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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Switched hosting companies, and then switched to https for the entire marketing site as a result of needing the security for the signups.  Rankings in several (most areas) have tanked since then.  Site hasn't changed otherwise, is responsive, fast, and spidered well.  See: I FEEL like the redirection is being handled properly, but I can't be sure.  Moz reporting duplicate content on the homepage between http and https - but I honestly don't know why. Any help - ANY - is appreciated.  Hair being pulled out, and I don't think I'll look good completely bald. 🙂 Kelly

    | Kellster

  • Our website sells tickets for events. We also have an news articles section with information about events / artists / venues. From time to time we release a product page and a related news article on a separate page. Some of the content in the news article would be perfect for our product page. Essentially its our product page we want too rank. Would it harm our SEO if we had some of the same content on both of these pages?

    | Alexogilvie

  • I run a price comparison website and am trying to get merchant name, product name and price appearing in SERPS I have used the Google Structured Data tool and after initally receiving some errors, I was able to remove the errors and ended up with what I thought would be my ticket for awesome looking SERPS. Here is a link to the Google tool with one of my products; Does anyone see any issues? The product from my site used in that tool is Any ideas?

    | MrPenguin

  • Hello Guys, I am using Yoast for several websites, and videos. I have a video sitemap and for all videos i added: 1. Titles 2. Descriptions 3. Tags My question is: Is the there any way or do anything to rank these videos higher?

    | DexSmart

  • I want to forward all urls to but am a little confuse because I am getting duplicate content error: Pages with Duplicate Page Content as of Jan 15 1 duplicate 1 duplicate 1 duplicate*****************************************************************What should I put ion htaccess file so I can forward  http://www.titanappliancerepair.comor what is the correct way to do it?I'm confused because when I enter in browser it shows so how can it be considered duplicate content?.Can someone help?I have godaddy and they have gave me this code to put RewriteEngine on
    rewritecond %{http_host} ^ [nc]
    rewriterule ^(.)$$1 [r=301,nc]What is correct?

    | webbutler13

  • We have a mobile app development client that recently 6 months ago changed their domain name to  So they are concerned that they don’t rank on the first page for the brandname phrase “FS Studio” On Google.  They do rank on the first page for this phrase in Yahoo or Bing. But why is Google returning search results for stuff like Free Studio?  I know this fairly obvious question which the answers may be that they need more authority or backlinks because their name happens to be a fairly competitive search for stuff that is unrelated. Any suggestions? We are going to be optimizing and creating a lot more content.  Is this just that they need to mention their name FS Studio more frequently throughout their website?   Here is a screenshot from Moz’s Keyword difficulty and SERP Analysis tool. agwlY9i.png

    | vabmediaseo

  • I understand using a keyword (or phrase) and correctly building that into the site structure (URL, Title Tag, body, etc). So, this question is going to be elementary, but I am starting to question myself as I write content. I have a client, for example, that has a new site and a page for Chocolate cakes. Now the other pages they built out are for Cheesecakes, Cupcakes, etc. So we optimized the Chocolate cakes page with our keyword throughout (Getting an A+ on page content grade). But now they are asking me why they can't be found for chocolate eclairs, chocolate fudge cake, devils chocolate cake, double chocolate cake, etc. My first quick answer is that they should build more pages. But am I doing this wrong?

    | cschwartzel

  • Let's say I'm a house painter working out of offices in Boston and Springfield. When I search for "Boston house painter" or "Massachusetts house painter," both my homepage and my Boston office page come up #8 and #9. That's good, sorta (2 results on first page), but I'd trade that scenario for a single result in the top 3. How likely is it that these two page are competing? If I removed the Boston page, would the homepage rank better? Or should I be happy I have two pages turning up the the first SERP? Any thoughts here appreciated. Thanks!

    | wparsons

  • Site just crawled  and report shows many duplicate  pages but doesn't tell me which ones are dups of each other. For you experienced duplicate page experts, do you have a subscription with copyscape and pay $.05 per test? What is the best way to clear these? Thanks in advance

    | joemas99

  • Is there any limit to page urls length?

    | SangeetaC

  • In your opinion what are the best wordpress theme in 2014 that are responsive, good speed and seo buildup

    | maestrosonrisas

  • If i link page A to page B then link page B back to page A would this have less effect than linking page A to page B only? Also are their any good resources for learning internal linking best practise? Thanks in advance.

    | Bossandy

  • I'm seeing ranking go up on both Bing and Yahoo and yet they are going down on Google.  I did see a bunch of spammy links show up about a month ago but have managed to get all those taken down although did not get any warnings from Google in Webmaster tools about them was more of a preemptive measure. The site in question.

