • I have heard about similar plugins for Wordpress, but I need something like this to run on all kind of sites, no matter the CSM. Are there universal scripts capable of doing automatic interlinking of pages to rise their weight for SEO purposes? Could you share links to such scripts/sites?

    | poiseo

  • We're writing a number of blog posts, all based around a particular head-term (call it "women's widgets"). Each post will be centered around a different long-tail keyword (e.g. "women's brandA widgets", "women's brandB widgets", "women's type1 widgets", etc.).  We want to link from the blog posts back to the main "women's widgets" category-level page on our site.  Should we: a) Use the words "women's widgets" in each blog post and link that to the "women's widgets" page? This would be the most relevant, but it also seems like using the same anchor text on all of the posts, and linking to the main page, is not good since Google doesn't like seeing the same exact anchor text all the time, right? b) Link the long-tail keyword ("women's brandA widgets") to the main "women's widgets" page?  That would solve the anchor text duplication issue, but then the anchor text doesn't seem relevant to the page being linked to (it might never mention "brandA" on that main page at all), and I think it would also hurt the blog post's chances of ranking for the long-tail keyword since we're basically saying that there's a more relevant page for that keyword somewhere else (i.e. you shouldn't link out from a page using the phrase you're trying to optimize that page for). c) Link a nearby word/phrase instead? For example, we could say "Trust for your women's widget needs", and link "" to the "women's widget" page.  By proximity to the keyword phrase, that may help a bit, but again the relevancy of the anchor text to the page being linked to is fairly low. I'd hate to have a bunch of "click here", "read this" or "company name" anchor texts being used, just in the name of not overusing the head-term in the anchor text. Are we just missing something, or misunderstanding Google's preferences? What do you do when you don't want to overuse a keyword in anchor text, but you still want to link to a main category-level page using the head-term in order to tell Google that that is the most relevant, best page for that keyword? Is anchor text duplication more of a problem for external backlinks, and less of an issue for internal interlinking? Do you have a different suggestion, other than what I outlined above? Thanks for the help!

    | BandLeader

  • Hi guys, I was wandering if anyone can help me on how google looks at expanding boxes now? What I am referring to is on our home page we have an article written which shows a taster of the information about the company, the user then has to click read more to expand the box and see the rest of the content. Is this bad for seo as when you view the html all the content is there but I'm sure google can work out that this text isn't visible until you click read more? Any feedback on this subject would be great,

    | OrderBlinds

  • Hello! I'm a bit confused.  It seems the industry as a whole that my company operates in has taken a bash from the update a few days ago as all of the competitiors have taken a hit to their domain authority.  What is confusing is that my websites rankings have increased as well. There has been a change to the robots.txt file in an effort to stop being crawled by SEMRush which is messing with my site stats but that is the only change. Thanks in advance, Ben

    | Ben-Cleaver

  • At item 4 in the post at the author recommends combining .htaccess redirects to avoid chaining redirects. I'd be obliged if someone could expand on: 1. What he means by chained redirects 2. How to combine the redirects per his recommendation Cheers.

    | ztalk112

  • Hi Mozzers, I need your opinion on the following. Imagine that we have a product X (brand Sony for example), so if we sell parts for different models of items of this product X, we then have numerous product pages with model number. Sony camera parts for Sony Camera XYZ parts for Sony Camera XY etc. So the thing is that these pages are very very similar, like 90% duplicate and they do duplicate pages for Panasonic, Canon let's say with small tweaks in content. I know that those are duplicates and I would experiment removing a category for one brand only (least seached for), but at the same time I cannot remove for the rest as they convert a lot, being close to the search query of the customer (customer looks for parts for Sony XYZ, lands on the page and buys, insteading of staying on a page for Sony parts where should additionally browse for model number). What would you advise to make as unique as possible these pages, I am thinking about: change page titles. meta descriptions tweak the content as much as I can (very difficult, there is nothing fancy or different in those :(() i will start with top top pages that really drive traffic first and see how it goes. I will remove least visited pages and prominently put the model number in Sony parts page to see how it goes in terms of organic and most importantly conversions Any other ideas? I am really concerned about dupes and a penalty, but I try to think of solutions in order not to kill conversions at this point. Have a lovely Monday

    | SammyT

  • Hello Moz people, Is it better for SEO to have a URL path like this: OR Is it better to have the full trail of pages in the URL?

    | CKerr

  • I have multiple duplicate content errors in my crawl diagnostics. The problem is though that i already took care of these problems with the canonical tag but MOZ keeps saying there is a problem. For example this page has a canonical tag, but moz still says it has an error. Why is that?

