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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • I'm just curious. I help run an online resource-based business. Recent'y, I've done a fair amount of research about becoming a BBB accredited business and it all seems to point to it being worth the money. No only for the link, but also for the potential increase in conversion due to the trust that comes along with their brand. It just seems to make good business sense. But I noticed that SEOmoz isn't accredited, and it made me wonder if there was something I wasn't considering? I mean, why wouldn't they want a valuable link like that? Does anyone know anything I don't?

    | CobraJones95

  • Hello all, Other than My Blog Guest, what are the currently recommended platforms for submitting quality content for guest blogging opportunities? Thanks! Guy

    | ciznerguy

  • Hi guys, I'm working on and planto build links to the category pages - is that the best strategy for a comparison site like this? This is a wordpress site and I read that category pages should be no indexed is that the case? If so then obviously I'd be wasting my time building links to these pages as google wouldn't index them anyway. Any advice on the best strategy for link building would be much appreciated!

    | SamCUK

  • I understand it is important to get links from many quality domains.  Currently,  I do have links from top domains (PR, Trust) and it I can get more from (high rank) pages on these same domains.    Would it be better to focus on expanding my reach (find additional domains to link from) or to continue to build links from the current domains I have a connection with?   What is weighted more?    I realize doing both is important,  but trying to figure out how to best use my time. Thanks! David

    | DWill

  • Hello, I've got a client who's title tags for an internal page are like (just for example) Running Shoes | Runner's Shoe | Performance Shoe | Cross-trainer That are doing fabulous in the search engines, dominating for most of the terms and dominating for word combinations off of these 4 terms. Sometimes there's no other category to split these up into two keywords a piece, to optimize for less would reduce traffic and conversions. My question is, is this going to look bad when we go to do outreach and guest posting? What are the downsides of leaving a few of the pages like this in the link building arena?

    | BobGW

  • I have a local personal training business and am struggling to push our website to the top of local personal training searches despite already having a better domain and trust score than almost all of the higher ranked competitors. The website has only been live around 4 months but I was wondering if submitting to paid directories would help me to rank on page one? our website is

    | DAlondon

  • One of my clients recently asked me if he should use a Wordpress plugin to create backlinks to his website. He mentioned WP-Syndicator as an example. I just redesigned his website and I'd like to ensure that he gets a bit more traffic than he was before. Should I suggest that he purchase/use a Wordpress backlink plugin? If so does anyone know which is the best one? Not sure if it's necessary, but here is the website I'm referring to

    | eddie_olivas

  • I've never really seen this before but one of my clients has 4000+ links from Print2Web.  Their rankings are falling back a bit but I'm wondering if this is part of the problem. They don't seem to say their service is about SEO so I'm not so sure this is counted as spam or not.  The main concern is that the next closest number of links from one site is only 97. Has anyone heard of this service?  Can someone tell me from experience if using this service has hurt SEO efforts? Thanks!

    | BenRWoodard

  • For example, If I am optimizing a site for a dentist in West Palm Beach, Florida (the primary city) how do I ensure I am also optimizing my site for the smaller cities/towns that are part of West Palm Beach like Royal Palm Beach, Wellington etc.? If I am using "West Palm Beach" in my site and page titles etc., how do I also rank for the smaller cities? What are the basic tactics in terms of on-site and linking? For instance, lets say I offer Botox in West Palm do I also optimize for Wellington, Royal Palm Beach and other local cities? Do I really have to create unique Botox content for each city? Thanks!

    | RickyShockley

  • Hi Guys & Girls. Following my previous question, I seem to really be getting to grips with SEOmoz and all its features which seem fantastic. As mentioned before, I am quite new to this SEO game and learning all the time!! Through all my reading and learning over the last week I have learnt that Link Building is one of the most powerful ways of increasing your SEO game. I'm really trying to get my head around it all. I have come across things like "Link Farming" which seems to be a big no no in terms of Google. Submitting to Link directories etc etc. Now for somebody new, this all comes across quite confusing. Can anybody out there provide me with a really simple but informative way to effectively Link Build? Best practices etc etc! I really want to learn and "up" my game! The website that I am working with is Many thanks, Tim

    | timborrill

  • Question, Lets say a new domain is launched, the root domain and an inner page target the same term. Google comes along for the first time and indexes the website. Does it see the target term on the homepage as more important then the inner page because you are putting it on the root? I get the feeling terms connected directly with the root domain have a better chance of ranking then the term being on a inner page. Any thoughts on this?

