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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • Hi Everyone, I have been trying to increase my companies presence  on the web by creating back links of our site to other sites. I realize that our site sent actually allow for back links and was thinking about devoting a page to this. I few sites i have approached have asked for reciprocal links so i thought it mite be useful to have a space that allows for this. Doe anyone have any advice about allowing for back links  on your website. Is there an optimum number that i should be mindful of if I'm going to add links to my site? Any advice would be much appreciated Thanks Pete

    | Hardley1

  • I'm including my google author details at the bottom of guest posts with a link to my site. Is this not giving google a clear signal the that it is a guest post by me and although the site owner has found it worthy enough to include the post on their site it's not really an 'editorially given link' in the true sense of the term?

    | SamCUK

  • Hi all, We just kicked off our first infographic to start a content marketing strategy: I'm wondering how long it will take for SEOMoz to add this to our link profile, and I suppose more importantly, how long it will take Google to recognize the links that have been generated from it. The response has been pretty good and I'm excited to see the results. Thanks!

    | Kibin

  • I briefly had a forum on one of my sites, but after getting inundated with spam I decided to remove it for the time being. During the brief time it was up, most of the spammers were stopped from registering, but a few managed to get through and posted tons of links to their prescription drug sites. These posts were deleted almost instantly, but the spammers also created DoFollow backlinks on high authority community sites like ning. The forum posts they linked to were deleted immediately, so the links never went anywhere and the forum has been deleted entirely for a few months now. When clicked, the spam backlinks now bring someone to a "Sorry, that page doesn’t exist" page on my site. My site suffered a bit in the last Panda update and it made me look through my backlink profile, finding lots of these links - even though the pages on my site are long gone, could these links be hurting my site? Can a DoFollow link to a site help or hurt the main domain, even if the actual page it's linking to is deleted?

    | adventurenick

  • It seems my affiliate link: is not being considered as a "root domain" backlink when this link is used on their website.  Is there a reason for this?

    | delphia

  • Hey,
    Over the last six months or so we've been going through our backlink profile and cleaning up links from poor quality sources. Week by week there have been small changes in our Google Webmaster Tools 'links to your site' section to reflect this. I logged on this morning however and there has been a dramatic shift in the information displayed. Pretty much every bad link has been removed from the list including sites I know for a fact are still linking to us as they didn't communicate at all to our removal requests. Additionally, rather than showing the top 1000 links to our site as it used to, WMT is only showing 73 linking domains. The remaining 73 domains are good natural links from high quality sources. I'm guessing Google are just in the middle of an update and that the remaining linking domains (including the bad ones) will reappear shortly. This isn’t a request for advice or help but I’m just curious as to whether anybody else is seeing anything similar?

    | ChrisHolgate

  • Can anyone recommend high-quality backlink building services? A company you can trust to not spam your site all over the internet?

    | JABacchetta

  • Would there be any benefit to building some backlinks to your social media profiles (i.e. Facebook, Twitter), considering that you're linking to yourself regularly from them anyway? There are a few SEO companies that I would like to try out, but I figure why not try them out on my social media profiles first, before having them do any work directly to my site. Thoughts?

    | JABacchetta

  • My website was featured on HuffPost's "7 Sites You Should Be Wasting Your Time On" in September of 2011 and somewhere along the way it no longer gets recognized as a linking domain?  The site/page itself ('7 Sites' from Sept 2011) still exists through direct linking, and my site's link is still on there.  I am looking at it right now (still knew the URL because I put it as a link in the 'About' section of my site). Any theories as to how/why this happened and if it is due to something on my end?  Any way to get it back?

    | Pace

  • I am looking at the links to a competitors site and they have a ton of links from things like this Is it worth submitting to something like this? It has a 58 domain authority from Moz.

    | EcommerceSite

  • This subpage gained a PR4 (was PR5) from external links. It only has 5 links, including 2 links to the site's homepage. The homepage was PR2 before this subpage was published, and still is even after 2 PR updates. I'm surprised the PageRank that should be flowing from this subpage to the homepage hasn't increased the homepage PR to at least 3. Assuming each level of toolbar PR is 10x the one before, a PR4 subpage with 5 links should pass more than enough PR to the homepage to bump it from PR2 to PR3, right? Any ideas? Does Google have a really strong decay on how much PR gets passed from subpages to homepages? This is somewhat troubling to me, as it poses a problem for the "attract links to your content pages and your homepage and money pages will rise with the tide" approach.

