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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • I have a wordpress theme site which essentially is all in 1 page. Do I need to use rel-canonical tag? It would just loop?

    | graftene

  • I’ve got some pages that provide information on some companies in my website topic space, and also corresponding pages that allow users to rate and review those companies. So, for example: Company A information Company A reviews Company B information Company B reviews Google searches for “Company A” or “Company B” generally result in my information page ranking #2 behind the actual company’s website, and the reviews page ranking #3. (Probably not good to have two pages ranking for the same keyword in positions 2 and 3). The information pages do very well in Adsense while the review pages do not. The review pages have always had comments open for reviews, and I’ve just recently opened the information pages to comments.  This has resulted in less of a need for the reviews pages as the comments on the Information pages are now serving the same purpose. I can even add a star rating to the information pages if I want so the review pages are completely unnecessary. So, I’d rather strengthen my information pages 1) to more solidify their rankings, and 2) get more visitors there than the review pages as they convert way better in Adsense. Question is, what is the best way to proceed? Option 1: remove internal linking to the review pages (I have sidebar links too), so less link juice just naturally goes to the review pages. On the review pages, direct people to click the link to the information page to go there instead. Eventually, the review pages will fall off the front page of the SERPs and people will just go to my #2 ranked company information page instead (and maybe #1 if I’m lucky, but doubt I’ll get ahead of the brand). Option 2: 301 Redirect the review pages to the information pages.  Functionally, this would work well for me, but I fear that Google may not like it for some reason.  My information pages are ranked so well that I do not want to risk them dropping. Are these fears unfounded? Is either of these two options better than the other, or does anyone have a better idea?  Whatever I do, I don’t want those company information pages dropping from their #2 positions.

    | bizzer

  • I have a site that has 500 pages, each with unique content, the only content that could be deemed the same is the 'Make Contact' form, which has the same labels and placeholder text on each page. Is this likely to cause any duplicate content penalties?

    | deployseo

  • A huge amount of my content is being copy and pasted to facebook, tumblr, wattpad etc... Is there an easy way to tell Google I am the original author? (How can I tell if this content theft affecting my rankings?)

    | brianflannery

  • I have a site where some pages (in Spanish) are https. The english pages are http. Can you tell me if it's okay to have both in the sitemap.xml?

    | RoxBrock

  • I have a client who has requested a rewrite of 250 blog articles for his IT company. The blogs are dispersed on a variety of platforms: his own website's blog, a business innovation website, and an IT website. He wants to have each article optimised with keyword phrases and then posted onto his new website thrice weekly. All of this is in an effort to attract some potential customers to his new site and also to establish his company as a leader in its field. To what extent would I need to rewrite each article so as to avoid duplicating the content? Would there even be an issue if I did not rewrite the articles and merely optimised them with keywords? Would the articles need to be completely taken by all current publishers? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    | StoryScout

  • I'm responsible for a site where we cater for all kinds of medical & legal problems. I recently conducted keyword research that shows a lot of questions being 'asked' in relation to the conditions we cater for. Naturally, I want to create content to answer these questions. We have a page for 'Cancer compensation' - the 'possible content' that answers questions won't necessarily help someone claiming compensation for cancer mistreatment, BUT someone who asks a question relating to cancer, answered in the 'possible content' may find the 'cancer compensation' page useful. SO! Do I: Add this content to the existing 'cancer compensation' page? Create individual pages of content answering each question, linking to the 'cancer compensation' page? or do I amalgamate all the answers into one heafty 'resource' page that sits elsewhere on the site? What do you think? Thanks in advance. John King

    | Muhammad-Isap

  • Hi, A site we manage is ranking very low for it's main key phrases.  The site is For example for the phrase "orlando vacation rentals" it ranks around page 12 which seems very low considering the DA, PA, links, etc. compared to many sites ranking much much higher. Can anyone see anything obvious that is causing it to rank so low? Thanks Pete

    | QbicIS

  • Ideally, which model is better for site structure: 1. Homepage -> Categories -> Individual Pages (See example here OR 2. Homepage -> Categories -> Sub-categories -> Indicidual Pages In the 2nd model, are the individual pages too far away from the homepage?