    | activitysuper

  • Hello, Is anyone familiar with if is safe to put an article on, or is it a useless article site? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • Lets say you do a guest post, Google indexes the article which must mean it has found the link back. Would you expect to see movement straight away? Some of my latest guest posts (in the last week) have been indexed but have shown no movement at all, but when I check WMT for links coming in they are not in the list so im guessing they have not taken full effect?

    | activitysuper

  • Hello, Page 1 of Google for the word "copier lease" and most other valuable copier leasing terms are dominated by the same 4-5 for organic (PPC too of course, but organic is what I want) They all use some SEO company, so when I go and look for good link oppertunities, most of the pages I find are just SEO companies who of couse would never be interested in a competitor's link. Examples: ajaxunion blogspot com  or excellentpoly blogspot com and the list goes on, all just AjaxUnion "blog pages". blog homerenovationguide com /2011/06/15/repair-or-replace is just inhouse SEO making ranking pages for CostOwl. So, its hard NOT to want to throw up a blog farm and do as "the Romans do". What ideas do you all have to get backlinks in this market of Copier Leasing that would hold up. Thanks 6SW66.png 6SW66.png

    | einstein9999

  • Hello all I see many talk about it but still I feel that the conversation is full of alogans and cliches are flying around, so here goes. In the not too far distant past I could get sites climbing and getting more traffic just by gettinhg simple links from sites. do that on a monthly basis, and see results. Now it is better for end users and tougher for us SEO guys. we need quality content and strategic postings. I like the new way and the higher quality it brings. As many of you probably expieienced getting clients actively engaged is really hard and most times clients are too busy. We need the involvement to succeed, we need quality content and valid places to post (mostly blogs). My questions are most budgets are not adjusted by clients and as such it creates a problem getting qualuty content. How do you still stay profitable? How did you adjust? Do you feel that much more actuale work on clients' project is needed and as such profits are declining. How di you reacts? what are the adjustment you made Thanks Guy C

    | ciznerguy

  • I saw a recent surge of a low quality website to the top of SERPS, and looking at the link profile is almost 5,000 newly acquired linking RD's, with a total of over 49,000 links. I looked at a bunch of the links and they are super spammy (foreign language, way unrelated and out of context, spam sites with garbage content, pages of paid links to the websites subpages, etc). My question is, how long does it take for Google to recognize this and penalize this shady site?

    | Joes_Ideas

  • I am assigned to a few vacation resort sites for SEO plus a Real Estate site. I was hoping to get few suggestions from people that have worked on those fields before. Like good web directories for link building or even some good sites that I should have in mind for comparing mine. Thanks in advance

    | Angelos_Savvaidis

  • I'm a little confused between all the link types. Internal / External - easy Linking Root Domain - easy Followed / No followed - easy But then there's talk about "juice passing links" and I can't quite get how this is defined, and why it's something you can get from the API, but not from Open Site Explorer... or can you get that info from OSE?

    | eatyourveggies

  • I came across this list and was wondering what everybody's opinions are on using directories for link building. Are they a  complete waste of time and money? Does anybody get positive results from doing directory submissions? Cheers Al

    | sicseo

  • Hi Guys, I checked my website back-links and found some bad links. Now i just want to remove links from third party website. I know two methods as mentioned below: Disallow bad links from Google Webmaster Contact to webmaster and remove them I tried both of the above methods but not get success.Is there any other method to solve this issue??

    | RuchiPardal

  • How important is internal linking from body content? If you have 500 words of content on each page is it good practise to try and get a few links in to other pages? Surely if you do this your pass more juice out of the page, which might lead to devaluing the page in the SE's.

