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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • We're cleaning up one of our sites which was affected by Penguin. If we rename an example page1.html (which has 400 bad incoming links) to page2.html (with no 301 redirects), will Google disregard the poor links entirely? So, page1.html will return a 404 page. Many thanks for your help. James P.S. I am aware that we may lose any positive link juice from any 'good' links which come in to page1.html.

    | bytestart

  • I have a question that is probably very stupid but I am never sure when I should be approving pingbacks to my blog posts. I use zemanta and get a fair few pingbacks from it, should I just ignore them or approve them? I assume I should ignore pingbacks from my own site, for instance when I link to a page from a blog post. Thanks Paul

    | propertyhunter

  • Hello, I have a real estate website (I'm using a random one below).  We're putting out an advertisement and I'd like to know what the best anchor text would be. The hyperlinks are underlined below.  We're trying to figure out if we should hyperlink the entire thing or just the keywords and leave the text around them. Also one of the keywords we're going for is an exact match on our domain (just like "homes for sale" and "" below). The main keyword is "Homes For Sale", secondary "Real Estate" Out of the options below, which one would you choose and why?  Or do you have any other options?  We have to stick to this char limit, so the options are limited.  Thank you for your help... Homes for Sale Locator Real Estate Homes for Sale Locator Real Estate Homes For Sale Locator Real Estate Search Homes For Sale Nationwide

    | Optimize

  • If you were a web development company that specializes in a specific niche & you were to have a link back to your website on all of the websites you have designed would this be seen as crappy links & would hurt you due to the Penguin Algo updates? Or since it's a niche web development company, having links from the same industry websites be seen as decent links? Thanks

    | DCochrane

  • I am looking at starting to do some link building for my site. I have already done directory listing. What are my options for link building without blogs? Things like Wikihow?

    | EcommerceSite

  • I understand that for SEO purposes you would use a 301 redirect, form either www. or no www., because SE's see them as two distinct sites and you are splitting your links; do SE's see extentions .html as two (2) sites also? for example: http://domainname/brooklyn or http://domainame/brooklyn.html.  Are the search engines also treating them as two (2) sites?  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, Thanks, James

    | jimmy0225

  • I am looking to remove some old directory links that now look spammy. Some years ago the site was redesigned. The links are all to the old pages url, which is 301 redirected to the new. If we remove the 301 and let the page 404, will that suffice in Googles eyes?

    | cottamg

  • I am currently using Wordpress and am looking for php examples on how to find interlink suggestions from other posts/tags/categories while writing. Do you know of any?

    | ldestrooper

  • Since the Panda update from December 21st, 2012, some of the keywords I used to rank for are now gone beyond page 20. What I don't get is that the websites that are now ranking are definitely full of crap and they have tons of unnatural links pointing to them. I've analysed their backlink profiles and most of them have only exact keyword match anchors pointing to them. So what's going on? Is buying tons of crappy links still a valid tactic? I know it is not but how come thoses sites outrank me? I mean it happened to LOTS of my keywords. I don't get it...

    | sbrault74

  • Hello all! I just took over an account, and in webmater tools the site has thousands of links to its homepage from a site named  Not sure if this is a good or bad thing. (thinking bad) Tried to contact the webmaster, and the contact form does not work, so that right there is a bad sign. Does anyone have an opinion on industrial interface? Anyone have luck in reaching them? Appreciate the feedback! Dorian

    | drufast1

  • My question is about the connection between web page content and backlink relevancy, how much it is important? Let’s have an example: If I publish a guest post about “cell phone model review” and get a link back to my website which is on the subject of “cell phone monitoring”. Now my question is: Is this a relevant and good quality backlink? As content is about “cell phone Model Review” while the backlink is about “cell phone Monitoring”, How Google would take this as if; 1- Anchor text is “cell phone monitoring” 2- Anchor text is URL based

    | shaz_lhr

  • Hello dear community, I am new here and quite new to SEO. Perhaps someone could give me a hint on a following question: Which tools can help me to track "bad" baclinks, e. g. links which would rather downgrade my SEO performance?

    | hochzeitsfotograf

  • I heard one of the speakers from Link Love suggest getting an easy high PR link from creating a site profile page. What is everyone's opinion on the value of this type of link when blended with other types of link building activity. Low, Moderate? What is the best way to find these types of link profile opportunities? Any one have a good list?

    | Clicksjim

  • I wondered if people had a list of the top five or ten links you should build for a new website in order to add some sense of authority. For example should a new website start with key social media websites such as Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin ? Or top level directories such as BOTW and DMOZ? Should they local for niche website directories in their location or vertical? If you had to choose five links - free or paid which would they be?

    | highwayfive

  • Would be grateful for an answer if Back links convey a benefit to facebook pages just like as they do with a regular website page with better search engines search results.

    | sherohass

  • If a business directory is using the rel=canonical tag on the first page of results for each section, is there any value from having a link on page 2 or 3 of these sections?

