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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • I am working on lancing sites to get projects and my workers are not of that caliper to give each client Info-graphics/Guest blogging. Other than great great content.Whats the easiest way I can still apply with great care to build backlinks. -Forum posting on relevant sites with great care.Only relevant areas changing anchortext. -Blog posts with minimum OBL. -Web 2.0 properties with unique content. -Press release with open URL. -Directory submission on PR sites. -Article submission on Ezine and other article sites. -yahoo and other answering sites. Are these linkbuilding methods still I can use by giving value to others.Not add thanks this this that but working on proper relevant replies adding value.

    | csfarnsworth

  • Hi, I have a small team of people from the Philippines who does SEO for me and we've been using HMA as our IP switcher. It has been working for us although it slows down our internet considerably. These last few months though, we've been noticing that more and more sites could tell that we are using IP switcher. Do you know any IP switcher that we can use as a replacement for HMA? Or any thoughts on addressing this issue?

    | ao500000

  • I am entertaining the idea of using an indexing software / website. Would appreciate seomoz members user experience with those tools wether positive or negative .

    | sherohass

  • Please close

    | GrowFuse

  • Have recently noticed a big drop in rankings. up to 50% for some key pages. Trying to find out why. in webmastertools I have a total of 13000 links. I have noticed that 4000 come from one site to my home page. Keyword is not related and I have never heard of the site. Not sure if I should just ignore these links or use disallow. If I disallow won't a sudden reduction in my links look strange to google? I have read in this forum that negative SEO is very rare but I have no idea where these links have come from or what they are for.

    | Discountdisplays

  • On my latest report we have dropped one point on Domain authority. I also note that our 3 competitor rankings have dropped as well. Has something changed to make this occur.

    | Fodders

  • I like the functionality of BuzzStream when it comes to managing contact people from easily collected websites via bookmarklet. You can maintain relationship with many people for possible backlink opportunities. Are there any alternatives to BuzzStream that enables CRM-like relationship management with somewhat focus on link building?

    | CelalBarisOzdemir

  • Recently set up some profile links on high domain authority sites like Twellow and Manta - could I get some opinions on whether these links typically get indexed and pass value please? Also any tips on how to find profile links that do pass value?

    | Clicksjim

  • When linking from forums, blogs, or any other forms of SEO link building, should we link with or without the http://? Does google favor one more than the other or index them as two different pages? For example: | | or | |

    | WebRiverGroup

  • One website I checked is ranking well on Google. Upon checking its backlinks, I found that most of them are blog comments. Is blog commenting still valuable? Anyone encountered any recent problem (ranks gone down, etc)? Are there any specific strategy to blog commenting these days? Thanks!

    | AgentsofValue

  • I read the recent post of Future proof link building.I totally agreed that this is the way we need to build all links.This is the answer to how we need to create backlinks. I have a question for many senior members here.Which link building technique they are using especially to increase domain Authority. with Techniques If you possible source or guide me how you do it,that so nice from your end.

    | csfarnsworth

  • It can be bad for the site if I use various items to create links to a page that represents a specific keyword? The articles are relevant and anchor text is not only done on the keyword, but also by using words near the keyword in question.

    | otimizador2013

  • Do links on link pages or home pages work on unrelated sites, I know if a site is unrelated and the content is related it puts a similarity in the link to helps it's worth but with just a link on a links page (5-10 other links not a directory) does this pass any power or is it a bad idea.

    | BobAnderson

  • Are there any tools or websites that exist that can help me find local events to sponsor?

    | illuminea

  • I have seen that a competitor has a link from Pinterest as does the site I am promoting but the competitors page authority on their Pinterest page is 51 versus mine at just 1. Have checked the backlinks to their Pinterest page and there are 156 sitewide links all from the competitors own domain which has DA of 17. Their Pinterest page wasn't published that long ago, has 2 followers and just a handful of pins. Could I get some help to understand what could be the cause of this higher page authority please?

