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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • When I'm downloading links from WMT to audit them for my unnatural links clients I generally check each individual link.  If it is a nofollowed link I make a note that it is nofollowed and move on.  I'm thinking that there has to be a quicker way to find all of the nofollowed links so that I can filter them out from the beginning.  How would I do that?

    | MarieHaynes

  • Hi all, I've been having some trouble with Google lately. Awhile back I came across a quality site that had a "Useful Links" directory. I searched the site and finally found an email.  I emailed the webmaster and requested a link. They obliged but wanted a link back, so I wrote a nice blog post that included a link to their site. This brings me to question number one: 1. Would Google see this as a link exchange? Problem number two with the link from this site. My site is fairly new with not much of a link profile. What I discovered was that they displayed random links from the "Useful Links" directory in the sidebar and in the footer. So all of a sudden we have a ton of links from one website. This site has hundreds maybe even thousands of pages. 2. Would Google see all of these links and think that they were paid or spam? We've had a nice steady increase in traffic from Google then all of a sudden it dropped to nothing for two days and has come back a little. Here is my data from open site explorer: 1/15/2013 PA=27/100 DA=14/100 LRD=5 Total Links=42 2/12/2013 PA=31/100 DA=19/100 LRD=9 Total Links=137 3/19/2013 PA=28/100 DA=18/100 LRD=5 Total Links=212 We experienced the drop in Google traffic on 2/4/2013. So according to open site explorer everything is ok. But is this big jump in links a problem? Thanks to anybody that reads this long post. 🙂

    | brandzz

  • Since you have to be consistent in all your review website information (business name, street, etc.) is it possible to have a website rank for both of their business locations which are about 50 miles from one another in the same state or do they have to pick just one location to promote offsite?

    | cakelady

  • Hi, Recently I've dropped two points on my Root Domain Authority for Not really sure why. I've done as much on page optimisation that I can think of, but what I would really like some help on is Link Building. If this was your domain what would you do specifically and start link building. I've read a ton of stuff but I just dont seem to know a way to begin. Can you offer me any advice? I've dropped 20% in traffic in the last 8 months. Hope you can help, Adam

    | NaescentAdam

  • im trying to rank for some keywords but more importantly increase my Domain Authority its only a 15 and my Page Authority is 28 I need to increase those what would be a good way to start doing that. I do rank well for some keywords just not all Any ideas to help me build links and become a more relevant source. We have TONS of content compared to our competitors site name is

    | gslc

  • Greetings Mozzers, I have read that interacting on blogs in a natural way is good for building relationships as well as earning links.  This is what I'd like to do, however what is the best way to find blogs to start doing this for different industries? Google [industry blogs]? Go to competitors and look at their link profiles to see if there are blogs they are on? Whats a good way to start this method? All the advice/clarification would be outstanding!

    | MonsterWeb28

  • I am wondering if there would be any benefit in using low cost link building gigs off of fiverr and seoclerks for specific Amazon product pages. The theory I have heard behind this is Amazon's authority is so high, that even the bad links pointing to the specific product page add to the SEO of the page.  When google see's a product page on Amazon, they already assign it a high authority, so links help google see which page is the most popular in that niche, and ranks it. Amazon product pages already rank high in google search results, so the idea is this would give specific pages a little boost. Do you think this is a valid method for getting a specific amazon product page to rank high on google search? I understand this is not the normal type of question here, and it really only applies to Amazon product pages specifically, and not normal sites.

    | jmc509

  • I have a page http://villasdiani/diani-beach with which I am trying desperately rank for keyword Diani beach. Seomoz report showed me some hints regarding cannibalization where is it pointing out that I am linking to restaurants in Diani beach: etc...Would be the best Seo practice if I rather place the links to categories with restaurants, activities in Diani beach to side bar?

    | VillasDiani

  • I've got a new client who made the mistake of spending $5 on a sack load of dodgy links some time ago. I'm redoing his site, not set up analtics or WMT or anything yet, just starting on it but I had a look at his backlink profile and it's pretty shocking.  Riddled with porn and money scams etc, but I'm concerned by the nature of one of the the url is disturbing and I'm tempted to report them to the police. :(. If I use the disavow tool will it remove the links from my backlink profile altogether or just block the dodgy site?  I want to disaccociate the site altogether.

