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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hello Moz Community, I just finished the on-page optimization for a new project and I would like to know how can I make Google to reindex the new link structure, titles and meta tags? Thank you!

    | CosminC

  • Hi I have a site that is run off one CMS system but has 3 different web addresses. One is a comic shop, one is  a toy shop and one is a game shop. Now due to the nature of what we are selling some of the products we are selling on both or all 3 of the sites. I was wondering as to whether this would affect my ability to rank in google and if i would be penalised for any duplicate content? Thanks in advance

    | TheZenAgency

  • So thought I would share this with others as it 'might' help. So I got around 40 pages, all of them have taken a dive in rankings so on average from Pg1/2 to Pg5/6. I took one page and started working on content upgrades, I had around 50 words of boiler plate content above the fold and 750 words of unique content way down the page so maybe 600px below the fold before you hit it. I removed the boiler plate content and produced 75 words of unique content to replace it, I shuffled things around and managed to get the 750 words maybe 250px below the fold then chucked another 100 unique words into the mix. Fetched the page in GWMT's and resubmitted the URL - hour later that page alone, the page I upgraded had recovered its rankings back to the original position before Panda 4.1 hit. Will the rankings for this page drop back down again, not sure but interesting this page was Pg6/7 since the 23rd and doing the above within an hour regained rankings back to Pg2 middle.

    | followuk

  • I have a website with shopify  CMS. At the run time some pages generating itself with Tags name ( or we can say it search pages)  which has been used in collections. so it's Meta tag and description is same as well as collection and in SEO tools it showing duplicate meta title, description errors. 1.
    4. For example above URLs are not on website, its generating by self with tags name like  girls-skate-clothing, girls-surf-clothing etc. and these pages are accessing Meta titles, description from So will you please suggest me that should I worry about these duplicate meta title, description errors ???

    | 1akal

  • Hi, I'm scratching my head with this one, I have a website with around 40 pages of unique content produced by a professional copywriter who works magazines and PR agencies - each page has around 750/1000 words - according to Google the reading age is intermediate as you would expect from a good copywriter, I have anchor points jumping around the page to information the user shows an interest in - this happens I have video recording and heat maps. I also receive 100s and on some pages 1000s of social shares from Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and G+. I wanted to build a site the way Google wants you to so I have done no link build at all, everything focused onsite so I just spent the last 2 months making the whole site responsive for mobile and tablet devices - I also spent time getting the load time down and 'was' in the process of hooking into a CDN for extra performance. Ive done everything I can to make the site just good and its reflected in the social sharing and natural links from sites such as huffington post. On the 23rd my sites rankings which were solid for over 2 years have crashed, but what's worse is ive been dropped and replaced with sites using the same tactics as the Payday Loan industry, and it seems great favouritism has been given to sites containing Adsense - I can see ranking one page sites with less than 300 words content and 3/4 ad units above the fold and sites which have taken chunks of content off Wikipedia and rank. Thumbs up Google, great job.

    | followuk

  • I am working on a website that has company profile pages. What are the advantages of using LocalBusiness rich snippets for profiles?

    | calf

  • Google indexed plugins pages for my website. Please check below. How can stop them to be indexed on google.? My robots.txt file is - User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/

    | MasonBaker

  • Hello Moz Community, I am doing work for a company and they have multiple locations. For example,,, etc. They also have the same content on certain pages within each website. For example,    has the same content as Does this duplicate content negatively impact us? Or could we rank for each page within each location parameter (for example, people in new york search page-a would see our web page and people in san fran search page-a would see our web page)? I hope this is clear. Thanks, Cole

    | ColeLusby

  • Has anyone seen any case studies that show that title-tags that fit on the page ( have a higher ctr than title-tags that don't fit? I know it's been said that keywords past the pixel limit still matter but if there's a major benefit to ctr for title-tags that fit....Any thoughts?

    | GSO

  • An agency referred me to a client who wants a proposal for SEO.  The website has been recently completed, but it a complete train wreck.  I just ran a Moz crawl and I'm looking at 303 issues to fix out of a site with 377 pages.  I just downloaded an xml sitemap, hoping to prioritize what needs to be done, however I'm not getting a clear sense of the hierarchy. In your opinion, what is the best way to attack a project of this size?  I am clear on the client's business goals, so I can work on the most crucial pages first, but I can't leave the rest of the site a mess.  Should I start by gathering for links that have no user value and plan to block them with meta tags?  I'm used to optimizing much smaller sites, so any advice on how to approach this proposal would be much appreciated.  Thank you!