    | mwaters1979

  • So with Google SERPs looking for more customer intent and especially to direct questions eg, How much does a x cost? Where can I find x etc - is it good practice to create a bank of Q&A's on site or is it sufficient to have good quality content on the subject matter stating the costs of x and where you can find it written in a customer friendly manner? Will a bank of Q&As add any value if they directly answer the most likely search questions? Thanks Ash

    | AshShep1

  • Just curious what you guys are doing in the way of displaying product reviews on ecommerce sites. I couldn't find much on best practices here so I'm turning to the Moz community. We're moving our main site to Magento and plan to launch it in a few months. Some of our products have 1,000+ reviews and we're wondering what the best way to show them is. I'm thinking just put them all on there (provided it doesn't slow down the page) to increase unique content per page, more keywords, etc. We've also thought of showing just the 50-100 most recent reviews or filtering the reviews and showing a sampling we choose. Thoughts?

    | Kingof5

  • On an ecommerce site we have unique content on the product pages (i.e. descriptions), as well as the usual delivery and returns tabs for customer convenience. From this we haven't had any duplicate content issues or warnings, which seems to be the case industry-wide. However, we're looking to add a more lengthy FAQs tab which is still highly relevant to the customer but contains a lot more text than the other tabs. The product descriptions are also relatively small. Do you think this will cause potential duplicate content issues or should it be treated the same as a delivery tab, for instance?

    | creativemay

  • While checking some SERP results for a few pages of a site this morning I noticed that some pages were returning this message instead of a description tag, A description for this result is not avaliable because of this site's robot.s.txt The odd thing is the page isn't blocked in the Robots.txt. The page is using Yoast SEO Plugin to populate meta data though. Anyone else had this happen and have a fix?

    | mac2233

  • I have a client with multiple locations in a central area.  Is it better to purchase unique geo-targeted domains i.g. and and create area specific splash pages with links back to the main site -OR - is it better to simply create landing pages on the main domain -

    | SearchParty

  • I have a client with several locations.  Should I include only the main office's address in the footer?  The client is wanting to add them all.

    | SearchParty

  • Hey All, Just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this or has any idea what happen to one of my sites last week. I have a lot of question and unanswered weirdness that seems to be occurring in the data. It kind of plays out like this. Noticeable drop off in organic SE traffic WMT kicks out 70% of my structured  schema data Moz drops DA to 14 from 17 Moz MR drops from 3.50 to 2.74 Total Indexed pages (as per SEOQuake tool bar) Drops from 500 to 224 All the images submitted via a sitemap have been unindexed according to WMT. This only a 3 month old web site with a minimal back linking profile, we're talking less than 100. No one has been working on the site, the only thing that has happen in the last month is blog post being posted. All unique content and well formatted. Then at the beginning of this week I saw traffic increasing again, and this was confirmed when WMT updated and I got my Moz update. All schema data back in WMT, with no acknowledgement of the drop; the graph just continues in a steady rise as tho nothing happened. Traffic back up to normal levels, as tho nothing happened. I have noticed a 100% increase in the amount of pages being blocked by robots.txt, I haven't changed it, nor has anyone else, it has been the same since the site was launched. I'm hoping that Moz will put the DA and MR back to where they were, and no damage will be done.\ But my question is, What the hell happened? It nearly wiped the site of the face off the earth for 10 days, how do I find out what did it, why and stop it from happening again? I have noticed the number of pages indexed by google, as quoted by SEOquake tool bar not WMT regularly jumps from anywhere from 200 to 500, Any ideas? I know their are many different elements at play here, where do I start, I can't sit back and hop it never happens again. Thank you to anyone that wants to roll their sleeves up and have ago at this one. Best, IAn

    | cookie777

  • Hi all, pretty standard SEO question that I'm sure you are all getting asked day in, day out... the following page: It's targetting keywords "portable dvd", "portable DVD player", "portable DVD players" & "portable dvd player for car". The page gets a grade A via Moz analytics On-page grader for the keywords. We have incoming links and I believe the page is structured correctly with all meta tags, H1 etc and tried not too overload the tags with keywords. We have the keywords in the URL etc. We are still stuck on page 2 for all phrases. Any thoughts or suggestions as to what we are doing wrong please? Any help would be great.

    | jasef

  • We have monthly newsletters posted on our website. We want to keep only 2 years (2013-2014) posted - All of the newsletters from 2011 and 2012 have good link juice, though. They are still live on the site - - but they are not listed on the main Newsletter page, so you would need the direct URL to find it. Will Google punish us for this? Is this a good way to keep our link juice? Thanks.