    | littlesthobo

  • Hi, I'm new here and it's my first question. I'm not so new in SEO, the thing that I know now is google has changed its game plan. lol. My question is: I have a specific website (aged website but not well-optimized overall), and I want the inner page (with good on page optimization for a certain kw) to rank for the main kw that it's optimized for. How to do this these days? Should we build more kw to this page like usual? If yes, then what best practices to do it? thx guys

    | martino888

  • This is a general question, I was wondering if anybody had used content now before, either for content writing or link building. I've had them mentioned to me by a manager but would like to hear the opinions of others too. Has anybody used anything similar for creating content at all? Thanks

    | onlinechester

  • Ok, so Open Site Explorer question: Say you enter a link and filter as follows - Followed + 301, only external, this page, ungroup. Now lets say 50 links appear from the same domain, when you visit the domain one of those Go Daddy type parked domain pages appear with lots of adsense as they usually do. Link back... No where to be seen. What's the score here? Is this domain showing up because OSE is yet to update for this domain?

    | Bondara

  • For a specific keyword we rank #1 in Google. Nevertheless, I got a Grade F on SEOMoz regarding page optimization. All comments were certainly true. On another keyword (keyword 2) we got a grade A, on this keyword we rank #3. Strange enough I did linkbuilding on keyword 2 to the page regarding this keyword. I did not do linkbuilding for the first keyword. How can this be explained? Both keywords have average competition.

    | Onlinq

  • Am I right in thinking the most important link building factor is the number of unique linking root domains? Multiple links from a domain won't help me so much?

    | SamCUK

  • Hi, I sent our website URL to, I followed all the rules, i even checked some competitors that are already listed in this directory project, to make sure i define good category for our website. i did that long time ago and still i didn't get response and i don't see my website listed. I also don't see any option to contact them. Any advice? Our website: www.artizone.comThank you i.

    | iivgi

  • I am writing a number of 500 word articles and have read that Top 10 lists are becoming more and more popular on the web. So my thoughts are to write an article about the the 'Top 10 Mens Grooming Products 2013' for example. My questions is - do I post this article on my own website with the 10 links to the product pages using the product name as 'anchor text', or post the article to somewhere like Squidoo containing the links to my product pages. Which strategy has more SEO value?

    | Ubique

  • Hi All, Noticed this link in opensiteexplorer. Its not marked as no-follow, but not sure if this link would pass any value? Click on any external link, it takes you to a "preview" page from within the main website. Is this a false positive? As in it shows as a follow link, but when you actually click it, it doesnt redirect to the website. Any thoughts on this? Greg

    | AndreVanKets

  • I have been working for a long time in the industry now and I was away for some time. It seems that now after the google updates..It is difficult to do link building. I used to do quality white hat link exchange to very related sites. For example, I own a travel site about Paris ( and I would exchange links with other travel sites about France or/and Paris. It was good for the visitors and SEO.. Now what is the best link building technique  ? What should I do to promote my site now?

    | sandyallain

  • Hate to post this again but really don't want to be forced to submit a PR when its not really necessary. I am looking for an individual or company to go 50/50 with me on my subscription. This is 1 release a month for 12 months. I currently only submit 1 a month and really REALLY don't need the extra release. If anyone has any good ways for me to sell this off, please feel free to let me know. Message me for more details. It comes out to be about 50% the advanced package.

    | William.Lau

  • Hi Mozzers, Any suggestions on link building for charity/non profit sites. Any lists specific to charities would be super useful. Cheers, SEO5

    | SEO5Team

  • Hi, quick question - has anyone ever used link building service called linkfool ? I was on another reputable seo information site and linkfool showed up, i checked it out and at the bottom site was an seomoz logo to insinuate partnership of some sort. Anyway , if anyone has used this service, was it worth the investment

    | movingeverywhere

  • I'm starting to learn about link juice and notice in GWMT > Traffic > Internal Links, that the list is in this order by the links counted on each page. Some are in the footer and some are in the header, with some being more important than others commercially i.e. /register /privacy /terms /search /sitemap /disclaimer /blog /register So I am wondering if I should add a 'no-follow' attribute to the footer links i.e. privacy, terms, disclaimer and leave the others as they are? Does this help retain link juice on each page where the links appear? Or am I missing the point all together? This is my website:

    | Ubique

  • I just planned my SEO Strategy for low competition keywords 1. Submit articles to top 30+ web 2.0 sites 2. Submit bookmark to top 50 sites 3. Submit Article directories to top 10 sites 4. Link them all with Wiki and blog comments Kindly let me know your suggestions

    | chandubaba

  • Hi, Is there a a place in this website where i can find basic guidelines for how to: for example: How to write a good meta description Whats is important when i am writing a blog(or any other back link source) that would link to my website What is important when creating a site tree etc... Thank you SEOWiseUs

    | iivgi

  • I have Got A Grade in On page Analyse from SEOMOZ . I want to get Top rank for " Healthy Breakfast " Keywords.. for this page I am new in SEOmoz and also SEO world. Actually i want to know "Smart optimization strategies to increase website rankings and Organic traffics " thanks

    | seolearner007

  • For $9.99 you get an improved site listing i.e. logo and 2 direct links to your website? Are these links valuable from and SEO point of view? Has anyone taken out a subscription for this reason, even though they could be construed as paid links? Many thanks, Peter

    | petersommertravels

  • ARE INBOUND LINKS TODAY ALMOST WORTHLESS??!!? After having been the KING of SEO, down to the toilet? Today I got a great sample from a fellow SEO professional showing a site, rank for "outdoor furniture" with ONLY 7 INBOUND LINKS FROM 3 DOMAINS and a domain trust of 14!!!! ON A NATIONAL, VALUABLE, HIGH QUERY VOLUME KEYWORD!! I was stunned, but is this the "NEW SEO WORLD" we live in, so we should skip spending hundreds of hours on link building? There are over 32 different types of inbound links but this is much MORE than a radical change, this is turning SEO as it was up-side-down. Any input, thoughts, ideas?

    | yvonneq

  • Hi all, I have a question, which I can not figure out the answer to. I have a web site which collects sporting news articles so that users need only to go to one site to check news about a subject instead of going to all sorts of sites. On the site I simply link out (to over 300 sources). My question is: The links (I have thousands and thousands per day) should they be follow or nofollow? Do I gain anything by having them set to follow. Or do I lose anything by setting them to nofollow? The site is - if you want to see how many links are per page and so on. -Rasmus

    | rasmusbang

  • For the website , with URLs like  is there any chance of getting these URL's indexed? Thanks!

    | onlinemktg1

  • On my campaign report from SEOmoz I have noticed that all my 3 competitors have 99% followed links versus 1% no-followed links. Should I do the same? How can I check were are the no-follow links on my site? I have found some tool online but it shows me that there are only 2 no-follow links on my website which are both while SEOmoz report shows me that I have 1031...where can i view this links?

    | VillasDiani

  • Hi mozzers, I've done a lot of link building for my site targetting high quality links. I'd like to try outsourcing some linkbaiting. Does anyone know of any good places to do this? I've been looking at Thanks!

    | PeterM22

  • I am trying to get a few more links to get a few of my pages to rank and I am thinking about adding some more backlinks on my own site on some of the old blog articles as well as some of my other related blogs. My question is - is it still beneficial to link from these articles that are say 1 year old or more, or would it be far more valuable to write new articles on the blog containing those same links?

    | bloggingyourpassion

  • Hello, I purchased a backlink service and I think the most of them were spam sites and sites like that. I am lossing Organic traffic, Im sure that my site is penalized, how long will last it?Can I do something? Thank you

    | matiw

  • I read that if I want successful local SEO campaign, I should use the same phone number in all my citations. But some citations are local for UK and I do not need to write the phone code +44, others require to use the phone code since they are international. Is it bad for my local SEO using 2 different numbers (with and without phone code) and how to avoid it ?

    | digitalkiddie

  • What do you guys think about creating quality pages on sites like Squidoo, with backlinks from that page leading to your website... and then ordering backlink building packages from SEO companies to build up those web 2.0 sites? My thoughts are that you would be able to get an idea on how good that SEO company is, while minimizing your risk (since their backlinks are going to a Squidoo page), and also increasing your site's authority at the same time (since those Squidoo links are going to your website). I'm sure this has been discussed before. But what is the general consensus on this strategy?

