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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Here's the deal. I got a message in the Manual Action section in GWT: Unnatural links to your site—impacts links On one hand, Matt Says that I need to do my best to take down links on sites that Google hinted me about (I've got a sample link) and it that does not work, I can apply the Disavow tool. Matt says it on this page in his video: On the other hand, if you take a look at the text on the same page, it says that I'm not supposed to do anything at all if I got this message. Here's  the quote: "If you don't control the links pointing to your site, no action is required on your part. From Google's perspective, the links already won't count in ranking.  " I am not sure why I need to apply the Disavow tool if, " the links already won't count in ranking".

    | VinceWicks

  • Hi, We have an urgent care facility outside of our hospital located in an other location and we would like to increase the organic seo for the highest traffic surrounding towns. I have toyed with the following ideas but would like to know what everyone thinks is best. 1.) Just included "proudly serving patients in Area 1, Area 2, Area 3, Area 4" on the bottom of the page. 2.) Create a page that says areas served... then each page would have a non-duplicated and original content for that area. 3.) build a microsite for the urgent care site and optimize with content from option 2 above and just add option one to our main website.

    | sphcs

  • My client is following his GoDaddy SEO Checklist, and it is reporting 5 errors in Title Tags, saying the Titles contain "stop" words. I can't figure out what these are. Any ideas?

    | cschwartzel

  • I'm building an eCommerce website which has an advanced filter on the left hand side of the category pages. It allows users to tick boxes for colours, sizes, materials, and so on. When they've made their choices they submit (this will likely be an AJAX thing in a future release, but isn't at time of writing). The new filtered page has a new URL, which is made up of the IDs of the filter's they've ticked - it's a bit like /department/2/17-7-4/10/ My concern is that the filtered pages are, on the most part, going to be the same as the parent. Which may lead to duplicate content. My other concern is that these two URLs would lead to the exact same page (although the system would never generate the 'wrong' URL) /department/2/17-7-4/10/ /department/2/**10/**17-7-4/ But I can't think of a way of canonicalising that automatically. Tricky. So the meat of the question is this: should I worry about this causing issues with the SEO - or can I have trust in Google to work it out?

    | AndieF

  • As Moz and others have proven, long articles help ranking, linking and sharing.  My question is, do the comments at the end of an article count in the word count as Google counts it.

    | bizzer

  • Hello, Our website is and it is approximately 4 3/4 years old. Ths app review and app video blog started out as a hobby and  since 02/2011 it has been our full-time business. However, we have been plagued with poor SEO decisions made in the early years as well as horrible webmaster and blog management. We have been working very hard to correct all issues and started with a Yoast website audit 1 year ago. We implemented a site redesign and we are mostly happy with this for now. However, we experience a 70% to 75% bounce rate daily and we have just begun using best SEO practices for blog post creation and I feel like our category taxonomy is horrible. About 8 months ago I had 34,000 tags, which I deleted and now I believe we have around 34. I think we have gone the other way in using categories too much and we are under utilizing tags. The problem is we have 2 different operating systems iOS and Android for App Categories that are extensive, we have added numerous sub categories per our Yoast report, but for starters we are not all about games apps and have 40 to 50 game sub categories. My question is, looking at our Categories, would you suggest converting some into tags. Also we have a problem with iPhone Apps, iPad Apps, Android Apps, Kindle Fire Apps because we use these as tags for a filter feature for our app category pages. But, we also have Mobile Apps iPhone Apps, etc. as categories. Any advice would be great and sorry for the bloviating. thank you Mike

    | crazymikesapps1

  • If a business creates a profile in a directory and adds their Google+ page, and they add the domain/profile URL as a publisher they contribute to, is that a legit use? They are the author of the business profile, but it's not an article.

