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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • Hi, If a website is placed under the top right navigation of a blog which are closely relevant to each other, will it do any harm to the website in Google search?
    Now since the website is placed under right navigation, it is visible on every page of the blog, does it matter even though they are closely relevant? Note: The other external links that are on the blog are also relevant to each other. Thank You,

    | promodirect

  • I have been working hard at getting quality backlinks but I had a lot of keywords slip in rankings this week. This may because I have been extremely busy for a week and haven't added a lot of content to my site. But I thought the backlinks would be helping. How long does it take backlinks to start boosting your site and what results should I see? I am focusing on getting backlinks from a site with a PR of 7. The others have a PR of 4-5. They are the BEST sites in my niche.

    | dealblogger

  • We are a site with about 12 directories, each one in a sub-folder and previously had their own URL which we merged together for increased branding efforts. When I was analyzing our anchor-text profile of our study abroad directory, it seems that the anchor-text profile is heavy on your key keywords, such as 'Study Abroad' and then some branded. When I say heavy, I am talking 88% are 'study abroad'; followed by 4% are branded, and 2% are branded the old URL that is 301'd to the new subfolder. We have never bought links nor have we really had a strong link building strategy. I am currently thinking of disavowing the links with low DA and are part of the heavily used (study abroad) keywords. Is this a good idea? What should we do to show that these are natural links?

    | GoAbroadKP

  • We all have primary keywords that we are optimizing for. For instance one of mine is "Video Conferencing Systems." I've read that you should have about 5-10 different keywords you should optimize for, however, would you want to create more links with your primary keyword than your other keywords or spread them out evenly and optimize for the primary keyword on in the actual content of the page?

    | ChrysalisSEO

  • I have a website that is pretty popular with good SEO rankings. Part of the site is ran with Wordpress (homepage, articles and static content pages), another part is the forums using vBulletin (probably 75-80% of the pages on the site) and I also have a directory using another software. I have a new website and was going to add a link to it on my older site on the sidebar of Wordpress across all the Wordpress pages. Should I stay away from that or just put it on the homepage? The text is basically "Come check out the new {keyword} site at {SiteTitle}, by the founders of {OldSiteTitle}. I would have the keyword and sitetitle linked over to the new site. Would I be hurting either site by doing this or should it be looked at as a natural link as I do own both of the sites and want to let people know about the new site.

    | USACarry

  • I am looking to hire a company to start a backlink campaign for me.  In my search I have stumbled across one which essentially charges a good amount of money to secure backlinks on .edu and .gov sites ($500 per link).  This would be in context links.  This company is an SEOMOZ recommended company so I am thinking the links will be well earned and not simple paid for to the university as to prevent future issues. My question is, how can I put a value on these links for my website? Like lets says I have a DA of 1 right now, and I get one backlink with DA of 70 PA of 70, how will that effect my DA? How can I quantify how many .edu .gov links I will need before I start to place? I realize I will need some more mixed up there so it does not seem unnatural, but my business has a lot to do with universities and government entities. I am trying to figure out how I can calculate the value of these links to me

    | DemiGR

  • if i share our blog to multiple document sharing site in form of is spamming or not..?..if yes what is the drawback?

    | afycon

  • Hi - my company's name and website have been mentioned on 3 major websites but there is no hyperlink. Does this totally destroy any SEO value of these mentions? So disappointing, since it's hard to ask a reporter to include a hyperlink / they usually can't.

    | smartsitting

  • Hi there guys and Girls, I am a newbie to the seo world but learning quickly. Unhappy with seo services offered for startups I have taken on the role myself for my website.  I think so much of what can be learnt online here I can implement myself with a few hours of work each week. So my dilemma! I have lots of ideas of for content which i know will be valuable and I was considering outsourcing just for link building (the long haul work) The trouble is I am wary of who to use and if such service is out there? I have tried searching on o'desk and freelancer etc but I guess i am too frightened of spammy links or postings on irrelevant sites. I guess initially I am looking for someone who can help my link building campaign whilst I build up my own blogging contacts etc.  Does anyone know if these types of services exist? and if any are recommended for small companies? Thanks Michelle

