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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • Hi, I have recently been told that it no longer impacts authority or rankings if a blog is set up on a subdomain ( rather than a subdirectory (/blog). However, I am reluctant to do so because I remember learning how blog subdomains did not adhere to SEO best practices. Would anyone be able to shed some light on the latest SEO best practices regarding this topic? Many thanks, Erin

    | HiddenPeak

  • My ecommerce website has menus which contain 'featured product sub-categories'.  These are shown alongside the other product sub-category links.  Each 'featured product category' includes a link, an image (with link) and some text. All menu content is visible to search engines. These menus look nice and probably encourage CTR (not tested!) but are they bad for SEO?

    | Coraltoes77

  • Dear All, I am questioning my initial decisions when I planned a site due to reading lots of info on moz. Although what I have read has made me question what I have already done, I can't find anything that is specific to my exact case, so here goes. I recently built a shopping cart in OpenCart. I want the site to have lots of information on the products it sells. I have populated each category with at least 1000 words of content that is specific to the products in that category, also I have some information pages that have no products in them at all, just copy. So the shopping site actually has a few pages that look like a static website and a few that look like a normal shopping cart. My thought behind this was I wanted the pages with lots of info to rank and become authoritative, in some way elevating the whole site. I have recently put a blog on the site, and a combination of that, and reading Moz has lead me think that I should move all the content from the category pages to the blog, and deep link each blog post to it's relevant products and category. From what I have read it would be easier to get the blog ranking and acknowledged as an authority rather than 30 category pages. Also each 1500+ word category page will make at least 3-4 nice blog posts, and each post can be focused on a single keyword rather than a large category page that has maybe 3-4 keywords it's trying to rank for. Also the blog is much better optimised than a standard OC category page (even using extensions with them). The only negative I can see is moving the content, but the site is less that 2 months old, and the amount of link juice it has is negligible. Does google cut new sites a bit of slack in these situations of moving content around, or will I be seen as 'up to something' by google? I guess my question is, am I barking up the right tree? Or is the old adage 'a little information is dangerous' true in this case, and I just about to make a load of work for the sake of it with no real benefit. However, if I am to make such a dramatic change to the sites architecture I think the time is now, before things start gaining juice & rank. I hope I have explained my situation clearly and I thank anyone who can offer me any advice. Great forum, Thank you, Ian

    | cookie777

  • I have a client who sells things that the size is important.  In their industry some people say "15 Inch Blue Widget" and others say "15" Blue Widget" using the symbol " for inches.  On the page I know we could say both to cover all the bases but I want to get the title right.  In their industry there is not one more preferred than the other.  Does anybody know if Google translates ' to feet and " to inches.  Should I work both into the title for a product or only one?

    | JoshuaLindley

  • Do Search Engine Spiders Read Commented Out Content? Is commented out content detrimental?

    | lbohen

  • I was listening to an interview with Rand Fishkin on the Eventual Millionaire: Rand said that Google says that having an author photo increases click through rate by 15% on average. I am trying to find the original source of this information. Has anyone know the source of this stat?

    | ProjectLabs

  • I'm thinking to add free's video to my blog posts. The idea is to boost my textual content with some video. It's totally a good idea for the user. I get that part . 🙂 Problem is, the videos are embedded with the help of iframes, for example: <iframe width="560" height="315" src=";utm_source=SSPRC;utm_content=11889;utm_campaign=CD14853;aid=CD14853;bid=11889;subID5=137348" frameborder="0"></iframe> The question is if it makes any sense for SEO?

    | VinceWicks

  • Is there a dupe content issue if your social media profiles and website have same content/copy ? For example if you have written great copy for your website home page then literally copy & paste that into your G+ co page introduction (since sums everything up perfectly and don't want to change it) would that have a negative effect or be perfectly ok ? cheers dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi, I have just recently built a shopping site which is targeting users from the UK, built in opencart. Now I want to expand the site and also target customers in Thailand, for Thailand users they will need the site in Thai & English language. I was wondering what would be the best option to do this, taking into account best possible practice V's time involved. As I can see it have only a couple of options really. 1. Add a new language to the existing .com site. This seems to be the easiest and fastest option. 2. Clone the site and launch on a domain with Thai/Eng text option. Would their be any major benefit ranking wise as to having a separate site. Or any duplicate content potential issues. Bit of a noob so don't be afraid to point out the obvious. I did have search and could only find topics relating to eu languages and GB v US. Is their anything extra that has to be taken into account considering the massive differences between UK and Thai. Thanks you for any guidance, Ian

    | cookie777

  • Can't get authorship to show in the rich snippets tool... am I doing something wrong?

