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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • Hi I have been doing some research today to help a client who has lots of links to their site but they are mainly of low or no value. The links were created by another SEO agency so we are not sure in all cases how the links came about or who to contact to get rid of them. I have come across link detox I wanted to suggest to my client to use this to help them see what links are bad and what should be kept I have two question's; Has anyone had any experiences with this program and have found it useful? Would there be any negative affect of us using this program with reference to my clients website? Many thanks for your help.

    | mblsolutions

  • I want to find all the outbound links (basically whatever comes in <a>tag) from a domain (say as well as all the subdomains under it (say etc). Open Site Explorer provides the inbound links from a website but does not provide any functionality to get all the outbound links from a website. Is it possible to do?</a> <a>Thanks in advance. Deepak Jain</a>

    | Deepak_Jain

  • How do Mat Releases affect SEO? Does google recognize that your are syndicating duplicate content even if the content is being syndicated across top media outlets? Do these back links still carry any authority or can we even be penalized for the duplicate content? I came across mat releases here: An example of article syndication outlets: Guaranteed Placement on 800+ Media Sites. Generate guaranteed article placement on more than 800 respected online media outlets. Our digital distribution network includes: The LA Times; The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (JS Online); Las Vegas Review Journal; Hearst media sites for the San Francisco Chronicle, Houston Chronicle and Connecticut Post and others; local TV news affiliate sites from ABC, CBS, FOX and others; and hundreds more trusted sites.

    | bloomnation

  • Hello SEO Community, So sometimes I will pitch one guest post to multiple outlets and if multiple reply positively, I will tell all but the single most authoritative site that the article is being published elsewhere and it won't be unique for their site. But some don't mind and still post anyway. I definitely don't mind because it just means that more people will read my article and more sites will be linking back to me. What are the implications on the link juice from the most authoritative site? What about the other ones (which are still authoritative, just not as much)? Is there any reason I should explicitly tell them not to post if I know it will appear somewhere else? Thanks much,

    | CleanEdisonInc

  • Hello everyone, this is actually my first time to ask here so please be kind to me. I won't consider myself an expert on SEO, I originally studied to become a writer. I've been learning SEO for the past 1 1/2 years but recently I've encountered a wall. One of our clients wanted to rank high on Google in DIFFERENT countries. So far here are what we're doing: Keyword research + integrating keywords in content Site optimization (inserting keywords on meta tags) Blog development (10+ times a month with use of keywords) Linkbuilding (Local directory submission, submission on free PR sites, making sure client is listed on their partners' pages) I've always thought developing more content would help the site rank higher. Should we build links for a specific page that has our main keyword so that it would also rank higher? Or  building links for the root domain just as good? Your comments and suggestions will surely help! Thanks!

    | RMTA

  • Hi, Lets say you have two pages, one is your money page which contains products etc and the other is a piece of content used for link bait. Say the link bait works well and you pick up lots of links from it, how do you then benefit your money page from this? I can only think of creating an anchor text link from the link bait back to the money page. Is that usually how this process works?

    | Bondara

  • Friends, Generally if you follow all the traditional White Hat SEO methods including Fresh Content how much time it should take for keywords with around search volume of 90 (per month) to show up in Page 1 in Google US. Thank you

    | INN

  • 1.What is the easiest way to fetch a backlinks from wiki sites.Wiki answers.Wikipedia or any other site. Any one kindly guide me in detail how to do it?Not interested in creating and maintaining page. 2.What if I need multiple links?

    | csfarnsworth

  • Hello. All I have a question in regards to online communities. Is joining an online community( i.e. Industry related forums, commenting on industry related news sites, responding to blog post) a good way to do link building?  I don't mean in the sense of spamming but actually being an active part of a online community and adding valuable to the conversation. I have tried posting blog post on a industry related online community:  but this site does not show up as a link when I pull an open site explorer for my website. Any suggestions ?