    | designquotes

  • Hello, Not a direct question really, just a poll really of your experience - I work with a few companies and have noticed recently that there seems to be an increase in the time it takes to go from a) showing up in the index (quickly within a day or two) to b) getting a stable ranking. I see spikes over the first few weeks (even up to 3 months) before the rankings eventually settle. Have you noticed the same, is it taking longer to achieve a stable ranking, do you work with any sites that get indexed, rank, and stay in the same slot for moderately competitive terms comparing to a year or tow ago? Interested to hear other people's experience and how long we expect to wait for new content to settle Thanks

    | xoffie

  • Dear readers, This post is a duplicate of one I just put up. Sorry about that. If you are interested in commenting or seeing other responses, please go to Thanks. Hello, I am doing SEO for a company that, as a sideline business, sells four books written by the principals; the content is directly relevant to the company's primary business focus. Book sales are a tiny fraction of our overall revenue, and we don't expect that to change, although we will continue to sell the books. In addition to selling them, we have decided to convert the books to HTML and post them for free on our website (laid out by chapter and section). The hope is that this will result in goodwill, links, traffic, and ultimately improved search rankings. My question:  Would offering free PDF downloads of the books (in addition to posting the HTML content) diminish the SEO benefits of the HTML content? If we don't offer the PDF option, people would have to visit our site to read the content (unless they bought a hard copy). If visitors were able to download a free PDF, they wouldn't need to return to our site to read it. If our corporate clients (nearly all of our clients are corporations) could download a PDF, they could then post it on an intranet instead of posting a link to our site. In general, do you think a visitor would be less likely to link to our site if he or she were able to download the PDF? Or would the appeal of the PDF option make it more likely that people would visit and link to the site? Also, if we offer the PDF option, are there any SEO issues related to duplicate content? Finally, if we did offer the free PDF download, would you recommend that we ask for an email address before giving the PDF? Thank you very much!

    | nyc-seo

  • Hello, I am doing SEO for a company that, as a sideline business, sells four books written by the principals; the content is directly relevant to the company's primary business focus. Book sales are a tiny fraction of our overall revenue, and we don't expect that to change, although we will continue to sell the books. In addition to selling them, we have decided to convert the books to HTML and post them for free on our website (laid out by chapter and section). The hope is that this will result in goodwill, links, traffic, and ultimately improved search rankings. My question:  Would offering free PDF downloads of the books (in addition to posting the HTML content) diminish the SEO benefits of the HTML content? If we don't offer the PDF option, people would have to visit our site to read the content (unless they bought a hard copy). If visitors were able to download a free PDF, they wouldn't need to return to our site to read it. If our corporate clients (nearly all of our clients are corporations) could download a PDF, they could then post it on an intranet instead of posting a link to our site. In general, do you think a visitor would be less likely to link to our site if he or she were able to download the PDF? Or would the appeal of the PDF option make it more likely that people would visit and link to the site? Also, if we offer the PDF option, are there any SEO issues related to duplicate content? Finally, if we did offer the free PDF download, would you recommend that we ask for an email address before giving the PDF? Thank you very much!

    | nyc-seo

  • Google recommends a page load speed of 1.4 seconds, is it recommended to have that page speed for every page on the site, or just the landing pages. Is there a tool that will check the load speed of every page on a site and report the slow pages? The free online tools only check one page at a time.

    | Bryan_Loconto

  • So I'm super new at SEO and learning a lot. I'm a small business owner and enjoy doing it myself. Are long URL's good or bad? Like this: Is that too long? The german-shepherd-puppies-the-girls is an actual page with actual content. Do those hurt me?

    | Joshlaska

  • Is it better to put all your CSS in 1 file or is it no problem to use 10 files or more like on most frameworks?

    | conversal

  • Which plugin is good to use to create and submit my sitemap: sitemap from yoast or google xml sitemap plugin?
    Which one is better? I already saw this video but I get an error when I submited it to webmaster tools and I don't know why:''Your Sitemap appears to be an HTML page. Please use a supported sitemap format instead.''_Thank you !