    | Superflys

  • I have traditionally used hyphens (-) and vertical bars (|) to separate out keywords/brands in title tags. A client has asked if other characters will work such as tilde (~), apersat (@), forward slash (/) etc. Are there any special characters we should steer clear of?

    | Switch_Digital

  • Solved, thank you!

    | roskillas

  • We've restructured our site over the past 6 months and I'm going to run you through the whole scenario as I would love any feedback you guys have. 6 months ago we had 2 websites (climbing facility) and (shop). We made the decision to merge the websites and leverage the SEO on 1 site. Although was the older and more established domain, the company wanted to use so a whole new website was designed and was redirected to The climbing facility website now sits at and the shop was moved to with 301's for all shop pages. This has lead to a significant a increase in domain rank for and much better rankings for the climbing centre related terms. The desired effect has been achieved, well half of it anyway. The search rankings for have never reached the previous heights and are still heading in the wrong direction, even though the overall domain ranking has increased by 50%. What can I do to get the SEO for /climbing-shop working again? We're adding fresh content to our latest news with links through to products and categories, all category pages have A grades. we are attempting to link build but it is much more difficult for e-commerce than for the facilities pages. Is the SEO of the main site hampering(masking?) the /climbing-shop? All feedback on the whole process would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    | benj45

  • Hi fellow Mozers, I  am doing international SEO on Google US, UK, UAE and Saudi Arabia. All my targeted keywords have my country name in it, for example, export companies in France, best import companies in France and so on. Finally, my website has a country level domain i.e. _Hence, my questions are: _ 1. Is it good have a country level domain in this case or should I go TLDs? 2. Should my Google Plus page be a local business page or company page from SEO perspective?  I have more than 10000 users who have +1 my website. _Thanks in advance. _

    | Abhi8187

  • Hello, We have dynamic urls that we have made into short urls through htaccess and code manipulation. Some of our adwords urls are different from our page urls - for example a) Latest version of page b) Previous version of url c) raw original version etc etc. Would my ranking for keywords on the page improve if I diligently made all of them the same? They all go to the same page even now, and no 404 errors or anything. Thanks Sam

    | samgold

  • Hi Everyone, I ran across this tag on a Sharepoint 2007 external facing site we're considering working on. Has anyone ever seen it used? NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOHTMLINDEX"/> Obviously, <metaname="robots"content="noindex"> is your standard noindex tag, but I've never seen the above. I'm seeing references in Sharepoint discussions about it, and suspect it might be native to Sharepoint 2007, but I've never seen it in the wild before - Google doesn't appear to be respecting it either. Thoughts?

    | BedeFahey

  • When you create a biography page for authors that point back to their G+ account, do you include any other signals in the URL other than the authors name?  For example, would you use or, etc?  Similar question for the meta description.  Do you add any signals there?  Or, is rel=author strong enough. Best,

    | ChristopherGlaeser

  • H If kw research shows that singular version of a keyword has higher search volume than plural version should you still use plural version in main on-page areas to try and catch both instances or focus on the singular ? cheers dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi I need help in resolving the duplicate content issue on my magento site I got a product My main product url is and it got variation of url see below that are causing duplicate content issue , I have inserted the canonical tag on the below url and my main url is but still moz is showing it  as duplicate content. Help Please <colgroup><col width="1003"></colgroup>
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    | Adnan.Hassan.Khan

  • Hi there, We're an online booking portal for the hair and beauty industry, and also provide salon management software. We're thinking of creating a separate subdomain on the main site, probably along the lines of as a resource point and advice centre for salons. In it, I was thinking of featuring links and extracts from various blog posts I've written on salon marketing, downloadable white papers and featured videos we've created - a sample of each that you can click through to get all the bits on one page i.e. you click a see all vids bit to be taken to a page with all the vids on it. This is very much conceptual at the moment (though we do have a fair number of resources on the blog and the like), but I'd love it all to be drawn into a helpful section for salons. I'd love to hear what you think about it and whether there are some other ways we might look into doing this. No right answers, hoping for a bit of a debate/advice around resource centres. Thanks a million!