    | AubbiefromAubenRealty

  • I am working on a website that last year received an email from Google via webmaster tools talking about the linking profile.  The email suggested that the website had unnatural activity (links) and that the webmaster needed to investigate before filing for a reconsideration. After having looked at the link profile using OSE, it was easy to see the problem.  Thousands of inbound links with the exact anchor text. Here is the BIG problem. The tactics used by the unamed SEO agency prior to me were to embed links in to the footer of web themes? At this stage it is unclear as to where you can downlaod or purchase the web themes but it's obvious that the problem is simply going to escalate. The domain in question is Any thoughts on the above would be much appreciated - at this point I am trying to find the place were the themes are available for download. Any ideas much appreciated. shivun

    | seohive-222720

  • As per my previous post regarding my new client. I am dissecting all the previous seo companies docs and basically there are hundreds of directory listings on paper however site explorer does not show any. my question is this does site explorer not list directories site or are they worthless?

    | Shuffled

  • Ok so this is what I got, 1 page ranks for about 5 different terms, all closely matching for example: Flower Pots, Flower Pot, Cheap Flower Pots, Buy Flower Pots. Flower Pot and Flower Pots are on page 2. Flower Pot stays where it is BUT Flower Pots drops out the rankings completely after being there for years. Could a blast of exact match anchor text at the term Flower Pots cause this? I would have thought the page would have been zapped rather then just one keyword. Any ideas?

    | Bondara

  • hey guys, does insare have any seo value anymore? thanks!

    | tm4615

  • Hi I am currently considering two online PR services, Marketwire and PR web. Just wondering if anyone has a opinion on which one is better in terms of SEO value? Or if anyone has done any experiments on either? Thanks for your help. Cheers Mik

    | increation

  • the increase traffic to my online store I'm working on a new blog on a different domain. I found a good writer and will ask for good content to post on my blog. The content will be about a specific keywors relevant to my business. about each post, should they always have a link to my online store? when a guest is posting a comment on my blog and leaving is url, should I ask him if I can comment on is site to get backlink? what are the best things do to about using my blog to help my store rank better? how about on 'How to optomize' a certain keyword, can you give a example on how it is use in a blog and how it should link to the site you want to increase traffic? I guess if my blog can built high page and domain authority and it is linking to my online store often, it will help my store gain a higher PA and DA? Can it hurt if every post is linking to my store? last question, if guest comment and leave url and my site has a good D.A. it will be help full to them, but want about me? Is there a way to take advantage of this? I hope I can get help crom Mozers the me start my new blog with the best guideline and tips to make it a success. Thank you

    | BigBlaze205

  • Website designers/developers place hallmarks (Website Designed by XXXX) in the footer region of the web sites they have designed/built, how much ranking value do these hallmarks have being that they're pointing from sites that are irrelevant to the web designer's, and why?

    | UplinkSpyder

  • We're reaching out to various communities to do some link building at the moment and were wondering what people did to confirm that the links are from quality sources? We don't want links from bad neighbourhoods or sites which have had penalties applied against them etc... What tools can we use to find this out? Thanks in advance for any replies!

    | agencycentral

  • I was wondering if links from sites like studio, hub pages and tumblr are worth it in 2013 post panda/penguin? It seems spammy to me but some people appear to still use them? any thoughts?

    | SamCUK

  • I know this has been possibly asked before however. is there any benefit for Guest bloggers to write on my website? Will it have any impact on my rankings? I do guest post on other sites and I know this helps my site.

    | Cocoonfxmedia

  • I see that this question hasn't been addressed in 2013 and while reviewing my SEOMoz stats, my competition continues to beat me up in the backlink department.  I'm wondering if anyone has advice as to how to build those backlinks without Penguin penalty.  I want to do it right and I think that's why I can't win this race against my competitors who I see have backlinks on all sorts of sites that are not related to our business. Thanks in advance for the advice!

    | Debe

  • I started doing link building for a client 1 month and a half ago. This includes submitting to free directories, social bookmarking sites and also writing and submitting articles to free article websites. Since I only use free and non-paid websites, it doesn't get approved instantly and many links I submitted are still pending review. Now the client is getting all nervous because he doesn't see a ROI regarding my work! I tried to explain to him that link building is just a piece of the cake and especially using non-instant approval free directories, it can take up to several months for each link to be listed (if listed), so it doesn't have instant results! I'm also trying to convince him that he needs to create more engaging content on his website, and also invest more on social media in order to get non-solicited links. I'm really annoyed with this. Can you SEO guys help me explaining to him why he doesn't see a great ROI with just 1 month and a half of link building and why his website's Moz Rank and Moz Trust decreased and that's normal to happen!? Thanks!