    | Clicksjim

  • Seomoz, Our current SEO provider built a squeeze page using Wordpress. The page has minimal links and the one drop-down menu links to other pages that look exactly the same with the exception of the page name and Google map. Since the pages were built a 2 years ago there have been zero copy changes or code changes until a few weeks ago, yet the provider maintains that there is a maintenance charge to make sure the pages function correctly and are easily read by Google. This sounds like a made up charge. Wordpress pages like these should be pretty stable and search friendly. Am I missing something? Is this common to charge for SEO, On-page SEO and Maintenance for pages that have not changed and only rank if you actually enter the long-tail keywords that match the page title? They also don't create a lot of traffic, but the provider says they are essential to our online footprint. The pages have a PA of 1 and the below on-page links (the exact same links for all 120 pages) | Internal Followed Links | 23 |
    | Internal Nofollow Links | 0 |
    | External Followed Links | 3 |
    | External Nofollow Links | 0 | Thank you in advance for your insight!

    | Buddys

  • Hello, Are these 15 links worth the time?: Since they're not site's with similar content, does all 15 count as juice-giving backlinks, or is it equivalent to just a couple of links from people closer to my niche? Thanks!

    | BobGW

  • I am wondering about alt text in links. My website was ranking in the top 1-5 position for all my main keywords from 2006-2012. I took a big hit in april 2012 and my rankings tanked with the penguin update. I've really just left seo alone for the past year as I assumed my rankings would come back, obviously not. I am still ranked 90-120 for my main keyword a year later, other keywords I am still ranked between position #7-11 which I am happy enough with. I did not receive any warnings from google so I'm not de-listed and don't have a manual penalty. My main problem was if someone wanted to link to my site I just asked them to use the exact same alt text in the link pointing to my site. So after using seomoz explorer I see I have just over 2700 links which Is great because I never approached anyone for links I just told them the alt text I wanted when anyone approached me, which shows people felt my site was good. My main problem is I have 600 of the 2700 links with the exact same alt text. Should I use the disavow tool to remove links with that key word phrase? Would that help? I look forward to any help with this. Thanks.

    | Want1stPlaceYesterday

  • Morning Mozzers, Happy Presidents Day. We submitted a disavow file about 4 weeks ago and in GWT saw that our links went from ~20k to about ~1300. Now this was good as majority were dubious at best. What is strange is I logged into GWT today and see many of the links that appeared to be 'disavowed' are back in our profile. I do not have any messages from Goog. Has anyone else seen this? Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for you help.

    | okuma

  • Manual sumbissions are a PAIN IN THE B, why good directory submission management sites are great. However, which ones are the best ones?

    | yvonneq

  • I'm doing SEO for a product review website, and I'm curious what link building opportunities are best for this category. Assume only the following: The website is basically a blog Most of the articles are reviews on cosmetic products, though there are also articles regarding news, product roundups, tips&tricks and similar content The website is in a local, non-english language Disregarding low-value opportunities such as directories, what kind of websites should I aim for outreach purposes? So far, I'm thinking the following: Product manufacturers (very low success chance, as the review site is fairly new and in a localized language) E-commerce sites selling the products (average to low success chance, since a lot of them use CMSes that might not allow integration of a review) Other cosmetic blogs, particularly for guest blogging (average to low success chance, since the website is fairly new) Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks!

    | mihaiaperghis

  • hi everyone, if i have a dofollow link pointing at me from  website A and also i have a nofollow link pointing from my website to website A do they cancel each other out? or is it only if i have dofollow to dofollow?