    | LeahHutcheon

  • Hi Google friendly fonts - are these in wide use now, do they work ? If you have image heavy site do they work just as well as using what we used to call 'seo text'. I have heard that 'seo text' not really used anymore or at least rebranded to 'helpful, informative paragraph or two of body copy about the page with a couple of the pages target keywords in it'. I take it if fonts in image not google friendly then should still ask dev for some space to fit in a para or two of some proper body copy, with couple of pages target kw in it ? Also looking like if i succeed in this request will be below the fold, how hard should i fight for it to be above the fold ? cheers dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Hi! I manage a social networking site. We have a lot of public user profiles that are viewed as duplicate content. This is because these users haven't filled out any public profile info and thus the profiles are "empty" (except for the name). Is this something I should worry about? If yes, what are my options to solve this? Thanks!

    | thomasvanderkleij

  • There is a category on WP where job ads are posted. when a post got deleted I would like to pass 404 error page and redirect all those deleted posts to specific category. I found WP plugin Auto Redirect 404 in 301 for Trashed Posts which does redirect deleted post to specific URL. But posts which are in the trash (not permanently deleted) will get 302 redirects. Those deleted permanently will get 301 redirects. Should I try editing this plugin or find another why? Maybe there is similar way with Redirection plugin?  

    | OVJ

  • Hello I actually see some websites which the owner don't want to display the google+ profile avatar when homepage is displayed in search result, except blog posts only For example: Is it a good practice in wordpress? or we must claim authorship & display the google+ avatar for all pages & all posts? Thanks

    | dklong2345

  • site is no-www I caught this in archives. Will this by my fix? Mike Davis Online Marketing Manager at McKesson May 22, 2013 Easy fix: in your .htaccess file, use this RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^
    RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L] Remember to replace with your domain name.

    | touristips

  • I'm wondering how Keyword use in Product links on Category pages can affect a pages rank? I have 1 site where this seems to be an issue but not on all categories. For this site, a site: keyword search ranks the category page as no.1 in the SERPS but a non-site: search shows 1 of the many products within the category as the highest ranking page (currently 20 in google) on this site. This product is probably the least likely to generate a conversion due to it's cost so this is less than ideal. The plural search of the keyword shows the category page and it ranks higher than the keyword itself (currently 9 in google) Category name and URL = keyword. The category is paginated with 12 products per page. Product URL and anchor text is brand-model-type (where type = keyword) I'd like to keep the product URLs and anchors as they are if I can as they are well searched terms themselves but I want to optimize a category page to rank for the keyword itself. Have any of you overcome a similar issue? Would adding more text to the category page dilute the issue?

    | MarcOZ

  • I don't "nofollow" affiliate links but I have quite a few. Doing them one by one would just be an impossible job. Would it be best to get a plugin that nofollows EVERYTHING? What would google prefer? I need to DOFOLLOW some links because those sites deserve it.

    | 2bloggers

  • Hello everyone! I work on a website of a very small company and so far no one has ever implemented (not even thought about) a proper content strategy. The only content on the site are products description. Through Analytics I discovered lots of opportunities and topics to be covered which would massively increase the traffic, increase the engagement and (hopefully) sales. Problem is that I don't really know how to integrate a blog into the existing site; my first thought was wordpress What is the best way to do it?

    | PremioOscar

  • I have a network of sites that we use a family bar for to get the user to where they want to go but as I am looking at my link profile, i keep on seeing these links everywhere. (DUH, of course) Question is, should these links be no follow? Could these links hurt me?