    | Sebastyan22

  • I have a trade partner who will be using some of our content on their site. What's the best way to prevent any duplicate content issues? Their plan is to attribute the content to us using rel=author tagging. Would this be sufficient or should I request that they do something else too? Thanks

    | ShearingsGroup

  • Hi, I've just taken on a new ski client who offers ski instructor courses. The landing page for the keyword [ski instructor courses] was created by the web agency but with no heading tags... Subsequently they've put them in but I've noticed the H1 tag has a break in it where 'ski' is on a separate line to 'instructor courses' Is this an issue that need to be addressed? Also I can't look up the page in the Moz on-page grader - any ideas why? Many thanks! Richard

    | richardpatey

  • I'm looking to do some study in impact across the board on structured data and would like to know if anyone has any good studies on CTR, possibly rankings and overall performance. Any awesome links would be helpful 🙂

    | William.Lau

  • Due to the nature of our business we literally have hundreds of web pages and so we recently asked our Web Developers to create the Meta Description for many of the pages that they create - unfortunately they don't seem to understand SEO but before I go back to them I wanted to run this by the MOZ Community... Here is a snippet of the Meta Desc they have created, personally I'm not happy with it BUT I need to be certain on one thing... Will Google determine that it is (almost) duplicated Meta content? Why not visit Cape Town on an Africa Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book with us today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive club benefits. Why not visit Casablanca on an Africa Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive club benefits. Why not visit Durban on an Africa Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book with us today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive club benefits. Why not visit Port Elizabeth on an Africa Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive club benefits. Why not visit Aukland on an Australasia Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive club benefits. Why not visit Christchurch on an Australasia Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive club benefits. Why not visit Melbourne on an Australasia Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive club benefits. Why not visit Sydney on an Australasia Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive club benefits. Why not visit Orlando on a Caribbean Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book with us today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive club benefits. Why not visit Central America Cruise on a Cruise Destinations with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, benefits and special offers. Why not visit Acapulco on a Central America Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive club benefits. Why not visit Puntarenas on a Central America Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive club benefits. Why not visit Sharm El Sheik on an Egypt And Red Sea with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive club benefits. Why not take a European Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book with us today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive cruise club benefits. Why not visit Bangkok on a Far East & Indian Ocean Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive benefits. Why not visit Halong Bay on a Far East & Indian Ocean Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, offers and exclusive benefits. Why not visit Hong Kong on a Far East & Indian Ocean Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive benefits. Why not visit Kuala Lumpur on a Far East & Indian Ocean Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, offers and exclusive benefits. Why not visit Okinawa on a Far East & Indian Ocean Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, offers and exclusive benefits. Why not visit Phuket on a Far East & Indian Ocean Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive benefits. Why not visit Shanghai on a Far East & Indian Ocean Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, offers and exclusive benefits. Why not visit Singapore on a Far East & Indian Ocean Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, offers and exclusive benefits. Why not visit Tokyo on a Far East & Indian Ocean Cruise with XYZ Cruises? Book today for great cruise deals, special offers and exclusive benefits. Like I said earlier, there are hundreds of pages more! I think that if I want total uniqueness then it's going to be a laborious task of doing them all individually but I want to make sure that it is worth it?! Thanks Andy

    | TomKing

  • Hello All, I have narrowed down our keywords and want to start building out landing pages around them.  However, until we get a resource center up, they will not be associated with our nav bars.  If I build out landing pages so that I can connect them to our AdWords and other digital advertising initiatives, will we be penalized if they are sort of just out there on our domain? Thanks!

    | LuaMarketing

  • Buon Giorno from 6 degrees C wetherby UK 🙂 I'm close to commissioning a designer to create a wordpress driven site but I'm anxious around the standard of the markup. Specifically I need pages to have the classic unique title tags, one H1 tag per page and contnet in p tags.
    Now I know theres a wordpress plugin claiming to empower the administartor to have control but are there any icebergs ahead I need navigate to ensure my sites meets Google optimization guildlines? Any advice welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • Google webmaster tools tells me that I have duplicate title tags for two items. They have the same product ID. When there is a change in SEO URL, the system does an automatic 301 redirect of  the first item towards the second item, like in the example below:
    22"x28" White Foam Board School Project Kit|
    /p48998/foam-board-school-project-kit-22-x-28/product_info.html /p48998/white-foam-board-school-project-kit/product_info.html What are we doing wrong that Google asks for different meta data for a 301 redirect? Thanks!