    | ptdodge

  • Visitors often copy and paste my content and post it elsewhere... on Facebook, on Tumblr, on forums and sometimes on competing websites... but they don't link to me. How does Google treat this duplicated content? What is the best way to handle it? File DCMA claims or ask them for a link?

    | brianflannery

  • I never thought this was an issue, but now, I'm not so sure. Is it a problem for your title tags to be identical to your H1's? From Moz' OnPage Grader section on "H1's and Title Tags," I thought they were supposed to both match your keyword. Any thoughts? Thanks, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I'm working on a site that has some blog posts from 2011 - 2013 ranking on the first page for relevant terms. I'm going through and updating some of the content, internal links, etc., and wanted to know if it's worth redirecting some of these blog posts into new pages (in WordPress). Right now, the blog post URLs are long - and the dates show up in the SERPs. I'd like to have the date removed so that the content doesn't look outdated, and I'd also like to have cleaner URLs. In your opinion, is it worth creating new pages and redirecting the old blog posts, or is the benefit of doing this not worth the effort? Thanks!

    | dchristensen3

  • I am assuming that one way of improving the rankings of current pages will be to create more content on the keywords used... should this be an expansion of the content on current pages I am optimising for a keyword or is it better to keep creating new pages and if we are creating new pages is it best to use an extension of the keyword on the new page – for example if we are optimising one page for ‘does voltage optimisation work’ would it then be worth creating a page optimised for ‘does voltage optimisation work in hotels’ for example and so on? I am guessing maybe both might help, this is just a question I have had from one of my clients.

    | TWSI

  • Kindly review my website and let me know if there is any issue with On page or I am missing anything? Home page - Deep Page -

    | MasonBaker

  • Two weeks ago i changed the urls on our website, without redirecting the old ones. This has led to a dramatic drop in ranking. What should i do: redirect the old pages and keep the new ones Change the urls back to the original ones Which of these to methods will result in best ranking? Maia

    | MaiaHaaland

  • We have a case with a client where they previously had content on top of their most important ecommerce categories. The content was well integrated and should in my opinion enhance the category experience, but after doing some A/B testing they proved to only decrease the conversion rates when sending traffic directly to those categories. Around that topic I have two questions: Is it a bad thing to put the content BELOW the categories? I need examples of categories where content and products are very well integrated and enhances the category experience - any tips?

    | Inevo

  • A few of quick SEO questions regarding header tags: More than one tag per page. If there is more than one tag on a page: are both taken into consideration and what if they contain the same keyword? Eg on the page: MoloBoysCardigans & sweaters ... Molo childrens clothes Is the 2nd considered when indexing the page? Since both tags contain the same keyword (but in different context) is this a SEO plus or minus? Nested tags inside header tags. I presume the nested tags are omitted, but if there is no white space between the tags are these concatenated? <span tag='molo'>Molo<span tag='boys'>Boys<span tag='cardigans-and-sweaters'>Cardigans & sweaters</span tag='cardigans-and-sweaters'></span tag='boys'></span tag='molo'> How is the above header processed? MoloBoysCardigans & sweaters
    2) Molo Boys Cardigans & sweaters Order of header tags.
    How important is the order of header tags and how do they influence the following content. F.ex. if the top part of the page contains multiple tags and the middle part contains 1-2 tags. Does this affect the importance of the tags and would it be better to use tags above? Thanks in advance.

