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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • I know that there are issues with reciprocal linking, and I'd choose to avoid it if I could, but the circumstance I have been put into may require me to do so. Say we do it in the worst possible way. What is the worst case scenario here? Is it possible to be hit with a site-wide penalty? Is there a range of penalties? or you just get dinged or not? Will the links themselves simply be devalued? and by how much? they loose half their juice? All of it? And if you are penalized, how difficult would it be to recover? Can you just ditch the recips? or is it a lot more difficult than that? Obviously it has to do more with how you do it and what your site and the other site are like content-wise, but I just wanted to know what you think about the actual possible penalties and recovery. TIA for any answers.

    | DownPour

  • Hello friends , I have a shopping site how can i increase google ranking in google serp. Now my page is in 700 . Thanks

    | BiswaM22

  • In other words, instead of the comment linking back to the money site it is being linked back to a blog profile which contains a link to the money site.  Is this still as effective?

    | msmdz

  • Am I correct in stating that linking to every article about your company is a bad idea.  I see a lot of sites with followed links to the articles that link to them.  Is this not devaluing the link?  I've been recommending removing the links or no indexing the page and no following the links.  Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    | brandonschultz

  • Hello all. One of the first things we do for our clients is to claim their local listings, include them on a set of selected directories (8-10), and blog directories (5), if applicable. Since they will all be linked to the client site, could doing all of this at once run us into problems with unnatural link growth? Thanks! Frank

    | FrankSweeney

  • For instance, if the website is for a hotel, would it be acceptable to post on travel blogs?

    | msmdz

  • I'm going through the recommended SEO directory list but I notice that most of them are paid listings. I have been told that it is not worth spending any money on this, so why are there so many recommended in this list?

    | BridalHotspot

  • Hi there! When facing up a linkbuilding strategy what are the key points? Alternatives to include in the plan: (something is missing? Having a blog and generating attractive content in order to attract links Global directories How effective are they? Forums with dofollows Local directories What really works? Thanks in advanced.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • So, I was looking at my competiton, and noticed that they have 4 times the amount of link that my page has. I noticed that they made a blog on almost every free blog hosting available (like,, And every blog has a high domain authority (and poor content) with links to their page. Is this helping with their domain authority? Should i do if for my page too? Thank, M.

    | Spletnafuzija

  • I have received two follow links from a website with a domain authority of 64 because I contributed to 2 blog posts. Will it help my site to get more back links from this same website or should I focus my efforts elsewhere?

    | dealblogger

  • Our ecommerce site recovered from a manual link spam penalty about a month ago, but the organic traffic is still very low. We are working on getting high quality links and high quality content for our site. Some people are saying that even if you recover from the penalty and build high quality links, etc.. the site will never recover. Is this true?, we are very discouraged by what others are telling us. ? I d appreciate any help or suggestion we can get here. Thank you.

    | orion68

  • Hi Everyone says quality backlinks increase ranking of your website. Can you please suggest a list of good websites and blogs from where I can get quality backlinks and how to do that. I have one person at my disposal full time to do manual commenting or any manual tasks for getting backlinks but how should i approach this problem (of getting backlinks). Where do I start. For information, my website provides online services (its an ecommerce site) and also has a blog in subdirectory. refer to Would like to become top ranker on search for these services (eg 'logo design services', 'website programming', 'content writing', 'hire virtual assistant' etc) Also anyone interested to become our SEO consultant or SEO  service provider (of course paid) is most welcome 🙂 Thanks in Advance!

    | geekwik

  • Hey, Guys How long does it take for Google to recognize your link-building efforts with authority websites and affect the SERPS?

    | AubbiefromAubenRealty

  • At the end of our company blog posts, we have a short paragraph about our main service using anchor text linking to the homepage. I read somewhere (but can't for the life of me find it again) that this method can lead to Google ranking these blog posts lower than if they weren't there. Is there any correlation between internal linking using boilerplate anchor text and lower ranking for those internal pages? I understand that this isn't a top priority as Google is placing less value on anchor text, but don't want to do anything that could potentially hurt, either. Thanks.

    | brandonRT

  • Hi Friends, I am having doubts in PR distribution methods. The details are given below, First we will submit in (PRWeb) then we will submit in our website. In the PRWeb when we submit PR on the same day Google cache the page but when we submit same PR in the website it take 1 week to google to cache. it Then we will distribute to free top 10 PR websites also. Any duplication problem will  occur while following this method. Your Feedback on this is important for me. Thanks for you time.

