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Category: Link Building

Chat through link building best practices and outreach techniques.

  • I had some articles created for a client. The site is on WordPress. I'm wondering if it is best to add the articles to the blog page of the website or if it is better to submit the articles to ezine articles. Or can I submit the same article to both places? Is there a strategy that should be followed generally speaking when creating content for the blog vs article submission sites? The goal is to increase the ranking for target keywords. I realize that the answers could take a lot of different directions. But generally speaking I would like to know, If I have an article where is the best place to add it to achieve better rankings for target keywords? Thanks for the help.

    | rwaynick11

  • Hey All:
    Got a question about domain authority value.  I'm reviewing our link profile and I'm trying to figure out if there are any links to our domain we should disavow.  I'm also looking at some of our competitor link profiles to see if we are missing out on any quality websites that could be linking to us.  To evaluate this, I'm looking at the domain authoriy of any of the websites in question.  Thus, my question is two-fold. At what point in time is Domain authority too low, necessitating us to get rid of the inbound link?2) How high should a DA value be to have us try to build an inbound link from to our website? FYI: our website home page has a page authority of 49 and a domain authority of 43. Thanks for your help Stephan

    | Stephan_Boehringer

  • Suppose a company did a press release and linked to you in it. The press release was republished on some high quality sites but also over 50 low quality press release syndication sites from all over the world. Suppose that they used a money keyword anchor text to link to you. Would this be harmful to your site? What action would you take? Should we disavow these 50 links?

    | ProjectLabs

  • Hi guys, If I found a low quality or spam link pointing to my site, but the link points to a 404, 500, etc (inaccessible, error page), Should I bother asking him to remove the link? Thanks

    | WizardOfMoz

  • My objective (I think) is to let Google know I have a Pinterest Business page and see the links going from Pinterest to my website. Pinterest has provided me with a meta tag to verify my site but I'm thinking I need to be going the opposite direction. I should be placing a meta tag provided by Google on my Pinterest page. Is it possible to add a meta tag to my Pinterest Business page? Or does it really matter whether Pinterest verifies my website or Google verifies my Pinterest Business page?

    | gsam

  • Hi, the main focus of my question is to add a bit more information to my client as to where they are going wrong. Firstly they have a directory on a third party domain with subdirectories containing all their product listings.  All the links need to be no-follow for sure. However, from a link juice passing perspective if there are per page say 20-30 links to varying URLs on the same domain is it still the same sort of calculation that the link juice is sufficiently weakened that each link has little value, or because the links are to the same domain there is an extra (potential) filter going on?

    | MickEdwards

  • Has anyone ever used for press releases? I normally use PR Web. This new company contacted me and it sounds pretty good, but I don't really trust anything without reviews, and I can't seem to find any out there. Has anyone had any luck with these guys? If not, can you suggest anything other than PR Web that you've had success with? I'm really looking for the SEO benefits of the releases more than the publicity.

    | atstickel12

  • Hi, I know that it's not advised to engage in link swapping activities, but what about when it's actually useful for our readers? As an example, I'm writing a guest post on a hen party website on how to choose the right hairdresser for your wedding day (relevant content to both their site and mine). They asked if I'd like a post in return about the best way to do makeup if you're going on a fancy dress night or hen party (which is again relevant to both our audience groups and will be of great interest to them). Is this sort of link swapping okay, when the primary goal is to actually provide our audience with a richer experience, or would this still raise red flags for search engines? Thanks!

    | LeahHutcheon

  • Is a little bit of interlinking between 2 sites beneficial? When is interlinking between enough friends' sites considered reciprocal? Thanks.

    | BobGW

  • I was thrilled that my new blog catapulted up to spot # 5 on google last week for a great keyword. I worked hard on creating internal links to my category page as well as improving my content and getting a couple good external follow backlinks. But today, the report says I dropped off the top 50 list. How can I find some insight as to why this happened??

    | dealblogger

  • I am facing a decline in my website over the past 90 days Im wondering if this is due to the recent penguin update. Can someone please give me some guidance? heres my site:

    | briananglin

  • Hi I have listed my products in B2B Websites(more than 10)  with the link pointed towards my website, but those links are not tracked  by Opensiteexplorer . I have got a link from wikepedia but that link is also not tracked by opensiteexplorer Could I know the reason.

    | jeevarajan

  • Hi, What is the best way to get a "good quality" link to my blog posts? Thanks

    | Studio33

  • When one good web-site (PR5) has a link to my web-site - it's great. But, if this site has a second link to my web-site from another page, is this also good? Or, let me ask in a different way, will my web-site get "double benefit" from that web-site?

