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Category: Keyword Research

Learn about keyword research best practices and how to improve your keyword strategy.

  • I know I just used this a few days ago, so I was surprised when doing keyword research today that I could no longer access the "Related Searches" feature in Google search. Has anyone else noticed this? It's a pity if it's gone, although I think Google announced it was going to shut this down over a year ago. They said the same thing about the "Patent" search too, but it is still available. I know using "Related Searches" was really popular with SEOs so I am wondering if anyone else is as sad-faced as I am? Or perhaps was it just bumped today so Google could have fun with their April Fool's beta test of Google "Nose" ?

    | danatanseo

  • My boss has asked me to track the number of searches for a keyword (a particular company's name) on a daily basis this week to see how the volume fluctuates from day to day. Is this even possible? I should note that his request does not involve an active SEO or AdWords campaign. In fact, the company my boss is interested in doesn't even have a website at the moment. Thanks in advance – either for helping me confirm that it's impossible to track keyword search volume on a day-to-day basis, or for showing me the magical way to actually do this.

    | matt-14567

  • I did two searches using the difficulty tool. On the third run report, I encountered an error with a message that there was a temporary problem gathering Analysis data. It said that I should wait 20 minutes and try again. I have experienced errors with other keyword difficulty tools. I wonder how intermittent this problem is. Is the error known.

    | samueltb

  • I read many places about never use the same keywords/anchor text this will consider as spam by google, so i want to know if suppose my main keyword is Indian bridal sarees than how can i give rank to that keyword, should i use the same exact keyword but in different format like bridal indian sarees or indian bridal sarees shopping something like that. Should i use LSI keywords in that keywords. Please help Second, I also read some people saying they use 70% primary keywords and 30% LSI or generic words, so that mean if i have 10 articles so in 7 articles i have to give primary keyword and the rest of the 3 will be generic. Kindly please advice this also.

    | chandubaba

  • I have a keyword phrase that's a high value target for us. Should I write just one - or several articles that target that keyword as their main focus? Thanks! Andrew

    | seowhiskey

  • Hi Everyone. Im the owner of a mens underwear company start up  I have heard so many things about content on e-commerce sites that I'm at a point where I have no idea what to believe  people tell me do a blog, but honestly on a start up who has time for that? plus we are not shedding money to hire a full time employee to take care of that. I have inserted text related to the category i try to keep my ratio below 7% and under 120 words. but is that enough? I have seen sites ranking #1 under mens underwear with way less content or almost non existent. Any comments would help me a lot. Thanks R

    | seoUndies

  • If I want to know my rank for bank account, do I need to list bank accounts as well or will my ranking include variations? Also, if I use the word bank as a keyword, will any search that contains the word bank (even when other words are included) count towards the ranking for that word? Or would I need to add additional keywords like dallas bank, local bank, etc?

    | Mpulliam

  • I'm looking at my adwords, and am looking to strengthen them, improve quality score by making the wording more appropriate, and ensuring they link to a more relevant page rather than just my home page. In an AdGroup should I be using all three (broad, exact and phrase) or does this just confuse Google. What are the advantages/disadvantages? When I was doing the keyword research, for some of my phrases, there was little difference in price (sometimes as low as a 3p difference) between a broad match (with large potential numbers) and an exact match (with a tiny target group) so it would seem best that I target the broad match - make sense?

    | Gordon_Hall

  • The keyword ranking report is telling me i'll get results by this Friday but I need them by today. How can I access the information collected so far?

    | stringsattached_sheridan

  • I've been getting conflicting accounts about this. We aways fill out the Title Tag, Meta Description and Product Tags(<- for internal purposes) but we are concerned about how important the "search keywords" are. We use bigcommerce and they describe their value as this: "the search keywords are optional, but if entered will be used for two things. First, they will be used along with the product name to create meta tags for search engine (I know meta keywords are not important, so is this what they mean?). Second, they will be used to assist people when searching your products. (Also internal, right?)." For all intents and purposes I think it is NOT super important but I wanted to make sure before I let them take a back burner. Thank you for your help in advance!

    | WNL

  • Hi, I am trying to select some keywords and keywords I selected i know that it'll be bring traffic but how would i know how much traffic it could bring and what revenue i should expect? Thanks

    | Rubix

  • SEOMoz report says: 1 Warning  Title Element Too Long (> 70 Characters) Found 36 minutes ago Number of characters 112 (over by 42)" but I go to my Magento and look in both titles, meta & main and there are indeed only 70 showing. The additional come because my domain name, is in the error.! How to fix this please?