    | nutjobshell

  • Hi Guys, I wanted to know for example if 2 years ago I purchased SEO from some guys that were building links to sites that had very high PR which was important way back when. And now those links are negatively affecting my SEO stopping me reaching position 1 for a term 'replacement keys' and we are stuck in position 2. If the sites were to be reset or domains sold for those sites that were linking in do you think this was remove the penalty on us as a knock-on effect. Thanks James

    | jameslane88

  • One of our most popular blog posts ( has been pinterested 25K-56K times (22K according to Google Webmaster Tools, 56K according to the Pinterest widget). Still, when I do a google search for "5 Back-Baring Dresses Like Rosie Huntington-Whiteley", our blog post is outranked by Polyvore. While the latter has a much higher domain authority, the page they're outranking us with is simply linking to our page and has zero authority. In other words, it seems like over 25K links from Pinterest does nothing for the authority of our page. Am I not understanding things correctly? Let me emphaisize that we've never done any sort of link building on Pinterest, all the links have been generated organically (if that is the right term).

    | Jantaro

  • Back on March 24th I was hit with Panda. Pretty much all but my main keywords were hit and I was wiped off the board. Luckily I kept my rank with my main keyword which was part of my URL. I have been since trying to figure out what Google thought was spammy with my site. I made changes, but nothing changed except my main keyword. I have been confused as to why I still ranked well with my main keyword, but nothing else. I have read from several posts of others complaining about the same issue. Seeing some keyword rankings go down, but not all. I also have read that if Google thinks even one page is spammy it might effect my whole site. Today I found a couple pages that might have been contributing to the low rankings. I am a scrabble based site and I had several pages that listed many words related to things like 2 letter words, 3 letter words, words that end and start with. These pages would contain from hundreds to over a thousand words and I was linking them all to my dictionary look up portion of my site. I have some other sites that do the same thing but not nearly as much as my main site and they were still doing just fine. I had over 3500 pages giving me warnings in my Pro Account about to many links on a page, but I have been ignoring it because I felt I was helping my users by giving them a less step in having to type the word to search. I have removed all these links except I found a couple pages that were still doing it. I just removed them so hopefully that helps this time. My question is do I have to wait till the next panda refresh or just until the next time Google crawls my site to see the changes. UPDATE: it is not 1.24.2013 It's been a while since I asked this question and just wanted to fill in on the updates and things I have done since then to maybe give some hope to all you penguinizers. My site has changed quite a bit since I posted this original question. I was hit on April 24th with Penguin and just was racking my brain trying to figure out what I did to get there. Here is some advice I have learned since then. Be Patient - Its going to be a long road to recover from it (I am still recovering almost 1 year later, but I am recovering) Don't Freak Out - Yeah it sucks when you income drops 50% in a matter of overnight, but you can change that. Check your back links (Yes this is beating a dead horse with a stick, but it's true) On page anchor link text - Are they over miss used keywords? Change that. Make it look natural For goodness sake! check for spelling errors ADD FRESH CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would say about something new at least once a week. 3 to 4 is good (unless you are Q and A then you will have much more). Think to yourself "What would keep me coming back to my site?" If you don't have it, they add it Back links are not going to come to you unless you are creative. Sitting there thinking they are going to fall on your lap is dreaming. Back linking is nessary to stay ontop, but you can get them naturally. Experiment a ton and take risks. The more risks you take, the better chance you will eventually succeed. Today I have almost fully recovered from Penguin, but what is awesome is that by taking the natural and pro active method to SEO I have actually increased my overall traffic to my site by double since April 24th. I am still recovering from the original keywords that I was hit at, but whats awesome is that I have gained so much traffic from other keywords that I ended up doubling my traffic. The next time you think you know everything there is about SEO, slap yourself...because you don't 😉 Some nice Link building articles I have found to be good

    | cbielich

  • Hi. Is there an approximate guide to avoid over optimizing anchor text for a particular key-phrase? i.e. is 20% of back-links using the anchor text [HR Software] OK or too much? Thanks in advance

    | davidoff574444

  • I was wondering if backlinks from foreign language webistes can help me in ranking? For example: I ve got website in slovak language and I would place article with backlink on the foreign language website.  In which language should be the text surrounding the keyword?