    | ditoroin

  • We have some very useful calculators. Should the branded text link be follow or no follow? Is a genuine, value ad widget helpful in post penguin SEO world

    | stevanl

  • I have a client who owns a website that  attracted a large number of links to internal pages of their  sites. Without realising the value of those links, they removed every page of their website other than the  home pages that now reads, "new website coming soon". How can I get a list of every website still linking to the  (now broken) internal pages of their site?

    | richdan

  • I realize it is bad to pay for a link but is it bad to pay for a link on a page that ranks you 1 to 10 againist your competitor, shows a screen shot of your and lists Pros and Cons of your site?  Is this sort of paid link different somehow?

    | Studio33

  • For some of our partners, we use our own tracking string in the url i.e. . This has caused backlinks to be created to our site containing the partner string. I was wondering if these links would pass value to and the tracking parameters would be ignored or would Google treat as its own page. If it did treat it as a seperate page, could you reclaim some of it using the canoncial tag?

    | L_F

  • OK, I have done some analysis of my site and it seems quite clear that I have been hit by Penguin and this is largely down to my link building strategy. My question now is; 1. Do I try to undo the damage by disavowing toxic links I have identified, or 2. Do I just accept what is and ensure that from here on in I follow natural backlink acquisition? Thanks

    | UnderMe

  • I just (this week) experienced a huge drop in rankings for one of the keywords that I was sitting in second spot on Google US. 'What Should I Read Next' I dropped to 82, but none of my other keywords suffered a similar drop. Any ideas? Webmasters offers no clues as of yet either. I was doing link building through blogs and some article sites, but it was all white hat as far as I know.

    | Bookkus

  • As a co-founder of a startup that is weekly featured on high page rank news sites such as TechCrunch, The Next Web, TreeHugger , Yahoo News etc. These types of write ups are "SEO Gold" as they are high page rank sites with high relevancy to our sector and with unique good quality anchor text and copy. However... Within hours of each post going live the content and links are syndicated either via RSS or scraped and appear as duplicate content on in some cases 100's of very low quality and low relevancy content aggregation sites. To give you an example here are just two of the sites that are now appearing as linking domains due to this syndicated content and the links included in the article. Examples : Eco Market, The “Etsy For Eco,” Rebrands, Revamps, Raises & Prepares A U.S. Launch Sarah Perez | Technology | Page 4 The above are just a couple of examples amongst 100's that result from each feature. I would like to hear you opinion on if these links would be considered natural and you feel I should not take action or if you think these need removing by contacting the webmasters or disavowing the links? I am sure I cant be alone in having this problem and look forward to hearing you advice and tips

    | LiamPatterson

  • I've looked through a few questions relating to backlinks not showing up in Open Site Explorer and I've got the same problem. I want to understand whether my backlinks aren't showing in SEOmoz due to a lag time (some say 5 - 8weeks) or because google hasn't indexed them.
    For example: Or My link is Am I doing something wrong here?

    | EdoubleD

  • Hi guys, I have a quick question regarding some low quality links my site is getting. From the information in Open Site Explorer, the website Im talking about has a page authority of 16 while the domain authority is 11\. These are very low quality scores in my oppinion and Im thinking of removing them with Google Disavow Tool. The thing is that, although the domain is low quality, the links have relevance as they're in the same business sector as us. More exactly, the name of the domain is taxisavona and the company I work for is also a taxi company. So, now I`m thinking, should I disavow the link because of it's low scores or should I leave it because it is relevant to our business ? Thank you in advance! Best regards, Tiberiu Iavorenciuc

    | Tiberiu

  • Hello.
    I am having some back-links to my site that look like:**?source=a****?source=b** I assume these two will have two different ranks, is this issue fixed if I use canonical on the landing page? Thank you.

    | adrianTNT

  • Which is the best directory submission service out there? And which are the key directories to get your site listed in?

    | harrygardiner

  • Hi, i have a site where i want to use sub domains to showcase the different areas in the country that we work, and i was thinking of having a couple of domain names with the city names to showcase the work we do in that city. I would like to know if by having a subdomain name and then linking it back to the main site if this will help me with the rankings for the main site. look forward to hearing from you

    | ClaireH-184886

  • I realize that links from low quality directories aren't of much value. Having said that, can doing this kind of linking actually penalize a site?

    | waynekolenchuk

  • Hi! I'm new at all this 🙂 I've taken a look at the backlink profile for one of my sites as it's seems its been hit by this last Penguin update. I'm finding links to my homepage from sites that no longer exist, like this one: - does this hurt my backlink? I mean, I would figure it does since there's nothing there? If so, how do I get the link removed? Do I even need to? Disavow tool maybe? Thank you!