    | Webxtrakt

  • These are the yellow pages in Lithuanian 🙂 What would be your tips for this of page, to increase rankings? Every single tip is appreciated: The same in English: (does not have meta descriptions still) THANKS

    | FCRMediaLietuva

  • Hi I can't find an upto date answer to this so was wondering what people's thoughts are. Does putting content behind 'view more' css buttons affect how Google see's and ranks the data. The content isn't put behind 'view more' to trick Google. In actual fact if you see the source of the data its all together, but its so that products appear higher up the page. Does anyone have insight into this. Thanks in advance

    | Andy-Halliday

  • Hi, yesterday I had a wonderful ranking for the website I do SEO for. The site is pretty still new (online since about one week). Around 11 am yesterday we ranked pretty good and challenged some local sites within the insurance business. Then I made a mistake and stuffed a part of a mail (full of keywords and comments) that was sent to me into an alt-tag of an image. Unfortunatelly it took me around 2 or 3 hours to notice. Before fixing the issue I made some other SEO changes and the site dropped on different keywords on google. Now it practically disappeared from the results… 😞 Does it make sense to just play back a backup from around 11 am yesterday or will google penalize so much going back and forth… (Meanwhile title-tag has been changed, an some alt-attributes, one of three H1s on the page to make it fit more to the title) Best regards Marc

    | RWW

  • I have some pages on my site that don't really have any content other than some iframes that are embedded from another site. I thought it would be best to tag the page with a no-index so that search engines would leave the page alone since it has no content as far as the search engine can tell (but does provide value to my site visitors). Is this the proper approach or does it do more harm than good?

    | Kyle Eaves

  • I am working on a very small (two page) site for a client, and trying to rank for some very competitive local terms. The site is, and our terms center around local cities (like Arlington) plus "custom homes," "custom renovations," etc. I feel very limited in terms of what I can do on the site, and I'm building citations offsite, but I feel stuck. I'd love some tips for helping them rank better without building out an entire site.

    | ScottImageWorks

  • Hi, I am a bit confused. A potential clients website has three versions: http://www. http:// http://dev. In each version they have used the rel=canonical back to each base version. So http://www." http://" http://dev." I would have expected duplicate content but I see only one version of the content when I check using "....." in Google. Using the site: tool  I see that all three versions are indexed. When moving through the navigation on them, they all redirect to the one home page - the www version. Any idea what is going on and what should be recommended?Redirecting all versions to the www. version? Is it a problem?

    | AL123al

  • Hi there, I'm trying to figure out the best way to solve a duplicate content problem that I have due to Page ID's that WordPress automatically assigns to pages. I know that in order for me to resolve this I have to use canonical urls but the problem for me is I can't figure out the URL structure. Moz is showing me thousands of duplicate content errors that are mostly related to Page IDs For example, this is how a page's url should look like on my site Moz is telling me there are 50 duplicate content errors for this page. The page ID for this page is 82 so the duplicate content errors appear as follows and so on. For 47 more pages. The problem repeats itself with other pages as well. My permalinks are set to "Post Name" so I know that's not an issue. What can I do to resolve this? How can I use canonical URLs to solve this problem. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    | SpaMedica

  • Hi MoZ Community! Moz weekly crawl used to report following errors : I have fixed them all over the time. Can somebody give an idea what to do next with the help of Moz or away from Moz to improve my optimization practices. I believe this is just start of the SEO. Or how is it if I focus link building efforts and start fighting for keywords. Also any suggestions about the web? Tanveer | Duplicate Page Content 4XX (Client Error) Title Missing or Empty 5XX (Server Error) Missing Meta Description Tag Duplicate Page Title Title Element Too Long (> 70 Characters) Title Element Too Short Meta Refresh Temporary Redirect |

    | Sequelmed

  • My client has a blank homepage that showcases his work in a slideshow.  As a result, his homepage will not rank.  I've created landing pages and they have started to rank, but he is not a fan of them.  He wants to add a widget below the menu, essentially where you have to scroll down to see it (no one will ever see it) with the text/onsite optimization we need to get him to rank.  This will leave him with his blank homepage that he likes. My gut reaction is that the text needs to be in the actual page, not a sidebar widget.  What do you think?  Will this method work?

    | columbiaseo

  • I'm setting up alt image text for the images on our website and I'm wondering if there is a maximum number of spaces that should be used that field.

    | JillCS

  • Hi All! I just discovered that a client of ours a duplicate content issue. Essentially they have approximately 20 pages that have an http and an https version. Is there a better way to handle this than a simple 301? Regards, Frank

    | FrankSweeney

  • Is it possible to use different title tags and meta descriptions for mobile users? For Example: In the SERP for desktop you'll see the desktop title tags and meta descriptions, but in the SERP for mobile you'll the mobile versions of the webpage.