    | AdamThompson

  • I understand that naturally people link to the home page and internal pages - probably the home page more often than not. In order to build a natural looking link profile I also understand that I need a variety of anchor text, brand and url links. Should I be building links mainly to the home page with only a few to internal pages? Ultimately I want my internal pages to rank for specific terms so in my head it makes sense to concentrate my link building effort to internal pages but that would seem unnatural to google I'm sure. For arguments sake if I only built links to the home page with a mix of the anchor texts described above  would these internal pages rank eventually anyway as 'link juice' flows throughout the site? Or is it an absolute must to build some links to internal pages. Could a page rank for a keyword without having any links to the site with the keyword anchor text (simply url links) based on the page title/content? Also what is a good ratio of home page to internal links? I would assume around 10:1? A lot of questions I know but I'm confused as to what will be the best strategy.

    | SamCUK

  • Is it possible to buy old sites that no longer have a site up that has a high PR? Can I just put up another site about anything I want and rank well for it? I see that my link profile (anchor text) will not support my on site SEO. However, could I link to another site and pass page rank with this tactic? Please discuss... Especially those doing this...

    | JML1179

  • I've heard that reciprocal links don't count anymore.  If i stop linking to a person that links to me, will that link to my website start counting? Do reciprocal links count at all in google? Anchor text?  anything? Thanks in advance! Ron

    | Ron10

  • I'm on my first SEO project with a law firm. I'm at the stage where I am doing competitive backlink research on other law firms that my client gave me. I saw a blog site called typepad. It has a high domain authority so I was going to recommend to my client that they set up an account and blog away! Since it's a law firm, I am not qualified to start blogging on behalf of my client and I know they are extremely busy so now I have to "ride" my client to get busy and start creating content. I feel like I want to do more for them on the blog side to keep things going but not having a law background, probably not doable. Question: Do most SEO's do the blogging for their clients, farm it out or keep pushing their clients to do it? I also want them to sign up with articlebase but the same thing is going to happen. I have to push them to write articles. I guess this is my job? -Bob

    | Czubmeister

  • I have some link exchanges with some sites to get web traffic but when i ran the bad neighborhood link checker, i found that one site links to some casinos and another site has one link to a porn site.  Is this getting me penalized?  should i remove the links to these sites? Thanks, Ron

    | Ron10

  • I have started guest blogging and have sites asking me for more content. I understand that regular guest blogging is great for building authority as an author and has the potential to get more links through word of mouth and other sites linking to me. The more posts I do the more exposure I get. But if I have say 3 or 4 posts on an external site with each linking to my site (to a different url and with different anchor text) does that have any effect on rankings as all links come from the same domain? As I understand it links from different root domains are what matters. Presumably a site with links from 5 different sites with 10 links on each external domain totalling 50 links wouldn't rank as well as a site with links from 50 different domains (1 per domain)?

    | SamCUK

  • I have reposted this as a new question as I posted in an old 'Answered' question but not had a reply. Footer links We have generated new business from links that we have on client sites linking back to us. The new client will call/email us saying "we see you did website, which we like, would you mind quoting for a redesign our website".  Without that link we may never have got that new piece of business. We always ask the client if we can place on link on their website and they all say ok. We don't do this for purely for SEO. The only thing we have done previously is to include the link in the footer of every page on the client site, which we are now in the process of changing to being only the client home page. With that in mind, is the following ok to do? Place text/image link in footer of client home page Link to be "nofollow" which goes to specific page on our own website e.g. on page we link back to client's home page, again this would be a "nofollow"

    | NeilD

  • We use listly quite a lot. A few of our lists get embedded in other sites. A lot of the embedded lists have links back to us. Is there any seo benefit on this, or will just one of the sites count ? Isn't this just duplicate content ? Wondering what your thoughts are.

    | MarkQJones

  • Where can I get the best backlinks for Real Estate? I don't care if it is paid/unpaid. As long as it's not the kind of paid link Google would go after. Paid directories are A OK. Please help 🙂 Keywords: property management, vacation rentals, real estate, real estate agent, realtors

    | JML1179

  • I'm trying to get my head around this one as I have been diligently building good quality backlinks to my website over the past 8 weeks. I'm particularly proud of the several PR7s and PR8s I got through credible service reviews, however I notice some of these links show up in Google and others in Bing WMT - but not both!! Clearly I would like credit from both SE for all the links I have achieved. Is it just a waiting game for one to catch up with the other (Bing is ahead on the higher PRs)? Is there a way to submit the list of backlinks to the SEs so I can get the credit from both? Any insight would be appreciated...