    | nuxeo

  • ​Hi, All If I have created a (website, logo, email campaign) for a client and written an article about it with screen shots on my website and link to them with a (do-follow) link how does Google see the (do-follow) link? Regards to the sites they have one link in the footer on the home page, which is a (do-follow) back to our site. Also, the websites are not in my Niche.

    | deskjet

  • Hello, I am bit confused about whether to use a Canonical URL on a page or not? Actually, the project I am working on is having two pages with most similar content. The only difference between them is that only 1 paragraph of 50-60 words is different. I am not sure, whether to put a canonical URL on the another version of the page. [Note: Sorry, can't put the site URL due to some restrictions.]

    | Anup_More

  • We have 2 ecommerce websites with duplicate product/category content that have been around for years. "Site A" since 2004 and "Site B" since 2011. "Site B" doesn't generate many sells and we want to close the site in fear that it may look spammy to google and since we don't want to upkeep the site. Couple questions:
    1. Is it possible that "Site B" has damaged "Site A" with google since they are so similar?
    2. Can i 301 redirect all of "Site B" to "Site A" without hurting "Site A"?
    3. If question 2 is ok, should i use the "Change of Address" tool in google webmaster tools to point "Site B" to "Site A"? Thanks!

    | Tuurbo

  • After analyzing the code on various competitors eccomerce sites I wanted to seek advice on best practices for marking up individual product pages for keywords and descriptions. My competition is all over the map as far as utilizing keywords and descriptions, some have few keywords while others have many and vice versa for descriptions. What is the best method for marking up product pages on an eccomerce site for keywords and descriptions? In addition, is it okay to utilize the same keywords for multiple products that may be under the same category? or is this considered duplicate content? Thanks for the help, if you have any resources for SEO and eccomerce sites I would greatly appreciate the guidance best,Michelle & Blake

    | LeapOfBelief

  • I think that is banned, but are websites that are created by WordPress get banned?

    | CoGri

  • I'm considering working with a group like Narrative Science or Automated Insights to create content for 10k cities around the country. Each article they would create (3-5 per city) would be completely original, based on data we either own or license, written to our editorial tone, voice and direction, and consist of 300-500 words per page. If you are familiar with these groups, you'll know that it is not spun content or spammy crap that we know Google kills off in droves. It will be well written, accurate, articulate original content on topics like health, demographics, population growth, schools and education and weather pertaining to a city or metro area. My question - assuming the answer is actually known - is how well (or if) this content will perform in Google. It is a significant investment for my group (well into size figures) and we don't want to take this decision lightly. We are looking to challenge sites like and, who largely just regurgitate aggregated data.

    | barberm

  • I am looking for a related post page plugin for wordpress that doesnt affects to much on page speed Advice on related post plugin that doesn't impacts to much on page load speed

    | maestrosonrisas

  • Hi all, Recently a partner of ours discovered that Google is showing a meta description on the serps for his homepage that is not his but ours. On his site, he sells add-ons for our software, so the name of our software appears many times and as well there are many links pointing to our site. He claims he hasn´t copied this text from us, and I have used some tools to verify this. I don´t understand how Google can get confused and show our text as the meta desctiption on the serps for his homepage. Any idea on why this happened?

    | Paessler

  • I am seeing a trend in digital publishing on sites like HuffPo and others where they are increasing the length of article headlines to 3-4 rows of large type, often containing multiple sentences. Other publishers like still have shorter headlines and character counts. Perhaps this is just a design aesthetic, but I am curious if there is any SEO value to having longer headlines assuming you are able to fit your targeted keywords/terms and message in something shorter?

    | barberm

  • Hi guys, Hope to find some smart SEOs around here and where I can to contribute to the community! I wanted to share an issue we are having with our website, which is focused on the promotional flyers of the supermarket chains. These are often valid for a short period of time and then expire. So it makes no sense to keep them but also, if we delete them, that would create a lot of 404s or something. So how do you think it is the best way to go around this problem? should we delete them? or when deleted to redirect the dead pages to the homepage? or keep them in an archive live ? Thank you so much for any opinions, much appreciated! Best