    | Silkstream

  • Im wondering if article submissions with backlink  work for seo?  How google handle with these submissons? Thanks

    | joeko

  • I am going to build a fake product and wanted to get some of your awesome ideas 🙂 This is for fun, laughs and mainly viral/back links. Ultimately my goal is to leave the user scratching their head saying to them self "Is this for real?". I want it almost believable 😉 First: My site is based on everything scrabble so I want it related to that since my fans are going to get a kick out of it. I need some great starting points of something fake I can create and post about.

    | cbielich

  • I have a quick question, I have been watching a conversation on Google+ where someone pointed out that they have found someone using Zemanta (free) but someone have republished the same article over and over to lots of websites. I think they mentioned 12 detected so far. He was concerned that these links would start to be considered spam because they are all identical content on different urls. I know Zemanta has been lauded as great and safe before, but John Mueller from Google has commented and stated that it could be considered a link scheme and therefore he "would not recommend" that it is used. Be good to hear some others thoughts on it! Paul

    | propertyhunter

  • We are working with a large, global customer that has asked us to link to their website from about 5,000 pages of our website. The links would either point to one page on their website, or they would point to specific pages throughout their website. Is this a bad thing from an SEO perspective, as in - would either of us be penalized from search engines for doing this?

    | Prospector-Plastics

  • I'm losing traffic & I have been since April. I'm pretty sure it's Penguin but I have not received any messages from Google. Should I proceed with the disavowal tool to remove some of the spammy directory links? PS Submit Edge is owned by the Devil

    | KrisPhoto

  • Hi, If you were trying to rank your website for a search term in Google UK, would it be more beneficial to build links from websites then any other? I have read on Hubspot if your targeting UK rankings then link building from domains will have a good impact on UK rankings? Thanks

    | activitysuper

  • Hi, we are currently exploring a new business sideline to our normal business (we are an emergency property & auto locksmith service).  Our site has been established since 2005 (ish) - The new sideline will also be another roadside emergency service but has nothing to do with keys/locks.  In our marketing, we will be explaining that our new service is a trademark of Lock City, which will help customers understand why a Lock City van will be arriving. It doesn't make sense for us to have another page on the lock city web site to advertise this service, so wondered if you can recommend if I make a sub domain or create a new site? I understand that I am starting again with a new site, so the subdomain seems more favourable at the moment - but will this leak link juice from our existing business? Looking forward to some expert advice! Many thanks Regards, Abi

    | LockCity

  • Hi, I have a very large sized website of about 5 Million Pages. Earlier i used to rank very well with many naturally occurred links, But now, i lost my rankings with numerous Google updates. My content is user generated content and it wont be pure original as my users will post the same on other forums too. I all of my pages rank on #1 page for their keywords. Can anyone suggest me good link building strategy for larger websites as each url will have different keyword, i want all of my urls to be ranked well. Waiting for your replies.

    | Vegitss

  • Hello Google seems to be unhappy about letting us build google local profiles around our 'virtual locations, for each of which we have a dedicated page. We have approximately 100 'virtual locations' with addresses. I was wondering if, despite not being able to build google local profiles, it would still be worth it to build yahoo, bing, and utilize citation building services to each of those virtual locations. Would these citations in any way help bing or yahoo rank higher locally? Would the locally optimized city page rank higher as a result of all these citations? This is a service-industry based website btw.

    | ilyaelbert

  • To increase sale on eCommerce store, I would like to use Commission Junction. Is worth it? Is there things I should know before starting with them? Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • hi i got a website and I am doing seo for keyword Stairlifts , it was going all good i managed to get it from page 15 to page 4 but yesterday its start going backward it jumps back from position 31 to 61 , i have been very careful in doing on page and also with my link building. I have just a few directories , bookmarks and I am targeting guest post, and i have got few links from them. i cant find anything wrong and worried, as surely it can be a penalty, is it just google dance? as i am aware google is recently doing some updates which they are denying it. hope you guys can help me , many thanks

    | conversiontactics

  • I've been intrigued recently by the penalty applied to a site we have just started working with. They were penalised back in summer last year as their previous link builder had built 60,000 links all with the same hard to get keyword anchor text....we're still sorting it out. My question now is that if the client pays for inclusion on some relevant sites, such as niche directories and those sites automatically produce 'follow' links, would the client be penalised if they link on their own company name? For example if they manufacture blue widgets and the anchor text on the link is 'ABC Manufacturing' rather than 'Blue Widgets' would Google see that as a reasonable link? I appreciate that if they linked back on the keyword anchor text 'Blue Widgets' it would be wrong but I'm seeking clarification on using the company name. Any thoughts?

    | aqueous

  • Hallo Which value is social bookmarking?

    | Agger

  • Does anybody know if Google makes allowances for duplicate content from press releases? If you submit a press release to a press release distribution service, does it have to be different? Any help would be much appreciated.

    | AAttias

  • I want to calculate that how many backlinks i need, in order to get in higher SERPs? is there a way to calculate? One is obvious that check number of backlinks of websites that are ranking in top 5 positions. But i guess it is not true any more... So please help

    | faisalnlm

  • If you send out a lot of email outreach (manually not automated), are there ways to avoid getting labeled as spam and having your emails filtered to the spam box by the major email providers? (or are you pretty safe if you personalizing each email manually and getting a decent  number of replies).