    | blablabla2013

  • Hello, I've recently been able to bring my site way up in the rankings for some very competitive keywords.  I've done nothing spammy, and everything has been done with a lot of detail and a focus on only using the best techniques. My site is on page 2 for a lot of keywords.  What would be your suggestions for getting over that hump and making it to page 1?  I'm happy with my results (coming from pages 30-50 to page 2 over a couple of months) but I'm not satisfied and won't be until I can be on the top of page 1... Any suggestions are welcome... Thanks

    | Prime85

  • So I'm working on cleaning up our backlink profile and discovered that a few of our blogs are clogging things up... Google reports that one in particular is responsible for 454 links...
    So I ran a quick sitemap to try and get a better understanding where these are coming from and discovered that all of the stupid tags and categories that the former marketing person posted her blogs to were creating new pages and counting new links from the footer found on each. So there were 370 pages counted by the sitemap generator. This explains why all the links. Now my questions 1.) how hurtful are all these links? 2.) what's the best way to handle links on company-sponsored blogs.. in sidebar widgets or embedded in the text? 3.) what is the purpose of those categories and tags? My boss seems to think they help in SEO efforts but I am insisting they are worthless and would like to remove them all. He thinks we should keep a couple per post... bleh Any advice here would be lovely. Thanks

    | jesse-landry

  • Hi there, I'm always trying to think of new ways of getting great links and thought HARO could be really beneficial to our SERPs, the only issue I think is that we are a UK website and mainly the reporters are based in the USA, writing for Chicago Tribune, NY magazines etc, is this an issue?, here are a few more questions: Has anyone had success using HARO? Anyone outside the USA had success with HARO? Kind Regards

    | Paul78

  • We've held Local listings at "A" for over a year. 2 weeks ago we dropped down to below the fold. I ran several reports and our backlink report shows roughly over 10,000 and it's growing every day along with new domain referrals with inbound spam links all using  the same core anchor text term. One domain is responsible for over 2,000.  These sites have Nothing to do with our industry and several in foreign languages. All these links are "NoFollow". My question is.  Although "nofollow" is known to protect you, I'm wondering with over 10,000 of them coming from 345 sites, ALL using our one core term as an anchor text has red flagged us?  If so,I'm planning on using Google disavow at the "domain" level. We are a local resort and until this happened we only had around 15 referral sites that are industry related. type sites and local tourist related sites. These new inbound spam links are so blatant and yes they're "nofollow", but I'm starting to wonder IF this off the wall inbound spam link pattern IS  indeed affecting us? Any thoughts?

    | capekeysgal

  • I have an ecommerce website and a manufacturer is providing links directly to my website from their products pages because they do not sell directly online. What is my best linking juice power for this situation:
    Manufacturer A has a number of different brands: brand1, brand2, brand3 and a number of different products in each of it brands. They are currently linking their individual products to my individual products on my website. My website is setup like this: What is the best practice for this situation:
    --Linking manufacturer product to my product
    --Linking manufacturer product to my associated brand page
    --Linking manufacturer product to main manufacturer page
    --or something else? Thank you and I can provide more details if need be. Denny

    | dsmolinski

  • Hello, I Want Help my company with our webpage we are "manufacturers" and "wholesale Suppliers" our products are "Transponder Keys", "Automotive Door Locks". On my keyword research on Adwords I Found "Transponder Key"  = 1600 Exact Global Searches so, long tail Keywords like "Transponder Key Manufacturer" have less Searches but are less competitive. I´m trying to Target "Transponder Key Manufacturer""Transponder Key Supplier"
    "Transponder Key" Main Question, when you do SEO for webpage, all your seo campaign goes for 1 webpage, example or one page for groups of similar keywords like Transponder key, transponder key manufacturer, transponder key supplier