    | SBRMarketing

  • One site I manage has a lot of low quality content. We are in the process of improving the overall site content but we have "turned off" a large portion of our content by setting 2/3 of the posts to draft. Has anyone done this before or had experience with doing something similar? This quote from Bruce Clay comes to mind: “Where a lot of people don’t understand content factoring to this is having 100 great pages and 100 terrible pages—they average, when the quality being viewed is your website,” he explained. “So, it isn’t enough to have 100 great pages if you still have 100 terrible ones, and if you add another 100 great pages, you still have the 100 terrible ones dragging down your average. In some cases we have found that it’s much better, to improve your ranking, to actually remove or rewrite the terrible ones than add more good ones.” What are your thoughts? Thanks

    | ThridHour

  • I have a cornerstone page and 10 related articles that all have links to the cornerstone page.  My question is, should the cornerstone page link back to those 10 articles as well or will it lose juice by doing so? Thanks in advance 😉

    | Humanovation

  • Hi Moz Community, I am having some issue's with duplicated content, i recently removed the .html from all of our links and moz has reported it as being duplicated. I have been reading up about Canonicalization and would to verify some details, when using the canonical tag would it be placed in the /mywebpage.html or /mywebpage file? I am having a hard time to sort this out so any help from you SEO experts would be great 🙂 I have also updated my htaccess file with the following Thanks in advance

    | finelinewebsolutions

  • I seem to be at logger heads with developers regarding domain mapping. The scenario: I have a company with one site on a primary domain name, but all the other domains they own are mapped using a tool provided by their hosting vendor. But. what I see is a keyword loaded domain that shows it has been 'mapped' to the primary domain, but you can type into the browser this keyword loaded domain and it will serve up in your browser that same home page you see on the PRIMARY DOMAIN. So, picture this - you are looking at the home page on and see the same home page as - but if you select anything from the menu at you will be taken immediately to I just get a feeling this is not right as I can search Google for and Google lists the site home page on that domain. But when I click through from the listed result, I am taken to which is ideally where I want to be and I would want Google to focus on this domain, and I have told it to do so within the feature included within Google Webmaster Tools. The developers say there is nothing wrong. There argument - why would a hosting company provide this domain mapping feature if it was not best practice. My argument - but Google is listing that domain URL ( despite the fact it takes me through to - will Google not think this strange despite me telling it via GWMT that is the one and only domain I am working on. Tell me if I am going mad or not, and who is right and who is wrong.  Appreciate all your answers.


  • Hi, my site is and i am looking at ranking for lifestyle magazine but i am a bit worried. The titles of the articles on the home page are h2, and i am just wondering if i should change this to h3 as it may get confusing for google. Can anyone let me know if i should keep the article titles as h2 or if i am right that they need to be changed to h3 or something else any help would be great

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I have this site called on which I have noticed the post urls are not matching with the post title. For Example:Post Title - A Dialogue With NaturePost URL - Words like 'A' and 'with' are not present in the post URL. This has been the trend since a few days. After investigating I found out that it was due to my plugin SEO ultimate which is actually creating post slugs automatically for the post urls. So my question is whether it is advisable to use post slugs instead of the full post url. Does it affect the SERPS for my site?

    | toxicpls

  • I have a couple friends who need more traffic from their Google Places listing. They are in very niche businesses. One is a home remodeling contractor and one is a music teacher. Does anyone know some good services to help optimize their listings? I feel I've helped them out as much as I can by getting real reviews to their Google Places page. But I feel that someone who's had the experience in Google Places optimization can pick up on something I'm overlooking.

    | RicktheMarkt

  • WP site has automated canonical on by Yoast plugin but there is URL (/?page=kontaktine-forma) where same canonical tag was put on. I made 301 redirect to main page. Is this a good practice?

    | OVJ

  • Hi, I currently have a lot of hotel listings pages with little or no content, as I'm scared that if I place duplicate hotel descriptions on the pages then Google will stop ranking the page.  I've found that having descriptions of some kind do help conversion significantly, so I'm considering generating unique hotel descriptions on each main page (page 1 in each set of listings) - these are the pages that Google indexes.  On subsequent pages (page 2, page 3 etc.) I'm thinking about resorting to displaying the duplicate affiliate content hotel descriptions - these pages can be crawled but are set to noindex.  My  question is, do you think this is likely to have an effect on my website in the rankings, and as a result push my primary pages (that contain 100% unique content) down in SERPs. Thanks Mike

    | mjk26

  • Buongiorno from 14 degrees C very cloudy Wetherby UK, When I type "Dartex Coatings" in Google i get a search snippet with USA in the description. See illustration: I cannot see where this is comming from on site . HAving checked the souce code there is no reference to USA 😞 So my question is please..."where is Google picking up USA from"? Grazie,