    | brianflannery

  • Hi guys. I'm building a new site at the moment - seen a solid SEO opportunity for my work.  I'm a producer engineer, specialising in mixing and mastering, so i'm creating a site for online mixing services. After a bit of keyword research I decided that "online mixing" was the best, most relevant and high volume term to go for.  Ideally i'd like my home page to be (or something similar) but alas! It's been taken, as well as all the variations (like switching words, hypens etc) How much does this matter form an SEO point of view? E.g - For the search term "online mixing" would -  be much worse than   Or am I sweating the small stuff? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • Hi
    My site url:
    We are working on URL structure of our website. I have one query about URL structure.
    Which one is good URL structure according to user and SEO prospective.
    The targeted keyword for the particular page is "wordpress live chat". Is it worthful to rewrite the present url "" to "" Please suggest.

    | sandeep.clickdesk

  • Hi Guys. I'm a music producer and studio owner.  I want to start a new business for online music mixing.  Instead of starting from scratch I want to use a 301 redirect from my previous site that has built up a little authority over the years.  However, the old site is purely for my music studio, there is no mention of online mixing services. Will Google consider this 'odd'?  Pass less link juice? Or perhaps pass no authority at all if Google 'decides' the 2 business are unrelated? Cheers in advance guys. Isaac.

    | isaac663

  • Does anyone know if there are any  advantages or disadvantages to going with the extended vs normal SSL seals in terms of SEO work?

    | absoauto

  • (My title says "synonym" but it's not exactly the most accurate word, but works best for the title_) I have a site that ranks #1 for a term, and let’s pretend it’s “cheap phone”.  It’s also ranks #1 for “cheap phone service” and #3 for “cheap phone plans”.  These are all the home page with those rankings I have a sub page whose natural title would be “Cheap Phone Plans” or “Cheap Phone Service”. I have it named something these and it is not optimized for either of these terms because I think it would be best to not mess with the good rankings I have already for those two terms So here’s my question:  what would likely be the outcome if I optimized that subpage for “Cheap Phone Plans” or “Cheap Phone Service”? If Google began to direct searchers of this term to my subpage rather than my home page, would my home page lose some of it’s ranking with it’s main and most popular keyword, “cheap phone? Thanks!

    | bizzer

  • Hi guys, A run a niche price comparison website and the keywords I'm targeting are the product names themselves. I recall Moz recommended that using the keyword too many times on site was not a good thing. Typically, I would have a unique description for the products and the list of merchants, prices, links to thier site and thier product names. This resulted in my keyword appearing many times on site, in slightly different forms (the product names were taken from the merchants feed) I no longer see this warning in the recomended and I believe it is more transparent for my visitors if they see the merchants website name on my site. Is it safe to put them back on my site? Mark

    | MrPenguin

  • I have recently moved my wordpress blog from a subdomain into a directory e.g. and installed yeast SEO however when I go to the site map as directed in the pluign panel its not there are I get a 404 error? Any help much appreciated.

    | SamCUK

  • Neil Patel claimed in this article that by creating a custom 404 page that links out to 25 to 50 random internal pages on the website, he was able to increase the traffic of Techcrunch by 9%. I'm a bit skeptical about this claim. A couple of questions: Is this theory sound? If you've personally tried this or have read other articles supporting Neil, I'd love to learn more. Would a big site like Techcrunch really have problems with Google not indexing all of its pages? Also, does getting more pages crawled help you get more traffic? Specifically, would it help a site like mine? For reference, my site gets an average of 12,040 pages crawled per day in last 90 days. Currently 28,922 pages have been indexed. Are there any possible downsides to trying this? Thanks!

    | Brand_Psychic

  • Hi Mozzers, Which symbol do you prefer  "-" or " | "  (Hello Mozzers - Question or Hello Mozzers | Question)? Does it ever matter? Thanks!

    | AcroSEO

  • Is it better to have different h1 for each page or have the same h1 across the site. I am using h1 fin wordpress for beside that  I have 4 more h1 in the same page how to properly use h2 and h3 can we have muliple h2 on a page. what would be an ideal hx tag order be ? h1
    h2- h3 h3 If anyone can provide some answers Many thanks

    | conversiontactics

  • Hi, This forum has proved to be quite active and useful for me. Can any body help me about "Meta Refresh" that Moz weekly report shows as error. My site is not that which needs daily basis or say hourly basis update. We change the content but not daily. Should i address this issue or just ignore it. what impact does it may have if i ignore it. Thanks, Tanveer

    | Sequelmed

  • Sea Glass Jewelry or Sea-Glass-Jewelry My domain name does not have my keyword in it, so I have been using the category as a means to get the keyword in the URL.  My site would say When I run the review, it tells me that I have too many parameters.  Is it too long? Should I remove hyphens? Which is better?