    | iKsn

  • I want to hire a contractor on eLance to built back links using guest blogs For the guest blog submits, those are the things a will ask: a post where I can comment with a Page Authority of 20 or more a blog where I can post has guest, where I don't have to create a account -  a blog that accept comments and have comments in the post -  the post page suggest must be pretty new, not more then 6 months old Do I forget something? Do you have any comments on this or anythings I should know before posting this job? Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • Hello Guys, I have a little question, i got 2 websites that are hosted on the same host. Now i could get 2 links on one website to direct to each of the websites on the same host. Does this effect my seo ranking, because the websites are on the same host? Thank you for your advice! Kind regards,

    | MennoO

  • Recently a client of ours received a proposal from a local newspaper for search related services, including link building. I believe the name of the company the paper is working with for some of these services is AdTaxi, which i had not heard of before. Anyone have experience with these guys from a link building standpoint? I know that here we are more "do it yourselfers" and for the most part, we handle all of the on-page and technical SEO for our client's sites, but link building as a dedicated service isn't something we have the resources to offer so I'm just looking to do some research. Thank you! -William

    | AudigyGroupDigital

  • I haven't found a good answer to this yet. I know the whole "disavow" tool is still relatively new but we have a ton of dead links, actually most of the dead links are sites that have 404'd. Is it necessary to disavow these?

    | MattTrostle

  • Hey everybody. I have been reading several resources on SEO, and wanted to know your opinion on these topics. I know they are diverse and should be on a different set of questions, but i wanted to give it a try. I run a Heavily Specialized Steel B2B eCommerce Site. So my question would be what is the importance of the following topics, taking into mind the nature of my site. The importance on how often the page is updated ? Recommendations on updating relatively static pages ? How important is to meet HTML and W3C Standards, also its validation. The NoFollow and Follow ratio of incoming links. Your opinion onthe inclusion of outbound links to other relevant pages. Is there a best practice? Any comment is welcome, and would be deeply appreciated. Regards,

    | JesusD

  • I have checked the link analysis section and looked at link history. I have also checked Open Site Explorer but I can't seem to find a way to just show me the most recent links to my site . . .

    | BlueLinkERP

  • Lets say I own a company that sells bakery-supplies. I would want links from websites with "bakery" as their main topic. So it seems obvious to try and gain links from local backeries. Next step is: How do I convince them to link me? What is their benefit? I can't link them back because it would weaken the linkpower. Therefor I was thinking about publicating an offline "Backery Guide" which includes all backeries in the area. Backeries which link us, would get more visibiliy and company information. That would be their benefit and we would get a 1-way link. Is this an idea which could work? Any remarks are welcome!

    | wellnesswooz

  • If I submit an inner page/category of Dmoz to Google will it get crawled quicker? Same question for other directories paid and free.

    | ianpaine

  • I have a website of which we are being forced to change the domain name and soon after give the control of the domain name to the corporate office. The corporate office will eventually put a new website up on it. We would like to build more backlinks without the threat of losing all of these backlinks to the corporate site. We were  considering to start building backlinks to the new domain with temporary redirects to the old domain but have recently been advised against doing this (threat of Google looking down on this technique). Should we continue to build back links to the old domain, or should we 302 redirect the links to the old domain? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    | wishmedia

  • I have an odd situation.  One of our most powerful links comes from a not-for-profit whom we have an advertisement with.  That ad gets us half of our business.  Recently, they slipped for the term that got them the traffic that flowed to our site.  I was thinking of linking back to that page to boost them up a bit.  Their page is a deep page on a high authority domain with only a few links.  I am an authority site for my niche.  I'd like to boost them up without diminishing my rank for other related terms. I'm willing to consider linking to them from my homepage, blog or link page.  To play it safe I could just link build  to them from outside my domain.  Can I just link to them and its not a big deal?

    | JDP

  • Recently I learned that there are links that are nofollow that google doesn't consider part of SEO. I was curious to know and also to help other new users what the community thinks the best practices are in growing your inbound links. Thank you for all the responses. I hope this link has served to help new users recently introduced to SEO and link building.