    | alex1978

  • I have a website and it has a lot of Paginated pages on its SERP and most of paginated pages are getting indexed in Google SERP. Is it beneficial to use No-Index, Follow to keep the link equity to main (first page),  although we have already used rel=next and rel=prev. If Answer is "yes" is their any harm by using no-index, follow with rel=next, rel=prev.

    | vivekrathore

  • Hi guys, I am attempting to create unique URLs for several different pages on a website. Let's say hypothetically that this is a website for a chain of Ice Cream Shops in Missouri. Let's say they have 15 locations in Springfield, Missouri. I would ideally like to optimize our Ice Cream Shop's in Springfield, Missouri with the main keyword (ice cream) but also the geo-specific location (Springfield), but we obviously can't have duplicate URLs for these 15 locations. We also have several secondary keywords, think things like: frozen yogurt or waffle cone that we can also use, although it would most likely be more powerful if we use the primary keyword. Any suggestions for how to go about doing this most effectively? Thanks!

    | GreenStone

  • "Animated Explainer Videos by Wick Video" "Video" is used twice. Could this hurt us?

    | WickVideo

  • just wondering what the point is in analysing the data from google analytics if 95% of the traffic says "not provided" which means the data im looking is not accurate....??/ How does one deal with this??

    | paddyaran

  • How to resolve this issues crawled by mozpro?
    Some Medium priority issues like that: Missing Meta Description Tag: 2669
    Title Element is Too Long: 523
    Duplicate Page Title: 37 How to add missing meta description tag in these pages and how to short title element ?

    | renukishor

  • So...we have a 5 year diary product page at TOAD diaries.  It's had a lot of on page treatment: keyword in title, alt text, decent copy, pictures of the product etc.  Find it here - So we rank 22nd for 5 year diary, but google sends the customer to the home page!  There no mention of 5 year diaries on there.  Seems ridiculous! I can't help but think we should rank better for this as it's a low difficulty term (according to keyword difficulty tool on MOZ). Any thoughts on why this might be? Oh, Google HAS indexed the 5 year diary page.  Used a search operator to check that first (thanks to you guys on here:) ) Thanks.

    | isaac663

  • hey folks, How does google respond to this, canonical to a canonical page? i.e page A is canonical to Page which is already/also canonical to PAGE C. Thanks In advance AK

    | AnkammaRao

  • I just asked a question about ALT tags and then this got me to wondering....I have 300 products, so coming up with titles is not the easiest at times.  Some have my keywords and some do not.  Should they all have my keywords, despite making the title and the URL longer? It seems like you would want the keyword in the title, but then again the category itself it long. Here is an example: (not too long) (longer...I have some even longer than this) Thoughts?

    | tiffany1103

  • I have about 300 products.  Should I make all my IMG ALT tags with my keywords, such as sea glass jewelry, sea glass necklace, sea glass bracelets?  Or, should I make them what their title is, some of which do not pertain to the keyword, such as By the Sea. Some of my products do have keywords in them, but not all. I am hesitant on changing all the titles, as almost all URLs are indexed.

    | tiffany1103

  • Some of my art object products have words and phrases  engraved on them. The words  relate to the images on the product. In the product descriptions, I have been putting quotes around the entire list. Would I get better long tail results if I didn't use the quotation marks?   In other words, do the quotes make everything between them an exact match phrase? For example:
    Current product description: 
    The worlds around the edge of the lazy susan read, "Explore nature. Dream big. Take time to smell the flowers. Enjoy the changing seasons. Seize the day. Relish the night. Live life to the fullest." Thank you for helping with this, all comments on how to present this kind of content are welcomed- Stephen kSOjt5a

    | stephenfishman

  • I've got a website whose pages get lots of comments.  Tons of activity, which I would think Google would like (and seems to like).  However -- I just can't put this nicely -- most commenters are not very bright.  Their grammar and spelling is horrific. These are not foreigners who lack English skills, they are just about all primarily English speakers and the site is 99% US traffic. It's a low-income segment of the population. So, I've been wondering recently if Google will mark down the value of the page due to the bad grammar and spelling in the comments, even if the page's content is otherwise very good and lengthy.  I have read that they grammar and spelling into consideration when looking at the page, but would that include comments, or would they know they are comments and not judge a page on that? It would be a pain, but maybe I should I run all the comments at least through a spell checker? And manually fix their grammar? Problem is I get about 40 comments a day. And when I say bad grammar and spelling, I mean REALLY bad. Embarrassing.