    | ProjectLabs

  • Is it ok to use services like: I do eCommerce. Thank you, BigBlaze

    | BigBlaze205

  • I see messages and threads talking about the less importance on PageRank and more importance on Domain Authority and Page Authority. As I work on our link building, do I steer away from low DA and PA websites?  If so, whats the minimum threshold I should stay away from? If I see a site that has a Domain Authority as low as 9 - is that the minimum? What is? What do you think?

    | findachristianjob

  • I've had quite a few requests recently from bloggers on blogspot requesting to post my content. Are these links valuable post panda/penguin? I see blogspot has a domain authority of 68. Are these links even dofollow?

    | SamCUK

  • Here is my question, I know that after 70 characters or a certain pixel width. Google cuts off your title tag in the SERPS. I also know it will still index title tags up to 255 characters I think it is,. My question is if I have words or characters after the 70 characters limit. will this show up in the search? Or will Google only look at the first 70 characters in terms of relevance? I hope that makes sense thanks. Peter

    | PeterRota

  • Quick question, would you define backlinking - as just external links or would you also say its also internal links within a site. So are internal links, be also considered backlinks? Mark

    | monster99

  • So, I have searched around the internet but, I still can't find the answer.What is Keyword Rich Anchor Text? Is it basically just exact matching to the page. For example if my page was would a keyword rich anchor text be randompage? Thanks. Peter

    | PeterRota

  • I've tried three times and have been unsuccessful. Is there any specific strategy or technique that has worked for you? Anyways, I'd like to speak with you if you have successfully had 3 to 5 penalties lifted. So please reach out to me. Thanks Dominic

    | amorbis

  • I'm thinking about buying a competitor and 301 redirecting their site to mine.  The high level stats are as follows.  My site has a DA of 46 and the homepage has a PA of 55.  375 root domains, 170,000 links.  The site sells millions of dollars worth of product each year.  The competitor (who I had never heard of) has a DA of 58 and a homepage PA of 64.  They have 634 root domains and 260,000 links.  They aren't selling much of anything (less than 100,000 per year).  We might be able to operate their site but I'm concerned about maintaining 2 platforms.  My question is about the value of buying this site and 301 redirecting it to my site.  Would this create long term SEO value or not?  Any examples that have been documented are greatly appreciated.

    | bradwayland

  • Hello Mozzers!  My band is performing for an American Heart Ball in a month and I was wondering if i could get any decent links to my band website being as i am the main entertainment at this event.  I'll ask the webmaster who is in charge of the event website for a link but was trying to brain storm on ideas on how to get more links from other sources as many people like to post on their sites supporting these events.  Are press release links dead?  I see lots of these events announced on prweb and a few other press release websites.  any other ideas on how i could garner links from this event? Thanks in advance, Ron

    | Ron10

  • In the Competitive Domain Analysis report, why does the number of my external followed links vary over time. Some weeks its high some weeks it's low. Doesn't seem to be a pattern.

    | PGD2011

  • I understand this may be a really dumb question and from my understanding there is a piece of code in some url's that tell search engines not to follow that link. I am interested in finding out what the purpose of nofollow links are and how they apply to search rankings. Thanks for the help

    | A289

  • Hi I had a general question? How many Keywords should I be targeting per Title Tag? I usually use 1-2, and maybe a brand name. I just want to make sure i'm doing it right thanks. Peter

    | PeterRota

  • I recently created an infographic that was quite popular in my niche and a lot of people linked to it and embedded it on their own sites. Now, if you search the term I was trying to rank for, everybody who linked to me ranks higher than the page that everyone is linking to and it's the page where the original graphic was posted. According to SEOmoz, I have the highest Domain and Page Authority than everyone else in front of me. How the hell is this possible? If you want to see for yourself, just type in "hot tub yoga" into Google and I'm on the second page, I would love some help on this and I thank you all in advance.

    | mattgiovanisci

  • What tactics have you found to be effective in promoting an interesting infographic that you have created?

    | ProjectLabs

  • One of my competitors is posting on blogs like this getting free back links. He is killing the SERP, but how am I suppose to compete when google is rewarding him with great rankings?

    | CLTMichael

  • Has anyone posted articles on beforeitsnews(dot)com? Is this site good/bad/a waste of time?

    | Linda-Vassily

  • I asked for links removal and it turned into a threat now see below. Can i do anything abt these? Can google protect us from these? Where can i let google know - my site is already penalized and only showing up for my brand in google 😞 I have deleted the email threads from here - contact me if you want me to send those so you can see them

    | CMTM

  • We know the general consensus among the crowd here is to avoid free article submission directories. But we have to do this as part of our overall deliverables and have hit a roadblock. A couple of our agencies are insisting that we submit one article to multiple sites - which we contend would trigger duplicate content issue and render all links useless. Any feedback on submitting one article to multiple article sites?

    | eBrandz

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