    | johnmoon6

  • I keep sending personal emails to website asking for a link form them but every one says no how do other website get so many links to there website whats the best software to use

    | homesandindustrial

  • We are currently trying to ramp up our link building using article submission syndicates. So far I have researched -SeoCosmo -Isnare -SubmitShop What is everyones opinon on these three website for submitting articles.  Can anyone recommend any other good Submission websites? Thanks You!

    | GladdySEO

  • Ours is Property Advertising Company. And we have agents and consultants working from other areas in providing property for advertising in our website. So we collect all the data (5000 data nearly) and upload in one stretch directly to our database. I would like to know whether this process will affect our ranking in google search results because when we upload 5000 data, the links in our website also increases.

    | Rajesh.Chandran

  • Hello - and sorry to bother you all. I am learning on my feet with SEO, but gradually getting there. I have started a directory for musical instruments and need to make the profile pages for dealers as relevant as possible (their instruments are doing well, but profile views less so). The following link is an example. all of them can be found here: We are putting in a search box to help with functionality, but if any one can give me an idea how to make these profiles super then I would be enormously grateful! Best wishes, James

    | bucky101

  • Hi all, I am looking to create som widgets for external sites with some of my data, off course with links to my site. But if i make a php file with some content, and another site iframes that php file, would I get link juice from this? If not, any suggestions to how i could get my data on to another site AND get the juice? -Rasmus

    | rasmusbang

  • I'm curious where the line is drawn for "duplicate content" by the search engines. Obviously the same article, or even the same article with minor edits, can and should be detected as duplicate. I have a use case where there is a database of similar, but not duplicate, content that changes as time passes. I want to serve this content up via html template but don't want the 1000 pages to be considered duplicates of each other. Example: Imagine local weather. You could create a template for city name, longitude, latitude, altitude, and current weather conditions. The values for all fields would be different for each of the 1000 database entries (cities) and one of the "current weather conditions" would change frequently (hourly, let's say). Now, if I have a nice heirarchical index pages (first one maybe points to 50 state sub-pages, and each state page points to 20 city pages) that point to the 1000 city-specific pages, would the city-specific pages be considered 'duplicate' since they are based on the same HTML template but all have different values in key areas? Does the answer change based on the % of the template (or visible text) that changes for each city? My goal is to get these 1000 subpages as part of my site, have them indexable, and have them each flow a little bit of link juice to my home page. Best practices? What should I be careful of? Thanks!

    | scanlin

  • I paid good money for a company to build me a website, I just put my domain into open site explorer and I have no links at all, how do I get links to other domains etc ? Thanks for any help -James

    | Stoz

  • There are a number(110) links that SEOmoz has found to have 404 errors. I have been able to find and fix many of them but there are links that are coming from our home page that do not seem to exist. I cannot even find the links in our system in wordpress. Is there something obvious that I am missing? Is there a way to locate where the links are originating from?

    | careerealism

  • I've got this website that has been hit quite hard by the first Penguin update round. Would it be better to move all my content to another domain and do a 301 redirect? Or should I keep the penalized domain and try to clean up the bad link profile? Also I must say that the website has been hacked last fall and the hacker was able to upload porn stuff in one of the folders. Needless to say, I quickly acquired tons of links from porn and warez. And no, porn and warez has nothing to do with my website's topic. Thank you for your help! Stephane

    | sbrault74

  • In doing research of our backlink profile, I've found a couple dozen of links from off-topic websites linking to us.  You see, our domain is and tends to scoop up links from unrelated sites that are clearly trying to link to another site such as or or dozens of others. What would you do?  Ask the webmaster to remove them because they are completely unrelated?  Or would you keep them if you believed they aren't causing any harm?

    | voicesdotcom

  • When I use opensiteexplorer, they use "domain authority" in 1 - 100 scale.. How to increase this number to my domains n website?

    | martino888

  • My current method is creating a post/page for each city a client wishes to rank for with unique content. Is this really the best way? Is it best practice? If not. What is?

    | RickyShockley

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