    | ergoback

  • Hi, Where can I get a reliable list of the top 1000 keywords searched for over the last few months or 2012 or whatever? Thanks

    | jwdl

  • hi all, i recently noticed google changing the title tag of one of my pages in search results for certain keywords... I've done a bit of a search and see its not uncommon, however from what i can tell they usually change the title if it is too long, or they seem to change the branding location etc... In my case they are litterally adding key words to it... Example - See Image 1 - This is my main keyword - the title displays correctly See Image 2 - Another keyword - see how google has added "irrelevant" keywords to the title Any ideas why this happens? fr0PIK7.jpg sv6zWOu.jpg

    | isntworkdull

  • Hello! New pro member here that's very excited yet overwhelmed about working with a large e-commerce site for photo gear. I've already read the SEOMoz beginner's guide, but we have about 4k products online, and I've been researching and researching  but am feeling more confused than ever on where to start. It seems that most SEO help articles I read are based around optimizing a couple of keywords for a site that provides a general service, but where do you begin when you have 4k products? I've been trying to start with the products that get the most traffic and least conversions. But even then it's overwhelming--which keywords do I choose? And with products like Polaroid film where we have several similar products--how do I know which keyword to use for each product page? This is a hugely broad question, but ANY advice on where to start would be so insanely appreciated. I'm a one-woman show completely new to this world. I can't wrap my head around optimizing certain product pages, and keyword research is even more baffling. Any articles you've found helpful? Or advice? I'm floundering!

    | amorby

  • With a keyword such as 'vacant land,' how can I find related keywords?

    | Jeraldine

  • Hi all. I'm wondering if I can get some assistance on keyword research. I've set out a step-by-step process for myself about how to go about finding a list of keywords we want to optimise our site for. I've used a guide over at to break it down step-by-step. After using Keyword Tool and Ubersuggest to get a list of keyword suggestions with their local monthly search volumes, I now have an Excel file with  1663 suggestions (yikes!). It is at this point where I am not 100% sure of what to do with this data & how to figure out which of these terms we should optimise for. I know not to go purely based on the local monthly search volume because that is not based on organic searches. So how would I go about condensing this into a list of keyword suggestions to target for optimising? Thanks in advance for assistance on this.

    | janc

  • Hi Mozzers! I'm uploading some press releases and the first sentence makes a perfect meta description.  Would using the exact same wording ever hurt my rankings? Thanks!

    | Travis-W

  • One of my top keyphrases is manchester magician and using Google Adwords Keyword Tool this produces exactly the same number of views as _magician manchester _and again the exact same for magician in manchester. So I assumed from this that Google views them the same. But looking at the SEOMoz On-Page tool, this doesn't appear to be the case as my grade is different for each keyphrase. So, I guess my question is, if this is the case and they are considered different, how would I find out which one really  is the most searched for so I can optimize accordingly. Many thanks, Iain.

    | iainmoran

  • Hi everyone, I'm still new to SEO so bear with me. I'm fairly ok with what determines good 'On page optimization' grading. Have a few good results but mostly for my ecommerce website. Now I'm building up blog content I'm often puzzled how SEO experts balance good editorial web page titles with how people actually search. An example: Buy Biggie Smalls Versace Sunglasses I have created the page title 'Buy Biggie Smalls Versace Sunglasses - Company' Created a and tag with the same keywords... drop the term a few times on the page, add to a few alt tags, add the term to the url.... but this looks contrived & isn't exactly an exciting web page title which would entice people to click through. Or is it? A more interesting web page title might be something like 'Versace & Biggie Smalls - his influence on a new generation of Hip Hop culture'. Ok this is a completely different long-tail keyword phrase. But do I need to do both? How would a seasoned SEO expert blend the dull search term into some interesting page title and hence all other on page optimization aspects. Hope you get what I'm trying to explain. Thanks for looking... Kevin

    | well-its-1-louder

  • I have heard that a good source of keyword suggestions is looking at what pops up as suggestions when you start typing into Google. My question is how do you know if it is worth your time to create content around those suggestions? If you enter these suggestions into Google's Keyword Tool, often there is no data on search volume.