    | Madlena

  • I have set up wordpress categories but the permalinks are showing as as opposed to the category name. The child categories though work fine and show as I've obviously got my permalink settings wrong somewhere. How do I fix this?

    | SamCUK

  • We were having a conversation re urls that are indexed for images that are stored in various media plugins in WP. My question for anyone who is an uberWP person is: What is your opinion re best media storage plugins and how these URLs affect pages on a site for ranking, etc. I realize this is broad, but it is driven out of my concern that I cannot touch everything. When I see a url like this: I know there is no way with all the sites and clients we handle that I can get it perfect but this just bugs me for some reason. Should I just chill since it (seemingly) affects so little....?

    | RobertFisher

  • Hi Guys, I have just created a report in Moz and there appears to be 91 duplicate content issues with the site which i need to fix as i think it could be the reason why we are suffering from a penalty. One of the main questions i have is these 3 variations of the URL have links pointing to them. My question is, could this be causing a dupe issue?regardsGerry

    | gezzagregz

  • I am building a large site for a client who sells physical products. I am using WordPress as my CMS (as a piece of background information). There are a few products that need to be listed in the sites hierarchy in multiple locations as such: Parent A Child 1 Parent B Child 2 Child 3 Parent C Child 1 I am concerned that having a product exist in multiple instances will cause indexing problems for that product. I can't be the only person to come across this issue, would love some feedback on the best practices for such an issue. Thanks in advance

    | Qcmny

  • Wondering if I could garner some views on this issue please. I'm about to add an affiliate store to a website I own, the site has a couple of pages of unique content (blogs, articles, advice etc on home improvement - all written by my team). Obviously, the affiliate store will not be unique content, it will be made using the datafeeds from et al, and so I don't want to get any duplicate content type penalties from Google for this store. Should I add a no index to the pages and allow the bots to still crawl them, or should I add no index and no follow?  Ideally I would like to get the affiliate store category pages indexed as they will be a mixture of lots of different merchants and be fairly unique. Can Google still mark the site down for duplicate content if it can crawl it, even if it is noindex? Thanks, Carl

    | Grumpy_Carl

  • Hey everyone, I am wondering what is the best URL structure for my activity booking page in Bali. or or would you recommend something else? Most people would google for "activity bali" in this case "rafting bali". Please advice. Thanks for your time and help in advance!

    | c.eiermann

  • I was wondering if articles written about questions people are asking will help my website rank better. For example let's say I wrote an article answering the query, "What Hair Dye Does Angela Merkel Use?" or, "Is Hillary Clinton Thinking of Running for President," and they rank well on google, and in turn they get viewed a lot by searchers because it answers their queries. Would this help my website as whole start ranking better? Thanks!

    | OOMDODigital

  • Hi Folks, So ,we have a website that we have fully configured with Product Rich Snippets (its an e-Commerce Store), including product image and the usual. We are considering verifying the Authorship of the website for the client as they will have an extensive blog. My question is, if we verify the Authorship of the website, which will Google use in terms of the rich snippet photograph in the SERP, will it use the product image as detailed in the Product Rich Snippet or us the company logo we have on the Google Plus page (Verified Author) Or is it a case we only add the rel:author tag to pages without products. Would just like to verify before we continue on as Thanks in advance John

    | Johnny4B

  • Hi I know authorship is all about the author hence should be a real person (the author) but in the case of children's books etc etc is it really not ok to develop authorship around the character rather the actual author ? For example kids searching google will recognise the character but not the author Even if G doesnt like it how bad is it to ignore them and proceed with the character ? All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Buongiorno from foggy & wet wetherby UK 😞 Having launched a website there is a cluster of old redundant pages which i dont want to appear in the serach engines problem is they deliver search traffic. Would it be best to 301 redirect them? Or delete them & 404 Not found alert, I'm really not sure whats best 😞 Any insights welcome 🙂

