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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi to all so this is my first month using moz tools. When I check my competitors and keywords, everyone close to google #1 is a emd site But with google always getting smarter, is it smart in order to compete to get an emd? So say I rank first page #9, or not at all for my brand, if since my site is a construction site, if instead of say abc I find colorado home etc would I maybe do better? Or would google give me a bad ranking? I am just so lost? One last question? If I did build a emd site then just pointed my brand to it, would this be good or stupid for seo? thank you for all advice and tips chris

    | asbchris

  • Moz crawl test only show one URL indexed for the website - Site: shows 3 URLs and how to fix URLs for the website?

    | Dan_Brown1

  • Hi I am using a Video snippet and this error was generated about the duration tag. Can someone tell me how to fix it? and will this error prevent snippet to work on the sear results? Thanks Mozzers! 1rC5q7g.png

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • I am looking to hire someone who could help me to rank my page better: If you are looking for a job and think you might be able to help me out please let me know thanks. I am looking to hire someone ASAP who could start ASAP. Good SEO practice for both of us. Thank you,

    | help456

  • I manage a Wordpress site and I am interested to get the community's views on the best SEO plug-ins around? We are looking at using Yoast. Should I be looking at anything else?

    | cbarron

  • I took over a website a few months ago which is not performing well at all for chosen keywords. When I first inspected it, I found a rel canonical tag pointing to the homepage on every page. This was quickly deleted and all the pages were fetched in webmaster tools. 3 months later and the website is still performing badly. When I use the mozbar, it shows that all of the sub-pages have a pa of 1. It is only a small site and all of the pages are linked to on the navbar in a simple way. The links are not made using javascript and all the pages are on the sitemap which is submitted to wmt. I have checked that all of the changes that have been made have been indexed as well. Could it be possible that google still sees the canonical tag even though its not there? I can't think of any other reason why the pages have no pa or why it is so far behind the competitors despite having better content and links. Also, the site is appropriate for adults, but I found (among the mess left for me) a meta ratings tag set to "general". This has now been deleted, could it negatively affect rankings?

    | maxweb

  • Hi all Wondering if anyone could offer a pointer on a problem i am having please. I am developing an affiliate store and to prevent problems with duplicate content I have added name="robots" content="NOINDEX,FOLLOW" /> to all the product pages to avoid google penalties. However, Google appears to be indexing product pages. When I do a site: search I see a few hundred product pages in the engine. This is odd as the site has always had noindex on these pages. Even viewing the cache of the indexed page shows the noindex meta tag to be in place. I'm at a loss as to why these pages are being indexed and could do with removing them asap to stop any penalties on the site. Many thanks for any help.

    | carl_daedricdigital

  • I'm a newb and see this on my report and I don't understand what it means. Any help?

    | smartapps

  • Hello. my company acquired another website. This website is very old, the content within is decent at best, but still manages to rank very well for valuable phrases. Currently, we're leaving the entire site active on its own for its brand, but i'd like to at least redirect some of the content back to our main website. I can't justify spending the time to create improved content on that site and not our main site though. What would be the best practice here? 1. Cross-domain canonical - and build the new content on our main website? 2. 301 Redirect Old Article to New Location containing better article 3. Leave the content where it is - you won't be able to transfer the ranking across domain. Thanks for your input.

    | Blenny

  • I'm currently working on a site that sells appliances. Currently, there are thousands of "issues" with this site, many of them dealing with duplicate content. Now, the product pages can be viewed in "List" or "Grid" format. As Lists, they have very little in the way of content. My understanding is that the duplicate content arises from different URLs going to the same site. For instance, the site might have a different URL when told to display 9 items than when told to display 15. This could then be solved by inserting rel = canonical. Is there a way to take a site and get a list of all possible duplicates? This would be much easier than slogging through every iteration of the options and copying down the URLs. Also, is there anything I might be missing in terms of why there is duplicate content? Thank you.