    | ProjectLabs

  • So I am looking at some long tail keywords for my web design company, for example: "website development and design company" The top results are websites that are not optimized for that specific keyword but about "web design & development" in general. The top ranking sites also have quite high PA with lots of links. If I were to create a page specifically about that term would it be fairly easy to rank for since the top ranking pages are not optimized for that keyword?

    | WebAdvancedUK

  • meta description for example my keyword is cscs for my website now how many time i need to use cscs in meta description

    | constructionhelpline

  • In doing keyword research I discovered that the Google Adwords Tools returns results with a space in search terms where an apostrophe should be. For example:  Searching for 'mens fashion' or 'men's fashion' will return keyword ideas like 'men s fashion trends', 'men s fashion styles'. Same thing happens if yous search for '50s fashion' or 'mens suits'. Not only that but if you search for 'men s fashion' in the adwords tool you get 14,800 exact matches! Who would you use that term? And if you do search for it in Google, it will auto correct to 'men's fashion'. If you know the answer to what a term like 'men s fashion' signifies, you can skip the rest of this post and answer my question (thanks!). If not, here's what I did to try and figure it out - but I'm stuck and I need your help. First off, I did a search for all 3 terms: (mens fashion, men's fashion and men s fashion) in the adwords tool. The tool responded with different numbers for each, with  'men s fashion' far exceeding 'men's fashion'. See image 1 I did a search for each of the three terms in Google. The top 10 results for each were different. See image 2 Google reads 'men s fashion' as 'men's fashion'. I know that because: Google says 'showing result's for men's fashion' (obvious!) Google instant lists terms beginning with 'men's fashion...' See image 3 Related searches are identical for those two but not for 'mens fashion'. But it's not completely the same since as I mentioned you get different results, and the number of results found are different as well. So that brings me back to my question: When the tool says that 28 people search for [men's fashion] and 14,800 search for [men s fashion]. What on earth does it mean? bknQU tNKo7 C0P7S

    | 5225Marketing

  • Hi, new to the site so have a question about how to fix certain things.  I'm ranking 44th on google for this keyword, now on the rankings tool it is saying that the page it's ranking this keyword for is my homepage  How can I make all the fixes it's asking me to do on my homepage ? Example : Broad Keyword Usage in Document Easy fix <dl> <dt>Body text</dt> <dd>0</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>Search engines and users are both seeking the targeted keywords in the text of the page. Employing keywords in the document element is not only a best practice, but an essential part of SEO (and good user experience).</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Employ the keyword at least once in the document text of the page.</dd> <dd>--</dd> <dd>On the page it mentions restaurant three times in the text, what am I missing?</dd> <dd>Thank you for any help</dd> <dd>Kind regards</dd> <dd>james </dd> </dl>

    | Stoz

  • Please forgive my noob questions here.  I'm using Wordpress with All in One SEO. I'm launching a new video production company ( and have spent the last few months building a website for it in my spare time.  Visually and structurally, it's there but I'm just beginning to tackle SEO.  I've read a fair amount on the subject but I'm unclear on the following: 1.  Regarding the All in One SEO "keywords" field on each page, are more or less keywords better? 2.  Should I be using a long list of broad, industry relevant  keywords that are plugged into every page (where All in One SEO gives you the "keywords" field) or should each page be targeting a more specific set of keywords?  Alternatively, is it appropriate to do that sometimes but not others?  For example should I be casting a wide net with my home page and then get laser precise with subsequent pages? 3.  Is my goal to pick one (or two or three) keywords that my research leads me to believe I could get some traction with and write copy referencing them across my entire site or to spread them around? 4.  Is it absolutely necessary to include keyword rich copy for each page or doe's the "keyword" field address that need?  Are they read the same by SEs or do they complement each other? 5.  On a scale of 1-10, how infuriating are the previous 4 questions? In the event that your head hasn't exploded, I appreciate your forthcoming advice!

    | keeot

  • i want more than 50 report  in the reserch tool keyword     please

    | mgm7200

  • Hi, We had lost rankings for certain keywords completely from google's index about 5 months ago. Recently the rank for the keyword reappeared on google. But it keeps moving up and down. One day on 26th position, next day it is on 45th position, then it comes back to 30th position. This has been going on for over a week now. What is the cause of this ? can someone shed some light on it ? Thank you

    | orion68

  • I am curious what tact people take when doing KWR for a local business where regional keywords are important, for example 'Dallas Family Dentist' vs just 'Family Dentist'? It can be challenging to consistently create content for these regional keywords without looking spammy or akward in the wording of titles and copy. Any advice on how you approach SEO research or content creation when these regional words are important?