    | Noviceseo

  • I’ve decided to do guest blogs. I have written 10 tutorial articles, most are 500 - 600 words and none less than 300 words, there’s no fluff or padding, and I have ideas for 7 more. Is it best to spread your work across various sites and blogs? (assuming they are all good / high PR etc.) or could this make me come across as bit of a content whore? If one place likes my work and asks for more, are there any more benefits to me other than just ones internal to their site (that being increased exposure on their site) I’m also thinking about including my guest post tutorials on my own website as downloadable PDF’s with short descriptions so that the content remains original where my guest posts are. I also want to make video versions of the tutorials to put on youtube and embed within the guest posts too, but also my own website. Is all that a sound idea SEO wise? On other question if that’s OK.  I have seen the following in google’s guidelines… “The following are examples of link schemes which can negatively impact a site's ranking in search results: sending someone a “free” product in exchange for them writing about it and including a link.” That’s a bit of grey area for me knowing that normally a professional book reviewer receives a free review copy, in this case perhaps a blogger receives a free review copy. This has never been seen as suspicious so long as interests are declared. Do you think those google guidelines include this kind of activity? Regards,

    | Zoolander

  • I am ranking high with a certain category page and I am reading that I need backlinks to that page. It is going to be a challenge to get a backlink to that specific category page but how about this? Category page URL: Backlink to this URL: (EDIT: Apparently these types of links don't exist! I went into the category page and clicked on a blog post and it just gave me the Will that count as a backlink to the category page? Right now I am only getting backlinks to these blog posts: Any help appreciated! EDIT: Well I guess now my question is worthless. But if you have any input, it would be appreciated.

    | dealblogger

  • We saw a sudden drop of about 10-12 positions on a couple of core keywords. We received no messages in Webmaster Tools. I have been on board only 2 months. I looked back at the linking profile and there are some spammy things I would never have authorized. Most of it is a couple of years old, although it seems Google is still just starting to "discover" some of the links.  There are maybe 15 domains with spammy links to us and each of them have anywhere from 5-20 different links pointing our way. Should I setup the disavow file for Google? My concern is I draw attention to this and it may not be the reason we have dropped.

    | Furious-D

  • Not sure whether to actually name the term and site in question, but basically it is a very big term for a popular type of home furniture. Since the algo change, there is a site thats appeared in p2, right behind the market leader in google uk.  The site has a domain authority of 20, and only 84 links - none of which even have the anchor text in question, and infact well over 90% have the same anchor text which is related but different to the search term. The search term appears on the home page 3 times - once in a 120 character+ keyword stuffed home link title, once in a 100 character+ keyword stuffed h1 tag that isnt even visible on the home page and one in a paragraph that is visible.
    The site is badly made and buggy, but its outranking John Lewis, Dunelm Mill etc - very big players in the UK market. How on earth does that work? They are doing so much google tells you not to and winning big rank!? What is Google doing?

    | FDFPres

  • I started a second website recently and it is doing very well. I am on the first page for a competitive keyword - spot 5 according to Moz. It is actually a category page that is ranking so well which is a surprise to me as I have read many times that I should deindex category pages due to duplicate content! My questions: 1. How do I get backlinks to a CATEGORY page?! I have been able to get backlinks to certain posts because my website is a deal blog and other deal blogs give me credit for popular deals by linking to my post. 2. How can I maintain this high ranking? Of course I want in spot 3 but this website isn't even 2 months old so I know I should be patient. At this point, I just want to stay on the first page. What is the best way to do that? I am about to fill out the SEO stuff for the category page which I haven't done yet.Thanks!

    | dealblogger

  • I don't do that many press releases, but I need to do one soon.  I had been using and I see they raised their prices.  Are they considered the best online PR site or are there sites people have used that have gotten similar results for less money?? Thanks

    | ClickIt

  • I've watched the Matt Cutts video where he says internal links are natural.  However, the site I'm working on has a lot of text links in the body of the copy.  It is a majority of the links the site is receiving.  Could that hurt our SEO endeavors?

    | smcmark

  • I'm doing SEO for a high-profile lawyer who has received numerous media mentions.  My hope is that linking from her site to these media mentions will enable Google to make the connection.  The difficulty is that their business name is their own name.  I'm thinking this will make it harder for Google to make the connection.  It's not appropriate to request links from the articles (they typically relate to murder trials).  Any suggestions?

    | steer15

  • Hi, I have a little question maybe you Mozers can solve me. I have a friend has a website, highly reputated (Page Authority 73 / Domain Authority 69), actually my website its a 30/17 score. Just have 6 domains roots linking to me. My question is, how much of that linkjuice will pass to me in numbers?

    | danielpolo

  • I am looking for some help/advice/tips/suggestions on what you would do to improve this page in terms of getting customers to stay on the site or actually go a level down and place an order... The page is : I seem to be getting a decent amount of traffic, but it is not turning into orders... Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    | Prime85

  • I owe an ecommerce website and I don't know how to start with the SEO. I would be glad to hear some opinions and suggestions with how to start. Thanks!