    | David_Moceri

  • I work for an e-commerce site that has quite a few categories. Some of these categories rank really well and other don't rank at all. What causes such a drastic difference? I understand that there are a lot of factors in ranking, so I am not asking why am I ranked #1 in some keywords and #2 in others. What I am trying to figure out is why I rank #1 in some keywords and don't rank in the first ten pages in another. The pages and optimization are the same. Why wouldn't it rank at all?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Hello, everybody. I am definitely not an SEO specialist. My family owns a transportation business (since 2010) and i am the one responsible for the website (until we find a good SEO company). My question: Several years ago i did not know much about SEO and have chosen a domain name (it is not the actual domain...just an example...i'm not sure if i can post the real website here) and another domain that is just the name of our company (it also has hyphen in it). Both websites are still doing good and we receive quite a bit of traffic, but i read more an more about how hyphenated domains and domains with more then two worlds can be bad for your SEO/business/traffic. I feel like the websites are stuck and not moving up any more..could that be because of the hyphens? I registered another domain that is the name of our company (which is well known by now) without any hyphens. Now i have no idea what to do. Should i redirect both old domains (old websites are different and do not have duplicate content) to the new one, or should i just redirect the old domain (just the name of our company with hyphen) to a new one (without hyphen) and leave the as is... Or maybe i should register another domain without any hyphens (two words only) and redirect the to it... I am very nervous to make any changes and loose all the traffic. My family will kill me. Please help! I'm lost!

    | KL2014

  • I have a wordpress site that On-Page Grader is saying I don't have Canonical done correctly.  Here is the comment. Appropriate Use of Rel Canonical If the canonical tag is pointing to a different URL, engines will not count this page as the reference resource and thus, it won't have an opportunity to rank. Make sure you're targeting the right page (if this isn't it, you can reset the target above) and then change the canonical tag to reference that URL. Recommendation: We check to make sure that IF you use canonical URL tags, it points to the right page. If the canonical tag points to a different URL, engines will not count this page as the reference resource and thus, it won't have an opportunity to rank. If you've not made this page the rel=canonical target, change the reference to this URL. NOTE: For pages not employing canonical URL tags, this factor does not apply. I have quite a few sites and have never had an issue with this.  Can anyone help?  I tried installing a plugin but that seems to have made it worse.  This is the front page of the site btw.

    | jonnyholt

  • Is this good idea to add business address on every page of the website?, How Google see this? and This is Good or bad for ranking?

    | Dan_Brown1

  • Hi there, A while back I dropped the www from my domain. Everything redirected ok and I could still access my site using www and it would simply redirect to http://mysite This no longer seems to be occurring. I don't think I have changed anything? I don't believe I had anything in my htaccess however I am looking for some assistance in doing so. I've done a bit of reading but am not 100% confident! If anyone is interested, the url is Thanks

    | MrPenguin

  • Type: Schema product Property: Image Error: Missing required field "name (fn)". Google Webmaster is showing this error when I try to validate markup on webmaster. This is my domain - www(dot)wishpicker(dot)com Would be great if someone could please help with this. Thanks

    | bansheeviv

  • The name of our company is LEDSupply; our tag line is: "For All Your LED Project Needs!". Currently the H1 Tag for our homepage is LEDSupply: For All Your LED Project Needs - Low Prices, Big Bulk Discounts & Free Shipping My questions is should I break out everything but the tag line so the new H1 tag is: LEDSupply:  For All Your LED Project Needs! Which is better in your opinion? Here is a link to our homepage: Thanks! -Brooke

    | saultienut

  • Hello, I unindexed numerous blog low quality blog posts and nofollowed them at the same time using the Advanced meta tab for the Yoast WPSEO plugin. I am trying to reindex them, which I figured out and can successfully do, What I cannot figure out is these posts will not return to follow status and remain nofollow. I have been recreating the blog posts, but this is very time consuming. Is there some way to do this without have to reduplicate a new blog post? I Googled this and searched MOZ with no luck. thank you Mike

    | crazymikesapps1

  • Cyrus' webinar yesterday got me thinking about the use of bullet points and Google's increasing affection for context and semantics. Because of their brevity, I can see bullet points parsing up context/semantics etc. Some of our competitors (apparently trying to appeal to Google) are writing 2-4 sentences about the product in the desciption section followed by bullet points repeating the same information.  They'll also put a few sentences of description at the top of the page above the price and then repeat it below in the description (this is relatively common). I put text in the description section and like bullet points as a shopper because I can quickly and easily see important information - therefore I use them heavily in product descriptions. Is Google smart enough process bullet points and mash together context or would Google prefer content in well written sentences? Should I be frying bigger fish?

    | AWCthreads

  • I look many times on google that what is the best tag to set in title for seo, H1 or H2 or H3 In many forums and sites they are asking that you need to put only H2 tag in title and someone ask to put H1 in title and i am confused, Some body tell me the correct tag for seo in google, or any other search engine.