    | JABacchetta

  • Hello, If someone mentions a site in their blog, then that site mentions them back in their blog, how strong is this reciprocal link? Can a lot of these type of links be bad? Thanks

    | BobGW

  • many of the websites we designed have a copyright link in the footer. Like: webdesign by company name then this is made a hyperlink to our company website. Some of these websites have a high PR and other metrics but rarely are about webdesign. What is a clever thing to do? Tom

    | Onlinq

  • Hello, Last year we changed our domain name from http to https. In the .htaccess we included a 301 redirect from http to https. Nevertheless, some pages do not let you link to https, so for linkbuilding we sometimes need to use http://www.domain.ext in stead of https://www.domain.ext. Would this be a problem? I should expect with the 301 redirect that we don't have an issue here, but I would like to be sure. Although, I can make the site accessible without https too, but I don't think this is a good idea regarding duplicate content, is it? Thanks. Tom

    | Onlinq

  • Hi there! Our blog is full of really good articles on consumer finance topics. Recently we established contact with some local media and even government agencies who said they will be happy to repost our articles on their sites. Question: is it ok to repost our articles as they are and link back to us, or shall we rewrite them to make them 100% original? The media doesn't insist on original content, but I'd like to get SEO benefit from it (the sites are really good). If original content gives us more SEO value, we're happy to do it Please advise. P.S. Using rel=canonicals is not an option (it's government websites and some old school media - they are very not tech savvy).

    | imoney

  • Ok so I need some help, I need to put together my first Keyword Strategy, Link Building Strategy and Content Strategy and would love some advice on how to best approach this. First off is that the order I should be approaching it in? Do Keyword and Link in order to focus on building content around them. Basically if you were asked to create a plan like this, how woud you go about it? Thank you in advance for your help 🙂

    | cbeuoy

  • Hi, I've been rooting around my GWT account and noticed two what may be dodgy links, they look like a blog network - no contact details on the site and basically just blog posts about various subjects that all contain keyword rich links. The two that are pointing at me are two seperate articles on two sites that both contain around 3 keyword links to our website. I have no idea why these are linking to me as I have not requested them, so not too sure if someone has done this on purpose on what! Looked on the sites in question and there is no way of contacting the person responsible for the sites. Not had any warnings yet (touch wood) in GWT, how you you go about trying to get shut of links when there is no contact info on the sites? Bit wary of using the Disavow thing in Google as some people say go for it while others say avoid? Any hints/tips would be welcomed as this has got me a bit worried! Cheers Ted

    | Jon-C

  • Does anyone really know whether or not links with rel=nofollow provide any value for link building at all? Thanks in advance!

    | dan.backowski

  • Should I claim my site on  What do I need to know about Alexa?

    | djlittman

  • After penguin, exact match keywords are not supposed to be used too much, in case you are selling a product and you are backlinking for its product page. Does this mean that exact match keyword for that product should also not to be used much. Or its just about website. For example i have a product named as "Test Product" and for it i have a keyword "Test Keyword", should i always use Test keyword to provide backlink to this product or should i use brand name as well or variant ot this keyword in anchor text. What do you suggest?

    | MozAddict

  • When looking at a competitor's links, is it worth the time to try to get listed on sites they're listed on if all they seem to be are pages with links? Here's an example: I'm finding a lot of these, along with other low quality links from sites in other countries such as China, that have nothing to do with their business. This is for a self storage company. Most of what I'm finding are what seem to be more "old school" link building (farming).

    | DougHoltOnline

  • Can I link from the post to page? I read on semoz that in order to avoid crazy linking I should not link from a post everywhere. Is it ok to link from some post which is in a category to a page?

    | VillasDiani

  • Good morning to all! Is it normal that I change link and it automatically redirect to the new one? Our links are too long and all have Diani Beach in it what we have done a long time ago as we though it is a good move 🙂 Now I know it is bed so I just opened post and change the permalink and then I open it in new window and instead of Not Found it opens the new link. Can I be doing this?

    | VillasDiani

  • Has anyone read or heard anything about this? I'm trying to decide if it's necessary to spell out all form options as links as well? Thanks!

    | dan.backowski

  • currently i saw a lot of website using tag or related function to add in bulk keyword to their site with unrelated keyword? will it useful? why they do like this? there have tons of keywords if you click in for e.g there have tons of keywords if you click in Please give some suggestion if this way useful?

    | willy66

  • So in the attached picture, what does this all mean? Sorry I'm new to this and just trying to gain understanding. What am I missing in RST that rotary golf swing has? brZCo4y.png?1

    | cbeuoy

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