    | Rephael

  • I'm going through all the links (hopefully) to my website and I've found so many links from site scrapers. For instance: ... which links to my site with anchor text "abercrombie uk How To Change Your Wiper Blades" It is surely not realistic to think that I can contact all the scraper site owners. So what should I do with this kind of links?

    | sbrault74

  • I've recently has a conversation with a colleague regarding which directories to use when link building. In her opinion we should use only the ones that are relevant and nothing else. For example if you're working on a travel website, you should only submit either to travel directories or local directories (based on the business location). In my opinion yes we should submit to these directories but then you'll reach a limit and then you need to submit to general directories that have the "travel" category, even if the business is in NY and the directory is in India, as long as it is a good directory and has the relevant category. What is your opinion about this?

    | blablabla2013

  • We are now at a point with Google where having a link profile that has a lot of exact match anchor text for a few main keyword targets is not a good thing.  So, how do we rank for terms that do not fit into the content of your site, but are still good keyword targets. Here is an example from my situation.  A good keyword target for my area and business that I am working for is "plumber riverside" or "plumber riverside ca."  In a gramatical sense, these two/three words do not belong together in content, i.e they would not make a proper sentence being placed together, except with maybe a comma or period separating them.  In fact, this term probably wouldn't even make a good sidebar link copy. Without having a link profile with "plumber riverside" as my most common anchor text, how can I let Google know that I should rank for this term?  Anchor text used to be the go to but now you have to really minimize the use of it for exact match terms.  Without on page content, it seems pretty hard.  Any thoughts?

    | tonyflorespsa

  • Greetings! Actually, got an doubt on linking to external site. The thing, i have working for roof marketers site. They have covered roof products. Each of the products have a page along with major keyword. Actually, i do link from other pages[internally]. Meaning,if i see any main keywords in different page then will link that to corresponding page/product[internally].This is what i am doing to get page rank. Now, my doubt. Some of the pages are having link with main keywords which directs to the third party site those who are really producing the products. But, i remove the third party-link which has with main keywords. Since already the site/my client site having pages for that main keywords. But client really want that link. meaning the links which they have given to direct to third party[product producer] site. So what should i do at this case. Can i just past RAW link like [] or what do i do. But my client wants that link to be in content area. Hope you would understand my long explanation and case Please help us. Thank you

    | Webworld_Norway

  • Webmaster tools is telling me I have a bunch of websites pointing to my website, and I have been adding links as of the last 3 weeks which WM Tools is already seeing.  Open Site Explorer isn't really showing any of them?  My site has gone from bottom of page 5 to page 2 in just 3 weeks so I'm happy about that but can anyone explain this to me?

    | jonnyholt

  • Hi all, My website has been hit hard by penguin. I was rank 1 for magician london, magician in london, magicians in london and now am ranking around 3-4 😞 I need to recover fast, anyone have any idea how to do this, what strategy to employ. It would be much appreciated as I have never been hit by an update so not sure on how to recover from one. Thanks!

    | TomLondon

  • 6 weeks ago I opened a Pinterest account to promote our baby product website and help develop links. I established x3 categories/boards and pinned the relevant images to each board with the relavant (seofriendly) descriptions. These images show up clearly on my profile page, however if they search for them in the Pinterest search bar nothing shows up. For some reason Pinterets is not showing them in its search results. Can anyone help?

    | babski

  • Hi My client has a large amount of back links. Does anyone have a simple way of analysing these and making sense of such a large dataset. Thanks

    | Big_Partnership

  • I just wanted to check if you guys recommend Yahoo Local Search registration for SEO purposes. Is it worthwhile to pay £300? What's your view? Thanks

    | Rubix

  • There are 455 directories (212 web, 188 social & 55 local) on the SEOMoz list.
    Presumably they are there because SEOMoz recommends them. Yet common wisdom seems to be that web directories have negligible SEO benefit - see this recent SEOMoz Q&A discussion.
    Matt Cutts advises against paid directories in this video (which >99% of them are)
    In a private Q&A last  month a member of the SEOMoz staff told me a link to my site from this directory, which appears on the list, was a "poor link". I think some better clarity in SEOMoz's guidelines on directories would be appreciated -- and I'd appreciate SEOMoz staff weighing in as promised when Private Q&As were ended -- especially as many SEOMozzers take most of what we learn here as near-gospel.

    | Jeepster

  • Hello everyone, I am building links for an e-commerce site and I need to increase the value of the links we get by placing them on specific pages in order to pass more juice to inner pages. Which part of the website should I point the links to? Because there is no content section on the site what I can do is either link to the homepage (not an option) or link to inner pages such as category/subcategory/product pages. My doubt is that it wouldn't look natural to link to products pages from a piece of content or from a site where people go with the intention not to buy but to get information. Any opinions on this?

    | PremioOscar

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