    | seom2014

  • Hi There We have a content website. We don't rank well category image related searches but we get quite good traffic for those keywords. Those keywords are mostly like "category images". We want to change our url structure and we have 2 options now. 1- option 1 repeats the category name so it looks spammy option 2 doesn't really have the keyword. any ideas which one tho choose? Thanks! ps: we don't want to use (too many root link)

    | muminaydin

  • Hey Moz Community, Newbie here.  On my second week of Moz and I love it but have a couple questions regarding crawl errors.  I have two questions: 1.  I have a few pages with duplicate content but it say 0 duplicate URL's.  How do I know what is duplicated in this instance? 2.  I'm not sure if anyone here is familiar with an IDX for a real estate website.  But I have this setup on my site and it seems as though all the links it generates for different homes for sale show up as duplicate pages. For instance, is listed as having duplicate page content compared with 7 duplicate URLS: I've attached a screenshot that shows 2 of the pages that state duplicate page content but have 0 duplicate URLs.  Also you can see somewhat about the idx duplicate pages. rel="canonical" is functioning on these pages, or so it seems when I view the source code from the page. Any help is greatly appreciated. skitch.png

    | HandyRealtySA

  • What Is the Best company for Seo that Scan and  all errors automatically For me. thanks Give Me some Suggestion.

    | nomyhot

  • As I design my new pages I place them into the page optimizer.  When I place the keyword in that I am trying to rank for my page is coming up as an A.  With that said, I am still receiving error messages with critical fix results.  Here is a screenshot of this: Curious on how I should fix this?  The pages are directly on my blog which makes it accessible to search engines ( So I think).  Any input would be greatly appreciated.

    | Jasonalanmagic

  • Hello I'm in need of some guidance as my head has gotten into a spin. Here's the website -
    Here's the keywords - concrete repair, concrete repairs, concrete repair contractors
    Here's the question - The homepage doesn't really rank for anything specific and the concrete repair page isn't really strong enough to rank for the above keywords. What should I do? Thanks for any help.

    | Hughescov

  • I'm wondering what the procedure and implications are of changing my sites tile? I realise that my Having my keyword in my sites title whilst chasing the same keyword in articles may be causing over optimization. The slug also takes on the article title too, in effect giving me the keyword three times before I've even written my article. Example below. Imaginary site title : soap Article:  The essential guide to making homemade soap Slug:  The-essential-guide-to-making-homemade-soap As you can see, soap has now been mentioned three times, not including excerpt/meta description or image alt tags. As most of the article titles would contain my supposed keyword "soap" I'm thinking the best option would be to change site title with allinoneseo (that possible?) and change the slug to something relevant, giving me more room to escape over optimization. Does this sound sensible? I don't have that many articles so if I had to change other things it wouldn't be too much of a hassle. It seems a pity to loose my sites title I picked, but if I end up writing hundreds of articles this would be a problem. Help appreciated.

    | marangus

  • Hi Is there such a tool that can be use to search a website for duplicate content? Thanks

    | Bossandy

  • I have read Yoast's tutorial and others on how to get rel=author to work properly on my site ( Here are the results I get from the Google Structured Data Testing Tool: "Authorship is working for this webpage." "rel=author markup has successfully established authorship for this webpage." "Publisher markup is verified for this page." All seems well except for this: hatom-feed | hatom-entry: |   |
    | Error: At least one field must be set for HatomEntry.Error: Missing required field "entry-title".Error: Missing required field "updated".Error: Missing required hCard "author". |
    | Error: At least one field must be set for HatomEntry.Error: Missing required field "entry-title".Error: Missing required field "updated".Error: Missing required hCard "author". | Does anyone know how to fix this?

    | cbizzle

  • Hi For our site we previously ranked well for the term "botswana safari holidays" on the page: We've suddenly seen a dramatic drop for this term, currently ranked #43 on Google UK. There are no penalty notices in Webmaster tools and the only edits to the page recently have been to include the term "Botswana safari holidays" in the page title and the on-page h2 (previously Botswana safaris and holidays). Any suggestions why we have seen a large decrease for this term? We expect to see some fluctuation but this one seems a bit dramatic. We've not lost any backlinks to the page that we know of. Thanks for the help.