    | Nightwing

  • Hello. I am looking at a customer site with a CMS system that is controlling the population of the meta TITLE Currently it has the TITLE set as this <title>(CR)(LF)<br />(HT)Site Details REMOVED - Customer name REMOVED(CR)(LF)<br /></title> Naturally, we would prefer it to be <title>Site Details REMOVED - Customer name REMOVED</title> What affect would these commands have in the title! Google shows their title when you Google the company website... so I guess it can see it .... but GA "Top Site Content" widget shows it as blank ? Any ideas? Cheers

    | BinaryTris

  • Hi I have some pdfs linked to from a page with little content.  Hence thinking best to extract the copy from the pdf and have on-page as body text, and the pdf will still be linked too.  Will this count as dupe content ? Or is it best to use a pdf plugin so page opens pdf automatically and hence gives page content that way ? Cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I maintain a myBB based forum here. The user profile links look something like this Now in my GWT, I can see many 404 errors for user profile links. This is primarily because we have tight control over spam and auto-profiles generated by bots. Either our moderators or our spam control software delete such spammy member profiles on a periodic basis but by then Google indexes those profiles. I am wondering, would it be a good idea to disallow User profiles links using robots.txt? Something like Disallow: /forums/User-*

    | AnkurJ

  • I am doing SEO on WP site. Due to some duplicate pages (rel canonical was done before) I am doing 301 redirects at the moment. And I wonder if I need to redirect both links w/ and w/o trailing slash. Default is non www, w/o trailing slash. Like there is .com/category/news but there is same page linked in .com/news (well it works when permalink structure is set to /%category%/%postname% and returns 404 error when structure is set to /%postname%). 
    I redirected .lt/naujienos to .lt/category/naujienos. Should I also redirect .lt/naujienos/ (with trailing slash)? There's absolutely no problem redirecting this, but there are some more pages which I want to edit their URLs and I wonder If I should do both redirects from links /w and w/o slash?

    | OVJ

  • We are in the process of having a new website built and was wondering  what factors do we need do we need to instruct our web company to include, at the  build phase, to ensure that we can easily optimise it for SEO purposes. They have designed us a previous site that has excessive duplicate URLs and they haven’t given us access to the code so we can’t add 301 redirects etc and would like to avoid this in the future. I look forward to hearing from you

    | Hardley111

  • Moz has been very helpful but since my site was hit by Google Panda and I am getting very little organic traffic, I am thinking about having someone who really knows SEO take a look and give me some help. However, I have no idea how to find someone reputable. Any advice for hiring someone for SEO help (on a budget?)

    | 2bloggers

  • HI GUYS I tried to check my website with W3C but I have 1 problem to fix (here is an image: any idea to fix this issue??? don't know what to doooo

    | direttore2

  • My site tanked on July 21 and I have been working so hard to bring it back up but nothing is working. Today I looked at "Links to Your Site" on Google Webmasters and I see a copy of my site on another URL. The domain name is and then all my stuff is wrapped around it and all my content is there! How do I stop this?!

    | 2bloggers

  • Hi all Just wondering what other Mozewrs' would do about this..... I want to add a revenue stream to a blog of mine and I have decided that an affiliate store is the way to go. I can create a store with merchant datafeeds and pull in products related to my site, and all being well make some pennies from it. Obviously all the datafeeds are published on many other sites and so it will be very duplicate content. Would blocking Googlebot from the store be enough to ensure that the site doesn't receive a penalty for duplicate content? I would be keen on getting the product category pages indexed but not too worried about the actual products themselves. I would like to make some revenue from the site but not at the risk of killing the blog. Thanks

    | GrumpyCarl

  • Hello, We are joining 4 of our sites, into 1 big portal, and the content from each site gonna be inside this portal and sold as a package. We don't wanna kill these sites we are joining at this moment, we just wanna import their content into the new site and in a few months we will be killing them. Is there a way to tell Google to not consider the content on these small sites, so the new site don't get penalised? Thanks,

    | darkmediagroup

  • My website just went live about 3-4 weeks ago and while it has been indexed by Google-it shows up when I do a search for my site's name, it does not show up for the keyword terms it has been optimized for. This is a very specific, non-competitive niche-so I just can't imagine why it would not be showing for these non-competitive keyword term searches? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks

    | lfrazer

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