    | joeko

  • Hello, I am trying to improve the conversions on my site and I have noticed that this page : has a high ranking in the SERPS but also has a high "exit percentage" ... Does anyone have any suggestions on what i should to do improve this page so that people don't exit my site from there? Any advice or suggestions is greatly appreciated.... Thanks in advance.

    | Prime85

  • Ahrefs is showing that I have 1,278 no follow links. Many of these are from a site that I'm totally unfamiliar with ( and don't see any reference to my site on. Perhaps I left a comment on it at some point? But more than 800 of my nofollow links are from this site. Is this going to hurt me? Thanks. My url is if curiosity comes about.

    | Joshlaska

  • Hi there! My cliente has a website about a kitesurf camp and I'm trying to do the linkbuilding strategy. Some actions that I've carry out: Looking for forums in which people talk about this issue and the services, trips and products the companies offer. The strategy of the company is to focus on the french, english and german market although its main market is in Spain. Are there any risks if we participate in out-of-spain forums? I mean regarding SEO. Should we benefit more from the spanish market in terms of SEO Looking for websites that are willing to put or exchange  a link in its site in order to  gain more visibility (on our behalf). I guess this action is complicated. I doesn't depend on us. Looking for well known directories in which I can anounce the services of this company. I've posted here about this before. Some tell me that is ok but doeesn't have enough relevancy to be present in the directories. Looking for blogs of the "industry" that give us some insght and try to make any comment on them with a link to our site (if permitted and are followed link). We don't have the enough background in this issue to write a post on a blog or have our own blog to generate enough, freesh and up-to-date content about this topic. I guess I'm missing something. Any suggestion about how could I lead the linkbuild strategy? Thanks in advanced.

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hello! A direct competitor of my has a ton of backlinks exact anchor text on their inner pages coming from blogger blogs. How can they get away with this? Are they using different C blocks? Or are they paying for these links? The anchor text is Not anywhere in any of the blogs but it the side/bar colomn which follow through the entire site,  so when I analyze the link anchor text OSE show ups several different pages from the same blog. Any help would be Greatly Appreciated!!!!! Thanks

    | TP_Marketing

  • How important is it that you gain backlinks from websites in the same country you're targeting? Scenario: You have a website targeting users in Japan. How important is it that backlinks to your website are from Japanese websites? Do you need a majority of links from Japanese websites to rank well, or will you do OK with 25% Japanese links and 75% links from other countries? According to Majestic, sites for popular Japanese brands like and get more links from US sites than from Japanese sites.

    | AdamThompson

  • I  was reviewing the 404 report in webmaster tools, when I found a 404 back link from a 10 year old forum topic on a very high DA site.  It seems the poster did a direct hotlink to a pdf that was on our site a very long time ago, but is now gone so you get a standard "can not be found" page on our site. Is it now worth redirecting the url to an appropriate landing page, considering the age of the post/ link and the sites DA, or is it not worth it because of the age of the link, its a forum, and we are still getting some juice  from it anyway despite it being a 404, and won't get much more out of it. Just want to know it good practice if I find many such links (very old links to now 404 pages) Thanks

    | PaddyDisplays

  • Does article submission web-sites have any impact to SEO in these days? There are a lot of good/not so good article submission databases, but does it really matter if you spend a time to write unique articles for them? I mean, is it a good way for link-building, or should I spend more time for other parts of SEO? There are also a special websites (for example SubmitYourArticle) which automate this process, does it make sense to use this services? Alternates? Lots of questions… Update Sorry, I found some good answers only after that I posted this question.

    | ditoroin

  • We are promoting  a law related website and I have posted a blog as a guest on a Law related blog which has PR 3 and Alexa Ranking 171.. It's been 3 weeks but when i run a backlink report from OpenExplorer or other tools that i use, i cannot see the link coming through at all. There is no no follow attached. I'd like to continue to post more articles on the same website but i need to make sure i am getting good links from it otherwise i will go somewhere else. However, i need to understand why do i not get links from that blog as it is very reputable and good blog. I appreciate if you can advise please? Thanks!

    | Rubix

  • If you are seeking links from blogs in a niche that is known for having a lot of commercial links from reviews or sponsored posts what precautions should you take? Should you avoid any blog with sponsored posts or that reviews products?