    | commissionshare

  • Hello Mozzers, I have an on-page SEO question regarding URL structure. A few months back we hired a full-time SEO person who is working on-page right now and she really wants us to completely re-due our URL restructure from a flat to pyramid style (example below). Current URL structure / page title is: Dog training Collars - Small Dog training Collars - Einstein ET-300TS Mini Dog Training Collar - Suggested URL structure / page title change: Quality Dog Training Collars - Lowest Price Guarantee - K9electronics Dog Training Collars - Small Dog - Einstein ET-300TS Mini - Dog Training Collars - I guess you could say we are the poster-boys for Google penalties and have received just about every penalty in the book. Panda, penguin algo penalties and a partial manual action for unnatural links. Several months ago we removed 1000's of in-bound links and had our manual action lifted a few months back and are now hovering around the top / mid 2nd page for all our big terms ...we used to be top 3 for everything. As we were removing bad links, we also completely redesigned the site and removed lots of categories and products and 95% of all our old, low quality content and replaced it with new, high quality content. The site was really slooooow, so we optimized it and moved it to a big dedicated server and tripled page load time. Added rich snippets, Google authorship, increased our FB and other social presences and much more ... I had also considered this URL structure change during the redesign because I had heard and read that it was good to do, but it required redirecting practically all our URL's which I know can hurt the site even more so then it already has been ... Our SEO says that as it sits now, our pages are competing with each other and really seems to think this is going to improve our rankings a lot ...after several weeks. My question is, at this stage in the game, is it really going to help a lot and give us more benefit compared to the 301 redirect link juice loss? Any comments and/or suggestions are very much appreciated!

    | k9byron

  • Hi guys, I am not sure if here is the right place to ask for this, but we really need help with one of our projects, especially for the site analysis. We dont need link building tips etc, we just need help regarding our site structure, code etc etc. Do you have any ideas where I can find some real professionals on this topic? Thank you a lot !

    | commissionshare

  • I was reorganizing my blog and deleted several categories. Of course now Google Webmasters is coming up with a bunch of 404 errors. How do I fix this?

    | blogger2013

  • Does MOZ do more than churn out report after report? I do appreciate the useful information about my keyword rankings and from the crawls - the report cards are great too. But I need my site analyzed. I need to know what about my blog as a whole is wrong. I did very well with google traffic until the summer when my traffic plummeted overnight due to a Google Panda update/tweak. I have been working really hard and I know I am doing the right things (I got 28K unique visitors this past month and people are sticking around) but I still get basically no organic traffic. Is there a feature in Moz that can tell me what is broken? Like an SEO Audit? I feel that there are things I am missing that are more technical and I don't know how to find out what they are.

    | blogger2013

  • Let me describe my situation. I currently run an e-commerce site that aggregates items across various e-commerce website. I am focusing my SEO on the long tail keywords such that when user searches for 'hermes birkin bag croco black' and other specific item search, then the page that I have on my site pops up. What are some tips on increasing this kind of stuff in a general sense such that I don't have to go through all of my 10,000 items that I have in my site and optimize each and every page for keywords. Right now what I am thinking is to increase the domain authority of the overall site. Any other tips?

    | herlamba

  • I have several clients and the Google Authorship images used display in the search results for all of them. About a month ago all of the images disappeared, however it still displays "by <name>, indicating that Google Authorship is working -- it just doesn't show the image (see screenshots). The image follows the guidelines, and we've got the rel author tag in place, with a link back to Google. </name> When I use the Google Structured Data Testing Tool it shows that authorship is properly functioning. I'm completely stumped. Does anyone have any ideas why this may not be working? Here's two examples of the sites with Authorship not working properly (screenshots below): Shot 2014-01-03 at 12.53.10 PM.png Shot 2014-01-03 at 12.44.12 PM.png Shot 2014-01-03 at 12.52.36 PM.png Shot 2014-01-03 at 12.52.52 PM.png

    | socialfirestarter

  • Hi Guys/Gals, We do a lot of work in a very competitive space (personal injury) and are having an internal debate on the best way to implement title tags for new sites. We understand that keywords, title tags, etc., don't possess the power they once did, but we have yet to see conclusive proof of this in our space. The vast majority of competitors still rank very well for keyword focused content, title tags, etc., while having average link profiles and little content. We write a lot of content for our clients and want to know if someone can offer their opinion on the question that follows this example: "Top 5 Injuries Caused by T-Bone Collisions | Indiana Accident Lawyer" Would it seem repetitive or manipulative to construct title tags as shown, always placing "Indiana Accident Attorney" or "Indianapolis Accident Lawyer," or similar of at the end of each title tag? Thanks, gang!