    | zco_seo

  • Hello, i am trying to add extensions to my site on the organic result. i just wandering if it can be done from the google web master tool or i need to contact my web developer? leKJK0z

    | steve215

  • If Google has the most market share, why would I use Bing to find backlinks. This question relates to Raven Tools using backlinks found on Bing for their Domain Research tool? Wouldn't that make their tool inferior to one that uses Google? Thanks, Sam

    | PGD2011

  • Hi, If a blog has a section which contains 40 outbound links almost like a blogroll do you think Google looks at this cluster as suspicious? Could this come across like paid links to Google?

    | Bondara

  • I haven't been able to find any articles to back this up, but I remember hearing that having backlinks from diverse geographic locations is a positive ranking factor. Thanks!

    | DA2013

  • I am new to the SEO world and I have been using the tools SEOMoz provides.  I was doing some research and happen to find this website: I noticed that their sitemap does not contain all of the links that are located at the bottom of the page.  Also when you click one of the page on the bottom that you are taken to a landing page and it forces you to their software page. Community feedback - do you think this is a good techique to do something like this or can you please provide me a some other good examples for a niche/smaller website? Thank you. Denny

    | dsmolinski

  • I have to change few permalinks on wordpress website and I am using yoast seo plugin to redirect the links. My question is should I keep links on the original post or should I delete them. Thank you

    | VillasDiani

  • Hi, We have come across this tool that we are considering using for some of our blog posts. We will still continue posting our own post blogs weekly, we will just use this if we come across anything interesting.  Our concern is it will produce duplicate content from other sites.  We are very new to blogging. Will this hurt our SEO?  Will it improve it? Or will it make no difference? All thoughts welcomed please. Thanks Andrew

    | Studio33

  • Recently we did some job for our friend who promised us link from his page for to ours. His page is very well ranking for key word we try to rank as well and has good authority. What would be a good link for our website to get from his in order to help us to rank better but still did not steel his traffic? Thank you

    | VillasDiani

  • Hello all, i'm a webmaster, i need add my website : to dmoz, before i add some website to dmoz but unscuccessfull, please help me thank all


  • Given the importance of editorial links & co-citation, beyond guest blogging what other high-value link-building tactics should I be looking at to boost organic search placings? Specifically, in Apr 2013 is there still mileage in directories (such as these on the SEOMoz list) or on this GetListed list; or in placing content on social sites such as Squidoo?

    | Jeepster

  • Our travel website has thousands of places, each with an individual page, that users can interact with via our site. The info includes a link back to the place's main web presence if available (homepage, Facebook page, hosted listing elsewhere, etc.). We have no problem passing along PageRank to these sites and setting the link as dofollow. However, due to the sheer number (50k+) of these place pages that have the same anchor text of "Visit Website" in the same location on every page, I fear Google will see us as spammy and ding us. That said, would it be better to set these external links as dofollow or nofollow (or leave them as part of the Javascript as they are now)? Thank you in advance!

    | brandonRT

  • Hi, I think I've been doing every right here. I just got a lot of nice backlinks from relevant sites ( pr 5 and higher), I also have been doing guest blogging for weeks. But suddenly, my domain authority dropped from 35 to 33. Traffic from searches also dropped a little bit. I didnt do anything blackhat yet so I dont know what is the reason why this happen. I update my site regularly, get more and more natural backlinks, do guest blogging. Or perhaps it was because I give links to my friends' affiliate sites and got penalized?

    | brian.jerimy

  • A week ago one person of our team added a link with anchor text on a web directory website PR5, but from this one link, Google indexed more than 2K links from this website with same anchor text, and then our keyword ranked first on SERP. The problem is that this clearly look like SPAM to Google, so which way is better to remove this link, with disawow tool, or to contact the web directory site owner?Could anyone give me any advice for this?

    | cvissi

  • Years ago an old employee put us on Yahoo. The information is no longer correct and I have no idea who put us on or when. Does anyone have a suggestion? Or an email to contact yahoo?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Before I started doing SEO for the company I am currently working in, they had an Indian company doing loads of spammy SEO work for their site. My question is as follows; should i try to remove the links that were inserted there. I am doing link building now in a natural way, which obviously takes days to get a link - not minutes.  I'm worried that the link profile is full of years of spammy links and I can't dilute it as fast as I would like. Here are a few links to different sites that the company created links on: How do I go about this?

    | EcomLkwd

  • We're a growing law firm looking into expanding into different practices of law. The question we're running into is should we create new sites for our different practice areas or add them to our current site? If we create multiple sites we have to divide our linking building efforts, but if we maintain everything under a single domain will be harder to be considered an "expert" on each section of law and get ranked well in each category? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    | PewLaw