    | Nightwing

  • There are multiple results that appear in blue below the main result for a query from a particular domain. For example, if I search 'mobile phones online' on, the result field from shows me multiple results clustered in blue - 'HTC One Silver', 'Samsung', 'iPhone5S', 'Free Gifts'. I am trying to understand what these are, and why these show up. Ideally, I would like the results for my domain to show up in a similar fashion, and am wondering if there is something special that I would need to do in this regard. Thanks

    | rjchugh

  • Hi
    I am struggling with keyword dilution, and I don't understand what I need to do to change.I have read it but don't get it. This is the explanation - You want to target each keyword with a single page on your site, so modify the anchor text of this link so it is not an exact match. The only thing that I see is the title and the anchor text the same and the image alt also the same is that what the problem is here is the page I am trying to sort out for the keyword kiln dried logs.
    Thank you

    | ulefos

  • Hi all. I am wondering how best to format a category navigation menu. Currently I don't think we're using H2s correctly on our website. Am I right to think that the top level category e.g. Games should be formatted as an H2 and the sub-categories underneath this should be formatted as H3s (to show a hierarchy)? Is there a limit on how many H2s and H3s you should use? Obviously only one H1 per page. Thanks in advance Paul

    | kevinliao

  • I need to signficantly boost the content on the category pages on my ecommerce website.  Currently, they're pretty thin, with some only having approx 50 words of unique content.  In the past, I've intentionally kept the content on these pages quite light, to keep the aesthetic a certain way.  It's a fashion-based site, so it's very much about the visual. However, with the introduction of Panda, I need to change this mindset.  But, there must be slightly more creative ways to boost the content to stop the pages looking too text heavy.  I'm not talking hidden text or anything, but ways to break it up in different blocks on the page to make it look natural/relevant, while keeping it looking great. Anyone have any good ideas? Or, any links to ecommerce sites that have employed brilliant methods?

    | Coraltoes77

  • my website's speed is slow, and in my source code website have many line css and javascript from themes and plugin when install Can I @import other css file to one file ? and if can, how to? my site is :, i using wordpress themes from rockketthemes, it has many plugin (rokbox, rok seach, gantry...) --> so site load slow --> how can fix it see images below Thank very much dgox.png


  • My client is doing a good job fitting rooftops out with solar panels. his customers are happy and ready to show this in online reviews. He has a partnership with a review site that gives him new leads, but I just don't want him to lose this valuable reviews just to this one review site.. Here's what i came up with and I love to hear your opinion on this;
    I'll copy the content of the solarpanel review site, place it on my client's website in hreview. the contents canonical will be rightfully set to the review site, this way I want to avoid the duplicate content thing, but get the hard earned yellow stars in my client's SERPs. and show the visitors of my clien't s site what a great job he is doing, on his own website.. This is the first time I thought of this solution and I wonder if I'm forgetting something.. Is this solution safe with Google/Bing/Yahoo?

    | JoostDerks

  • Something I have been trying to figure out. On my website each member can have up to 10 images. When viewing a profile you can select each different photo and we currently use javascript to display this in a small box so the page does not re-load. I am curious for ideas, would we be better off having the images load on a different page? Giving more pages per visit in GA or would a lightbox type pop up be optimal. My concern is that the lightbox (similar to how Facebook displays images) would be a violation of google adsense TOS. I tried to talk with a help desk member from google regarding this but I am not even sure they could speak english to understand what I was saying. What do you guys think? When it comes to handling groups of images how would you best display them for user happiness and search engine optimisation?

    | Burto

  • Stray end tag head. An body start tag seen but an element of the same type was already open. Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored.