    | tiffany1103

  • What's is the best way to go about optimising a page for a regional search phrase. E.g. 'Physiotherapy CITY' and keep the text looking natural and not manipulated? Previously I've added the search phrase 'Physiotherapy CITY' to TITLE and H1 but this can look clumsy when used in the H1 tag. If I grade a page using MOZ on-page optimisation it will suggest I add the search phrase to the H1. What the recommended way of doing regional on-page optimisation?

    | benners

  • What to do with long meta titles on press release pages. Unlike other pages on the site, press release pages have no physical value and are dynamically created picking data from the database. Such pages i notice are automatically picking the URL/H1 as meta title and meta description. How to shorten such meta titles and descriptions? Do such errors (related to dynamically created pages) matter? Tanveer

    | Sequelmed

  • Let's say I have a sea glass ankle bracelet.  On my site, my main keyword is "Sea Glass Jewelry" and have ranked relatively well for this, but this main page has over 200 products in it. I thought that if the URL has the keywords in it, it would be beneficial.  I also have a section for all my bracelets, so it would be there and then, a more specific ankle bracelets category. So, technically, an ankle bracelet will show up 3x. Sea Glass Jewelry (all products go here) Bracelets (all bracelets go here) Ankle Bracelets (only ankle bracelets) The URL is only attached to the main category so to speak.  If you click the ankle bracelets category, the url will still revert back to the original main category:  seaglassjewelry/sterlinganklebracelet  so I don't believe there is duplicate content. I have had my domain for years and it has ranked well until someone hacked into my site 2 years back.  I have never been able to recover from this loss.  Since then, I have tried to optimize my site, but nothing seems to be working and I just want to make sure that I am not hurting my ranking by doing this. Can someone confirm this is the best way to do it or make a suggestion? Thank you.

    | tiffany1103

  • ON page - What is the most common problem to be solved when optimizing web sites?

    | JordanBrown

  • If I have some pages in English, but not in Spanish on my website: Should my hreflang go to the home page on the Spanish site? Or should I not have an "es-MX" hreflang for that page? Ideally I would have all the pages translated, but this has not all been done yet.

    | RoxBrock

  • I am in the process of simplifying my website so that there are tabs in each section which load dynamically by ajax all of the subpages.Each subpage has funny url with a hashtag.
    Does this mean each page does not have its title , or metatags?, Is this bad for seo?. Many of these pages have only a paragraph of text. I also am making a sitemap which links to the pages as a normal page. Would this mean I have a duplicate content issue with seo?.

    | paddyaran

  • Hi If you have managed to combine brand name with primary target keyword do you still need pay attention to on page keyword stuffing ? since one would expect plenty of brand references in the body copy ? Or is it still best to reduce instances of the keyword aspect ? For example if site is called 'Franks Service Centres' and you have lots/too many instances of 'service centres' in the body copy a/c to MA on-page grader, should you reduce some instances of the kw ? All Best

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I know generally it's not a good idea posting project urls, however this time I'll break the rule as I could really use some genuine ideas: I just can't explain my rankings. So I created a small site, branded term, english language, I will use my British ranking data, you can use to verify if you'd like. Site is 2 years old. My main keyword is Breast Actives, however my I describe the strangest phenomenon after the bullets. Site: So the point is: I did a little keyword stuffing back in the days, but removed it, took a safe middle density (analyzed the first rankers keyword usage). I've been looking at competitors backlink profiles comparing them to mine. The growth rates are similar. I have a little lower Domain and Page authority than the first few sites, but not that lower. Backlink quantity is somewhat similar to first 20, yet still I am ranking somewhere way beyond 200. I am not expecting a first place with a "somewhat similar" profile, but my bet is I should be at least in top 50. The only technique that worked was regular posting, I brought up the site into top 70, but as the site is really focused on a particular product, and the site's brewity suffered the price of posting semi-related articles, so I stopped. Rank out beyond 200. Another intresting aspect I cannot get my head around is that for "breast actives reviews" I have  a dedicated page, with some keyword usage, and another page is ranking for it (around 80-90), but it does not use this keyword at all. So if you have some time to give it a glance I would be greatful for some thoughts. EDIT: Before penguin around 2012 dec site was in top 10 for nearly all terms targetted, with the stuffed keywords.