    | KateWaite

  • Hi I call upon the seomoz experts again this time regarding getting our categories to show in google when you type in our company name Tidy Books. Ive added 3 pictures 1 of our UK store 2 of US store - 3 of a competitor who has over taken us and had the Google mark up we require. Would some love help some help in the last few months we've lost a few places and traffic is going down Thanks everyone ItiqzWV 6g8e1Zy I2qEJCc

    | tidybooks

  • I just noticed we are ranking above our leading competitor for the key words “Joint Care”. Comparing the stats I see the PA for our page is 14,  whereas their’s is 18 . (also their DA is 42 whereas ours is 35). So I’m not 100% sure as to why we are ahead of them, is this due to us having  10 links whereas they only have 4 links to the respective pages? jointcarerating.jpg.html

    | Hardley111

  • Can we add Multipal H2 tags on a single page, Is good or Bad. Here is an example -

    | ross254sidney

  • Hi everyone, I have a question regarding content (user reviews), that are changing URL all the time. We get a lot of reviews from users that have been dining at our partner restaurants, which get posted on our site under (new) “reviews”. My worry however is that the URL for these reviews is changing all the time. The reason for this is that they start on page 1, and then get pushed down to page 2, and so on when new reviews come in. I’m guessing that this could cause for serious indexing problems? I can see in google that some reviews are indexed multiple times with different URLs, and some are not indexed at all. We further more have the specific reviews under each restaurant profile. I’m not sure if this could be considered duplicate content? Maybe we should tell google not to index the “new reviews section” by using robots.txt. We don’t get much traffic on these URLs anyways, and all reviews are still under each restaurant-profile. Or maybe the canonical tag can be used? I look forward to your input. Cheers, Christian

    | Christian_T

  • Hi Mozzers I have been Working on a Comparison Website ; Where We are comparing Single products to many other Products with same specs. E.G : Product A vs Product B  and Product A vs Product C ? How We can manage it So that WE donot have duplicate Content issues. Remember: Products are digital so cannot change much Content in there.

    | Asjad

  • What is the current best practice on preferred number of outbound links on a page you are trying to rank with: According to online resources form a pure page rank perspective a high number of outbound follow links can have a negative impact not only on child pages but also the page itself Other resources suggest that particularly placing high quality outbound links on a page (nofollow) increases the trust and authority of a page Are there any other elements to keep in mind? Is the best practice to avoid any follow links on a page you want to rank well in Google for? Thanks /T

    | thomaspro

  • Hello. Currently we have an ecommerce site that sells shoes online in France. The site is in English. Say the keyword is shoes and our page is it;s perfectly fine to optimize that page for keyword of "shoes". Now, what about french keyword of shoes "chaussures" ? How do i optimize it? Should i create a different page or just edit the same page with keyword of "chaussures" in title tag etc? What is the best way to go about doing this? Thanks

    | WayneRooney

  • I work for an ecommerce site and we are currently in the process of redesigning our product page. Any useful, must-do tips for this? If it helps, our site has both hard goods and apparel that can be imprinted and customized to the buyers liking. Thanks for any help!

    | ClaytonKendall

  • We are going to set up a new site in four months. Historically we always set up a simple Wordpress "Pre-launch-site" with relevant texts to start ranking in the SERP. Anyone with experience of doing/not doing this and what is had led to? A site with relevant texts also should have incoming links, which needs more work.

    | fredrikahlen

  • Our company consists of several smaller companies, some of whom deal with very similar things. For instance, two of our companies resell accounts software, but only one provides after-sales support. Because of the number of different companies and websites we have, sometimes it would be easier to simply copy content from one site to the other, optimised in the same manner as, in some instances, we would want different websites to rank for the same keywords. I have been asked my opinion on the potential impact of this practice and my initial response was that we should avoid this due to potential penalties. However, I thought I'd garner opinion from a wider audience before making any recommendations either way. What do people think? Thanks.

    | HBPGroup

  • Hi all, I'm just seeking opinions on something an external company have told us about linking from our blog to our website... Our website is; and our blog is I add content to the blog on an almost daily basis and generally link on average 3 times from the blog (internally) to a various relevant pages on our website. Today I was told that by doing this I am 'diluting' the link juice which I understand but don't agree with... All I am doing is a form of internal linking which as far as I am aware is a good on-page technique? Just curious to learn other people's view on this... Many thanks Andy

    | TomKing

  • Hi, We have a popup on our site that shows examples of different trash cans that can be used for the bags we sell. Here's an example of a page that has the "common cans popup" (This is a screenshot of where to click: Is this content crawled by google? This is how it looks in our source code: view-source: (start at line 913) Thanks!