    | bizzer

  • I'm looking for a tool that can help us quickly identify web pages on a client's site that contain a selected keyword phrase.
    I would like to enter say 100 keyword phrases and the client's URL and receive a report that shows - for each keyword - the client URLs that contained that exact phrase. Does anyone know of a tool that can do this? Thank you, Rosemary Brisco

    | RosemaryB

  • Hi All, I have a site that releases alerts for particular problem/events/happenings. Due to legal stuff we keep the majority of the content the same on each of these event pages. The URLs are all different but it keeps coming back as duplicate content. The canonical tag is not right (i dont think for this) egs

    | Astute-Media

  • Moz weekly reports, among other things, the "Duplicate Page Title". How can I identify which two urls/pages have duplicate page titles? Is there any simple way to trace?

    | Sequelmed

  • I found the non WWW ans WWW duplicate pages URL only, more than thousand pages.

    | eigital

  • This is the page While this page isn't what I would consider to be a "resource page"  (there are no downloads or any other resources)  The question is, does a page like this that just has links to articles, hurt the overall ranking of the site. If you have any examples to support your opinion that would be great! Thanks so much for all awesome threads and answers on this site. There are some really smart people all in one place!

    | Britewave

  • Hi, I'm trying to decide the best structure for a directory my site offers (containing all the businesses working in the field) and I'm not sure whether to choose something shorter or being more specific. So, I have 3 variables: Type of business (I mean, specific sector) Region City And I'd like to give some strength to every one of it. So, the complete URL (the one I'd like to use) could be: What I was not sure about that too deep? I mean, even thought I'd like to perfectly categorize them and give some strength to every sublevel, I'm not sure about having the business-name so "far" and so "deep". Thank you for your ideas!

    | Daniele_Carollo

  • Hi everyone! I am a newbie to the whole SEO and html thing and I am trying to get a better understanding of the "behind the scenes" part of my website. I hope I can find someone here who can translate a piece of code for me that I have in my htaccess file: Options -Multiviews
    Options +FollowSymLinks
    rewritecond $1 !^(index.php|public|tmp|robots.txt|template.html|favicon.ico|images|css|uploads)
    rewritecond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    rewritecond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    rewriterule ^(.*)$ index.php?link=$1 [NC,L,QSA] I know that something is getting redirected to the index file, but what (or when) exactly? Does the word "robots"mean that search engine crawlers are getting redirected here? And is this good or bad (in terms of  SEO)? Or is this redirecting people who try to get to my robots/ template or image files?? Thanks in advance for any answers!

    | momof4

  • First of all I am a beginner but that will show with this question.  I have moved my website from Wix to  I had the dns I think that is correct re-direct my site to  Since then some of the pages from wix still show up even though they are no long apart of my site. Secondly when I go to google and type in some of the pages gives  me a 401 or 404 error code, and others do not link to the proper page on my website.  They go to my web-site but not the correct page. What do I do. Thank you Dave In reference to my last question about moz not being able to see my pages and giving me an "F"  I thought you might find it interesting to know that that same page once moved got an A amazing.

    | redsman944

  • I've been reading through a few of blog posts here on moz and can't seem to find the answer to these two questions: How long should I leave an existing page up after a 301 redirect? The page old page is no longer needed but has pretty high page authority. If I take the old page down—the one that I'm redirecting from—immediately after I set up the 301 redirect, will link juice still be passed to the new page? My second question is, right now, on my index.html page I have both a 301 redirect and a rel canonical tag in the head. They were both put in place to redirect and pass link equity respectively. I did this a couple years back after someone recommended that I do both just to be safe, but from what I've gathered reading the articles here on moz is that your supposed to pick one or the other depending on whether or not it's permanent. Should I remove the rel conanical tag or would it be better to just leave it be?

    | ScottMcPherson

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