  • I was pitched today by a "content syndication network" that claims to be able to syndicate across 200 "local news" sites along with syndicate the content to the editors and writers social sites, along with the publisher social sites for a flat fee.  Just like a service but NOT for press releases.  For articles. The company offering this is Need to vett them out and make sure this is not a FTC nor Google Quality Guidelines violation for SEO purposes.

    | Aviatech

  • I've tried to contact the staff through the online form at but never got any reply. Any idea?

    | sbrault74

  • Hello guys, I´ve done a infografic and i want to share it with some bloggers. But, i want to share an iframe, not an image (beacuse there is some links on it). My question: Can Google consider the links inside an iframe (for link building)? Thank you 🙂

    | seomobly

  • Please allow me to share some metrics with you. The first column contain the metrics of our company, the 2 on the right are some competitors. Picture 1 is the page specific metrics for our homepages Picture 2 is the root specific metrics. What I do not understand is the huge difference between our company homepage under page metrics and our root domain. What would be your suggestion to do? Our on-page factors are graded A, so these are okay. Based on the results, my main focus is to more actively build up more links. Nevertheless, we already have links for on the websites that came out of siteexplorering the competition.  Nevertheless one competitor is included on DMOZ which has a very high domaintrust. We are already waiting for months to be included... But I am sure that this one link cannot make all the difference. 0kKUpse 72qYsBb

    | Onlinq

  • Sheesh. I get them every day. But this one takes the cake. It's from a woman I met once in my life on a long run with my running club. That was two years ago. Now she wants me to endorse her -- even though I know nothing about her professionally. But wait, there's more. She's not much of a runner. As it happens, I know a thing  or two about fitness -- having edited a fitness magazine and worked on websites for many top fitness and nutrition pros. The idea of an MSW doing fitness programs for people with medical problems raises all kinds of red flags. She sent this Facebook IM: Hi Daniel - hope all is well! I was wondering if you can share my page with your friends, with the following message (or something similar). Thank you so much in advance! My friend XXXXXX, MSW, has been running XXXX Personal Training for the past 18 years. She specializes in exercise programming for people who have medical problems, everything from heart problems to chronic pain conditions. She works on site in her clients' homes in midtown and downtown XXXXXX. Please contact her if you know anyone who would benefit from her expertise.
    XXXX Personal Training
    We specialize in helping people who are experiencing medical issues incorporate exercise into their treatment plan. We work as a team with all other professionals involved in your care, whether that is your medical doctor, naturopath, physiotherapist, osteopath, chiropractor, massage therapist, or...
    Page: 141 like this [note from SEOmoz staff: we ask that you keep this post TAGFEE and not include specific names, URLs, or phone numbers in your response. Thanks!]

    | DanielFreedman

  • Hi everyone, Our company works extensively with ecommerce website, and we're beginning to wonder with all of the impending Google updates what our best bets for internal linking practices will be, in particular when it comes to menu options. We typically set up our navigation with top-level categories in the main menu, then drop downs to the sub-category level pages. Our question is, should the links in the drop-down menus be followed, and if so, should they be followed links across all pages of the website, or just on the homepage menu list, or not at all? We're trying to figure out what will pass the most internal linking power without being too much and overly "spammy," I guess. Thanks for your input!

    | MountainMedia

  • I understand that when getting links into your site, they need to be good authority but, importantly, also relevant to the information on your own website. I've seen examples for people to find guest posting opportunities on many sites, but these have been for popular industries with mass amounts of people discussing it (travel blogs, fashion blogs), making guest post opportunities more readily available. The company I work for provide doc storage, scanning and paperless solutions. As you can guess, when following these guides to find blogs on our industry, I have come up short with places to ask to guest post on! So, how would SEOmozzers approach building quality, relevant links for a very niche industry such as ours? Also, we'll be building pages for extremely specific types of files (e.g. Microfiche Scanning, A0 Scanning....). For these pages, how will I be able to find relevant pages on these topics to get a link to, because these will obviously be even more niche than doc scanning? Thank you!

    | janc

  • Hi all Recently, Google has indexed the landing page url for our product differently. This has just happened. So now, when you used search for "DocRead" you would find the top result being : "" which is what i want. However, now it's indexing it as "" this page is simply a redirect to our product page as it's part of the menu. If I look in fiddler when requesting I can see its doing a 301 redirect, which is fine. Why is Google storing the wrong url ? I also noticed we dropped in our rankings quite significantly last week.