    | ProjectLabs

  • Hi Everyone, Presently I have many blogs across a range of domains, each one targeting the client/type of user interested in that product (or service in this case).  I originally set up this strategy to use the content of each blog to create a "link juice farm" (our products are educational courses so have a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT target market depending on the course area), which in turn links to the related page/course on our main site. My plan is to move all the content from those external blogs into subcategories on my main website blog in order to increase its traffic, authority etc. Originally, I was going to cut and paste the content, then put in appropriate 301 redirects from the external blogs to the main site. However, I then thought about copying all the content to my main site, setting it as the canonical version, and leaving all the external blogs intact and running. The idea being, I still get the benefit of all those external links pointing back at my main website. Which would be the better strategy for me to pursue? Thanks in advance for your insights, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out with this question.

    | love-seo-goodness

  • I've registered a forum and they have private and general sections. I was wondering my posts on private forums with a link gives any value to my website? Does Google accept links from those websites? Thanks

    | Rubix

  • Should I be contacting webmasters to remove URL's from domains with a low DA - to remove low quality links? Thanks, -Mike

    | naturalsociety

  • Unless I'm missing something, having gotten into trouble... the company in question is not doing a great job at link removal. Here's an email my client received: Hi Webmaster, I work for xxxxxxxxxxx and our site has recently been penalized by Google for an unnatural link profile that violates Google's Quality Guidelines.  As part of an effort to get back in their graces, we are removing all links to our website so we can start fresh. We are making changes to our site to build better content for our audience. I am contacting people who have linked to us in the past to remove any doubt that Google views the link or anchor text as overoptimzed or unnatural. Therefore, I am respectfully requesting that you remove all links to our site on xxxxxxxxxxx including: xxxxxxx That says xxxxxxxxxx and goes to xxxxxxxx. I appreciate your past efforts to link to our content, and I am excited to launch our improved content very soon. We understand that this request takes time and effort, but we would sincerely appreciate your help. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  If you could be so kind as to respond that you have removed the link, it would really help out with my efforts. Thank you in advance!
    Best Wishes, xxxxxx All the details and URLS in the email were wrong. After much back and forth, we tracked down a single link from an infographic -- which I removed. But is removing all links really the best strategy? Does it ever make sense?

    | DanielFreedman

  • Hi All! Recently we scaled back the number of paid directories that we use for our clients, mainly due to them being devalued. To select which directories made the cut, we looked at things like Domain Authority, Page Rank, and Trust; all of the things you're supposed to be looking for in a quality link. We even used the list of directories here on SEOmoz as a reference. Two of the directories we use are Yahoo and BOTW, both of which seem to draw the ire of many professionals here. Is there something I'm missing? If these directories have solid numbers, why such backlash towards them? I appreciate any insight you can give me! Frank

    | FrankSweeney

  • About 2 months ago, I published a press release through PRWEB with a link back to my website of course. Now it must have been one of those morning where the coffee wasn't strong enough as my website already has a Penguin penalty I'm trying to get lifted. The intent wasn't to spam the web but rather to gain some traction in the business hosting world. Like I've said, the coffee must've been too weak that morning as it didn't even cross my mind to see if I could "nofollow" the links in the press release. I just hit the submit button... As I'm in the process of submitting a disavow links request to Google, I'm wondering if I should include the URLs to copies of those press releases? I mean, there's no way I can find all those links as it was submitted not long ago. Google and link tools will keep discovering other copies of the PR for months to come probably.

    | sbrault74

  • Hi there! I'm just trying to carry out a linkbuilding strategy in the kitesurfing topic. I'm just looking for forums, directories and webs (for link-placement) but I guess that by doing this way I'm not gonna obtain much more links. Any suggestion? Thanks

    | juanmiguelcr

  • I was reading this page here: "[...]Buying or selling links that pass PageRank. This includes exchanging money for links, or posts that contain links; exchanging goods or services for links; or sending someone a “free” product in exchange for them writing about it and including a link." So assuming you provide high quality guest posts to high quality blogs, is it okay or not to use this method as a link building technique?