    | toejklemme

  • Dear community, I have a unknown and undetecable H1-tag on my webshop. I'm currently optimizing my webshop and get stuck by two H1-tags on every page. Does anyone know where i can remove this H1-tag? My webshop URL: Thanks!

    | rijwielcashencarry040

  • Hi Friends We have Meta Descriptions on our Pages but when certain keywords are typed into google search , different meta descriptions are created , for example when searching for "fancy dress" we see our meta description which is correct - Shop with Party Domain for all your Fancy Dress. 1000s of Fancy Dress Ideas at CHEAP Prices. Halloween Fancy Dress. Next Day Delivery and Same Day ... However when searching for "fancy dress costumes" the same page is ranked but the meta description is Fancy Dress. Female Pirate Fancy Dress Costume. £ 13.80. Female Pirate Fancy ... SKU: G11034. Pirate Captain Fancy Dress Costume. £ 12.22. RRP: £ 15.02 ... Thanks Adam

    | AMG100

  • I have a website with a blog attached to it. It is a wordpress blog which we have not updated since 2013. However, it has a lot of pages going back to 2010. I am moving my website to weebly so I can't move my blog over. I could recreate all the posts and make redirects to the new url. However, the posts are old and outdated so it doesn't really make sense, aside from seo. I need advice. Would I take an seo hit if i start over with a blog and leave the old posts behind? Thanks!!!

    | bhsiao

  • Hi Whats the consequences of hiding half of the lovingly crafted body copy/written content (good quality modern version of what we used to call seo text) i have written for a clients main site sections and then having a 'read more' button to reveal ? I have written 500+ words for each page but client wants to reduce word count displayed since thinks looks too 'wordy'! I know that this is possible and used to be fine if done in a manner that was still crawlable, is this still the case ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Google is treating, below URL's as two different URL's when they are same.  How to solve this. Please help. Case 1:/2570/Venture-Capital-and-Capital-Markets/2570/venture-capital-and-capital-marketsCase 2: /xxx/Java-Programming//xxx/Java-ProgrammingPlease help, how to solve this. Thanks in advance

    | AnkammaRao

  • I have a new SEO client that I am working on putting together an optimization strategy and have come across something that has me second guessing. Reach out to Moz Community... The client is a doctor who runs a tattoo removal clinic out of his office. Technically they are two separate businesses: doctors office and tattoo removal clinic. The tattoo removal clinic is my client. They have an independent website where they generate leads. The website is not the brand name. It is [city] The logo on the site, heading, footer all reflect the web URL. The actual brand name for the company is used in all the directory listings, facebook page, google+,  basically everywhere else on the internet. When drafting up new meta titles, putting together content, everything really, the website URL has primary keywords included making it way more convenient to use that. However I'm not sure how it will look to the search engines about having everything pointing to the site be one company title and when you get to the site not see the company title in the logo or titles and such. The company name is just down in the corner somewhere on the page. Anyone with any experience to a similar issue? On one hand I think I'm over thinking it, not having the brand name on the home page title tag shouldn't be a huge deal if the website delivers value to the customer. On the other hand I don't see a lot of companies that do this online in general (especially with larger brands), although research shows a many of companies in this niche using the [city] + keyword (or vise vera).

    | bricegump

  • Hi In the case of an e-commerce store when you remove/delete an old sub department page because you no longer sell the products that page was for can you/should you redirect it to its parent main category/dept page first or just delete and let become a 404 ? Being a sub department it  is obviously closely related to the main category/dept but seem strange to 301 it since its not really moved permanently to that page but i hear that's what people do to transfer that pages authority before deleting it so its not lost cheers dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I took a website that never had any keyword research performed, meta data filled in or anything strategic regarding getting ranked on the search engines. We rebuilt the website from an old Dreamweaver install using Wordpress, did keyword research, optimized one page per keyword term, filled in all the appropriate meta data and alt tags. The site has dropped in rankings and I've been working for the past 3 months to attempt to raise it up. Can you see what I am doing wrong? (This is the client site:

    | JanetJ

  • Hi everyone, i know that dividers in title or even title tag doesnt have much of an impact on better rankings. I had great rankings for many keywords, not using dividers or using only one divider. However for better reading comprehension and usability, and also aesthetics i started to use the pipe as my main divider and other secondary dividers. I saw many pages drop in rankings vs other less competent and with less content pages. My format was as follows: Product Brand | Product description - Additional info or local info ie.  Fiber Glass MBI | Insulation Batts for Home and Commercial use -  Acoustic and Thermal Insulation I changed the format for a handful of pages, and saw immediate results on rankings and traffic on those pages. Product Brand with Product Description - Additional Info ie. Fiber Glass MBI Insulation Batts for Commercial use - Acoustic and Thermal Insulation. Does it sound like something i should implement page wide. I personally like the aesthetics of the pipe as it gives a cleaner look, but the better rankings on the changed pages with using only one divider makes me think.  Does it sound familiar, or its just a coincidence, Regards,

    | JesusD

  • I have a problem I would like to remove header from normal page flow as I already have same information copied in CTA box but I need this header for SEO, is there a way to remove this header from a document flow without being blacklisted by google?

    | tesdublin

  • Hello, We own a medical tourism website and many other sites have stolen (copied and pasted) our content. Our content is more than 2 years old, so we thought we could rewrite the content - but Which is a more wiser decision from you guys' experience? Archive our current content at a different URL and upload a fresh content in the current URL Claim our originality to Google and ask the stolen sites to remove our content. Thank you and appreciate your time.

    | joony

  • Just started working on a website with 2 services and a LOT of locations... So website is something like categorized in states and subcategories are cities... But it only offers 2 services. So each city out of 100 has one page per service... It seems to me like something not pretty good but I have no experience with such sites. I know that it is ok if you have stores on different locations so you can do local for all them but in this case website owner just wanted to rank high for 100 cities and actually he is doing pretty good... But I somehow think that may cause problems in future and google could consider it as a spam, no matter of unique content on 100 pages when it is actually the same... So if you have any advice for this situation, I am listening 🙂

    | m2webs

  • Hello all, I am about to sort out my websites link structure, and was wondering which approach to our services page would be best. should we have: services/digital-marketing  & services/website-design etc or: digital-marketing/website-design & digital-marketing/seo Basically I see digital marketing as the top level category that is the umbrella term for all of our digital services. But would it make more sense to have service to be the main category and digital marketing within that (along with all the other services from web design to seo)? all thoughts welcome!

    | wseabrook

  • I would like to know if someone has proven info how google today counts words "Top" or "Best" when in front of main keywords you try to rank for. For example, if I have a keyword like "Restaurants in Madrid" and I optimize that page without using words "top" or "best" will it have good rankings for keywords "top restaurants in madrid" and "best restaurants in madrid" ? I suppose that google is smart enough to know that web page should be good ranked even without using those 2 words but would like to know percentage of my loss if I just exclude those words from title tag and other important onpage factors. I want to rank high for all the 3 combinations, with "top", with "best" and without it in front so searching for best solution. I plan just to add one of those words, for example "top" and hope that google will know that "top" = "best" 🙂

    | m2webs

  • I've noticed that when I change my blog's template the traffic goes down dramatically, about of 40% decrease. I know that new themes can have some problems but I have tried this with 2 different themes. First try was with genesis framework(Paid one) and just in one day traffic went down and when I reverted the old theme, the traffic became normal. Should I wait for 1 week to see what happens? What could be the potential reason of this?

    | hammadrafique

  • I've taking an old brochure website and done 61 Pages and 10 Post pages On-page SEO and my Domain Authority is still a '1.'  I've used Low Difficulty Keywords and gotten Grade A in On-page Moz reports. We've even keyworded 400 images - Alt text. My competitors have done nothing and they have domain authority at least in the 40s...... Am I doing anything wrong?

    | Joseph.Lusso

  • Hi All, Can a ALT Tag have special characters? Can i have my ALT Tag as Image-explained-with-what-it-is? Can i have - hyphens as this? Thanks I have a 2nd question I have 100's of videos which has a ALT tag as Tumbnail link to video How can i deal with them? Can i add the Video title as ALT Tag? thanks

    | Nettv

  • Hi Crawl errors is showing 2 pages of duplicate content for my clients WordPress site: /news/ & /category/featured/ Yoast is installed so how best to resolve this ? i see that both pages are canonicalised to themselves so presume just need to change the canonical tag on /category/featured/ to reference /news/ ?(since news is the page with higher authority and the main page for showing this info) or is there other way in Yoast or WP to deal with this & prevent from happening again ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hey there,
    I have been playing around with rich snippets for multiple breadcrumbs for quite a bit now - without any success. It would be great if someone could point me to an example where this has been implemented correctly. I followed the Google recommendation but it doesn't seem to work for me. See also: Thanks for your help. Cheers,

    | Supertramp

  • Our homepage tab just reads "home." Am I missing out on something with that? Should I re-write the tab to our brand name or a general descriptor? Best, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • HI, I have a site which is attracting traffic for my target keywords but to the wrong pages. I usually create a series of articles on the topic (10-15) an start getting organic traffic, but I have not been able to drive the traffic to the main page for that topic. How can I get the main page rank over sub pages? Thanks in advance!