    | MarkQJones

  • I'm having a real hard time trying to dig through all the BS and find a reputable SEO company that delivers quality and value. Anyway, here's a package that I'm considering from a company called eBrandz. It seems a bit overpriced to me, but I don't have a lot of experience with reputable SEO companies, so I'm hoping someone can weigh in - on both the package itself for the price, and the company (if you have any information about them). $1500/month 8 Guest Posts (With 80 Bookmarks) 8 Articles with Syndication (With 80 Bookmarks) 1 Press Release (With Bookmarking) 75 "Curated Business Directory Submissions" Social Bookmarking for 5 Urls (Each Url to 20 Sites) 1 (every other month) Video Creation (45 to 90 seconds) With Submission and Bookmarking.

    | JABacchetta

  • The site is  I have identified the offending site as  IT is loading me with bad anchor text...

    | Snell

  • I’m thinking about buying the domain of a former competitor who is getting out of the business.   His site has quite a few links, a healthy link profile from several hundred domains (a few common sites, but mostly different) and a Domain Authority of 44 (mine is a 55).  His anchor text portfolio is very appropriate to my business, and the domain contains one of my most important keywords (one that’s in my own domain).  His site ranks for a many of the same keywords as mine.  Where mine is #3, his might be #4. I don’t want to operate his business (there’s a reason he’s getting out), but I was thinking that redirecting the domain to appropriate pages on mine would give a boost to the many long tail keywords which constitute a considerable part of my business. The question is how much of a boost?  How much should I be willing to pay for his domain? If I get x visits/year from organic search and he gets y, and both sites rank for approximately the same terms, how much would you expect the two sites together get?   Is there a rule of thumb for calculating this kind of thing involving some kind of logarithmic math?  Does the combination of links of similar sites make 1+1=2, <2, or >2?  Or is the only way to make this estimate to go through each of the major keywords trying to figure out what will happen to each? If, for instance, on average we combined our #3 & #4 rankings and got a #2 ranking, that would probably increase my clicks by 50% because of their higher SERP prominence.  Based on my research, a visitor to my website is worth about $14.  Assuming that his natural search visitors would be worth about the same amount if directed to my site, I would probably make 1/2 x * $14/year. I'm least comfortable with the first assumption.  Is there a better way to evaluate this?

    | TREWS

  • New to the "backlinking" party. Wondering if its 'good practice' to trade links with other websites within a like-industry. We've been receiving a lot of emails from other websites asking us to trade links.  Is this a good link building practice anymore? Thanks!

    | asa-php

  • Hi All, How you find out that how many links are low quality what are the area of consideration for finding the low quality link. I have checked the Google webmasters for list of all site links. and finding out that few link have not found or have no PR, links from irrelevant theme. Please tell me more about the low quality links. Is disavow link helpful for removing those links from the website also? Thanks

    | lucidsoftech

  • Our site provides two approaches for customers to locate the products they're looking for: Brand and Category. Where we're unsure if we're causing confusion for the search engines is when the left navigation filter link anchor text for these pages conflict with one another. For example, let's say we have a Snazzy Brand Type A widget, Blue, Squared. The nav links from a category approach could be: Widgets > Blue > Squared > Snazzy From the brand approach, we have: Snazzy > Widgets > Blue > Squared Where we have the conflict is in the instances of "Snazzy". From a category perspective, we direct customers down to the Snazzy Widgets page at /snazzy-widgets/ (as it's a filter). But from a brand perspective, we direct to the Snazzy brand page at /snazzy/. This means we have two sets of links with the anchor text of "Snazzy" that are going to two completely different pages. Repeat this across a variety of categories, and you have many instances of "Snazzy" all pointing to different Snazzy-related pages, but not to the Snazzy brand page (/snazzy/, /snazzy-widgets/, /snazzy-whatsits/, etc). So what's the best way to make sure we communicate the right information to the search engines, while still keeping the customer's browsing experience intact and enjoyable? Thanks!

    | ShawnHerrick

  • We are looking to get some articles from and use as guest post. Please can you help with 1. Can we submit to multiple blogs or is that considered duplicate content 2. How do we chose bet guest blog to post for. Example we would like to use article Online Business: Why You Should Not Build Your Own Website but not sure where to post it. Thanks

    | break_thru_pro

  • Can I find out how many of a competitors 25k links are coming from which domains?You can see in the image I uploaded, the first competitior, Suzuki of Wichita, they have 25,000 total links. dRTAKAt.png?1

    | Mrupp44

  • Today, a link builder contacted us, and in exchange for a link to his site he will be willing to give us a blog post on his sites.. The sites he is willing to give us a Blog post/links on are all around PA 25 and DA 25.. The site he wants us to link to has a DA of 78 Can someone advise us on any positives or negatives. on positing on his lower quality sites in exchange for links to his quality site.. Should we go ahead and partner with them ?

    | 365ToursSafaris

  • Could you please guide me. Where can I view lost back links details in this tool []

    | MySplash

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