    | AESEO

  • Sorry i am noob here: I thought both are same but when i see GSA tutorials i found that both are different. If suppose my keywords is black german shoes than what is my anchor text will be. Also anchor text isdifferent like generice keywords click here, find more etc. Please give explanation.

    | chandubaba

  • Howdy folks! Okay so apologies for the n00b question, and additional apologies for going over ground that's potentially already been ploughed. I'm compiling a tally of the Weekly Keyword Ranking Report for a client. For the past three reports, the particular keyword I'm logging has remained in the same position. However the Change column shows it as having decreased in rank, by the same amount every week. If there has been no change in the ranking, I would have thought it would display as "Unchanged". As it stands, it shows up in the Declined category, and that seems odd to me. Anyone have an idea as to why this would be happening? Thanks for any input you can provide! Kevin

    | Treefrog_SEO

  • I started a website called Think and Grow Entrepreneur. I'm not sure where to start with Keywords and which ones to go after. Should I input the same keywords over and over my blog to rank in those or should I look at every post as a single entity and try to rank different keywords in each blog. Ideally I would like to rank for the keyword Entrepreneur, but there are already very powerful companies with the same keyword. How should I go about this situation? I appreciate any feedback. Thanks!

    | johnmoon6

  • Broad Keyword Usage in Page Title Easyfix <dl> <dt>Page title</dt> <dd>"The Sea Trout Inn in South Devon, Near Totnes - Luxury Bed and Breakfast and Restaurant - Contact Us"</dd> <dt>Explanation</dt> <dd>Search engines consider the title element to be the most important place to identify keywords and associate the page with a topic and/or set of terms. SEOmoz's correlation research has also shown that rankings are heavily influenced by keyword usage in the title tag.</dd> <dt>Recommendation</dt> <dd>Employ the keyword in the page title, preferrably as the first words in the element.</dd> <dd>The keyword is Hotels Totnes, how can I put this in a page title without it looking stupid ?</dd> </dl>

    | Stoz

  • We are making a site that will be a database of publicity stunts. We used the Google Keyword tool to find a bunch of words related to this. The term itself has similar keywords such as [pr campaigns]. And also there are some derivative keywords as [bad publicity stunts], [famous publicity stunts], [celebrity publicity stunts]. Each bringing in 20-50 monthly searches for the exact term. Some concepts appear slightly differently such as [famous pr stunts] and [famous pr campaigns]. We'd love our pages to appear on as much of these keyword searches as possible (overall we expect about 3k-4k searches /month on exact matching). And we're planning to use these keywords as a our taxonomy for our post tags. That way the keyword appears in each stunt page AND there is a page for each type of publicity stunt. As a general policy, what would be the best way to write our tags?
    1. 'crazy', 'famous', 'bad'.
    2. 'crazy publicity stunt', 'famous publicity stunt', 'bad publicity stunt'
    3. 'crazy publicity stunt', 'famous pr campaign', 'bad marketing stunt' Thanks for sharing your expertise.

    | davhad

  • How i can ranked better without performing SEM, social networking or online/phone/sms/ paper advertisings. My business is regulated by a government watchdog which has imposed the above rulings. My keywords has pretty high competition like 65% difficulty and above.

    | mavvy

  • Last week i had over 2000 organic pageviews and this week i have 0 Could this be an error, how could this possibly happen?

    | briananglin

  • Hello there, In Google Analytics I found that there are many visits from Simplyhired - SimplyHired / organic . I don't know is there a way to see where exactly they come from Simplyhired, by what kind of a search. When I click on the link "SimplyHired / organic" in Sources> All traffic it doesn't show any details about keywords or urls in that website

    | HrishikeshKarov

  • In other words, let's say the keyword I wanted to rank for was "building a home" but the SERP only showed sites ranking for "build a home". If I specifically optimized my page for "building a home" would that increase my chances for ranking for "building a home"?

    | JanssenM.