    | amoseshet

  • I am currently building links to our website via estalished blogs ect (2+ years old), As far as I understand even if they are unrelated to what we do (print) as long as the post is about print the link should offer some value is this correct? Other questions I have which I would greatly appreciate advice in are as follows........ (1) Do charity websites or company websites with link pages ( about5-10 other links) or links / logo's on the front page offer value even on unrelated sites? (2) What happens if 80% of the link building I am doing comes from blogs? (3) If I have links that are clearly spam that have been built to our site can they be damaging our potential to rank and how can I remove them as I have tried to contact the relevant parties but fear pressing the button on the google tool may harm our site should I? (4) If I have a page that genuinely has a lot of mentions of a keyword (not so much the money keyword but part such as wanting to rank for pool table but end up with the different versions of keywords having table mentioned 5 - 10% of the time). Thank you for your time.

    | BobAnderson

  • Just came across a post written back in 2011 that speaks about using a 'link pinger' to bring attention to the link and expedite the process of Google recognizing the link. Is this something that still works today? If so are there recommended tools?

    | Clicksjim

  • i have been building links for the past month or so and google has still not added my links. my website has been up and working for 7 years now with 1000's of entries a year and it is mostly indexed. but i cant seem to get my new backlinks to be added. any expert advice?

    | amoseshet

  • I've recently been asked to guest post on a site that appears to be PR4 but when checking the sites authority on OSE no data shows up. The site is I'm looking for opinions really, first of all on how it can be PR4 but OSE has no data on it and secondly whether it's a good site for me to post on? Any help much appreciated!

    | SamCUK

  • Does google still offer power from links even if the site is taken down such as a business blog closes ?

    | BobAnderson

  • When removing links should I be worried about bad links  from websites that have already been deindexd from Google or should I think that since it is not in these index any more it cant do harm?

    | Joseph-Green-SEO

  • Are paid directories held to the same standards as paid links? Is it going to get penalized my website if I submit website to paid directory?

    | joeko

  • I am doing competitor link research and so far 4 of the 4 have had links from What kind of site is this? I am sure it isn't valuable but I can't figure out how it is getting crawled.

    | EcommerceSite

  • Hi, I'm considering buying domains to help build our SEO traffic. But, I'm looking for some advice on whether or not this can hurt us. For example, if our site is and the site is all about online education, would it beneficial for us to purchase a local domain like and optimize with unique content so we can point back to our own site (if "education boston" is a high volume keyword)? Thanks!

    | BenchPrepCourtney

  • I work for a community college, with fairly high seo for the college in general. We have no budget for advertising specific programs, so we are trying to optimize individual pages on the website, e.g., physical therapy assistant, welding, etc. Does it make a difference if other websites use our main url, college name, or the college name plus specific program as the anchor text? Also, I'm seeing some posts here recommending to avoid lots of directory listings. I assume that doesn't apply to industry specific directories, like nursing school directories, right? I'm still a very new newbie and appreciate your advice.

    | LAJN

  • Hi everyone We removed a load of links from a site over 2 months ago but they still show in Google webmaster tools. I understand Google will not be reading this links as they were removed so long ago.  However I just was interested when Google might update these as not showing as linking to us anymore. I like to try and keep things tidy and its a bit frustrating it would be good to be 100% sure what Google is counting at any given time. Cheers James

    | tempowebdesign

  • Hi i want to know should i publish the article by gust posting .my keywords are rank in major search engine if i use the wired content that is beneficial for website

    | SameerBhatia

  • I just joined SEOmoz and I have enjoyed all the information. I currently outsource link building to an agency that charges $50 per link. For this, they handle the anchor text creation, the surrounding text and solicitation, acquisition and monitoring.  I know they send the actual work to their independent contractors. How do you find those independent contractors so that I can build my own network of contractors and save the client money?

    | SEOtrojan

  • How do I get good links to my site.  Is it best to hire a link builder, or do it myself. I am new at seo

    | mikespy

  • In our blog posts, we frequently include links to our product pages on our official site. However, the blog root domain is not showing up on Open Site Explorer for any of these product pages. In other words, why isn't Google counting our blog as a unique root domain? If it helps, here is the link to the blog: Thanks for your help!