    | activitysuper

  • Hello everyone! I recently submitted a disavow link file to Google for the left over links I was unable to remove after the course of 3 months. I know that I have to submit a reconsideration request, too, but I wasn't sure how long I should wait. Will it be obvious once the disavow file has processed or is there no notification of it being processed/completed? I haven't seen any posts on other individuals mentioning anything on this topic. Thank you for your time in sharing any experiences you may have had or heard about! Tamra

    | shopbloc

  • Is there still a delay in ranking highly competitive keywords with commercial intent. If so how does it work exactly and how do you determine which keywords are highly competitive. Thanks

    | phoenix2012

  • Quick question for the group - I've not used the new Digg.  Does it have SEO benefits? I wasn't sure if Google counted these or not. thanks

    | yandl

  • I've been doing link building for the past 2 months for a website. I've put together some blog posts and submitted them to some sites. However, I don't want to repeat the content on other sites or use the same sites again for links. The problem with this company is that nothing is happening. The last press release they issued was in 2010 and in the 4 months I've been working for them nothing has happened. I have found a few good quality websites in our niche which I could approach for links, but I want to have good content to put on them. Does anyone have any ideas as how to create content that would be suitable, bearing in mind this a B2B company.

    | AAttias

  • Some of key product pages have dropped due to what I think is overused anchor text. Can we rename them, and start again?

    | jj3434

  • Hi, I was recently reading how the Penguin update can penalize your site for having too many links because it looks unnatural or over-optimized. It seems that this depends on your niche and how many links your competitors have. If you are comparing your site's inbound linking domains compared to other sites in your industry, what is a safe percentage to exceed your competitors. For instance, is it okay to have 120% more linking domains than your competitors but risky to have more than 200% more than your competitors? Thanks!

    | Charlessipe

  • Howdy SEOmoz fans, We are about to launch an educational social networking site. We have planned a lot of good strategies for offline and online marketing. Coming to SEO, how we can do search engine optimization effectively for our social networking site. The home page will be sign up page and there wont be any content in it. It would be great if you can suggest us prefect SEO tactics for our site. Thank you.

    | jjv

  • Just wondering what type of link building people do for seasonal sites take or as an example Out of season nobody wants to talk about a Christmas wreath. Do you just a get links off topic or focus on on site content and then get all your links during your season?

    | DavidKonigsberg

  • I have been writing for some sites with a high overall page rank and the articles are being viewed as quality by search engines as well. However, they usually put a link to my site at the very end of the article and then break the article down into two pages to increase ad revenue. It seems that I'm not getting much credit for that link even if the page has a high SEOmoz/PR score. I want to know if I am getting the benefit from these links. If not, how do I make sure I get the most bang, even if my link is on a second page of the article? Here is an example of what I mean:

    | LawrenceWatkins

  • Hi Mozer's There is a domain in auction. I can see it has a PA of 40 and DA of 29 and PR of 2 Is it worth buying for $999? any suggestions?

    | riyas_heych

  • I'm not sure of all the parameters in determining a quality backlink or not.  The following is a link to my backlinks, can you please let me know what backlinks need to go now for SEO purples? Thanks in advance!

    | AutoGlassRescue

  • Hello I need help with Dmoz inscription. I have been following 100% the regulation from this directory. Using not promotional language, not repeating the title  in the description. Posting in the right area. but nothing after a couple of months. any thoughts?

    | teksyte

  • Hi we are hurt by many seo companies in the past who build bad quality links, and we got hit with a link penalty. Can someone refer me to a good decent SEO firm please ? nick

    | orion68

  • Which of these two, I get the most value out of to backlinks n blog 1. pr 4
    no links or 2. domain. info
    pr 0/1
    high mass links

    | Agger

  • Hi, I don't tend to blog comment that much unless it's actually a genuine comment as in, my first thought wasn't gaining a link back. What is the best practise for this type of link building? This is how I do it (When I am looking to gain a link back) title - brand name website - root domain comment - I try and go above and beyond with this, take it out of the spam arena by reading the article and then replying with at least 100 words referencing to part of the article. Would you classify the above as the wrong way about it? I know some say no-follow links (most blog comments out there) don't count but when I see the external link pop up in WMT it does make me think no-follow links count for something. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • I'm not a SEO, just a small business owner with the will to succeed. When it comes to the Big Links from real sites, (Technorati, Tech Crunch, Slash Dot, ect.) where do you start? How do you begin the process of getting a good article on a great site?