    | Wayne76

  • In other words, I have pages from years ago that are redirected but how can I tell if traffic still flows through them? And if there is no or minimal traffic should the 301 be deleted? Linck

    | LinckB

  • Hi, Mi question is if it´s well seen by google hide partially the H1 tab, like itself is doing in youtube example: There is any rule about this? There is a minimum of characters? Thanks you

    | SEONavent

  • I have seen zero movement in my Google keyword rankings, but I have seen movement on the other search engines.  I must be doing something wrong.  Any tips?

    | LindaWolfe

  • Just wondering where I should put my tutorial videos on my e-commerce site. I have two options 1. On the category pages - this makes sense as the videos are related to the products within the category 2. Create a help section of the website that would host all the help videos. Which would be better for ranking and usability? Thanks

    | DavidLenehan

  • Hello, I have some confusion about how to structure my site to better in on-site optimization. I am using WordPress. Therefore, there are many things that I need to consider as following: Static Page for homepage OR Latest posts? Archive, Category, Author, Attachment and Tag pages - To put meta robots (no index, follow) or not to prevent duplication? If I use Static Page for homepage, do I need to add meta robots (no index, follow) to POINT 2 above or not? If I use Latest Posts for homepage, do I need to add meta robots (no index, follow) to POINT 2 above or not? To have breadcrumb or not? To have recent posts, comment, tag clouds or popular posts/comments widget or not? To have social sharing icons and related posts in single post or not? If you don't mind adding more tips that I don't know it would be very great! Thanks!

    | dinabrokoth

  • My client has a site that supports different languages in the following structure: - English version - Italian version www.domain/DE - German version etc.... I have set the languages up within Webmaster Tools but do I need to set up the canonical tag for all internal pages as they are basically the same but just in a different language i.e. is the same as but in a different language. Thanks

    | bigfootdigital

  • Hi, I am curious whether Google penalizes a page with the image tag with a value in the "alt" attribute and without one in the "src" attribute? Would this count as stuffing? Sometimes you cannot put an image but you would like to get SEO benefit by having a keyword in an image?

    | Plivo

  • Thanks for taking the time to review this. So for our example, lets use the following SEO friendly link: We'll call this link the SEO VERSION The title of the college is" Pacific Christian College of Minstry and Biblical Studies" The title of the program is "BA Biblical Studies" The QUERY version of the link to this page would be something like: Keep in mind that the meta title, description, and keyword tags for the page are all administerable The SEO VERSION is automatically created from the title of the college, and the title of the program. Each one of these titles can be overidden with a URL slug individually. For instance, the admin could make the link: by changing the slug for the college to "pacific-christian-college-of-ministry" and the slug for the program to "biblical-studies". Let's call this version the SLUG VERSION So now we have multiple ways to get to the same content. The question on the table is what is best practice for the rel="canonical" link to keep from getting dinged for duplicate content. Let's say that our SEO VERSION is the canonical link for 1 year.  Then the choice was made to optimize the links thru the slugs creating the SLUG VERSION.  My assumption is that we would keep the SEO VERSION as the canonical link. But then let's say 6 months later that the title of the program is changed in the admin.  Now the SEO VERSION has changed and so has the canonical link.  Do we lose the link juice garnered over the last 18 months? It would seem to me, that if we use the QUERY version as the canonical link, then any optimizations or changes affect everything except the canonical link, thus keeping the previous link juice earned.  But is having an ugly URL as  the canonical link detrimental to SEO? Please advise.

    | robertdonnell

  • Hi, How important do you think the image file names are for image search?
    I know it used to be the best practice a while ago but is it still important? Thanks in advance, JJ

    | jjtech

  • So, I have a resource page coming up in the SERPs above the product page, obviously both pages are targeting a lot of the same terms... it's like one is how to use the product and the other IS the product. What's your take on getting the money page to rank instead of the resource page? The only things I can think of include making sure that (internal) anchor text hyperlinks are all powering up the product page, and possibly adding more content to the product page and it's sub-pages.  Possibly even including the how to use the product info on the product page itself. Any other ideas?

    | wiredseo

  • Hi, I've taken on a new ski client who wants to rank on page 1 on for [ski instructor courses]. When I first put that keyword into Moz rank tracker the landing page came up and it was ~ #30 Instead we wanted to rank and I've optimised the copy (perhaps over optimised?) and have been redirecting & building links to that page. When I check in the SERPs (as unpersonalised as I can get) that new page appears to be ranking ~ 20 and the old page is nowhere to be seen. So far so good. However in the rank tracker Moz says the new page (exact URL) isn't ranking (not in top 50) and that when I put in 'entire subdomain' that the old page still comes up (and has improved to ~ 25). Any help / advice really appreciated! I want to prove to the client the rankings have improved / work I've been doing has helped!

    | richardpatey

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