    | sbrault74

  • Hi there! Some of you guys told me that I shouldn't concede too much priority to the directories in my linkbuilding stratregy. But should I incorpore it (In case it has a little impact in SERPs) or directly discard it as it has NO influence at all, what would it be more important quantity or quality? Could it have more impact a directory with PR 7 as 100 directories of PR 3 or below? Thanks

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi all, what's your opinion about the impact of directories in the seo strategy? Are they efficient? Is it worth to pay attention to them? Could you give me some exemples of well-considered directories (apart from dmoz and yahoo)? Thanks

    | juanmiguelcr

  • Hi, I m having a difficult time deciding what steps to take next, about my marketing strategy. I have 2 e-commerce sites for more than 7 years, one of them got a google link penalty back in september 2012 and lost 80% of organic traffic. I have worked on the bad links, got some of them removed and others disavowed. After 5 months of hard work and getting high quality links from authority sites related in my industry, I received a message from google saying that the manual spam penalty was revoked. This was in feb 26th. Since then I have got couple more high quality links and content to the site, but the organic traffic is still how it was prior to penalty revoked (at 20%). I still have no revenue from this site and i don't see what else I can do or how long I should work on it to see some improvement on traffic. My other site on the other hand is doing just fine but has some conversion issues. I m thinking of dropping all seo related activities for my first site and focus on the second one to see if we can have some increase on the organic traffic of that site. If I was to do a 301 redirect from my first site to the second one, what kind of effect will this have on the second site, would that be a negative or positive impact in terms of traffic? also thinking of moving the site from x-cart platform to magento. I appreciate any advice i can get here. Thank you Nick

    | orion68

  • Hi there! If the product, service or resouce I offer is located in my country: Is it worth to include directories located in p.e EEUU in order to increase my Pagerank although this is not my potencial client (due to the "distance" obviouly).? If my potencial clients were people fromo other countries that could come to mine to enjoy this service? Should I include my links in directories of these countries and obtain links from websites of these countries? many thanks

    | juanmiguelcr

  • I have seen a decrease in backlinks, how do I figure out which ones are no longer there?

    | EcommerceSite

  • I was on the phone tonight with a site owner who may have been affected by Penguin.  I was explaining how overuse of keywords with anchor text can adversely affect a site and he asked me an interesting question:  "If that is the case, then why does the SEOMoz guide say differently?" Here are some quotes from the SEOMoz beginner's guide: "Anchor Text - One of the strongest signals the engines use in rankings is anchor text. If dozens of links point to a page with the right keywords, that page has a very good probability of ranking well for the targeted phrase in that anchor text." That pretty much implies that you should try to get as many keyword anchor texted links to your site as possible.  There should probably be some type of Penguin warning in here. "Self-Created, Non-Editorial - Hundreds of thousands of websites offer any visitor the opportunity to create links through guest book signings, forum signatures, blog comments, or user profiles. These links offer the lowest value, but can, in aggregate, still have an impact for some sites. " Granted, the text goes on to say this: "In general, search engines continue to devalue most of these types of links, and have been known to penalize sites that pursue these links aggressively. Today, these types of links are often considered spammy and should be pursued with caution." That's a good warning, but I think it could be perhaps made a little more clear that self made links like this are not wise to use as an SEO tool.  I think that to a beginner, it kind of sounds like the guide is saying, "There are lots of opportunities out there where you can get a link by making one yourself.  Go ahead and use them but don't overdo it."

    | MarieHaynes

  • I'm about to do a guest blog post on a pr4 domain.  Will I be getting an actual pr4 backlink?  I'm thinking since it's technically not going to be on the homepage forever since it's just a blog post and also a blog post has it's on page once you click on it I'm not going to get a pr4 backlink.  Correct?

    | fbbcseo

  • I have been writing SEO content for blogs for the past year or so, but I am fairly new to article directories. With SEO in mind, what makes a particular article directory valuable?  Currently I'm using EzineArticles and Squidoo; I liked Ezine in particular because of their thorough review process.  I saw that recently Squidoo also amped up their  checks for original content as a result of Google's stricter policies. I was interested in using HubPages also since they are good about reviewing content.  I'm just curious how much factors like this reflect on an article directory SEO-wise.  Are there any additional factors that set a a good article directory apart?