    | KristopherWho

  • Currently our service area page ( very sloppily lists many of the towns we serve in multiple counties - over 50 approx (scroll down). They have been placed that way so there is links to them from one of the subpages directly linked from the root domain. I am now attempting to make it pretty and organized with my designer. I intend to maintain a link to each individual town/landing page for SEO purposes to keep it close to root domain. My questions is how to best structure this. I don't want to list by county because some people don't know what county the town is in. However an alphabetical list may be overkill as there is so many. The other option is to get a search form or dropdown list on there but how will my landing pages be recognized by crawlers if there is no internal links from my root domain? Eventually we plan to expand further so what happens when we add 100+ landing pages? What will then happen to my internal link juice? Thanks!

    | kabledesigns

  • i have got 3 really good backlinks to a site of mine in the last month, however they have had no obvious effect yet. they are dofollow, all from county council websites, and I can see the backlinks in webmaster tools. does this mean that their seo affect has already been applied?

    | lethal0r

  • Does anyone have a list of do follow social media network sites. I am looking to list some of my customers on social media network sites, but having the bonus of do follow to pass link Juice is an extra bonus. Most of my customers have Twitter and Facebook profiles- but these happen to be no follows. I am looking for more social media sites that are do follow. I did see an article on this- on SEM MOz I believe but I cant find it. Any suggestions?

    | WMA

  • Not sure where to start with this so please bare with me. I do the SEO for our company website (we're a small family business), I'm not an SEO'er by profession (I'm a carpenter/joiner) but been doing our site for ten or so years. About 12 months ago sort of let go of work & web things a bit due to very sudden family bereavement which kind of hit me hard. So when I did get back into doing bits on our site I probably then concentrated a little bit too much on content building rather than going after links etc. As a result we've dropped in the SERPS a bit, but having said that still just about clinging within the top ten for our terms. Since I've started again we've had Panda/Penguin and I'm a little unsure how to go about getting links in, most of my competitors are using things like blog commenting (just random blogs that are do follow) , recip linking (any sites as long as they give a link!) etc basically things that long term will hold no value long term (or possibly none even to begin with). All this brand stuff leaves me at a loss, we're a small family business as our the majority of our competitors so not 100% sure that the branding stuff I'm reading about is relevant? As I say I've got some pretty decent content, some of which I am trying to push with mixed results – we're not in a very sexy niche so not much chance of it picking up links naturally! Another thing I am noticing is in my niche I don't think any SEO companies are involved with my competitors, most of our competitors are ranking their home pages for every single related search term, whilst I've have always tried to create a page for each search term and I have these pages ranking. For example my main search term, lets say 'wooden doors' I rank an internal page for this term whilst everyone else seems to rank homepages. I'm finding it hard to get new links into this page, so one idea I do have is elsewhere on my site I have a guide to fitting the doors (with videos, pictures and text) so what I'm thinking is place this guide on my 'wooden doors' page making it a bit more linkable (it's fairly new and not yet gained any links, so no loss to move it) and would also mean a variation of anchor text. A good idea do you think? Some of my other content has been linked to by colleges in the UK, unfortunately all the links are behind moodle log-ins (give me a decent link you leeches! Lol) ! I am thinking of getting in touch with other colleges to see if the content would be useful, but actually getting hold of the person responsible for the subject is proving difficult! I've also done a bit of guest blogging, however I'm torn between writing decent stuff for our blog or giving it away (I wouldn't like to give something away thats poor, ok or doesn’t make sense) to other blogs. Sorry for the ramble (if you've made it this far then thanks for reading!)! Would appreciate all advice. Ultimately would love to get an SEO'er involved but looking around the good un's are out of our price range so I may seek some training as it may prove more beneficial.

    | Jon-C

  • Hello, My client is in a boring niche, not a lot of people linking anywhere. He needs good traffic within 3 and a half months. After listening to people here at seomoz, we're making five 5000-10000 word articles on topics that are useful to the customer we can promote The client is writing the information out himself and then a professional writer is going to put the final article together. We'll keep working it until it's a best-of-the-web The most useful article we have come up with is all the details about "How to select a product" There's definitely enough information for an article there. But we need to be able to promote one of the articles, and the thing that is most linked to that I've found are articles about the problems that the products solve. An article on that wouldn't be as useful to our customers. Your thoughts?