    | EcomLkwd

  • We are due to launch our new site and it will be targeting an international market. We have setup these new sites in the following way This has been done in conjunction with setting up the parameters in GWT and making sure it is optimised for the language itself, and that countries search engine. But our web dev team have said that the URLs at the moment will be in english and not the native language, so if you were on the french version of our site you would see the url in english and not french. Will this negatively affect the site for SEO, and who else would think it would be negative from a usability perspective? Any help is appreciated.

    | RyanCrawf1984

  • We are currently designing and developing our new ecommerce website. Due to the complexity involving in duplicate contents as well as the structure of ecommerce websites, we are looking for a firm who can help us on this. We have a team of 15 people here developing our site and need guidance for URL structure and general flow of the website (Site optimization) that is SEO friendly. This would enable us to build links effectively. Anyone can recommend us some strategic consulting firm for this work? We have seen moz recommended lists and still waiting for their reply. Thanks

    | WayneRooney

  • Can anyone shed any light on why moz ranks this page an F: for 'cleaners in tynemouth' and 'cleaning in tynemouth' Many thanks!

    | EdwardoUK

  • Hi all, I am a photographer and do my own website and links etc. Website is: I have enjoyed good google rankings for my main keyword 'wedding photography sydney' for many years, and even recovered after taking a hit from the penguin (may 2012) update. But the last month has seen a steady drop from around 2nd - 4th down to now 10th. I have analyzed my site using all the moz tools and on most counts eg moz rank and moz trust I am ahead of my competitor sites....but still rank under them on google. So I would greatly appreciate on advice people could give on getting my ranking back up again! Thanks in advance Darryn

    | dmck

  • I compare my competitors and i am always higher than others (Domain authority, Page authority, Page mozrank, page moztrust, domain mozrank, domain moztrust). But some queries i am under these sites. What is the problem or how can i beat them? P.S. : I am the newest website among them. (E-commerce and my domain register date: january 2013)

    | hepsimedikal

  • My wedding photography website has grown organically over the last 4 years or so.
    Each year it's been fiddled with, changed, tweaked, prodded - in short it's been mucked about with a lot.
    To the point now where I think it's become a hodge potch of mucky code (theme installed on theme in stalled on theme and numerous plugins) and no real 'structure' to it. At the moment it hovers around #12 for my main area of focus - people looking for a wedding photographer in Essex, England. So 'wedding photographer Essex'. I try to write blog posts regarding venues in Essex where I've photographed weddings. Despite trying to follow best practice, and with weak/low competition, these posts very rarely crack top 10. Last year when I was top 2 for wedding photographer Essex I was victim of a spam link attack. At the time I asked for advice and was told not to worry as Google didn't count these links. Now I'm feeling that along with the bloated website, lack of proper site architecture and other little issues, these links are contributing to restricting my pages from ranking in top 10 spots. Backlinking, while always helpful, doesn't seem to play a major role when trying to rank for venue related searches according to backlink reports on competitors. I'm thinking that it might be an idea to rebuild the site and content from the ground up. This time with a proper site structure in place and conforming to best practice.  Obviously this is probably the most extreme course of action. Or does my site just need a little TLC to get it ranking better?
    The site in question is: Thanks

    | chuckstar_za

  • I have 5 websites with different domain names, every website have same content, same pages, same website design. Kindly let me know how to solve this issue.

    | ross254sidney

  • I'm sorry if there have been questions close to this before... I've using WordPress less like a blogging platform and more like a CMS for years now... For content management purposes we organize a lot of content around Parent/Child page (and custom-post-type) relationships; the Child pages are included as tabbed content on the Parent page. Should I be noindexing these child pages, since their content is already on the site, in full, on their Parent pages (ie. duplicate content)? Or does it not matter, since the crawlers may not go to all of the tabbed content? None of the pages have shown up in Moz's "High Priority Issues" as duplicate content but it still seems like I'm making the Parent pages suffer needlessly... Anything obvious I'm not taking into consideration? By the by, this is my first post here @ Moz, which I'm loving; this site and the forums are such a great resource! Anyways, thanks in advance!

    | rsigg

  • This url looks bad:!classes/c1vw1 And when you click around the page change doesn't actually occur, it's a fade into the next page. I think this is a major problem for rankings. Although pages are crawled: When I search for a simple page - "patrick munoz FAQs" nothing comes up:|+FAQs Do you think this is a bad url configuration? Thanks! Tyler

    | tylerfraser

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