  • Hi Everyone, I've been using many of the articles to find out the best way to create a list of long tail keywords I wish to target. Anyway, I used Google AdWords Tool in order to find out how many Global/Local Searches per month, and the Keyword Difficulty Tool on this site in order to find the difficulty score. With these two metrics, I've compiled a good list, but I wanted to know how people prioritize keywords. I was thinking of creating a formula in excel in order to compare both the difficulty score and the amount of searches, but I wanted to know other people's advice and how they decided to prioritize the long tail keywords they compiled. I am still a bit of a newbie at this, so any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    | Seiyav

  • When is a 'Repair' not a 'Repair'...? When it's a "Service" (... cue rapturous applause and laughter!) We run an air conditioning website and we have recently noticed that Google is assuming the keyword "Repair" also means "Service". For example if you type in (in the UK) "Air Conditioner Repair" the first page of Google it puts the word "Service" in bold. E.g: 1. Check this before calling for air conditioner service - YouTube 2. Halfords Autocentres| Air Conditioning Service for all car makes and 3. Service Your Air Conditioner for Summer Comfort « Sustainable Now... why do I find this annoying. I had a amicable dispute with a colleague last year before all of this happened. I noticed that our Google Adwords campaign was showing a high bounce rate for our /air_conditioning_service page. He explained to me that if someone wanted and 'air conditioning service' it was because they wanted their air conditioning fixed / cleaned etc. My argument was that a fair few of the people bouncing off were actually looking for a company to provide a service (of air conditioning) that they were looking for. We split the page in half (half linking through to a repair page and the other half to a page about the service that we offer) and ran a test against the original. I was only expecting a small percentage of people to click on the new option we had added to the page, however, the difference was far greater than ever expected. It was a 60/40% split in favour of the new option not people wanting their aircon repaired/serviced! So in conclusion... very annoyingly, Google is recognising my service page rather than my far more relevant repair page, and there seems to be nothing I can do about it (other than make my service page more relevant) Rant over... but has anyone else experienced anything similar? Is there anything you can do about it?

    | trickshotric

  • Hey we are looking for some advice on this. We have two online shopping carts, a .ca and .com for our Canadian and American customers. The information on both is obviously very similar in both content and display, with just pricing, shipping information etc. being different. Does anyone have any feedback regarding how Google would view this? The domains are the same, ie. and so would Google recognize this and not penalize us for having two identical sites or would it be penalizing us and should we be going about this in a different manner? Thanks!

    | absoauto

  • I don't mind putting in the work to do it I just want it to be worth it. How do i find the best content to write about I do lawn care yeah super exciting I know, but there has to be a way I can find out what people are searching for and create the content before they search. So my question is how do you find out what content will go viral im not saying like spin out and land on CNN but I mean there's got to be a way I can figure this out. Anything would be helpful. Thanks guys and girls.

    | gslc

  • I know this might be a long shot. I've been working on my google rankings and am first for a few keywords but still seeing quite low traffic. Is there a tool that allows me to see what keywords my competition is receiving high levels of traffic from? Thanks Dan

    | DanFromUK

  • WE are a small Internet marketing agency and of need of a new keyword tool. We were using Market Sumeria but they lost access to Google. What would you recommend? I'm not looking for a free service but a good service under $100 per month.

    | Doug_Hay

  • For instance, if I want to track traffic for a sports memorabilia store in Miami, and I only have "sports memorabilia shop Miami" as a keyword to track, will it track traffic of people who visited the shop's site after searching for "sports memorabilia shop IN miami"? Or would I have to use both "sports memorabilia shop Miami" AND "sports memorabilia in Miami"? I know Google doesn't show results with "in", "and", "the", etc., but Google Analytics tracks them, so I'm curious about how SEOmoz does it. Thanks in advance.

    | simply180

  • Hi All, I am trying to find a tool that can tell me - what are the most common search keywords in USA that are related to my website industry. What we do. we are an e-commerce website that sale artisans local food in one location and in one delivery. Thank you very much i.

    | iivgi

  • Does anyone have any recommendations for tools to help speed up the initial keyword reporting process? I'm looking for tips to streamline the current system of manually researching competition reports. Thanks.

    | Doug_Hay

  • Hi All, I wanted to know if you are familiar with a tool or any other way to see for weach searches my website will be shown in search results I use Google analytic, but i wanted to know if the is a dedicated tool for this Thank you Very SEOWiseUs

    | iivgi

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