    | Ubique

  • How do I find the Bad-backlinks?

    | Andrew7007

  • I've got a new site officially launching next month (just waiting on a few inner page designs to be finished up). But if I'm looking to get a head start on backlinks, would it be okay to start publishing content now on one of the default WordPress themes? And then start publishing guest posts immediately to get backlinks? Or would Google look at the site as not being unique?

    | JABacchetta

  • My Gatlinburg Cabin Rental site is losing ranking on the keyword "gatlinburg cabins" I was wondering if anyone had a list of site's it should not be linked on so I can demote them.

    | GatlinburgMan

  • and has anyone used them? They both seems promising for helping organize links and get them? Or maybe my understanding is wrong.

    | topclass

  • We completed a Disavow Link Tool submission in 1/25. How can you tell if Google has looked at it, approved it or processed it? Thank you!

    | shopbloc

  • There's a lot of talk at the minute about google possible devaluing guest post links. I wondered what people thought of this and whether it is likely to happen? If it does happen then how will google identify 'spam' guest posts and links? I guess it's fair to assume that if the post is well written, autoriative and adds value to a site with a knoweldgable perspective then it will be counted? It can be very hard to define how google will define a 'quality guest post'? Any ideas? Here's what Matt has to say...

    | SamCUK

  • Has anyone used seolinkvine? They talk about it being very good but sometimes too good to be true with these prices. It seems legit and simple but obviously results will vary for everyone.

    | topclass

  • For years we have included a 'Web Design by ...' link in the footer of all client websites designed by us. However, following the Penguin update, it seems that this legitimate practice could now be penalised. Should we be removing those links from our client's sites? There are tens of thousands, all with similar or identical text! For future client sites, should we avoid these footer links altogether? Or maybe limit the link to a single page on each site?

    | LewisJenkins69

  • What is the best site to get backlinks ? Not for free, i mean a paid premium services . I think i need backlinks for the authority of my sites. My sites are indexed, but when i search for different keywords on google, i find them on page 5-7 . I need to see them on page 1-2 . But my site's authority  is : 1 .

    | vende12345

  • Hi, so iv been searching around the internet, and I have come up with the general consensus that footer links that link to external sites are bad? Can anyone verify this statement? Also when do Footer links become spammy, and what is your opinion on site wide footer links? I have also read that if you are a bigger brand, that you most likely would be able to get away with some more things(such as, linking to external sites) thanks for your help. Peter

    | PeterRota

  • I have a link built to a site, but it's not showing up in Open Site Explorer and doesn't appear to be indexed currently by Google. Does anyone know of any research done on SEO value if any on non-indexed links? Thanks

    | EmarketedTeam

  • Hello everybody! Quick question. How many keywords is a healthy amount to begin an SEO campaign? I'm getting ready for link building and content writing. I have a list of about 50 keywords (with long tails mostly). Is that too much?? Or should I increase the list?? What are your thoughts?? Thanks

    | mike_sif

  • I work at an ecommerce site and we are in the process setting up a blog. Do I need to use rel canonical what talking about a certain category? If I sell widgets and write a blog about widgets should I use that tag? Or is there something else I should do?

    | EcommerceSite

  • I was wondering if serving 6 or 7 ads on a webpage would have a negative effect on a websites Domain Authority. Regards, Jeffrey Strassman

    | biggieshaws

  • Hi SEOmoz Friends, good day! I am hoping we could these following questions: Why we had 1000+ errors; consist of diff errors (page duplicate title, missing meta desc, too many links, title element too long,404 errors,redirect errors) while raven tools have only 100+ errors which is meta desc error Are those 1000+ errors from moztool are really significant? How to fix each of the error and what will be the result? we tried some way Meta Desc - provided meta desc 404 error - provide live links dup page title - change the other page's title - will it affect the seo ranking of the page? we believe its yes, so is it necessry to fix the error? title element too long - we understand that some of the pages have too long title, to fix the error we need to change the title to shorter ones, but we are afraid if it will affect the seo ranking, just like the previous q too many links - we understand that these links are from the submission we made previously, how will we fix this error? Whats the recommended number of blog posts per page? Hoping to get answers from the experts! Thanks

    | robinwade

  • We are looking into outsourcing the bulk of our link building. And, so far, I am looking at two different SEO Agencies. and Has anyone had any experience in working with either of these companies? Has anyone had any great results with a different SEO Link Building Company? Thanks!