    | JulieWhite

  • Hi guys, I'm wondering if there's a huge difference between exact keywords vs connecting words. i.e. "limo service chicago" vs " limo service in chicago" or something similar. It's tough to have 4+ keywords on a page sound great without using some form of connecting word. Will google still rank the page as high if I use connection words in a few instances of the keyword? Or should I just leave the exact keyword fir all instances. Thanks in advance. Aron

    | aronwp

  • We have descriptions using an Ektron CMS on a .NET platform. IT is wondering if using "meta ID" vs "meta name" is the issue?  Here is an example of the HTML code: <meta http-equiv="<a class="attribute-value">Content-Language</a>" name="<a class="attribute-value">Language</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">en</a>" /> <meta id="<a class="attribute-value">ctl00_metaTagControl1_metaKeywords</a>" name="<a class="attribute-value">Keywords</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">hunting, fishing, outdoor, sportshooting, rodeo, off-road, hunt, fish, outdoors, community, shotgun, rifle, bass, trout, sportfishing, tarpon, ATV, television</a>">meta> <meta id="<a class="attribute-value">ctl00_metaTagControl1_metaDesc</a>" name="<a class="attribute-value">Description</a>" content="<a class="attribute-value">Deep-cranking technique lands Starks his second Elite Series victory.</a>">meta> <meta id="<a class="attribute-value">ctl00_metaTagControl1_metaSubject</a>" content="" name="<a class="attribute-value">subject</a>">meta> <meta id="<a class="attribute-value">ctl00_metaTagControl1_metaRating</a>" content="" name="<a class="attribute-value">rating</a>">meta>

    | cmoise

  • Hi, My site is funded by subscriptions. We offer lengthy excerpts, and then direct people to a single paywall page, something like This means that most pages on the site links to /subscribe, including all of the high value pages that bring people in from Google. This is a page with an understandably high bounce rate, as most users are not interested in paying for content on the web. My question is are we being penalized in Google for having so many internal links to a page with a very high bounce rate? If anyone has worked with paywall sites before and knows the best practices for this, I'd be really grateful to learn more.

    | enotes

  • May I ask what is the difference between "broad keyword usage" and "appropriate keyword usage" that is included on the on-page reports? thank you!

    | karalyte

  • Like lets say I change that to An established page, having some links to the page(inbound and outbound both). If I change the permalink of that page, will that effect the PA of the page? All the links to the older permalink will be useless or they will link with the new permalink?

    | MoeezLodhi

  • Hi Moz-ians, I need your insight. I am thinking of the following hack: 1. Writing the headline of a blogpost as human-readable & catchy as possible and publish on content voting communities like Hacker News. (basically serving human readers the best) 2. After the influx of large traffic, change the title based on the target keywords of the blogpost. (basically serving Google Search Engine the best) I would like to know whether making such a change after publishing a post would nullify any positive impact I will earn by publishing the post in terms of the search ranking of the page? (=whether it would be a sound strategy.) I am worried a sudden change in the headline (e.g., or element) would damage the increase in page authority I've gotten through the incoming traffic from, say, Hacker News, which makes this hack not worthwhile to explore.

    | Plivo

  • I have a client, (for example Henry Jewelers) who likes to advertise their site as, but their main site resides on If has a permanent redirect to, are the two sites impacted negatively from a SEO standpoint?

    | BrettMackrell

  • Hello, The following services site has a store at Would the store be stronger if it was at (in a subfolder) and included in the main navigation? The moz bar suggests not but I just want to make sure. Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Does anyone have a recommendation for a good tool that can identify which elements on a page are duplicated content?    I use Moz Analytics to determine which pages have the duplicated content on them, but it doesn't say which pieces of text or on-page elements are in fact considered to be duplicate. Thanks Moz Community in advance!

    | EmpireToday

  • Hello Everyone!! We have a Joomla Site and in the template we have a php function that create the **link rel="canonical" **and in the href inserts the same page url. For example, if the we do a search and the url have some cookies. That Url is gonna be the **rel="canonical" **for that page. Is it working correctly? We need an advice to to set it up correctly! Thanks!

    | mycostaricalink

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