    | BobGW

  • Hi, Lets say you have these 2 title tags. 1. red paint, blue paint, green paint - CompanyName 2. red paint - CompanyName Does the longer title tag dilute the term 'red paint' when it comes to ranking? Basically out of the 2 which title tag would show the best results when trying to rank for the term 'red paint'. Cheers

    | activitysuper

  • So I just started a few weeks ago doing some linkbuilding for my photography site at I started by adding my site to some of the business directories recommended by SeoMoz + some local and specialized directories I found myself and from my competitors. I also sponsored a local charity in exchange for a link on their PR3 website and I wanted to blog on my site about this sponsorship. I am wondering if it is better to link back to them or not. Is this one way link of more value if I don't link back to them?

    | valadas

  • I noticed that under my link analysis that it said: "Last Linkscape index update: 08/14/2012." I would like to try to get a full understanding of what this means?  Is this stating that my competitive Link Analysis and link metrics have not been updated since August?!  Any help and tips would be much appreciated.  Thanks!

    | dancody2

  • I sometimes see sites with PageRank 0 but Page Authority 50+. For instance PageAuthority = 53
    mozRank = 4,64
    mozTrust = 5,69
    Root domain links = 42
    PageRank = 0 How should i interpret these stats? If or instance i'm optimizing for a car related website (a site about: car parts, car insurrance, classic cars), would these be a good place or a bad place to get links from (ignoring the benefits of direct traffic)? PA = 53 (very good) Vs. PR = 0 (very bad)?

    | PrizeWize

  • Hey Mozzers, Our company designs, develops, and manufactures products for a living. Last year we came up with an idea of our own, designed, developed, tooled and produced it all on our own dime. We did all the branding, website, EVERYTHING on our own. The product looks like it's going to be pretty successful. We are now planning on opening our web store tomorrow and expect to be selling and shipping product tomorrow. The product is an iPhone accessory that basically turns your iPhone into a wearable POV camera similar to GoPro. Check it out at I'm wondering if we should actually do a press release about the opening of our web store. I only say this because it seems like a natural thing to do at the moment. That said, it sounds like it could actually hurt us. If this is a good idea, what's the best channel. Doesn't need to be the cheapest channel, but one that will spread the word. I guess the real question is, "how can we drive traffic to our site?" over the next few days. Please don't bash me after looking at our site. While the site looks great IMO, we have done ZERO SEO work to this site. This includes even the most basic novice work, like titles and descriptions. To this point, we have focused all our efforts on getting the product to market, getting the website running, getting the store ready, etc. I do plan on doing some SEO work soon or maybe even hiring and agency to do it. For now, we just need to get selling.  🙂 BTW,,, we have gotten some pretty good exposure by exhibiting at CES and have won several awards. Our reputation is extremely important to us and we don't want to do anything that could tarnish our reputation, now or in the future. I look forward to all your thoughts and feedback. Cheers!

    | dmac

  • I have just been looking at a competitors links and have discovered some of the links they have obtained dont actually exist when clicking through to the directory or blog in question, although still appear in opensiteexplorer. Is this common? and is it just a sign of bad link building practices?

    | Deanknight

  • I've been trying to get one of my clients to rank in the first page for a word which I think has no serious competition at all. Every tool I tried so far including SEOMoz's on-page diagnostics tool seem to have no positive SEO results whatsoever. According to most tools out there our page is optimized for SEO more than every website who is ranked for this keyword. The competition also has less backlinks and social awareness. We even advertise on Google for this word. But Google says no...keeps dropping us in results. We have many FB and twitter followers to. But Google is committed to rank bad sites. Funny thing is that recently our site has received a PR6. No matter what we do Google is convinced to list pretty ugly looking sites for this specific keyword and I have ran out of options. This is really driving me crazy. The keyword we try to rank is "doktor" and we want to rank in If you look the search results you will see a lot of youtube videos and some sites that don't even provide meaningful content. Please help.

    | mertsevinc

  • Does rel****=****"nofollow" mean the same thing as rel=****"no follow"? I mean written in one word or two words. Can Google feel the difference? Thanks

    | DDL

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