    | FSS

  • One of my rivals in a competitive field (real estate) has done this deliberately and extensively -- it accounts for about 2/3 of his inbound links. Result: he's now #1. How strong a ranking factor is keywords in source URL - ie, how easy is it to beat with other ranking factors?

    | Jeepster

  • Hello dear community, I'm just starting to really understand how seo and in-page optimization works that to SEOMoz. I have done alot of seo for my other pages in the bad way expecting great results which acually hurt me more than help 😞 So right now I'm working on application which takes screenshots of your desktop and upload small files on the portals you select. I have done the website (template and most of the content) but I would like to know when I'm going to start and build some links, what are some of the best keywords I should choose? I do understand already than this is not an exact math, but any kind of help would be awesome! I would like to focus more around "screenshot" keyword and not that much on file upload. I know I may ask kind of much, but anything is better. With great respect, Akhlis

    | akhlis

  • I am trying to clean up links. I've gone into webmaster tools and it reports that I have 216 links from a particular domain. When I click thru to get details it reports all the links point to 1 page, then when I click on that page it only reports 1 inbound link. The links are coming from a directory site which appears to have been penalized. OSE doesn't report any links from this domain. Should I be overly alarmed? How can I determine what is correct, and whether I should take action (the site wants to charge me to remove each url). Thanks in advance. Alan

    | rmsmall

  • I am working on an account that has had several seo companies
    over the past year so around every corner I discover something new. One the
    things I have found are that majority of links to the site is coming from an
    outside blog but digging deeper I found that the blog is actually on the same
    server as clients. Should I disavow links from that blog or should I leave it

    | JasperSEO

  • My company is setting up our support site.  It has been suggested that we set it up as a separate domain -, rather than setting it up as a sub-domain ( or the usual  The person who proposed this believes it wlll create link juice, but i wonder if splitting the traffic will create more harm than good?  Opinions please!

    | googilvie

  • i like to start give some backlinks to my brand new domain any advices for new domain ?

    | cutekid1

  • Hi All, Looking for some help with where to begin link building for local small businesses. If the website is leading to a lawyer, doctor, or any type of professional service, I'm at a loss on where to start. I've tried looking into local directories, and I also know that if one of the clients has a reason for being linked in an online news article, those links should be pursued. Additionally, I've gone and helped to claim all local listings, and submitted to DMOZ and a few other directories. So if the website is just leading to a business that isn't running any events or specials worth writing about, what is the best way to acquire links? Thank you! Tyler

    | kbaltzell

  • We were ranking on page 2 and number 4 for the key word motorcycle tires.  Google was ranking our home page; however, we have been adding new content to our site and doing some internal linking.  We pointed some links about motorcycle tires to and now that page ranks but on page 3 not 2.  Any thoughts?

    | DoRM

  • My site has been ranking well for the last couple of weeks on it's primary term "glee fansite" and now the rankings literally plummeted 5 days ago and now it is around 22 for "glee fansite" and many of it's other terms have just dropped out completely! Is it likely the rankings will come back if I keep on with my current strategy or will I need to start from scratch? Thanks! HMFwM.png?1 HMFwM.png?1

    | harrygardiner

  • If you use a link building tactic for long enough, you can estimate the average cost for each link that is acquired through that tactic. For instance if you typically get 10 links from an infographic that costs $1,000 to create and promote, your average cost per link is about $100. What range do you target for your average cost per link? What average cost would you take all day long if you could scale it?

    | ProjectLabs

  • Hi Mozzers, We recently worked with an SEO company that bought a few sitewide links without our permission which caused us to get a huge slap by the last panda/penguin update. We managed to remove most of the links except one site (The biggest one).
    He simply doesn't reply to our emails etc... What should I do in such case? Thanks.

    | Ouzan

  • Im not talking outreach software or anything like that but more along the same lines of myblogguest. Id like to know which ones you have actually used and your opinion, there are tons of them out there but most are spammy cr+p

    | therealmarkhall

  • According to Webmaster tools, I have about 150 linking to my web site. In the Open Site Explorer, none of them show up. Sorry, I am a newbie with SEOMoz. I sure appreciate someone helping me answer this question.  Thank you.

    | combesinc

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