    | snetface

  • Hello community, I'm trying to find the oldest links to my website/places that have referenced my company. By old, I'm looking for anything 2008 or older. I have access to a bunch of backlink tools, but they all log stuff based on when they discovered it, and we didn't begin using the tools until June 2013. I'm hoping there's some tool or some easy trick where I can quickly sort my links based on original date they linked to Thanks, Patrick

    | Patrick_G

  • Hello guys, Quick question about optimizing other pages on my woocommerce e-commerce store. Do I need to optimize pages like the cart page, checkout page, privacy policy, return policy, shipping policy, etc? Strictly talking about on page SEO for these pages, like meta titles, description. Thanks!

    | The_Kiwi_Man

  • I recently attended a webinar by ETNA Interactive on local search SEO. The presenter recommended including the name of your town in the title of the blog to increase local search SEO. Is this OK? Ive always been concerned that it is such an obvious attempt to rank locally that Google would consider it "spammy" ? black hat, "sketchy" or otherwise manipulative. Have the rules changed? Is it OK to do? Brooke

    | wianno168

  • Let's say I got an e-commerce website. In that website I have 3 different pages: New products: display paged products order by created time descendingly Hot products: display paged products order by viewed Random products: display paged products randomly
    So are those 3 pages should be considered duplicated content? Should I canonicalize them to New product page (with paging), or should I create a new page without paging and point all of 3 pages above to that page (this page doesn't make sense from user experience but look good for crawler)?

    | vuquangchien

  • I noticed recently that the website of a local church ( has climbed toward the top of the SERPS, and I cannot figure out why. The on-site SEO seems mediocre, at best, and their domain authority is 15 while their homepage authority is just 19. Does anyone see how they are working their SEO magic?

    | cbizzle

  • I have a client who uses as their blogging platform, however this isn't helping to build the depth of their domain. They like to use this because it is easier for them than to create a blog post in their wordpress website. I am wondering if adding a feed to their site on a dedicated blog page would help SEO at all or would it be best to teach them how to use the wordpress CMS to blog? I was thinking that by adding the feed since it is their original content that it might have a similar effect. I know this is probably simple but I want to see what the moz community says. Thanks.

    | ReputationCrew

  • Hello, It doesn't matter what keyword I put into Google (when I'm not signed in and have cleaned down my browsing history) the contact us page ranks higher than the home page. I'm not sure why this is, the home page has a higher page authority, more links and more social media shares, the website is an established one. When I have checked Google Analytics my home page gets more people landing on it than the contact us page. It looks like people are ignoring the contact us page and scrolling down until they find the home page. I'd appreciate any help or advice you might have. Thank you.

    | mblsolutions

  • Hi I am working for a client who is using NOPCommerce.  It doesn't look like they have a SEO Plugin in - although you can add meta descriptions to Products - which works fine, the Product categories have SEO components too but do not seem to work and all 'other' content /CMS pages have no SEO components whatsoever.  Does anyone know of  a plugin which would resolve this? (PS never used NOPCommerce before!)

    | AllieMc

  • We are looking at FishPig's Word Press Integrations extension. has anybody used it? Possibly a dumb question, but is SEO adversely affected by the fact it's a WordPress extension on a Magento site?

    | Anne_Marie_English

  • We're helping a Sydney blog called Happy develop their local following and we're starting by ensuring their posts are optimized. They're doing a great job with reviews and content but the one thing we noticed is that all the images they use (because they review music) are from bands and artists that are used tens if not hundreds of times in other places. We're trying to set up a simple way for them to tweak these images to ensure they're crawled and seen as original. Anyone had to deal with this and found a solution that makes sense?

    | wearehappymedia

  • Looking for a tool that allows me to scrape the websites off a page listing of Google and output a spreadsheet with the websites and their related meta-tag details (mainly title tag). Is there a tool out there that can conveniently allow me to do this?