    | Madlena

  • Hey everyone, So i have a site which I had previous seo work on over the years, none of which was successful for me.  Now that I have taken over the seo work, I am analyzing my old links  I have a certain amount of links from what I would see are "crappy" seo sites and I wondered if I need to try and remove them.  Here are a few examples. How do I check if google has penalized me for these links and should I start removing them? ThanksMichelle

    | nutjobshell

  • I am working on Google Reconsideration Request Process for a website and have been asked by a few links to pay a certain amount to have my link removed however, the links were placed without my knowledge is there any way to be able to get them to remove without having to pay especially since I did not ask to be linked anyway?  Does anyone know if Google has a templete that has been used in the past that possibly works well to bypass charge due? Thanks!

    | JoshuaWarren

  • Hi, Is it a good idea to submit the same press release to many different press release web sites? if yes, how many a day?I haven't try this yet since i always use paid press releases submission Like: and (Paid) But this time i want to try 50 top free PR websites. so i wandering if its good thing to do! Thank You!

    | KentR

  • Hi, I was using free wordpress blog and i have around 18-20 content on the blog. Now, we've managed to have blog on our main website which has extension. We did this so we could create more links on the website/ I am a little unsure how to move the blog now. Should we copy & paste the blog articles from old blog to new one  and remove them from old blog?  I am just not quite sure how would it effect the links. If i keep the old articles on the old blog and create new articles for the new one, it'll take me a while before i get them written. Any recommendation appreciated. Thanks

    | Rubix

  • 2 weeks ago, I submitted a disavow links request to Google and I was quite sure I did a great job at cleaning the links. I won't go into detail about how I did it but let's say that I reviewed manually each link that didn't get flagged as toxic by Link Detox. At the same time, I submitted a reconsideration request explaining what I did and mentioning that I submitted a list of links to disavow. I never got any reply about the disavow links request but I got my reconsideration request denied today: ========================================== Dear site owner or webmaster of ... We received a request from a site owner to reconsider ... for compliance with Google's Webmaster Guidelines. We've reviewed your site and we still see links to your site that violate our quality guidelines. Specifically, look for possibly artificial or unnatural links pointing to your site that could be intended to manipulate PageRank. Examples of unnatural linking could include buying links to pass PageRank or participating in link schemes. We encourage you to make changes to comply with our quality guidelines. Once you've made these changes, please submit your site for reconsideration in Google's search results. If you find unnatural links to your site that you are unable to control or remove, please provide the details in your reconsideration request. If you have additional questions about how to resolve this issue, please see our Webmaster Help Forum for support. Sincerely, Google Search Quality Team ========================================== Should've I waited to get some kind of reply about the disavow link list before submitting the reconsideration request? Also I see links from scrappers increasing exponentially lately and I mean I get a sh*load of bad links from them with random anchor text gibberish. Do they expect me to include these links too?

    | sbrault74

  • hey guys, check this out: thoughts?

    | tm4615

  • Hi, I need advice on collecting links for PDFs/Power points docs. Apart from slideshare, can you please recommend places where I could  collect links? Thank you!

    | Rubix

  • Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone's been able to get link vendors help clean up Penguin-related problems that they helped create? I have a client who was sold years and years of AWFUL link building work from a major and prominent SEO vendor, that we are now battling to de-toxify. There are no legal grounds for us as the ToS was watertight and the client is ultimately responsible (if naive), but has anyone been successful in getting vendors to cooperate with cleanups on ethical grounds? What's the best way to play that with a major vendor, I'm assuming they wouldn't want to be outed. Cheers all, Matt

    | MattBarker

  • Hi, Trying to discover some link building opportunities   Is there any way to use the moz pro tools to get a list of a competitors inbound links based on the date they were discovered?

    | tvfoodmaps

  • Tem um site enviando mais de 18 mil links para o meu site, como eu posso bloquear esses links e isso me prejudica ?? São Mais de 18 mil links com o texto acompanhantes RJ, isso prejudica meu posicionamento no google ? Have a website sending over 18mil links to my site, how can I block these links and this harm me? More than 18,000 are links to the text accompanying RJ, it undermines my position in google?

    | WebMaster21

  • I've been using Link Detox from against the list of back links provided in my GWT account although it seems it is not enough. What tools are the best at identifying toxic links?

    | sbrault74

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