    | Rajaindiain

  • According to Google updates, content is the main part of the website ranking, so how do i know about my website content quality...if you have any type of tool for check website content quality please refer to me.

    | renukishor

  • Hi MoZ Community, Does anybody know how well is Microsoft SEO Toolkit. As far i have noticed  this tool reports around 20 violations under three broad areas like : SEO, Content and Performance. On many violations I have found MoZ to be silent like : 1-unnecessary redirects 2-Invalid mark ups 3-Missing Tag 4-like vilations and others Important is that it tells solutions as well against each violation on how to fix that. Any body can give insights while comparing it with MoZ. Tanveer

    | Sequelmed

  • Hi!, We´ve just launched a new website and on this web we are using a lot Call to Actions on every page of the web and all of this CTA`s goes to the same Landing Page. (Ej: http://www.landing The problem comes when Google says this Landing Page is duplicate content because we are using some parameters like, for instance, http://www.landing So now we have just 1 Landing Page but Google sees 13 pages, because of this parameters and Moz alerted me that Google is seeing it as duplicate content. Yesterday I put this on the head of the only Landing Page we have so Google can see it in the proper way, as just one landing, but I don´t know if it is enough or should I do anything else? What I put on the Head: Hope someone can help me about this because I´ve tried to find a solution and this is the only thing that came up to me, and don´t know if it´s the right thing. Thanks for your time!

    | Manuel_LeadClic

  • Hi, So the news is that Google has started giving more importance to sites with HTTPS i.e. it is now a new ranking signal. It says that as of now it affects fewer than 1% of  global queries, and carrying less weight than other signals such as high quality content but it may decide to strengthen it as they would like to encourage all website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS to keep everyone safe on the web. In that case, what should we do? Switching from http:// to https:// means change in urls and low traffic. How to cope with it? Do we have to implement 'n' number of redirects? Regards,

    | IM_Learner

  • Hello Moz I launched a re-design of our site over the summer and we jumped in organic search for some keywords. Recently one of our landing pages is being hammered by Google last we we lost one position this week we lost 5 positions. Although, when I check the on-page grade Moz gives it an A is there a check sheet anyone has that I could go through to see if I have any common problems. Ryan

    | ryanparrish

  • I know my question looks so basic but let me explain what I want. I want advanced on-page SEO guides, should include something new exce[t the below listed things: title, description keyword in article content length video images with alt tag headings external authority links internal links please share something new....

    | hammadrafique

  • Hello For some reasons our home description does not appear properly it looks like this I've resubmit my sitemap to G webmaster Tools and it still the same. However when I bing it I see the proper one. What can be wrong ?

    | JoomGeek

  • I'm working on optimising a phrase that is made up of two words. I've noticed in webmaster tools that the two words are listed separately under the content keywords section. This is fine apart from the two words are listed at very different significance levels, 2 and 18. Drilling deeper it shows that both these words have two variants. The word in position 2 occurs 483 times and the word in 18 occurs 60 times. Sadly the phrase is commercially sensitive as I'd like to just be able to share it here but can't. Should I be looking to include the weaker word more frequently on the site? In anchor text? Or is this normal distribution? Would optimising the weaker word risk the wrath of Panda? moz-question.jpg

    | Hannahm24

  • Hi, I am new to the MOZ Pro community. I got the below message for many of my pages. We have a video site so all content in the page except the video link would be different. How can i handle such pages. Can we place adsense AD's on these pages? Duplicate Page Content Code and content on this page looks similar or identical to code and content on other pages on your site. Search engines may not know which pages are best to include in their index and rankings. Common fixes for this issue include 301 redirects, using the rel=canonical tag, and using the Parameter handling tool in Google Webmaster Central. For more information on duplicate content, visit Please help me to know how to handle this.. Regards

    | Nettv

  • Hello Moz, Google is indexing lots of urls despite the canonical in my site. Those urls are linked all over the site with parameters like ?, and looks like Google is indexing them despite de canonical. Is Google deciding to index those urls because they are linked all over the site? The canonical tag is well implemented.

    | Red_educativa

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