    | jampaper

  • On search page (listing products)  we may have more than one link for the sameproduct : a link on the title of each product a link on each image's product a link on a "buy" button What is the best practice for this ? Link obfuscation? Do nothing special ?

    | ouicar

  • For the last two weeks I have been working on linkbuilding. I have downloaded competitors link reports and started contacting or submitting links. In the last two weeks I have gotten about 50-60 or so. In the newest report it shows I went up four c-blocks. Why is that? It is kind of discouraging.

    | EcommerceSite

  • Our web store, has good PageRank (6) compared to some competitors for the keywords audiobook, audiobooks, audio book, audio books. One big difference is that most top ranking competitors have significantly more back links including from .gov and .edu sites. Our domain URL has been on the Web since 1997 so naturally occurring back links likely has run its course. What is the best way to get more back links? Best tool to get back links with?

    | lbohen

  • We're finding a lot of comments that were posted by a previous company - they've been using a keyword as the comment name (UGH) and then the comments are usually generic, like "great information, will definitely be back to read more form you" - you guys know what I mean... Now, this site is ranking well and so are the keywords. My question is, should we work on removing those comments or just leave them be and now moving forward, use the proper process - since we are doing this ourselves now.

    | Freelancer13

  • Over the last week I have seen a big drop in links to us showing in Google Webmaster tools.  The links are still there on sites that rank well including some from National newspapers.  However the link count has dropped from over 4000 to less than 40 on approx 5-6 sites. Ranks etc are staying the same its just a bit of a strange thing as they still show in Majestic and Open site explorer.

    | tempowebdesign

  • Does Google consider PDF links just like it does HTML links?

    | BlueLinkERP

  • I recently spent the day writing 2 400 word+ articles and have submitted them to x1 article directory. I want to know if it is ok to submit the same articles to more article directorys?

    | Deanknight

  • Hi, i am just wondering if anyone has noticed a drop in their links. I have just looked at one site in webmaster tools and noticed i have lost a lot of links which is very strange.

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hi, i think i must be the only one that did not know about Ecademy sale, well almost. In the past week I have had a number of people contact me who are angry that they did not receive an email about ecademy business network being sold off. These people are more than angry about their monthly payments leaving their bank acounts and not having access to the new site which is here Although a lot of people are angry of the handling of this, an important question i would like to ask is, with ecademy no longer being around, does this mean that all the hard work of people writing articles on ecademy and gaining link juice, will all this link juice vanish look forward to hearing your thoughts

    | ClaireH-184886

  • Hello, Every month, I  set a goal of targeting 10 - 15 relevant keywords for my website. I then attempt to boost my site's rankings for these terms through a combination of content writing and white hat, non-paid link building. My question is: Are there general guidelines for keyword-targeting and backlinks? Is it healthy to target 10 - 15 different keywords (or more??) like this per month?

    | BBEXNinja

  • Search "peer to peer lending". The page appears higher than the homepage. I don't think this is because of keyword density on page either as Zopa (competitor) have zero mentions of this keyword on their homepage. What are your suggestions for getting the homepage ranked higher? Thanks, Simon.

    | RateSetter

  • I work at a web development firm and we put site wide links in each of our clients footers (I know this is awful and I am in the process of changing this) that read "web design by, web development by, hosting by,,,etc". My question is, I am in the process of deleting the site wide links and just leaving the links on the home page, but 1. should I get rid of the links all together, that are on sites that have a pr:2 or lower? 2. should I change the footer links, so they aren't all the same text?

    | BTMSEO

  • I see that a lot of SEO companies offer a large 5,000 directory submission package with slow, 160 day submissions. I don't mind spending the money to have this done, but my question is... would they help, or would they actually hurt my rankings? Since a lot of these directories are basically just copies of each other on different domains. As an added question, would it be worth submitting to all of the general directories on this list?

    | JABacchetta

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