    | Gavo

  • I'm starting with a blog (self-hosted wordpress) and I'm thinking of the following content structure so that the readers are easily able to locate relevant content: Background: It's a blog which gives people relevant info about government jobs. To start with we will just be publishing information about these jobs but over a period of time also intend to post content that helps readers prepare for these jobs. In other words, right now it's just about detailed job notifications but in the coming months, we shall also post about preparation-related information. Typically, each of the job notifications can be bifurcated like: Jobs basis industry Banking Railways Clinical, etc. Jobs basis company ABC co. DEF co. XYZ co. etc. Jobs basis State / City City 1 City 2, etc. Jobs basis educational qualification Graduation Post-Graduation, etc. Now, I'm seriously confused how should I structure this data from the perspective of Categories & Tags such that it's reader as well as SEO-friendly. Do note that each of the government jobs post ideally falls in a couple of above mentioned categories. Thanks..

    | Shalin.TJ

  • Hi all - I've had a comb through the forums here but can't seem to find any updates on whether there any tangible benefits for using Google Site Search. We're currently exploring using Lucene, Oracle Endeca, & Google Site Search - but from what I've read so far there are no quantifiable benefits for choose Google over any others. Everything I've read is rumor-mill...anybody have experience or references? Thanks in advance!

    | kenno69

  • Our canonical tags were removed by mistake for some time and our duplicate meta and title warnings in Google webmaster tools html improvements went up. We fixed the issue a week ago. I made sure the sitemap is picking up the canonical URL. Still the number went up after we fixed it (from around 5000 to around 7000 now) but when I click on details, it shows around 2000 in detail page. How long does it take for Google to update this? RB

    | rbai

  • Howdy Moz Community, I'm working with a client on migrating content to a new site/CMS and am wondering whether anyone has thoughts on the value of old press releases. I'm familiar with the devaluation of press release links from early 2013, but I'm wondering more about their value as content. Does importing old press releases (3-5 years old) create contextual depth of content that has some value for the site as a whole (even though the news contained within is useless)? Or, do these old press releases just create clutter and waste time (in migration). The site has a wealth of additional content (articles and videos), so the press releases wouldn't be covering up for thin content. I'm just wondering whether there's any best practices or a general rule of thumb. Thanks!

    | MilesMedia

  • Hi, We'd like to render a font stack from Typekit and paint a large cover image above the fold of our homepage after document completion. Since asynchronously loading anything generally looks choppy, we fade in the affected elements when it's done. Sure, it gives a much smoother feeling and fast load times, but I have a concern about SEO. While Typekit loads, h1, h2 and the page's leading paragraph are sent down the wire with an invisible style (but still technically exist as static html). Even though they appear to a user only milliseconds later, I'm concerned that a search engine's initial request is met with a page whose best descriptive assets are marked as invisible. Both UX and SEO have high value to our business model, so we're asking for some perspective to make the right kind of trade off. Our site has a high domain authority compared to our competition, and sales keyword competition is high. Will this UX improvement damage our On-Page SEO? If so and purely from an SEO perspective, roughly how serious will the impact be? We're eager to hear any advice or comments on this. Thanks a lot.

    | noyelling

  • Do you have to be careful spamming internal links?

    | webguru2014

  • Hi everyone A question about best practice when linking from pictures on our homepage - We have an option of using divs with background images (nicer in terms of design) but it means that we can't use anchor text or alt text to show Google what these internal links are about. The other option is to use images which do not allow us as much flexibility in terms of CSS but would allow us to use alt text. There is also an opinion that we should have separate text links at the bottom of the homepage to get the anchor page in. What is best practice in this situation - is alt text worth sacrificing some CSS flexibility for? How important is anchor/alt text for internal linking? Thanks guys.

    | HireSpace

  • We are looking at redesigning our URL structure to accommodate our expansion. This gives us a  chance to change the path, but we have found conflicting advice on readability vs. keyword density. These are our three options.  (Keep it short so that the keywords dominate the path) or (Accurately describe the content on the page) or  (Be a bit spammy and include a word often associated with our inbound searches) Does anyone have any experience on what works best?

    | HireSpace

  • Hey guys, We've done a crawl and none of our internal links are showing up. Are there any on-page factors that would prevent Moz from being able to detect our internal links? Thanks!

    | ATMOSMarketing56

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